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  • you can delete my gsc dewgong analysis since its getting put away for now, i already wrote dugtrio so we can leave it and alter it when need be.

    also qc checks on adv stuff i beg ;;
    Haha, yes i have been well. I cant complain, but life is still pain regardless of how you slice it.

    Forgive me for being a stalker, but i have looked into some of your more recent posts, and i am glad you are still such a cute bunny.
    best wishes, -Jesus <3
    I would like to make ADV NU Unown the 2500th post in GP thread. It's currently at 2498. The sooner you can check it, the better! :-) no rush though. Also are there any BW NU mons you think could be updated?
    god you've taken literally everything for adv nu, how do you do it? is there anything else you need written? I couldn't find anything but im dying to write. Sableye hasn't been touched in a long while so maybe you should bug the writer to see if they still want to do it.... you have a hungry adv nu'er on your hands :]
    I'll pawn some off on you once yours start getting uploaded. The only major thing on your writing is that you're missing the purpose of the set and just diving right into what the moves do. You have to explain why someone would use it or why it's popular, not just what it is.
    Also yes I will check up on the sableye since that's the last major mon that needs to be written apart from wailord and flareon, tho flareon is written just needs another gp
    gotcha, im still not very good at organizing thoughts in the old analysis format while allowing it to still sound coherent as its significantly easier when you have "usage tips" to prompt you every time

    I hope life has been treating you kindly <3
    Hey man, ya things are good :) Hope things have been going swimmingly on your end
    I see you viewing the slam/snake thread. You better make this good, I believe in you.
    Nah I'm doing my bitching for that behind the scenes
    Hey, one thing I noticed is that the formatting of the analyses you are currently working on are different in structure from the kind of analyses I've seen and worked with in the past. Is there a location where I can find an importable format for ADV?
    It's just the old format, you can just c/p one of mine that I have a skeleton of rn and follow along with that. i think gato killed the old format thread. It's not too different from the current format, just less structured
    nupl and lmk if you need help w adv nu stuff
    Don't have the time to play this year, but if you wanna chat on discord i can try to get on the weekends and bounce ideas/test. been motivated recently to write things so i'll keep you updated on that front
    yea i could prob help you write some stuff up if needed lmk. im at work so cant see discord but i think my # is shuckleking#3503
    hey my ADV NU Golbat analysis has been ready for about 3 weeks now, Bughouses said it was fine but can you approve it for GP?
    hey when do you want to do ADV UU? I can usually find time every evenings from 6-8:30pm or after 9:30/10pm gmt +5.5
    Oh I forgot I saw this, was busy with thanksgiving this weekend. Your gmt is pretty obnoxious though and i'm busy this weekend again unless you can do your Saturday morning which would be my Friday night
    i'm good w/ that
    i'm on and available to play whenever
    Hey when do you want to Adv UU? I can usually find some time most evenings after ~9:30 pm eastern, or we can work something out for Saturday.
    hi Ogles, when do you want to play for ADV NU Cup? I’m GMT +2 (+1 from Saturday onwards) and can play tomorrow either at 11.30 AM, or from 1 PM onwards. I have to work Friday from 1-5, saturday from 1-7, and sunday from 6AM-12. I can play Sunday anytime during the day
    shit i partied too hard last night, if you're still not around you obviously get the act win. sorry dude
    Ahh shit, I partjes too hard last night to so Im just about to head to bed @_@
    I might be able to do tomorrow my afternoon, your morning. I’ll let you know
    when fite for pupl? im -7 mornings and evenings work best
    Probably not, it's my bf and mine anniversary this weekend and we're spending the night together,,,
    mons > sex
    anyway i'll sub you out oglemi, i assume you won't be able to play tomorrow knowing your work schedule. kiyo, you'll be playing amber lamps.
    hi we play for pupl. I can do 6:30 am, 7 PM, 11:30 PM most weekdays, weekend is a bit sporadic but im on occasionally.
    back again for the old gen lower tier pl hl match of the week
    wanna play saturday? what time is best for you
    Actually would an hour earlier work? Me and my gf are planning on going to a drive in around 6-7 and i don't wanna feel crunched for time
    ya my parents just informed me that they're coming down for a visit so idk if that time's even gonna work. Would like noon or 1 work instead?
    I can do 1
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