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  • almost on my life i swear you dont know who that is in ur profile pic
    almost on my life i swear you dont know who that is in ur profile pic
    Hi. Big fan.
    Also I fucking called the badge, yes, you're welcome.
    bop ty
    go back to being 'dead' pls
    grats you're literally the nicest person

    ok i lurk again
    tysm pancake, i appreciate it!
    grats and also
    hi i am a typhlosion and i like clicking eruption. if you don't post this on 10 people's walls i will click specs eruption and i will 2hko all of your miltanks thank you have a nice day
    casual reminder to ban typh from every tier. also ty!
    hi i am a typhlosion and i like clicking eruption. if you don't post this on 10 people's walls i will click specs eruption and i will 2hko all of your miltanks thank you have a nice day
    when do u wanna play for bop mons? im gmt +5 and can play like evenings my time
    i can play later if you want, utc - 05:00
    hi, we play for nul and i'm gmt -5, can play mornings most days outside of friday, the sooner the better. if tomorrow works, i can only start at 7am-8am or 11am, otherwise can do the full block from 7am-11am any other day
    No joke, I played Mario Kart Wii to prepare for my road test. I didn't even think about winning the races, I just stayed on the right side of the lane and drove at a reasonable speed. I didn't try to pull off any tricks on the ramps because I wouldn't be able to pull off tricks during the road test. I didn't drive through any of the item boxes either. You wouldn't be able to use mushrooms during the road test (my cou
    sin told me he tried and he said they failed him when they found out). So I played Mario Kart Wii 24/7 on the days leading up to my road test. When the big day finally came, I completely aced it. The instructor was stunned. "Wow, it's almost like you've been vigorously playing Mario Kart Wii to prepare for this. Fantastic!" I looked at him smugly and said, "Well sir, as it happens, that's exactly what I've been doin
    !. He passed me with flying colors that day. Thank you Mario Kart Wii!
    hi i am a typhlosion and i like clicking eruption. if you don't post this on 10 people's walls i will click specs eruption and i will 2hko all of your miltanks thank you have a nice day
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