Akaru Kokuyo
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  • Hey when do you want to play for ORAS cup ? I'm gmt+2 and can play most of my evenings
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    o, sorry haha, I just got out of school so couldn't make it earlier! I'm available now! I'll be on Showdown with "Akaru Kokuyo" nick
    Hey, sorry but i will prob be a bit late '-'
    Could you play in like 30-40 minutes ? I'll try to be as quick as possible
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Sure! Don't worry, let me know in Showdown when you're ready! Sorry for late reply haha, Smogon hadn't sent me a notification of this reply so I just saw it haha
    hey Pair of Rcop, I am GMT+8 and available on Weekend night. How about we schedule a time to play?
    Hey I will be on the tour server on time as 「shy9899」
    My IP is locked so could u plz search my ID and challenge? Many thanks
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hey! I will! Give me 5 mins while I turn on my computer and get in Showdown!
    Dost when you wanna play?
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Ohhh sure, it's alright! Yeah thats why I asked if midday or night haha. Don't worry though, I'm also in 10-12 hours! Let me know when you're around!
    Will do, thanks for understanding!!
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hey! I'm around if you are! I'll be on Showdown, again, under "Akaru Kokuyo" nick!
    xy cup gmt-7 free nights, and friday, saturday but not too late
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    rft. Can u do this night?
    pretty busy, i can do like thursday if you want a time earlier in the week
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    hmm lets go for either thursday or friday, but ye lets try Thursday. Sat/Sun I can play until like late, around 21:00 gmt -5 (your 19:00 i think=)
    Hey man, jugamos en el DOU ssnl. Soy GMT+2, veo que eres de México así que nos llevamos unas cuantas horas. Dime que días/horas te vienen mejor.
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hey! Andas todavía por ahí? Recién terminé los deberes xD
    Ey, sí, estaba en showdown. Vi tu mensaje y te contesté pero no me dijiste nada, igual es que te desconectaste y no lo viste o algo así?
    No te veo ahora en showdown, sigues por ahí?
    Hey, ru ssnl, when do you wanna play?
    Can you play today at 2pm gmt-4 ?
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Sad I'm sorry, I got decieved by family and fucking kidnapped me the entire day xd. Can you play at similar times tomorrow? I am able to at those times
    I couldn't play tmrw we have until Wednesday to play this can you play after 6pm gmt-4 during weekdays?
    hi, we ned play for the spl, when can u play with me ? btw i am gtm -4, if you like we can talk for Discord for the schedule, CyberOdin✝#6496 add me.
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hey! I tried to add you on discord but it says incorrect name, add me on Akaru#5742 if you want!
    hey when would you like to play for ru ssn? im gmt -5
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Ok awesome! Are you able to play right now? I'll be on Showdown as "Akaru Kokuyo"
    ill be on for the rest of tn whenever you can play
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    OH I thought u never replied, F xD. I'm guessing act is already done, but if not, take the win
    When can we play choque de sables ou? gmt+1 here
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Qué dice este carapija sapo qlo chuchalawea carreado del orto hdsptm

    Ya me vas a recomendar los putos animes que te pedí hace 4 años o qué?
    akaru sos repute mi queen
    me contestas a las dos semanas ahora t quedas sin recomendaciones hasta q termine la pandemia bro
    H͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍͍i็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ :toast:
    DOU seasonal, I’m -7 and can do any time after 1pm time any day after Wednesday, when would work best for you?
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hmmm I have another game tour at that hour, I can do after your 17:00-17:30 maybe, depends on if the guys on the tour play fast or slow xD
    Yeah that works
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Well that ended up way faster than I thought LOL. I'm available for the rest of the night, I'll be on PS! as "Akaru Kokuyo"
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