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  1. Vintage Books

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    nami is unbelievably fun to play in URF. throwing bubbles every 2.5 seconds is so much fun. perma slow on autos is pretty sweet too. ive managed to win almost every 1v1 lane with her so far. (with an exception of hecarim but fuck him)
  2. Vintage Books

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    idk but on oce kass is banned 95% of the time in bronze
  3. Vintage Books

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    i recently transferred to Oceania and its nice to be able to play on ~40 ping instead of ~250. Im still vintagebooks there if anyone else who has transferred wants to add me.
  4. Vintage Books

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    probably janna, i feel the most confident getting a fed carry with her, but if i wasnt supporting id go with syndra or ashe
  5. Vintage Books

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    i have q on smartcast because i wanted it on smartcast for orianna, but now i play every champ with q on smartcast but ive never tried smartcasting anything else
  6. Vintage Books

    drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

    idk did acid for the first time a few weeks ago and it was great so i thought i should post, i was at a lifestyle festival (thats what i call it idk if thats what its meant to be) but there wasnt any organised music and you could just go and sit in giant mud baths and do yoga and stuff and hang...
  7. Vintage Books

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    its vitam1n or w/e meant to be a pro? (i recognized the name and so did my teammates) i played against someone with that name last night, and their jungler feeded first blood to our top (he was olaf) and then he complained in /all for ages then just played terribly.
  8. Vintage Books

    Spoilers (in general)

    im a victim of being addicted to googling my favorite characters from tv shows and books that i like. I always say to myself "i wont read too far into this wiki page to spoil anything" but i always do.
  9. Vintage Books

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    omg im so off it. their whole team except teemo and maybe jarvan was terrible. Quinn and I destroyed in lane but she dc's for 10 minutes in the middle of the game. riven gets first blood on teemo but he proceeds to rape her the whole laning phase and the rest of the game. we get baron 3 times...
  10. Vintage Books

    shade and rodans REAL smog awards

    best overall user: XxXPokemonMasterXxX
  11. Vintage Books

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Is it just me or is soraka a really strong support atm? I feel like everyone I play as her we just easily win lane. It might just me luck that everytime I play her I either have a good adc partner or my opposing adc/support are shit but I just feel like she is a strong pick right now. Ps...
  12. Vintage Books

    The Neverused Premier League - Week 1

    lost to jayde in a clean game, first proper match in 3 months w00t
  13. Vintage Books

    The Neverused Premier League - Week 1

    in contact with my opponent lgi samurottz
  14. Vintage Books

    Bonnaroo 2013

    hnnnng foals. actually the lineup is excellent but from such a large festival its impossible to not be good. You can't complain about festivals being far away, so many people drive like 15 hours to get to splendor in the grass, in byron bay (probably the biggest aussie festival) from where I...
  15. Vintage Books

    The Neverused Premier League - Sign ups[CLOSED]

    username: vintagebooks metas: all inactivity: weekends are shit for me but im fine with anything else for the mome
  16. Vintage Books

    Serious 2013 Outdoors Thread: (or "mattj posts a bunch of river bluff pics")

    As a student of outdoor education this is pretty much my thing, over the last few years during school and now after it, I have spent a lot of time in the outdoors. Australia is a beatiful place and there is a lot of hidden wonders that not many people know about. I generally hike/cross country...
  17. Vintage Books

    2013 Music

    Holy fire came out today (foals 3rd album) and its lovely. I have been itching for new foals for so long and it's such a relief that its good, it has a very Spanish Sahara vibe to it (bar a few songs) which is really cool
  18. Vintage Books

    Haters Gonna Hate

    Another unfunny peice of shit: Jennifer Anniston Actually she is probably my least favourite actress alongside sands bullock but Sandra can actually make me laugh. Jennifer aniston is such a boring woman and a terrible actress. I didn't even like her in friends.
  19. Vintage Books

    Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    Junior I knew it was a joke and what I said was meant to be a joke too lol