A world without TV ...

Well, people would think much more.. Unless they actually watch meaningful things on television in the first place. But so many people waste their time watching crappy soap operas or something..
I don't watch TV at all unless you count watching videos on the internet so it won't effect me much.

The world would probably be a less annoying place. I'm getting tired of all these kids at my school yelling out "spider pig". The simpsons is so stupid imo.
What changes do you think it would bring... would the world be a happier place, or worse?
i dont see how anyone could argue that the world would be a worse place if there were no television

but before giving my full opinion, id like to know if you meant a scenario in which tv was never invented, or a world in which tv just kinda disappeared
Good point there. I assumed he meant the TV was never invented scenario. But if TV just disappeared, then there would be alot of chaos. All the obese people who have been slaving in front of the TV would probably become suicidal. Those people that are too stupid to read novels and suck too much to play sports would have a hard time adjusting.
i dont see how anyone could argue that the world would be a worse place if there were no television

but before giving my full opinion, id like to know if you meant a scenario in which tv was never invented, or a world in which tv just kinda disappeared
The scenario if tv were removed, but you can discuss other scenarios you wish
I actually dream of the day this happens. TV breeds mediocrity. Mediocrity breeds laziness. Laziness leads to the dark side...
Laziness also equates at a lack of motivation. If TV ever was banned/destroyed/whatever then people would just turn to the internet, which really isn't that much better. The problem isn't television anymore. Television was the problem back when it was invented, now the damage is done. It's like global capitalism; it screwed the world over back in the day and now all that can be done is to try and live as best as possible with it existing.

And so ends the pseudo-rant that is actaully slightly off topic.


what are birds? we just don't know.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Everyone criticises television. I actually like it! I don't have Sky, which is probably why because whenever I watch it at a friends a lot of it is utter mind-numbing crap, but in England I find we have a pretty engaging and interesting schedule.

Worldwide media and communication in general would be very toned down. Without the technology of television there would be no visual information available through computers. The only news of the outside world you would get would be solely through printed press and it would be delayed by days, unless radio waves were still used to transmit purely audio information. You wouldn't be able to watch sport unless you actually went to a game. A lot of entertainment such as comedians and documentaries would pass you by entirely.

To summarise: Don't take the small things for granted, they all contribute to the quality of our lifestyles.
Everyone criticises television. I actually like it! I don't have Sky, which is probably why because whenever I watch it at a friends a lot of it is utter mind-numbing crap, but in England I find we have a pretty engaging and interesting schedule.

Worldwide media and communication in general would be very toned down. Without the technology of television there would be no visual information available through computers. The only news of the outside would you would get would be solely through printed press and it would be delayed by days, unless radio waves were still used to transmit purely audio information. You wouldn't be able to watch sport unless you actually went to a game. A lot of entertainment such as comedians and documentaries would pass you by entirely.

To summarise: Don't take the small things for granted, they all contribute to the quality of our lifestyles.
Yah, I can't believe everyone forgot about the news. What would you know about the world outside of your town/state/country if all you had was newspaper/radio for info. I guess we could use Internet, but that's not as accessable or intuitive.

I don't regularly post in this forum, but television really helps me unwind. Its a great stress reliever, well at least for me :(
I hate TV. I waste so much time watching it. I'm not sure about the world, but at least I personally would accomplish more, (like play more pokemon. lol)
Seeing television is one of the biggest sources of entertainment and information around the world, I'd say losing it would cause a big impact.

I'd rather discuss this in another point of view: what if it never existed. Before television, the most common mean of communication was the radio, which featured a lot of shows the television does, such as news reports, soaps and sport events. However, television added something new: image. If it weren't for this feature, things that use a moniter would most likely not exist.
Everyone criticises television. I actually like it! I don't have Sky, which is probably why because whenever I watch it at a friends a lot of it is utter mind-numbing crap, but in England I find we have a pretty engaging and interesting schedule.

Worldwide media and communication in general would be very toned down. Without the technology of television there would be no visual information available through computers. The only news of the outside world you would get would be solely through printed press and it would be delayed by days, unless radio waves were still used to transmit purely audio information. You wouldn't be able to watch sport unless you actually went to a game. A lot of entertainment such as comedians and documentaries would pass you by entirely.

To summarise: Don't take the small things for granted, they all contribute to the quality of our lifestyles.
lol dude thats a little funny coming from someone who made a thread about the radio, wouldnt you say? radio would pick up the slack entirely with regards to the news and such.

visual news is almost completely unnecessary. seeing footage of the events after a car wreck or something will do nothing but stir up more emotion; it does not educate you on the matter any more than hearing about it on the radio does.
Pax is right, there's no way you would be able to have invented the monitor for a computer if there was TV, as I'm sure they are related.

But should we ignore that technical fact, people might be less fat, and playing sports might be a way bigger part in everyone's life. Although tihs is kind of ironic how you wouldn't be able to watch any of that sports.

Lack of TV would probably lead to lack of video recorders too. How would the movies work? Would there also be no such thing as movies? Wait, than if there's no TV, can we project stuff into a white screen? There's a lot of 'ifs' if a TV didn't exist.
My sister never has a TV in her home and she stopped watching it completely after a few years. She's extremely happy with her life, active in many activities in a day and never has a dull moment...

I feel people need to wean themselves off of it by finding other things to do. It's easy to sit back and watch a show, but that's unfufilling for a life. It's a good start that leads to other things so doing away with it completely is irrational.
I don't know about you guys but I use a TV almost exclusively to play video games, most TV shows are such garbage it's not even worth watching. Both are a waste of time but at least games give you a sense of accomplishment or something to do with friends, TV just bombards you with crappy reality shows and marketing. And without TV people will fill their free time with aforementioned games or internet so getting rid of it wouldn't change a thing.
Sure, TV does rot the average brain but it does depend on how much and what you watch. Unfortunately many people watch mind-numbing stuff like Big Brother, though. Without TV more people would pick up a book and read it, their attention spans would be greater, and they would get off their arses and get some exercise. It would be a great benefit for those without a sense of ambition, who just 'meh' through life.
It depends. Getting rid of ALL tv could be a bad thing. But if you left the intelligent or at least somewhat educational programs then it would be a very good thing. History, Discovery, Food (free cooking lessons), and the News are obviously the "acceptable" ones. For kids and teens they could include one or two programs that contain cartoons and such (with some educational value). ABSOLUTELY NO MTV, and no Nickelodeon.

I used to waste all my time watching tv but now I spend my free time (limited due to a lot of after school activities) on the computer looking up answers to whatever curious questions I come up with (ie. Space, Alternate universes, Time travel, etc..). True I could go to a library but I tend only to read books that catch my attention, not research books. I feel I somwhat have Harry Potter to thank for getting me away from the tv, but I did read a lot of books before Harry Potter. I was just growing a tad lazy and forgot my love of books until the series came out.

Now the only time I watch tv is a little before I go to sleep to help me unwind. And on the weekends my tv is mostly used for video games. Also I hate to say it but I do watch reality tv shows like Big Brother, and Survivor (used to watch Amazing race, until they made family addition). What can I say, I like to scrutinize people, and see how they react in certain situations.
It wouldn't affect my world as I barely watch TV.

Taking away TV would, hopefully, force lots of obese children to get outside and play sports etc. Although on the flipside, when you're a parent, there's nothing easier and more stress-relieving than just turning on the box and getting the kids off your back for an hour or two.

I don't think TV should be taken away though, that is kind of a ridiculous thought to me.


Conquer your Shadow
is a Researcher Alumnus
The only channels that should exist are Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, Discovery Health, The History Channel, The Learning Channel, The Weather Channel, and other related channels.

Oh, and Adult Swim/Toonami.

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