Absol (QC: 2/3) [Not written]

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Mega Absol


  • Massive 150 Atk stat and great 115 SpA and Speed stats.
  • Strong priority in Sucker Punch
  • Great movepool
  • Magic Bounce bounces back any hazards or statuses thrown at M-Absol, making it a great switch in to a move like Thunder Wave or Stealth Rock.
  • Shuts down Froslass, and forces lead Azelf to use Explosion prematurely in order to have an effect on the battle.
  • Can’t run Knock Off in conjunction with Play Rough.
  • Weak to common priority, like Mach Punch.
  • Subpar base 70 speed the turn of mega evolving.
  • Really frail, with 65/60/60 defenses.
Swords Dance

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Sucker Punch
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Superpower
ability: Justified
item: Absolite
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly/Adamant

  • Swords Dance is to set up for a sweep, doubling Absol's massive attack.
  • Sucker Punch is definitely vital to any Absol worth its salt, as it's a strong priority STAB attack.
  • Knock Off is a great, reliable STAB move for Absol, but is incompatable with Play Rough, so Night Slash can be substituted in.
  • Superpower works as coverage, hitting Dark and Steel types better than Dark STAB.

Set Details
  • 252 Spe allows Absol to outspeed many non-scarfed threats in the tier, while 252 Atk give Absol that extra firepower to sweep, and 4 SpD gives Download users an unwelcome Attack boost.
  • Absolite is vital, as regular Absol is not viable in UU.
  • Jolly nature is to outspeed faster pokemon, such as Mienshao and Froslass, who can switch in and OHKO, or you could use Adamant nature for even more firepower, because with 329 Speed, Absol is already very fast, and can Sucker Punch anything faster.
Usage Tips
  • While a SD boosted M-Absol is hard to stop, priority is quite threatening, so it is recommended that M-Absol be a mid-game to late-game sweeper, after its teammates have disposed of any priority-inclined opponents, or a wallbreaker, taking advantage of it's wet paper-esque defenses to cause massive damage, die, and give a free switch into your sweeper or something to finish the threat off.
  • To assist in M-Absol's domination, hazards are very helpful and are recommended.
Team Options

  • Hazard setters are great partners to Absol, particularly Forretress, who can set up on most walls that cause trouble for Absol (Florges, Aromatisse, M-Aggron, etc.).
  • Nidoking/queen are excellent offensive partners to Absol, as they are weak to Psychic, which Absol destroys, while the Nidos beat back Steel and Fairy types that wall M-Absol with Ground and Poison moves, respectively, while resisting Fighting and Bug types.
  • A bulky Volt Switch/U-Turn user, such as defensive Rotom-H, can get hit by the opponent's move and immediately switch safely into Absol, or spread burns around here and there.

Other Options
  • Potential for mixed set, with a good 115 SpA stat.
  • Zen Headbutt is a good move to use because of the coverage it provides and its compatibility with Knock Off, but normally isn't used because Play Rough gives Absol perfect coverage, and Knock Off isn't always used for this reason.
  • Iron Tail can be used against Florges and Aromatisse, but relying 75% accuracy is a tad risky.
  • Baton Pass can be used to pass the SD boosts near the end of Absol's life, and takes advantage of Magic Bounce to not be roared out. Absol can also take Espeon's place on a prodominately Baton Pass team, having the same useful ability and better offenses is a plus, but does not have Stored Power unfortunately.
  • Will-o-Wisp adds a surprise factor to Absol, as it's an uncommon move that can cripple opposing physical attackers, but seeing how Absol has a serious case of 4MSS, Will-o-Wisp just isn't worth a coveted moveslot.
  • With Pokemon XY came a new addition to Absol's movepool, Play Rough. However, because Absol is forced to give up Knock Off, only available in BW2, for the new egg move, it's not really worth using. A shame really.
  • A Super Luck-Scope Lens set of regular Absol is somewhat viable if you don't want to use up a mega spot. Nope.

Checks & Counters
  • Florges and Aromatisse can survive Absol's assault and retaliate with supereffective Fairy STAB, but Iron Tail can put them in their place.
  • Bulky Steel types, such as Cobalion and Escavalier, give Absol a hard time, as well as defensive Ground types, such as Rhyperior and Hippowdon.
  • Some generally bulky pokemon, such as defensive Arcanine and M-Blastoise, can take a hit and OHKO back.
  • Scarf users that resist Sucker Punch, like Heracross and Hydreigon, can live a +2 Sucker Punch and retaliate.
  • Mew, and any other pokemon with Syncronize, can actually burn Absol if it gets burned, so that's something to watch out for when using Will-o-Wisp.
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Wallbreaker set should be this:

All Out Attacker
name: All Out Attacker
move 1: Sucker Punch
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Zen Headbutt
ability: Justified
item: Absolite
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

You can mention stuff like Play Rough or going mixed in the comments, but there's not much benefit to going mixed, and Play Rough's incompatibilities aren't worth it.
I can see your point, I like this set better. Thanks a lot, I'll put this set in the OP and put mixed sets and Play Rough in OO. :D
Stuff to add, see quote for details. Will probably come back later and add more to the analysis
Mega Absol


  • Massive 150 Atk. stat and great SpA. and Spe. stats Remove the periods after the stat abbreviations
  • Access to Sucker Punch and Play Rough. Split this into two bullet points, one that states "Wields strong priority" and the other that says "Outstanding movepool"
  • Magic Bounce blocks status and hazards from M-Absol.

  • Can’t run Knock Off in conjunction with Play Rough.
  • Weak to common priority
  • Subpar speed the turn of mega evolving
  • No priority other than Sucker Punch (This isn't a bad point at all, many Pokemon only have access to one priority move or no priority at all. Remove this and add that it's really frail)

All-out Attacker
name: AOA (Just say "All-Out Attacker")
move 1: Sucker Punch
move 2: Play Rough
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Pursuit/Protect
ability: Justified -> Magic Bounce
item: Absolite
evs: 252 Atk. / 252 Spe. / 4 SpA. Remove the dots after the abbreviations and btw for future reference, EV spreads should go in order of stats, which go HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe. Change the EV spread to this: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


  • Sucker Punch- Sucker Punch is Absol’s best STAB and only priority, and it takes advantage of Magic Bounce to predict the opponent to attack, as they have nothing much to do against it.
  • Play Rough- Play Rough covers Absol’s Fighting weakness, while being a dependable attack for Absol to spam.
  • Fire Blast- Fire Blast allows Absol to cover its Bug weakness, and to take advantage of its now usable SpA.
  • Pursuit- Pursuit can be used to trap opposing pokemon who might try to switch.
  • Protect- Protect can be used to negate the first turn of normal Absol speed when mega evolving.
Red=Remove. Also slash Superpower with Fire Blast
Set Details

  • 252 Atk for max power, 252 Speed to maximize Absol’s speed.
  • 4 SpA to increase Fire Blast’s power.
  • Hasty for more speed.
  • If you need an explanation for Absolite… dear God.

Usage Tips

  • A fearsome mixed attacker with massive attack stats.
  • A good wallbreaker and late-game sweeper.

Team Options

Set name

move 1:
move 2:
move 3:
move 4:


Set Details

Usage Tips

Team Options

Other Options

Checks & Counters
It shouldnt. Many pokemon use Hydro Pump as primary STAB and Focus Blast as necessary coverage, it's the cost of lacking a Psychic move might be a concern.
Valid points, but I'm not sure that I want to lose anything for Iron Tail. I think OO is a good place for Iron Tail.
First of all add a mixed set pretty much just wall breaker set with fire blast because fuck steels also iron tail needs a slash forges is like top 3 in usage so you need to prepare for it.
I think slashing Iron Tail behind Zen Headbutt is a poor decision, because coverage against the Fighting-types is more important than just Florges. It can be mentioned, but Zen Headbutt is significantly better.

Also, mixed sets have no real benefit. The UU Steel-types are Metagross, Jirachi, Forretress, and Aggron. The first are hit by Knock Off anyway, and Aggron is only 3HKOed by Fire Blast. So you'd only be carrying the move for Forretress. OO.
I'm gonna have to agree with Swamp Link, Iron Tail is not enough to warrant a slash. And with the Steel nerf, I'd say that Fire Blast is ok, but not enough for a set imo.
I'm not so sure about an sd set albeit I never really use mega absol because imo its to frail to do anything but that's for another day. Anyways as I said absol has the defenses of a soggy paper bag, so frailty is a problem. Second of all Superpower should not be on a swords dance set for obvious reasons. About the iron tail arguement: Lucario w/ iron tail is a big thing in ou and no one really cares about the accuracy because think of how many pokemon rely on focus blast event though it has the same accuracy and as I said be aware that florges is one of if not the most used pokemon in the current uu metagame. Also all out special set should be oo.
I read all of the above posts, but I think Fire Blast deserves a slash in the All-out Attacker set as it enables it to 2HKO Mega Aggron, not 3HKO.
4 SpA Mega Absol Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Filter Mega Aggron: 160-190 (46.5 - 55.2%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
I read all of the above posts, but I think Fire Blast deserves a slash in the All-out Attacker set as it enables it to 2HKO Mega Aggron, not 3HKO.
4 SpA Mega Absol Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Filter Mega Aggron: 160-190 (46.5 - 55.2%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

The KO on one pokemon makes me think it's not worth a slot. I put it in OO though. :)
4 SpA Mega Absol Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Escavalier: 340-404 (98.8 - 117.4%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
4 SpA Mega Absol Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Forretress: 544-640 (153.6 - 180.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
But you're right, it probably doesn't need the slash. It has really good coverage as it is.
4 SpA Mega Absol Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Escavalier: 340-404 (98.8 - 117.4%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
4 SpA Mega Absol Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Forretress: 544-640 (153.6 - 180.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
But you're right, it probably doesn't need the slash. It has really good coverage as it is.

I see where you're coming from, and Fire Blast is ok. :) But not good enough. Btw, Escavalier is not very common in UU, so it's not necessary to cover.
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