Alabama's new immigration laws

I think it's great that you see this as 'poor people seeking a better life, who are we to close our doors on their nose' but I think it's important to wonder if an occidental country would actually be capable to support a massive flow of newcomers through open borders and if it wouldn't end up creating an endless amount of huge ghettos eventually necessarily leading to even more tension between ethnic groups.
Wonder no more my friend, we in France have been running this very experiment for decades.
And it's quite exactly what you described. It's a clusterfuck. Suburbs are arguably not under the rule of law, ethnic tensions are rampant and young people of immigrant descent face a future devoid of any perspective of social integration.
Because of a catastrophic handling of immigration. Note that I do not mention illegal immigration. Don't even have to.

It's a real pity for those children, but I can't blame the authorities for going nuts about that topic. It might well have gone too far already to the point where there is no good solution left.
Note : welcoming all the misery in the world is not a good solution.

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