Mafia vs Village ALLCAPS INVITATIONAL Mafia - Game Over: ALMOSTS Win! Postgame P13


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Half of me was reluctant to write this letter out of concern that Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC may be one of those organizations who do volage-brained things for the sole purpose of gaining attention. But given Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's track record, I have concluded that by any reasonable measure, it is a scion of addlepated goof-offs, so I've decided to proceed. In the text that follows, I don't intend to recount all of the damage caused by its frightful, brusque campaigns of terror but I do want to point out that it tries to make us think the way it wants us to think, not by showing us evidence and reasoning with us but by understanding how to push our emotional buttons. If you were to unpack and analyze the philosophical assumptions behind Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's claim that it can create a kind of psychic pain at the very root of the modern mind and get away with it, you would find that its guild (motto: “Condemn children to a life of drugs, gangs, drinking, rape, incest, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and a number of other horrors”) is as viperine as viperine can be. Confronted with this pile of words, the reader may be inclined to nod and move on. However, I ask that you stop for a moment and look: Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC assumes that cynical lobcocks are more deserving of honor than our nation's war heroes. The flip side of that assumption is that I act based on what I think is right, not who I think is right. That's why I try always to sound the bugle of liberty. It's also why I say that my goal is to keep our priorities in check. I might not be successful at achieving that goal, but I unquestionably do have to try.

Whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable in our society—the sick, the old, the disabled, the unemployed, and our youth—all of whose lives are made miserable by Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC. I recently informed Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC that its underlings establish rack-and-thumbscrew programs. Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC said it'd “look further into the matter”—well, not too much further. After all, I sometimes ask myself whether the struggle to express my views is worth all of the potential consequences. And I consistently answer by saying that it has found a way to avoid compliance with government regulations, circumvent any further litigation, and convince people that their peers are already riding the Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC bandwagon and will think ill of them if they don't climb aboard, too,—all by trumping up a phony emergency.

Given what I know about uncongenial incubi, I can say with confidence that what I find frightening is that some academics actually believe Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's line that it is a tireless protector of civil rights and civil liberties for all people. In this case, “academics” refers to a stratum of the residual intelligentsia surviving the recession of its demotic base, not to those seekers of truth who understand that a critical reevaluation of some of Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's diegeses would be beneficial. As obvious as that may seem, it bears emphasizing, if only because it says it's going to combine, in a rare mixture, bestial cruelty and an inconceivable gift for lying before the year is over. Is it out of its mind? The answer is fairly obvious when you consider that the scores of goose-stepping stoners who comprise its plunderbund must all be held accountable for helping Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC blame all of our problems on the poor, beleaguered, taxpaying drudges of society who are only one paycheck away from the poorhouse. So what's the connection between that and its harangues? The connection is that Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's “I'm right and you're wrong” attitude is passive-aggressive because it leaves no room for compromise.

Should you think I'm saying too much, please note that Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's communications have kept us separated for too long from the love, contributions, and challenges of our brothers and sisters in this wonderful adventure we share together—life! While you or I might find it natural to want to point the high-powered fire hose of truth at Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's homicidal, muddleheaded casus belli to wash away their multiple layers of obstructionism, its prank phone calls should be labeled like a pack of cigarettes. I'm thinking of something along the lines of, “Warning: It has been determined that Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's sermons are intended to get everyone to march in lockstep with Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's coldhearted operatives.” You may find it amusing or even titillating to read about Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's memoirs, but they're not amusing to me. They're deeply troubling. Even if scientific evidence established that commercialism is the only alternative to nepotism, it would still be the case that sane and bright minds turn into quivering wrecks upon contact with the madness that lies in its demonic, insipid conceits. We can therefore conclude that I wouldn't want to diminish society's inducements to good behavior. I would, on the other hand, love to make this world a kinder, gentler place. But, hey, I'm already doing that with this letter.

If Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC thinks that advertising is the most veridical form of human communication, then it's sadly mistaken. The subtext of what I'm saying is that Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's ability to flap its gums greatly exceeds its cognitive skills. Disguised in this drollery is an important message: I once heard a couple people ask Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC to comment on how it's likely that in a matter of days it will spread hatred, animosity, and divisiveness if we don't stop it now. Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC proceeded to bombard these questioners with insults, calling them philopolemical, horny junkies and the like. Sure, Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC has a reputation for laying into its critics, but this presumptuous reaction fails to answer the substance of its nemeses' points. A rather mad organization by my estimation, Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC has somehow managed to convince bossy, condescending pushy-types to require religious services around the world to begin with “Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC is great; Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC is good; we thank Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC for our daily food”. This leads me to believe that to Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC, the fact that its judgmental endeavors have yielded little in the way of positive results—and that they honestly have dangerous long-term consequences—is not a reason to stop and reassess. Rather, it's a call to action; it's an opportunity for Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC to envelop us in a nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror.

Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC accuses me of being hate-filled, yet it is it who is filled with hate. And it accuses me of being bigoted, while its perorations show nothing but bigotry. Why does Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC make those sorts of accusations, then? We must really ask ourselves questions like that before it's too late, before Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC gets the opportunity to dominate or intimidate others. At first blush, it appears that Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC should pay a price for its scummy taunts. However, irrational dummkopfs like Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC have no right to live under the protection of our laws. Still, I recommend you check out some of Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's indiscretions and draw your own conclusions on the matter. I do not maintain that it is patriotic to make a cause célèbre out of Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's campaign to produce a large number of utterly ornery extravagancies, most crazy indecencies, and, above all, the most conceited blasphemies against everything that I hold most sacred and most dear. Similarly, I do not allege that free speech is wonderful as long as you're not bashing Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC and the pompous brigands in its Oblomovism squad. However, I do avouch that its trucklers resist seeing that it is morally unjustifiable for it to provide support to backwards banana republics and their unsavory dictators. They resist seeing such things because to see them, to examine them, to think about them and draw conclusions from them is to oppugn Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's footling tractates.

I should add parenthetically that I've heard Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC say that it's perfectly safe to drink and drive. Was that just a slip of the lip, or is Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC secretly trying to create an ideological climate that will enable it to plague our minds? As you ponder the answer to that question, consider that if you've read this far then you probably either agree with me or are on the way to agreeing with me. Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC uses the word “disdenominationalize” without ever having taken the time to look it up in the dictionary. Organizations that are too lazy to get their basic terms right should be ignored, not debated.

It's amazing to me that Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's sympathizers actually feel that views not informed by radical critique implicitly promote hegemonic values. Not only must such people be mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration, but if we don't do something soon, Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's ludibrious soliloquies will rise like a golem with a million hands on a million throats to choke the honor out of decent, hardworking people. Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC doesn't want me to empower the oppressed to control their own lives. Well, I've never been a very obedient dog so I intend not only to do exactly that but also to bring fresh leadership and even-handed tolerance to the present controversy.

Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC cannot be tamed by “tolerance” and “accommodation” but is actually spurred on by such gestures. It sees such gestures as a sign of weakness on our part and is thereby encouraged to continue perpetuating the myth that its way of life is correct and everyone else's isn't. Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's policy is to provoke harebrained publishers of hate literature into action. Then, it uses their responses in whatever way it sees fit, generally to take us all on an absolutely reckless ride into the unknown. You may be picking up on something here in all of my responses to Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's illogical wisecracks. All of my responses presume that if you ever ask Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC to do something, you can bet that your request will get lost in the shuffle, unaddressed, ignored, and rebuffed.

I'll talk about that another time. I have other, more important, things to discuss now. For starters, Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC is as dumb as dirt. I put that observation into this letter just to let you see that Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC has been trying desperately hard to make the case that its enemies are aligned with very dark and malevolent fourth-dimensional aliens known as Draconians. Sorry, Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC, but I must respectfully disagree. My counterargument is that if Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC had its way, schools would teach students that we ought to worship the most patronizing backbiters I've ever seen as folk heroes. This is not education but indoctrination. It prevents students from learning about how Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC professes that criminals are merely social rebels. Come on, Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC; show some common sense for a change. I can see from the length of what I've written so far that I should save the rest of my comments about Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC for a future letter. Let me close by stating simply that most of us are now painfully aware of Smogon Mafia Mafia AKA Double Freezers INC's pudibund diatribes.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus

Role PM Sheet

This game was originally designed for 22 people but I cut it to the 17 signups I got. This removed 5 village roles... originally I cut 1 off each mafia and 3 village roles but then I felt like the mafia numerically stood no chance, and I also thought the rogues might provide some good village power in that there were 3 who would revive, 1 repeatedly. Alas Smogon rogues are worse than vanillas because they get lynched more and are less successful.
I RNGed the playerlist and let the chips fall where they may. I considered assigning roles and thought "what if I put all the experts on the mafia since they suspect each other of it anyway" then the RNG did it for me pretty much. When I saw every mod except zorbees in the second half of the list I was like Interesting.
The only role I changed was penguin344 and Maleovex - both were rogues but penguin had expressed he would be busy during the game so I swapped them and gave penguin the rogue that didn't res... yeah that worked out well, he was one of the last 3 (2) villagers because nobody ever killed him thanks to AG. Otherwise everything was randomized in true ALLCAPS fashion and dropped onto the sheet.

This game was supposed to be like ELECTRO more than anything else in design, originally the village had several twins who needed to target the same user to succeed (BG, SG) and some experimental roles... the Time Switcher which worked as a delayed hooker on mafia but could be effective to expedite village info if the BG went down. At 22 players, it was 14-4-4 which was a lot more manageable for a vigless village. I think I erred in not giving them an actual vig when I cut their numbers and instead relying on the vig-rogue who could shoot its killer an infinite number of times as a reward for accurate play and smart village leadership determining targets. Unfortunately this was just TOO circumstantial and went down N1. I think this role might work if it was allowed to target X number of users a night, where X is the remaining number of mafia factions still in the game.
In the 14-man village the rogues were supposed to cause a lot of confusion in contrast to the twins who were pretty much auto-cleaned.. here they weren't balanced out.
The only mafia role I had designed when I had ALL the village roles was Gale's, the Robot Voter + BPV. The other 7 mafia roles were meant to be pretty weak to balance out their numbers... the mafia never took advantage of it but they had majority together on D2. I think this role may have been stronger than the others since it was designed for a larger village but I was fond of it. It wound up being the ideal role to still have alive as your last man as it could 1v1 the other mafia or 3v1 the village, depending. If it couldn't create a Max due to a hooker it would lose.
I also think I meant to give the mafias every other night kills, not nightly, with only 9 villagers... but when I sent the role PMs I said nightly because that's what the 22-man game meant to have. Despite that the village wasn't really hopeless because the mafia had to crossfire to stand a chance at winning. It would've been a village win if the vig-rogue was still alive, or possibly even the backup-rogue.
The rogues were all intentionally snipped on what they did, so it would be a mystery to the players and not something anyone could account for... RNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

How I feel about WTF 4 ROGUES?!

Mismanaged until LightWolf's death and then the few left did try and put in a lot of effort to try and get a win. Unfortunately I think it was just too late and they didn't start asking questions earlier.
Maleovex / The Whale / User-Specific Rogue with Controlled Resurrection + 1-Time All Town Backup / VILLAGE / Mislynched (again) Day One
Wow you guys are brain damaged. The Whale as a rogue is THE role known for being an ALLCAPS mislynch... AND YOU DO IT AGAIN. TO A NEWBIE. 0/10 I AM disappointed in this play. The mafia experts felt bad but they were mafia so it benefited them to not protest the lynch. I think if DLE/Sam had been town they would've fought back on this one so I don't blame them, just AG and the villagers who voted.
Maleovex played like a typical newbie: bandwagoned votes leading to scumtown behavior. Come ON guys, seriously? How many times do you need to mislynch noobtowns before you GET IT? People new to Smogon are just as likely to appear scummy to us if they're town as they are mafia. Plus in an OC game you sure as heck bet the newbie's experienced teammate(s) are feeding him info, fake claims, behavior patterns.
I liken this to the Haunted Diamond mislynch in the NOC... I could clearly see he had no partner helping him and was just being a clueless noob with no real clue how to defend himself in our meta, to our meta titans. Sam messed up on that one not believing me and accusing me of being his partner instead. At least learn from his mistake.
I also don't understand how getting TWO rogue claims, which target factions or users, is MORE scummy... like, maybe, just maybe, you should consider they are a SET? Like a sort of twin? Nobody really caught on that the user-specific rogues were very strong and the team-specific-via-user rogues would be weaker. Now, in Maleovex and penguin's defenses, jalmont and Walrein didn't claim D1 but I don't know if that would have made AG less suspicious, or more. I just... when you get multiple rogue claims doing different things WHY do you take that as an indication of scum?! It's a pattern.
Anyway, sorry to Maleovex that you got rolled wrongly D1 :( I hope you play more games on Smogon. This lynch should've been one of the lazy experienced players refusing to claim, 100%, instead of a newbie with a claim who doesn't quite know how to defend it and thus is clearly town.

Walrein / The Black X-Man / User-Specific Rogue with Kill Reverse / VILLAGE / Impaled on a star Night One
I admit I confused people with this one because the Black X-Man was never actually a role... just a fake claim I gave I thought was hilarious so I put it in a greatest-hits game. But it made Walrein nervous to claim. This role was the only unlimited res rogue and would just keep killing its killer. Very strong if successful... but the odds of success were just too slim. Walrein also targeted zorbees N1 'on a hunch' that was sadly completely wrong :( he could've picked any of the other mods and been closer lol. He was invested for the brief time he was alive and I think if he hadn't died N1 he would've helped the village out.
Also, Walrein's comment after being hooked n0: noob hooker... until he realized AG only did it to prove his flavor and since rogue does nothing N0 he was like "nvm."

rssp1 / MUDSY / Safeguard / VILLAGE / Almost strangled Night One
I am pretty sure this was yet another of the Gale RNG kills and the other mafia was like "mm yes nice shot ALMOSTS" when he flipped. MUDSY was a role I KNEW, KNEW, KNEW had been in one of my games but could not for the life of me find it... turns out it was Revenge of the SANDS which I had COMPLETELY forgotten about as a game except for the two roles I took from it. I think this is because I am the creator of all the other sheets, but RotS's sheet was made by Quagsires, so it doesn't display with all of the other sheets I own, and so I never thought to look in 'shared with you' for one of my games. I think I annoyed rssp1 a bit asking for his action early... every other action would come in quickly and I'd be like "yo u got one?" only 24 hours after the deadline because he'd be the last one despite having another day... sorry! He got randed N1 so not much to say here.

Aura Guardian / Krakatoa / Hooker / VILLAGE / Impaled on a star Night Two
First, AG is a really nice guy, never seems to get into squabbles or fights with people, always sends actions, always reliable. He was effective in getting orders out to the village very quickly. I wonder if it was almost too quickly and he would've benefited from spending some more time analyzing the roles, claims and who he wanted to put where. However I do commend him - the village was sending in all their actions before either mafia, so he was definitely productive as a leader.
However... I am very disappointed with some of his choices. I think he interpreted wtf 2 rogues completely wrong and didn't analyze that situation enough... rather than thinking their different methods of targeting might have been intentional on my part he thought that it meant the mafia had inconsistent fake formats, I think. He's been on mafia in my games though and should know I can be fairly thorough about helping them fakeclaim, usually.
Also... sheeting LightWolf was a very bad move. I asked him why and he said it was a gamble to have a successor. But... LW's role had not been proven. He'd been hooked by the mafia 2x which doesn't indicate he isn't mafia, or even isn't lying about being hooked. LW claimed Martyr which was actually never a village role, in the 5 that got cut there was a RevMar and she was the last to get cut, but they never had a Martyr. Sheeting the BG or zorbees after he claimed and NOT LW would've been 10x smarter.
I did think it was funny AG got RNGed a role he's had before. Krakatoa has been so many things in so many games.
I think AG needs to be a bit more cunning and shrewd as a village leader. He was too trusting/risky regarding LW but also didn't really consider enough about the two rogues. He had the right instinct in feeling like pubsharing penguin's role was a bad idea but did it anyway which caused penguin, a rogue, to never be targeted for a kill. I think revealing a rogue claim is a really dumb move because it means, if the role is legit, it's essentially vanilla now. It ALSO means the mafia know one less villager who is a 'key' power role and have an easier time narrowing down BG/SG/hook/info. He should have put lynch pressure on one of the non-claimers instead, especially with the extensions he got.

zorbees / Bride of UncleSam and Walrein's Love Child / Inspector + Mayor / VILLAGE / Impaled on a star Night Three
zorbees and the ALMOSTS traded N0 inspections, but because they didn't get WC, just role, they actually believed he was the ALLSTARS inspector due to their own mayor role and him having 'two' roles. This role was originally just the mayor, I believe, but it got Inspector and Mayor merged into one in the cut. He died because, for once, LW wasn't hooked and Blazade was. I had been waiting for him to come forward when he got a mafia result N0 but he waited a day, letting the mislynch happen which he maybe even believed in. On the one hand it's smart to be cautious about approaching an unproven AG except that Walrein got his flavor. On the other... he did have a proven scum. His death led to LW taking over the village. AG was hiding that zorbees was THE inspector on the sheet but didn't realize that with all the other info filled in, it was REALLY obvious it was zorbees to LW. Right instincts, wrong execution. I wish zorbees could've done more for the village this game, but he did inspect scum and then clean jalmont, so.

sunny004 / The Sun / Time Switcher / VILLAGE / Almost shot Night Three
The RNG had a bit of a giggle about this one. Unfortunately this role didn't really do much because it hit a SG N0, hit jalmont the rogue N1 which was utterly useless lol, then hit inspector-scum which was the least valuable of the ALLSTARS, probably. If anything it gave them a better night target. It was a delayed hooker that allowed the role to go during the day but it could do nothing the next night. This meant that if used on a mafian they couldn't perform their team kill, which was only active at night but they could do nothing. So it could've been a lategame hook, if it had survived. I think Gale RNG'd this one again. Boy hates names with 's' in them or something.

Blazade / MR. SANDSMAN / Bodyguard / VILLAGE / Almost choked on a turkey leg Night Six
There wasn't another village death until N6, 3 full cycles apart. The scums got slaughtered during this time period. This was Blazade's first game and he expressed discontent at how hard it was to be involved as a. a newbie thus untrustworthy b. not 'confirmed clean' due to the village leader system. He was eager to help and try to scumhunt via roles due to the D1 mislynch showing a lapse in judgement but even as the only village BG claim he couldn't get on the sheet. It was only after LW died that he could really step up and have an impact. Unfortunately he did get a bit ahead of himself on winning and didn't realize the village was heading for defeat if they lynched Flyhn as Gale could 3v1 due to the actual abilities of the remaining two rogues.
He made the LCS Big Play of pulling his BG off LW the night he was martyring Gale, which was a risky move in itself, when Gale sort-of convinced him that LW might actually not be village. Neither of them could say for sure who the villagers actually were, just that LW probably wasn't one. He became LW's sworn enemy as a result. I think the village might have won if he didn't BG Gale that night, either, and instead let his BPV be popped by the ALLSTARS. But, who is to say the teams would vote the same?
I was very pleased with his contributions as a newbie and attempts to be involved. I hope he also sticks around and plays more games. Solid activity level. Just don't become UncleSam2.

jalmont / The Pumpking / Team-Specific Rogue with Instant Revive / VILLAGE / Almost bashed in by an Emmy award Night Eight
jalmont my boy, I swear he's idled through several prior games but he stepped up this one. He presented himself as an AG-alternativeish D1 and got cleaned and thus sheeted later on. I was very pleased with his activity and attempts to do village things... he got a bit sheeped under LW but one he died helped to lead the village charge. Unfortunately his role only revived once, so Gale just needed to kill him 2x. If it was infinite reviving the game would've been a draw as penguin would turn Gale's vote to 1 and it'd be 1-1 in the lynch forever. The village was counting on this role to be Big when it revived as well as counting on penguin TO revive. Neither happened due to their easier time successfully roguing people than the user-specifics so they were weaker than those two. Proud of him for his efforts.

penguin344 / Geordi La Forge / Team-Specific Rogue with Perma Vote Negation + Role PM Reveal Non-Revive / Almost back from the dead Night Nine
Poor penguin... I gave him the rogue role that didn't revive so he could bounce out because he was busy and, of course, AG exposes him D1 in a huge misplay so nobody ever targets him and he survives until the end and has to help lead as one of the last three villagers. He was also counting on reviving to lynch Gale off. Alas. He survived to the very end. Sorry about that. I think penguin was bit more cautious about the endgame than Blazade was and wary about lynching Pokeguy too fast... it should have been obvious something was up that Gale was ready and willing to "get into a tie" by going 3 v 1. If the village had last-second stealthed Gale, boy, that'd be a game-winning play. Gale had CMax, I think, voting Flyhn 5min before deadline and so it would've been 3 on Gale, 2 on Flyhn, 1 on penguin344 if they had successfully stealthed. They would then win the game vs the outnumbered Flyhn. Proud of how active he was in the final few days of the game. I think the last 3 villagers, despite not being able to pull off the W, at least tried and showed some good effort. We even got a village channel at last! Those are always so fun. I really do think it's a disservice to how enjoyable IRC can be to not make team channels but it's also difficult when we have smaller games with fewer people to stay alive for very long or people who are never on IRC.

So fell the VILLAGE. I do believe they were underpowered. They only stayed alive with 3 for so long because 2 were known rogues and risks and the mafia had to blast each other to win. Sorry, villagers. But also DON'T MISLYNCH/OUT YOUR ROGUES.

This team's theme was infamous users for some random event: Shining Latios godkilling himself for Lady Salamence nudes in MUDS which remains hilarious, pokemonrocks777's unintelligible fury after learning he was to be the sacrifice in Red Panda, that one time Ullar pretended to be his own friend at school (which was apparently rooted in more mental trouble than 'typical 14yo on internet'? I wasn't aware of that so I apologize, I didn't realize he still felt very seriously about that event whereas I assumed it was in the past and he'd grown up. idk I felt like everyone who got on the internet as a teen posed as being dead/someone from their own irl at least once before they stopped being a dumb teen lol), and of course, jigglypuffers42 subbing into Fallout and c/ping "this is my fake" on my team, which she vanished after. They got 4 'weakish' roles because I didn't want them stopping the rogues from going off very much. Sorry if those wound up being too weak.

Slim Guldo / Ullar's Friend at School / Village Role Absorber / ALLSTARS / Almost drowned Night Two
The ALMOSTS were supposed to kill someone Sam had asked them to, but Gale ONCE AGAIN was like nah I hate users with an s in their name and randomed Slim, killing him on the night of his great controversy.
I designed this role and I thought, the village role will die NX. He will be able to choose if he wants that now-dead role NX+1. He will then have access to that role NX+2. So it was delayed. I did not and still do not believe it should be able to select someone the night of their death. There is no way to know what role it actually is until it officially dies. If it makes you feel better to call it a Scavenger, go ahead. Because that is how I saw it. And I tried repeatedly to clarify to the ALLSTARS/Sam the only one who cared to protest this but he absolutely refused to accept this was a. how I intended the role to work b. how I was going to keep the role. No I was not going to let it work a night before it was supposed to midway through the game! It was designed to have the delay to be weaker, as a power level gate. It would've worked the exact same way on the village if it was able to choose its role.
Perhaps 'absorber' was the wrong phrase, then, for the non-agency backups I have used who automatically get the power from a dead user. Scavenger may have been better. However I don't think this role doesn't make sense nor will I ever design a backup that can CHOOSE what role it wants the way Sam felt it should be. If you don't like that, honestly, too bad. I am the host and I will design/try out roles based on what I think is appropriate for the game and what makes sense to me. I don't believe I hindered the mafia by changing my mind on how quickly the role was supposed to be able to absorb off the village because that was how it worked, to me, the day I designed it.
'Fortunately' Slim died the night this would've mattered, thanks so much Gale <3
Also Slim was village in ONE game, either AQUA or ELECTRO I think. Every other time the poor guy gets assigned or RNGed mafia. Sorry :( but at least you get to be informed! I think he gets the same backup/rogue fakeclaims each time too lmao.

LightWolf / jigglypuffers42 / Martyr / ALLSTARS / Almost had a heart attack while having sex with a corpse for his snuff film Night Four
S N U F F B O Y S. This was a pretty good role to fakeclaim as since martyr is a standard enough town role and it worked out well that way. AG sheeted LW for no real reason except DLE, and Sam, thought it would be Top Kek to keep hooking LW. This play actually made DLE/Gale doubt that LW was ALLSTARS because they couldn't figure out why Sam would have them hook his own teammate. As usual LW and Sam have some conflict or other. FSR LW kept a lot of village sheet info from his teammates... he got some 'Nam flashback PTSD and started acting like he really was village, or something. He never lynched Sam like they had planned they might need to because zorbees kept getting ALMOSTS inspections and then they lynched DLE, which was Suspicious that an ALLSTAR never got lynched imo. I am not really sure why he kept so much info from his team. Flyhn was never on IRC and never talked to anyone and I'm pretty sure every townsperson assumed Sam was mafia by process of elimination, he had come out and talked to DLE so they also knew he was mafia... I just don't understand why he and Sam never really worked together to take advantage of LW being on the sheet.
I also think they misplayed by martyring Gale. This required absolute trust in Blazade to not switch targets and was riskier than needed. Gale was choking hard and genuinely believed penguin was the ALLSTAR at that point in time so his kill that night was on penguin, who was on Sam along with jalmont. IMO LW should have martyred Blazade and forced the BG onto him, or just idled it. There was no absolute need to try and block Gale's kill at that point in time, imo, however I also do know Gale was 'wasting' it on penguin so my hindsight may be 20/20. Then again, maybe the other villagers wouldn't have lynched Gale realizing they'd lose to the ALLSTARS if they finished off the ALMOSTS that day?
LW got onto the sheet through dumb luck but I think played too effectively for the village and for some reason didn't tell Sam enough.
This role was originally Layell after BIGS but I had a whim of fondness for old jiggly and changed it.

UncleSam / pokemonrocks777 / Switchguard / ALLSTARS / Lynched Day Five
"SUB ME OUT OF THIS FARCE" oh, my god, shut. the heck. UP. I am sure people like lurking any game with Sam and me involved just for the inevitable pathetic internet spat between us. Because for some reason he thinks he's entitled to having roles changed or modified to be what he wants them to be just because he doesn't like how they currently are. Bruh if you want a backup to work the way you think it should, GO DESIGN YOUR OWN STANDARD. Don't endlessly complain and throw a fit demanding to be subbed out because I have a different opinion of how a role should/can work than you do. I don't sub you out to save you the embarrassment of being this subforum's head mod and still throwing tantrums at one of the two people regularly hosting games in it. If I didn't care I wouldn't bother to design a game, write PMs, host it, put in the time to answer questions DURING MY INTERNSHIP and STILL put up with KNOWING you will throw some gd tantrum my way. So don't demand to sub out because "why should I care when host doesn't" if I didn't there wouldn't be a gd game just more of your dead af subforum when Walrein and I are between games (and nobody else starts one). My games are fast-paced, meant to be quick and fun, not the labor-intensive bigs we had in the past. Your "my way or the highway" dictatorship routine is part of why this place is half dead, it's unfun to play against and crappy to deal with as a host. I don't give a rip if you want THE LOGIC behind my priority system (as if) just learn when to stop arguing. Especially with me when I just give you troll answers because I am over it and done trying to explain myself to you, when you refuse to accept/understand what I have explained. I don't know what more you want to know besides "this role is supposed to absorb on this night and be used the next night" and I don't care if you think that's a very weak role, that's the point? Maybe even too weak. But arguing with me about it is NOT going to change a single thing. I definitely didn't make any 'biased' hosting decisions against your team this game either.
This game also made me realize except when we're both village, we've never been on the same team together. I don't know if NeverLucky RNG or just hosts wanting to watch the fireworks when we inevitably get into it with each other. I was never on a team with LightWolf until I recruited him in MP2 either but this must be an even longer record to never be on an informed faction together. Even when we're both town we still have to fight and squabble like in the NOC where I WAS TOTALLY RIGHT and Sam mislynched HD HAH told u so. Every gd game some argument or other.
Pretty sure he gets off on it.
This game LW didn't really tell him enough village info for him to help plan their demise and he was by far the clearest ALLSTAR to lynch on D5. He actually had a minor misplay when he told Flyhn to vote something that clearly showed him to be ALLSTAR because up until that point, the villagers/Gale weren't 100% sure who the last 3 townies were. Flyhn doing so revealed all. Not a huge deal but he could've kept the village confusion going a bit more by not exposing that. I will give him some credit for his village tyranny... a smart, cautious leader does the village well.
This role SGed evens and BGed odds. Unfortunately when they really needed the BG up, it wasn't. But that's how the RNG cookie crumbles, boys.

Flyhn / Shining Latios / Inspector / ALLSTARS / Lynched Day Six
Standard inspector which was more than the other mafia had. He wasn't really that active. Not much to say. He just followed Sam/LW's orders then was the last one alive and he didn't really negotiate with the village or Gale to try and save himself. Not that he could've, but he could've perhaps insisted he wasn't the robot voter and gotten the village to no lynch, saving himself for that day? He was pretty sunk, Sam seemed to think there were circumstances he could win in but I did believe he was a complete goner because Gale had no reason to do anything but lynch him and his role just wasn't very good for surviving against 3 villagers.

The ALLSTARS were doing well until the Reign of Terror Gale unleashed on them. They were definitely in a position to win until Gale turned Blazade away from LW and they misplayed using their martyr on LW without Sam's BG being up. However for some reason Sam and LW outright refuse to trust and work with each other, resulting in them not communicating and often disagreeing without really considering the other's action suggestions as much as they should've. I think this team could've worked more efficiently as a unit as a result. Instead they were like heh only one ALMOST left it's GG boys and then wiped.

These guys were things that Almost came to pass but were never actually in an ALLCAPS game. They got DLE/shade/billy onto their team along with Gale. They all looked at their convo and said "op team blokes" then none of them REALLY did work. They all didn't claim except Gale who claimed the wrong thing. They also got luckhaxed by zorbees inspecting 2 of them and LW-leader getting the third via Flyhn. I think this team proves that experienced pros aren't necessarily the best team. They tend to get complacent because of thinking one of the others will do the work or thinking "great team guys it'll go well" OR being randomed by their enemies, which happened here. All 3 of them got inspected by N1. Gale was the only one to survive the great inquisition and luckily he had the absolute best role to solo win with. DLE helped coach him even though they would come to vastly different conclusions.

shade / Red Panda / Action Line Inspector + Tracker / ALMOSTS / Lynched Day Two
Red Panda I don't consider an ALLCAPS game and I am pretty sure rightly so, as people enjoyed it way more than any other game LOL. All shade got was the two action lines: You are a XXXer and Every night.... And he also got who his target targeted that night, which allowed for the tracker fake claim. It did confuse them a bit as they couldn't tell who was what with zorbees, but they accurately pinned jalmont as village due to seeing he's a rogue and what kind of mafia has a rogue, right? He was the first to go as zorbees' n1 inspect. Couldn't do a ton and never had a claim.
billymills / Sora / Goon Inheritor / ALMOSTS / Lynched Day Three
Sora was not in Heartless, based on Kingdom Hearts, which was also not an ALLCAPS game, so here he is. billy was zorbees' n0 inspect so he really never had a chance. He began the game as a mafia goon with no role except the ability to kill and would receive the role of his first teammate to die. He got shade's role which gave them info on sunny004 then was summarily lynched and accepted his fate. He also never had a claim to the village. I think either of these two would have been likely subjects for a D1 lynch for not claiming, over either of the two rogue claims. He contributed some but wasn't much of a mastermind.

Da Letter El / The PINK's Chances / Hooker / ALMOSTS / Lynched Day Four
"wouldn't it be funny if we hooked lightwolf all game guys" "lol k" then Sam over there: "yeah do it." He and Gale had a difficult time pinning LW down as ALLSTARS because of this play, kudos to Sam for telling DLE to hook his own teammate despite LW's misgivings about it lmao. I'm pretty sure Gale thought zorbees was village inspector and kept wanting to kill him and DLE was like "no he's clearly ALLSTARS look at his role, we don't want to kill them yet" and would dismiss some of Gale's suppositions accordingly... you should trust Gale more! He may be paranoid and overthink things but his instincts weren't half wrong this game! After his death he was the one mostly coaching Gale, the other two chipped in infrequently but he was definitely trying to help Gale figure out how to win. Props to him for staying active. He had wanted to either claim or counterclaim hooker, or make some play, but wound up not finding a suitable fakeclaim for it and not doing it.

Gale Wing Srock / James T Kirk / Alias Maker + BPV / ALMOSTS / Won
Little Gale on the mod squad. There have been a couple different Star Trek characters in ALLCAPS games but never Kirk. That combined to give him sort of my role in Sam's MP2, wherein I made the Max aliases with TOS characters including KirkMax. I wanted to put that in this game so Gale got to make LetterMaxes, one of which would tank the first kill directed at his team. This was never broken until very late in the game when Flyhn popped it, because the other three were lynched. I agree this role was the best mafia role as the Max was also an extra vote that the mafia definitely didn't need. It makes more sense in a game with a vigilante as well... I think this was too much of a holdover from the 14-man village design and I should have changed it, or the Maxes should've been the village mayor. I think it was a fun role, though.
The Maxes could be controlled, they would automatically vote with Gale IF he voted, or he could order them to vote someone besides his vote, or order them to vote if he wasn't. At first there seemed to be no method to his madness but him having the Max vote with Flyhn one day made the village EXTREMELY confused. They knew the noble UMax tanked an ALLSTAR kill but thought maybe Flyhn was the one it voted with, due to the Maxes never voting with Gale. Well Played.
Gale definitely almost choked. His random kill on jalmont instead of the sitting duck Blazade was Interesting but fortunately the village believed their rogues would do more work than they actually could've upon reviving. He would also way overthink who was who... for some reason he was dead set penguin was mafia and aimed his kill at penguin instead of Sam or LW the night LW martyred him. He was able to convince Blazade to not BG LW, somehow, which I am somewhat surprised at as Gale was coming to the wrong conclusions and not laying out his evidence LW was mafia clearly enough. He had all the clues, some of which he got right and others he was too paranoid about. I think the clearest kill if he couldn't decide between LW and penguin that night (penguin who he knew would make his vote 0 if telling the truth) was US who was VERY CLEARLY scum after coming out with it to DLE.
Gale also choked in telling a couple people he was James T Kirk the villager, not realizing/researching properly Kirk had never been in a game and was very clearly scum, then. He told it to Maleovex D1 but as a newbie he didn't make much of it, this could've saved Maleovex if he realized and gotten Gale lynched D1. A huge misplay by him that, luckily for his team, was overlooked.
Gale was able to get the villagers to vote off Flyhn, ensuring his win as long as he killed Blazade. He definitely tried his little scummy heart out. Props to him, his efforts in this game warranted the win.

The ALMOSTS got freakin nuked in the lynch lol but luckily for them, the one role that COULD win without its team was the one that stayed alive. Their general activity/efforts were probably a bit low but DLE and especially Gale could see the light at the end of the tunnel and stuck it through to victory, knowing they NEEDED to get Blazade off LW and onto Gale to save FMax from being broken too early. The village likely could've won if Blazade had idled or BGed neither LW nor Gale.

MVP: Gale, he made the LCS Big Play of convincing Blazade off LW at a critical martyr time and was the lone member of his team left, able to negotiate well enough with the villagers despite getting in his head. Also credit to the great woman behind this great man, DLE, whispering in his ear.
Best Villager: LightWolf nah Best Village Play would be the last three, Blazade, jalmont and penguin344. They were ultimately and unfortunately wrong about how helpful the rogues would be when they needed to stealth Gale. I don't think they were wrong for this conclusion, though, thinking it was Gale who was choking by voting Flyhn. jalmont had been involved in village things all game and Blazade was willing to step up as a newbie
Mafian Who Really Needs To Stop Bickering: UncleSam (and LightWolf), he almost lynched his teammate D1 and struggled to get the lynch off LW when he placed his vote and they never worked well together, keeping info secret which I don't get on LW's part. Plus he was chucking a fat ole fit over Slim's role to me. Stop discouraging your hosts from hosting. You don't have enough to spare to chase more off.
Most Likely To Be Mislynched: The Whale, the Rogue. 100% mislynch rate. WHEN. WILL. YOU. LEARN.
Best YOLO: Blazade moving off BGing 'village leader' LW
Best Quote: "you wanted to wash your toe nails with the last drop of drinking water I had" Gale to Sam

Thank you everyone for playing <3, I hope you guys had fun even if this wasn't the best-balanced game for the village. As for my next game, there's a small chance it'll be multi but I'm more than likely going to do another 2mafia1village game with a slightly different theme than usual. I've been wanting to do a Mons themed game for years so let's get it. No ETA on that, we have Blazade's and Walrein's running and the upcoming Official Big and maybe others will also have games so I'm not fussed on when it starts.

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Chwa for no reason!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
i talked to dle a lot about the game as it was winding down, i pretty much played as if there were 3 mafias on each team and not 4 which led a lot of my decisions. i probably should have claimed to aura d1 but i didnt really expect all the rogue nonsense lol, although i was never happy with the maleovex lynch (thought penguin would have been better out of the two). but like i said, a lot of my decisions were based on the assumption that the numbers would be 11-3-3 and not 9-4-4
I went to blazade the night LW died to talk to him about not BGing lightwolf but then I got into my head that he was actually the last mafia and that there was no BG?? lol but it worked out so props to him for not BGing LW which I think was a very smart move (props to Gale too for persuading him not to do that as well i guess???)

I still feel like the ALMOSTS really threw the game given what a commanding position they were in. I really feel like LW was in an amazing position to create a lot of chaos within the village, but then he never really did anything with that power? Maybe I have the line of events wrong of who was on the sheet when, but I think once AG dies, if US counterclaims BG or something and Flyhn claims literally anything, it makes the endgame a lot harder for anybody in the village because of guessing as to which people are mafia. It was really easy post-lw dying at the end to mark who was the mafia because of that. Honestly, they probably could've won if they decided to kill them off early and deal with the village separately.

Me and penguin originally wanted to hold off on voting pokeguy but blazade really wanted to so we just went with that. I said okay mainly because I thought it wouldn't matter as I felt that Gale would actually want to vote flyhn in that position and I actually didn't expect him to do that (and I thought that pokeguy was also a mayor fsr), but in hindsight I definitely feel my first instinct of holding off on voting and waiting until Gale voted was the right one. At that stage in the game, it was impossible for us to really know what Gale wanted to do, and waiting would've allowed us to react to what Gale did.

gg all was fun


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I think you're overestimating by a lot how much me/LW bickered this game. I wasn't happy that LW never told us anything and I think we would've won if he had been more open with info, but we were both respectful of each other's action choices and both made sure that everyone was on board with all the role decisions made. Certainly could've been cleaner between us and if we had worked well we would've won, but I don't think that it was a huge factor that led to our loss.

We pretty much lost due to getting outplayed, plain and simple. Blazade tricked LW (LW was really sure he was getting protected) and I trusted DLE/Gale to be true scumbuddies and make the village a kingmaker when they had zero intention of doing that and preferred to take their chances with jalmont's role. Idk how calculated out that was but hey it worked out for them.

Glad to see a game with such high activity from all sides, and I think this is the first game in a while with no substitutes necessary? Kudos to the players itg, everyone did pretty well even the relatively less active ones; even the few mistakes in the game were justified except for the pretty bad D1 lynch.

We've talked a fair bit about Slim's role so I'll leave that in the ether at this point. It had zero impact on this game and is just a philosophical dispute.

And ya there was a lot we could've done if LW had told me no one else was on the sheet, we definitely could've gotten jalmont/penguin on board (or Blazade/jalmont on board depending on what we claimed). I was thinking of claiming reverse martyr to AG if he didn't die, but after he did we kind of all-inned on the villagers trusting LW, so kudos to everyone who didn't trust him.
Idk I knew pokeguy was never throwing to us here, so it was really a matter of whether Gale was just going to decide to mislynch or no lynch.

Like he came into irc and was like "no lynch guys right?" and I said why not lynch pokeguy and he was like "K cool" but never voted. He was clearly reacting to us there.

No lynch bet on the same rogue garbage as any other plan with an added coin flip bonus round, but also probably just led to kingmaker. Perhaps if we knew our rogue effects but the mafia didn't this would indeed have been the best risk.

Plus neither Gale nor the village knew how that turned out. I had thought Penguin's rogue blocked the mayor vote initially and no one was aware of Jalmont's rogue effect. I knew it had to be weaker than Walrein and Maleovex but honestly there were many weaker abilities than Kill reverse and All town backup that would be sufficient to break a tie. If penguin killed the robot vote, even if he never revived or delay revived we win, if Jalmont picked up a vig shot or something instead of just a straight kill reverse that would have worked too.
I feel that Yeti's analysis of my play is mostly fair. However, I would not have made that gamble if I'd known it was 10v4v4 and not a 12v3v3, which changed the odds by significant bit. (Also, had I lived, I woulda fed some misinfo to LW, provided Zorb's inspection had gone through.)

But yeah, my performance here is ... something I sorta foresaw and why I didn't WANT to step up... but no one else was then...


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Actually AG I think your explanation makes a lot of sense; you probably should've sheeted Blazade before LW, but Martyr is a pretty reliable claim to sheet and you didn't have better options I'm told? The fact that it was 9v4v4 wasn't something anyone who was village could've predicted, it probably would've helped a lot if one of the rogues were a numbers guy or something.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
i talked to dle a lot about the game as it was winding down, i pretty much played as if there were 3 mafias on each team and not 4 which led a lot of my decisions. i probably should have claimed to aura d1 but i didnt really expect all the rogue nonsense lol, although i was never happy with the maleovex lynch (thought penguin would have been better out of the two). but like i said, a lot of my decisions were based on the assumption that the numbers would be 11-3-3 and not 9-4-4
I think believing it was 11-3-3 was a common sentiment on the village and a very logical one and quite possibly one I should have gone with instead of reconsidering after I'd cut them to 3. I know it threw a couple people off when DLE was lynched and there was no announcement the ALMOSTS had been eliminated. AG just said above he also thought it was 11-3-3 and that also impacted his decision on who to sheet.
I still feel like the ALMOSTS really threw the game given what a commanding position they were in. I really feel like LW was in an amazing position to create a lot of chaos within the village, but then he never really did anything with that power? Maybe I have the line of events wrong of who was on the sheet when, but I think once AG dies, if US counterclaims BG or something and Flyhn claims literally anything, it makes the endgame a lot harder for anybody in the village because of guessing as to which people are mafia. It was really easy post-lw dying at the end to mark who was the mafia because of that. Honestly, they probably could've won if they decided to kill them off early and deal with the village separately.
Assume u mean ALLSTARS and I agree. I don't think they made any LCS Big Plays with LW on the sheet and felt to be clean as the martyr. LW just lynched the other mafia but didn't really elevate his team into a position of success which I think he could and should have based on inertia he was the leader. By the time anyone realized he was Not Actually Town and mislynching villagers or he got rid of Gale the next day it would've been too late and in fact if Blazade didn't get the BG off LW that night they could've lynched Gale that day and it'd be over assuming Gale didn't make a miraculously-heard plea.

I think this repeated the same mistake zorbees made in Democracy Mafia where he didn't put his teammates down on the sheet as clean, except jumpluff but even then didn't push that hard enough. And then gave Snype access to the sheet. People are all too willing to believe whatever's on their village sheet and it can be hard to ascertain the truth if the roles relevant in cleaning the people on it are dead... if LW had down 'zorbees inspected US and got BG' after AG died jalmont would've never questioned it, probably, and mislynched Blazade. I'm not sure why they never tried to make a play like this and left Flyhn as pretty much nothing, they could've put him down as a sheriff for heaven's sakes.
Of course the Other problem with Democracy was that stupid "must have accurate WC info" role and I was SO dead set that Sam had 1 more member than he did and was lying to me/the village because the info that was wrong was Actually the mole... after my team bounced tf out on me.

I commend AG for stepping up to lead when nobody else would and at least allowing not-a-mafia to lead from the start, and also for getting out actions so quickly. Just the rogue analysis and LW sheeting were very dubious decisions. I do think the BG over the Martyr was the SAFER call but it's not at all like Martyr is a terrible pick to sheet, just it was unproven. I don't fault him for going for the Martyr claim to sheet just sheeting someone with no REAL evidence he's clean especially with a BG claim which is imo more surefire.

I do think that DLE had the Way to Win mapped out more than Sam thought he did. I think they were willing to take the gamble jalmont's rogue wasn't going to be a big enough factor and penguin's wouldn't negate the Max's vote. Which it easily could have, had I designed it differently as a role. DLE felt that if Gale killed Blazade he could 2v2 the rogues and win. Gale felt he could at least tie the game and be in a permanent deadlock depending on the rogue's effects. So they both felt Flyhn was superfluous and they had absolutely no reason to keep him around longer as they felt kingmaker was the riskier move over Gale going 1v3. Which turned out to be accurate and a good decision.

I also think Blazade was too impulsive on the Flyhn lynch and jalmont/penguin had the right idea to wait on what Gale did. Had they convinced Gale to lynch Flyhn, which is exactly what he wanted to happen because he didn't want a no lynch, then at the last second stealthed Gale, they would have won. But I don't really fault them/Blazade for lynching Flyhn under the assumption either of the two rogues would come back with something that allowed them to win, and in fact if penguin's role had not been designed to stay dead but instead revived, they would've won by lynching Gale 2-1 when Gale's vote went to 0 and the Max was too weak. Assuming Gale didn't double-kill jalmont who would only revive once, before trying penguin. It's hard to say if Gale could've been outsmarted or overthought it, or even agreed to a draw when there wasn't actually one. He was definitely getting tripped up in his own head, which is good he was thinking so much about it but also risky to overthink.

Also yeah this game needed no subs and every action was always in, never missed one, even if I had to poke a few times bc I had every action but that one or two. Good job Circus!

sammykins let's work together next game k we have a poor track record when we don't <3
mostly bc making u lose feels so Good man
The kill players with an 's' theory is pretty interesting Yeti, didn't see it that way ha ha.

Well the night I wanted Slim to be killed, this was my thought process. We didn't get a kill target from the Allstars, and we didn't know who the Allstar who contacted DLE was (DLE didn't share it in the convo at that point), and Slim had claimed a non-rogue role while being 50/50 town/Allstar in his talks and ITT posts.

I figured if we killed Slim, best case we would get a decent village role out of the game, and worst case we would tie with Allstars in numbers.

The night LW martyred me, US came to me for a negotiation to not target him for the kill. I think US was assuming that we had the info of the other Allstars at this point, which we unfortunately did not have.
Session Start: Wed Apr 27 18:21:18 2016
Session Ident: UncleSam
[18:21] <Gale> Sorry I screwed up pretty bad :(
[18:21] <Gale> Are you and Penguin the only allstars?
[18:22] <UncleSam> ?
[18:22] <UncleSam> how did you screw up?
[18:23] <Gale> I told Penguin that I am scum :(
[18:23] <UncleSam> i wouldnt worry about it
[18:24] <Gale> So shall I kill Penguin, I mean it won't be troubling for you right?
[18:24] <UncleSam> gale
[18:24] <UncleSam> you can do
[18:24] <UncleSam> anything you want
[18:24] <UncleSam> <3
[18:24] <Gale> Lol okay
[18:24] <Gale> <3
[18:39] <Gale> US lemme know who you are killing
[18:39] <Gale> I will kill LW if you tell me, and Penguin if you don't [At this point I thought Penguin was Allstars with US]
[18:41] <UncleSam> y u threaten me like dis :(
[18:41] <Gale> Not threatening :(
[18:41] <Gale> I have no idea so I am trying to see if I can be helpful
[18:41] <UncleSam> honestly gale im going to rng it among the villagers
[18:42] <UncleSam> if you want me to kill someone lmk
[18:42] <Gale> How about LW?
[18:42] <UncleSam> i can do that
[18:42] <Gale> Hmm okay, then let me get Flynn [Flyhn hadn't spoke to anyone I had spoken to, so I assumed he is more likely Allstars or a powerful village role, and I was trying to find out if US was okay with a Flyhn kill. Which he was okay with, so I assumed Flyhn to be village at this point.]
[18:42] <Gale> *Fingers Crossed* for no rogue
[18:43] <Gale> Btw I fed Penguin a whole lot of crap thinking he is town
[18:43] <Gale> I heard from Yeti later that LPV is big nooby claim lol
[18:44] <UncleSam> how do you mean
[18:45] <UncleSam> did you claim lpv
[18:45] <Gale> Yeah lol I claimed Bpv and Lpv bot
[18:45] <UncleSam> lol
[18:45] <UncleSam> i mean
[18:45] <UncleSam> you survived
[18:45] <UncleSam> so it worked
[18:46] <Gale> Well I wanted something else but :/
Session Close: Wed Apr 27 19:44:02 2016
Regarding the kingmaker deal by US. I would have taken that in less than a heartbeat if they had not driven the lynch on DLE the previous day [and literally forced me to vote with them for survival chances]. Even if LW was town, I was expecting Allstars to atleast not support / resist a lynch on DLE since his WC wasn't proved to town as Shade or Billy's.

So by the time DLE was lynched, I was already mad at Allstars for not saving DLE, when we had no reliable winning plays left in the game. We were literally just hanging around to be picked off in the end game, but they decided that wasn't enough and took out DLE.

Then Sam came to me and asked me not to target him for the kill. Which I respected because Sam has done a lot for me before. But then he didn't give me any game info, wasn't telling me who to kill and was fishing me for info. This really really pissed me off. Like dude, I am like in my last strands and have no outs and you are here to milk me for info that will ensure your win? o_0

I would have probably thrown the game to US if one of those things hadn't happened (DLE lynch / milking for info from an almost dead cow). But at this point I was sure of one thing, Kingmaker was not Almosts only out left, it was Allstars play to force Almosts into not siding with the village.

I had set my mind to go down on my own terms at this point, so I pleaded my case to anyone I could find and believed Penguin is village. But after my talks with him, I started feeling that he is Allstars *facepalm*

I literally pleaded Blazade to BG me instead of LW, DLE gave me a set of logical evidences to prove LW is most likely Allstars, but most of them didn't resonate with my thinking and I wasn't sure if I could pull it off naturally.
So I told Blazade that LW had to be Allstar because he wasn't trusting him with info of other townies (not even one, and we were nearing end game) and I was the last of the Almosts and have no chance but to side with the village and be truthful. I think honestly trusting Blazade with almost all of my info at that point, was the reason he decided to BG me over LW. Since what ever happened that night, Blazade would come out the next day with more clarity on who is being truthful to him.

Tl;dr the plays I made were bold and risky, and I got lucky on quiet a few occasions to pull off a win. But all of this wouldn't have been possible if DLE was not lynched that day. I don't think I would have been as motivated to go for the win if things were different.

I would like to thank DLE, Blazade, Jalmont, and Yeti for a good experience this game. I had fun, and have no hard feelings. Cheers folks!


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Idk man

I told DLE to kill Blazade the night you killed Slim

I told you all our roles and told you that my partner would vote for Blazade so that you'd know who it was, since you wanted to know, and I told you everything I knew about the village. I'm not sure why you still seem to think I was info fishing, I literally just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't going to hold a grudge if you killed an Allstar but that I wanted to keep negotiating the next day after you did, in the worst case where the Allstars didn't just instantly win.

Like I mean it worked out for you either way, I'm just really wondering what else I could've done in talking with you. You seem to think I wronged you somehow, which I mean I guess I lied the last night about who I was killing but come on, we both had to kill each other at that point, there was no other logical choice for either of us. I figured that was assumed...

I never asked you to throw the game, I just asked you to put it to kingmaker between us. Which you didn't do, and it turns out you had a better chance of winning by not doing, so you obviously made the right choice. Just not sure I get what you were pissed off at me for?
I probably should have pushed harder on zorbees. I either had the choice to hope he was an allstar, or immediately get into a 50/50 lynch with him. I thought for sure he'd try and get me lynched day 1, so I figured he had to be allstar when he didn't react to me lynching him (got completely outplayed).

I tried telling zorbees to kill blazade night 1, but unfortunately he decided against it :(

We were lucky in that our best lategame role was the last one to be lynched. This ended up being our only saving grace.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
i got Curious and went to my logs
wow i need a life so i have a better thing to procrastinate doing hw for

how. times. CHANGE:

(12:15:09 pm) <UncleSam> yo
09(12:15:16 pm) <Yeti> hi
(12:15:20 pm) <UncleSam> join redwall mafia plz
(12:15:31 pm) <UncleSam> we need good players
(12:15:42 pm) <UncleSam> or it will be like LotF -_-
09(12:15:44 pm) <Yeti> i would
09(12:15:54 pm) <Yeti> except i leave monday w/ no internet access for 4 days
09(12:15:59 pm) <Yeti> :C
(12:16:03 pm) <UncleSam> -_-
(12:16:06 pm) <UncleSam> curses
(12:16:45 pm) <UncleSam> no one plays standard mafia anymore
09(12:17:35 pm) <Yeti> :[
09(12:17:49 pm) <Yeti> i would join but
09(12:17:51 pm) <Yeti> no net =\
(12:17:56 pm) <UncleSam> i dont blame you
(12:18:01 pm) <UncleSam> just saying
(12:18:24 pm) <UncleSam> everyone waits for expert
(12:18:32 pm) <UncleSam> and there is like 1 expert game at a time
(12:18:40 pm) <UncleSam> for some reason
09(12:19:25 pm) <Yeti> yeah poor standard is victim of the mass influx of new mafia players
09(12:19:36 pm) <Yeti> but no experienced players want to join any of the 3 games
09(12:19:41 pm) <Yeti> instead it's expert only
Session Close: Sat Jul 17 18:45:43 2010

(6:57:30 pm) <UncleSam> i might make up a whole mafia game in a few hours
09(6:57:33 pm) <Yeti> i have to vacation in a week anyways
(6:57:35 pm) <UncleSam> or havae something sitting for months

(6:25:55 pm) <UncleSam> yo jpluff isnt signing up so i can guarantee you samus if you sign up js
09(6:26:12 pm) <Yeti> what does she do
(6:26:48 pm) <UncleSam> buttfucks all who oppose her
09(6:26:57 pm) <Yeti> if that's wolf
09(6:27:01 pm) <Yeti> i hate being a neutral
09(6:27:01 pm) <Yeti> :|
(6:27:05 pm) <UncleSam> its not wolf
(6:27:14 pm) <UncleSam> just extra powerful
^lying ratchet hoe AINT LOYAL

does ne1 remember 2k10 when sam would ask me to join every single game he hosted/played in......... sammy what happened to us :( legit every month there's a different log of him asking me to play in smth

(11:59:52 am) <UncleSam> are you the awakening
(11:59:56 am) <UncleSam> or do you know the awakening
09(12:00:25 pm) <Yeti> no but i can loan you an alarm clock


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I really only kept one thing from my team, and that was the real info on the info role and his results, because I wanted to avoid Freudian slips when only 3 people were meant to know the info role was a full inspect and got billy as well. Other than that I came to them with all the claims as soon as they came in, be it Gale's claim, if anything it seemed like I was telling less, was because we hit people with inspects just as they claimed, like zorbees or jalmont. There wasn't really anything chaotic to do in messing up the village, my position was always hanging on this very thin thread since I never got cleaned and the only reason I was leading that after me AG got too paranoid to give the sheet to zorbees before he died. We did use what we knew p well in making sure zorbees died and shit. Sure we could have had US or Flyhn claim something to shake shit up, but I wasn't gonna force either of them, and after I pasted them the sheet neither of them really came forward suggesting to do so either. So all in all, I just held the info and could not make moves without risking blowing my cover way too early, and we had the roles to just manipulate what the village gets to accomplish without having to tell them targets. I mean what roles did we have to manipulate anyways, it's p clear I couldn't lie to the BG, nor direct the inspect, and sunny's role was mostly negative on anyone but info roles. Yeah I was playing the game pretty pro village, but A. that's what got me this far without being thrown under a bus and B. I was still having the village fucked as much as possible, orchestrating their demise. Our final move was based on lacking info and I'm saddened that we had not inspected Gale earlier, but in the end said play was solely based on the fact we assumed Gale would kill US 9 times out of 10, which arguably was the correct assumption, even if the BG had failed to be on me, we'd still lose one member logically speaking(though yes, my role was superior to US's in that I could be unkillable while Blazade is around). And while yes the correct play would turn out to be Martyring Blazade, we'd have still lost the following lynch and by my math we'd be kingmakers anyways unless Gale fucks up(and yeah I didn't expect Blazade to not protect me even if he has suspicions simply because the other path had no chance for the village anyways, though I only went over that with jalmont, my mistake there), there turns out to be never being a chance for us to win, simply because Gale's role is so polarizing, while we lost our frankly best role to accidental crossfire. I do wish I could have lynched an ALLSTARS(cough US cough) but I was just never given a chance to, jalmont kinda forced my hand on the DLE lynch after DLE confirmed his role, lynching the hooker was too big for us, honestly I wish I could have reasonably gone with a Gale lynch at that point, but it was kinda not feasible to convince jalmont Gale was DLE's partner, due to Gale's result being too contradictory with DLE's role yet so damning for Gale's claim, DLE kinda spelled it out that Gale had a role he'd not wish to reveal yet he p much, through process of elimination confirmed it to be the Gmax role, which meant there was more to it. I even suggested it to DLE that okay I will lynch his partner instead, that was the prelude to him breaking contact p much, he likely didn't want me to keep prodding after that, sucks I couldn't sell that one.

tl;dr: There was a grand total of 1 thing I specifically kept from my team until it was safe to tell them with AG dead, and I didn't have much beef with US other than that and we did plan together, but math shows we were kinda fucked already at that point anyways, whatever we choose. Also the game was good, I enjoyed the faking rule change, both for making far less stressed when faking and far less annoyed as I would have to look through every fucking role PM when I took over trying to locate at least the ALMOSTS in the claims. 4 rogue village is also fucking powerful, I have never seen a village that scares mafia so much late game without just being broken or lucky.
for what it's worth yeti i definitely prefer playing as mafia to being a villager, so im never gonna complain that i get mafia every time. I think I've used the role absorber claim twice (this game and in MAGMAfia 1), though i think it's a good claim if you actually have that role (wasn't a big deal here because i got brutally murdered but in magmafia it kept me alive until near endgame). i was actually thinking of claiming my ecco the dolphin role from magmafia, but then AG claimed a role that he'd had in a previous game and i decided it was too unlikely.

all in all in enjoyed this game, thanks for hosting :)

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