
Lol, just wondering does anyone here play DotA, or used to play DotA, or has just started DotA etc.?

I kind of just got back into it where I'd play casually. I must say though the old versions were better with these nerfs, new heroes, new items and such kind of wrecks the fun out of it. My favourite map for DotA was probably 6.38b. My favourite heroes are Silencer, Vengeful Spirit and Clinkz.

So anyone here play competitively?

I used to play DotA last year, never played competitively, but was a VIP member on Dota-League. My fave hero was Rexxar he was the only one I actually played with consistently, usually I'd just random.

Haven't got my WC3 cd key or anything so probably won''t play again, but you never know. What's then ew map like? Who's the newest hero(es), last one I remember getting added was the Faerie Dragon.
I play DotA sometimes, but not very ofter, my shitty computer can just barely run it, and I get huge lag when in combat with more then two people.
I play Visage most of the time.
What a coincidence, I just started getting back into DotA about a week ago..
IMO it's gone a bit downhill (like everything always does) and now virtually every pub I get into has its fair share of tower-skipping-Axe cheapness etc.

But I never played in any leagues or w/e; I'm sure it's better there. If anything getting back into Wc3 has kind of showed me how fun RTS actually are and now Starcraft 2 is starting to look even more awesome.

BTW, did anyone play ladder games on US-West about a year after TFT came out? Does anyone remember Clan STD (ranked about #7 at its peak I believe)? I founded that shit :-D
Dota Pub games are so bad, I play on Northrend which makes it worse. I always end up playing with 4 germans who speak terrible English and ignore me for the majority of the game, for Europeans Dota-League is one of the best places to find a game imo.

Even though I only laddered in Europe I do remember Clan STD, because I used to go on to Us-West to talk.
TDA games tend to be better than pubs by a slight margin (and it's not too hard to get in, 25 ladder wins or doing some forum stuff). I play it occasionally, nothing competitive though.

My favorite hero was QoP, before the blink nerf anyways.
Well for one thing is that they completely changed Lifestealer. His beginning stats, stats gain, skills have all changed... The new items are alright but they changed some of the old ones. Eg. Guinsoo's Scythe or whatever its called has changed the recipe and is now harder to get. What it used to be was you get Eul's Scepter and Oblivion Staff, now you don't get Oblivion Staff and you instead get Mystic Staff and Ultimate Orb and Void Stone and you now don't have the benefits of using Eul's Scepter with the nice disable. Well yeah, it's changed alot that's all...
I loved dota! Good times. My favorite heros were Drow Ranger, Moon rider, and my all time favorite, shadow shaman. I loved hiding behind the trees in the bottom/top lane, hexing an opponent, sticking them in between wards, and shackling there ass lol. And i miss the good old days when the moon rider's ultimate was broken, all the beams would go at once lol. version 5.36 was it? lol...

i dont play competitively, but i was pretty damn good! I still have TFT installed....maybe i should play some now lol.
been playing since 6.27b
played a lot of competitive in local and asian tournies, but my clan had problems. I don't play that much anymore, just a few pubs on garena.
Been playing since 6.09b(GO THE LAGGY SAND KING). I don't play very often anymore, so many rage quitters compared to when I used to play actively. And EM (easy mode for people new) is all the pubbies really play, and I get tried of being spoonfed gold. The heroes I use most are support mages(in tournaments), favourites would have to be Earthshaker and Chen.

EDIT: In case people haven't heard of the DotA song.
I used to play Dota, but I gave away my Warcraft 3disks to my friend so I don't anymore. I used N'aix (the lifestealer) a lot, both old and new versions. I can safely say that the new version is far more flexible and efficient in terms of item use.
I used to play DotA for fun and semi-competetively. It was really fun but now I can only play by myself T_T.

My main is Lone Druid BEAR FTW :D
Played since 5.84(b?) . . . back when the same bunch of broken heroes were chosen every game, and their brokenness canceled out resulting in good times. Never played competitively, just for fun.
Still playing, my fav hero is Meepo lol. Hard to use... but if you're good in micro management(Hint: Starcraft) it's a lot easier. And well, a good Meepo will thrash Pubs.

For tourneys... I normally go stunners.
I just started playing again. Last summer i had an awesome friends list but now they're all inactive or deleted me for being inactive. :(

If anyone wants to add me let me know. :)
I don't play that much anymore, but I was decent at Leoric or pretty much any STR hero for that matter.
Garena players are so gay! They often rage quit or lag endlessly making it 5v4. Old Lifestealer when I first randomed him I just thought to myself wtf is this? 4.05 agi gain and a str hero, lol. And Meepo ftw! Net, tab, net, tab, net...! People think he/she is imba, but seriously killing him at early levels felt like killing a creep back when meepo was introduced.

Anyways has anyone played 6.53(the latest one) and that new,ugly, annoying-ass hero Goblin Clockwerk. I honestly hope he gets nerfed. Easy to get kills when he is teamed up with Juggernaut at early levels. Activate Goblin's 1st skill with 15 seconds of 0.75 second stuns + Juggernaut's Blade Fury and theres first blood around the corner.
I never played as him, but EVERYTIME a new hero comes out i see it in every game. Its so annoying, and yes hes hard to kill and that annoying rocket going anywhere on the map is annoying, and that trap.


But i love it when i play my favorite (SS) and he traps me, i hex, ward and shackle bwahahaha.
I never played as him, but EVERYTIME a new hero comes out i see it in every game. Its so annoying, and yes hes hard to kill and that annoying rocket going anywhere on the map is annoying, and that trap.


But i love it when i play my favorite (SS) and he traps me, i hex, ward and shackle bwahahaha.
I love disables esp. from Lion, Impale, attack normally once, hex and finger of death!

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