Electabuzz (QC 3/3) (GP 2/2)




<p>At first glance, Electabuzz appears to be a standard Electric-type. It is fast and decently powerful, yet quite frail. However, access to many coverage options allows it to secure a niche over other NU Pokemon. Electabuzz is an NFE, which means it can use Eviolite and become quite bulkier compared to the other offensive Electric-types in the tier, such as Raichu. Electabuzz has a nice balance of Speed and power, being faster than the mighty Ampharos, yet significantly stronger than the speedster Electrode. Vital Spirit is also an amazing ability for Electabuzz, allowing it to absorb Spore from the ever so common Amoonguss with ease. Nevertheless, despite all of Electabuzz's perks, it still has to compete heavily with many other Electric-types for a slot in a team, as each fulfill a specific niche, so using the incorrect one can be a disaster.</p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Thunderbolt is your primary STAB move, hitting nearly everything that doesn't resist it quite hard, such as Samurott, Emboar, and Sawk. Volt Switch is good to have, as early-game Electabuzz does a solid job at forcing switches, and can keep up momentum as well as well as chip away at the opposition. Hidden Power Ice gives Electabuzz the coveted BoltBeam coverage and allows it to hit Dragon-types such as Altaria and Fraxure very hard, as well as hitting Torterra harder than any other move on the set. While Hidden Power Ice has great coverage, Hidden Power Grass can be used to hit some threats that would otherwise wall the set, such as Seismitoad. Hidden Power Grass also hits Golem harder than anything else. Focus Blast is the best option for the last slot, as it hits Normal-types such as Lickilicky and Miltank hardest, although 70% accuracy can be a huge letdown at times.</p>


<p>Psychic is a cool move that Electabuzz has; it hits Gurdurr and Amoonguss harder than any other choices, although it will cost Electabuzz a lot of coverage, as it is forced to drop an important move on the set. Vital Spirit is a great ability, as it allows Electabuzz to switch in on Amoonguss with minimal risk and hit it with a powerful Hidden Power Ice, while only fearing Sludge Bomb in return. Electabuzz has huge problems with special walls, so powerful Pokemon such as Sawk and Emboar make great teammates for their ability to dispatch them with ease. Musharna, particularly one with Baton Pass, makes a great teammate for Electabuzz as it is capable of passing a Calm Mind or two to it, which makes it a lot easier to sweep. Regirock and Piloswine both provide Stealth Rock for Electabuzz and are also strong enough to hurt threats such as Lickilicky and Ampharos, which would otherwise defeat Electabuzz. Electabuzz hates status with a passion, particularly paralysis, so Lickilicky is a great teammate because of its access to Heal Bell, while also providing Wish support to keep your Electric-type healthy. Static is also a viable ability if you like hax, but isn't nearly as reliable as Vital Spirit.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Unlike the previous set, this set focuses more on revenge killing, as it is one of the best Choice Scarf Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz struggles to compete with Zebstrika and Rotom-S for a teamslot, but is more powerful than the former, and faster and more powerful than the latter. Thunderbolt is the move that is used most often, revenge killing Samurott, Swellow, Gorebyss, and Braviary easily. Volt Switch can be used to KO a weakened Pokemon without losing momentum, but is a lot weaker than Thunderbolt. Hidden Power Ice revenge kills Dragon-types such as Altaria, as well as Ground-types such as Rock Polish Torterra, which can demolish many teams. It also is Electabuzz's best choice against Grass-types such as Serperior that otherwise wall the set with ease. Focus Blast should be used sparingly, as it is a terrible move to be locked into, despite hitting Normal-types such as Cinccino and Kangaskhan harder than any other move.</p>


<p>A Timid nature can be used if you want to outrun faster Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Haunter, Charizard, and Sawsbuck, but the drop in power is noticeable and none of those Pokemon are huge threats in the metagame. Unlike Zebstrika, Electabuzz is not fast enough to revenge kill weather sweepers such as Victreebel, and must instead focus on more standard threats. Not being able to switch attacks sucks, as a single misprediction can really turn the tide of a match, and an Electabuzz locked into a move that isn't Thunderbolt is laughably weak. Torterra has great synergy with Electabuzz and can provide Stealth Rock, making it a handy teammate to have. Ludicolo also is a great partner for Electabuzz, as it appreciates faster threats being removed so it can sweep, while it can also remove Ground-types so Electabuzz can use Volt Switch more freely. When compared to the other common Electric-type Choice Scarf Pokemon, Electabuzz has more power and access to Focus Blast over Zebstrika, and more speed, power, a lack of Stealth Rock weakness, and Focus Blast over Rotom-S, while gaining a Ground-type weakness.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Electabuzz has many more options that it can use. A bulky pivot set with Eviolite is plausible as Electabuzz has solid defensive stats, but is generally outclassed by Ampharos. Electabuzz is one of the few Electric-types capable of going mixed, and has access to Cross Chop to dispatch many of its counters such as Lickilicky, although splitting EVs means a drop in power will be noticeable. Electabuzz can use SubPunch quite well, as many of its common switch-ins are weak to Fighting-type attacks. Choice Specs can be used, but is not recommended as the lack of Speed and ability to switch moves is devastating. Electabuzz can also use Rain Dance and Thunder quite well, but this is generally performed better by Electrode. Signal Beam can be used to hit Musharna and Exeggutor, but doesn't really hit much else. Thunder Wave can be used to cripple the opposition, but Electabuzz is generally better off attacking. Electabuzz can also use Meditate to boost its Attack, as well as a Choice Band, but the Special Attacker set is almost always better, as it isn't as easily walled.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Defeating Electabuzz isn't incredibly difficult, as its Electric-type STAB leaves a lot of potential options to wall it. Opposing Electric-types such as Ampharos aren't afraid of it at all and can chip away at Electabuzz. Ground-types such as Golurk and Marowak can tank a super effective Hidden Power and OHKO in return with Earthquake and Bonemerang, respectively. Piloswine and Camerupt fear nothing from Electabuzz, and each can OHKO easily in return. Muk can tank any attack and fire a powerful Gunk Shot at Electabuzz in return. Bulky Dragonair can use Dragon Dance multiple times in front of Electabuzz, fearing nothing as it can Rest off the damage easily. Gurdurr is bulky enough to tank a few hits, and can heal most of its HP back with Drain Punch. Grumpig and Musharna can also tank Thunderbolts easily, and either paralyze or attack with a powerful Psychic. Stunfisk is an amazing counter to Electabuzz as it is immune to Electric-type attacks, and has a powerful STAB Earth Power that it can use in return. Specially bulky Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Regice can tank attacks quite easily, and respond with their STAB moves. Many powerful Pokemon such as Sawk, Emboar, and Golurk can also each tank a hit and OHKO in return.</p>
  • Mention that Focus Blast is also useful for nailing Steel-types such as Probopass and Bastiodon.
  • Change the second sets name to "Choice Scarf" (Revenge Killer doesn't really sound good to me)
  • Mention Timid on the second set. Not only does Timid beat Scarf Charizard, but also Scarf 95's who run a speed boosting nature, such as Haunter and Sawsbuck. but its weak
  • Mention Ground-types in general have a good time vs. Electabuzz. Often they can take a super effective Hidden Power
  • Thunder Wave in OO??
  • Where you mention Electabuzz's physical movepool, mention Choice Band and Meditate as well (It's like Electabuzz's only set up move and +1 isn't bad???)
  • It can't revenge weather sweepers as well as Zebstrika can
  • Where you mention Ludicolo, mention that it beats most Rock-, Ground- and Steel-types too
  • Basically resisting its Electric-type STAB makes you a decent check
  • It has a good time vs. regen cores that might be noteworthy (alomomola guss)

moar l8r
Change set name to Choice Scarf pls aaaaand


Although there is precedent, I hate the idea of naming sets after an item, especially since this set is a revenge killer, and is just as fitting of a name and gives more insight into the role of the Pokemon(isn't that what set names are generally supposed to do?). We have bulky attackers with Eviolite, the sets are named Bulky Attacker. Special Attacker's keep the name and aren't called Life Orb or something stupid like that.

I'm not sure how Smogon works concerning set names, but I believe it should be the simplest way to tell people the role of the set, and frankly, Revenge Killer is a lot more helpful than Choice Scarf. Choice Scarf tells you nothing about the set at all. But again, there is a precedent in naming it Choice Scarf. Well I can't write this for a few days so I'll probably just ask around
I can think of multiple analyses where the name is Choice Scarf rather than Revenge Killer. A Choice Scarf user can still be considered a Revenge Killer. As seen in Terrakion's OU and Uber analyses. Even though Terrakion can function as a Revenge Killer thanks to its excellent Speed (very much like Electabuzz), its set name is still Choice Scarf. A more relevant comparison would be Zebstrika. Even though its Choice Scarf set primarily functions as an answer to Weather-based sweepers, its set name is still Choice Scarf rather than Revenge Killer. I don't think I've seen an analysis where a set name is Revenge Killer rather than Choice Scarf.
I can think of multiple analyses where the name is Choice Scarf rather than Revenge Killer. A Choice Scarf user can still be considered a Revenge Killer. As seen in Terrakion's OU and Uber analyses. Even though Terrakion can function as a Revenge Killer thanks to its excellent Speed (very much like Electabuzz), its set name is still Choice Scarf. A more relevant comparison would be Zebstrika. Even though its Choice Scarf set primarily functions as an answer to Weather-based sweepers, its set name is still Choice Scarf rather than Revenge Killer. I don't think I've seen an analysis where a set name is Revenge Killer rather than Choice Scarf.

That is what I said, they are called Choice Scarf, but I believe that Choice Scarf is a terrible name for them, since it isn't helpful at all. Before I change it I want to discuss it with C&C mods to learn why they are called Choice Scarf
That is what I said, they are called Choice Scarf, but I believe that Choice Scarf is a terrible name for them, since it isn't helpful at all. Before I change it I want to discuss it with C&C mods to learn why they are called Choice Scarf

we discussed this on irc, but i want to make one of my thoughts clear-er. choice items are a peculiar case in regards to analyses, since generally whenever a choice item is present (unless it is slashed with something like life orb) the set is named after the choice item. the precedent that has been established is to name these sets after the choice items, but at the same time it actually clarifies exactly what the set is to be used for, imo. whenever you find a set named 'choice band' you can expect that it will be on a pokemon with a high attack stat that can take advantage of the massive power that cb gives you and has the coverage or sheer base power in its moves to make the use of cb worthwhile. same goes for choice specs and choice scarf, which fulfill roles that are essentially outlined in the item description.

tl;dr: i'd argue that if you don't know what the purpose of a choice scarf user is, you probably should be looking at guides to learn how to play competitive pokemon, anyway. it's not worth it to step that far away from precedent imo
Amateur check.



<p>At first glance, Electabuzz appears to be a standard Electric-type. It is fast, and decently powerful, yet quite frail, just as most Electric-types are. However, access to many coverage options allow it to secure a niche over other Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz is an NFE, meaning it can use Eviolite and become quite bulky compared to the other offensive Electric-types in the tier, such as Raichu. Electabuzz has a nice balance of Speed and power, being faster then the mighty Ampharos, yet significantly more powerful than the speedster Electrode. Vital Spirit is also an amazing ability for Electabuzz, allowing it to absorb Spore from the ever so common Amoonguss with ease. Despite all the perks of Electabuzz, it still has to compete heavily with many other Electric-types for a teamslot,as each fulfill a specific niche, using the incorrect one can be a disaster.</p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
Ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Thunderbolt is your primary STAB move, hitting nearly everything that doesn't resist it quite hard, such as Samurott, Emboar, and Sawk. Volt Switch is good to have as early game Electabuzz does a solid job at forcing switches, and can keep up momentum as well as do chip away damage at the opposition. Hidden Power Ice gives Electabuzz the coveted BoltBeam coverage, and allows it to hit Dragon-types such as Altaria and Fraxure very hard, as well as hit Torterra harder than any other move on the set. While Hidden Power Ice has great coverage, Hidden Power Grass can be used to hit some threats that would otherwise wall the set, such as Seismitoad. Hidden Power Grass also hits Golem harder than any other move. Focus Blast is the best option for the last slot, as it hits Normal-types such as Lickilicky and Miltank hardest, though 70% accuracy is a huge letdown.</p>


<p>Psychic is a cool move that Electabuzz has,; it hits Gurdurr and Amoonguss harder than any other move,though it will cost Electabuzz a lot of coverage, as it is forced to drop an important move on the set. Vital Spirit is a great ability, as it allows Electabuzz to switch in on Amoonguss with ease and hit it with a powerful Hidden Power Ice, while only fearing Sludge Bomb in return. Electabuzz has huge problems with special walls, so powerful Pokemon such as Sawk and Emboar make great teammates for their ability to decimate dispatch them with ease. Musharna, particularly one with Baton Pass, makes a great teammate for Electabuzz as it is capable of passing a Calm Mind or two to Electabuzz, making it a lot easier to sweep. Regirock and Piloswine both provide Stealth Rock for Electabuzz, and are also strong enough to hurt threats such as Lickilicky and Ampharos, who would otherwise defeat Electabuzz. Electabuzz hates status with a passion, particularly paralysis, so Lickilicky makes a great teammate because of its access to Heal Bell, while also providing Wish support to keep your Electric-type healthy. Static is also a viable ability if you like hax, but it isn't nearly as reliable as Vital Spirit.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Unlike the previous set, this set focuses more on revenge killing, being one of the best Choice Scarf Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz struggles to compete with Zebstrika and Rotom-S for a teamslot, but is more powerful than the former, and faster and more powerful than the latter. Thunderbolt is the move that is used most often, revenge killing Samurott, Swellow, Gorebyss, and Braviary easily. Volt Switch can be used to get a KO on a weakened Pokemon without losing momentum, but is a lot weaker than Thunderbolt. Hidden Power Ice revenge kills Dragon-types such as Altaria, as well as Ground-types such as Rock Polish Torterra, who can demolish many teams. It also is Electabuzz's best choice agaisnt Grass-types such as Serperior, who otherwise wall the set with ease. Focus Blast should be used sparingly, as it is a terrible move to be locked into, though it hits Normal-types such as Cinccino and Kangaskhan harder than any other move.</p>


<p>Timid can be used if you want to outrun faster Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Haunter, Charizard, and Sawsbuck, but the drop in power is noticeable and none of those Pokemon are huge threats in the metagame. Unlike Zebstrika, Electabuzz is not fast enough to revenge kill weather sweepers such as Victreebel, and must instead focus on more standard threats. Not being able to switch attacks sucks, as a single misprediction can really turn the tides of a match, as an since an Electabuzz locked into a move that isn't Thunderbolt is laughably weak. Torterra has great synergy with Electabuzz and can provide Stealth Rock, making it a handy teammate to have. Ludicolo also makes a great partner for Electabuzz, as it appreciates fast threats being removed so it can sweep,; it can also remove Ground-types so Electabuzz can use Volt Switch more freely. When compared to the other common Electric-type Choice Scarf Pokemon, Electabuzz has more power and Focus Blast over Zebstrika, and more speed, power, lack of Stealth Rock weakness and Focus Blast over Rotom-S, while gaining a Ground-type weakness.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Electabuzz has many more options that it can use,; a bulky pivot set with Eviolite is plausible as Electabuzz has solid bulk, but is generally outclassed by Ampharos. Electabuzz is one of the few Electric-types capable of going mixed, and has access to Cross Chop to dispatch many of its counters such as Lickilicky! Splitting EVs means that the drop in power while will be noticeable though. Electabuzz can use SubPunch quite well, as many of its common switch-ins are weak to Fighting-type attacks. Choice Specs can be used, but are not recommended as the lack of speed and ability to switch moves are devastating. Electabuzz can use Rain Dance and Thunder quite well, but that this (felt "this" was a better word) is generally better done by Electrode. Signal Beam can be used to hit Musharna and Exeggutor, but doesn't really hit much else. Thunder Wave can be used to cripple the opposition, but Electabuzz is generally better off attacking. Electabuzz can also use Meditate to boost its Attack, as well as a Choice Band, but the Special Attacker set is almost always better, as it isn't as easily walled.</p.>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Defeating Electabuzz isn't incredibly difficult, as its Electric-type STAB leaves a lot of potential options to wall it. Opposing Electric-types such as Ampharos aren't afraid of it at all, and can chip away at Electabuzz. Ground-types such as Golurk and Marowak can tank a super effective Hidden Power and OHKO in return with Earthquake and Bonemerang, respectively. Piloswine and Camerupt fear nothing, and each can OHKO easily in return easily. Muk can tank any attacks, and fire a powerful Gunk Shot at Electabuzz in return. Bulky Dragonair can use Dragon Dance multiple times in front of Electabuzz, fearing nothing as it can Rest off the damage. Gurdurr is bulky enough to tank a few hits, and can heal most of its HP back with Drain Punch. Grumpig and Musharna can also tank Thunderbolts easily, and either paralyze or attack with a powerful Psychic. Stunfisk is an amazing counter to Electabuzz, as it is immune to Electric-type attacks, and has a powerful STAB Earth Power that it can use in return. Specially bulky Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Regice can tank attacks quite easily, and respond with their STAB moves. Many powerful Pokemon such as Sawk, Emboar, and Golurk can each tank a hit and OHKO in return as well.</p>



<p>At first glance, Electabuzz appears to be a standard Electric-type. It is fast and decently powerful, yet quite frail, just as most Electric-types are. However, access to many coverage options allow it to secure a niche over other Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz is an NFE, meaning it can use Eviolite and become quite bulky compared to the other offensive Electric-types in the tier, such as Raichu. Electabuzz has a nice balance of Speed and power, being faster then the mighty Ampharos, yet significantly more powerful than the speedster Electrode. Vital Spirit is also an amazing ability for Electabuzz, allowing it to absorb Spore from the ever so common Amoonguss with ease. Despite all the perks of Electabuzz, it still has to compete heavily with many other Electric-types for a teamslot, as each fulfill a specific niche, using the incorrect one can be a disaster.</p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
Ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Thunderbolt is your primary STAB move, hitting nearly everything that doesn't resist it quite hard, such as Samurott, Emboar, and Sawk. Volt Switch is good to have as early game Electabuzz does a solid job at forcing switches, and can keep up momentum as well as well as chip away at the opposition. Hidden Power Ice gives Electabuzz the coveted BoltBeam coverage, and allows it to hit Dragon-types such as Altaria and Fraxure very hard, as well as hit Torterra harder than any other move on the set. While Hidden Power Ice has great coverage, Hidden Power Grass can be used to hit some threats that would otherwise wall the set, such as Seismitoad. Hidden Power Grass also hits Golem harder than any other move. Focus Blast is the best option for the last slot, as it hits Normal-types such as Lickilicky and Miltank hardest, though 70% accuracy is a huge letdown.</p>


<p>Psychic is a cool move that Electabuzz has, it hits Gurdurr and Amoonguss harder than any other move, though it will cost Electabuzz a lot of coverage, as it is forced to drop an important move on the set. Vital Spirit is a great ability, as it allows Electabuzz to switch in on Amoonguss with ease and hit it with a powerful Hidden Power Ice, while only fearing Sludge Bomb in return. Electabuzz has huge problems with special walls, so powerful Pokemon such as Sawk and Emboar make great teammates for their ability to dispatch them with ease. Musharna, particularly one with Baton Pass, makes a great teammate for Electabuzz as it is capable of passing a Calm Mind or two to Electabuzz, making it a lot easier to sweep. Regirock and Piloswine both provide Stealth Rock for Electabuzz, and are also strong enough to hurt threats such as Lickilicky and Ampharos, who would otherwise defeat Electabuzz. Electabuzz hates status with a passion, particularly paralysis, so Lickilicky makes a great teammate because of its access to Heal Bell, while also providing Wish support to keep your Electric-type healthy. Static is also a viable ability if you like hax, but isn't nearly as reliable as Vital Spirit.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Unlike the previous set, this set focuses more on revenge killing, being one of the best Choice Scarf Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz struggles to compete with Zebstrika and Rotom-S for a teamslot, but is more powerful than the former, and faster and more powerful than the latter. Thunderbolt is the move that is used most often, revenge killing Samurott, Swellow, Gorebyss, and Braviary easily. Volt Switch can be used to get a KO on a weakened Pokemon without losing momentum, but is a lot weaker than Thunderbolt. Hidden Power Ice revenge kills Dragon-types such as Altaria, as well as Ground-types such as Rock Polish Torterra, who can demolish many teams. It also is Electabuzz's best choice agaisnst Grass-types such as Serperior, who otherwise wall this set with ease. Focus Blast should be used sparingly, as it is a terrible move to be locked into, despite hitting Normal-types such as Cinccino and Kangaskhan harder than any other move.</p>


<p> A Timid nature can be used if you want to outrun faster Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Haunter, Charizard, and Sawsbuck, but the drop in power is noticeable and none of those Pokemon are huge threats in the metagame. Unlike Zebstrika, Electabuzz is not fast enough to revenge kill weather sweepers such as Victreebel, and must instead focus on more standard threats. Not being able to switch attacks sucks, as a single misprediction can really turn the tides of a match, since an Electabuzz locked into a move that isn't Thunderbolt is laughably weak. Torterra has great synergy with Electabuzz and can provide Stealth Rock, making it a handy teammate to have. Ludicolo also makes for a great partner for Electabuzz, as it appreciates fast threats being removed so it can sweep. It can also remove Ground-types, so Electabuzz can use Volt Switch more freely. When compared to the other common Electric-type Choice Scarf Pokemon, Electabuzz has more power and access to Focus Blast over Zebstrika, and more speed, power, a lack of a Stealth Rock weakness and Focus Blast over Rotom-S, while gaining a Ground-type weakness.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Electabuzz has many more options that it can use. A bulky pivot set with Eviolite is plausible as Electabuzz has solid bulk, but is generally outclassed by Ampharos. Electabuzz is one of the few Electric-types capable of going mixed, and has access to Cross Chop to dispatch many of its counters such as Lickilicky! Splitting EVs means that the drop in power will be noticeable, though. Electabuzz can use SubPunch quite well, as many of its common switch-ins are weak to Fighting-type attacks. Choice Specs can be used, but are not recommended as the lack of Speed and ability to switch moves are devastating. Electabuzz can use Rain Dance and Thunder quite well, but this is generally better done by Electrode. Signal Beam can be used to hit Musharna and Exeggutor, but doesn't really hit much else. Thunder Wave can be used to cripple the opposition, but Electabuzz is generally better off attacking. Electabuzz can also use Meditate to boost its Attack, as well as a Choice Band, but the Special Attacker set is almost always better, as it isn't as easily walled.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Defeating Electabuzz isn't incredibly difficult, as its Electric-type STAB leaves a lot of potential options to wall it. Opposing Electric-types such as Ampharos aren't afraid of it at all, and can chip away at Electabuzz. Ground-types such as Golurk and Marowak can tank a super effective Hidden Power and OHKO in return with Earthquake and Bonemerang respectively. Piloswine and Camerupt fear nothing from Electabuzz, and each can OHKO easily in return. Muk can tank any attack, and fire a powerful Gunk Shot at Electabuzz in return. Bulky Dragonair can use Dragon Dance multiple times in front of Electabuzz, fearing nothing as it can Rest off the damage. Gurdurr is bulky enough to tank a few hits, and can heal most of its HP back with Drain Punch. Grumpig and Musharna can also tank Thunderbolts easily, and either paralyze or attack with a powerful Psychic. Stunfisk is an amazing counter to Electabuzz, as it is immune to Electric-type attacks, and has a powerful STAB Earth Power that it can use in return. Specially bulky Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Regice can tank attacks quite easily, and respond with their STAB moves. Many powerful Pokemon such as Sawk, Emboar, and Golurk can each tank a hit and OHKO in return as well.</p>

amcheck btw
thanks CBTerrakion, I think I got all of your changes. One thing I'd like to suggest is to use a different colour, finding that green was really hard on the eyes :(
Amateur GP check. Take whatever you think is useful from it. This looks good by the way. Almost all my suggestions are incredibly minor.
Additions in Blue
Subtractions in Red
Comments in Purple


<p>At first glance, Electabuzz appears to be a standard Electric-type. It is fast and decently powerful, yet quite frail, just as most Electric-types are. However, access to many coverage options allow it to secure a niche over other Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz is an NFE, meaning it can use Eviolite and become quite bulky compared to the other offensive Electric-types in the tier, such as Raichu. Electabuzz has a nice balance of Speed and power, being faster then the mighty Ampharos, yet significantly more powerful than the speedster Electrode. Vital Spirit is also an amazing ability for Electabuzz, allowing it to absorb Spore from the ever so common Amoonguss with ease. Despite all the However, despite all Electabuzz's perks of Electabuzz, it still has to compete heavily with many other Electric-types for a teamslot, as each fulfill a specific niche, so/and/meaning/something else you prefer using the incorrect one can be a disaster.</p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
Ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Thunderbolt is your primary STAB move, hitting nearly everything that doesn't resist it quite hard, such as Samurott, Emboar, and Sawk. Volt Switch is good to have (add comma) as early game Electabuzz does a solid job at forcing switches, and can keep up momentum as well as well as chip away at the opposition. Hidden Power Ice gives Electabuzz the coveted BoltBeam coverage, (remove comma) and allows it to hit Dragon-types such as Altaria and Fraxure very hard, as well as hit hitting Torterra harder than any other move on the set. While Hidden Power Ice has great coverage, Hidden Power Grass can be used to hit some threats that would otherwise wall the set, such as Seismitoad. Hidden Power Grass also hits Golem harder than any other move. Focus Blast is the best option for the last slot, as it hits Normal-types such as Lickilicky and Miltank hardest, though 70% accuracy is a huge letdown.</p>


<p>Psychic is a cool move that Electabuzz has, (change to semicolon) it hits Gurdurr and Amoonguss harder than any other move, though it will cost Electabuzz a lot of coverage, as it is forced to drop an important move on the set. Vital Spirit is a great ability, as it allows Electabuzz to switch in on Amoonguss with ease and hit it with a powerful Hidden Power Ice, while only fearing Sludge Bomb in return. Electabuzz has huge problems with special walls, so powerful Pokemon such as Sawk and Emboar make great teammates for their ability to dispatch them with ease. Musharna, particularly one with Baton Pass, makes a great teammate for Electabuzz as it is capable of passing a Calm Mind or two to Electabuzz, making it a lot easier to sweep. Regirock and Piloswine both provide Stealth Rock for Electabuzz, and are also strong enough to hurt threats such as Lickilicky and Ampharos, who would otherwise defeat Electabuzz. Electabuzz hates status with a passion, particularly paralysis, so Lickilicky makes a great teammate because of its access to Heal Bell, while also providing Wish support to keep your Electric-type healthy. Static is also a viable ability if you like hax, but isn't nearly as reliable as Vital Spirit.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Unlike the previous set, this set focuses more on revenge killing, being one of the best Choice Scarf Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz struggles to compete with Zebstrika and Rotom-S for a teamslot, but is more powerful than the former, and faster and more powerful than the latter. Thunderbolt is the move that is used most often, revenge killing Samurott, Swellow, Gorebyss, and Braviary easily. Volt Switch can be used to get a KO on a weakened Pokemon without losing momentum, but is a lot weaker than Thunderbolt. Hidden Power Ice revenge kills Dragon-types such as Altaria, as well as Ground-types such as Rock Polish Torterra, who can demolish many teams. It also is Electabuzz's best choice agaisnt against Grass-types such as Serperior, who otherwise wall the set with ease. Focus Blast should be used sparingly, as it is a terrible move to be locked into, despite hitting Normal-types such as Cinccino and Kangaskhan harder than any other move.</p>


<p>A Timid nature can be used if you want to outrun faster Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Haunter, Charizard, and Sawsbuck, but the drop in power is noticeable and none of those Pokemon are huge threats in the metagame. Unlike Zebstrika, Electabuzz is not fast enough to revenge kill weather sweepers such as Victreebel, and must instead focus on (there's an extra space here between 'on' and 'more') more standard threats. Not being able to switch attacks sucks, as a single misprediction can really turn the tide of a match, since an Electabuzz locked into a move that isn't Thunderbolt is laughably weak. Torterra has great synergy with Electabuzz and can provide Stealth Rock, making it a handy teammate to have. Ludicolo also makes for a great partner for Electabuzz, as it appreciates fast threats being removed so it can sweep, (change to semicolon) it can also remove Ground-types so Electabuzz can use Volt Switch more freely. When compared to the other common Electric-type Choice Scarf Pokemon, Electabuzz has more power and access to Focus Blast over Zebstrika, and more speed, power, a lack of Stealth Rock weakness (add comma) and Focus Blast over Rotom-S, while gaining a Ground-type weakness.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Electabuzz has many more options that it can use, (change to a semicolon or start a new sentence) a bulky pivot set with Eviolite is plausible as Electabuzz has solid bulk, but is generally outclassed by Ampharos. Electabuzz is one of the few Electric-types capable of going mixed, and has access to Cross Chop to dispatch many of its counters such as Lickilicky! Splitting EVs means that the a drop in power that will be noticeable though. Electabuzz can use SubPunch quite well, as many of its common switchins (should be switch-ins I believe) are weak to Fighting-type attacks. Choice Specs can be used, but are is not recommended as the lack of Speed and ability to switch moves are devastating. Electabuzz can use Rain Dance and Thunder quite well, but this is generally better done by Electrode. Signal Beam can be used to hit Musharna and Exeggutor, but doesn't really hit much else. Thunder Wave can be used to cripple the opposition, but Electabuzz is generally better off attacking. Electabuzz can also use Meditate to boost its Attack, as well as a Choice Band, but the Special Attacker set is almost always better, as it isn't as easily walled.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Defeating Electabuzz isn't incredibly difficult, as its Electric-type STAB leaves a lot of potential options to wall it. Opposing Electric-types such as Ampharos aren't afraid of it at all, (remove comma) and can chip away at Electabuzz. Ground-types such as Golurk and Marowak can tank a super effective Hidden Power and OHKO in return with Earthquake and Bonemerang respectively. Piloswine and Camerupt fear nothing from Electabuzz, and each can OHKO easily in return. Muk can tank any attack, (remove comma) and fire a powerful Gunk Shot at Electabuzz in return. Bulky Dragonair can use Dragon Dance multiple times in front of Electabuzz, fearing nothing as it can Rest off the damage. Gurdurr is bulky enough to tank a few hits, and can heal most of its HP back with Drain Punch. Grumpig and Musharna can also tank Thunderbolts easily, and either paralyze or attack with a powerful Psychic. Stunfisk is an amazing counter to Electabuzz, as it is immune to Electric-type attacks, (remove comma) and has a powerful STAB Earth Power that it can use in return. Specially bulky Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Regice can tank attacks quite easily, and respond with their STAB moves. Many powerful Pokemon such as Sawk, Emboar, and Golurk can each tank a hit and OHKO in return as well.</p>

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<p>At first glance, Electabuzz appears to be a standard Electric-type. It is fast and decently powerful, yet quite frail, just as most Electric-types are. However, access to many coverage options allow it to secure a niche over other Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz is an NFE, meaning it can use Eviolite and become quite bulky compared to the other offensive Electric-types in the tier, such as Raichu. Electabuzz has a nice balance of Speed and power, being faster then the mighty Ampharos, yet significantly more powerful than the speedster Electrode. Vital Spirit is also an amazing ability for Electabuzz, allowing it to absorb Spore from the ever so common Amoonguss with ease. However, despite all the perks of Electabuzz, it still has to compete heavily with many other Electric-types for a slot in a team, as each satisfy a specific niche, and using the incorrect one for the role you want can be a disaster.</p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
Ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Thunderbolt is your primary STAB move, hitting nearly everything that doesn't resist it quite hard, Pokémon such as Samurott, Emboar, and Sawk. Volt Switch is good to have as, early game, Electabuzz does a solid job at forcing switches, and can keep up momentum as well as well as chip away at the opposition. Hidden Power Ice gives Electabuzz the coveted BoltBeam coverage, and allows it to hit Dragon-types such as Altaria and Fraxure fairly hard, as well as hit Torterra harder than any other move on the set. While Hidden Power Ice has great coverage, Hidden Power Grass can be used to hit some threats that would otherwise wall the set, such as Seismitoad. Hidden Power Grass also hits Golem harder than anything else it has. Focus Blast is the best option for the last slot, as it hits Normal-types such as Lickilicky and Miltank hardest, though 70% accuracy can be a huge letdown at times.</p>


<p>Psychic is a cool move that Electabuzz has, it hits Gurdurr and Amoonguss harder than any other choices, though at the cost of valuable coverage, as it is forced to drop an important move on the set. Vital Spirit is a great ability, as it allows Electabuzz to switch in on Amoonguss with minimal risk and hit it with a powerful Hidden Power Ice, while only fearing Sludge Bomb in return. Electabuzz has huge problems with special walls, therefore powerful Pokemon such as Sawk and Emboar make great teammates for their ability to dispatch them with ease. Musharna, particularly one with Baton Pass, makes a great teammate for Electabuzz as it is capable of passing a Calm Mind or two to it, making it a lot easier to sweep. Regirock and Piloswine both provide Stealth Rock for Electabuzz, and are also strong enough to hurt threats such as Lickilicky and Ampharos, who would otherwise pose a threat to it. Electabuzz hates status with a passion, particularly paralysis, so Lickilicky makes a great teammate due to its access to Heal Bell, while also providing Wish support to keep your Electric-type healthy. Static is also a viable ability if you like hax, but isn't nearly as reliable as Vital Spirit.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Unlike the previous set, this set focuses more on revenge killing, with Electabuzz being one of the best Choice Scarf Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz struggles to compete with Zebstrika and Rotom-S for a teamslot, but is more powerful than the former, and both faster and more powerful than the latter. Thunderbolt is the move that is used most often, revenge killing Samurott, Swellow, Gorebyss, and Braviary easily. Volt Switch can be used to get a KO on a weakened Pokemon without losing momentum, but lacks a little power compared to Thunderbolt. Hidden Power Ice revenge kills Dragon-types such as Altaria, as well as Ground-types such as Rock Polish Torterra, which can demolish entire teams. It also is Electabuzz's best choice against Grass-types such as Serperior, who otherwise wall the set with ease. Focus Blast should be used sparingly, as it is a terrible move to be locked into, despite hitting Normal-types such as Cinccino and Kangaskhan harder than any other move.</p>


<p>A Timid nature can be used if you want to outrun faster Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Haunter, Charizard, and Sawsbuck, but the drop in power is noticeable and none of those Pokemon are huge threats in the metagame anyway. Unlike Zebstrika, Electabuzz is not fast enough to revenge kill weather sweepers such as Victreebel, and must instead focus on more standard threats. Not being able to switch attacks sucks, as a single misprediction can really turn the tide of a match, since an Electabuzz locked into a move that isn't Thunderbolt is laughably weak. Torterra has great synergy with Electabuzz and can provide Stealth Rock, making it a handy teammate to have. Ludicolo also makes for a great partner for Electabuzz, as it appreciates fast threats being removed so it can sweep, while it can also remove Ground-types so Electabuzz can use Volt Switch more freely. When compared to the other common Electric-type Choice Scarf Pokemon, Electabuzz has more power and access to Focus Blast over Zebstrika, and more speed, power, a lack of Stealth Rock weakness and Focus Blast over Rotom-S, though it gains a Ground-type weakness.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Electabuzz has many more options that it can use, a bulky pivot set with Eviolite is plausible as Electabuzz has solid defensive stats, but is generally outclassed by Ampharos. Electabuzz is one of the few Electric-types capable of going mixed, and has access to Cross Chop to dispatch many of its counters such as Lickilicky, though splitting EVs means that the drop in power will be noticeable though. Electabuzz can use a SubPunch set quite well, as many of its common switch-ins are weak to Fighting-type attacks. Choice Specs can be used, but are not recommended as the lack of Speed and ability to switch moves can be more of a hindrance at times. Electabuzz can also use Rain Dance and Thunder quite well, but this is generally better done by Electrode. Signal Beam can be used to hit Musharna and Exeggutor, but has poor coverage otherwise. Thunder Wave can be used to cripple the opposition, but Electabuzz is generally better off off the offensive, not using a support set. Electabuzz can also use Meditate to boost its Attack, as well as a Choice Band, but the Special Attacker set is almost always better, as it isn't as easily walled.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Defeating Electabuzz isn't incredibly difficult, as its Electric-type STAB leaves a lot of potential options to wall it. Opposing Electric-types such as Ampharos aren't afraid of it at all, and can chip away at Electabuzz's low HP. Ground-types such as Golurk and Marowak can tank a super effective Hidden Power and OHKO in return with Earthquake and Bonemerang respectively. Piloswine and Camerupt fear nothing from Electabuzz, and each can OHKO easily in return. Muk can tank any attack, and fire a powerful Gunk Shot at Electabuzz in retaliation, while bulky Dragonair can set up multiple Dragon Dances in its face, fearing nothing as it can Rest off the damage easily. Gurdurr is bulky enough to tank a few hits, and can heal most of its HP back with Drain Punch. Grumpig and Musharna can also tank Thunderbolts easily, and either paralyze or strike back with a powerful Psychic. Stunfisk is an amazing counter to Electabuzz, as it is immune to Electric-type attacks, and has a powerful STAB move in Earth Power that it can use in return. Specially bulky Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Regice can take any of its attacks quite easily, and respond with their STAB moves. Many powerful Pokemon such as Sawk, Emboar, and Golurk can also each take an attack and retaliate with a comfortable OHKO..</p>

Nothing really huge that I can say here. I noticed that you have a tendency to repeat words often, as is the case with "in return" and "tank", especially towards the end of the final paragraph. Hope this is an acceptable fix.

EDIT: Just realised how harsh this post is. I'm not saying that it's a horrible, bad thing or anything. ;~;
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<p>At first glance, Electabuzz appears to be a standard Electric-type. It is fast and decently powerful, yet quite frail. However, access to many coverage options allow it to secure a niche over other Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz is an NFE, meaning it can use Eviolite and become quite bulkyier compared to the other offensive Electric-types in the tier, such as Raichu. Electabuzz has a nice balance of Speed and power, being faster thean the mighty Ampharos, yet significantly more powerful than the speedster Electrode. Vital Spirit is also an amazing ability for Electabuzz, allowing it to absorb Spore from the ever so common Amoonguss with ease. However, despite all Electabuzz's perks, it still has to compete heavily with many other Electric-types for a slot in a team, as each fulfill a specific niche, so using the incorrect one can be a disaster.</p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
Aability: Vital Spirit
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Thunderbolt is your primary STAB move, hitting nearly everything that doesn't resist it quite hard, such as Samurott, Emboar, and Sawk. Volt Switch is good to have, as early game Electabuzz does a solid job at forcing switches, and can keep up momentum as well as well as chip away at the opposition. Hidden Power Ice gives Electabuzz the coveted BoltBeam coverage and allows it to hit Dragon-types such as Altaria and Fraxure very hard, as well as hitting Torterra harder than any other move on the set. While Hidden Power Ice has great coverage, Hidden Power Grass can be used to hit some threats that would otherwise wall the set, such as Seismitoad. Hidden Power Grass also hits Golem harder than anything else it has. Focus Blast is the best option for the last slot, as it hits Normal-types such as Lickilicky and Miltank the hardest, though 70% accuracy can be a huge letdown at times.</p>


<p>Psychic is a cool move that Electabuzz has; it hits Gurdurr and Amoonguss harder than any other choices, though it will cost Electabuzz a lot of coverage, as it is forced to drop an important move on the set. Vital Spirit is a great ability, as it allows Electabuzz to switch in on Amoonguss with minimal risk and hit it with a powerful Hidden Power Ice, while only fearing Sludge Bomb in return. Electabuzz has huge problems with special walls, so powerful Pokemon such as Sawk and Emboar make great teammates for their ability to dispatch them with ease. Musharna, particularly one with Baton Pass, makes a great teammate for Electabuzz as it is capable of passing a Calm Mind or two to it, making it a lot easier to sweep. Regirock and Piloswine both provide Stealth Rock for Electabuzz, and are also strong enough to hurt threats such as Lickilicky and Ampharos, who would otherwise defeat Electabuzz. Electabuzz hates status with a passion, particularly paralysis, so Lickilicky makes a great teammate because of its access to Heal Bell, while also providing Wish support to keep your Electric-type healthy. Static is also a viable ability if you like hax, but isn't nearly as reliable as Vital Spirit.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
Aability: Vital Spirit
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Unlike the previous set, this set focuses more on revenge killing, being one of the best Choice Scarf Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz struggles to compete with Zebstrika and Rotom-S for a teamslot, but is more powerful than the former, and faster and more powerful than the latter. Thunderbolt is the move that is used most often, revenge killing Samurott, Swellow, Gorebyss, and Braviary easily. Volt Switch can be used to get a KO on a weakened Pokemon without losing momentum, but is a lot weaker than Thunderbolt. Hidden Power Ice revenge kills Dragon-types such as Altaria, as well as Ground-types such as Rock Polish Torterra, who can demolish many teams. It also is Electabuzz's best choice against Grass-types such as Serperior, who otherwise wall the set with ease. Focus Blast should be used sparingly, as it is a terrible move to be locked into, despite hitting Normal-types such as Cinccino and Kangaskhan harder than any other move.</p>


<p>A Timid nature can be used if you want to outrun faster Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Haunter, Charizard, and Sawsbuck, but the drop in power is noticeable and none of those Pokemon are huge threats in the metagame. Unlike Zebstrika, Electabuzz is not fast enough to revenge kill weather sweepers such as Victreebel, and must instead focus on more standard threats. Not being able to switch attacks sucks, as a single misprediction can really turn the tide of a match, sinceand an Electabuzz locked into a move that isn't Thunderbolt is laughably weak. Torterra has great synergy with Electabuzz and can provide Stealth Rock, making it a handy teammate to have. Ludicolo also makes for a great partner for Electabuzz, as it appreciates fast threats being removed so it can sweep, while it can also remove Ground-types so Electabuzz can use Volt Switch more freely. When compared to the other common Electric-type Choice Scarf Pokemon, Electabuzz has more power and access to Focus Blast over Zebstrika, and more speed, power, a lack of Stealth Rock weakness, and Focus Blast over Rotom-S, while gaining a Ground-type weakness.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Electabuzz has many more options that it can use. A bulky pivot set with Eviolite is plausible as Electabuzz has solid defensive stats, but is generally outclassed by Ampharos. Electabuzz is one of the few Electric-types capable of going mixed, and has access to Cross Chop to dispatch many of its counters, such as Lickilicky, though splitting EVs means a drop in power that will be noticeable. Electabuzz can use SubPunch quite well, as many of its common switch-ins are weak to Fighting-type attacks. Choice Specs can be used, but is not recommended as the lack of Speed and ability to switch moves are devastating. Electabuzz can also use Rain Dance and Thunder quite well, but this is generally better done by Electrode. Signal Beam can be used to hit Musharna and Exeggutor, but doesn't really hit much else. Thunder Wave can be used to cripple the opposition, but Electabuzz is generally better off attacking. Electabuzz can also use Meditate to boost its Attack, as well as a Choice Band, but the Special Attacker set is almost always better, as it isn't as easily walled.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Defeating Electabuzz isn't incredibly difficult, as its Electric-type STAB leaves a lot of potential options to wall it. Opposing Electric-types such as Ampharos aren't afraid of it at all and can chip away at Electabuzz. Ground-types such as Golurk and Marowak can tank a super effective Hidden Power and OHKO in return with Earthquake and Bonemerang respectively. Piloswine and Camerupt fear nothing from Electabuzz, and each can OHKO easily in return. Muk can tank any attack and fire a powerful Gunk Shot at Electabuzz in return. Bulky Dragonair can use Dragon Dance multiple times in front of Electabuzz, fearing nothing, as it can Rest off the damage easily. Gurdurr is bulky enough to tank a few hits, and can heal most of its HP back with Drain Punch. Grumpig and Musharna can also tank Thunderbolts easily, and either paralyze or attack with a powerful Psychic. Stunfisk is an amazing counter to Electabuzz, as it is immune to Electric-type attacks, and has a powerful STAB Earth Power that it can use in return. Specially bulky Pokemon, such as Lickilicky and Regice, can tank attacks quite easily, and respond with their STAB moves. Many powerful Pokemon, such as Sawk, Emboar, and Golurk, can also each tank a hit and OHKO in return.</p>


<p>At first glance, Electabuzz appears to be a standard Electric-type. It is fast and decently powerful, yet quite frail. However, access to many coverage options allows it to secure a niche over other NU Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz is an NFE, meaningwhich means it can use Eviolite and become quite bulkier compared to the other offensive Electric-types in the tier, such as Raichu. Electabuzz has a nice balance of Speed and power, being faster than the mighty Ampharos, yet significantly more powerfulstronger than the speedster Electrode. Vital Spirit is also an amazing ability for Electabuzz, allowing it to absorb Spore from the ever so common Amoonguss with ease. HoweverNevertheless, despite all of Electabuzz's perks, it still has to compete heavily with many other Electric-types for a slot in a team, as each fulfill a specific niche, so using the incorrect one can be a disaster.</p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Thunderbolt is your primary STAB move, hitting nearly everything that doesn't resist it quite hard, such as Samurott, Emboar, and Sawk. Volt Switch is good to have, as early -game Electabuzz does a solid job at forcing switches, and can keep up momentum as well as well as chip away at the opposition. Hidden Power Ice gives Electabuzz the coveted BoltBeam coverage and allows it to hit Dragon-types such as Altaria and Fraxure very hard, as well as hitting Torterra harder than any other move on the set. While Hidden Power Ice has great coverage, Hidden Power Grass can be used to hit some threats that would otherwise wall the set, such as Seismitoad. Hidden Power Grass also hits Golem harder than anything else it has. Focus Blast is the best option for the last slot, as it hits Normal-types such as Lickilicky and Miltank hardest, although 70% accuracy can be a huge letdown at times.</p>


<p>Psychic is a cool move that Electabuzz has; it hits Gurdurr and Amoonguss harder than any other choices, although it will cost Electabuzz a lot of coverage, as it is forced to drop an important move on the set. Vital Spirit is a great ability, as it allows Electabuzz to switch in on Amoonguss with minimal risk and hit it with a powerful Hidden Power Ice, while only fearing Sludge Bomb in return. Electabuzz has huge problems with special walls, so powerful Pokemon such as Sawk and Emboar make great teammates for their ability to dispatch them with ease. Musharna, particularly one with Baton Pass, makes a great teammate for Electabuzz as it is capable of passing a Calm Mind or two to it, makingwhich makes it a lot easier to sweep. Regirock and Piloswine both provide Stealth Rock for Electabuzz, and are also strong enough to hurt threats such as Lickilicky and Ampharos, whoich would otherwise defeat Electabuzz. Electabuzz hates status with a passion, particularly paralysis, so Lickilicky makeis a great teammate because of its access to Heal Bell, while also providing Wish support to keep your Electric-type healthy. Static is also a viable ability if you like hax, but isn't nearly as reliable as Vital Spirit.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Unlike the previous set, this set focuses more on revenge killing, beingas it is one of the best Choice Scarf Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz struggles to compete with Zebstrika and Rotom-S for a teamslot, but is more powerful than the former, and faster and more powerful than the latter. Thunderbolt is the move that is used most often, revenge killing Samurott, Swellow, Gorebyss, and Braviary easily. Volt Switch can be used to get a KO onKO a weakened Pokemon without losing momentum, but is a lot weaker than Thunderbolt. Hidden Power Ice revenge kills Dragon-types such as Altaria, as well as Ground-types such as Rock Polish Torterra, whoich can demolish many teams. It also is Electabuzz's best choice against Grass-types such as Serperior, who that otherwise wall the set with ease. Focus Blast should be used sparingly, as it is a terrible move to be locked into, despite hitting Normal-types such as Cinccino and Kangaskhan harder than any other move.</p>


<p>A Timid nature can be used if you want to outrun faster Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Haunter, Charizard, and Sawsbuck, but the drop in power is noticeable and none of those Pokemon are huge threats in the metagame. Unlike Zebstrika, Electabuzz is not fast enough to revenge kill weather sweepers such as Victreebel, and must instead focus on more standard threats. Not being able to switch attacks sucks, as a single misprediction can really turn the tide of a match, and an Electabuzz locked into a move that isn't Thunderbolt is laughably weak. Torterra has great synergy with Electabuzz and can provide Stealth Rock, making it a handy teammate to have. Ludicolo also makes foris a great partner for Electabuzz, as it appreciates faster threats being removed so it can sweep, while it can also remove Ground-types so Electabuzz can use Volt Switch more freely. When compared to the other common Electric-type Choice Scarf Pokemon, Electabuzz has more power and access to Focus Blast over Zebstrika, and more speed, power, a lack of Stealth Rock weakness, and Focus Blast over Rotom-S, while gaining a Ground-type weakness.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Electabuzz has many more options that it can use. A bulky pivot set with Eviolite is plausible as Electabuzz has solid defensive stats, but is generally outclassed by Ampharos. Electabuzz is one of the few Electric-types capable of going mixed, and has access to Cross Chop to dispatch many of its counters such as Lickilicky, although splitting EVs means a drop in power that will be noticeable. Electabuzz can use SubPunch quite well, as many of its common switch-ins are weak to Fighting-type attacks. Choice Specs can be used, but is not recommended as the lack of Speed and ability to switch moves areis devastating. Electabuzz can also use Rain Dance and Thunder quite well, but this is generally performed better done by Electrode. Signal Beam can be used to hit Musharna and Exeggutor, but doesn't really hit much else. Thunder Wave can be used to cripple the opposition, but Electabuzz is generally better off attacking. Electabuzz can also use Meditate to boost its Attack, as well as a Choice Band, but the Special Attacker set is almost always better, as it isn't as easily walled.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Defeating Electabuzz isn't incredibly difficult, as its Electric-type STAB leaves a lot of potential options to wall it. Opposing Electric-types such as Ampharos aren't afraid of it at all and can chip away at Electabuzz. Ground-types such as Golurk and Marowak can tank a super effective Hidden Power and OHKO in return with Earthquake and Bonemerang, respectively. Piloswine and Camerupt fear nothing from Electabuzz, and each can OHKO easily in return. Muk can tank any attack and fire a powerful Gunk Shot at Electabuzz in return. Bulky Dragonair can use Dragon Dance multiple times in front of Electabuzz, fearing nothing as it can Rest off the damage easily. Gurdurr is bulky enough to tank a few hits, and can heal most of its HP back with Drain Punch. Grumpig and Musharna can also tank Thunderbolts easily, and either paralyze or attack with a powerful Psychic. Stunfisk is an amazing counter to Electabuzz as it is immune to Electric-type attacks, and has a powerful STAB Earth Power that it can use in return. Specially bulky Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Regice can tank attacks quite easily, and respond with their STAB moves. Many powerful Pokemon such as Sawk, Emboar, and Golurk can also each tank a hit and OHKO in return.</p>


<p>At first glance, Electabuzz appears to be a standard Electric-type. It is fast and decently powerful, yet quite frail. However, access to many coverage options allows it to secure a niche over other NU Pokemon. Electabuzz is an NFE, which means it can use Eviolite and become quite bulkier compared to the other offensive Electric-types in the tier, such as Raichu. Electabuzz has a nice balance of Speed and power, being faster than the mighty Ampharos, yet significantly stronger than the speedster Electrode. Vital Spirit is also an amazing ability for Electabuzz, allowing it to absorb Spore from the ever so common Amoonguss with ease. Nevertheless, despite all of Electabuzz's perks, it still has to compete heavily with many other Electric-types for a slot in a team, as each fulfill a specific niche, so using the incorrect one can be a disaster.</p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Eviolite / Life Orb
ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Thunderbolt is your primary STAB move, hitting nearly everything that doesn't resist it quite hard, such as Samurott, Emboar, and Sawk. Volt Switch is good to have, as early-game Electabuzz does a solid job at forcing switches, and can keep up momentum as well as well as chip away at the opposition. Hidden Power Ice gives Electabuzz the coveted BoltBeam coverage and allows it to hit Dragon-types such as Altaria and Fraxure very hard, as well as hitting Torterra harder than any other move on the set. While Hidden Power Ice has great coverage, Hidden Power Grass can be used to hit some threats that would otherwise wall the set, such as Seismitoad. Hidden Power Grass also hits Golem harder than anything else. Focus Blast is the best option for the last slot, as it hits Normal-types such as Lickilicky and Miltank hardest, although 70% accuracy can be a huge letdown at times.</p>


<p>Psychic is a cool move that Electabuzz has; it hits Gurdurr and Amoonguss harder than any other choices, although it will cost Electabuzz a lot of coverage, as it is forced to drop an important move on the set. Vital Spirit is a great ability, as it allows Electabuzz to switch in on Amoonguss with minimal risk and hit it with a powerful Hidden Power Ice, while only fearing Sludge Bomb in return. Electabuzz has huge problems with special walls, so powerful Pokemon such as Sawk and Emboar make great teammates for their ability to dispatch them with ease. Musharna, particularly one with Baton Pass, makes a great teammate for Electabuzz as it is capable of passing a Calm Mind or two to it, which makes it a lot easier to sweep. Regirock and Piloswine both provide Stealth Rock for Electabuzz and are also strong enough to hurt threats such as Lickilicky and Ampharos, which would otherwise defeat Electabuzz. Electabuzz hates status with a passion, particularly paralysis, so Lickilicky is a great teammate because of its access to Heal Bell, while also providing Wish support to keep your Electric-type healthy. Static is also a viable ability if you like hax, but isn't nearly as reliable as Vital Spirit.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Vital Spirit
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Unlike the previous set, this set focuses more on revenge killing, as it is one of the best Choice Scarf Pokemon in NU. Electabuzz struggles to compete with Zebstrika and Rotom-S for a teamslot, but is more powerful than the former, and faster and more powerful than the latter. Thunderbolt is the move that is used most often, revenge killing Samurott, Swellow, Gorebyss, and Braviary easily. Volt Switch can be used to KO a weakened Pokemon without losing momentum, but is a lot weaker than Thunderbolt. Hidden Power Ice revenge kills Dragon-types such as Altaria, as well as Ground-types such as Rock Polish Torterra, which can demolish many teams. It also is Electabuzz's best choice against Grass-types such as Serperior that otherwise wall the set with ease. Focus Blast should be used sparingly, as it is a terrible move to be locked into, despite hitting Normal-types such as Cinccino and Kangaskhan harder than any other move.</p>


<p>A Timid nature can be used if you want to outrun faster Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Haunter, Charizard, and Sawsbuck, but the drop in power is noticeable and none of those Pokemon are huge threats in the metagame. Unlike Zebstrika, Electabuzz is not fast enough to revenge kill weather sweepers such as Victreebel, and must instead focus on more standard threats. Not being able to switch attacks sucks, as a single misprediction can really turn the tide of a match, and an Electabuzz locked into a move that isn't Thunderbolt is laughably weak. Torterra has great synergy with Electabuzz and can provide Stealth Rock, making it a handy teammate to have. Ludicolo also is a great partner for Electabuzz, as it appreciates faster threats being removed so it can sweep, while it can also remove Ground-types so Electabuzz can use Volt Switch more freely. When compared to the other common Electric-type Choice Scarf Pokemon, Electabuzz has more power and access to Focus Blast over Zebstrika, and more speed, power, a lack of Stealth Rock weakness, and Focus Blast over Rotom-S, while gaining a Ground-type weakness.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Electabuzz has many more options that it can use. A bulky pivot set with Eviolite is plausible as Electabuzz has solid defensive stats, but is generally outclassed by Ampharos. Electabuzz is one of the few Electric-types capable of going mixed, and has access to Cross Chop to dispatch many of its counters such as Lickilicky, although splitting EVs means a drop in power will be noticeable. Electabuzz can use SubPunch quite well, as many of its common switch-ins are weak to Fighting-type attacks. Choice Specs can be used, but is not recommended as the lack of Speed and ability to switch moves is devastating. Electabuzz can also use Rain Dance and Thunder quite well, but this is generally performed better by Electrode. Signal Beam can be used to hit Musharna and Exeggutor, but doesn't really hit much else. Thunder Wave can be used to cripple the opposition, but Electabuzz is generally better off attacking. Electabuzz can also use Meditate to boost its Attack, as well as a Choice Band, but the Special Attacker set is almost always better, as it isn't as easily walled.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Defeating Electabuzz isn't incredibly difficult, as its Electric-type STAB leaves a lot of potential options to wall it. Opposing Electric-types such as Ampharos aren't afraid of it at all and can chip away at Electabuzz. Ground-types such as Golurk and Marowak can tank a super effective Hidden Power and OHKO in return with Earthquake and Bonemerang, respectively. Piloswine and Camerupt fear nothing from Electabuzz, and each can OHKO easily in return. Muk can tank any attack and fire a powerful Gunk Shot at Electabuzz in return. Bulky Dragonair can use Dragon Dance multiple times in front of Electabuzz, fearing nothing as it can Rest off the damage easily. Gurdurr is bulky enough to tank a few hits, and can heal most of its HP back with Drain Punch. Grumpig and Musharna can also tank Thunderbolts easily, and either paralyze or attack with a powerful Psychic. Stunfisk is an amazing counter to Electabuzz as it is immune to Electric-type attacks, and has a powerful STAB Earth Power that it can use in return. Specially bulky Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Regice can tank attacks quite easily, and respond with their STAB moves. Many powerful Pokemon such as Sawk, Emboar, and Golurk can also each tank a hit and OHKO in return.</p>

Great Job!
