Epic Pokemon Rap Battles: Round 2, It Takes Two to Rap Battle!

Luffy and undisputed send their regards and unfortunately can't continue with us. Oruro hurry up and Fate you too :-:

I will comment at the latest raps and the updates before making a vote topic when I come back from work. But seriously guys whatever we did in R1 you made that shit irrelevant by the amount of awesome you guys made, don't know how most of you are gonna top their efforts iit @ R3 but we'll see ;)

Edit: cool your link isn't working and overgro this tourney already started but there will be others so stay tuned.
I finally got around to listening to all the raps posted and god damn, competition is really heating up this round. A few have really stood out as really being really memorable for me.

Von's Arcanine rap had me laughing from the intro. The intermission was even better.
Aviator with Oddish, holy shit, dude. I don't know what you did but that was stylish as hell.
Ult, the beat you had was amazingly fitting for Chandelure. Also dat outro.
And I have my suspicions that mattj secretly has a recording studio... Backup singers? How am I supposed to compete with that?

Really looking forward to see what's in store for round 3. Good luck, everyone!
Due to issues with my schedule, I formally withdraw from the tournament. Even if I could finish this round, I would not have time for the next. Besides, it is clear that those that actually take the time to compose a rap as opposed to just creating the lyrics have an immense advantage in the voting process, and I certainly do not have the time to record. My only regret is not doing Gastrodon the justice it deserves.

Regards and good luck, Nanoswine. Perhaps we could have a rematch in the next tournament if I am willing to record. (Is the Dialga inspired by Oingo/Zenyatta from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?)
(Is the Dialga inspired by Oingo/Zenyatta from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?)
Dialga is most definitely inspired by FLAVA FLAV

PS dle fuck you

My microphone is basically shot to hell, and seeing as I have no way of repairing/replacing it in the foreseeable future, imma have to drop out ;_;
Alright people sorry this took long enough, but were closing shop on this awesome round! Last shoutout to the latest entires and a display of some of their illest lines! Seeing how this topic got extended several times, the punishment is the voting topic will only last two days before R3!




All you've done is fight a whore
And lose and turn into an orb
Meanwhile I'm the lord of seas
Whose shook the world right through the core



Celestial, trainers rush them stands like screamin' Gary fans
While the ones who are using you fell for Pewter City scams



I got a heart of gold and a head made of iron
You gonna bring that Will-o-Miss? You might as well retire
I stay ahead of the game, cook your ass up like crab
Stick around, I'll show you why they call it a STAB


not much to say about this one trick pony
put yo faith in superluck then you're a noob or a phony



but i've been hiding for thousands of years under hoenn,
training my rapping skills just for this moment,
polishing my rock-hard iron-clad rapping potential,
your terrible stats aren't like mine, they were intentional,



And New Orleans still hasn’t recovered from my last hurricane
Damn boy, you look bizarre. Whiter than my bird shit on your car.



im bringing the voltage
im upping the dosage
static's fuckin scary
hope you got cheri