Flygon (QC 1/3)

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  • Access to the infamous EdgeQuake combo and U-Turn.
  • Good lead/revenge killer
  • Access to Defog
  • Levitate gives it immunity to most hazards and to the ever present Ground type.
  • A decent counter to Victini.
  • Resistant to SR and immune to all other entry hazards, Flygon is an excellent hazard remover with Defog.
  • 4x Weakness to the common Ice type, especially Ice Shard.
  • CB/CS sets somewhat predictable
Defensive Defog (Thanks to Kushalos for the set)
name: Defog
move 1: Defog
move 2: Roost
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn
ability: Levitate
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 104 Def / 136 Spe
nature: Jolly

  • Earthquake is Flygon's main STAB, powerful and accurate, and can hit Poison and Steel types that aren't affected by Toxic.
  • U-turn maintains momentum and allows for a quick switch out while dealing damage.
  • Defog gets rid of hazards, screens, the usual.
  • Roost gives Flygon instant recovery, which helps with the battering that Flygon is bound to endure.
  • Toxic is a good move to have, to stall out some certain pokemon, but not good enough to warrant a slash on this set.
Set Details
  • Max HP and 104 Def let Flygon effectively check Victini and ScarfDarm effectively.
  • Speed EVs to outspeed Timid Nidoking, who usually OHKOs with Ice Beam otherwise, and can OHKO back with EQ 75% of the time after rocks.
  • Jolly nature outspeeds Timid Nidoking with some Speed EVs.
Usage Tips
  • Use for hazard removal and stalling.
  • Physically defensive, great counter to Fire types, especially Victini and Scarf Darmanitan.
Team Options
  • Specially defensive pokemon like Florges are good defensive partners to Flygon, being immune to Dragon moves, while taking most Fairy and Ice moves well with it's enormous Special Defense.
  • Pokemon with Rock moves can hit Flying types that Defog Flygon with Toxic can't.
Choice Band
name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage/Dragon Claw
move 2: U-Turn
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch
ability: Levitate
item: Choice Band
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


  • Outrage allows Flygon to fire off powerful STAB attacks at its opponents, inflicting more damage than Dragon Claw.
  • Earthquake is a powerful, highly accurate STAB attack that can be used to hit the bulky Steel types of the tier, such as M-Aggron.
  • Fire Punch hits Ice types that hurt Flygon otherwise, and is more dependable than Stone Edge.
  • U-Turn gains/maintains momentum, can be used to scout for specific moves or sets on opposing pokemon, and allows easy switches into pokes better suited for the situation.
  • Dragon Claw gives a spammable Dragon STAB attack that you can switch out of, unlike Outrage.

Set Details
  • 252 Atk for max power.
  • 252 Speed to maximize Flygon's speed.
  • Jolly for more speed, enough to outspeed Scarf Darmanitan, Timid Vivillon and Roserade, and +Speed Lucario, while tying with Mew, Jirachi, and Celebi.
  • Band for extra power.
  • Defog can also be used instead of Fire Punch, for an emergency field clearance.
Usage Tips
  • Banded Flygon's niche in UU is wallbreaking and possibly revenge killing, with good Attack and Speed stats, as well as Earthquake and Outrage, which are good moves to be locked into.
  • Before locking yourself into Outrage, be sure your opponent has no Fairy or Steel types remaining, and that any physically bulky pokemon have previous damage to ensure a KO.
Team Options
  • Pokemon that can better handle Fairy types, like M-Aggron and Nidoking, are appreciated, as well as a Pokemon to hit the rare, but possible, Levitate Bronzong.
  • Pokemon with Volt Switch (M-Ampharos, Rotom-H, etc.), to create a VoltTurn-esque core.
  • Banded Flygon is best used as a wallbreaker or late-game sweeper, so hazard setters make excellent partners for Flygon, such as Forretress, which resists all of Flygon's weaknesses, while Flygon resists Forretress' only weakness, Fire.
Choice Scarf
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-Turn
move 4: Fire Blast/Defog
ability: Levitate
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Hasty / Jolly

  • Outrage allows Flygon to fire off powerful STAB attacks at its opponents, inflicting more damage than Dragon Claw.
  • Earthquake is a powerful, highly accurate STAB attack that can be used to hit the bulky Steel types of the tier, such as M-Aggron.
  • Fire Blast helps deal with physically defensive or levitating Steel types.
  • U-Turn gains/maintains momentum, can be used to scout for specific moves or sets on opposing pokemon, and allows easy switches into pokes better suited for the situation.
  • Defog is a good move to use in a pinch, a quick way to clear the field before biting the bullet.
Set Details
  • Meant to scout out the opponent’s moves, while revenge killing wounded pokes.
  • Max speed and attack EV’s for the most speed and attack, respectively, and 4 SpD for it's special weaknesses.
  • Jolly nature to outspeed Scarfed Hydreigon if you run Defog, or Hasty to outspeed Scarfed Hydreigon if you run Fire Blast.
Usage Tips
  • When using Scarfed Flygon, you can lead with it to counter your opponent's lead, using U-turn to swiftly switch into a counter or check to said lead, or to revenge kill weakened pokemon.
  • Before locking yourself into Outrage, be sure your opponent has no Fairy or Steel types remaining, and that any physically bulky pokemon have previous damage to ensure a KO.
Team Options
  • Heavy hitting pokemon like Arcanine, M-Absol, and Hydreigon help weaken pokemon so Flygon can clean up.
  • Hazard setters like Forretress can whittle down the opponent to the point of sweeping, and also covers Flygon's weaknesses.
  • Pokemon with Volt Switch (M-Ampharos, Rotom-H, etc.), to create a VoltTurn-esque core.
Other Options
  • Dragon Claw > Outrage, for a spammable Dragon move that you can switch out from, unlike Outrage.
  • Hone Claws may be used on a LO set with Outrage/Dragon Claw, Earthquake, and Stone Edge.
  • Stone Edge is a decent move, but outclassed my Flygon's fire moves in general.
  • Iron Tail can be used to check Fairy types, but it's accuracy is unreliable.
Checks & Counters
  • Everything Ice-related (Shard, Beam, etc.) will fuck you UP.
  • Physically defensive Fairy types and Bronzong shut Flygon down with key immunities to Dragon and Ground, respectively.
  • Bulky water types, like Slowbro, Swampert, and Suicune can bulk out Flygon's moves and possibly retaliate with a supereffective Ice move.
  • For every Flygon, revenge killers are a big problem. Scarfed Hydreigon, Infernape, Mega Aerodactyl with Ice Fang, and Scarfed Heracross pose a huge problem for every Flygon besides Scarf Flygon. Even Scarfed Flygon can be revenge killed by priority users, like Fletchinder and ES Lucario, as well as some scarf users like Infernape.
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TheZokeShipper Cool WIP, not QC but I've got some nitpicks though. I know you just wrote it and all but yeah.. :

Correct abbreviation for Special Defense is SpD, not Sp. Def. Likewise, Speed is Spe. EVs should be written as 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD

Only Dragon to get U-Turn
Not only, Hydreigon also gets the move. Might wanna reword it.

Immune to all types of hazards except SR, which it resist
Ability gives a somewhat useless immunity (Levitate, Ground), could better benefit from another.
These two statements contradict eachother. Levitate is also a great ability, giving Flygon an immunity (also, an immunity to two entry hazards) is fantastic. Shouldn't be a con imo.

4 Sp. Def to maybe take Ice Beams better, but mostly to add those extra EV’s to something.
This should be changed. Adding 4 SpD gives Porygon-Z Attack boost rather than SpA if it's download, but I highly doubt that's worth mentioning as all Pory-Z should run Adaptability anyway. Remove it or something.

And last of all, you have Scarf slashed with the Band on the Band set, probably wanna remove that. This is just me, but I would re-arrange the moveset order to Scarf first then Band, as I find Scarf to be much more useful in UU. Also, give it Outrage over Dragon Claw on the Scarf set, it's already too weak. Jolly should be used over Adamant for opposing Scarf Hydreigon and to tie with Scarf Victini. Before Hydreigon was allowed, I personally would go for Adamant (and I did) but now with Hydre, I don't think so anymore.
Ok, thanks for the critiques! :) This is my first thread, so I've still got some to learn, but that will definitely help me along.
I know this is WIP but are you planning on adding an offensive Defog set? It's a very helpful Defog user with quite a few key resistences, definitely worth adding imo.
I know this is WIP but are you planning on adding an offensive Defog set? It's a very helpful Defog user with quite a few key resistences, definitely worth adding imo.

I do plan on adding a Defog set at some point, but I don't know what to put, seeing as I have only heard about the idea. Like I said above, I am open to any set suggestions, so if you or someone else would like to put their Defog set up that would be awesome! :3
TheZokeShipper Cool WIP, not QC but I've got some nitpicks though. I know you just wrote it and all but yeah.. :

Correct abbreviation for Special Defense is SpD, not Sp. Def. Likewise, Speed is Spe. EVs should be written as 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD

Not only, Hydreigon also gets the move. Might wanna reword it.

These two statements contradict eachother. Levitate is also a great ability, giving Flygon an immunity (also, an immunity to two entry hazards) is fantastic. Shouldn't be a con imo.

This should be changed. Adding 4 SpD gives Porygon-Z Attack boost rather than SpA if it's download, but I highly doubt that's worth mentioning as all Pory-Z should run Adaptability anyway. Remove it or something.

And last of all, you have Scarf slashed with the Band on the Band set, probably wanna remove that. This is just me, but I would re-arrange the moveset order to Scarf first then Band, as I find Scarf to be much more useful in UU. Also, give it Outrage over Dragon Claw on the Scarf set, it's already too weak. Jolly should be used over Adamant for opposing Scarf Hydreigon and to tie with Scarf Victini. Before Hydreigon was allowed, I personally would go for Adamant (and I did) but now with Hydre, I don't think so anymore.
Noivern also gets U-turn :[
Some formatting issues and general things to improve this analysis:


  • Access to the infamous EdgeQuake combo
  • One of two dragons in UU to get U-Turn
  • Good lead/revenge killer
  • Access to Defog
  • Dragon Tail for phazing (Flygon doesn't use Dragon Tail)
  • While it's ability could be better, (Levitate is an excellent ability, I don't know why this is here)it does give it immunity to most hazards and to the ever present Ground type.
  • 4x Weakness to the common Ice type
  • CB/CS sets somewhat predictable
  • No priority, but weak to Ice Shard (just say "Weak to Ice Shard"

#1. Choice Band
name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage
move 2: U-Turn
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Stone Edge
ability: Levitate
item: Choice Band
evs: 252 Atk., 252 Spd., 4 Sp. Def. should be "252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


  • Outrage- Covers weakness for dragon, powerful STAB.
  • Earthquake- Powerful STAB, hits
  • Stone Edge- Hits Ice super-effectively, coverage.
  • U-Turn- Gains/maintains momentum, allows switches into pokes better suited for the situation.
(go into a bit more detail instead of saying obvious things)

Set Details

  • 252 Atk for max power.
  • 252 Speed to maximize Flygon's Speed outspeed fast pokes.
  • Jolly nature is preferred for more speed.
  • Choice Band for extra power.

Usage Tips

  • A fast, powerful Band user
  • Late-game sweeper, and a decent revenge killer

Team Options

  • Steel types, to cover Fairy and Ice weaknesses
  • Pokemon with Volt Switch (M-Ampharos, Rotom-H, etc.), to create a VoltTurn-esque core.

#2. Choice Scarf
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-Turn
move 4: Stone Edge
ability: Levitate
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 252 Atk/252 Spe/4 SpD 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


  • Outrage- STAB, covers Dragon weakness
  • Earthquake- STAB, best Ground move it has
  • U-Turn- Scouting and momentum
  • Stone Edge- Coverage, helps with Ice weakness

Set Details

  • Meant to scout out the opponent’s moves, while revenge killing wounded pokes.
  • Max speed and attack EV’s for the most speed and attack, respectively, and 4 Sp. Def. for filler.
  • Adamant nature for more power lost by not running Band.

Usage Tips

  • One of the best scarfers in the tier, powerful and diverse.
  • Functions as a revenge killer and a scarfer in general.

Team Options

  • Steel types, to help cover the Ice and Fairy weaknesses.
  • Pokemon with Volt Switch (M-Ampharos, Rotom-H, etc.), to create a VoltTurn-esque core.

Other Options

  • May replace Stone Edge with Rock Slide for either set, for better accuracy and flinch chance.
  • There has been some talk about bulky Defog Flygon sets, which I will look into, and I think is definitely worth a set. If anyone has a set, feel free to post it below. :)

Checks & Counters

  • Everything Ice-related (Shard, Beam, etc.) will fuck you UP.
  • Physically defensive Florges.
Any other set that you feel I have missed will be greatly appreciated, thanks! :D
I recommend checking out other analyses and looking at the guides posted in the Reservation Index. I know you're kinda new to analysis writing, sorry if I'm being too hard on you
Some formatting issues and general things to improve this analysis:

I recommend checking out other analyses and looking at the guides posted in the Reservation Index. I know you're kinda new to analysis writing, sorry if I'm being too hard on you

Thanks for the input, I'll definitely fix all of these issues. Like I said, this is a learning experience for me, so thanks for helping me on the right path. :3 And I don't think you're being harsh.
Add Fire Punch, Hone Claws, and a mixed set to OO. Maybe mention Dragon Claw on CB too over Stone Edge. Not a slash just a moves mention. Make a bigger note of EQ not locking you in as badly. Don't mention Stone Edge as helping with the Ice weakness, just say it hits Pokemon immune to Earthquake pretty hard (except Bronzong) Also mention Dragon Claw on Scarf and make Jolly the main slash. Put Bronzong in CC.

Good luck with the analysis!
Add Fire Punch, Hone Claws, and a mixed set to OO. Maybe mention Dragon Claw on CB too over Stone Edge. Not a slash just a moves mention. Make a bigger note of EQ not locking you in as badly. Don't mention Stone Edge as helping with the Ice weakness, just say it hits Pokemon immune to Earthquake pretty hard (except Bronzong) Also mention Dragon Claw on Scarf and make Jolly the main slash. Put Bronzong in CC.

Good luck with the analysis!

Duly noted buddy :D All of your suggestions will probably make it in. :)
slash defog on both sets after stone edge. stone edge is only marginally useful, but an emergency defog from flygon can be extremely useful especially since it forces a lot of switches. 95% of the time its gonna be using the first 3 moves anyways

as for the defensive defog set i'm not too sure on the evs but it looks sorta like defog / roost / eq / u turn
slash defog on both sets after stone edge. stone edge is only marginally useful, but an emergency defog from flygon can be extremely useful especially since it forces a lot of switches. 95% of the time its gonna be using the first 3 moves anyways

as for the defensive defog set i'm not too sure on the evs but it looks sorta like defog / roost / eq / u turn

Hmm... Makes sense, I'll do it for the scarf set. The moves for the defog set sound good, i'll research some EV's. Thanks for your input. :D
I think outspeeding Heracross would be enough for the defensive set (or Rotom-H for 8 more EVs) but that would be nearly max Speed, maybe lower it to Chandelure?
I think outspeeding Heracross would be enough for the defensive set (or Rotom-H for 8 more EVs) but that would be nearly max Speed, maybe lower it to Chandelure?

Like I've said in the past, I'm not too good with comparing EV's. What are the numbers here?
Looks good, me and other QC members have discussed Flygon and they wanted to add a defensive Defog set:

Defensive Defog
name: Defog
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Toxic/Dragon Claw
move 3: Defog
move 4: Roost
ability: Levitate
item: Leftovers
evs: 248 HP / 236 Def / 24 Spe
nature: Impish

It's being able to wall a significant amount of the firetypes in UU and continously do it's job by defogging away hazards.

252 Atk Victini V-create vs. 248 HP / 236+ Def Flygon: 103-122 (28.3 - 33.6%) -- 0.2% chance to 3HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 248 HP / 236+ Def Flygon: 148-174 (40.7 - 47.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Toxic is to wear down annoying walls like Hippowdon and Slowbro while Earthquake is still a decent stab hitting the Poison and Steel types that are immune to the status move.
Fire blast could be mentioned in other options if flygon opts to run life orb. If im not mistaken physical flygon with fire blast was a set used in 4th gen and 5th gen to combat physical steel type walls.
Fire blast could be mentioned in other options if flygon opts to run life orb. If im not mistaken physical flygon with fire blast was a set used in 4th gen and 5th gen to combat physical steel type walls.

It sounds intriguing, but what exactly does it hit in UU? Can you provide some good examples of Fire Blast hitting harder than Earthquake, without investment?
It sounds intriguing, but what exactly does it hit in UU? Can you provide some good examples of Fire Blast hitting harder than Earthquake, without investment?

Well earthquake cant hit bronzong one of the main counters to flygon and fire blast could surprise someone thinking they have a free switch in
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