[Gen 7] Ye Olde Trade Shoppe (7/4: Shiny RNGs)

There may be some things I'm interested in here. Gonna look at the things I liked a bit more closely. While I do that feel free to CMT (link in signature) for the few things I've added so far and see if any interest you. If so tell me and I'll get back to you with what I'd like.
There may be some things I'm interested in here. Gonna look at the things I liked a bit more closely. While I do that feel free to CMT (link in signature) for the few things I've added so far and see if any interest you. If so tell me and I'll get back to you with what I'd like.
I am mostly just looking for older gens hidden abilities as they're either impossible to obtain or i don't have the game i need,like in the case of Skrelp here.
I'll be here for a couple more hours if you are interested in a quick trade if not hit me up with a time and day and i should be able to do so.
There may be some things I'm interested in here. Gonna look at the things I liked a bit more closely. While I do that feel free to CMT (link in signature) for the few things I've added so far and see if any interest you. If so tell me and I'll get back to you with what I'd like.
I am mostly just looking for older gens hidden abilities as they're either impossible to obtain or i don't have the game i need,like in the case of Skrelp here.
I'll be here for a couple more hours if you are interested in a quick trade if not hit me up with a time and day and i should be able to do so.

Guys, this is my trade thread. If you want to trade with each other, please do it in a PM.

walletscotty, everything you're offering I already have.
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lucariomaster post: 7253370 said:
Guys, this is my trade thread. If you want to trade with each other, please do it in a PM.

walletscotty, everything you're offering I already have.
I was asking you. Dont know where the otherguy came from. He's even asking for random stuff I ddon'thave yet.
I was asking you. Dont know where the otherguy came from. He's even asking for random stuff I ddon'thave yet.
Ah, okay. You don't really have anything that interests me, but since your trade thread is pretty much empty if you wanted to pick 3 or 4 breedables I could give you spitbacks of them for free. :)
Ah, okay. You don't really have anything that interests me, but since your trade thread is pretty much empty if you wanted to pick 3 or 4 breedables I could give you spitbacks of them for free. :)
I'll wait. Got about 20 more things going up soon, also mostly legendaries. Ill pm you when they're up. Peace and good luck.

Edit: noticed autocorrect cut random words.
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Sure. Would you like to trade all of them from gen7? Also, Im a bit busy today. When will you be online tomorrow to trade? We can continue this conversation in PM if you'd prefer

Yes, gen 7 is preferred. Sorry it took me awhile to respond - I've been so busy with other things lately. I'll PM you when I have everything cloned. :)
Yes, gen 7 is preferred. Sorry it took me awhile to respond - I've been so busy with other things lately. I'll PM you when I have everything cloned. :)
Sure no worries. I understand completely. Btw my bulu and xurkitree are nicknamed 'Brute Force' and 'Traversal' respectively. Would you like me to remove those before trading? Reshiram is also nicknamed 'Starrk', but that cannot be removed, as it is in bank and was RNGed in White

Level 70 UT
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Sacred Fire, Punishment, Ancient Power, Defog
RNG'd by me (using the same seed/frame as Entei, incidentally) on my SoulSilver cartridge.

I am starting up a collection of my favorite legendary, Ho-Oh, trying to get ones that are events, different builds, different OT's, nature's/ablities/Poke Ball's, etc. Don't know if I have anything in particular that you would be interested in, but here is what I have! No worries if not of course, just figured I would check. ^^

Haves: (If OT isn't next to it, caught by me)

-Different Ultra beasts of various natures (IV's unknown)
-Careful Natured Event Magearna
-Shiny Adamant Passimian
-HA Bold Mareanie's with all four Egg Moves
-Modest Rayquaza
-Brave Groudon
-Modest Virizion
-Modest Mespirit
-Quiet Deoxys
-Hasty Cobalion
-Adamant Heatran
-Calm Latias
-Present Event Modest Contrary Serperior
-Present Event Impish Reckless Emboar
-GF Event Modest Shaymin
-GF Event Timid Shaymin
-GF Event Timid Keldeo
-GF Event Hasty Keldeo
-GF Event Lonely Darkrai
-GF Event Adamant Darkrai
-GF Event Timid Manaphy
-OCT2014 Naive Diancie
- 4 Different XY Event Tochic's

Level 70 UT
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Sacred Fire, Punishment, Ancient Power, Defog
RNG'd by me (using the same seed/frame as Entei, incidentally) on my SoulSilver cartridge.

I am starting up a collection of my favorite legendary, Ho-Oh, trying to get ones that are events, different builds, different OT's, nature's/ablities/Poke Ball's, etc. Don't know if I have anything in particular that you would be interested in, but here is what I have! No worries if not of course, just figured I would check. ^^

Haves: (If OT isn't next to it, caught by me)

-Different Ultra beasts of various natures (IV's unknown)
-Careful Natured Event Magearna
-Shiny Adamant Passimian
-HA Bold Mareanie's with all four Egg Moves
-Modest Rayquaza
-Brave Groudon
-Modest Virizion
-Modest Mespirit
-Quiet Deoxys
-Hasty Cobalion
-Adamant Heatran
-Calm Latias
-Present Event Modest Contrary Serperior
-Present Event Impish Reckless Emboar
-GF Event Modest Shaymin
-GF Event Timid Shaymin
-GF Event Timid Keldeo
-GF Event Hasty Keldeo
-GF Event Lonely Darkrai
-GF Event Adamant Darkrai
-GF Event Timid Manaphy
-OCT2014 Naive Diancie
- 4 Different XY Event Tochic's

Your Passimian, Mareanie, and Timid Manaphy all have my interest; do you think you could give me the details of them? (IVs, moves, etc.)
Passimian (♀) - Adamant - Receiver -
Mareanie's - Have both male and female's, Bold Regenerator HA, egg moves Haze, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up. IV's unknown.
Manaphy - Timid Manaphy, Hydration Ability, Moves Tail Glow, Bubble, Water Sport don't know the IV's though.
Passimian (♀) - Adamant - Receiver -
Mareanie's - Have both male and female's, Bold Regenerator HA, egg moves Haze, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up. IV's unknown.
Manaphy - Timid Manaphy, Hydration Ability, Moves Tail Glow, Bubble, Water Sport don't know the IV's though.
If you can breed a flawless Mareanie (31/x/31/31/31/31) I'll trade Ho-oh for it.
Tiny update - added Vullaby. Also, Vulpix is now available in a Dive Ball and Riolu (finally) in a Moon Ball.

Also, wanting to get people's input on this: Should I put Alolan forms in the Kanto section or the Alola one?
Hi! I'm interested in your frillish and noibat.
Would you be interested in...

Koffing (Dusk) - Bold - Levitate - 5iv (-Att) - EM: psywave

Surskit (poke) - Timid - Swift Swim - 5iv (-Att) - EM: hydro pump

Stunky (dream) - Jolly - Aftermath - 5iv (-SpA) - EM: Pursuit, Foul play

Bronzor (poke) - Calm - Levitate - 6iv

Chespin (dusk) - Impish - HA - 5iv (-SpA) - EM: Spikes, Quick Guard, Synthesis, Curse

Morelull (nest) - Bold - HA - 5iv (-Att) - EM: Leech seed, amnesia, poison powder, stun spore
Hi! I'm interested in your frillish and noibat.
Would you be interested in...

Koffing (Dusk) - Bold - Levitate - 5iv (-Att) - EM: psywave

Surskit (poke) - Timid - Swift Swim - 5iv (-Att) - EM: hydro pump

Stunky (dream) - Jolly - Aftermath - 5iv (-SpA) - EM: Pursuit, Foul play

Bronzor (poke) - Calm - Levitate - 6iv

Chespin (dusk) - Impish - HA - 5iv (-SpA) - EM: Spikes, Quick Guard, Synthesis, Curse

Morelull (nest) - Bold - HA - 5iv (-Att) - EM: Leech seed, amnesia, poison powder, stun spore
Definitely interested in your Koffing and Morelull.