Format Discussion Hackmons & Challenge Cups


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Format Changelog (this pretty much counts as that so I get to make a changelog)

pyuk recently fixed an issue with Challenge Cup, where the code for checking prior stages' learnsets was a little faulty. This means that 2nd and 3rd stage Pokémon can now get egg moves, as well as the odd level-up move that's exclusive to prior stages (notable examples of the latter including Poison Sting Kakuna, or Spore Breloom). This fix applies to every generation of Challenge Cup.

This problem was first identified and reported to me by relevartemit, and I reached out to pyuk for help since she's the best at Challenge Cup code, at which point she did everything. Thanks to you both!
Challenge Cup data spreadsheet 2.0 is out now! View online here, or download the Excel data here.

This updates my previous version by including data on each Pokemon's specific Challenge Cup movepool. In addition to finding everyone's overall level-adjusted physical and special offensive and defensive capabilities, I found the average damage output for each move, ranked them in terms of utility, and assigned each a weight factor to each move corresponding to how likely they are to be selected in a typical Challenge Cup match.

By adding these values together, we get a weighted average value (Move-Adjusted Power) for each Pokemon that incorporates their offensive capability, general move strength, and likelihood of receiving useful moves in Challenge Cup. A second column, Max Power, considers only the best move for each Pokemon to examine the best-case scenario. Finally, I found the Average Move Strength of each Pokemon - this is a weighted average of each move's base power accounting for strength, type, category, and likelihood of being selected in a typical matchup.

It was a fun project, and I hope it makes sense!

EDIT: I have added additional links so that you can view the rankings sorted by any criterion without downloading the data.
Sort by: Move-Adjusted Power | Max Power | Average Move Strength | Physical Power | Special Power | Physical Bulk | Special Bulk | Speed
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I put another Challenge Cup resource together - this time, it shows the probability for each Pokemon to get access to a damaging move of each type. Could be useful if you want to analyze which opponents might be among the biggest threats to your team, or if you just want to learn a little more about how the movepools are constructed. It also gives a more direct breakdown of the movepools into each type and Physical/Special/Status category.
View online | Download spreadsheet

I also updated my previous spreadsheet of Challenge Cup Stats to account for all existing DLC. This ranks all Pokemon according to their offensive and defensive stats, accounting for level and movepool. Check the "Explanation" tab for more precise details. I hope you can give it a look!
View online | Download spreadsheet
View, sorted by: Move-Adjusted Power | Max Power | Average Move Strength | Physical Power | Special Power | Physical Bulk | Special Bulk | Speed

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