Tournament Kektus Ladder Challenge. Stabmons started

What does it mean for slow motion to "outspeed" the opponent? Presumably it would mean going first when both Pokemon use moves of identical priority, but I'd like some clarification.
What does it mean for slow motion to "outspeed" the opponent? Presumably it would mean going first when both Pokemon use moves of identical priority, but I'd like some clarification.
I'm quite sure that's what was meant, otherwise good luck getting your speed higher than the foe's
Pretty much yeah, the joke of the set is that its so, so slow its pretty much impossible to outspeed any mon with it (Unless they attempt to phase you)
Well, there's always Trick Room. I tried that, but slow motion is honestly so god-awful that setting up and using Trick Room for those points was a liability to the point of risking game loss anyways.
I actually had a strategy built around trying to get 100+ points in a single game by abusing slow motion, since while you need to set your speed IV to 0, you're free to invest EVs into speed and run a speed boosting nature.

Basically I had Gambler with Agility in its last slot alongside Make it Rain the Lopunny who had both Charm and Captivate. Once the opponent got down to his last mon via a completely op magic bounce CroCune that somehow found its way into the kektus challenge, I would send out Lopunny and click Captivate/Charm to make the opposing mon hit like a wet noodle until Lopunny died, then set up 3 Agilities with Gambler and Baton Pass to Munchlax. By flinging its Macho Brace, waiting until slow start ends, and using 252 EVs and a speed boosting nature, Munchlax ended up with 340 speed with the given Agility boosts, outspeeding everything base 105 or lower. Then I would just spam stockpile, rest, and fling (not curse, curse makes you slow again) until the opponent ran out of PP accumulating a retarded amount of points in the process.

Unfortunately the 2 times I pulled it off my opponent ragequit so I never got it to work. I cba to try again so maybe someone else can attempt to pull it off.
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Well, I had a good run, but I finally got to three losses today. Given how much fun I had with the team and how I think it got further than it really deserves, I think I'll call it here.

This run was on the alt 'full communism now':
Rambler+Gambler+Backbiter lets me get five bonus points per match without having to run god-awful sets.
Backbiter (Liepard) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Illusion
Shiny: Yes
Happiness: 69
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Torment
- Trick
- Nasty Plot
- Snarl
Scarf-trick is nice with illusion, but obviously a real team would have anything else in slots 1, 3, and 4. And wouldn't be using Liepard.
Rambler (Altaria) (F) @ Altarianite
Ability: No Guard
Shiny: Yes
Happiness: 69
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Perish Song
- Roar
- Sing
Hyper Voice is nice because opponents usually anticipate physical Mega Altaria. 100% accuracy sing is handy, but only because the team isn't good. Don't run anything like this on a real team.
Gambler (Zapdos) @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
Shiny: Yes
Happiness: 69
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
- Discharge
- Ominous Wind
- Baton Pass
- Roost
Serene Grace Discharge is pretty sweet, letting Zapdos semi-reliably spread status while still doing, in most cases, enough damage. I really wish Zapdos had the movepool to abuse Serene Grace. Ominous Wind will only ever get used against bad players who leave something in that Zapdos walls, or if I'm desperate and need boosts.
Counter Productive (Genesect) @ Passho Berry
Ability: Desolate Land
Shiny: Yes
Happiness: 69
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Shift Gear
- Blaze Kick
- Iron Head
- Extreme Speed
A priority user (which the team desperately needs) that counters and sets up on those pesky mono-attacking waters. Actually pretty cool. Probably something better for the job, though. Ekiller Water Absorb Lucario?
Janitor (Piloswine) (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Refrigerate
Shiny: Yes
Happiness: 0
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Frustration
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
Deceptively difficult to OHKO, sets up rocks (which the team also desperately needs), and has great offensive coverage. Definitely worth using on serious teams, dunno why it's in Kektus.
(☆☆☆)Bonus Ducks (Psyduck) (F) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Prankster
Shiny: Yes
Happiness: 69
EVs: 252 Def / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Protect
- Disable
- Encore
- Toxic
#BASED DUCK #PSYDUCK FOR C+. For real though, this was added to rack up points, check setup, and stallbreak, and it did all of the above reliably, along with spreading status. It's caused ragequits. It is hindered by the fact that it is Psyduck. Check the Creative Sets thread for a full write-up on this set.
Okay I calculated your run, and the thing is you need to choose 5 best replays to take the score from
I'm not sure if you remembered to take the ELO bonus up all the way (it gets added on top with each battle and you had quite a few battles at 1200 which bumps to value up to +5)

so If my math isn't completely incorrect with elo bonuses your run total with the 5 best runs makes it worth 84 points considering you didn't seem to have any bonus milkers.

I actually had a strategy built around trying to get 100+ points in a single game by abusing slow motion, since while you need to set your speed IV to 0, you're free to invest EVs into speed and run a speed boosting nature.

Basically I had Gambler with Agility in its last slot alongside Make it Rain the Lopunny who had both Charm and Captivate. Once the opponent got down to his last mon via a completely op magic bounce CroCune that somehow found its way into the kektus challenge, I would send out Lopunny and click Captivate/Charm to make the opposing mon hit like a wet noodle until Lopunny died, then set up 3 Agilities with Gambler and Baton Pass to Munchlax. By flinging its Macho Brace, waiting until slow start ends, and using 252 EVs and a speed boosting nature, Munchlax ended up with 340 speed with the given Agility boosts, outspeeding everything base 105 or lower. Then I would just spam stockpile, rest, and fling (not curse, curse makes you slow again) until the opponent ran out of PP accumulating a retarded amount of points in the process.

Unfortunately the 2 times I pulled it off my opponent ragequit so I never got it to work. I cba to try again so maybe someone else can attempt to pull it off.

Oh god that sounds absolutely horrifying, might need to tweak the EV's maybe
Okay I calculated your run, and the thing is you need to choose 5 best replays to take the score from
I'm not sure if you remembered to take the ELO bonus up all the way (it gets added on top with each battle and you had quite a few battles at 1200 which bumps to value up to +5)

so If my math isn't completely incorrect with elo bonuses your run total with the 5 best runs makes it worth 84 points considering you didn't seem to have any bonus milkers.e
Oh, wow, I totally missed that bit of the rules. I did not take account of the ELO values correctly, either. I might be better at battling than following instructions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Oh, wow, I totally missed that bit of the rules. I did not take account of the ELO values correctly, either. I might be better at battling than following instructions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
It's cool tho, you still managed to become #1 at the current scoreboard

Anyway I have added 5 mons
And also nerfed slow motion, just incase, tho if you have managed to rack points with it before this nerf I'll probably accept them, maybe.
The entei set doesn't work as extremespeed is incompatible. Probable because it thinks flash fire has to have been gotten from an event and so is incompatible with extremespeed. Can I just replace it with illuminate or does the set have to be taken down?
The entei set doesn't work as extremespeed is incompatible. Probable because it thinks flash fire has to have been gotten from an event and so is incompatible with extremespeed. Can I just replace it with illuminate or does the set have to be taken down?
Uh... this is AAA. There's no incompatibility here. I suggested that set, mainly to take advantage of the joke that Flash Fire is unreleased in standards.
Uh... this is AAA. There's no incompatibility here. I suggested that set, mainly to take advantage of the joke that Flash Fire is unreleased in standards.
Lol, I meant that the simulator won't allow it. It has this issue with other pokemon too like poison heal defog gliscor.
The entei set doesn't work as extremespeed is incompatible. Probable because it thinks flash fire has to have been gotten from an event and so is incompatible with extremespeed. Can I just replace it with illuminate or does the set have to be taken down?
It doesnt?
Well thats a bummer

uhhh I guess it can be replaced with illuminate then I'll probably edit the set a bit to let people know this issue
My first kektus challenge under the name such lewd(Perfect colour) managed to get 7 wins before losing my third battle. Here are my 5 best wins: 8 points for using double lewd, 6 for 6 mons surviving. 14 points. 8 points for using double lewd, 6 for 6 mons surviving, 2 for 1100. 16 points. 8 points for using double top tier threat, 6 for 6 mons surviving, 2 for 1100. 16 points. 8 points for using double top tier threat, 5 for 5 mons surviving, 2 for 1100, 3 for struggle kill. 18 points. 8 points for using double top tier threat, 5 for 5 mons surviving, 2 for 1100. 15 points.
Comes to 79 points.

My strategy was to try and use as few mons as possible to get points, and I noticed the two make it rain mons. They were basically useless, but when used together they come to 8 points, allowing me to fill the other 4 slots with some decent pokemon. After a bit I noticed the two strugglemons, who also come to 8 points when used together. I used those instead because they can earn some bonus points from struggle kills and regirock can actually sort of check some mons. I then stuck on suicune because it was by far the best set in this challenge, and stuck on skarmory for birdspam. The other two were just thrown on because they were good. My team changed a bit throughout the challenge, and I will probably try again with an altered version of the team.
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Sorry to double post, but I decided to do the challenge again with the final version of the team from my last run. My name was "dutch lewd" Here are my five best replays. 20 points 23 points 28 points 19 points 19 points

I have 2 more replays worth 19 points but I can only take five. I was a little disappointed at the end of the challenge; I had just reached 1300 and then got haxed twice in a row by people using no guard mews. Oh well, what can you do. My total is 109 points.

DEFinitely bad (Skarmory) @ Kee Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 248 HP / 236 Def / 24 Spe
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Stealth Rock
- Brave Bird
- Whirlwind

(☆☆☆)moves like (Flareon) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Baton Pass
- Curse
- Heal Bell
- Will-O-Wisp

(☆☆☆)Top Tier Threat (Regirock) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Def / 244 SpD
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Rest
- Safeguard
- Thunder Wave

No Pressure (Suicune) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Scald
- Calm Mind

Paralyzer (Altaria) @ Altarianite
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Body Slam
- Dragon Breath
- Perish Song
- Roost

Jirachi 2.0 (Cobalion) @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Iron Head
- Close Combat
- Volt Switch
I already kind of explained my team in the previous post: top tier threat and moves like are there because they give a free 8 points and I only have to use 2 bad sets instead of 3 for 9 or something. Skarmory+Suicune wall pretty much every physical pokemon in the game and altaria lets me beat the electric types, while also milking points with paras. Perish song lets me force out things like suicune and volcarona. Cobalion gives me some room to play around pokemon with flinchhax and helps me with fairies and other types in general.
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lost the link to my real first match which was a win by forfeit from opponent so the ones that count:
first match ragequit by the guy, by my accounts it adds up to 9 points
second match +10 points -> 19 total
third match +7 points >> 26 total
fourth was a loss to thebluerabbit
You can play until you lose 3 times by the way.
lost the link to my real first match which was a win by forfeit from opponent so the ones that count:
first match ragequit by the guy, by my accounts it adds up to 9 points
second match +10 points -> 19 total
third match +7 points >> 26 total
fourth was a loss to thebluerabbit
Like Pagoose said, you're allowed to lose 3 times but I can add this current run if you want to
Tho you could still continue as you have 2 losses left.
20 days remain for the AAA challenge.
I have now added 3 mons to the usability list, one which should be a huge boon for anyone, one that should be also very useful, and one that is reflecting the monday mornings a little bit too well.
So 26th day has already passed in about every time zone now.
Congratsulations Pagoose for winning the AAA challenge!

The next challenge is now pending and I'll add more info afterwards, if inheritance gets a seperate ladder, the next challenge will be just that.
If not, then either Tier shift or stabmons.
The next challenge will be STABmons
And once more I will be accepting submissions for sets!
You may post em in this topic starting now or you may PM em to be in showdown or via conversation in here smogon if you want to stay anonymous, remember;
-Sets must be STABmons Legal
-Try give your submissions a theme or mechanic or something to make them... Fun
-Try leave some room for creativity, sets that work with a smart filling are always good. (unless the set is very specific)
-Humour goes a long way to get set accepted in.
-Dont forget nicknames!