League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Ryze has absolutely no reason after early game to use AD, as A. he has no AD scaling on his spells, and B. he can't really build any AD-supportive items besides Manamune on his standard build, and 67-maybe extra damage on his combo can't compare to the damage from AA Staff vonFiedler listed. He has a minimal reason to use the AP.

Incidentally, has anyone tried a troll build on Ryze with Manamune, Gunblade, and Triforce? Seems like it could be funny.
Not so well..
i am in shock at this revelation

I'd like to bring up Nautilus again as I was wondering when the metagame would fit him to be used more often as he is incredibly strong. Obviously making the counterjunglers less powerful would be a start but is there any other way to do it without nerfing?
better leashes and defensive CVs/wards, or just putting him top or support

boring free week aside from galio and kog
What do you guys think of double jungle strats? I mean, I'm probably only mentioning this because M5 did it, but I've been trying it out with my IRL friends with mixed results.

What we've been having the most trouble with is finding somewhere to put the AD carry, since we don't want them solo bot or solo top and we need an AD carry to be able to win late game. (Case in point: We went 26-5 in team kills by 30 minutes, never lost a tower, and still took 50 minutes to win because we didn't have an AD carry). We tried sending Caitlyn mid in a second game, but we lost when Cait seemed to die every time she came into lane to a Veigar stun+instagib.

Do you guys have any suggestions?
What do you guys think of double jungle strats? I mean, I'm probably only mentioning this because M5 did it, but I've been trying it out with my IRL friends with mixed results.

What we've been having the most trouble with is finding somewhere to put the AD carry, since we don't want them solo bot or solo top and we need an AD carry to be able to win late game. (Case in point: We went 26-5 in team kills by 30 minutes, never lost a tower, and still took 50 minutes to win because we didn't have an AD carry). We tried sending Caitlyn mid in a second game, but we lost when Cait seemed to die every time she came into lane to a Veigar stun+instagib.

Do you guys have any suggestions?
Corki and vayne are both champions that are situationally good in top lane, so you could put them there. Other than that, you could send Urgot mid as he works well against some shorter range mages.
M5 gave Urgot blue and that's all he needed iirc. Won his lane (bot).

I've always wanted to test Leona Jungle supporter.

Her passive helps to clear insanely fast and her gank assist would be unreal. Have her buy Oracle so she can clear wards for ganks.
i am in shock at this revelation

I'd like to bring up Nautilus again as I was wondering when the metagame would fit him to be used more often as he is incredibly strong. Obviously making the counterjunglers less powerful would be a start but is there any other way to do it without nerfing?

watch this, oddone basically explains when and why he uses nautilus. really powerful jungle pick but very vulnerable to shyvana/mundo/udyr heavy counterjungling and there's not much counter to that aside from excessive warding and picking a strong mid laner like cass, and that doesn't always work.

hecarim looks interesting
however could be lackluster

also i want varus more so i'm saving my IP
watch this, oddone basically explains when and why he uses nautilus. really powerful jungle pick but very vulnerable to shyvana/mundo/udyr heavy counterjungling and there's not much counter to that aside from excessive warding and picking a strong mid laner like cass, and that doesn't always work.
I actually watched this video about a week ago or so and that's why I'm asking. I was wondering if there was anything else holding him back bar the counterjungling.


Banned deucer.
Supportilus has actually seen a great deal of use in the Australian meta, primarily due to him being a better Blitzcrank. (Well, they are both different, but you get my drift.)
why did jannas ult need nerfed -_- there were already champions that willl just jump right back at you and now... :/

she's still good but, unnecessary nerf. i think overall her changes hurt more than they helped. wish they left her ult as it was, mana cost and all

also hecarim seems to suck kind of but i cant really have a strong opinion yet
why did jannas ult need nerfed -_- there were already champions that willl just jump right back at you and now... :/

she's still good but, unnecessary nerf. i think overall her changes hurt more than they helped. wish they left her ult as it was, mana cost and all
itt fairytale discovers champion nerfs

Age of Kings

of the Ash Legion
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
So I've been playing a lot of Lulu lately. If I don't run a full support build and want to do some damage, would it be better to build AP or AS? I've been building AP (core is RoA, Morello's Tome, and Rabadon's) but a few of my friends swear by AS.
AP mid Lulu that rushes RDC and then later takes Rylai's for durability has worked well for me. I would go CDR boots over MRpen boots. You have to farm well and get kills quickly to be able to deliver carry-like damage. And if the game stretches too long your damage will fizzle. If you don't get farmed up you can shift to a more support-like role and still lead your team to victory.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
So I've been playing a lot of Lulu lately. If I don't run a full support build and want to do some damage, would it be better to build AP or AS? I've been building AP (core is RoA, Morello's Tome, and Rabadon's) but a few of my friends swear by AS.
Attack Damage Lulu. She gets a 117 damage steroid, it's fallacious to look at her passive and think you should give her AS (though 2.5 AS on her IS cool looking). Phantom Dancer/Bloodthirster works great on her. Why Lulu instead of any other carry? Lulu farms on par with Sivir and can beat any AD carry or Mage 1 on 1.

I wasn't able to test her enough when she was free and the heckling did get fucking tiring, but she also REALLY benefits from CDR so a Nashor's Tooth is a great item on her, I'm just uncertain of what order it should be in her build.

Age of Kings

of the Ash Legion
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I actually rarely run magic pen boots on her, I usually opt for CDR boots or Merc treads. AD Lulu sounds interesting but...off-putting. I might test in the future but AP seems like a safer choice to me.
ok so i've only played two normal games as teemo, and my record across these games is 37/9/22. i'm not exactly amazing at LoL (as anyone here i've played with can probably attest to) and I am against low-ish level players, but this seems really strong to me. Is the same true for teemo at level 30 since his buff or am i just playing against scrubs?


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Attack Damage Lulu. She gets a 117 damage steroid, it's fallacious to look at her passive and think you should give her AS (though 2.5 AS on her IS cool looking).
AS because her passive isn't actually AD and doesn't scale with anything except AS (and MPen). ;[ Like Teemo's Toxic Shot and that's how he normally builds. Her base AS is kinda junk either way, though.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
#1 Attack Speed. That's where the fallacious comes in. If it was 117 extra physical damage you wouldn't say "Let's build attack speed!". Attack Speed scales with any damage bonus, that's why carries build both stats.

#2 Magic Pen!

Extra Magic Damage huh? Then I'll use Malady to make an On-Hit build with Wit's End and Bloodrazer

In fact, forget the Malady.

Usual train of thought here. The fact that it is magic damage means diddly shit until you build a Last Whisper, at which point you are face rolling.

#3 Teemo. Teemo sucks with a Carry Build. On-hit is cheaper and tankier, and goes great with Wriggle's Lantern for better control of Top Lane.

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