League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I main support, and I can safely say that it is NOT what you want to play to "escape" any ELO level. No matter how much you can get your ADC fed in lane, if they're bad at positioning or just in general then they're a liability in teamfights if you're not babysitting them. Likewise, you can't personally ward/sweep enough to gain great vision control if your team doesn't help, and people are bad enough at warding as it is. This isn't always true, as I've been carried by ADCs that I carried in lane, but as always it's up to chance and the odds are you only have an average marksman for your ELO on your team.

Jungle or a roaming mid are far better, because you can pick and choose which of your teammates needs the help and which of your teammates will benefit most from ganks and snowball your team the most. Hell, even a teleporting top laner can TP botlane with a nice ward for an easy gank or countergank, or roam mid once you win the 1v1 top lane and take the tower.

Surprise surprise, that's every single position that has the potential to carry a game. Learn what you're comfortable with and what you enjoy, then learn to do it well. If you can't be a jack of all trades or a master of one, you can still at least get pretty damned good at the one :^)


Banned deucer.
so the new patch is annoying as hell for top laners, cant even touch the enemy adc cause of randuins nerf so im forced to peel for my own every single fight...plus taking the crit damage reduction mastery is now mandatory due to every single aa'ing adc rushing it first item.

seriously i feel like my entire playstyle just got nerfed. might start playing more jungle.
gg. I wish there was less one sided games in league. Most games are win hard or lose hard. xD

Akali/Katarina is pretty op in silver/bronze. I hate them. I misplayed a few times in lane. I didn't expect to get punished for being greedy with minions. Then I had to shove the lane so I can B/get harassed less. Then you froze the lane. Jayce is kind of annoying and you played very well.

I like Ignite Shyvana since she is mobile and it helps me win lane and good vs Life Steal/Dorans/Irelia. It was useful in the previous Shyvana game I had.

Shyvana is kind of cool because people don't position or engage properly. I liked her because I can do good damage, be tanky, but focus whoever I want since I jump into the middle of fights.

Edit:Didn't realize you guys had 3 boots of mobility. Cool stuff.
That is actually a cool idea considering how mobile Shyvana is. I kind of like going Yi or Irelia mid sometimes. I like the easy dragon solo and I like the turret shred/split push and mobility.

Colonel M

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Marth is riddled with aids that is why.

On a side note I really am not looking forward to the ADC power spike and the nerf to AS from Randuin's (I can sort of live without the other passive). I don't even want to think about how Vayne is in this patch lol.
I am sick of those guys who go double jungle items while jungling and just afking. Not only is that bad for obvious reasons, you delay your Feral Flare.

I don't like it how these Rengar tops go quadrouple Doran's Blade 90% of the time. Silvers trying to copy these Diamond/Challenger streams.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Double jungle items is the new standard on Udyr, and the lanes ought to be able to play well enough on their own without jungle help to warrant the MASSIVE farm return that going this build rewards your jungler with.

Laners so selfish for ganks smh

Colonel M

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I actually wonder how effective quad Doran Rengar is now with the new changes.

Also I never really understood the double jungle item on Udyr aside from Udyr clearing jungle camps asap pisses through mana and Feral Flare is still strong on and shit, but zo is Ancient Golem. @_@;

But like UncleSam lanes qq for ganks too much - whether Im playing ranked in my mediocre Silver III self or playing with some friends and one of them is usually pretty awful. So I almost never play a farming jungler.

To give an idea... and on a side note I guess:

I figured out wtf I was doing wrong with Vi. After I found out I really felt dumb. I did this max order a lot - E > Q > W. What I didnt realize fsr is how nuts her W is and her Q scales nicely at full damage. So obviously I swapped to Q > W > E in that game. I noticed the difference dramatically.

Obviously all 5 of us are friends. Lissandra wanted to /ff. I would too if I lost to a Level 29 Draven. <_<

Inb4 Earthworm pokes fun at me. @_@;
I am sick of those guys who go double jungle items while jungling and just afking. Not only is that bad for obvious reasons, you delay your Feral Flare.

I don't like it how these Rengar tops go quadrouple Doran's Blade 90% of the time. Silvers trying to copy these Diamond/Challenger streams.
double jungle items actually don't delay your flare at all since the stacks you get when you have machete / razors are conserved when you upgrade it into wriggles iirc
razors->spirit stone->wriggle's or razors->wriggle's->spirit stone is a very common build on yi and udyr and it's really effective for powerfarming the jungle, especially if you're doing a figure 8 path
I meant it delays your Wriggles. I can understand why Udyr would do it, but Master Yi should be ganking squishies every time his ultimate is up and Spirit Stone doesn't give him that oomph to burst them as easily.

Maybe its bad in silver or something since they usually don't tend to do well.

Colonel M

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Maybe its bad in silver or something since they usually don't tend to do well.
This is the problem in Silver at least from what I've seen:

"Laners so selfish for ganks smh"

This is why I don't even bother with farming junglers. Dunno if I'll even touch them in Gold.
I don't think it gets any better until high gold at the very least. I play with and against a lot of gold Vs and gold IVs. They are no different from most silver players in my experience.
I meant it delays your Wriggles. I can understand why Udyr would do it, but Master Yi should be ganking squishies every time his ultimate is up and Spirit Stone doesn't give him that oomph to burst them as easily.
not necessarily, you can win games by powerfarming

cowsep is a D1 player in korea who's mained yi for months and he can consistently win games by powerfarming the jungle, getting a really fast bork and soloing baron before 20 minutes
Can he really just power farm vs any team composition, or alongside any team composition? I do the power farm strategy myself a lot, but I notice myself unable to ignore my team most of the game.

That is the cool thing about the double jungle item strategy. Easy way to get Dragon/Baron. Do they really not notice him soloing Baron? Or can they not do anything about it due to it forcing a teamfight where he would win since he is Yi. Or does he pick the correct time to solo Baron?

Interesting to say the least. xD
Can he really just power farm vs any team composition, or alongside any team composition? I do the power farm strategy myself a lot, but I notice myself unable to ignore my team most of the game.

That is the cool thing about the double jungle item strategy. Easy way to get Dragon/Baron. Do they really not notice him soloing Baron? Or can they not do anything about it due to it forcing a teamfight where he would win since he is Yi. Or does he pick the correct time to solo Baron?

Interesting to say the least. xD
High elo players know how to play with a power farming jungler. They know to be cautious, not engage unless they have vision of the enemy jungler, and realize that every lane is a farm lane. By playing safe for 15 minutes, you can effectively neutralize the advantage the enemy early-game jungler has over your jungler, and set yourself up in great position to win teamfights and steamroll the game late.

Low elo players tend to play however they normally play regardless of their team comp. They might pick a Leona in lane and play aggressively, handing the enemy team free kills if the enemy jungler is in the area. Once a lane is behind, it's hard to avoid the enemy snowballing it with a passive jungler, so most low elo players will continue letting their lane get out of hand.

I play a lot of people from Gold 3-5 and the players here definitely tend more towards the latter than the former, and probably will complain if you play a powerfarming jungler without helping them, just like Silver players. However, if they don't feed lane, your lategame carry potential will skyrocket and you can find yourself with some easy wins.
killah basically covered it

oh and prepare for top lane kayle to be EVERYWHERE in 3-7 days. it's rampant in OGN right now (played all 8 games so far) and was played in LPL as well, so it's only a matter of time before it catches on in LCS and then solo queue
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Banned deucer.
wait a sec...so i got to plat 4, won a game (+18 lp), lost a game (-18 lp), and lost another game

now i'm plat 5 again. really? i lost ONE GAME at 0 lp. has this happened to anyone else, is my MMR just crazy low or what? i lost about 3 promos into plat 4 before i got there if that helps. but i don't think this has ever happened to me before, even though i've previously lost games at 0 lp.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I'm pretty sure it's always been the case once your just-been-promoted protection drops off, unless you have unusually high MMR maybe (in which case you probably gain LP so fast you can't even stay in a tier long enough to lose your protection, drop down to 0 LP and lose another game).
I can confirm Kayle is perma banned in bronze as well. I hate when junglers don't gank and lose me my lane. if they wanted to farm and not help the team they should just play mid. I just report those losers though

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