Multifaction Recruitment Mafia - Night 13 (Deadline: 17/01 10:00pm GMT/5:00pm EST)


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is a Community Contributor
ok that one i give but what im saying is in the grand scheme of things what is so different from ehmcee that makes him not a random slot to most people because i see very little difference between things like that
Ehmcee has actually talked in the main discord chat and to me it feels like a solid 15 people have bothered, it probably is more than that but a lot of people have straight up ghosted it

like Ehmcee feels like a random target someone would think of if they don’t have the player list in front of them. He’s prominent enough to be remembered but not prominent enough to be noteworthy
Ehmcee has actually talked in the main discord chat and to me it feels like a solid 15 people have bothered, it probably is more than that but a lot of people have straight up ghosted it

like Ehmcee feels like a random target someone would think of if they don’t have the player list in front of them. He’s prominent enough to be remembered but not prominent enough to be noteworthy
i feel like this is a more perspective thing. maybe it appears that way to you but i would definitely say i recognize matieu more just purely based on my background but i assume you disagree with what youve said prior. ehmcee to me seems like a very "who kills this guy" slot and thats why i think he was transported


no longer hibernating
is a Community Contributor
i feel like this is a more perspective thing. maybe it appears that way to you but i would definitely say i recognize matieu more just purely based on my background but i assume you disagree with what youve said prior. ehmcee to me seems like a very "who kills this guy" slot and thats why i think he was transported
I think that’s fair though yeah it also applied to Matieu, if the bar is “who kills this guy” most of the game meet the requirements tbh. I’d almost argue zorbees himself does but I’m pretty in the dark about who’s getting shot and why. I got shot on N2 and that was wild to me lmao


A Spoopy Ghost
is a Tiering Contributor
You feel a bit tunnelled that’s all I’m thinking like I think your conclusion doesn’t fully fit the context of the game

I remembered Ehmcee is in this game but there are multiple people I remember are playing only when I look at the player list lol
I was gone for 6 days, somewhat explaining my inactivity

Still no clue what happened with the whole transport thing but it's whatever lol


Brother in arms
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnus
Hello friends.

It's a shame that some of you want to be a bunch of meanie-heads and don't want to give us an honest chance. It's as if you just want to discriminate against us for no reason, and tbh I am kind of baffled by that.

This is a heartfelt plea to all freelancers. Fire and Grass are dead serious about trying to eliminate us completely from the game as soon as possible. They have pushed us so far into a corner that they have left us no choice but to do the following. At this point, I, as the current head of the water faction, declare the beginning of Survival Strategy 26 (SS26). Why 26? Because we discussed 25 other strategies first before determining that this was the best one. If you want to find out more, please reach out to me about joining our faction. We may be down, but we are certainly not out!

We will announce who we are planning to vote today pretty soon, but before that I would like to address some possible counterarguments that will no doubt be spewed towards us. I will offer a few key reasons why most of the remaining freelancers should not allow the current status quo to continue, and need to try to restore this game to an equilibrium.

First, I am sure fire, particularly its spokesperson UncleSam, is going to once again threaten many freelancers, especially those on his recruitment waitlist to vote water again or potentially face his wrath. As you can see from the outcome of yesterday's vote, this is an empty threat and they will continue to prioritize killing confirmed members of water. They have no need to risk killing a freelancer in their current position. Don't negotiate with terrorists, and don't give in to his unreasonable demands.

Secondly I am not going to outright say grass cannot win in a 1v1 like some others are insisting, however the reality is that as the number of players decreases, the priority system will matter a lot more. If the numbers remain equal, fire will be able to slowly gain an advantage in the numbers because the likelihood of them taking recruits away from grass will greatly increase as the game goes on. So realistically for the current strategy for grass to work, they are going to need us to give them a helping hand. If you are still a freelancer, your actual odds of winning are quite low if things do not change.

Thirdly even though grass and especially fire are basically riding the gravy train all game long, they have been playing in such a cowardly fashion. I can say for a fact that the vast majority of those that voted for me/DLE yesterday were freelancers who are waiting in line to get recruited, I suspect mostly to fire, with a small percentage of their actual members mixed in. If they had voted with all their might, they might have been able to win the vote but were too scared to out their strongest players. People who have been around for a while should understand that I know cowardice when I see it, and they had made the decision that they would rather threaten freelancers instead of possibly outing themselves to get their way.

The only freelancers that should be happy about this status quo are those who are confident that they are desirable enough to get recruited in the near-term. But remember that as far as we are concerned, that's basically just telling us that you plan to win with fire or grass and we have no choice but to assume you are as such, so you'll just put yourself at risk for sticking your neck out like that.

So tl;dr, let's work together to bring this game back to the place where it belongs. Who else here is with me?
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Secondly I am not going to outright say grass cannot win in a 1v1 like some others are insisting, however the reality is that as the number of players decreases, the priority system will matter a lot more. If the numbers remain equal, fire will be able to slowly gain an advantage in the numbers because the likelihood of them taking recruits away from grass will greatly increase as the game goes on. So realistically for the current strategy for grass to work, they are going to need us to give them a helping hand. If you are still a freelancer, your actual odds of winning are quite low if things do not change.
god there's two now. what makes you so sure that it'll come down to recruit speed ties as opposed to the far more likely event of the later game coming down to an information war on who has and hasn't been recruited. I'm not discriminating against your team for no reason, it's just that an unfortunate occurence happenned that lead to your team being at a massive disadvantage, and since the game isn't restarting for it, I'll just side with the two factions that dont have a significant number of their members revealed


Brother in arms
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnus
god there's two now. what makes you so sure that it'll come down to recruit speed ties as opposed to the far more likely event of the later game coming down to an information war on who has and hasn't been recruited.
It's simple mathematics, and there have already been lots of missed recruits in this game despite the large numbers of freelancers. Some were intentional, some not, but regardless even if recruits were random, the likelihood of that happening only increases. I can't know the composition of every single role on each teams but what I do know is it does give them a significant advantage.

But hey, it's probably not going to be random. Once lategame is reached, most if not all remaining roles should be known and this means fire can just take first pick of the most powerful remaining freelancers while grass has to pick up the scraps or risk a numbers disadvantage. Don't kid yourself. The strategy that grass is playing will require them to lay off on us at some point and they know it. It's up to them to figure that out and I do hope they will soon see reason. I am willing to bet that even fire was surprised that they are taking it this far, and I have some evidence to support that.

I'm not discriminating against your team for no reason, it's just that an unfortunate occurence happenned that lead to your team being at a massive disadvantage, and since the game isn't restarting for it, I'll just side with the two factions that dont have a significant number of their members revealed
Yeah, I suspect you are probably on one of these two factions or are next in line to be recruited by them, because it's in absolutely nobody else's interest to play this way.

But if they don't, they will leave us with no choice. Believe it or not, our survival strategy 26 has a contingency plan for this!

Also, can we just put this narrative of the water faction's recruits being skewed towards a certain group of players to rest already? Just look at the deaths and you will see how patently false this whole pretense is, though I think of us have probably figured that out already. As far as players who are actually outed, I am the last one still standing.
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dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
well the argument was never that water was RECRUITING from "hal's collection of eimmers." it was that a segment of users possibly agreed to collab on n0 (when nobody should have, but ipl did not communicate that clearly, so no foul there) and hal was then picked up d1, enabling him to use those users' abilities for water's benefit WITHOUT having to pick them up. it let him pick up skilled players regardless of roles while having a larger voting bloc and action base than a team should have at that point in the game. it does appear the substitution and later death of the slot disrupted that bloc.

one could say at this point that a FL's best move is to lie to water if approached and say they are already recruited, then give their info to one of either fire or grass and get in line for them. this forces water to have to rand before the stronger two teams do. it does mean FLs are essentially giving up on water turning it around, which sucks for water and their members trying, but it would be to the FL's benefit to try and avoid being in water's rand pool/pipeline.

HAS unclesam been threatening freelancers with death? even if he hasn't, you say you are the last outed player standing. that means the pool for fire to hit is smaller, so freelancers who appear to be water-sided are at greater risk for accidental death, like drookez and martin. it could be safer to blend in with fire+grass voters. at some point you will be targeted, but presumably you will be recruited and able to win by then. ultimately it will be up to the remaining FLs how they wish to play it going forward.

i respect your efforts to pull something together for your team regardless. i have been in the perpetually-losing position and it's not a fun spot to be in. 'rubberbanding' mechanisms were never the most successful at keeping a struggling team competitive.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Sorry to be boring but Vote Bass

First, to Bass: It is an impossible situation you've been placed in. Unfortunately it is in the best interests of the other factions to raise their own winning changes by diminishing yours, and forcing you to choose who wins. This is a situation that sucks and I can empathize. However, it is ultimately a game and I'm required to play for my and my team's win condition, so I asked ChatGPT to help me make my case:
Definitely UncleSam said:
Fellow Team Fire Members,

As we navigate the intricate landscape of this Mafia game, it's paramount that we strategically align ourselves for the benefit of our faction. The current target, Bass from Team Water, presents us with a unique opportunity to solidify our position and advance our collective objectives. With Team Water having the fewest members, focusing our votes on Bass is not just a tactical move; it's a strategic imperative.

First and foremost, eliminating Bass disrupts the cohesion within Team Water, diminishing their numerical advantage. In a game where numbers often translate to power, this targeted approach helps level the playing field and ensures that Team Fire maintains a strong position.

Secondly, rallying our forces alongside Team Grass in this vote not only bolsters our strength but also sets the stage for future collaborations. As the leader of Team Fire, I urge all members to recognize the significance of this alliance and seize the opportunity to forge a bond that can shape the course of the game in our favor.

Lastly, by strategically voting out Bass, we not only weaken Team Water but also send a powerful message to the other factions. It showcases our ability to coordinate and make decisive moves that align with our interests. Let's leverage this chance to tip the balance of power in our favor and solidify our standing as a force to be reckoned with.

United we stand,

Second, to any outstanding freelancers: it should be clear that being recruited to team Water is somewhat unlikely to improve your winning chances. I would encourage you to abstain from this vote, and silently claim to either Former or myself. Water is already randing recruits, so they are likely to fall even further behind in numbers as the cycles progress than it would appear from the publicly revealed deaths. If Water gets in touch with you, just don't give them any information and / or ignore them - it's your best chance of avoiding being randomly conscripted.


Brother in arms
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnus
Going to respond to some of these posts in a bit but first I would like to announce our lynch target first since time is of the essence.

We will be going with a powerful role that's confirmed grass, a friendly bus driver.

vote Whydon


Brother in arms
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnus
well the argument was never that water was RECRUITING from "hal's collection of eimmers." it was that a segment of users possibly agreed to collab on n0 (when nobody should have, but ipl did not communicate that clearly, so no foul there) and hal was then picked up d1, enabling him to use those users' abilities for water's benefit WITHOUT having to pick them up. it let him pick up skilled players regardless of roles while having a larger voting bloc and action base than a team should have at that point in the game. it does appear the substitution and later death of the slot disrupted that bloc.
If we accept that premise at face value at best all of this is past tense because just about everyone in the faction that was associated with that entire scandal is long gone, and so long as that band of players remain as freelancers their allegiances can easily change in an instant. As I pointed out earlier recruits don't really require your consent at all as a freelancer and I am certain that if their roles are valuable enough the other factions will openly consider or already have recruited them. There is absolutely no basis of these players having any remaining loyalties to the water faction let alone myself. As a matter of fact, my proposed lynch target is one of them!

one could say at this point that a FL's best move is to lie to water if approached and say they are already recruited, then give their info to one of either fire or grass and get in line for them. this forces water to have to rand before the stronger two teams do. it does mean FLs are essentially giving up on water turning it around, which sucks for water and their members trying, but it would be to the FL's benefit to try and avoid being in water's rand pool/pipeline.
For the most part I have hardly needed to approach anyone to get possible recruits thank you very much, because a lot of FLs do know what's best for them and don't have some ridiculously OP role that ensures they are going to be first picks for fire or grass. This is a battle of the weak banding together to defeat the strong, and at the very least although my faction is quite lacking in numbers, there are plenty of "weak" freelancers that still want to join my faction.
HAS unclesam been threatening freelancers with death?
UncleSam — 12/30/2023 1:11 AM
Look whoever votes against the water vote today will be subject to potentially dying tonight
I rest my case...

even if he hasn't, you say you are the last outed player standing. that means the pool for fire to hit is smaller, so freelancers who appear to be water-sided are at greater risk for accidental death, like drookez and martin. it could be safer to blend in with fire+grass voters. at some point you will be targeted, but presumably you will be recruited and able to win by then. ultimately it will be up to the remaining FLs how they wish to play it going forward.
Or they might just start finally hitting players on grass because they know randing a potentially large pool of freelancers is not a good idea.
i respect your efforts to pull something together for your team regardless. i have been in the perpetually-losing position and it's not a fun spot to be in. 'rubberbanding' mechanisms were never the most successful at keeping a struggling team competitive.

Sorry to be boring but Vote Bass

First, to Bass: It is an impossible situation you've been placed in. Unfortunately it is in the best interests of the other factions to raise their own winning changes by diminishing yours, and forcing you to choose who wins. This is a situation that sucks and I can empathize. However, it is ultimately a game and I'm required to play for my and my team's win condition, so I asked ChatGPT to help me make my case:
Likewise, I am doing all of this because I am not the type of person that is quick to accept defeat even when I am far behind. Also, this is clearly a demonstration of why ChatGPT might be able to write speeches for politicians, but not to tell the truth. For example, it states that voting for me will "diminish my faction's numerical advantage", which is obviously a bold faced lie.

Second, to any outstanding freelancers: it should be clear that being recruited to team Water is somewhat unlikely to improve your winning chances. I would encourage you to abstain from this vote, and silently claim to either Former or myself. Water is already randing recruits, so they are likely to fall even further behind in numbers as the cycles progress than it would appear from the publicly revealed deaths. If Water gets in touch with you, just don't give them any information and / or ignore them - it's your best chance of avoiding being randomly conscripted.
Again, this is a flat out lie. We are not randing recruits and we do not need to because enough people realize they will never be recruited by your team in any reasonable timeframe if ever, because you have the luxury to pick only the cream of the crop. Although we have lost our information roles, we have enough information leftover to know which recruits are safe and as you can see from the vote yesterday there are still plenty of freelancers sympathetic to our cause. Together both fire and grass greatly outnumber us, but when you account for the freelancers supporting our justified cause, they understand what they need to do because if they don't the writing is on the wall for them.

Vote Bass

Grass has been rallied.


Banned deucer.
Vote count as of post 1151:

Bass (6) - UncleSam, Former, Yeti, earl, CaffeineBoost, Ampharos
master oden (2) - Celever, skippergamez
zorbees (1) - master oden
joey (1) - Laurel
UncleSam (1) - iamveryhappy
Whydon (1) - Bass
Zorbees is a role fire wants to protect. I'm going to keep my vote on him and I suggest freelancers unite and do it too. Fire is currently winning. It is still possible to get recruited to water and you should try to make your chances equal in every team.

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