ORAS OU EV Spread Compendium V2 (Read Post #12)

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OP stolen from Magic who got it from Ubers' EV Spread Compendium

ORAS OU EV Spread Compendium

Magic kind of just quit so I'm taking over, welcome to the OU EV Spread Compendium. This thread is a resource designed to assist old and new players alike in choosing the optimal Effort Value spreads and natures for each Pokemon in OU.

More or less this thread is designed to advocate non terrible EV spreads.No sugarcoat or any glamour behind it.

In this thread, you may suggest EV Spreads and Natures for Pokemon of all ranks, with the exception of D-Rank.(standard or otherwise). If the Spread and Nature you are suggesting is not standard, you must provide rational reasoning for why these non-standard Spreads are viable and effective. You must also provide as of what the Spread does. Please, however, do not suggest gimmicky or unviable Spreads in an attempt to create more sets for a Pokemon.

However, including additional Spreads to Speed Creep these new EV Spreads is discouraged, as Speed Creeping has to end at some point.

I will only go as far as B-, but that doesn't mean I won't add Pokemon in lower ranks if requested.

Always be sure to back up your argument with Replays.
"This" resource provides information on Speed Tiers.

This thread, above all, is a resource for distinguishing effective EV Spreads in the OU metagame. Let me know when stuff needs to be changed and I'll change them on down time.
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Mega Aerodactyl

252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

- Max Atk for power, Max Spe to be as fast as possible
- Noticeable out-sped Spe benchmarks - Base 145, Base 135, +1 Base 81 and below
- Relevant Sets - All Out Attacker, Roost / 3 Attacks



4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

- Max SpA for power, Max Spe to be as fast as possible
- Noticeable out-sped Spe benchmarks - Base 115, Base 110, (Insert specific mon if any)
- Relevant Sets - Life Orb, Focus Sash


Mega Alakazam

4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

- Max SpA for power, Max Spe to be as fast as possible
- Noticeable out-sped Spe benchmarks - Base 145, Base 135, +1 Base 81 and below (429 and Below)
- Relevant Sets - All Out Attacker, Calm Mind



252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

- Max Atk for power, Max Spe to be as fast as possible
- Noticeable out-sped Spe benchmarks - Base 78, Base 75, Base 70
- Noticeable out-sped benchmarks at +1 - Base 135, Base 125, Base 120
- Relevant Sets - Offensive Dragon Dance

248 HP / 136 Def / 96 SpD / 28 Spe
Impish Nature

- Noticeable Defensive benchmarks - WIP
- Relevant Sets - Defensive Dragon Dance (Heal Bell / Refresh / Cotton Guard w/ Facade)

The given EV spread along with an Impish nature optimizes Altaria's defenses and is ideal for setting up Dragon Dance. 28 Speed EVs are required to outrun Mega Lopunny and Manectric at +2, and to outrun maximum Speed Azumarill when unboosted. 248 HP / 136 Def / 96 SpD narrowly prevents KOs from some commonly feared, powerful attacks; for instance, Mega Altaria can't be 2HKOed by Choice Band Dragonite's Earthquake, Life Orb Thundurus's Hidden Power Ice, Mega Heracross's Rock Blast, and +1 Jolly Mega Charizard X's Flare Blitz, and it cannot be OHKOed by Jolly Mega Beedrill's Poison Jab and Azumarill's Play Rough. A spread of 248 HP / 184 Def / 76 Spe with a Jolly nature gives enough Speed to outrun maximum Speed Thundurus at +1, but it makes Mega Altaria significantly less bulky.

Specially Based Offensive Tank
248 HP / 168 SpA / 92 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature

The given EV spread prioritizes bulk, which is crucial for Mega Altaria to handle threats such as Mega Lopunny and Mega Charizard X, and special attacking power. The Speed EVs allow Altaria to outrun Jolly Azumarill; it is generally advised to invest a bit more in order to outspeed defensive Rotom-W and Landorus-T, which commonly run enough Speed to hit this benchmark. Depending on the team, more Speed can be run; some benchmarks include 240 for Adamant Bisharp (176 EVs) and even max Speed if outrunning Adamant Diggersby and slower base 100s is desired. Another option is 252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe with a Timid nature, sacrificing bulk to outspeed certain key threats, including Jolly Mega Heracross, Jolly Bisharp, Adamant Excadrill, Adamant Lucario, and Timid Heatran, as well as tie with opposing base 80 Speed Pokemon such as opposing Altaria, Mamoswine, and non-Mega Gallade


248 HP / 168 Def / 92 SpD
Bold Nature

WIP - Provide
248 HP EVs reduce damage from entry hazards and maximize Amoonguss's overall bulk. 92 Special Defense EVs allow Amoonguss to avoid the 2HKO from Choice Specs Keldeo's Icy Wind, while the other EVs are poured into Defense with a Bold nature to better take on Pokemon such as Azumarill, Breloom, and Mega Lopunny. Regenerator allows Amoonguss to heal up upon switching out. Black Sludge is chosen to restore HP and is superior to Leftovers to punish Pokemon that wish to switch items with Trick. An alternate spread of 248 HP / 116 Def / 144 SpD with a Bold Nature can be used to avoid the 2HKO from Life Orb Thundurus's HP Ice with Stealth Rock up.


Suicide Lead
228 Def / 28 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature

228 Defense EVs allow Azelf to survive Fake Out + Return from Mega Lopunny 100% of the time barring critical hits. 28 Special Attack EVs gives Azelf a 50% chance to OHKO Naive Mega Diancie with Hidden Power Steel max Speed allows it to outrun everything up to Raikou and Starmie. If this is undesirable as single max attack and speed spread can be ran with Fire Blast to check Steel-types.


172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe
Adamant Nature

- Max Atk for wall-breaking power
- 84 Spe to outpace non-invested Clefable and below - Support TTar, Chansey, Tangrowth, etc.
- Relevant Sets - Choice Band

92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe (Room to boost speed)

- Max Atk for power, 164 Spe for Base 70 Spe Pokemon
- 92 HP to activate Sitrus Berry
- Relevant Set - Belly Drum
- Other Option(s) - 12 HP / 244 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly to outrun non speed Rotom-W and below. 12 HP for Sitrus number.


Mega Beedrill
Revenge Killer
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

A Jolly Nature and max Speed investment for as much speed as possible and to outrun base 135's such as Mega Lopunny and Manectric. Max Attack investment allows it to hit as hard as possible.


Swords Dance
252 Atk / 52 SpD / 204 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature

Maximum Attack and Speed investment is used to hit as hard and fast as possible, while a Jolly nature is preferred to outspeed key threats such as defensive Landorus-T and Rotom-W as well as Adamant Mega Altaria, Dragonite, Gyarados, and Diggersby. An Adamant nature can be used instead if this is unnecessary, as it gives Bisharp a noticeable power boost. For example, it ensures an OHKO on Choice Scarf Landorus-T after Stealth Rock damage, something that Jolly Bisharp cannot achieve. If this option is chosen, 52 EVs can be moved from Speed to Special Defense to avoid the OHKO from Life Orb Latios's Hidden Power Fire after Stealth Rock damage, which can help prevent Sucker Punch 50-50s.


252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature (Technician)

- Max Atk for power
- Noticeable out-sped benchmarks:


252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature

Bronzong's special bulk is maximized because it needs all the special bulk it can get to reliably deal with threats such as Alakazam, Latios, and Mega Gardevoir. Physical attackers that rely on Ground + Rock / Ice coverage, such as Landorus-T, Garchomp, Excadrill, and Mamoswine, are walled even without Defense investment anyway, making Defense EVs unnecessary. 0 Speed IVs and a Speed-hindering nature are used to power up Gyro Ball.


Baton Pass
252 HP / 148 Def / 108 Spe
Bold / Impish Nature

The given EV spread with a Bold nature maximize Celebi's physical bulk to let it take hits from the likes of Azumarill and Mega Lopunny while outspeeding Jolly Bisharp in order to Baton Pass before it uses Pursuit. A specially defensive EV spread of 252 HP / 148 SpD / 108 Spe can be used to take hits better from the likes of Kingdra, Raikou, Latios, Latias, and Keldeo. If Substitute is chosen, a more specific EV spread of 252 HP / 104 Def / 44 SpD / 108 Spe with a Calm nature can be used to prevent Choice Specs Keldeo's Scald from breaking the Substitute. Note that an Impish nature should be used with Seed Bomb.

252 HP / 156 Def / 84 SpD / 16 Spe
Bold Nature

The given EV spread and a Bold nature maximize Celebi's overall bulk, notably avoiding the 2HKO from Adamant Mega Lopunny's Return after Stealth Rock damage while outspeeding Adamant Bisharp to escape its Pursuit with Baton Pass or cripple it with Thunder Wave. A faster EV spread of 252 HP / 148 Def / 108 Spe can be used if Jolly Bisharp is an issue for your team. Using an EV spread of 252 HP / 144 Def / 96 SpD / 16 Spe gives Thundurus a significantly smaller chance to 2HKO Celebi with Life Orb-boosted Hidden Power Ice after Stealth Rock.


4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Bold Nature

The given EVs maximize Chansey's physical and special bulk. Full investment in Special Defense maximizes Chansey's capabilities as a special wall, and a Bold nature is the best one to make Chansey as physically bulky as possible. Alternatively, you can use a spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD to truly maximize Chansey's physical bulk and to pass the largest Wishes possible to her teammates.


Mega Charizard-X
Dragon Dance
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature

Maximum speed and attack allows it to hit as hard and fast as possible. Alternatively, a bulkier spread of 144 HP / 252 Atk / 112 Spe can be ran. The EVs allow you to avoid being 2HKOed by Rotom-W's Hydro Pump. With 112 Spd you outspeed everything up to 88 Speed Jolly Landorus-T. Max Attack with Adamant to maximize your offensive power. At +2 you can outspeed every relevant Choice Scarf user.

Bulky Will-O-Wisp
248 HP / 148 SpD / 112 Spe
Careful Nature

The 248 HP EVs give you an odd HP number meaning you take a a little less from Stealth Rock, giving you more chances to switch in while Stealth Rock is up. 112 Spd outspeeds Adamant Gyarados, letting you burn it before it uses Earthquake. The remaining 148 EVs are placed into Special Defense to take Rotom-W's attacks a little better. These EVs can also be placed in Defense depending on the team. Alternatively running 16 Spd EVs is enough to outpace Adamant Bisharp and gives you more bulk in the defense of you choice.


Mega Charizard Y
Special Wallbreaker
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature

This set is a simple special attacker, so maximized Special Attack and Speed are required to make it as fast and powerful as possible. A Timid nature is preferred to avoid being outsped by several key threats, especially positive-natured threats in the base 87-100 Speed range such as Excadrill, Mega Garchomp, Landorus-T, Kyurem-B, and Mega Charizard X. Mega Charizard Y also gains so much power in the sunlight that it doesn't really need the extra strength offered by Modest, though it can be used if your team can handle the Pokemon previously mentioned.


252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature

The EVs are standard for a physical tank such as Chesnaught: max Defense and HP to make it as physically bulky as possible. More Attack and Speed can be used for more offensive prowess, at the cost of some bulk.


Magic Guard
252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature

The given Special Defense and HP investment along with a Calm nature allow Clefable to, most of the time, avoid the 2HKO from Mild Life Orb Kyurem-B's Ice Beam, Thundurus's Thunderbolt, Mega Diancie's Moonblast, and Mega Manectric's Thunderbolt. The given Defense and HP investment allow Clefable to avoid the 2HKO from Jolly Mega Lopunny's Return, Latios's Psyshock, and Jolly Mega Gyarados's Waterfall, as well as the OHKO from Choice Band Scizor's Bullet Punch.


Bulky Pivot
144 HP / 112 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly nature

The 144 HP EVs allow Cobalion to survive an Earthquake from Excadrill and take it out with Close Combat while the Attack EVs ensure an OHKO on Mega Gardevoir with Iron Head and 2HKOs on Ferrothorn and specially defensive Heatran with Close Combat after Stealth Rock damage. Leftovers is chosen to keep Cobalion healthy as it switches into foes throughout the match. Alternatively, a simple offensive spread can be ran utilizing Substitute and Swords Dance.


Sheer Force Attacker
48 HP / 252 Atk / 208 Spe
Adamant Nature

The EVs are just enough to outspeed defensive Skarmory while maximizing power, however, if Skarmory and normal Scizor are not a concern, an alternative spread of 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spe can be used for Clefable and 84 Spe Azumarill.

Assault Vest
252 Atk / 236 SpD / 20 Spe
Adamant Nature

An Adamant nature and maximum Attack investment allows Conkeldurr to hit hard with its great coverage. 20 Speed EVs allows it to outpace opposing Conkeldurr and Hippowdon, allowing Conkeldurr to potentially beat Hippowdon one-on-one if Guts is activated. The rest of the EVs are put in Special Defense to maximize bulk, allowing Conkeldurr to take hits from the aforementioned specially offensive threats


252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

Adaptability is the reason why Crawdaunt is such a powerful and efficient wallbreaker, and it's what gives Crawdaunt its niche. 252 Speed EVs combined with a Jolly nature allow Crawdaunt to outspeed many common defensive Pokemon such as Rotom-W, defensive variants of Heatran and Landorus-T, and Mega Venusaur. An Adamant nature can also be used to hit harder, but Jolly is definitely preferred. Maximum Attack EVs increase Crawdaunt's damage output, making it harder to wall.


Specially Offensive
8 Atk / 248 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature

To make full use of Mega Diancie's great Speed tier, full investment in Speed is necessary. 8 Attack EVs allows Mega Diancie to OHKO Mega Charizard X, while the rest is put in Special Attack for Mega Diancie to hit as hard as possible. Running an EV spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe with a Naive nature enables Mega Diancie to 2HKO Chansey and specially defensive Clefable with Diamond Storm after a bit of prior damage. However, doing so significantly lowers its special moves' damage output. A spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe can be used to significantly increase chances of OHKOing Mega Gardevoir, while a spread of 180 Atk / 76 SpA / 252 Spe retains the ability to OHKO Latios and Bisharp while improving the matchup against specially defensive threats.

Physically Offensive
252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature

Maximum Attack investment makes this spread unique, allowing Mega Diancie to circumvent several checks to the specially offensive set such as Clefable and Amoonguss, while being more threatening to switch into for several Pokemon which are still counters such as Chansey at the expense of being able to reliably OHKO Bisharp and Latios with Moonblast. Maximum speed investment is still used to allow Diancie to stay in its stellar speed tier. A spread of 180 Atk / 76 SpA / 252 Spe can be used as it retains the ability to OHKO Latios and Bisharp while still improving the matchup against specially defensive threats.


Physical Wallbreaer
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

Full Attack and Speed investment maximize Diggersby's offensive capabilities. L An Adamant nature is preferred to do as much damage as possible and thus maximize Diggersby's wallbreaking potential. A Jolly nature can, however, be used to improve Diggersby's matchup against offensive teams by making it capable of outspeeding Breloom, Jolly Bisharp, Adamant Excadrill, most Mew variants, Timid Heatran, Adamant Dragonite, Adamant Gyarados, and Jolly Mega Tyranitar, among others.

Choice Band
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

252 Attack EVs maximize Diggersby's damage output. 252 Speed EVs let Diggersby outspeed anything notable up towards base 75 Speed. Maximun attack investment and a Choice Band allows Diggersby to hit as hard as possible.


228 HP / 252 SpA / 28 Spe
Modest Nature

28 Speed EVs are used to outspeed Hippowdon, which would otherwise 2HKO with Earthquake. Maximum Special Attack EVs are used so that Dragalge can hit as hard as possible, and the rest of the EVs are put in HP so that Dragalge has good mixed bulk. 140 Speed EVs, at the expense of HP, can be used if you need Dragalge to outspeed Clefable and hit it with a powerful Sludge Wave before it can use Calm Mind or Tyranitar so that Dragalge can hit it with Focus Blast. If Dragalge is using Hidden Power Fire, Tyranitar isn't necessary to outspeed, so only 136 Speed EVs would be needed. Choice Specs is a possible item option to increase Dragalge's wallbreaking potential.

Specially Defensive
248 HP / 232 SpD / 28 Spe
Calm Nature

28 Speed EVs are used to outspeed Hippowdon, which would otherwise outspeed and 2HKO with Earthquake. 248 EVs are put in HP for maximum mixed walling potential, and the rest are put in Special Defense, as Dragalge should opt to specialize in walling specially based Pokemon.


Dragon Dance
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature

Maximum Attack investment with an Adamant nature allows Dragonite to hit extremely hard. Maximum Speed investment is necessary to outspeed Pokemon such as Latias and Latios when Dragonite is at +1.


248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature

The given EV spread maximizes Empoleon's special bulk so it can effectively wall a lot of threatening Pokemon in OU, such as Latios, Latias, Sylveon, and Mega Altaria. An alternative EV spread of 248 HP / 200 Def / 60 SpD with a Bold nature can be used, as it enables Empoleon to live an Earthquake from Landorus-T and a Thunderbolt from Mega Manectric and hit them back with a Torrent-boosted Scald.


252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature

Maximum Attack and Speed investment allows Excadrill to hit as hard and fast as possible. An Adamant nature is generally preferable for the power boost, allowing Earthquake to 2HKO Ferrothorn with no boost and Slowbro with a boost. However, A Jolly nature is also a viable option to tie with opposing Excadrill at worst, outrun +2 Jolly Gyarados, and outrun neutral-natured base 100 Speed Pokemon such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, and Mega Gardevoir.


Dragon Dance
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

Maximum Speed investment with a Jolly nature makes Feraligatr as fast as possible, while 252 EVs in Attack allow it to hit extremely hard. Life Orb boosts the power of all of Feraligatr's attacks, maximizing its damage output.


252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
Relaxed / Sassy Nature

The given EV spread with a Relaxed nature lets Ferrothorn fare well against both physically and specially oriented opponents. 168 Special Defense EVs give Ferrothorn enough special bulk to survive two Ice Beams from +3 Manaphy. A Sassy nature with the given EV spread allows Ferrothorn to survive the combination of Hyper Voice + Focus Blast from Modest Mega Gardevoir most of the time, while still avoiding the 2HKO from +1 Mega Gyarados's Earthquake most of the time; the downside is that this leaves Ferrothorn much more susceptible to Crunch from Mega Gyarados and physical attackers in general, so it isn't typically recommended. If there's a lot of stress on Ferrothorn to handle physical attackers such as Azumarill, Life Orb Excadrill, Mega Gyarados, and Diggersby, more Defense investment can be run to tank hit from these Pokemon more easily. An example of a more physically defensive spread is 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SpD avoids the 2HKO from Adamant Life Orb Excadrill after Stealth Rock damage. An alterante spread of 248 HP / 132 Def / 128 SpD with a Sassy Nature avoids the 2HKO from Mild Life Orb Kyurem-B's Ice Beam after Stealth Rock when using Shed Shell.

Swords Dance
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

The EV spread is standard for a physical attacker, with maximum Speed investment and a Jolly nature allowing Mega Gallade to maintain its great Speed tier, outspeeding the likes of Keldeo, and Garchomp and Speed tying with Latios, Latias, Gengar, and Mega Metagross. Justified allows Mega Gallade to switch into weak or non-STAB Dark-type moves such as Knock Off and gain a free +1 Attack boost.


252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly / Naive Nature

The given EV spread maximizes Garchomp's Attack and Speed. A Jolly nature should be used in tandem with Swords Dance, while a Naive nature works best with Fire Blast.

248 HP / 168 Def / 92 Spe
Impish Nature

The EV spread gives Garchomp the Special Defense needed to survive powerful hits from Pokemon such as Mega Charizard Y, Gengar, Keldeo, and Mega Diancie, while still retaining the optimum amount of physical bulk. The Speed EVs enable Garchomp to outspeed neutral-natured base 70 Speed Pokemon such as Bisharp and Breloom, as well as Jolly Tyranitar. However, an alternative EV spread of 252 HP / 164 Def / 92 Spe can be used to outspeed Jolly Bisharp, which is critical against Swords Dance variants, as a +2 Sucker Punch will never OHKO Garchomp, which KOes it back with Earthquake.

Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly / Naive Nature

A Jolly nature in tandem with maximum Attack and Speed investment enables Garchomp to hit 333 Speed, which, when equipped with a Choice Scarf, is enough to outspeed certain Pokemon such as +1 Volcarona, Dragonite, Mega Charizard X, Mega Tyranitar, and Choice Scarf Landorus-T. If you opt for Fire Blast, a Naive nature is recommended to maximize its damage output. An Adamant nature is a viable alternative over Jolly for more power, but Garchomp then risks being outsped by +1 base 90 Speed Pokemon with a speed-boosting nature.

Sub + Swords Dance
12 HP / 244 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

Maximum Attack and Speed investment in tandem with a Jolly nature enables Garchomp to outpace the overcrowded base 100 Speed tier, while simultaneously maximizing its damage output. 12 HP EVs are needed to ensure that the Salac Berry activates after the third Substitute. Alternatively, investing EVs into HP gives Garchomp more staying power and is more beneficial against bulkier teams because they often lack ways of reliably breaking Garchomp's Substitute.

Swords Dance
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

This allows it to OHKO Hippowdon at +2 after Rocks 50% of the time. Max Speed with a boosting Nature allows Mega Garchomp to outspeed as many Pokemon as possible, such as neutral-natured base 100s and Kyurem-B. Max Attack for maximum damage output.

8 HP / 16 Def / 232 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature

8 HP and 16 Defense EVs in let Gardevoir avoid the 2HKO from Life Orb Latios's Psyshock. The rest of the EVs are put into Speed, to make Gardevoir capable of outspeeding all defensive Pokemon and some slower offensive ones, such as Breloom and Tyranitar, and into Special Attack, to make Gardevoir hit very hard. A Timid nature improves Gardevoir's matchup against offensive teams by allowing it to outspeed Pokemon such as Jolly Excadrill, Pinsir on the turn it Mega Evolves, Jolly Landorus-T, and Timid Heatran. It also makes Gardevoir faster than Jolly Breloom and Jolly Bisharp on the turn it Mega Evolves, meaning Gardevoir can burn them with Will-O-Wisp before they can attack it, and makes Gardevoir capable of revenge killing most weather sweepers, as they usually do not run Speed-boosting natures. A Modest nature is, however, definitely viable if you would prefer the extra power instead.

252 HP / 112 Def / 144 SpD
Sassy Nature

This set functions as a decent win condition for bulkier teams. With mixed Defensive investment it takes on threats such as Keldeo, Mega Diancie, and Mega Alakazam more easily. Since it will be boosting its Defense from Curse, being able to take special hits better makes its job easier.

Special Wallbreaker
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

The given EV spread with a Timid nature makes Gengar's attacks deal as much damage as possible, while using its great Speed stat to its full extent.

Swords Dance
244 HP / 8 Def / 200 SpD / 56 Spe
Careful Nature

244 EVs invested into HP let Gliscor hit a Poison Heal number, allowing it to gain maximal recovery from Poison Heal each turn. 56 Speed EVs enable Gliscor to outpace Adamant Bisharp and Breloom. However, more Speed can be run to outpace specific threats such as Jolly Tyranitar, which requires 72 Speed, and Jolly Bisharp and Breloom, which requires 148 Speed but comes at the cost of significant bulk. 8 Defense EVs guarantee that Gliscor avoids the OHKO from +2 Adamant Bisharp's Life Orb-boosted Sucker Punch. The rest of the EVs are placed into Special Defense to take on special attackers such as Gengar, Assault Vest Tornadus-T, and Clefable more easily.

Defensive Utility
248 HP / 112 Def / 148 Spe
Impish Nature

This spread makes Gliscor a better answer to physical threats like Excadrill, Bisharp, Terrakion, and Mega Lopunny Ice coverage. 148 Speed EVs allow you to outrun Jolly Bisharp and the Defensive investment allows you to survive a +1 Flare Blitz from Mega Charizard X. This spread also makes Gliscor a better overall answer to Talonflame, especially because these variants now often run Stone Edge or Rock Slide.

Dragon Dance
72 HP / 184 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

Maximum Speed investment allows Gyarados to be fast as possible and outrun key threats such as Mega Lopunny. The HP investment gives it a nice degree of bulk to set up easier against the threats it checks through virtue of it's typing. The rest of the EV's were dumped into Attack.

Dragon Dance
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

252 Speed EVs allow Gyarados to outspeed Jolly Dragonite before a boost and Max Attack for maximum Attacking potential. A Jolly Nature is used to avoid being revenge killed by threats such as Mega Manectric, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Beedrill after a boost.

12 HP / 244 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

The 12 HP EVs give Hawlucha an HP value that's divisible by 4, which allows its Sitrus Berry to be consumed after Hawlucha uses Substitute twice, thus activating its ability, Unburden. The remaining EVs are invested in Attack and Speed to maximize Hawlucha's offensive capability. A Jolly nature allows Hawlucha to outspeed a few threats, such as Latios, Latias, Raikou, Terrakion, and Keldeo, before it receives a Speed boost from Unburden.

252 HP / 188 SpD / 68 Spe
Calm Nature

The given EVs allow Heatran to outrun minimum Speed Suicune, Mega Venusaur, and Mandibuzz, which is useful with Taunt. The extra bulk afforded by Special Defense investment makes this Heatran more consistent than fast support variants at dealing with Latios, as those take about 40% from Life Orb-boosted Draco Meteor after Stealth Rock damage, while this takes about 30%. This Heatran is also able to deal with the likes of Mega Manectric much more consistently, Thunderbolt 2HKOes faster Heatran variants after they tank a Volt Switch; Choice Specs Raikou also falls under this umbrella, as it 2HKOes fast Heatran with Choice Specs-boosted Thunderbolt, whilst it only 3HKOes this spread. Specially defensive Heatran also only takes approximately 60% from Mega Charizard Y's Focus Blast, 50% from Rotom-W's Hydro Pump, 70% from Gengar's Focus Blast, and 65% from +1 Mega Slowbro's Scald, allowing it to cripple them with a Toxic or, in Gengar's case, hit back with a Lava Plume. The Speed investment on this set can be altered based on team-specific needs and personal preference. If outspeeding Suicune isn't important, it's generally advisable to run at least enough Speed to outspeed standard Mega Venusaur—which typically hits 200 Speed to outrun minimum Speed Azumarill— so that it doesn't get opportunities to heal up against Heatran. Outrunning Rotom-W to hit it with Toxic before it Volt Switches out and potentially block a Pain Split can also be useful; something to keep in mind is that Rotom-W typically runs 44 Speed EVs to outrun Jolly Azumarill (hitting 219 Speed), so enough investment to hit 220 Speed is the minimum necessary. To a further extent, maximum Speed investment and a Timid nature can be used to outpace specific threats such as Adamant Excadrill outside of sand, Jolly Mega Scizor, Jolly Bisharp, Jolly Breloom, and Adamant Diggersby. Alternatively, a spread of 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Spe could be used to give Heatran a nice degree of bulk, while maintaining it's influential speed tier.

252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

The given EV spread lets Heatran outspeed a plethora of threats such as Adamant Excadrill and Jolly Mega Heracross, both of which are decimated by Magma Storm; it also lets Heatran outrun and 2HKO standard bulky Will-O-Wisp Mega Charizard X with Earth Power. Other uses of the spread include outrunning Mega Tyranitar, standard stallbreaker Mew, Adamant Gyarados, Dragonite, Breloom, and Bisharp, giving Heatran the ability to cripple them with a Toxic, prevent setup with Taunt, or fire off a powerful Magma Storm. Maximum Special Attack investment is given to hit as hard as possible, wearing down stall quicker and making Heatran more difficult to switch into when facing against offensive teams.

Choice Scarf
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

Maximum Speed investment allows Heatran to outrun threats such as Mega Lopunny and maximizes its power so as to increase its revenge killing capabilities. Timid is pretty much the only nature option, as outspeeding Mega Lopunny is crucial; Modest shouldn't be considered for the most part.

Physical Wallbreaker
240 HP / 136 Atk / 132 Spe
Adamant Nature

The given EV spread has enough Speed investment to outpace uninvested Landorus-T after Mega Evolving. The Attack EVs, paired with an Adamant nature, ensure a 2HKO on standard Magic Guard Clefable with Rock Blast most of the time. The remaining EVs are placed into HP to make use of Mega Heracross's great bulk, allowing it to takes hits from threats such as Bisharp, Mega Lopunny, and Weavile much better.

Mixed Wall
252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD
Impish Nature

The EV spread avoids the 2HKO from Life Orb Thundurus's and Mega Manectric's Hidden Power Ice, as well as the OHKO from +2 Life Orb Terrakion's Close Combat. A spread of 252 HP / 252 Def gives Hippowdon the bulk to take on Mega Pinsir and Mega Charizard X, while also walling physical attackers such as Garchomp, Excadrill, and Terrakion. Such a set is better suited for stall teams that already have a check or counter to Thundurus and other Electric-types, while being a better answer to physical attackers, such as Garchomp and Excadrill.

Nasty Plot
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

The EV's maximizes Mega Houndoom's speed and power.

Life Orb
4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Mild / Modest nature

A Mild nature and maximum Special Attack investment allows Hydreigon to hit as hard as possible while retaining the power of Superpower. A Mild nature is used over Rash to capitalize on Hydreigon's resistances to mostly specially based types, such as Water, Electric, Fire, Ghost, and Grass. If Superpower is not used, Hydreigon should opt for a Modest nature. However, a Hasty or Timid nature has some merit in being able to outspeed Adamant Mega Charizard X before a Dragon Dance. Maximum Speed investment is important to outspeed as many threats as possible, notably Jolly Mega Pinsir before Mega Evolving and neutral-natured Kyurem-B.

252 HP / 88 Def / 124 SpD / 48 Spe
Jolly Nature

The given spread enables Infernape to outspeed everything up to neutral-natured base 95 Speed Pokemon and positive-natured base 80 Speed Pokemon, all the while having enough physical bulk to avoid the OHKO from a burned Mega Gyarados's +1 Waterfall and the 2HKO from Hippowdon's Earthquake as well as enough special bulk to avoid the OHKO from Kyurem-B's Earth Power and Rotom-W's Hydro Pump. However, a faster spread of 252 HP / 48 Def / 208 Spe enables Infernape to outspeed and burn Garchomp and helps it check Mega Charizard Y by stalling out sun turns with a faster Slack Off.

Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

252 Attack EVs allow Jirachi to hit as hard as possible. Maximum Speed EVs and a Jolly nature allow it to outpace Choice Scarf Pokemon, such as Kyurem-B and Landorus-T, while also Speed tying with Timid Mega Gardevoir after the loss of Choice Scarf due to Trick.

Specially Defensive
252 HP / 224 SpD / 32 Spe
Careful Nature

The EV spread maximizes Jirachi's special bulk while allowing it to outspeed Jolly Tyranitar and Adamant Bisharp.

Expert Belt
132 Atk / 160 SpA / 216 Spe
Mild Nature

The given EV spread guarantees a 2HKO on Clefable with Iron Head while maximizing the power of Jirachi's special coverage moves and outspeeding everything up to Kyurem-B. If outspeeding or at least tying with opposing base 100s is desired, then an EV spread of 132 Atk / 124 SpA / 252 Spe with a Hasty nature can be run.

252 HP / 96 Atk / 160 Spe
Adamant Nature

The EVs provide Jirachi with enough Speed to outrun Mega Tyranitar, Mega Metagross, Mega Scizor, and Mega Heracross, while giving it the bulk to check threats like Latios and Latias and create 101 HP Substitutes. The Attack investment allows it to wear down foes more effectively.

Rain Sweeper
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature

252 Attack and Speed EVs maximize Kabutops's offensive potential. Life Orb provides a significant power boost at the cost of some HP. An Adamant nature provides a power boost, as a Jolly nature only allows Kabutops to beat Choice Scarf Terrakion, which can be handled by Aqua Jet.

252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

Maximum Speed and Special Attack investment enables Keldeo to be as fast and powerful as possible. A Timid nature is important to outspeed base 100 Speed Pokemon as well as Garchomp, and to Speed tie with Terrakion and opposing Keldeo.

Choice Scarf
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

A Timid nature enables Keldeo to outspeed opposing Choice Scarf users such as Garchomp and Victini, Kabutops in rain, and Adamant Dragonite at +2, as well as Speed tie with opposing Choice Scarf Keldeo and Terrakion. Additionally, it enables Keldeo to still outspeed a large portion of the metagame if it gets its Choice Scarf removed by Knock Off. A Modest nature still lets Keldeo outspeed most of the metagame and may be preferred to increase Keldeo's damage output. However, it fails to outspeed certain key threats, most notably Jolly Mega Charizard X after one Dragon Dance.

Choice Specs
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature

The given Speed EVs allow Kingdra to outpace Choice Scarf Latios and everything slower in the rain and Jolly base 70 Speed Pokemon such as Bisharp and Breloom outside of rain. Maximum investment into Special Attack ensures that Kingdra hits as hard as possible, and the remaining EVs are placed into HP for some additional bulk.

Life Orb
28 Atk / 228 SpA / 252 Spe
Rash Nature

228 EVs are invested into Speed to outspeed everything up to Choice Scarf Latios in the rain, as well as Jolly base 70 Speed Pokemon such as Breloom and Bisharp outside of it. Maximum investment in Special Attack ensures that Kingdra hits as hard as possible, and the remaining EVs are invested into Attack to power up its physical moves. A Rash nature maximizes Kingdra's Special Attack and is chosen over a Mild nature to take priority attacks better. Alternately, an EV spread of 64 Atk / 216 SpA / 228 Spe could be used, which has enough Attack investment to ensure that Kingdra 2HKOes Chansey after Stealth Rock and one layer of Spikes but comes at the cost of a significant Special Attack drop.

252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful / Calm Nature

Full HP investment is used to maximize Klefki's solid bulk, and a Careful nature and the Special Defense investment allows it to better take hits from the likes of Starmie, Keldeo, Thundurus, Gengar, and Mega Gardevoir. A Calm nature should be used with Foul Play, as preserving Klefki's Attack stat is not needed with Foul Play. Alternatively, a mixed defensive EV spread of 252 HP / 204 Def / 52 SpD and a Bold or Impish nature can be used to handle threats such as Weavile, Dragon Dance Mega Altaria, Mega Lopunny, and Azumarill.

Mixed Attacker
4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Mild Nature

236 Speed EVs and a Mild nature allow Kyurem-B to outspeed fully invested, positive-natured base 80 Speed Pokemon and Adamant Mega Garchomp, while a Naive nature can be used to outspeed Pokemon such as Jolly Landorus-T and Heracross prior to Mega Evolution. Full investment in Special Attack raises the power of Ice Beam and Earth Power to maximum levels, while the remaining EVs are dumped into Attack to increase the damage output of Kyurem-B's physical attacks.

Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 32 SpA / 224 Spe
Naive Nature

224 Speed EVs with a Naive nature allow Kyurem-B to outspeed Choice Scarf Landorus-T and OHKO it with Ice Beam. Full Attack investment maximizes the power of Kyurem-B's physical attacks, and the remaining EVs go into Special Attack to make Ice Beam hit harder.

Choice Band
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature

Maximum Attack investment makes Kyurem-B as powerful as possible, while its Speed is also maxed out to at least tie with other neutral-natured Kyurem-B. A Choice Band enables Kyurem-B to hit incredibly hard, making it difficult to wall without also making it suffer Life Orb recoil. An Adamant nature gives Kyurem-B a chance to OHKO standard Clefable with Iron Head from full health. However, a Jolly nature can be used to outspeed neutral-natured base 100s as well as at least Speed tie with other Kyurem-B.

Defensive Stealth Rock
252 HP / 220 Def / 28 SpD / 8 Spe
Impish Nature

Maximum HP investment increases Landorus-T's longevity and, when coupled with the 28 EVs in Special Defense, allows him to live a Hidden Power Ice from Mega Manectric at full health as well as tank a Draco Meteor from Latios at full health. 8 Speed EVs allow him to outspeed Modest Magnezone, and the remaining EVs go into Defense with an Impish nature to optimize Landorus-T's physical bulk. 88 Speed EVs can be used to outpace neutral-natured base 70 Speed Pokemon such as Modest Volcanion or Adamant Breloom.

Offensive Stealth Rock
72 HP / 252 Atk / 184 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature

Full Attack investment with Adamant nature is used to maximize Landorus-T's offensive potential and allow him to break through defensive walls such as Chansey, Ferrothorn, and Mega Venusaur; however, a Jolly nature is also an option in order to outspeed Jolly Excadrill. 184 Speed EVs allow him to outspeed Jolly Bisharp and Breloom, Diggersby, Altaria, Dragonite, and non-Mega Metagross, and the remaining EVs go into HP for additional bulk and to reach a Stealth Rock number, allowing Landorus-T to switch in more when entry hazards are up. A spread of 168 / 252 Atk / 88 Spe allows it to outrun and KO Bisharp, as well as tank an attack from it.

Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 4 Def/ 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

The Speed investment and Jolly nature allow Landorus-T to outspeed as many threats as possible in order to revenge kill or pivot and make the most use of his generally unspectacular base Speed. Full investment in Attack maximizes Landorus-T's offensive potential, allowing him to deal as much damage as possible and effectively revenge kill.

Double Dance
56 HP / 220 Atk / 232 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature

232 Speed EVs allow Landorus-T to outspeed Adamant Excadrill in sand, and 56 HP EVs allow him to take two Iron Heads from Life Orb Excadrill, give him more setup opportunities, and enable Landorus-T to switch in more times when entry hazards are up. The remaining EVs go into Attack with an Adamant nature to optimize Landorus-T's offensive potential. A spread of 56 HP / 228 Atk / 224 Spe with a Jolly nature allows Landorus-T to outspeed +2 Rock Polish Mega Diancie; however, the loss in offensive power is noticeable. A more defensive spread of 132 HP / 56 Atk / 216 Def / 104 Spe allows him to outspeed Adamant Bisharp and Jolly Tyranitar pre-Rock Polish, take attacks from Talonflame and Excadrill, and reach a Leftovers number, maximizing recovery

Offensive Utility
72 HP / 184 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

A Timid nature and maximum Speed investment is used to outspeed base 108 Speed Pokemon such as Keldeo and Terrakion and tie with opposing base 110 Speed Pokemon such as Mega Gallade, Latios, Latias, and Gengar. The given EV spread lets Latias avoid the 2HKO from Life Orb Thundurus's Hidden Power Ice without Stealth Rock damage and also hits a Life Orb number. Lastly, a simple EV spread of 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe can be used if hitting hard is more beneficial to your team than the bulk.

Speedy Tank
252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

Maximum Speed and a Timid nature allow Mega Latias to Speed tie with opposing Latias, Latios, Mega Metagross, and Gengar while outrunning Keldeo, Terrakion, and slower threats. Maximum HP investment allows Mega Latias to tank hits as well as possible. An alternative spread of 248 HP / 68 Def / 192 Spe lets Latias outspeed positive-natured base 100s, such as Mega Charizard Y and Manaphy, as well as outrun maximum Speed Jolly Garchomp. Latiasite drastically improves Latias's bulk, improving its longevity and allowing it to take hits it usually wouldn't be able to, such as Choice Scarf Tyranitar's Pursuit.

Special Attacker
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

A Timid nature in tandem with maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs ensures that Latios Speed ties with opposing base 110s while hitting as hard as possible. Life Orb is the best item to use for this set, as it provides immediate power without locking Latios into a move. If running Earthquake, a Hasty nature should be used to guarantee the OHKO on Heatran after Stealth Rock; it should be chosen over Naive so that Latios can check special attackers such as Mega Manectric, Manaphy, and Keldeo better.

Choice Scarf
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

Because this set is focused on revenge killing, maximum investment in Special Attack and Speed with a Timid nature is used to let Latios hit as hard and be as fast as possible.

Physical Sweeper
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

A Jolly nature is preferred over an Adamant one because it enables Lopunny to outspeed positive-natured base 119 Speed Pokemon and above, specifically Tornadus-T, Weavile, and Mega Pidgeot, as well as Mega Tyranitar and +1 Mega Gyarados. However, an Adamant nature can also be used for the chance to OHKO Landorus-T after Stealth Rock damage 87.5% of the time as well as always 2HKO physically defensive Landorus-T with Ice Punch, 2HKO mixed defensive Clefable, and 2HKO Skarmory after Stealth Rock damage. At +1, Adamant Mega Lopunny is guaranteed to 2HKO Hippowdon and Celebi and 2HKOes Chesnaught without having to use High Jump Kick and risk losing half its health to a Spiky Shield

Swords Dance
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature

Lucario's EV spread is common for physical sweepers, having maximum Attack and Speed in order to function as an effective wallbreaker or late-game cleaner. There's no point in ever using Jolly nature because Lucario fails to outspeed anything relevant with it. Using Jolly nature over an Adamant nature would only make it harder for Lucario to perform its role as a late-game cleaner, having a noticeable decrease in power.
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Choice Scarf
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

Max Special Attack investment ensures that Magneton hits as hard as possible, and the max Speed investment along with a Timid nature help Magneton outspeed Pokemon with a base Speed of 115 or higher.

Choice Scarf
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

Maximum Special Attack investment is used to make the most of Magnezone's great base 130 Special Attack. Maximum Speed EVs with a boosting nature and a Choice Scarf allow Magnezone to outspeed everything slower than Thundurus, which is the majority of the unboosted tier. It also outspeeds non-Jolly Talonflame, which makes Magnezone a good check to teams that are centered around Flying-types.

Choice Specs
168 HP / 252 SpA / 88 Spe
Modest Nature

Maximum Special Attack investment is used to make the most of Magnezone's great base 130 Special Attack. The listed Speed EVs let it outspeed minimum Speed Skarmory. The rest of EVs go into HP for more survivability. 144 Speed EVs can be used to outspeed minimum Speed Heatran, but beware that Heatran commonly runs Speed investment and can hit Magnezone much harder than it can hit back. Because of this, it is generally a better idea to use the given spread rather than to try and trap Heatran, which is risky.

Physical Wallbreaker
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature

Max Attack EVs take advantage of its base 130 Attack stat. Maximum Speed and a Jolly nature lets Mamoswine Speed tie with Gallade before it Mega Evolves and outspeed Breloom and Dragonite. The power increase from an Adamant Nature, however, gives Mamoswine higher chances to 2HKO Mega Scizor and SpD Skarmory, while OHKOing standard Tornadus-T after Stealth Rock with Ice Shard.

Offensive TG
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

Max Speed EVs with a Timid nature let Manaphy Speed Tie Max Speed, positive nature base 100's such as Mega Gardevoir and Mega Charizard. Maximum Special Attack investment is used to allow Manaphy to hit as hard as possible.

Calm Mind
252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spe
Bold Nature

16 Speed EVs allow Manaphy to outpace Adamant Bisharp and potentially burn it first before getting hit by Knock Off. The remaining EVs are placed into HP and Defense, alongside a Bold nature to check physical threats such as Mega Lopunny better.

248 HP / 136 Def / 108 SpD / 16 Spe
Bold / Impish Nature

248 HP EVs maximize Mandibuzz's health, making her as tanky as possible while allowing her to switch into Stealth Rock four times without fainting. 108 EVs are allocated to Special Defense, preventing Landorus from 2HKOing Mandibuzz with Focus Blast and helping her to better take Sludge Waves from Gengar. 16 Speed EVs allow Mandibuzz to outrun fully invested Adamant Azumarill and hit it with Foul Play after it sets up a Belly Drum. The remaining EVs go into Defense to help with taking physical hits.

Offensive Pivot
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

A Timid nature maximizes Mega Manectric's Speed, letting it hit 405 Speed after Mega Evolution, Speed tying with Mega Lopunny, outspeeding the likes of Weavile, Alakazam, and Tornadus-T, and outpace neutral-natured base 85 Speed Pokemon and below at +1 Speed, such as Adamant Dragonite and Gyarados. A Modest nature can be used, but it isn't recommended, as this puts Mega Manectric at 369 Speed, which allows it to be outsped by positive-natured base 120 Speed Pokemon and above, such as Alakazam and Weavile.

252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature

Maximum Attack and Speed investment allows Medicham to be as fast and strong as possible. An Adamant nature is preferred to hit several benchmarks such as 2HKOing standard Magic Guard Clefable and OKHOing Rotom-W after Stealth Rock with High Jump Kick. A Jolly nature is an alternative that allows Medicham to outspeed Kyurem-B and Sand Rush Excadrill out of sand with a positive-Speed nature.

Assault Vest
252 HP / 160 Atk / 96 SpD
Adamant Nature

With this spread and AV equipped, Metagross makes use of its good bulk and resistances to compress numerous roles into one and check several notable threats. These threats include Mega Diancie, Mega Gardevoir, Clefable, and Latios. The given EVs provide enough bulk to avoid a 2HKO from Mega Alakazam's Shadow Ball, allowing Metagross to perform the trapping role more effectively.

All-out Attacker
252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

Maximum Attack and Speed investment is needed to hit as hard and fast as possible, while a Jolly nature is used to ensure a Speed tie against opposing base 110 Speed Pokemon. Clear Body prevents stat drops from Intimidate and Sticky Web. Alternatively, an Adamant nature can be used with HP investment to better act as an offensive tank, as such a set is both more powerful and more durable than the Jolly set. The best EV spread to use is 68 HP / 252 Atk / 188 Spe, which outspeeds everything up to Jolly Excadrill. Additionally, the increase in power from using an Adamant nature is incredible. For example, Mega Metagross achieves a guaranteed 2HKO against physically defensive Mega Sableye, which is an otherwise very solid check to Mega Metagross, as well as a general increase in power.

252 HP / 148 SpD / 108 Spe
Careful / Calm Nature

The Speed investment lets Mew outspeed Jolly Tyranitar and Adamant Bisharp and burn them before they can KO it. The HP EVs boost Mew's overall bulk while the Special Defense EVs raise Mew's Special Defense stat, which is boosted even further by a Careful or Calm nature. Use a Careful nature if running Knock Off, but use a Calm nature if running Psychic to reduce damage taken from Foul Play. A secondary spread of 252 HP / 224 Def / 32 Spe can be used, as it lets Mew take on physical attackers better and avoid the 2HKO from Mega Lopunny's Return after Stealth Rock damage.


Rain Sweeper
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature

A Modest nature, Choice Specs, and maximum Special Attack investment are required to let Omastar wallbreak and clean effectively.


All Out Attacker
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

Maximizes Pidgeot's damage output and Speed allowing it to outspeed the likes of Starmie, Raikou, and Alakazam while also speed tying with Tornadus-T.


Swords Dance
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature

Attack and Speed are maximized to give Pinsir the greatest possible chance of outspeeding and KOing its foes, and with a Jolly nature, Mega Pinsir outspeeds base 100 Speed Pokemon such as Charizard, Mega Gardevoir, and Mew. One can opt for an Adamant nature should they desire a greater damage output, though Pinsir is generally better off making the most of its Speed tier.


Bulky Rain Support
248 HP / 164 SpD / 96 Spe
Calm Nature

96 Speed EVs are enough for Politoed to outspeed max Speed Azumarill and lock it into Belly Drum with Encore if it has just used the move. The HP and Special Defense EVs in addition to a Calm nature are conducive to increasing Politoed's longevity and allow it to deal with threats such as Mega Charizard Y. Defense investment and a Bold nature can be run instead to better handle Pokemon such as Talonflame and Tyranitar, but these are fairly easy to cover with teammates and generally not much of a concern for rain teams.


Unaware Wall
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Relaxed Nature

Because Quagsire's primary role is checking physical attackers, an EV spread of 252 HP / 252 Def is needed to do the most with its otherwise mediocre bulk. A Relaxed nature enhances Quagsire's physical bulk even more, while also not lowering either of Quagsire's offenses.


252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

The EVs provide max Speed to outrun many threats and give Raikou a maximum damage output. Maximum Speed is run to tie with Starmie.


Calm Mind
252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpD
Bold Nature

The HP and Special Defense investment allows Reuniclus to take two Moonblasts from Mega Diancie after Leftovers recovery the remaining EVs are put into defense with a Bold nature to maximize Reuniclus' physical bulk in order to enable it to take on threats like Mega Medicham and Mega Lopunny.

Offensive Trick Room
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature

Reuniclus's Special Attack is maximized as to be as threatening as possible under Trick Room. The rest of the EVs are used to maximize overall bulk and to let Reuniclus more easily take hits. A Quiet nature is used so reuniclus can outspeed almost everything under Trick Room, while further bolstering its Special Attack.


248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature

248 HP EVs and 252 Defense EVs give Rotom-W close to maximum HP while allowing it to take less passive damage from Stealth Rock, status, etc. 8 Speed EVs allow Rotom-W to outspeed Adamant Crawdaunt. 44 Speed EVs can put into Speed to outrun Jolly Azumarill so Rotom-W will be able to burn it after a Belly Drum, but Jolly Azumarill is not particularly common. Alternatively, 88 Speed EVs can be used to outspeed Jolly Crawdaunt, or 128 Speed EVs to outrun Adamant Bisharp, both at the cost of some bulk. A Bold Nature allows Rotom-W to take physical attacks from Pokemon such as Azumarill and Mega Pinsir better. If some more special bulk is desired, Rotom-W can run a mixed defensive spread of 248 HP / 152 Def / 108 SpD to enable it to take hits from Mega Manectric, Latios, and Latias much more easily


252 HP / 112 Def / 144 SpD
Careful Nature

This spread has enough special bulk for Mega Sableye to switch into offensive Heatran variants while conserving enough physical bulk to handle most of the physical attackers Mega Sableye is used as an answer to, such as defensive Landorus-T, Tyranitar and Terrakion. Alternatively, a fully physically defensive spread is still an option if Mega Sableye isn't your answer to offensive Heatran or Gengar and would rather better switch into physical attackers such as Mega Metagross, Landorus-T, Bisharp and Garchomp. A spread of 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpD with a Careful nature can be used if you aren't concerned about Heatran and is enough to switch into Gengar. Finally, maximizing Special Defense can be an option too, as it enables Mega Sableye to use Metal Burst more effectively and handle Draco Plate Dragalge better

Calm Mind
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Bold Nature

HP and Defense are maxed out in order to to wall Stealth Rock setters such as Terrakion, Mamoswine, Landorus-T, and Garchomp. Because of Calm Mind, there isn't too much need for extra special bulk; however, a spread of 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpD with a Calm nature can be used to take on Gengar, while a spread of 252 HP / 112 Def / 144 SpD with a Calm nature allows Mega Sableye to take on offensive Heatran variants.


4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive / Timid Nature

Maximum Speed EVs with a Speed-boosting nature are used in order to get the most of Mega Sceptile's revenge killing ability; if Mega Sceptile is using a Special Attack-boosting nature it loses out on being able to revenge kill Mega Lopunny and Mega Manectric. Even though Hidden Power Fire drops Mega Sceptile's Speed IV to 30, maximum Speed investment should still be used so that you can at least Speed tie other Mega Sceptile with Hidden Power Fire. A Naive nature is chosen on sets with Earthquake so that you don't drop either of Mega Sceptile's offensive stats. If you're using only Focus Blast for coverage against Steel-types, a Timid nature should be used to prevent any unnecessary hindrance to Mega Sceptile's Special Defense. Maximum Special Attack investment is used to ensure it hits as hard as possible.


Offensive Swords Dance
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature

A simple spread of maximum Attack and Speed, along with an Adamant nature, allows Scizor to hit as hard and fast as possible. A Jolly nature can be used if you prefer outspeeding and outprioritizing opposing threats, such as maximum Speed Jolly Bisharp and Diggersby as well as Heatran variants with some Speed investment. Additionally, transferring some EVs from Speed to HP is optional for increasing overall bulk, although without Roost, the HP investment is usually not worth the trouble.

Choice Band
248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature

This Scizor enjoys as much power and bulk as possible to maximize its pivoting capabilities, necessitating heavy investment in Attack and HP as well as an Adamant nature. Investing in Speed to outrun defensive foes such as Rotom-W, Heatran, and Mega Venusaur is also worth consideration, although doing so without moderation greatly reduces Scizor's bulk or offense. An alternate spread of 160 HP / 252 Atk / 96 Spe allows Scizor to outrun 212 Speed Azumarill.

Bulky Swords Dance
248 HP / 164 Def / 96 SpD
Impish Nature

The spread allows Scizor to survive a 2HKO from LO Weavile's Knock Off after Stealth Rocks barring a crit, so you can safely Roost to stay healthy for later. It also walls Mega Metagross with SR up and Timid Mega Gardevoir fails to KO with a combination Hyper Voice + Focus Blast, but this is without hazards up. A more Specially Defensive spread can be run if Gardevoir is deemed the biggest threat and would also help with Gengar.


Bulky Swords Dance
248 HP / 44 Atk / 16 Def / 200 SpD
Impish Nature

With just 248 HP and 16 Def EVs with an Impish nature, Mega Scizor avoids the 2HKO from maximum Attack Adamant Landorus-T's Earthquake, so it can afford to focus on investing in other stats instead of Defense. In particular, 200 Special Defense EVs ensure that Mega Scizor is never OHKOed by Clefable's Fire Blast and Timid Mega Diancie's Hidden Power Fire and never 2HKOed by Mega Gardevoir's Focus Blast and Life Orb Latios's Draco Meteor followed by -2 Hidden Power Fire, making Mega Scizor an effective check to some special attackers as well. The rest is invested into Attack, as this set is generally starved for power.

Offensive Swords Dance
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature

A simple spread of maximum Attack and Speed, along with an Adamant nature, allows Scizor to hit as hard and fast as possible. A Jolly nature can be used if you prefer outspeeding and outprioritizing opposing threats, such as maximum Speed Jolly Bisharp and Diggersby as well as Heatran variants with some Speed investment. Additionally, transferring some EVs from Speed to HP is optional for increasing overall bulk, although without Roost, the HP investment is usually not worth the trouble.

248 HP / 60 Def / 200 SpD
Impish Nature

Maximum HP, along with an Impish nature, optimizes Scizor's physical defense, enabling it better opportunities to use Defog and Roost as well as handle hard-hitting physical attacks multiple times. Significant investment in Special Defense is used to better check some special threats in a pinch, such as Mega Gardevoir, Gengar, and Latios lacking Hidden Power Fire. Investing in Attack is also optional if you prefer a little more firepower behind Bullet Punch, U-turn, and Superpower


Offensive Cleaner
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature

An Adamant nature and maximum Attack investment allows Scolipede to hit as hard as possible, while maximum Speed investment allows it to outrun neutral base 100s without a boost and the entire unboosted metagame after a boost. A Jolly nature outruns positive-natured base 110s before a boost, while also managing to outrun Kabutops and Kingdra in the rain after one. However, the loss in power is significant, as Scolipede greatly appreciates the boost in power that an Adamant nature brings. Swords Dance is recommended on sets using Jolly, as it can alleviate the power loss from not running an Adamant nature. Additionally, sets running Swords Dance won't have space to use Protect as well, which means you'll want Scolipede to be as fast as possible before boosting.

Hazard Setter
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature

Maximum Speed investment allows Scolipede to outrun and set up on as many threats as possible, while the rest is put into Attack in order to hit things as hard as possible. The defensive stats are minimized in order to take as much damage as possible, allowing Scolipede to reliably weaken opponents with Endeavor after being brought down to 1 HP thanks to Focus Sash.


Special Sweeper
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

Timid is absolutely necessary on Serperior because its Speed tier puts it above key threats such as Keldeo, Latios, Latias, Gengar, and Mega Diancie. Maximum Special Attac investment allows it to hit as hard as possible.

56 HP / 200 SpA / 200 Spe
Timid Nature

The HP EVs prevent Rotom-W's Hydro Pump from breaking Serperior's Substitutes. 252 Speed EVs with a Timid Nature are used to achieve the highest Speed tier possible, since it is Serperior's most vital stat and useful for outspeeding many common threats. The rest of the EVs are dumped into Special Attack to make Serperior a deadlier sweeper. An alternate spread of 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe is an option as well to maintain maximum offensive pressure


224 Atk / 32 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature

Maximum Speed investment allows Mega Sharpedo to Speed tie with Choice Scarf Landorus-T at +1 Speed. 32 Special Attack EVs let Mega Sharpedo net a 2HKO on physically defensive Skarmory after Stealth Rock. The remaining EVs are invested into Attack to bolster Mega Sharpedo's Crunch and Ice Fang or Poison Jab. The Special Attack investment can be buffed up to 92 EVs to let Mega Sharpedo net a guaranteed OHKO on defensive Landorus-T after Stealth Rock.


248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Impish / Bold Nature

Skarmory runs full HP and Defense EVs to maximize physical bulk, its most valuable statistical trait. An Impish nature should be used to maximize Skarmory's Defense without reducing its Speed or the power of Brave Bird.

Specially Defensive
248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature

The Special Defense and HP EVs along with a Careful nature maximize Skarmory's special bulk. 248 HP EVs let Skarmory take one less point of Stealth Rock and residual damage, such as from burns. 32 Speed EVs can be used if Skarmory is using Taunt to grant greater utility.


252 HP / 232 Def / 24 SpD
Bold Nature

The given EV spread maximizes Slowbro's physical bulk while allowing it to survive two Hydro Pumps from Choice Specs Keldeo after Stealth Rock. An alternate spread of 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD provides enough Special Defense for Slowbro to avoid the 2HKO from Mega Metagross's Grass Knot after Stealth Rock.


Calm Mind
252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD
Bold Nature

The given EV spread with a Bold nature avoids the 2HKO from Adamant Life Orb Diggersby's Return after Stealth Rock damage and, by extension, avoids the OHKO from Diggersby's +2 Return. The remaining EVs give a solid amount of special bulk to take on threats such as Latios and Keldeo and even allow Mega Slowbro to take some STAB-boosted super effective hits after a boost or two. An alternative spread with more physical bulk of 252 HP / 148 Def / 108 SpD with a Bold nature still avoids the OHKO from Latios's Draco Meteor as well as the 2HKO from Choice Specs Keldeo's Hydro Pump after Stealth Rock.


Assault Vest Pivot
248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature

Maximum Special Attack EVs with a Modest nature allow Slowking to always OHKO Mega Diancie with Scald and OHKO defensive Garchomp most of the time with Ice Beam. 248 HP EVs are used to maximize Slowking's bulk while minimizing Stealth Rock damage. 136 Special Defense EVs are another option to take on special attackers such as Mega Alakazam and Mega Charizard Y much more easily.

248 HP / 184 Def / 76 SpD
Calm Nature

A Calm nature and the given EV spread lets Slowking avoid the 2HKO from Metagross's Meteor Mash after an Attack raise to ensure it reliably walls it, as well avoid the 2HKO from Mega Lopunny's Return without Stealth Rock on the field, while still having enough Special Defense to take on powerful special attackers such as Keldeo and Latios. The EV spread also lets Slowking avoid the 2HKO from neutral-natured Mega Diancie's Moonblast and Timid Mega Gardevoir's Hyper Voice, as well as enabling it to take a Life Orb-boosted Thunderbolt from Thundurus after Stealth Rock if needed.


Defensive Spinner
252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

The given EV spread maximizes Starmie's bulk while also maintaining its very important Speed tier.

Offensive Spinner
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

The EVs are used for maximum power and Speed.


Calm Mind
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Bold nature

The EV spread maximizes Suicune's physical bulk because Calm Mind will already be boosting its Special Defense. A Bold nature is used for the same reason. An alternate spread of 252 HP / 196 Def / 60 Spe allows it to outpace most Landorus-T and Rotom-W variants.


Rain Sweeper
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature

Maximum Attack investment with an Adamant nature makes Mega Swampert hit as hard as possible. Maximum Speed investment allows Mega Swampert to outspeed the whole unboosted metagame, as well as some slower Choice Scarf users such as Landorus-T and Kyurem-B, under the rain. If outspeeding those two Pokemon is less of a priority and you would rather have more bulk, an alternative EV spread of 104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spe, which still outspeeds Mega Sceptile and Mega Beedrill, can be used.


Choice Specs
240 HP / 252 SpA / 16 Spe
Modest Nature

Full investment in HP and Special Attack maximizes Sylveon's bulk and power. 16 Speed EVs are necessary to outspeed uninvested Tyranitar. This set can also use a spread of 168 HP / 252 SpA / 88 Spe to outspeed and 2HKO Skarmory. If you want Sylveon to be faster, an EV spread of 68 HP / 252 SpA / 188 Spe will let it outspeed specially defensive Heatran, Knock Off Mandibuzz, and most variants of Mega Venusaur.


Swords Dance
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature

252 Speed EVs enable Talonfame to at least Speed tie with opposing Talonflame and outspeed opposing Weavile, thus avoiding getting revenge killed by Ice Shard if weakened. 168 Speed EVs with a Jolly nature can be used if you're not worried about opposing Talonflame; they're still enough to outspeed Thundurus, Choice Scarf Magnezone, and specifically Raikou, beyond which there are no relevant threats worth outspeeding that aren't already hit harder by Brave Bird than Flare Blitz, and the spread gives Talonflame a bit more bulk, which helps it set up. 252 Attack EVs maximize Talonflame's damage output, and the rest are put into bulk in order for Talonflame to set up more easily and switch into Stealth Rock twice.

Bulky Swords Dance
248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe
Adamant Nature

Because Talonflame has priority on its only offensive move, it does not need Speed in order to sweep. 248 HP EVs enable Talonflame to take hits better and give it an easier time setting up. Maximizing Talonflame's Attack stat and giving it an Adamant nature enables it to hit hard after a boost, OHKOing the likes of Latios, Mamoswine, Starmie, and Azumarill after Stealth Rock damage after a Swords Dance boost. 8 Speed EVs enable Talonflame to outspeed Kyurem-B running a neutral Speed nature and burn it. Having 60 Speed EVs is also an option, enabling Talonflame to outspeed Jolly Excadrill outside of sand. Running 88 Speed EVs with a Jolly nature is an option to outspeed Mega Pinsir and KO it before it can hit Talonflame with Quick Attack, as well as outspeed and burn Garchomp. 176 Speed EVs with a Jolly nature can also be used to outspeed Choice Scarf Tyranitar, but it sacrifices a lot of bulk, so it isn't worth it in most cases

Specially Defensive
248 HP / 212 SpD / 48 Spe
Careful Nature

Investing in Talonflame's Special Defense enables it to switch into special attackers such as Mega Charizard Y, Mega Altaria, Clefable, and as well as Gengar to a lesser extent. 48 Speed EVs enable Talonflame to outspeed neutral base 100's.


Assault Vest
248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature

The EV spread is simple and aims to make Tangrowth as specially bulky as possible, while still giving it enough physical bulk to check threatening physical sweepers such as Mega Tyranitar and Mega Gyarados. A Speed-hindering nature is used because Tangrowth's Speed is already very low and Tangrowth doesn't want to lose any power.

Physically Defensive
244 HP / 216 Def / 48 SpD
Relaxed Nature

The HP EVs increase Tangrowth's overall bulk and maximize Regenerator recovery, while the Special Defense EVs allow Tangrowth to survive Life Orb Starmie's Ice Beam. The rest of the EVs are poured into Defense to maximize physical bulk so that Tangrowth can better check Excadrill, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Gyarados, among other Pokemon. A Relaxed nature boosts Defense and allows Tangrowth to use both physical and special moves without either being weakened, and Tangrowth doesn't need its subpar Speed for much anyway.


Rapid Spin
248 HP / 216 Def / 28 SpD / 16 Spe
Timid Nature

The EV spread makes sure that Tentacruel avoids the 2HKO from Life Orb Gengar's Shadow Ball and Modest Mega Charizard Y's Fire Blast or Solar Beam after Stealth Rock 100% of the time, while still retaining a respectable physical bulk that allows it to check physical attackers such as Azumarill. 16 Speed EVs and a Timid nature allow Tentacruel to outspeed neutral-natured Mega Altaria and max Speed base 70s such as Breloom, Adamant Diggersby, and almost all versions of defensive Landorus-T.


Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

Maximum Attack investment is used for maximum power. With maximum Speed investment, a Jolly nature, and a Choice Scarf, Terrakion outspeeds many Pokemon it usually doesn't, such as Latios, Latias, Mega Lopunny, Mega Metagross, Gengar, and Thundurus. It also allows Terrakion to outspeed almost every relevant Choice Scarf user in the tier, including Garchomp, Landorus-T, Excadrill, Heatran, and Rotom-W, as well as all relevant Dragon Dance users at +1, such as Dragonite, Gyarados, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Tyranitar. Alternatively, an Adamant nature is viable for the Attack increase; however, it misses out on outrunning +1 Jolly Mega Charizard X and Choice Scarf Garchomp as well as tying with Choice Scarf Keldeo, making it an inferior option in most cases.

252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

Maximum investment in its Attack stat provides Terrakion with as much physical prowess as possible, while maximum Speed investment with a Jolly nature allows it to outpace base 100s and speed tie with Keldeo. Justified is its only ability and is sometimes situational, but it allows Terrakion to get an attack boost off of a Dark-type attack.


252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

This Thundurus is a simple special attacker and thus requires maximized Special Attack and Speed. A Timid nature is recommended to make Thundurus as fast as possible

Mixed Attacker
68 Atk / 188 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature

76 EVs in Attack are used to juice up Knock Off, enabling Thundurus to OHKO Latios after Stealth Rock damage. Speed is maximized so that Thundurus can outrun base 110 Speed Pokemon as well as tie with opposing Thundurus and Tornadus, and the remaining EVs are put into Special Attack for more special offense.


248 HP / 76 Def / 8 SpD / 176 Spe
Tiimd Nature

With 176 Speed EVs and a Timid Nature, Togekiss can outspeed and revenge kill Jolly Bisharp. 76 Defense EVs and Leftovers allow Togekiss to survive two Psyshocks from Latios as well as two Returns from Lopunny.

248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA
Bold Nature

The EV spread invests into HP and Defense to maximize physical bulk, making the most use of Togekiss's typing and resistances to take on important threats in this metagame such as Mega Gallade, Mega Lopunny, Landorus-T, Garchomp, and Mega Altaria. Serene Grace is the ideal ability so that Air Slash's flinch chance is increased, and Leftovers serves as passive recovery for Togekiss.


Life Orb Attacker
76 Atk / 180 SpA / 216 Spe
Naive Nature

76 EVs go into Attack to allow Tornadus-T to specifically OHKO Tyranitar and Excadrill with Superpower and to be able to deal some damage with its other physical move, U-turn. 216 Speed investment with a Naive nature is all it needs to outspeed Pokemon that are base 115 Speed and under, such as Choice Scarf Tyranitar. The rest is dumped into Special Attack so that Hurricane can hit as hard as possible. Finally, Life Orb is the item of choice, as it bolsters attacking power, and the recoil isn't much of a problem due to Regenerator.

Assault Vest
168 HP / 88 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

The EVs give Tornadus-T a guaranteed OHKO on Keldeo after Stealth Rock with Hurricane whilst allowing it to run Max Speed and still having some bulk to take on the likes of Gengar and Choice Specs Keldeo better.


Swords Dance
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

An Adamant nature can be used for more power, but Jolly is superior, as Toxicroak is then guaranteed to outspeed Mega Heracross, regular Gardevoir, Gyarados, and Mamoswine, while Speed tying with regular Heracross. Finally, a Jolly nature lets Toxicroak take on sand offense reasonably well, as it outspeeds Adamant Excadrill outside of sand and Toxicroak is easily able to Drain Punch Tyranitar away. The EVs maximize Attack and Speed, making Toxicroak hit as hard as possible while also taking advantage of its decent Speed.


Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

Maximum and Attack and Speed with a Jolly Nature is mandatory to allow Tyranitar to do its job and hit the necessary Speed tier to Pursuit trap effectively.

Choice Band
72 HP / 252 Atk / 184 Spe
Adamant Nature

An Adamant nature and maximum Attack investment allow Tyranitar to hit as hard as possible. 156 Speed EVs are used to outspeed minimum Speed Mandibuzz, but 76 Speed EVs can be used if Tyranitar only needs to outpace Skarmory. The rest of the EVs are thrown into HP to make Tyranitar as bulky as possible.

248 HP / 80 Def / 180 SpD
Relaxed Nature

The given HP and Defense EVs allow Tyranitar to survive an Earthquake from +1 Dragonite and KO back with Ice Beam, assuming Multiscale is not intact. They also allow Tyranitar to take two +1 Dragon Claws from Mega Charizard X after Stealth Rock damage. The rest of the EVs are tossed into Special Defense to help Tyranitar take special attacks better, such as Latios's Draco Meteor and Heatran's Fire Blast.


Dragon Dance
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

Maximum Speed investment and a Jolly nature are needed to outspeed Weavile, Tornadus-T, and Alakazam after one Dragon Dance. Maximum Attack investment makes Mega Tyranitar very hard to wall after a boost as well. Tyranitarite is mandatory because it gives it a crucial boost to Tyranitar's Speed and, more importantly, its bulk. This means it can set up much more easily and survive priority attacks from Azumarill and Mega Scizor.


Dragon Dance
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature

Maximum EVs in Attack and Speed are a given for Tyrantrum to sweep more easily. A Jolly nature enables Tyrantrum to outspeed Jolly Bisharp before a boost and every non-Choice Scarf user up to Mega Lopunny and Mega Manectric after a boost. An Adamant nature can be used for more power, enabling it to deal significantly more damage to Hippowdon, Mega Slowbro, Chesnaught, and Conkeldurr in particular and still letting it outspeed everything up to Serperior and tie with base 115 Speed Pokemon, but then Tyrantrum misses out on Tornadus-T, Weavile, and Adamant Mega Lopunny.

Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

The given EV spread is used in order for Tyrantrum to outspeed as many threats as possible while hitting very hard. A Jolly nature enables Choice Scarf Tyrantrum to outspeed everything up to base 130 Speed Pokemon.

Choice Band
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature

Choice Band is the item of choice because it enables Tyrantum to hit as hard as possible. Life Orb is usable, but it causes Tyrantrum to miss out on quite a bit of power and the recoil eats away at Tyrantrum's health. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs enable Tyrantrum to be as fast and hit as hard as possible. Jolly Tyrantrum outspeeds Jolly Bisharp as well as Pokemon that commonly Speed creep Bisharp, such as Celebi and Landorus-T. However, an Adamant nature can also be chosen for a higher chance to 2HKO Hippowdon and Chesnaught with Outrage.


232 HP / 252 SpA / 24 Spe
Modest Nature

20 Speed EVs are used to outpace Adamant maximum Speed Azumarill accounting for Hidden Power Fire's IV drop. Maximum EVs are used in Special Attack to allow Mega Venusaur to hit as hard as possible. The rest of the EVs are put in HP so that Mega Venusaur can take hits as well as possible. 100 Speed EVs can be used to outpace Jolly Azumarill, but be aware that this cuts harshly into Mega Venusaur's bulk and that Jolly Azumarill is very rare

248 HP / 96 Def / 144 SpD / 20 Spe
Bold Nature

20 Speed EVs are used outpace Adamant maximum Speed Azumarill accounting for Hidden Power Fire's IV drop. However, only 16 Speed EVs are needed if you choose to run Knock Off or Leech Seed. Maximum HP investment is used for better neutral bulk, and 144 Special Defense EVs are used to cushion powerful special attackers such as Keldeo, specifically allowing it to take one Life Orb-boosted Psychic from Alakazam. The rest of the EVs are put in Defense to allow maximum physical walling potential


Choice Band
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature

Max Attack and Speed investment maximizes Victini's offensive capabilities. A Jolly nature can be used instead of Adamant to ensure a Speed tie at the least with other base 100s, but the decrease in power generally isn't worth it.

96 Atk / 160 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive / Hasty Nature

This EV spread enables Victini to 2HKO Slowbro and Hippowdon with Energy Ball, OHKO defensive Landorus-T after Stealth Rock, 2HKO Latios after Stealth Rock, and OHKO Naive Garchomp with Glaciate, all the while hitting as hard as possible with physical moves. A Naive nature guarantees that Victini will survive Hippowdon's Earthquake from full health after Life Orb and sand damage, enabling it to beat it one-on-one. It also helps against other physical attackers like Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Talonflame. However, a Hasty nature is preferred if Victini serves as the team's main check to special attackers such as Clefable, Mega Gardevoir, and Mega Charizard Y.

Choice Specs
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature

Maximum Special Attack and Speed investment is used to make Victini as fast and powerful as possible. A Timid nature is used to tie with other base 100s such as Manaphy and outspeed Kyurem-B and Jolly Sand Rush Excadrill outside sand. A Modest nature is another option to boost Victini's power at the expense of missing a few speed benchmarks.


Offensive Quiver Dance
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

Special Attack is maximised because Volcarona needs as much firepower as possible. Maximum Speed allows Volcarona to at least tie with other base 100 Speed Pokemon such as Mega Gardevoir and Mega Charizard X before a boost.


252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

The EV spread gives Weavile the most power and Speed needed for hitting hard and quick, a dire prerequisite due to its frailty. A Jolly nature lets Weavile outspeed other fast Pokemon such as Starmie, Latios, and Gengar


248 HP / 176 Def / 68 SpA / 16 Spe
Bold Nature

The EVs and Bold nature are designed to maximize Zapdos's physical bulk while outspeeding Adamant Bisharp. Instead of max HP investment, 4 EVs are moved to Defense so that Zapdos takes less damage from Stealth Rock while hitting a Defense jump point. The 68 Special Attack EVs guarantee the OHKO on Mega Pinsir with Thunderbolt, a Pokemon that Zapdos is meant to counter. An alternate spread of 248 HP / 52 Def / 204 Spe allows Zapdos to outrun Gyarados. An alternate Specially Defensive spread of 248 HP / 64 Def / 180 SpD / 16 Spe and a Calm Nature could be used to check powerful special threats such as Keldeo and Gengar.
To make a long story short I'm gonna clean this up during the weekend (I haven't read through it fully and might change some formatting). Feel free to suggest w/e in the meantime I'm not gonna be too anal about posting during a WIP stage of a resource thread. This is more to just keep this up to date with w/e you guys think is suitable. Thanks for the help in advance.
Gonna suggest 252 HP/216 Def/40 SpD Bold Clefable. The investment in Defense and HP allows Clef to avoid the 2HKO from adamant Medicham's HJK after lefties, with the rest dumped in SpD to better handle things like Rotom-W and company.

Probably necessary to have a Bold Clef spread in there too just because of how frequently it's used nowadays.
I also might just remove the descriptions for the EV spreads. Some of them are really arbitrary, clunky, or obvious. Probably will make bullet points of the main points of the spread as opposed to the c/p dex style it has going now. At least that way when it needs a change it'll be quick. I'm open to any formatting suggestions as well for brainstorming.

I'm also removing anything in D rank during the clean up. Spreads for a lot of the lower ranks is questionable as is so rather not bog down the resource with too much garbage.
for av torn, 80 SpA is all you need to ohko keldeo after rocks, so 172 HP / 80 SpA / 252 Spe works

80 SpA Tornadus-T Hurricane vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Keldeo: 306-360 (94.7 - 111.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

for physdef tangrowth, 240 HP and 48 SpD are needed to eat starmie's ice beam, not 244 HP, so 240 HP / 220 Def / 48 SpD works

252 SpA Life Orb Starmie Ice Beam vs. 240 HP / 48 SpD Tangrowth: 338-400 (84.2 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

id probably make the main utility heatran spread the max speed one or at least fast so faster heras and scizors dont blow you back + the dex has it as the main set

mention the bulky subcm spread for raikou imo. 112 HP / 144 SpA / 252 Spe prevents Heatran from breaking the sub at +1 w/ lava plume, but if there are better benchmarks that is cool too

for band ttar, trash the mandibuzz benchmark, nobody uses it enough to warrant that mention. something like 204 outspeeds 0 speed rotom, which is useful, but it does cut into bulk harder.

remove the adamant crawdaunt mention rotom-w, it conflicts with its own part and having rotom-w outspeed (at least w/o significant investment) is ass

ada mega lopunny is ass, remove plz

fix up magneton's description, scarf allows it to outspeed mons up to talonflame, only relevant mon it needs to at that point

remove the hasty mention on latios, not worth taking more from keldeo's secret sword / prio in general + heatran isnt the hardest thing to wear down (even if you play smart with its lefties)

12 Def evs lives ada lo bisharp's sucker from full, which is nice

252+ Atk Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 12 Def Mega Metagross: 252-299 (83.7 - 99.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

8 def evs allows medicham to survive pinsir's quick attack from full

252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Quick Attack vs. 0 HP / 8 Def Mega Medicham: 218-260 (83.5 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

imo for kyurem and hydreigon, give speed boosting natures a main slash, outspeeding ada medicham and the like is great, but mild/modest is usually just fine

under mamoswine, replace the gallade mention with gard or something

what exactly does regular gyra's spread do exactly? a brief explanation would be nice instead of just saying it helps with set up. like, does it take any specific attacks or it is just a random hp dump?

possible mention of jolly to cb azu as well. yeah, it loses a chunk of power, but hitting up slower rotoms is nice.

maybe mention a bulkier spread for reg latias to better check thundurus and shit like that, 180 HP takes 2 HP Ices or a knock off from it or maybe another benchmark here works as well. makes it even weaker but might as well use that extra bulk for something but if not that is fine too
I think the SD mega scizor runs 248 hp 200 spdef 60 def impish as it allows it to guaranteed live two HJK's from mega Lop
252 Atk Mega Lopunny High Jump Kick vs. 248 HP / 60+ Def Mega Scizor: 144-169 (41.9 - 49.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Minor change but its something xD
The main spreads will be used as standards. Other things like minor benchmarks for defense for one specific thing (The pinsir v Medicham example above which isnt exactly good anyways) will be an other options thing. This is referring to really minor things like 8 Def for w/e. Unless there's a real practical aspect of it it'll more than likely not be taken into account. I will be reading through some comments making some judgement calls and asking others for opinions overtime on less obvious stuff, so it won't be done overnight. Bulky M-Scizors run a lot of different spreads, some to outpace Rotom-W, some to stomach Lopunny, some to stomach special attackers, attack benchmarks to hit a relevant KO at +2 with Latios, etc. and depending on if its pursuit is a big factor as well. To give you guys an idea of what I'm revamping.

An example is this


4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

- Max SpA for power, Max Spe to be as fast as possible
- Noticeable out-sped Spe benchmarks - Base 115, Base 110, (Insert specific mon if any)
- Relevant Sets - Life Orb, Focus Sash

Basically it'll look like this for almost all of them in the perfect world. What I could use is basic terminology to define stuff such as the first bullet so "max SpA for power" is one example "Max Def for full physical defense" is another but could use some fix so it applies more to anything. Defensive benchmarks might be "44 Def to miss 2HKO from M-Lopunny's HJK". Quick and concise. So other than general EV fixes a reference point for how to phrase basics would be fine to suggest to.
Update #1

I'm gonna be double posting from time to time so it's w/e. So far this is what I've worked on. Don't mind the mess I'm cutting down on a lot of fluff trying to update old irrelevant stuff, deciding on how I want to word things while keep it short and concise.


Mega Aerodactyl

252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

- Max Atk for power, Max Spe to be as fast as possible
- Noticeable out-sped Spe benchmarks - Base 145, Base 135, +1 Base 81 and below
- Relevant Sets - All Out Attacker, Roost / 3 Attacks



4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

- Max SpA for power, Max Spe to be as fast as possible
- Noticeable out-sped Spe benchmarks - Base 115, Base 110, (Insert specific mon if any)
- Relevant Sets - Life Orb, Focus Sash


Mega Alakazam

4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

- Max SpA for power, Max Spe to be as fast as possible
- Noticeable out-sped Spe benchmarks - Base 145, Base 135, +1 Base 81 and below (429 and Below)
- Relevant Sets - All Out Attacker, Calm Mind



252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

- Max Atk for power, Max Spe to be as fast as possible
- Noticeable out-sped Spe benchmarks - Base 78, Base 75, Base 70
- Noticeable out-sped benchmarks at +1 - Base 135, Base 125, Base 120
- Relevant Sets - Offensive Dragon Dance

248 HP / 136 Def / 96 SpD / 28 Spe
Impish Nature

- Noticeable Defensive benchmarks - WIP
- Relevant Sets - Defensive Dragon Dance (Heal Bell / Refresh / Cotton Guard w/ Facade)

Boy Jean Claude Van Damme is an awful actor....anyways, that's the general idea so I'm gonna put some points of discussion here to keep things focused and what I'm looking to get in here. There's a lot of outdated details in the sets and some I want to confirm on what should be main stuff and what should be more Other Options.

Discussion Points:

- Spread for Amoonguss: I'll probably settle for something I ask of others but the details are kind of just awful at telling anything specific. What I want to know is specific relevant benchmarks for the main spread that would occupy this as the bullet point would detail that. Other Options will include a handful of spreads although these should be a bit more common and not way out there.

- Spread and Details for Azelf: This pure defensive benchmark seems booty cheeks for the specific reasons stated but it's w/e cause it's implying the use of HP Steel to KO M-Diancie when it wants to be running other things like Skill Swap to actually get Rocks on Sableye-Stalls so "x". I like using my brain most times so someone who enjoys using the focal point of playing like a dummy can enlighten me on what you think Azelfs are doing well and not so well these days to justify legitimate points. Some things I know other I might be oblivious to so I'm all ears.

- Better Defensive Benchmark for Defensive Dragon Dance M-Altaria: Idk if people are still running that spread. I normally either run way more on one defense or another, or use more speed, and it's kind of dependent on if it's CG to. If you guys know better spreads let me know since more defensive mons need benchmarks mentioned in their bullet points to justify their use.

- Clean up from Aerodactyl to Clefable: Stuffs kind of all over the place but I'm gonna keep the focus of discussion and what I'll be paying attention to this stuff for now. We got one Clef spread when there's Bold and Calm variants, Adamant Ddance Char-X which I would like to say now stop using Zard-Xs outpace by Scarf Lando-T, two sets on a barely viable mon in Celebi who's should probably stick to one role in support or use one spread, I don't know what Wisp Zard-X is specifically running EV wise these days I'm getting conflicting points. I also just need to clean up all the stuff make everything uniform with the stuffed I finished. As far as the finished stuff goes if there's better wording that you think would work let me know.

Otherwise that's really it let's discuss that.
Last edited:
I use Azelf a fair chunk 'cause I'm a dummy who mostly uses zzz HO and doesn't like using his brain when playing and but yeah just based on my experience with it just a simple 128 HP / 128 Def / 252 Spe jolly should suffice. Sash is kinda dookie just because it doesn't lay rocks vs. sab stall consistently considering Fake Out+Foul Play takes it out on the turn it Skill Swaps and Koiro.'s bulky Colbur set is far better as very little that isn't using a Dark-type move both outpaces and OHKOs anyway and it avoids this happening by ensuring Azelf is alive for 3 turns vs. this variant of Sab is important considering that Azelf is the only means of laying hazards on the types of teams you're running it on, meaning you only get one shot to lay them at the start of the game and don't have to play stupid mindgames with Sableye to get them. Bulky is ideal with this spread because Explosion is strong AF without investment anyway considering Azelf's reasonably high Atk stat and Explosion's insane BP, so a spread that takes fake out+return from jolly Lopunny is important because it both ensures you get rocks vs. it and allows you to scout for adamant if you have 'mons like Weavile, your own Lop or similar in the back (only ada nets the KO vs. this spread).
yeah I'm going to assume Colbur is what Azelfs run now cause that's all I see. Sash is just all sorts of bad in todays meta personally to me at least. Azelfs relevant points will be the high speed to taunt mons like offensive chomp from setting rocks and the defense benchmark for w/e. The semantics of the moves it runs is kind of not huge since the details show a generalization of the set "suicide lead" and will normally not go into specifics with exceptions for certain mons, Azelf not really being one of them. Just want to mention this going forward.
Adamant gator is a thing but they usualy run jet for stuff like talon.

And also I'm not completly sure that curse ferrothorn runs same spread as normal ferro.

Raikou can run 52 ev in spdef in CM set to get substitute 2HKO by heatran lava plume.

Also I'm not fan of LO tornadous spread, it't outspeeded by alakazam and other tornadous like AV.

What 184 ev in speed does for Ttar?

Overall fine job.
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