Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!

His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
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general guide to team comps

2 support is best - generally lucio + mercy.
1 support is absolutely necessary - generally mercy is better cos res is OP, but lucio is fine too, especially on attack cos of speed boost

the same principle 2 is best 1 is necessary principle applies to tanks
core tanks - reinhardt / winston
reinhardt is generally the best default solo tank because it takes a lot more organisation to capitalise on winston's shield. when you run two tanks double winston is good shit, but you can also use hog / zarya in conjunction with one of the core tanks (or even double zarya lol). d.va is my most played hero since the reset but she's kinda bad lol. you can boostram and solo kill a few people, but winston does that too. the ulti has niche use on attack but that's kinda it.

for attack it's generally double offense heroes, but one widow or hanzo is acceptable. widow is better on attack and just as good as hanzo on defense.

for defense double defense heroes, but mccree is very good at protecting your tanks from flanks and taking out their reinhardt.

i think in all my games yesterday that 2-3 randoms picked all offense heroes or hanzo/widow without exception. there was like 1 lucio / 1 mercy / 1 d.va across 15 games or something, fuck.
it's exceedingly rare to play double support in pubs from what i've seen. it's only happened to me when i decide to go lucio alongside a mercy because i feel like playing him. while double tank (winston/reinhardt), double support (lucio/mercy), and double offense (mccree/tracer/SOMETIMES genji) is meta in competitive, and likely the best style of composition, i really wouldn't expect it in my own matches.

i actually haven't had trouble getting at least one support + tank in games, but i mostly play with friends who understand comps, so it makes sense.

in other news, i finally got my aim back from beta and now it looks like my computer won't even hold up for a full game anymore. looks like i'll need to wait until i get home from school to finally play again.


There is usually higher ground.
is a Contributor Alumnus
If anyone is having troubke breaking spawn camping, Rien + hog + Lucio will usually get you out of there pretty easy and may even win you a big push depending on how overextended your opponents are. The hog needs to be decent with hooking, but other than that you have a fast 600 hp hero that is good at picking off people with an anti-sniper barrier in front of him. Even McCee doesn't like trying to bust this (if flash misses the hog and the hook lands, McCree dies). Not sure if breaking spawn camps is sonething any of you have trouble with, but with the few games I have played on a friends comp, this seems to be more than enough to shove your way out.


[10:02:17 AM] flcl: its hory xD
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
today i played against a team with 2 bastions, 2 mercys, and 2 reinhardts

it was not fun

we didn't even make the first objective

His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
it's exceedingly rare to play double support in pubs from what i've seen. it's only happened to me when i decide to go lucio alongside a mercy because i feel like playing him. while double tank (winston/reinhardt), double support (lucio/mercy), and double offense (mccree/tracer/SOMETIMES genji) is meta in competitive, and likely the best style of composition, i really wouldn't expect it in my own matches.

i actually haven't had trouble getting at least one support + tank in games, but i mostly play with friends who understand comps, so it makes sense.

in other news, i finally got my aim back from beta and now it looks like my computer won't even hold up for a full game anymore. looks like i'll need to wait until i get home from school to finally play again.
it's not even the end all in meta competitive, i would just say it's a good guide to basic effective team comp. i've seen comp matches with single supp / 4 soldier and other wacky shit. it's not like this set up requires a good team to be effective, if anything it will make the game go easier lol. double support is the fucking bomb, all my most stompy games have been when we've had double support.
My experience playing Hanamura and that bloody turret placed above everyone (you can't sneak from behind) changed me for the better I suppose, but not before we got our assess handed to us. I know have a list of maps and which hero to use in each one, and if I need a tank I just go Reinhardt.

Basically open spaces with high vantage points and good choke points: Bomb them to hell with Farah

Close corridor combat: Soldier 76

Hanamura: Torbjorn (could be useful elsewhere)

Tank: Reinhardt

My average stats.

Colonel M

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Bastion main here.

JK I'm not a scumbag.

Game is pretty fun. Not really the best at FPS games but if anyone wants to play with me Battletag ColonelM#1556.
Is it me or did they decrease the chances of getting skins. I get skins so much less often now, it's super annoying. Although it would make sense on their end.
I made a general framework for decent teams a little bit ago, I'll post it here.

A decent team has:

1-3 Supports
1-3 Tanks
1-4 DPS
0-2 Snipers

And this is the "Default" competitive build, not accounting for maps or vs. specific teams, or whatever the team wants to try:


the default build is different for KotH, where the meta is incredibly stale:

Lucio x2
Winston x2
Tracer OR McCree x2

And then, when you run some heroes, it's in certain scenarios or need exceptions:

-Winston is either run as a pair, usually in strong vertical maps such as Watchpoint: Gibraltar, or as a soft counter to snipers.
-Symmetra is pretty much exclusively run only on First-Point Hybrid/CP map defenses. Notable maps are Hollywood and Volskaya Industries.
-Genji is only run in strong vertical maps, usually as a midgame switch rather than something you run exclusively.
-Soldier: 76 is run on defenses with good mid-long sightlines. Watchpoint: Gibraltar and Hollywood's first defenses the best examples here.
-Zarya mandates a specific teambuild to take advantage of her Graviton, as she's basically a walking ult. Tends to get run on offenses in maps that don't tend to have much vertical for the defense to abuse, such as King's Row or Temple of Anubis.
-Junkrat is run on defenses that can abuse spamming off chokepoints. Although, it's been seeing use on Offense to pressure Reinhardt and fish for splash damage in the same conditions as Zarya. (Now I want to see a Mercy/Lucio/Reinhardt/Zarya/Pharah/Junkrat king's row offense, that would be fun)
-Reaper is only employed in Defense as a way to counter tank-heavy builds, although he's started to fall out of favor a LOT recently, being more of a desperation pick to try and clear with his ult.

That isn't all of it, but you get my point.


What does your soul look like?
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I don't like 3 supports. 2 supports is perfect, but anything more is kinda ridiculous cause then your supporting the team more then actually having a team. And yeah, KotH has a terrible meta. Especially on Ilios, having a Winston on it is pretty much an auto win.
i've seen comp matches with single supp / 4 soldier and other wacky shit.
Liquid ran a 5 Tracer/Lucio comp vs C9's 2 Tracer/2 Lucio/2 Winston comp (if I remember correctly). It actually worked for a couple of minutes.

I am getting the impression that 2 DPS/2 tanks/2 supports is very difficult to budge from as far as competitive team compositions though (the odd game in that series had 2 McCrees + Reaper and only one tank so it's doable. Also the occasional Widowmaker picks). Winston/Reinhardt/Zarya seem to be the tanks of choice although I did see the odd D.Va as well.
As far as pub matches go, double support (Lucio/Mercy) is more likely to win than most stuff you can pull out. Squishy comps are Widowmaker food, tanky comps are melted by a half decent Reaper. Turret spam takes a team effort of Widow/Tracer and friends to break past, and its a real clown fiesta if they have a Mercy (which they likely will).

Personally I'm almost level 50 and mainly play Reaper, of which i'm in the top 40 across the EU server (was a surprise to see) and 60ish on NA, although that number will likely drop every time I sleep. I'd say hes a viable pick in any match that requires an offensive hero, but finds his best games on defense, as you can teleport to a flanking spot to ult the backline, kill their support and also melt their tanks. He can also do a similar job to McCree as an anti-flanker, but getting a decent Tracer to stay and fight you isn't that easy whereas McCree has his flashbang to force her to sit. Most Tracers will take the fight (and lose) but I think they are slowly learning. If they blink past you then you can chase somewhat well on most maps and pressure her to recall back, keeping the supports/turrets safe. Decent pick on control point (king of the hill) maps too. He has no bad maps due to how he can force fights on his own grounds and escape, but has some more annoying matchups mainly vs turret builders and McCree if you don't dodge the flashbang with wraith form (v difficult to predict, ping can screw you). Zarya is harder to kill than other tanks but still very doable. Mei is a pain in the ass if your aim is off and wraith form is on cooldown.

I'm gonna drop my thoughts and opinions on the maps rather than the heroes as I believe everyone's opinions on heroes mainly form from playing against a certain dude as (your main) with the exception of McCree who most agree he could do with a small nerf. Maps are easier to discuss as most have used different heroes and comps on them. I can drop my opinions on the other heroes later on.

Dorado (Payload): Pretty well balanced. Every single hero has potential to get shit done on this map, and each payload checkpoint is equally defendable and pushable on offense.

Hanamura (Assault): This map is dog shit. Symmetra and a turret dude is near necessary on defending point A (or at least run the timer down so you can easily hold B), and you can go full cancer (Mercy/Torb/Bastion/Reindhart/McRee/Widow) on point B and choke the fun out of the enemy team and be extremely hard to push. If you are on offense you have to snowball from A>B before they set up properly (A is easy to take with flankers and some effort). If they have dug in, play 2 Widows and push 1/2 other dudes down the upper right balcony to pressure the turrets. If you are <Lv40 and playing solo (therefore teammates do not fully understand counterpicking/changing hero) then you just gotta hope for the best. This map is all over the place.

Hollywood (Hybrid): Taking A can be a real pain in the ass vs a competent defense, and the open area just after A can also be hard to push. I'd say this map is more reliant on skill/strategy to win than the others - if your offense sucks, you lose. If your defense sucks, you lose. Sounds really obvious but it is far more noticeable on Hollywood, so I guess that makes it balanced.

King's Row (Hybrid): Seems to require Symmetra or competent Mercy to have a chance of holding A for a period of time. If you lose 4-5 members at once, A is simply gone. Run down the timer on A then hold the huge ass chokepoint (inside the factory) at the last 2 payload checkpoints for the win. Beware of Widowmaker + flankers here.

Illios | Lijiang Tower | Nepal (King of the Hill): Lemme preface this by saying I'm really not a fan of koth maps. The picks are incredibly stale in pubs (Lucio/Junkrat/Mei) and it seems the pro meta just takes this to the extreme, so I'm glad I don't currently watch it. If you don't deny overtime you risk a pretty damn good chance of going from 99-0 to losing. People who pick snipers on king of the hill maps tilt the living shit out of me. Unless there is a Pharah going off and it's a counterpick, pls dont do this. Lijiang Tower is far better than the other two in my experience. The other two you can just pick dudes with knockback (read: lucio) + tanks and hold the point.

Numbani (Hybrid): The first point is usually easy to take just by walking at them unless they have turret spam (basically Torb) + Widowmaker. For whatever reason it's a rare sight, so A is free. Mileage may vary. The payload is not difficult to push until you get through that underpass area near their base. Then its fair game. Get flankers to take out their sniper + support on offense, and on defense, Reaper is a really good pick in my opinion. Besides that its just standard stuff - momentum is key.

Route 66 (Payload): I like this map. Many games I've both won and lost at the first checkpoint, and it feels balanced the entire way through. Bastion on offense with a Reinhardt is surprisingly effective.

Temple of Anubis (Assault): Chokepoint central. Communication, good team comp and also good ultimate use wins this for either side. There's a good amount of amazing flank spots - learn this spot (works from both sides, it comes in handy if you play flankers)

Volskaya Industries (Assault): Snowball from A>B cuz if not you are in for a grind until the timer runs out. Offense on A is 55/45, B can be a nightmare without amazing teamwork. Flanking is your friend, as is Reinhardt. If there is a competent Mei on the defending team then prepare for misery.

Watchpoint: Gibraltar (Payload): One of the more annoying payload maps. A sniper on both sides is actually ok here, as flank routes are limited to like 1 hallway on each side and they barely reach anywhere good, and on offense you can take out the turrets/enemy sniper. Soldier 76 has a field day here. Reaper is more useful than you think if you play it smart, as he can teleport between the staircases out of the line of sight and really pressure the backline on both offense and defense. The last payload checkpoint takes some real effort to take.

One tip for everyone: focus the damn Mercy before using your ult on the priority targets. This goes double if you play the offensive heroes, although Tracer is less reliant on it as bombing one person is hard for Mercy to revive and call it worth.

This game is great.

Colonel M

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KotH is pretty damn easy if you have 2 coordinated Winstons and at least one Lucio (Mercy can work as a second support but double Lucio is definitely preferred).

Call me the oddball but I really am torn on having multiple of the same heroes on the same team. I get where a little bit of strategy comes from it, but I feel it just absolutely kills any variety some of the maps could have.

Also I really hate one of the Hybrid Payload maps (King's Row) and REALLY hate Watchpoint: Gibraltor if you're pushing the payload.

I really like the game otherwise aside from a few gripes and some maps just being absolutely horrible to play.


@ Everstone
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This game is so fucking good jesus fucking christ

Played it at a friend's house, couldn't stop, to the point where my friend gave up trying to use the pc cuz i've been hoarding it playing overwatch for hours LOL

Gonna get it tonight hopefully, haven't had a chance to try out most heroes but Mercy and Widowmaker click with me really well. I don't think I'd like many of the DPS or tank classes tho but I'll give them all a try eventually.

Been waiting on a game like this for far too long :D
Super Shimada bros! I always kept to the Guns n' Grenades but trying this mode made me realize I can become a good ninja too, anyone want to challenge me kill count :)

I just use the deflect then slaughter method (Spot target, R1 then L1 followed by shuriken or sword slash), unfortunately I have a suicide habit and tend to plunge into crowds so that's why my death count is also high.

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I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Some Overwatch jokes:

What month is Pharah's favorite?
April, because April showers bring JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE!!!

Why was Pharah's sad it was sunny outside? Because there wasn't any JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE!!!

Did you know that Soldier 76 is a great social network Web designer?
It's because he's got everyone in his sites.

What did Winston do when he heard a bad pun?

He Winston pain.

I'm done now.

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