Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!

I haven't played her, but I think what makes her so powerful is that Translocator. Outside of the stray Junkrat bomb or Roadhog hook, with the Translocator set up I don't really see how she can actually die in the back lines. I mean, at least Tracer has a low health pool and is much easier to manage after she uses recall (which will very rarely completely take her out of the fray). But Sombra can literally "recall" to wherever she likes, which allows her to wait out the timer and just place a new one. Combine that with invisibility for easy backline entry and the hacking ability to either fuck someone up before engaging or to provide a ton of health, and I feel like her annoyance to the back lines is going to be huge. The damage might not be great but the range + clip size helps a lot. That being said, I do agree her 1v1 ability vs most DPS not named Pharah / long range Reaper seems pretty bad, and because of that you will truly need the element of surprise to do well. I also agree her ult seems kind of underwhelming; from what I understand, it only disables abilities within your LoS? It's not bad but it's not as easy to follow up on as Zarya / Reinhardt ult and I imagine it will often times be used to make those ults easier to use. I also think it'll be very hard to use in soloqueue comp except on rare occasions or near the final stretch of pushing the payload / capturing the objective (no Mei Ice Wall / Ice Block? Thank you!).

Overall I'm excited to play as Sombra but not to play against her. Genji / Tracer was already enough backline shit for me... >.>


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Played some PTR and stuff. Once again I shall disclaimer that I only concern about the high tier play and can't be bothered about qp / soloq etc. But that isn't to say I won't touch on those.

Anyway, as a Mercy who ate Sombras on PTR with like 300 ping, I'm going to say, no Sombra's weapon isn't that bad. Mercy should always be dying 1v1 Sombra no questions asked. The problem is most of the time Mercy won't let you 1v1, but yet I just take it because I don't rely on teammates to deal with Sombra unless I have a target to fly to. Her rate of fire isn't bad, of course not Tracer tier but it's decent for someone who has such a strong passive. Problem is most Sombra decide it's a good idea to hack Mercy instead of outright killing her. Maybe they're not confident of the kill idk? They still try to hack me now and then when I'm actively shooting at them so lol. But I've been abusing map geometry to take quick regens with that 1s buff. I would have died more to Sombra if they just go straight for the kills probably.

But yes, Sombra's raw power is comparatively weaker to every other DPS hero. But as mentioned she's a utility hybrid, DPS-Support. She can't be played the same way as most DPS. Also that 60 clip is reallyyyyyy good. I usually don't bother reloading while fighting the same person until the clip is expanded. Usually you can half-half the clip to kill people. Also chasing them with invis/tp is pretty decent, though not ideal. She shouldn't be taking fights with DPS. She should be either quickly killing supports, lit enemies, or just farming ult.

Oh gosh her ult charges so dang fast lols. Like I just poke at people for some time (with 0 elims lol) and EMP the heck out of everyone and just murder. And yes I did the TP mid air Ult and then invis before landing combo I mentioned. Is really easy to pull off lol and the enemy can't do anything about it. It's disgusting. The only thing is QP (or most in general) players don't understand how powerful EMP is. People like to say that oh you can still shoot and move and stuff and act like that's normal. The advantage of having shield hp ripped, barriers broken, abilities and ultimate disabled, is so huge. With that impression, most people just don't follow up on it because they don't see the advantage, just like how people often don't see ult advantages, number advantages and stuff. As someone who's very sensitive regarding ult fights, EMP is an insta win kind of thing when you want to wipe all if not the majority of the enemy. Things like Graviton Deadeye combo I used repeatedly in Season 1 requires a lot of conditions to be cleared. To list a few: Genji Reflect on CD, Rein barrier down, Sound Barrier used, Speed Amp used, D.Va mech dead, list goes on. I have to mentally keep track of every single relevant CD and abilities if I want to pull that combo off, and believe me we just keep using that combo to insta wipe enemy teams on S1 just to farm rank to 65. It takes a lot of work to align all this conditions. But with Sombra? EMP just instantly meets every single of these conditions and there's nothing the enemy can do about that. And I wouldn't call Mercy Rez as a reliable answer to that either. You either hack Mercy before hand or hack her before she gets into Rez range, depending on map location on where she can Rez from and what angle. Best answer maybe but not something I'd rely on.

EMP is basically a trump card that says 'I win this fight now'. There's no kiting EMP. Sombra can hold off EMP until all her necessary targets are in range. TP and Invis with EMP is way more unkitable than Nano Dragonblade. It is never a good thing to spread your team out by more than a 8-9m radius. There's too much disadvantages of doing that just to avoid a full EMP, and heck not all maps allow that in the first place. We all know how powerful Mei's Blizzard is at denying and disabling areas. But EMP is way ahead of that. I'm just going to say that EMP definitely needs tweaking for it to be balanced in coordinated play. There's too much auto win with EMP plus another ult, and is much easier to execute than even Nano Blossom. Ironically the only good thing about EMP imo is that it kills Nano Blossom lols. However, too much of a power creep here with no answers.


Okay enough about what I want to say about Sombra being broken. The main beef I have with her is just EMP. For something that's such an insta-win thing, there needs to be reliable answers or a really high opportunity cost. Fast ult charge + win condition that's more powerful than Nano Boost, and dry pushing is possible on the first fight by getting EMP first.

Anyway, Sombra's kit feels really guilty fun to me. A lot of utility and does a lot of work. Hacking healthpacks is reallyyyyy weird. I haven't played koth yet so I can't say for sure what's the impact there. But it does slow the game down slightly when the map has really good pack placements. Also it favors the defender Sombra since she guarantee can hack at least 1 healthpack, and more often than not can deny most of the relevant packs, like on R66. And omg it gives her ult :O! A lot too! With valid packs, they can be ult batteries for Sombra like how Ana uses teammates as batteries to get Nano first. Hacking packs right now is really worth it. If I don't feel a need to hack players, going for important packs is real good. It does affect map flow similar to how Mei does. The extend, I'm not too sure.

Hack on players feels really easy, though you could say it's just people not being used to the cues and stuff yet. IDK but I personally feel the HUD cues aren't really great right now. Oh and I said Hacking players from the front was dumb right? Well it's pretty valid against some enemies lol. D.Va holding Defense Matrix? Hack her lol. Assuming she holds it up for reasons other than yourself, her putting Defense Matrix down just lets your teammates damage her. Oh and yes Defense Matrix can indeed be hacked. Of course, hacking from the front really shouldn't be a thing, but it's something you can really exploit in QP due to composition and positional errors. Basically Sombra punishes enemy mistakes a lot. Roadhog throws a hook while unprotected by teammates? Hack. Also IDK how but I've hacked Winstons by using a teammate as meatshield so he can't damage to interrupt Hack lol. And Hack against Primal Rage basically makes him even more an ult battery. Baby sitting your team isn't that bad as Sombra either, though there should be other things you can be doing. A Genji forced into Deflect is basically a dead Genji cos free Hack, unless he dashes into you, in which case both of his skills are on CD.

Regarding Hack, I personally measure it to be at 15m range, which is really long, and takes roughly 1.5s. I don't think it's 2s but w/e. It's short enough to get free Hacks here and there. The best position to hack from would be with high ground. Enemy doesn't have the option of breaking LOS, but you do, which also lets you escape using invis. Enemy takes longer to respond, will most likely 180, then have to look up. By that time you most likely already completed it. Hacking from the back is still really good. Also omg it makes your sound so weird and soft D: OW has a really excellent sound system and really cripples you to have your sounds screwed up. Like awareness instantly drops a lot rip.

There's various ways to guarantee Hack. Just bringing TF2 strats into perspective. You can apply a lot of frontal pressure with dive bombs (not to confuse with dive comp), or just coordinate a frontal attack. The likely response would be for the backline to rotate, usually backwards. This window lets you Hack for free. If the backline support turns, they're depriving the front of some support, and if you get Ana to turn, that's a fight won. In TF2, the Soldier / Scout can jump in, which forces the Medic's attention to the Soldier to surf the rocket, which exposes him to a Spy stab. It's become common though that Pyros automatically cover Medics during a bomb and Medic will just 180 and stuff. It's a pretty obvious strat, but it works. Don't even need to EMP if it lacks you Hack a Nano Ana.

Getting Sombra to dive bomb with like Winston would be really cool too lol. But that's probably not necessary and inferior to conventional dives that aim to kill rather than to cripple. The fastest long distance roll out for Sombra is still TP invis TP since they have 6s cooldowns. Also apparently you can hear enemy Sombra voicelines if they uncloak too near? It's comparable to TF2 Spy decloaks, probably louder. I've nailed Sombras who think they're Spy and try to decloak somewhere and kill me while I'm low only to get Sleep Dart cos I heard them. Thank goodness for OW sounds. Pretty nifty. Anyway, regardless of how clunky it feels to to have Sombra unable to attack while decloaking, I see that as optimal game play wise. It's same as TF2 Spy. You can't immediately attack while decloaking. It would be too dumb otherwise, and would cause more salt than Scatter Arrows from across the map. Opportunist itself is already a good passive, and pair that with insta decloak shots would be too ridiculous. Sombra shouldn't be able to decloak point blank and get away with it just because the enemy was low health. Sombra should be played intelligently by decloaking safely and engaging appropriately. By all means if you think you can kill someone by decloaking in their face, go ahead, there's some cases where that's perfectly fine.

TP is really good. I haven't gotten into the habit of tossing it before hand though. I like having it on hand when my ult is ready to do the flashy stuff. Maybe I'm just used to playing TF2 Spy and Invis is mostly suffice for me to get out of danger and stuff. There's like Spy invis jukes that would be useful to apply to in OW too. Things like changing directions after fully cloaking, feigning jumping off high ground, etc. Also wooooo cloak around corner stuff. I haven't tried to 'corner hack' or 'stair hack' someone though. Would be cool. Invis is pretty fine as is, though contesting the point while invis is really weird it'd probably be removed idk. TP seems to have more arc and less speed than Ana grenade. To be fair though Ana has really strong arms xD But TP still has good range for everything you need.

Okay I wrote too much, and most people would probably disagree with most of what I wrote and stuff x)

I'll post again regarding global ult nerf another time. I'd say that Ana feels really good in PTR fsr. I'm more comfortable with her in PTR than live. It feels like there's less burst damage from less ults, or maybe cos there's less damage going around cos Sombra idk. Also I completely forgot that Nano Boost no longer applies speed lol and I'm still boosting Death Blossoms and Whole Hogs yay me. They're not bad options but still I barely noticed. No wonder Nano enemies felt easier to sleep dart.

Also regarding Sombra as a whole, yea I do think she's a hero that requires team coordination to be effective. She's not a DPS that'd murder things normally. The team would have to play around her disables and map control. Kinda similar to Mei in that regards.

Okay ciao!


@ Everstone
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Played some PTR and stuff. Once again I shall disclaimer that I only concern about the high tier play and can't be bothered about qp / soloq etc. But that isn't to say I won't touch on those.

Anyway, as a Mercy who ate Sombras on PTR with like 300 ping, I'm going to say, no Sombra's weapon isn't that bad. Mercy should always be dying 1v1 Sombra no questions asked. The problem is most of the time Mercy won't let you 1v1, but yet I just take it because I don't rely on teammates to deal with Sombra unless I have a target to fly to. Her rate of fire isn't bad, of course not Tracer tier but it's decent for someone who has such a strong passive. Problem is most Sombra decide it's a good idea to hack Mercy instead of outright killing her. Maybe they're not confident of the kill idk? They still try to hack me now and then when I'm actively shooting at them so lol. But I've been abusing map geometry to take quick regens with that 1s buff. I would have died more to Sombra if they just go straight for the kills probably.

But yes, Sombra's raw power is comparatively weaker to every other DPS hero. But as mentioned she's a utility hybrid, DPS-Support. She can't be played the same way as most DPS. Also that 60 clip is reallyyyyyy good. I usually don't bother reloading while fighting the same person until the clip is expanded. Usually you can half-half the clip to kill people. Also chasing them with invis/tp is pretty decent, though not ideal. She shouldn't be taking fights with DPS. She should be either quickly killing supports, lit enemies, or just farming ult.

Oh gosh her ult charges so dang fast lols. Like I just poke at people for some time (with 0 elims lol) and EMP the heck out of everyone and just murder. And yes I did the TP mid air Ult and then invis before landing combo I mentioned. Is really easy to pull off lol and the enemy can't do anything about it. It's disgusting. The only thing is QP (or most in general) players don't understand how powerful EMP is. People like to say that oh you can still shoot and move and stuff and act like that's normal. The advantage of having shield hp ripped, barriers broken, abilities and ultimate disabled, is so huge. With that impression, most people just don't follow up on it because they don't see the advantage, just like how people often don't see ult advantages, number advantages and stuff. As someone who's very sensitive regarding ult fights, EMP is an insta win kind of thing when you want to wipe all if not the majority of the enemy. Things like Graviton Deadeye combo I used repeatedly in Season 1 requires a lot of conditions to be cleared. To list a few: Genji Reflect on CD, Rein barrier down, Sound Barrier used, Speed Amp used, D.Va mech dead, list goes on. I have to mentally keep track of every single relevant CD and abilities if I want to pull that combo off, and believe me we just keep using that combo to insta wipe enemy teams on S1 just to farm rank to 65. It takes a lot of work to align all this conditions. But with Sombra? EMP just instantly meets every single of these conditions and there's nothing the enemy can do about that. And I wouldn't call Mercy Rez as a reliable answer to that either. You either hack Mercy before hand or hack her before she gets into Rez range, depending on map location on where she can Rez from and what angle. Best answer maybe but not something I'd rely on.

EMP is basically a trump card that says 'I win this fight now'. There's no kiting EMP. Sombra can hold off EMP until all her necessary targets are in range. TP and Invis with EMP is way more unkitable than Nano Dragonblade. It is never a good thing to spread your team out by more than a 8-9m radius. There's too much disadvantages of doing that just to avoid a full EMP, and heck not all maps allow that in the first place. We all know how powerful Mei's Blizzard is at denying and disabling areas. But EMP is way ahead of that. I'm just going to say that EMP definitely needs tweaking for it to be balanced in coordinated play. There's too much auto win with EMP plus another ult, and is much easier to execute than even Nano Blossom. Ironically the only good thing about EMP imo is that it kills Nano Blossom lols. However, too much of a power creep here with no answers.


Okay enough about what I want to say about Sombra being broken. The main beef I have with her is just EMP. For something that's such an insta-win thing, there needs to be reliable answers or a really high opportunity cost. Fast ult charge + win condition that's more powerful than Nano Boost, and dry pushing is possible on the first fight by getting EMP first.

Anyway, Sombra's kit feels really guilty fun to me. A lot of utility and does a lot of work. Hacking healthpacks is reallyyyyy weird. I haven't played koth yet so I can't say for sure what's the impact there. But it does slow the game down slightly when the map has really good pack placements. Also it favors the defender Sombra since she guarantee can hack at least 1 healthpack, and more often than not can deny most of the relevant packs, like on R66. And omg it gives her ult :O! A lot too! With valid packs, they can be ult batteries for Sombra like how Ana uses teammates as batteries to get Nano first. Hacking packs right now is really worth it. If I don't feel a need to hack players, going for important packs is real good. It does affect map flow similar to how Mei does. The extend, I'm not too sure.

Hack on players feels really easy, though you could say it's just people not being used to the cues and stuff yet. IDK but I personally feel the HUD cues aren't really great right now. Oh and I said Hacking players from the front was dumb right? Well it's pretty valid against some enemies lol. D.Va holding Defense Matrix? Hack her lol. Assuming she holds it up for reasons other than yourself, her putting Defense Matrix down just lets your teammates damage her. Oh and yes Defense Matrix can indeed be hacked. Of course, hacking from the front really shouldn't be a thing, but it's something you can really exploit in QP due to composition and positional errors. Basically Sombra punishes enemy mistakes a lot. Roadhog throws a hook while unprotected by teammates? Hack. Also IDK how but I've hacked Winstons by using a teammate as meatshield so he can't damage to interrupt Hack lol. And Hack against Primal Rage basically makes him even more an ult battery. Baby sitting your team isn't that bad as Sombra either, though there should be other things you can be doing. A Genji forced into Deflect is basically a dead Genji cos free Hack, unless he dashes into you, in which case both of his skills are on CD.

Regarding Hack, I personally measure it to be at 15m range, which is really long, and takes roughly 1.5s. I don't think it's 2s but w/e. It's short enough to get free Hacks here and there. The best position to hack from would be with high ground. Enemy doesn't have the option of breaking LOS, but you do, which also lets you escape using invis. Enemy takes longer to respond, will most likely 180, then have to look up. By that time you most likely already completed it. Hacking from the back is still really good. Also omg it makes your sound so weird and soft D: OW has a really excellent sound system and really cripples you to have your sounds screwed up. Like awareness instantly drops a lot rip.

There's various ways to guarantee Hack. Just bringing TF2 strats into perspective. You can apply a lot of frontal pressure with dive bombs (not to confuse with dive comp), or just coordinate a frontal attack. The likely response would be for the backline to rotate, usually backwards. This window lets you Hack for free. If the backline support turns, they're depriving the front of some support, and if you get Ana to turn, that's a fight won. In TF2, the Soldier / Scout can jump in, which forces the Medic's attention to the Soldier to surf the rocket, which exposes him to a Spy stab. It's become common though that Pyros automatically cover Medics during a bomb and Medic will just 180 and stuff. It's a pretty obvious strat, but it works. Don't even need to EMP if it lacks you Hack a Nano Ana.

Getting Sombra to dive bomb with like Winston would be really cool too lol. But that's probably not necessary and inferior to conventional dives that aim to kill rather than to cripple. The fastest long distance roll out for Sombra is still TP invis TP since they have 6s cooldowns. Also apparently you can hear enemy Sombra voicelines if they uncloak too near? It's comparable to TF2 Spy decloaks, probably louder. I've nailed Sombras who think they're Spy and try to decloak somewhere and kill me while I'm low only to get Sleep Dart cos I heard them. Thank goodness for OW sounds. Pretty nifty. Anyway, regardless of how clunky it feels to to have Sombra unable to attack while decloaking, I see that as optimal game play wise. It's same as TF2 Spy. You can't immediately attack while decloaking. It would be too dumb otherwise, and would cause more salt than Scatter Arrows from across the map. Opportunist itself is already a good passive, and pair that with insta decloak shots would be too ridiculous. Sombra shouldn't be able to decloak point blank and get away with it just because the enemy was low health. Sombra should be played intelligently by decloaking safely and engaging appropriately. By all means if you think you can kill someone by decloaking in their face, go ahead, there's some cases where that's perfectly fine.

TP is really good. I haven't gotten into the habit of tossing it before hand though. I like having it on hand when my ult is ready to do the flashy stuff. Maybe I'm just used to playing TF2 Spy and Invis is mostly suffice for me to get out of danger and stuff. There's like Spy invis jukes that would be useful to apply to in OW too. Things like changing directions after fully cloaking, feigning jumping off high ground, etc. Also wooooo cloak around corner stuff. I haven't tried to 'corner hack' or 'stair hack' someone though. Would be cool. Invis is pretty fine as is, though contesting the point while invis is really weird it'd probably be removed idk. TP seems to have more arc and less speed than Ana grenade. To be fair though Ana has really strong arms xD But TP still has good range for everything you need.

Okay I wrote too much, and most people would probably disagree with most of what I wrote and stuff x)

I'll post again regarding global ult nerf another time. I'd say that Ana feels really good in PTR fsr. I'm more comfortable with her in PTR than live. It feels like there's less burst damage from less ults, or maybe cos there's less damage going around cos Sombra idk. Also I completely forgot that Nano Boost no longer applies speed lol and I'm still boosting Death Blossoms and Whole Hogs yay me. They're not bad options but still I barely noticed. No wonder Nano enemies felt easier to sleep dart.

Also regarding Sombra as a whole, yea I do think she's a hero that requires team coordination to be effective. She's not a DPS that'd murder things normally. The team would have to play around her disables and map control. Kinda similar to Mei in that regards.

Okay ciao!
There's 10 different "lol"s in that post :s lol


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
here are my thoughts after playing the update for a little bit:

I love the arcade. I think its a great idea and the loot box rewards are just icing on the cake. I also like that they have all the brawls in a playlist, its a great idea.

3v3 is lots of fun though it mostly comes down to who gets the first pick in it. Roadhog is pretty OP in it quite honestly lol but its fine. From what ive seen the general team comp for it is roadhog + zen/ana/lucio + dps. I think tracer has a lot of potential there if youre good with her. I'd love to see more maps added as well, as just one can feel a little stale after a while.

1v1 is another gamemode I really like. Its fun to duel and everything. Some of the matchups (winston v winston) can be a little dull but for the most part its pretty engaging.

Love the new quick play. Casual enough that you dont get stressed out playing it but theres a lot less cheese like 6 mei which is very difficult to reasonably counter

As for sombra, i think shes a well designed hero. I actually have a strategy i really like for playing her on defense, which is getting up to the high-high ground (areas only heroes with movement abilities can reach, i mean) and looking out and watching whats going on. If you see something that mandates you dropping down, leave your translocator up there in case things go south so you can have an escape route. I think sombra's EMP should really be saved mostly for cracking rein shields and sound barriers. Ive never found the AoE hack to be all that useful. The main things i use hack for are: 1) Hacking health packs 2) Crippling certain heroes like genji, dva, sombra, tracer, etc 3) Checking ult status. None of those are really things worth popping ult for (and ult doesnt even do anything to health packs). In theory hack shuts down ults, but usually by the time youve actually gotten in position and pulled the hack off, the ult is already nearly over. EMP is a little better for this, but you almost have to hide when you predict an ult combo incoming so you dont get sucked into the graviton/frozen by mei ult/earthshattered. You can also preemptively do it as soon as they initiate the push, though as far as im aware you need to either get behind the rein shield or break it before popping ult to ensure the hack effect actually applies to a deathball.

also i might be mistaken but i think defense matrix blocks hack? a roadhog on my team was ulting and sombra started to hack and i put up my defense matrix and it looked like the hack was being stopped. This might have been something else idk.


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There's 10 different "lol"s in that post :s lol
loooooooooooooool :(

Also I forgot the most important thing, Symmetra's right click feels so good in PTR with the faster speed rofl.


yea defense matrix doesnt stop hack. probably some random stray damage or got hit by whole hog.


Pixels matter
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I just had a game in koth, we were crushing 2-0, then a guy decides to troll and switches to torbjorn because I wasn't boosting him with Ana. He says I'm the troll who doesn't want to win so goes ahead and we lose 3 times in a row, with this guy running to suicide, both doing no damage and feeding their ults.

What the fuck.

Edit: and then lost to him because this time he got a pocket Mercy so he played Pharah and my team was unable to do anything about it. lol
Last edited:


is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Top Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I just had a game in koth, we were crushing 2-0, then a guy decides to troll and switches to torbjorn because I wasn't boosting him with Ana. He says I'm the troll who doesn't want to win so goes ahead and we lose 3 times in a row, with this guy running to suicide, both doing no damage and feeding their ults.

What the fuck.

Edit: and then lost to him because this time he got a pocket Mercy so he played Pharah and my team was unable to do anything about it. lol
Ouch. Torbjorn feeds ults too... :/ Whenever I get matched with annoying people I either just mute or leave the voice chat and stuff. Like if people want to lose so bad I'm just going to do my own thing to win if that's still possible haha. Yea Pharmercy would wreck plat etc. You have to hope for someone good at hitscan or too bad I guess. *shrugs*


Anyway, S76 feels good, not sure how that translates over to console. Also stronger ult is cool. Do players on PTR generally have lower skill than QP or something? IDK man it feels off. Maybe people just want to explore heroes they play less on PTR. And no comprehendo why Sombras don't like to hack healthpacks lol.

Onto the global ult change. And I mainly play Ana/Zen/Mercy in PTR with some Pharah Tracer. Let's just say for the most part I completely forgot it was a thing. It didn't really change much for me but I felt like there were definitely less ults being thrown around, ignoring Sombra Hack and stuff lowering ult usage. As a support, I felt like my teammates build ult so slow, and barely notice the difference myself. There's been times where I can squeeze in 2 Nano Boots between 1 DPS ult. All I can say is I don't think that 25% affects most heroes. However, I'll say that this 25% change, while seemingly small to me, is really obvious when you compare good and bad players. 25% difference is suffice to have a large margin of ult difference in players. Basically if you're better than you're bound to steamroll even more, and the weaker team wouldn't have ults to counter the steamroll. It's a win more thing. You can expect lower frequency of ults among lower skill players, but it doesn't affect good players as much. Maybe on occasion you'd get one Graviton less and stuff. Also Zarya is probably the one most affected by the 25% and also indirect damage nerf. Can't say how much it'd affect the good Zarya players though. Would probably diminish usage of Zarya at lower skill levels if they can't build ults fast enough, and also dealing less damage without proper barrier management.

So yea, to me the ult change is like 'eh whatever'. It's just going to let good players stomp more than ever. And good players vs good players probably wouldn't change much. However, given proper composition and ult farming, pro teams can probably get a Dragonblade and stuff out even before Sound Barrier, depending on if they're able to capitalize on that small roughly 10s window. It's not going to be common but a better team can probably pull that off and do an early wipe with greater ease. It's akin to using Kritz in TF2 to build faster than Uber, they really have to milk that small window if they successfully farm a DPS ult really quickly. All that said, it'd still likely affect most players though.

I don't know if they're daring to try an even bolder charge nerf just for the sake of testing, and whether doing so would make the game boring for the average player by depriving ults before it's justifiable and makes a healthy impact on high level play.

Also I still stand that a flat charge nerf isn't really ideal, but it's still early stages of testing so w/e.

And PTR feels like TF2 to me now. Half because it feels easier ? Half because I'm turning 180s and 360s a lot just to make sure I don't get one clipped by Sombra haha. Thankfully I use a rather high sensitivity of 10cm/360 muahahha. Don't kill me I use such an insane sensitivity, I'm just used to it in TF2 and it works wonders in OW too.


@ Everstone
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Anyway, S76 feels good, not sure how that translates over to console. Also stronger ult is cool. Do players on PTR generally have lower skill than QP or something? IDK man it feels off. Maybe people just want to explore heroes they play less on PTR. And no comprehendo why Sombras don't like to hack healthpacks lol.
Ignorance. They either don't know they can do it or don't realize the importance of it... not hacking packs as sombra is like playing ana and only dealing damage, or lucio and only healing. :/

Also I agree with soldier feeling good. I feel like i'm being super rewarded for landing consistent shots of burst damage, which is really good.


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I got a lot of ults on PTR so I don't feel it much. I'm having a lot of fun with Sombra and I really like her, I don't get the most damage or kills but the utility is far too great. People think she's bad in defense but she's actually really good due to health pack hacking. Hacking hps is basically the best thing to do, I only hack other people when all surrounding hps are hacked and I can. I think my tracer and genji skills translate to sombra which is cool, I definitely gonna play her a lot on s3!


@ Everstone
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I got a lot of ults on PTR so I don't feel it much. I'm having a lot of fun with Sombra and I really like her, I don't get the most damage or kills but the utility is far too great. People think she's bad in defense but she's actually really good due to health pack hacking. Hacking hps is basically the best thing to do, I only hack other people when all surrounding hps are hacked and I can. I think my tracer and genji skills translate to sombra which is cool, I definitely gonna play her a lot on s3!
I actually think she's muuuuuch stronger on defense than she is on attack. she's ridiculously good on defense even lol. especially on 2cp.


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Finished placements on PTR playing almost only Sombra, 6-3-1, got 2000s. Seems it indeed places you quite lower now, also it's a bit of a clusterfuck due to more leavers and getting paired with bronzes, silver, golds, and plats in the same games.
woo i can see if my shitty laptop can run OW on the lowest possible graphics settings. this game sucks with controller.


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
just finished my placement matches.... after 8 wins 1 loss 1 tie with a consistent 3-4 golds it places me in... silver.... what??? 1832 SR??? i get that they tried to place people a little lower but holy shit wtf?


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Don't worry guys. Placements always place lower than where you should be, especially at the start of the season. Also with a low player base in PTR it gets even more whacky. Well it might also be a side effect of S3 system trying not to over place players.

Anyway people tend to get really weird ranks in PTR so lol. It's kinda hard to really tell if things are working as intended in PTR comp until devs say something.

For those trying OW free on PC, good luck! :) be sure to lower all graphic settings to the minimum, and lower the aspect ratio, turn on the temperature and fps indicators. Preferably cap your fps somewhere too to prevent overheating if you're playing low spec.


@ Everstone
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I don't remember my placements results but I think it was 7-3 or 6-4 and I got 2.6k or 2.7k lul, in PTR


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You know you're carrying hard when you play Genji-Reaper first round, Zenyatta second and get all them golds and silver heals :^)
And when 4/6 enemies switch to counter your McCree


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jesus christ sands you type way too much .-.

uh, i haven't played sombra much, but she seems very interesting. watching pro players like surefour and iddqd playing her, i noticed they had trouble hacking enemies during combat, but her stealth / teleport are very impressive for engaging in combat. i also suspect her ability to hack health packs is going to be very very good at lower level play, but in e sports i doubt players will hack health packs at all, mainly because you consistently have 2 healers who benefit from healing you as opposed to quick play (at least at my level).

i think it's very silly for people to say sombra is broken, she's been released just this week and she hasn't even gone live. my initial opinion is that she's fine, and comparing her to other heros and abilities, her EMP and teleport etc go hand in hand with the likes of genji's deflect or mccree's flashbang. given time people will figure out solid counters to sombra


The Antimonymph of the Internet
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just finished my placement matches.... after 8 wins 1 loss 1 tie with a consistent 3-4 golds it places me in... silver.... what??? 1832 SR??? i get that they tried to place people a little lower but holy shit wtf?
Just because you win games doesn't mean you will place highly. Your ELO ranking is relative to the people you are facing, and your in-game performance is relative to your teammates. Of course the dev team is also rapidly adjusting the ranks like this is still a beta test, and the team would much rather place millions of players too low rather than discourage them by placing high and draining points away from them every match. Of course, that's how it works... in theory.


@ Everstone
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oh man I went on a winning streak and started getting 45, 50, and even fucking 62 at the end points after a win LOL

climbed from ~2900/3000 to 3365.. though it was over days and not overnight, cuz I won maybe 1 or 2 games a day and then stopped for until the next day... I didn't really know I was on a streak until yesterday where I started at ~3070 and then won maybe 4 or 5 games, and got to 3365.

wasn't long before I was in a koth game with 4 dps though ;_; and one of them decided to throw. next game, same thing, some dude decided to throw cuz a tracer on our team who was doing really well refused to change even tho our comp was really nice... retarded as fuck. at least the next game we lost fair and square which i dont mind.


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That's real nice. I've started winning a lot, mainly due to my new setup. I hope I can get to diamond before the season ends :/


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Apparently EMP radius is over 10m >_>!

jesus christ sands you type way too much .-.

Also I watched a little of surefour stream etc, I don't think they were playing Sombra seriously, more like just experimenting with her mechanics etc. Not a representation of anything for that matter. Also hack is really easy to pull off from anywhere but the front or you're using it with a shield from like Rein etc, or just teammate meatshield.

Re: health pack hacking, I think health pack hacks should auto cleanse upon Sombra's death. It makes more sense that way rather than having a 1min thing that affects the map and there's literally nothing you can do about it other than hacking it earlier yourself. But yea that's just my thoughts and isn't something that's really clear atm without being able to see proper pro play. Things that affect map environment like Mei Wall aren't straightforward to tell its impacts until used in matches.

I personally think it's more silly for people (on reddit not here), to say that spreading out counters EMP, hiding behind obstacles etc. It's the same as saying spread out to avoid Graviton. There's way more opportunity cost with positioning to avoid an ult that you can't realistically avoid. People are bound to get Graviton/EMP regardless of how they position themselves. Also hiding behind obstacles isn't really valid all the time given map design and that Sombra has superior vertical movement for EMP, even better than D.Va Self-Destruct.

Re: countering Sombra. I don't think Sombra herself is too hard to handle. The huge problem lies with her ult. I still have yet to see any reasonable / valid argument for it. Pretty much most/all of the things I've read so far are pretty horrid. The best I've seen so far is the suggestion of using Mei to hide and then Blizzard to deny a push. However, that still isn't relevant on many map design, and EMP is for Sombra to screw up. If she never EMPs, is Mei going to hide forever to wait for Blizzard? Sombra can just reset and choose to not EMP any time she wants.

I don't think Sombra is that huge of a deterrence for the current death ball comp. However, it might encourage more dive comps or dive comp hybrids. I find remarks about death ball comp being countered as an overreaction. The only part about Sombra 'countering' death ball is EMP. No way is Rein going to get hacked in a coordinated game if he's with his team.

idrk if 'over time people will find counters' is a valid argument. Having no counters doesn't necessarily imply it's a bad thing for one, and having counters doesn't mean it's necessarily balanced either.

Just my thoughts etc ya! Mainly on general things that have been brought up over reddit etc.

I do hope there are scrims going on in PTR where pros can feedback to the devs, and hope they do take a look again at the global ult nerf. The global ult nerf seems really lazy despite its intentions.

edit: ooo nice job congrats arikado !_! And yea weird things happen no matter what mmr it is lol. is it time for more gold weapons yet
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I'm finding Sombra kinda weak on 2cp attack, or maybe it's just bad team organisation. What's your opinions on that, guys? I feel like it's hard to get invisible through a choke point and the teleporter is easy to spot when you throw it, so they know where you'll be and start spamming it non-stop. It's better on Hanamura though where it's easier to throw it unexpectedly, but on Anubis it's quite hard unless there's a Rein on your team going forward allowing you some breathing room to get into their backlines. Volskaya seems easier too, I just tested and you can go the left flank route n_n
anubis is considered her best map. tons of places you can get where other heroes can't for flank routes, limited health packs that you can continuously keep hacked, etc. you can't expect to walk through chokes; you'll have to cloak first and use your teleporter on first point attack most likely.

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