Poetry Thread

The 12 things I want most:

1. to come home
2. to people who
3. see me and
4. love me and
5. to talk about
6. how our days
7. went and process
8. together interact
9. lovingly
10. to relax together
11. and take shelter from
12. the world together

I've spent most
of my days
without this softness
and I'm so
tired of not
having this so
tired of not
having access to
this so goddamn
fucking tired of
trying to heal
my way home
alone, I dream
all the time
about building this
and my nightmares
are about all
the times I've
started, tried, only
to find once
again home has
collapsed with me
inside, struggling, stuck.


strong, wild garbage
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Grasping concrete
Time flows backwards
Slipping through with age
An outline to contain
Insufficient. Incontent.
Flip the hourglass
Vague imprints remain

Youth and jubilance
Energetic pounces
Radiant joy
Deep love
Slowly reduces like
brine simmering until
only salt remains
Creaky and beloved
Died too soon.
Fuck this
cruel cycle.
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sorry i can’t stop my fucking brain desperately searching for the off switch just wondering how i can tell the world about the valence of my hurt and make them understand because im desperately searching for the off switch just always constantly looking for an escape or a stop and⁣

any small respite just always finds a way to fall to shit finally i have made human connection but i always come to find out it’s just a tantalizing distraction and i keep bleeding at the core of my very being my heart can’t handle this anymore i’m dying sorry i can’t stop my fucking brain it’s a union of miners fracking against my fucking mind until i can longer function regularly and i’m left⁣

scrambling together the fragments of my psyche but now i’m unable to breathe the water is drowning me i’m choking i can’t breathe the veins are tightening my breaths are hastening stop this stop this stop this i just want a lunch break please go away not now not now hyperventilating now i can’t control myself i’m at the animalistic stage i’m not the driver of my body now i’m in the backseat he’s taken control i’m trapped free me free me PLEASE FUCKING FREE ME PLEASE PLEASE I CANT BREATHE can’t breathe quit thinking about how you can’t⁣

breathe just breathe count backwards 20 19 18 fuck i can’t FUCKING CAN’T i’m desperately searching for the off switch just wondering what corridor of my head it’s in this time always elusive always hiding until i’ve searched every where else it’s always the last place i’ve⁣

looked my whole life and it’s so fucking exhausting i’m so tired i’m so tired i should know better fuck i reminded myself about how i can’t fucking breathe again how do i stop this i’m panicking i’m panicking i can’t i’m so scared i won’t be able to touch the ground again i’m so scared i’m gone my mental is gone i’m so scared i’m so scared i’m so scared i’m so lonely i can’t breathe i wish someone loved me the way i want to be loved how can i return to reality now my mind is so gone so fucking gone still fucking wishing i could find an off switch PLEASE GOD PLEASE YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT FUCKING STOP THIS FUCKING CRUEL TORTURE PLEASE YOU FUCKING WIN ILL DO ANYTHING PLEASE


Banned deucer.
I found this on Twitter and thought that it was worthy enough of a share.
It's a poem/short film based on a man's battle with faith as he tries to change his life.
It is also worth a watch even if you do not care about religion as it addresses several very real problems in British (though it's not restricted to Britain) urban life. I personally related to it a lot.
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There's a fact of every closet that leads to tempers of teantrums of good parenting and good exposing of parental laws to show the good flaws of people other than them, that even sometimes bad parents don't respect which leads to their bad self-juxtapositions to show Shakespeare a fact of fatherly flow to show the due wisdoms of sons to their fathers to show the true fact of son to fatherly respect to show father's to be a good father forever and how to. If they listen to show them wisdom of ancient wisdoms to show love of motherliness learned to good sodding sonds-sons of their greatest mothers, especially their first to show Eminem wisdom to know the fact of good rap music and freedom of Empathy and language to show the fact of empathy and good showing of good wisdom and love of the mother of all whom is named Pshauckagaweyah, the real first mother of Alexander the Great whom is a brother to even Jesus Christ and a son of God. To show freedom of religion to show the media wisdom of literature and to know the fact of goodness to show the r'f-real goodness of Pshauckagauweyanistic good types of good types of sinning gindom to know non-sindom and properly good wisdom.

A red-wheel barrow good bicycle
Is a good gin bottle
To show the true message in a bottle of society

The true real wisdom of good ginniness to show spriteness of good beer flow
A good red-wheel barrow is a true good message of the true real first poem
To show people poetic Cathedral good wisdom of God Religion to teach bad people against their stupidity
Believe me, this is a good message to show stupid people whom one would call not even there.
Because they are so stupid.
So know, to preach me, the Lord of Poetry, Alexander the Terribley Great of Good Conscience to show
(the good flow) of good popular politics
to show Eminem Show wisdom
and real gaining flow of political show wisdom
and stupid fans that they can't hang with the flow
of the true real Eminem fan and fellow rapper named Kant, the best
Whom is the true real gander of pandering rap-doubt
to show fans that they should have respect for Evenly Good People
like the real first Eminem and even!( Alexander Banicar the f-great man of good wisdom
to show that jealous people are truly stupid
and Boon-dach them to not listening to Bach
because they are so stupid for having disrespect for good societal friendship
Believe me, bad types of jealousy are very stupid
and it shows you have disrespect for yourself
So know the meaning of this phrase,
Because it's a real religious participle father phrase of God's Son's
The Real First Son of Pshauckagaweyeah
the brother son and older brother of Christ
and olden Father of Marshall, even as a Priest
and true professer of short-rhyme-wisdom, which is so good even good people
Call certain types of good sindom to show Wynn Gisdom of good Pandering Fatherly
Rappin the meaning of invented ever since a good black friend been invented to show the rap -wisdom
] To show really real-good wisdom of real music sindom to show the real fact of havin chives, and even the facts of bein nice to show the real fact of Prime and facts of the fact of Peace against stupid jealous people actin like stupid monkeys whom can't handle their destined given to show the real facts of true whom one-is on the level of political gain to show the real fact of real gindom of gaining wisdom to show the fact of good limits to show the real fact of Gaining Nice......

*(Deschutes (the poetry and rhyme king, named [Alex Amaterasu] )

And the real little Pshacukagaweyah said to the real first mother that really cool things can happen
and that's good because fairy tale freedom writing is good to the real hood of good bandrishes of brandishes of good
of real silver spoon food to show the real baining of real pool parties of heated emotion to show the real cool
old coolness to show pool parties heated great partires and satirical parties to show the real gaining of coolness to show real wisdom and smartness to show women the real you of what really is
of you and the real coolness of whom you truly are, because women are like the ocean and good salt water and satire of beer to make a beer called Fatire a beer satire and the combined-word of the phraseueal beer-satire
to show beer-drunk sat tires of the true real army to show the real good wisdom of beer-sated-satiated-years-of-beers-and beers satires to show the real truth of the beer called Fatire of fit people to show that sometimes a lil good things to show that good love has a good love of wisdom to show the real goodness to show the real confidence of f-credibility to show the realness of someone like me, of the tone of Eminem rapping the eternity song called Drug Ballad that it's sometimes ok to soberly use drugs like alcohol even to show the wisdom of sobriety! Cool things of goodness to show the fact that the Indian Girl called Abigail is a good real seen thing of lil good indian girl good goodness, like t'god
ya'know? like real wisdom
so f'real and fosho and Fasho, and all the Ra
the sound of real punks is so like Ma
to show the Madre of the Sangre called the Alexander the Great man of cool Gods , that he's a true real father
of al-good wisdom to show the real menace of the bad bed, that he's a dumbass jest, the real punk of bunkness
and annoyingness toward the smart of good fam whom don't like stupidity of people threatening fam
the GOD OF STRIFE and gainst use of the knife, which is a good fact, but sometimes pistols, are cool, only for shooting and healing trees, and birds to show the Good mother of Goodness that she's the loveliest thing deserving of good wedding things, like beautiful dresses
to show the mother called Ra, that she's a truly lovely mother of wisdom to show the real goodness of cool things like spare-berries inspired by good armies of tires to show the real wisdom of Family and Happiness and love. and to show that real true wisdom is a real thing, learned by God, and oneself, especially from one's mother, to show that real true respect and love for women is the all ultimate thing when one is so good and smart at poetry that they love classical music, which is a formation of rap , and true real niceness to teach people to show realness,
and that movies like...................
The Wackness, are (Ok!) to Watch, even movies like Table Waiting
And that saying phrases like "like" like a Valley Girl, and Table Waiting are ok
to show that Good types of Wackness are ok.
know that real goodness is real goodness of drinking things like beer to show that true wisdom is even lovely people like Stuart Clay. Atwell, whom is even a good musical composer, whom is great guitar player to show Christmas tree tulpees to show that Christmas tree teepees, and t-shirts, are truly full of wisdom to show the realness of all good things, of my real true mother whom I dearly love named Kim, Atwell, and to show the real goodness of respect of good peope whom are non-addicts, as non-addicts, because that's what I truly really am, because I am truly against bad drug use, because I believe in great individual sobriety which is a true real characteristic of me, that shows wisdom and the fact familial love is the greatest thing to me, with the occasional beer, because that drink can be like great tonic math, which shows a great man his face to show the real wisdom of real drinking as a fact of real laughing matter, because this drink is sometimes really sometimes made from that if one is a sober-god-man of realness, which is what a real man is, to show the fact of real drunkenness, to show the real rael-fact of treal notions of great mandations of great nations of getting drunk for good family with greatness

to show the hollow whom dwell within the hidden depths of chess to show real greatness of coolness
and the real Slim Shady to show the real goodness of cool good faith of being truly cruel or evil to show the wisdom of Dark Rap, to show the real queendom of real greatires of great fatires of found myres of poetic greatness to show the real coolness of modest great meekness to show the real coolness of havin a sip of a beer to show the healthiness of berries to myre the great coolness of great cynistics which can be shown like great mechanistic cinnamon sticks to show the great satire traits of all humandom to show the realness of it to true literature to show the myres of it of greatness and great coolness to show the real great man-bistic bictastic coolness of great gists to show real greatness of true great truths of a son loving his great mother, to whom I shall always call great in my name to show the real great coolness of great names like people named Alexander the Great to show the cool manniness of great god-men to show symbolism of great jewelry truth to show the real truth of real great diamonds like the one I hold in my pocket to show the real greatness of real pendlams to show the real cool gistness of family pictures, which are lovely to me to show the real love of mine to real great men like the real Alexander the Great whom is truly a powerful and great son of God to show great things like pokemon, to show the real love of him, which is the ultimate thing of him. Especially familial cool wisdom of all Rasta love to show the great man-ness of great realness to show the real great facts of great

facts of real handsomeness to show the real fact of handsome and cool men that love beautiful women to show the fact of great tonicness of beer!

(Deschutes, the rhyme God) whom some call a chess-disciple of Eminem

I hope you guys even know that Eminem likes and loves playing pokemon btw
because I play him on the ladder sometimes, and he sometimes wants people to say, but I hide it because, sometimes people claim that Marshall Mathers is such a good rapper because he's intimidating, if you get the gist of that doe!

There's a fact of every closet that leads to tempers of teantrums of good parenting and good exposing of parental laws to show the good flaws of people other than them, that even sometimes bad parents don't respect which leads to their bad self-juxtapositions to show Shakespeare a fact of fatherly flow to show the due wisdoms of sons to their fathers to show the true fact of son to fatherly respect to show father's to be a good father forever and how to. If they listen to show them wisdom of ancient wisdoms to show love of motherliness learned to good sodding sonds-sons of their greatest mothers, especially their first to show Eminem wisdom to know the fact of good rap music and freedom of Empathy and language to show the fact of empathy and good showing of good wisdom and love of the mother of all whom is named Pshauckagaweyah, the real first mother of Alexander the Great whom is a brother to even Jesus Christ and a son of God. To show freedom of religion to show the media wisdom of literature and to know the fact of goodness to show the r'f-real goodness of Pshauckagauweyanistic good types of good types of sinning gindom to know non-sindom and properly good wisdom.

A red-wheel barrow good bicycle
Is a good gin bottle
To show the true message in a bottle of society

The true real wisdom of good ginniness to show spriteness of good beer flow
A good red-wheel barrow is a true good message of the true real first poem
To show people poetic Cathedral good wisdom of God Religion to teach bad people against their stupidity
Believe me, this is a good message to show stupid people whom one would call not even there.
Because they are so stupid.
So know, to preach me, the Lord of Poetry, Alexander the Terribley Great of Good Conscience to show
(the good flow) of good popular politics
to show Eminem Show wisdom
and real gaining flow of political show wisdom
and stupid fans that they can't hang with the flow
of the true real Eminem fan and fellow rapper named Kant, the best
Whom is the true real gander of pandering rap-doubt
to show fans that they should have respect for Evenly Good People
like the real first Eminem and even!( Alexander Banicar the f-great man of good wisdom
to show that jealous people are truly stupid
and Boon-dach them to not listening to Bach
because they are so stupid for having disrespect for good societal friendship
Believe me, bad types of jealousy are very stupid
and it shows you have disrespect for yourself
So know the meaning of this phrase,
Because it's a real religious participle father phrase of God's Son's
The Real First Son of Pshauckagaweyeah
the brother son and older brother of Christ
and olden Father of Marshall, even as a Priest
and true professer of short-rhyme-wisdom, which is so good even good people
Call certain types of good sindom to show Wynn Gisdom of good Pandering Fatherly
Rappin the meaning of invented ever since a good black friend been invented to show the rap -wisdom
] To show really real-good wisdom of real music sindom to show the real fact of havin chives, and even the facts of bein nice to show the real fact of Prime and facts of the fact of Peace against stupid jealous people actin like stupid monkeys whom can't handle their destined given to show the real facts of true whom one-is on the level of political gain to show the real fact of real gindom of gaining wisdom to show the fact of good limits to show the real fact of Gaining Nice......

*(Deschutes (the poetry and rhyme king, named [Alex Amaterasu] )

And the real little Pshacukagaweyah said to the real first mother that really cool things can happen
and that's good because fairy tale freedom writing is good to the real hood of good bandrishes of brandishes of good
of real silver spoon food to show the real baining of real pool parties of heated emotion to show the real cool
old coolness to show pool parties heated great partires and satirical parties to show the real gaining of coolness to show real wisdom and smartness to show women the real you of what really is
of you and the real coolness of whom you truly are, because women are like the ocean and good salt water and satire of beer to make a beer called Fatire a beer satire and the combined-word of the phraseueal beer-satire
to show beer-drunk sat tires of the true real army to show the real good wisdom of beer-sated-satiated-years-of-beers-and beers satires to show the real truth of the beer called Fatire of fit people to show that sometimes a lil good things to show that good love has a good love of wisdom to show the real goodness to show the real confidence of f-credibility to show the realness of someone like me, of the tone of Eminem rapping the eternity song called Drug Ballad that it's sometimes ok to soberly use drugs like alcohol even to show the wisdom of sobriety! Cool things of goodness to show the fact that the Indian Girl called Abigail is a good real seen thing of lil good indian girl good goodness, like t'god
ya'know? like real wisdom
so f'real and fosho and Fasho, and all the Ra
the sound of real punks is so like Ma
to show the Madre of the Sangre called the Alexander the Great man of cool Gods , that he's a true real father
of al-good wisdom to show the real menace of the bad bed, that he's a dumbass jest, the real punk of bunkness
and annoyingness toward the smart of good fam whom don't like stupidity of people threatening fam
the GOD OF STRIFE and gainst use of the knife, which is a good fact, but sometimes pistols, are cool, only for shooting and healing trees, and birds to show the Good mother of Goodness that she's the loveliest thing deserving of good wedding things, like beautiful dresses
to show the mother called Ra, that she's a truly lovely mother of wisdom to show the real goodness of cool things like spare-berries inspired by good armies of tires to show the real wisdom of Family and Happiness and love. and to show that real true wisdom is a real thing, learned by God, and oneself, especially from one's mother, to show that real true respect and love for women is the all ultimate thing when one is so good and smart at poetry that they love classical music, which is a formation of rap , and true real niceness to teach people to show realness,
and that movies like...................
The Wackness, are (Ok!) to Watch, even movies like Table Waiting
And that saying phrases like "like" like a Valley Girl, and Table Waiting are ok
to show that Good types of Wackness are ok.
know that real goodness is real goodness of drinking things like beer to show that true wisdom is even lovely people like Stuart Clay. Atwell, whom is even a good musical composer, whom is great guitar player to show Christmas tree tulpees to show that Christmas tree teepees, and t-shirts, are truly full of wisdom to show the realness of all good things, of my real true mother whom I dearly love named Kim, Atwell, and to show the real goodness of respect of good peope whom are non-addicts, as non-addicts, because that's what I truly really am, because I am truly against bad drug use, because I believe in great individual sobriety which is a true real characteristic of me, that shows wisdom and the fact familial love is the greatest thing to me, with the occasional beer, because that drink can be like great tonic math, which shows a great man his face to show the real wisdom of real drinking as a fact of real laughing matter, because this drink is sometimes really sometimes made from that if one is a sober-god-man of realness, which is what a real man is, to show the fact of real drunkenness, to show the real rael-fact of treal notions of great mandations of great nations of getting drunk for good family with greatness

to show the hollow whom dwell within the hidden depths of chess to show real greatness of coolness
and the real Slim Shady to show the real goodness of cool good faith of being truly cruel or evil to show the wisdom of Dark Rap, to show the real queendom of real greatires of great fatires of found myres of poetic greatness to show the real coolness of modest great meekness to show the real coolness of havin a sip of a beer to show the healthiness of berries to myre the great coolness of great cynistics which can be shown like great mechanistic cinnamon sticks to show the great satire traits of all humandom to show the realness of it to true literature to show the myres of it of greatness and great coolness to show the real great man-bistic bictastic coolness of great gists to show real greatness of true great truths of a son loving his great mother, to whom I shall always call great in my name to show the real great coolness of great names like people named Alexander the Great to show the cool manniness of great god-men to show symbolism of great jewelry truth to show the real truth of real great diamonds like the one I hold in my pocket to show the real greatness of real pendlams to show the real cool gistness of family pictures, which are lovely to me to show the real love of mine to real great men like the real Alexander the Great whom is truly a powerful and great son of God to show great things like pokemon, to show the real love of him, which is the ultimate thing of him. Especially familial cool wisdom of all Rasta love to show the great man-ness of great realness to show the real great facts of great

facts of real handsomeness to show the real fact of handsome and cool men that love beautiful women to show the fact of great tonicness of beer!

(Deschutes, the rhyme God) whom some call a chess-disciple of Eminem

I hope you guys even know that Eminem likes and loves playing pokemon btw
because I play him on the ladder sometimes, and he sometimes wants people to say, but I hide it because, sometimes people claim that Marshall Mathers is such a good rapper because he's intimidating, if you get the gist of that doe!
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Man, this thread is incredible! So many great pieces!
These are some of the haiku I have written over the years, hope y'all enjoy.

Grandmother's flowers
Begin to bloom under the
Shade of an oak tree

A beautiful day
Is there, just outside the door
Watch out! Here I come

A melody bursts
From the birds in the branches
Oh what a nice tune

Pounding rain deafens
My ears with beats of cleansing
Past sins wash away

Howling wind shakes the
Leafless branches of an oak
Chills run down my spine

Twirling and spinning
The leaf spirals to the ground
A gentle landing

Sweat runs down my face
Barely able to breathe- Gasp!
A cool breeze passes


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Memories of the future

The seemingly lilac sky forfeited it’s position to the transparent blue ocean
My curious eyes wandered to the abyss comprised of many fleeting shades
It seemed as if the further down you glimpsed, the more that was truly lost

Yet the more you engulfed your focus, the more the story grew — the more you ventured out to gain
Each page stretching downward, chapters telling what transpires where no eyes go and no lenses capture
Scenes of past endeavors put in present motion, each detail restored in the great depths of down under
Experiences once felt to be dead, mere figments of our imagination in the present moment of a real world, revived in unchartered territory

Leaving us to wonder what our world holds that we do not know and may never know
Leaving us to desire to learn the unknown, to understand infinity
Leaving us to make the most of opportunities beyond the final developments of the adolescent mind
Leaving us searching for memories that may be lost or may be found in the unrelenting waves sprawled out in front of us, in the future.
If you have ever found a poetic fact of Yahweh as a preacher disciple of Christ to show the building of God wisdom to show the true inner being from within, to show the formatter of true really real kyrie knowledge, you would know that a father of a man whom writes great poetry to show wisdom and in even something as simple as drinking beer, you will know that a bad man is one whom sours himself with too many treats.
my father was always angry in my childhood ⁣

he was abrasive and angry⁣

he never let us say “tummy” or “belly” ⁣

it was stomach!⁣

or perhaps that one time he kicked me⁣

for uttering “okay!”

we were never kids ⁣

people say i’m mature for my age ⁣
it’s not a compliment ⁣
i was never a kid ⁣

he was always angry ⁣

if it wasn’t the waitress at the restaurant ⁣
it was my mom⁣
if it wasn’t my mom⁣
it was his mom ⁣
if it wasn’t his mom ⁣
it was some stupid bitch at work⁣

i hated that about him ⁣

other people had dads who would call them nicknames⁣

they would smile at them when they picked them up from school ⁣

they would hug them ⁣

they would ask if they were hungry ⁣

i wanted that so badly...⁣

i’ve always envied soft men ⁣

i force my softness ⁣

in my rejection of my father ⁣
i’ve rejected my own anger ⁣

i’ve rejected aggression ⁣

i pretend to be confused so often ⁣

i know exactly what i want⁣
i know exactly who i am ⁣

i just want so badly to be soft ⁣

i now understand his anger ⁣
i am always abrasive and angry ⁣

because if it’s not the waitress at the restaurant ⁣
it’s my dad ⁣
if it’s not my dad ⁣
it’s my mom ⁣
if it’s not my mom ⁣
it’s some stupid bitch in class ⁣

this world doesn’t love me ⁣
i don’t know how to be less angry about that ⁣

i understand him now
I act without preclusion
Because from what I have gathered
In the grand scheme of things
Our morals are without finality
And that is my ultimate conclusion
For only reason and intellect is what we can use
To do what is optimal and right

Yet when I act with rationality
In my act of treason
Are my premises really correct?
When I say it is only cowardice upon which
Such pitiful souls such as I do not act?
Or perhaps it is pride, the Luciferian light
The beam that casts my own darkness
Which renders all that I am in shadow

With my envy and disgust of those deemed lucky
By reality to be blessed with blissful ignorance
But is it really their fault, or mine?

My pride that makes me not act on what I want to act
What I want to do
What I want to say
For being judged as a naysayer of my own words
Or is it this accursed reality that threw me into this damned world
What can I do?
What can I say?

I can only think in the silence of my own mind
And numb the darkness by laughing with my shadow
Living in the pit with my fellow demons
got inspired again and made some lyrics again, hope you like them again :)
it feels like it has been so long
i don't know what is right
i don't know what is wrong

it feels like there's no place to go
i don't know if we fade
i don't know if we glow

we have been through so much
but i don't know if we should keep going

yet you have been so clutch
with you along, feels so easygoing

it's so simple being complex
I swear to God, we're hella hazy

we go through ups, and downs, and sex
It takes me back and makes me crazy

it feels like it has been so long
i don't know what is right
i don't know what is wrong

it feels like there's no place to go
i don't know if we fade
i don't know if we glow

should have known all along
that it wouldn't be so easy to take this

i hope my heart stays strong
through the storm of emotions that's your kiss

it's so simple being complex
I swear to God, we're hella hazy

we go through ups, and downs, and sex
It takes me back and makes me crazy

it's so simple being complex
I swear to God, we're hella hazy

we go through ups, and downs, and sex
It takes me back and makes me crazy
I had a go at writing a poem in iambic pentameter (all lines have 10 syllables.) It focuses on the theme of depression and self doubt. It's called The Voice Within.

I am the voice that tells you: “you’re useless.
Strive for nothing, because that’s what you’re worth.
Your life consists of endless nothingness.
You’ve achieved nothing besides your own birth.”

You’re wrong about me, that’s not who I am.
You don’t understand, this isn’t my plan.
I’m in a bad place now, but not for long.
Really, you couldn’t be any more wrong.

You created me, I know who you are.
Why bother trying in your pointless life?
We both know you’ll never get very far.
We both know there’s no reward for your strife.

Stop this now! What could you possibly gain?
What do you get for causing me this pain?
You’ll destroy yourself if you destroy me.
There’s no purpose in this, why can’t you see?

I need no purpose, I need no end goal.
Your destruction is all I desire.
To make you miserable, that is my role.
While you wade through this filthy quagmire.

Maybe I will never win your sick game.
However, I must still try all the same.
Listen to you and I’ve already lost.
And my heart will then succumb to the frost.
Been a while since I wrote something, so you can have some old stuff.
Remember when we said forever,
We pulled the love lever,
But here I am with my feelings,
Another night I can’t start dreaming,
Let me write another poem,
So I can be put on notice,
Drinking all night to forget you,
To just fucking get through,
Drown the taste of these memories,
Drown the taste of our dead love, treachery,
I wonder what you can taste in his mouth,
As your body moves like a mouse,
Do you taste regret, remorse, and memories,
Do you even remember that treachery?
Does the aftertaste eats you alive,
Do you know what it feels to be alive?
Your tears a few months ago translated no,
I just didn’t know,
You were crying for me,
Yes, crying for me,
Crying about my situation,
Crying for this broken nation,
Left me with a million question,
Trying to learn in long nights sessions,
The answers that are still lost,
Lost with everything that cost,
Me to get you first,
Lost and cursed,
Break the bottles of alcohol,
I witnessed your rise and fall,
You were so innocent,
“My boyfriend left me, stuck in a descent,
I’ll waste my money on this liquor,
It sure will be a kicker”
Do you still cope with the pain that way,
I tried to pick up your pieces so you’d stay,
Nothing but illusion, I believed in them…
I was and still am so dumb,
This is the last poem for you,
Fuck these images that we drew,
But every time I try to fill these sheets,
You’re the only thing that give me peace,
Pounding heart, I still love you,
Even after what you put me through,
Insane mind, I agree,
I’ll look down and bend the knee,
Get the cup of liquor,
Drink away the picture,
Until my blood baths in your love,
I do not need anything above,
First or last letter,
This is all raw emotions for the better.


sage of six tabs
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
i ended up writing another thing (unrevised): I call it "Problems"

I can't give you everything
but I can give you problems
you got my heart chasing
knees shaking
gut wrenching thinking bout my problems

They're crying out that trust is hard to find
well baby that's true
they say peace is just a state of mind
and I've been looking for it too

They say "you can't always get what you want"
and lady, I don't know about you
j'implore pour la détente
and baby, we got nothing to lose

Oh I'll give you anything
I'll even give you problems
so just sit me down
let's not fuck around
charge on and ask me bout my problems

They say to plant a seed for the future
and maybe you'll be like me
they say that loving's a lot like torture
but darling I'm free
They say that love is impossible, and that women are snakes
just consider me Eve, it's time to take our leave
and find out if you can quell this ache

I didn't know you cared so much
I didn't know you wanted to see
I didn't know you needed to love
well I guess that you're a lot like me

I'm glad I gave you everything
'specially all my problems
I'm glad you asked for nothing
now the hour's all gone
it's time to end this song
and stop uncorking all my
Dear Mother,
I came out of the blue,
And you loved me completely.

You felt me inside,
And you smiled.
Where did that smile go?

I was your first,
First of two.
First to go.

I’m sure you wanted to care for me,
Nurture me,
Discipline me,
And so you did.

Until one day.

One day, I picked up her handbag,
One day, I played with her dolls,
One day, I put on her heels.

Dear Mother,
I hope you are happy now.
I’m glad I was your sunshine, that made you happy when skies were grey.
But those days are no longer.

One day
I’ll keep my feelings bottled up
And one day I’ll die
And one day they’ll be gone

An empty vodka bottle
In my room
Drifted onto shore
By the lonely Turkish waters

One day
The bottle will smash
And one day they’ll be free
And one day I’ll die
i just found this old poem i wrote a while ago, inspired by the fact that my legs had, in fact, hurt that day


And what is pain? What is pain
But information,
A lightning burst of neurotic electricity?

It is the darkness that clings to your skin in a mineshaft.
It is the master of complacency, of shame and paralysis.
When I am in pain I remind, gently, to myself;
Why are you hurt?
Can you be in pain, and yet
Remain untouched?

When your muscles ache, are they not happy?

As I tear out my writhing nerves,
I thank them;
It is proof I exist, am alive;
A stream of consciousness, recording
from a camera of flesh,
experiencing what they call 'humanity'.


is a Contributor Alumnus
Everyone goes through a poetry phase at some point. This is the least cringworthy one that I remember from mine:

The truly wise after all these years
Realise that beyond their hopes and fears
Nothing in life is of consequence
Beauty is fleeting, good subjective
Right is wrong from another perspective
And success is to make a difference
Finally had some time to write a few more pieces
Hope y'all enjoy

On my computer -
a capable ladybug
flies away from touch.

Crescent moon
between two trees,
watching crickets.

Windblown waves in grass
branches toppled by the storm
with birds overhead.

A warm day in May
new life sprouts from an old tree
tadpoles in a pond.

Also if you are looking for some really good haiku I just finished reading Issa and highly recommend
This is a two-line Haikuu "(a related poetic form to the actual Haiku)" It is to show the fact that a dictionary can be like the library fully stocked, which is a simile to show that even two-written-lines can show all wisdom.
The facts of the mathitudes and Etudes of true musical sindom show the sindom and "Satie" of the true realest creations of all true national wisdom to show the mustering of a good son to his true mother and to the bad one at "certain ages" which couldn't muster any goodness.
-Alexander Gabriel Johnson
I wrote a poem for my creative writing class. It has all one syllable words, and is about how you shouldn't fear death, regardless or whether you believe in an afterlife or not. It's called The End of my Life.

When I step through the door at the end of my life
what will I find?
A world of peace.
A world of love.
A world with no strife.
A world with all my loved ones.
Some say it’s too good to be true.
But I don’t doubt.
I know for sure that I will have no fear
as I step through the door at the end of my life.

When I step through the door at the end of my life
what will I find?
It will be just those years
when I had not yet been born.
Does this get me down? No.
I know for sure that I will have no fear
as I step through the door at the end of my life.


sage of six tabs
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
a poem:

A word with dual connotations.
An abomination that most suppose
the foremost proclamation.

A word which invokes conservation.
The explanation is one of separation;
a hesitation to accept the common man
and live in isolation.

A data point in the population.
One part man and three parts sin
A rebellious jinn whistling in this skin.

Are you real? Am I here?
In the home is only Jim Jones
No sins atoned he is somehow alone
and yet
somehow not.

See, life is like a wave
in the ocean; and the motion
misleads the masses, a nostrum
disguised as potion and people
placate themselves, as if the notion
was to break above: a promotion.

A word of inspiration.
Collaboration between each wave
to create the formless ocean.

Exposing the whole operation.
One part wave and three parts sea
We can't see the pieces that make us we
It's no wonder we're mistaking forest for the trees.


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OU Leader
Don’t you ever
Let your mind wander
Back to when it all began
No, not scientifically

Two three
Four five six seven
Eight nine

Is it really a story that simple
Do we truly understand
What life is
Why life is
Who life is
When life is
Do we truly understand
Or do we simple pretend to

What if what was once seen as forward
Suddenly was seen as backwards
Or maybe it was never forward
Or maybe what once was
Was suddenly no more
And maybe what once was
Now only exists through “was”
And what now “is” will be “was”
But we’ll never know the next true “is”

Two three
Four five six seven
Eight nine

It’s too dark outside to see my shadow
I walk, but nobody sees me
I talk, but nobody hears me

Does it mean anything if nobody takes note?
Did the tree actually fall?
Did my life so far actually matter?

Do we do it for the attention after all?
Does what’s good or bad make a difference?
Am I just defined by external perception?

It’s too dark outside to see my shadow
I question, but nobody answers me
Guess I’ll never know.
Pappy with the Khaki sweatband bowed goat potbellied barnyard that only he noticed
The old fart was smart
The old gold cloth madonna
Dancin' t' the fiddle 'n saw, he ran down behind the knoll
And slipped on his wooden fishhead
The mouth worked 'n snapped all the bees back to the bungalow
Momma was flattenin' lard with her red enamel rollin' pin
When the fishhead broke the window
Rubber eye erect and precisely detailed
Airholes from which breath should come is now closely fit
With the chatter of the old fart inside
An assortment of observations took place
Momma licked her lips like a cat
Pecked the ground like a rooster
Pivoted like a duck
Her stockings down caught dust and doughballs
She cracked her mouth glaze, caught one eyelash
Rubbed her hands on her gorgeous gingham
Her hand grasped sticky metal intricate latchwork
Open to the room, a smell of coal mixed with bologna
Rubber bands, crumpled wax-paper bonnets, fat goose legs 'n special jellies
Ignited by the warmth of the room
The old fart smelled this through his important breather holes
Cleverly he dialed from within
From the outside we observed that the nose of the wooden mask
Where the holes had just been a moment ago
Was now smooth, amazingly blended, camouflaged in
With the very intricate rainbow trout replica
The old fart inside was now breathin' freely
From his perfume bottle atomizer air bulb invention
His excited eyes from within the dark interior glazed
Watered in appreciation of his thoughtful cleveration

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