Pokemon Planner Update planned

There's a program that I wrote a little while back called the Pokemon Planner. I didn't get a whole lot of feedback for it, but I think I'm going to go ahead and update it anyways.

Here's what it is.

It's a program that is like an automatic damage calculator for all moves that a pokemon can know. When you select a pokemon from the list is loads its stats, abilities and all moves that it knows. You can also select a pokemon to calculate damage against. It defaults to a pokemon with all 100s in their stats and no type so you can tell which of your moves do the most damage right off the bat.

You can put in different IVs, EVs and stat boosts, as well as specify which hold item you want and what nature.

As for the move list, you can sort the moves by max damage, name, type, element, and base power. You can right-click any move to remove it from the list. You can also filter moves out of the list. For example, you could choose 'physical' and then filter to get rid of all the physical moves the pokemon might know, or remove all 3rd gen or egg moves for pokemon that you've caught.

Lastly, you can check the effectiveness of your moveset against a group of pokemon, like Fully Evolved, or Smogon OU. You can even make your own groups.

I've found it to be pretty useful. Give it a try if you're interested. Here's the link.

Anyways, so I'm looking at updating it to be more useful. At the moment I'm planning on ...

  • Making hidden power work correctly in the moveset effectiveness (it currently is treated as normal)
  • Adding a button to set the hidden power (and also your IVs, optionally)
  • Add a button to calculate how to GET the moveset (what can I use to breed? What game does it have to happen in? etc)
  • A Hidden Power type suggester
  • An auto-filter for moves. Never have to see Splash and Tackle in the moves again! The user would be able to define what moves get in the list.
  • The moves will have actual descriptions and correct move priority.
  • Allow for sorting by priority.
  • A grand damage calculation where it takes your moveset and calculates best damage against each pokemon in the selected group with varying natures and EVs.

So after you've taken a look at it, what do you think? What else should I add to it?

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