Propose-a-Game / Request-a-Host Thread

Looking for a co-host for a FFA in the same vein as the Wayne Brady games, or Pokemon TCG Mafia, Card Game Mafia, or Fire Emblem Mafia 2.

Concepts include:

-Customizable Roles: The main concept of the game; I'm still working out a lot of the details, but what I'm looking at right now is as follows. C0 would be a short NOC phase where each player would receive their personal abilities, but would not know their win condition. The cycle is spent creating the baseline for their role. Each player will have a certain number of stat points to distribute between HP, Atk, and a couple of other categories, and would pick a class from a handful of options, which would limit their abilities to those of that specific class. Personal abilities will sometimes lead to easy choices of class or stat distribution, but others will be more versatile. Hopefully, between the balance of different classes and the varied personal abilities, it will lead to a diverse class base rather than everyone picking the same class. Also, since c0 is a low activity phase, this will help me figure out which players are too inactive to even build their characters and help to solve the issue before it becomes a problem.

-Win Conditions: Ideally, I'd like them to have few to none "hard enemies", meaning enemies you must kill in order to win. An enemy structure like UncleSam's Wayne Bradierest is ideal, considering that game had 0 "hard enemies". I haven't started working on these yet, so input would be nice.

-No Lynch: This one is still up in the air, but I liked how it worked in the latest Wayne Brady game and how it should work in theory. The downsides are the game thread becomes boring and the lynch structure is appealing to new players.

I have not yet decided on the scale of the game, but considering the apparent lack of an upcoming Official game, I may move in that direction soon. I'm still early on in the process of making this game though, so I'm not sure when it will be ready to run.

Things I would like in a co-host:

-Firstly, if this game sounds appealing to you and you think you'd be able to play, I'd rather you play in it than co-host.
-Decent knowledge of previous FFA games on here, in order to help with role creation and balancing. Additionally, creative and solid win condition structure ideas are welcome.
-A decently compatible time of availability, I am EST and generally available from 1 PM to midnight. It will help if we are both able to be online together around deadlines to process updates.
-Speaking of updates, experience processing complicated updates with lots of actions would be nice.
Ultimate Showdown league

Yeah, so you know how there’s like a Pokemon League in all the cartridge games? Well, I think we should have one here to, except with some changes.

This time, there are 16 gym leaders, and 4 elite four members.

In order to become champion you have to beat:

Gym leader 1: PU
Gym leader 2: NU
Gym leader 3: RU
Gym leader 4: UU
Gym leader 5: OU
Gym leader 6: Ubers
Gym leader 7: Monotype
Gym leader 8: LC
Gym leader 9: AG
Gym leader 10: CAP
Gym leader 11: DUU
Gym leader 12: DOU
Gym leader 13: DU
Gym leader 14: the OMotM for that month (the leader will vary each month for December it’s Inheritance))
Gym leader 15: BH
Gym leader 16: 1v1

Elite four 1: Any normal format that they choose (anything under US/UM Singles section)
Elite four 2: ^
Elite four 3: Any randbat format they like
Elite four 4: Any OM they like
Champion!: Any format the champ chooses.

Does this count as a game? I would love to see this on ps. I assume many people would wanna challenge this.
Ultimate Showdown league

Yeah, so you know how there’s like a Pokemon League in all the cartridge games? Well, I think we should have one here to, except with some changes.

This time, there are 16 gym leaders, and 4 elite four members.

In order to become champion you have to beat:

Gym leader 1: PU
Gym leader 2: NU
Gym leader 3: RU
Gym leader 4: UU
Gym leader 5: OU
Gym leader 6: Ubers
Gym leader 7: Monotype
Gym leader 8: LC
Gym leader 9: AG
Gym leader 10: CAP
Gym leader 11: DUU
Gym leader 12: DOU
Gym leader 13: DU
Gym leader 14: the OMotM for that month (the leader will vary each month for December it’s Inheritance))
Gym leader 15: BH
Gym leader 16: 1v1

Elite four 1: Any normal format that they choose (anything under US/UM Singles section)
Elite four 2: ^
Elite four 3: Any randbat format they like
Elite four 4: Any OM they like
Champion!: Any format the champ chooses.

Does this count as a game? I would love to see this on ps. I assume many people would wanna challenge this.

Not the forum for this. Games here aren't pokemon related. The few exceptions are when battling ties into some larger "game" that isn't just strictly about battling but has some strategic element involved (see: Survivor games). In all honesty, this seems like something that's been proposed on smogon a million times but is always rejected so not sure there's a lot of hope for making it happen, at least on smogon. I guess if you were really dedicated you could run it in a showdown room but that's a bit outside my scope of knowledge. gl

Incidentally Smogon used to have a "league" which was based off the battle frontier ("Smogon Frontier"). I'm not quite sure why they stopped although I'm guessing it was because it was difficult to run and ensure fairness and what not. People still have trophies for winning it (I think there was 5 in total? If not less?) Pokemon Online also had a "league" which was actually quite cool because it was pretty much exactly how you presented it. Unfortunately Pokemon Online is dead so it's league is as well but yea. Quick history lesson!
I come back from the forum dead to haunt this forum yet again. I've found that somedays I've got little going on here in Korea and what better way than fill the time than hosting a game.

Game concept:
Just your standard 2v1 OC Smogon Mafia. At this point I'm more or less looking to gauge interest. I will likely require a cohost only because I'm in Korea and so I will be unable to be available during NA timezones to answer questions/run updates.

I don't have a theme as of yet. I'll be working that out later. Anyways, cheers~
Looking for a co-host for a FFA in the same vein as the Wayne Brady games, or Pokemon TCG Mafia, Card Game Mafia, or Fire Emblem Mafia 2.

Concepts include:

-Customizable Roles: The main concept of the game; I'm still working out a lot of the details, but what I'm looking at right now is as follows. C0 would be a short NOC phase where each player would receive their personal abilities, but would not know their win condition. The cycle is spent creating the baseline for their role. Each player will have a certain number of stat points to distribute between HP, Atk, and a couple of other categories, and would pick a class from a handful of options, which would limit their abilities to those of that specific class. Personal abilities will sometimes lead to easy choices of class or stat distribution, but others will be more versatile. Hopefully, between the balance of different classes and the varied personal abilities, it will lead to a diverse class base rather than everyone picking the same class. Also, since c0 is a low activity phase, this will help me figure out which players are too inactive to even build their characters and help to solve the issue before it becomes a problem.

-Win Conditions: Ideally, I'd like them to have few to none "hard enemies", meaning enemies you must kill in order to win. An enemy structure like UncleSam's Wayne Bradierest is ideal, considering that game had 0 "hard enemies". I haven't started working on these yet, so input would be nice.

-No Lynch: This one is still up in the air, but I liked how it worked in the latest Wayne Brady game and how it should work in theory. The downsides are the game thread becomes boring and the lynch structure is appealing to new players.

I have not yet decided on the scale of the game, but considering the apparent lack of an upcoming Official game, I may move in that direction soon. I'm still early on in the process of making this game though, so I'm not sure when it will be ready to run.

Things I would like in a co-host:

-Firstly, if this game sounds appealing to you and you think you'd be able to play, I'd rather you play in it than co-host.
-Decent knowledge of previous FFA games on here, in order to help with role creation and balancing. Additionally, creative and solid win condition structure ideas are welcome.
-A decently compatible time of availability, I am EST and generally available from 1 PM to midnight. It will help if we are both able to be online together around deadlines to process updates.
-Speaking of updates, experience processing complicated updates with lots of actions would be nice.

I've recently picked this project up again, shooting for it to be the next Official game, since we haven't had one in too long. I'm not really looking for much in terms of help with design, more just a co-host to help process updates and avoid mistakes and stuff like that. Again, please do not co-host if you would rather play in the game.

I will probably want a bit of a gap between The Big City Mafia and this game, so I'm not sure when exactly this game will be ran, but if you are not interested in playing and wouldn't mind co-hosting, let me know.

I'd like to host a Survivor in 2019 (haha look at me making promises i might not keep again!). I wanted to do it alone but I figure it might be helpful having a co-host. In particular, I'm looking for someone who can help me put together challenges. Most of the game design I have a strong idea about what I want to do so I'm more looking for someone to give me feedback on those ideas vs coming up with stuff. Coming up with challenges too is good because I could use some ideas on that front...

No experience necessary. Ability to set up discord server + assign roles etc would be greatly appreciated/preferred. PM me here or discord if interested. Thanks

Also I've set up a google form for people to give feedback if there's any on what you want to see in a Survivor game. It will be like Circus Survivor Season 1 which was quite different to recent Survivors. Fill out if you so desire.

survey link

ps I’m a friendly guy so hit me up even if we don’t know each other
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Have you ever played Survivor online and thought, "This isn't really surviving. I have my Doritos and Cola right here! Where's the starvation factor?" Introducing a new original Survivor ORG where in order to Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast the others, you along with your tribe must ration your scarce supply of food or risk starving and lacking the energy to reach the finish line. Do you have what it takes?

Not only does this Survivor ORG introduce a new food based mechanic, but be ready for strategic unique challenges that only the boldest can conquer. Is your interest peaked? Come audition by filling out this survey at

Whether interested in playing or just spectating, join the server
Some of you may be familiar with a web series known as "Sequester", an online reality game show that takes elements of Big Brother and Survivor and hosts real-life games with a format similar to those of the aforementioned games. The Sequester team has been hosting Sequester "minis", which are basically 4-5 hour games that consist typically of 18-20 people, where the goal is to vote people out in a series of consecutive rounds, with each round having a unique twist on how elimination is determined. Players communicate and strategize in different chat rooms using video chat, with each room having a limit as to how many people can be in there at once. There are no competitions or challenges; it's purely social. Here's a video that explains it much better than I can:

I've been interested in hosting one of these since they are very low commitment (not like a Survivor game where you have to potentially devote over a month of your time to stay invested, for Sequester minis it's usually 4-5 hours max if you get all the way to the end (but that's for big games)), easy to setup/host (real Sequester minis use video chat, but for the purpose of letting people stay 'anonymous'/private, we could just use the voice chat system in Discord servers), and simple to learn. I don't have a set date or time for when I want to do one of these, I just wanted to see if there'd be any interest out there in case people want to play and/or get involved somehow. I'm not looking to do games as big as 18-20 players, I feel like 10 would probably be a good starting number and then 13 if enough people wanted to play. If you would be interested in playing/spectating/hosting, shoot me a DM on here/Discord or post in this thread, idc really. Might also post this in the Discord server if I feel like it, I imagine people from our growing Survivor playerbase would be interested.
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Some of you may be familiar with a web series known as "Sequester", an online reality game show that takes elements of Big Brother and Survivor and hosts real-life games with a format similar to those of the aforementioned games. The Sequester team has been hosting Sequester "minis", which are basically 4-5 hour games that consist typically of 18-20 people, where the goal is to vote people out in a series of consecutive rounds, with each round having a unique twist on how elimination is determined. Players communicate and strategize in different chat rooms using video chat, with each room having a limit as to how many people can be in there at once. There are no competitions or challenges; it's purely social. Here's a video that explains it much better than I can:

I've been interested in hosting one of these since they are very low commitment (not like a Survivor game where you have to potentially devote over a month of your time to stay invested, for Sequester minis it's usually 4-5 hours max if you get all the way to the end (but that's for big games)), easy to setup/host (real Sequester minis use video chat, but for the purpose of letting people stay 'anonymous'/private, we could just use the voice chat system in Discord servers), and simple to learn. I don't have a set date or time for when I want to do one of these, I just wanted to see if there'd be any interest out there in case people want to play and/or get involved somehow. I'm not looking to do games as big as 18-20 players, I feel like 10 would probably be a good starting number and then 13 if enough people wanted to play. If you would be interested in playing/spectating/hosting, shoot me a DM on here/Discord or post in this thread, idc really. Might also post this in the Discord server if I feel like it, I imagine people from our growing Survivor playerbase would be interested.
How did Whydon forget to mention the fact that Queen Kellyn won a Sequester Mini with a cast of all Survivor players? :blobheart:


I'd be interested in speccing, since I don't talk in vc I think that means I really can't play.

And as a minor correction, there are definitely challenges in Sequester minis,and it's not a 100% social game. Most of the challenges are social based, but a few aren't. Typically like the f6 or f5 challenges fit the mold of trivia / touchy subjects /jigsaw puzzles. There is also a watered down mafia game that sometimes happens around final... 11?
Some of you may be familiar with a web series known as "Sequester", an online reality game show that takes elements of Big Brother and Survivor and hosts real-life games with a format similar to those of the aforementioned games. The Sequester team has been hosting Sequester "minis", which are basically 4-5 hour games that consist typically of 18-20 people, where the goal is to vote people out in a series of consecutive rounds, with each round having a unique twist on how elimination is determined. Players communicate and strategize in different chat rooms using video chat, with each room having a limit as to how many people can be in there at once. There are no competitions or challenges; it's purely social. Here's a video that explains it much better than I can:

I've been interested in hosting one of these since they are very low commitment (not like a Survivor game where you have to potentially devote over a month of your time to stay invested, for Sequester minis it's usually 4-5 hours max if you get all the way to the end (but that's for big games)), easy to setup/host (real Sequester minis use video chat, but for the purpose of letting people stay 'anonymous'/private, we could just use the voice chat system in Discord servers), and simple to learn. I don't have a set date or time for when I want to do one of these, I just wanted to see if there'd be any interest out there in case people want to play and/or get involved somehow. I'm not looking to do games as big as 18-20 players, I feel like 10 would probably be a good starting number and then 13 if enough people wanted to play. If you would be interested in playing/spectating/hosting, shoot me a DM on here/Discord or post in this thread, idc really. Might also post this in the Discord server if I feel like it, I imagine people from our growing Survivor playerbase would be interested.

I'd be totally up to host this if we could get a playerbase that is up for it and an agreed on time period.
Some of you may be familiar with a web series known as "Sequester", an online reality game show that takes elements of Big Brother and Survivor and hosts real-life games with a format similar to those of the aforementioned games. The Sequester team has been hosting Sequester "minis", which are basically 4-5 hour games that consist typically of 18-20 people, where the goal is to vote people out in a series of consecutive rounds, with each round having a unique twist on how elimination is determined. Players communicate and strategize in different chat rooms using video chat, with each room having a limit as to how many people can be in there at once. There are no competitions or challenges; it's purely social. Here's a video that explains it much better than I can:

I've been interested in hosting one of these since they are very low commitment (not like a Survivor game where you have to potentially devote over a month of your time to stay invested, for Sequester minis it's usually 4-5 hours max if you get all the way to the end (but that's for big games)), easy to setup/host (real Sequester minis use video chat, but for the purpose of letting people stay 'anonymous'/private, we could just use the voice chat system in Discord servers), and simple to learn. I don't have a set date or time for when I want to do one of these, I just wanted to see if there'd be any interest out there in case people want to play and/or get involved somehow. I'm not looking to do games as big as 18-20 players, I feel like 10 would probably be a good starting number and then 13 if enough people wanted to play. If you would be interested in playing/spectating/hosting, shoot me a DM on here/Discord or post in this thread, idc really. Might also post this in the Discord server if I feel like it, I imagine people from our growing Survivor playerbase would be interested.

Hi everyone! AJ and I did a poll in the SmORGon Discord server and it seems like most people were available to play the game on Saturday, July 4th at 2pm EDT. The game will likely run between two-three hours so please be prepared to stay the whole time if you are planning on playing.

We are looking for a few more people to fill some spots and plan to run the game at 16 people. If you think you would be interested in playing, please DM either me (Waffles#8780) or AJ (ajhockeystar#0593) on Discord, or PM us here on the forums if you are interested. The game will be played in this server: Please join it if you want to play or even if you're just interested in spectating/waiting for future games. Thanks y'all. :toast:
Hey, if I were to run FOOTSIES tournaments on here, would anyone be interested in taking part?

For anyone who doesn't know, Footsies is a very simple, free-to-play, 3-button fighting game (left, right, attack) developed by HiFight for Windows, Mac, and Linux (and also iOS/Android, but IDK if they support online multiplayer). It has no execution barrier and can be picked up very quickly/easily. I've linked a video below that goes through all the mechanics in case u prefer that to reading the page I linked above.

It can be played online using Parsec (see video below).

The tournaments themselves could probably be run in the space of one afternoon/evening, so it wouldn't have to be a major time commitment or anything.
(discussed with Former on Discord)

So, I'm planning to host a bunch of 1-3 session mini-campaigns in a number of systems. Pathfinder 2e, Mutants and Masterminds, Hunter: the Reckoning, Mage: the Ascension, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, and Vampire: the Masquerade. They'll be Sunday or Monday [either one, or both, or one per group; dates negotiable] in the evening (east coast time, starting 6-7 pm or so and ending 10-11 pm).

NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. NO NEED TO WADE THROUGH HUGE RULEBOOKS. I will explain the most important rules before the session, and less important rules as we get to them. I will design the low-level characters for you, as you ask (within reasonable limits - no asking for a living nuke; that's HIGH-level Mage.) ALL YOU NEED IS AN INTERNET BROWSER AND THE TIME TO PLAY.

I'm actually hoping for less experience here.

If you're interested, please PM me. I need 3-6 players per mini-campaign

Example Explanations:
Pathfinder 2 is a game where you play as adventurers to accomplish an objective, often saving a region from a villainous warlord or mage. In it, you have a number of medieval combat options, as well as four flavors of magic. The game is focused on turn-based combat, then group exploration, then finally social interaction. In combat, you have a move speed, hit points, armor class [how hard you are to hit], and accuracy [how well you beat their armor class], as well as three action points to use. Everything other than damage rolls use a 20-sided die as well as your proficiency bonus, which scales to your level. You also have a number of skills, such as how athletic you are, how knowledgeable you are, and how persuasive you are. Finally, you have Ability Scores which modify all your other abilities.

Vampire: the Masquerade is a game where you play as a Vampire: unaging, able to heal any wound, feasting on blood, and slain by sunlight. You have a feral beast inside your mind, slowly eating away at your humanity until eventually you are nothing more than a beast. But you are not a beast yet, and you can delay that fall... possibly indefinitely. Everything in this game is a dice pool, where you roll a number of 10-sided dice equal to the sum of your attribute (strength, intelligence, manipulation, etc.) and your ability (athletics, science, subterfuge). You also have backgrounds which can affect your options (or, occasionally, your dice pool). Although you have great powers, you must remain secret. For if humanity learned you exist, they would surely destroy you, as the Inquisition nearly did ages ago.

If you're interested in learning some tabletop games, please PM me. No experience is actually a PLUS for this.
Low commitment - only 1-3 nights of 4-6 hours activity is needed.
I am interested in hosting a Survivor. This game will take place on Discord, and my username is in my profile. I will try to make this game as similar to an actual season of Survivor as possible. I may need one co-host, just to help with the game and come up with challenges and mechanics, but that's still in the air. Hit me up with any questions.

Pokemon Showdown: Drifblim Scourge
Discord: Scourgekku#3385
I am interested in hosting a Survivor. This game will take place on Discord, and my username is in my profile. I will try to make this game as similar to an actual season of Survivor as possible. I may need one co-host, just to help with the game and come up with challenges and mechanics, but that's still in the air. Hit me up with any questions.

Pokemon Showdown: Drifblim Scourge
Discord: Scourgekku#3385

hey! i suggest you check out the SmORGon Hub - we run survivor games fairly regularly, and you'll find plenty more info there or in the game servers:
Looking for a co-host (or multiple) who is experienced in processing complicated updates. I've been working on the game design solo but I cannot imagine hosting a game this complicated without help. Either DM me on discord or on the forums.

EDIT: it probably won't be actually ran for a while because I haven't even gotten the game approved yet, in case that is a factor.
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