RBY RBY Ladder Tournament I (Won by Serpi)

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RBYZA chateaubriand
RBY Ladder Tournament I - Playoff Qualifiers
**chuva de perereca and Mikon both ended at 1655. This should have been broken by their unrounded ELO at their respective screenshot time, but those values were not collected. My apologies to chuva de perereca and Mikon. Instead, the tie was determined through a random coinflip.

1. Kenix (RBYZA Carapinga) - 1669
2. Mikon (RBYZA Shangri-La) - 1655
3. chuva de perereca (RBYZA perereca) - 1655
4. Sceptross (RBYZA Courage) - 1635
5. RaiZen1704 (RBYZA Raizen) - 1633
6. ACII (RBYZA acii) - 1630
7. Laroxyl (RBYZA Laro) - 1627
8. Tarvold (RBYZA PersNegRNG) - 1622
9. Serpi (RBYZA Serpi) - 1618
10. ABR (RBYZA Breeze) - 1606
11. Kaz (RBYZAk) - 1604
12. MrSoup (RBYZAP) - 1603
13. gastlies (RBYZA haxerohaxero) - 1593
14. Amaranth (RBYZA aneroid) - 1586
15. NotVeryCake (RBYZA FishNChips) - 1576
16. royzin (RBYZA ICBB) -1557

Round 1 - Top 16

[1] Kenix vs. royzin [16]
[2] Mikon vs. NotVeryCake [15]
[3] chuva de perereca vs. Amaranth [14]
[4] Sceptross vs. gastlies [13]
[5] RaiZen1704 vs. MrSoup [12]
[6] ACII vs. Kaz [11]
[7] Laroxyl vs. ABR [10]
[8] Tarvold vs. Serpi [9]

Top 16 Deadline - Sunday April 7th 10:00 PM GMT-4
Replays are Required.
Smogtours is Mandatory.
[1] Kenix vs. royzin [16] - Royzin is good but the carapinga seems to just not lose ever GOAT
[2] Mikon vs. NotVeryCake[15] - one of the best ladder players by far and pilots teams very well
[3] chuva de perereca vs. Amaranth [14] - another ladder goat + chuva is too nice with it consistent results
[4] Sceptross vs. gastlies [13] - no offense to gastlies who is good and should be proud to qualify, however I think Sceptross is a lot better and should've been playing in SPL
[5] RaiZen1704 vs. MrSoup [12] - raizen is another amazing player and is very underrated in rby right now, just look at his records
[6] ACII vs. Kaz [11] - I think both are really good but kaz has more experience so I give him the edge
[7] Laroxyl vs. ABR [10] - this is probably the closest matchup for this round in my opinion both phenomenal players and the highlight of this round, could go either way
[8] Tarvold vs. Serpi [9] - hard to see Serpi losing round 1 after always producing great results and being consistently one of the best players
[1] Kenix vs. royzin [16] - Kenix wins every time but I don't trust him to not bring Magikpinga and potentially throw.
[2] Mikon vs. NotVeryCake [15]
[3] chuva de perereca vs. Amaranth [14]
[4] Sceptross vs. gastlies [13]
[5] RaiZen1704 vs. MrSoup [12]
[6] ACII vs. Kaz [11]
[7] Laroxyl vs. ABR [10]
[8] Tarvold vs. Serpi [9]
Highlights of the week.
chuva de perereca vs. Amaranth
Laroxyl vs. ABR​
RBY Ladder Tournament I - Playoff Qualifiers

1. Kenix (RBYZA Carapinga) - 1669
2. Mikon (RBYZA Shangri-La) - 1655

3. chuva de perereca (RBYZA perereca) - 1655
4. Sceptross (RBYZA Courage) - 1635
5. RaiZen1704 (RBYZA Raizen) - 1633
6. ACII (RBYZA acii) - 1630
7. Laroxyl (RBYZA Laro) - 1627
8. Tarvold (RBYZA PersNegRNG) - 1622

9. Serpi (RBYZA Serpi) - 1618
10. ABR (RBYZA Breeze) - 1606
11. Kaz (RBYZAk) - 1604
12. MrSoup (RBYZAP) - 1603
13. gastlies (RBYZA haxerohaxero) - 1593
14. Amaranth (RBYZA aneroid) - 1586

15. NotVeryCake (RBYZA FishNChips) - 1576
16. royzin (RBYZA ICBB) -1557

Round 2 - Quarterfinals

[16] royzin vs. Serpi [9]
[15] NotVeryCake vs. ABR [10]
[3] chuva de perereca vs. Kaz [11]
[4] Sceptross vs. RaiZen1704 [5]

Quarterfinals Deadline - Sunday April 14th 10:00 PM GMT-4
Replays are Required.
Smogtours is Mandatory.
[16] royzin vs. Serpi [9]
[15] NotVeryCake vs. ABR [10]
[3] chuva de perereca vs. Kaz [11]
[4] Sceptross vs. RaiZen1704 [5]
can we get an extension? we have a time lined up for mon 9:30pm+2 if that's alright

emma edit - Approved
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