Scientology Raids

So I've been reading recently about Project Chanology (on Wikipedia, the source for all amazing knowledge, it's like fucking opium for your mind) and their recent CoS raids across the world with March 15th coming up soon, and I can't help thinking that there are so many different ways you could look at this.

For example: the whole Lisa McPherson thing. The official cause of death was a pulmonary embolism, but Anon states that actual cause of death is malnutrition and all this stuff about bug bites. Meanwhile, CoS isn't saying shit about it, and I still ain't sure what the fuck is going on.

Another thing that seems a little sketchy to me is the whole Tom Cruise video, which in itself is enough to organize a protest over, and the fact that "Oooops! We accidentally let this leak to a website with over 3 billion [hyperbole] hits a day!" And it just so happens that McPherson's family settles out of court on a possibly criminal lawsuit? Wtf mate?

I mean, I don't know whose side to turn to.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
i don't think that the CoS should be taken seriously at all and that protests outside of their churches are a good idea but i don't agree with the internet based attacks. the only thing keeping everyone from doing this too all religions is how long they have been around. do you think that everybody immediately started to believe once christ was proclaimed to be the son of god and the messiah? the crusades were just as bad as anything scientologists have done. i look at the head of the CoS as sleazy entrepreneurs. they may have no morals but they are making a shitload of money.

i am no advocate for scientology and don't believe in any religion at all. it is just odd that people would get so worked up about a group of people manipulating idiots for monetary gain. why not attack most of corporate america, they are doing the exact same thing...
There are three major differences between CoS and corporate America:

1. Our economy can live without the Church.
2. The CoS is getting tax breaks.
3. CoS brainwashes people.

You could say 3 goes for both but the Church is a lot more dangerous to get into than buying into corporations.
The CoS is just ridiculous, the simple fact that science fiction writer stated it is enough to prove it's a load of crap. I'm in support of the protest, take it to'm anonymous.
I don't see what the big deal is. Scientology only hurts the idiots who believe in it.

If you want to protest religions where the constituents do bad things in the name of the religion, protest one of the big three Western religions or something.
I don't see what the big deal is. Scientology only hurts the idiots who believe in it.

Doesn't the CoS file lawsuits against anyone that talks about them? If so, then they are potentially hurting EVERYONE
Except they want tax exemption, break quite a few laws, and there are children that get caught up in it.

Ha I just realized that Anon is Unown's Japanese name.
Right, and the whole waiver they have to sign for that questioning thing (name?) would make me a little skittish... you've gotta be fucking retarded if you sign it.
Anonymous (NOT 4CHAN, please correct this misconception. Many anonymous members are regulars at 4chan but not all people from 4chan are anonymous, besides 4chan is gay anyways, most of the other chans are better)'s stated goal is to get the Co$'s tax exempt status revoked. Basically they want to force them to pay taxes that they're cheating the government out of under their faux religion banner, more to punish Scientology for being fascist fuckheads than to reward the government.
Isn't there already a topic about this?

Besides, this is mostly /b/'s doing. The other parts of 4chan don't even care.
I wish we could get a scientologist on the forums, so we could see their POV. And laugh.
I don't think it would be wise for a scientologist to pop their head out anywhere in the internet, that's just asking for it. But yes, I also wish we had one. (for the lulz)

edit: sorry I offended you God., just sticking with the theme
Anonymous (NOT 4CHAN, please correct this misconception. Many anonymous members are regulars at 4chan but not all people from 4chan are anonymous, besides 4chan is gay anyways, most of the other chans are better)'s stated goal is to get the Co$'s tax exempt status revoked. Basically they want to force them to pay taxes that they're cheating the government out of under their faux religion banner, more to punish Scientology for being fascist fuckheads than to reward the government.

no, i think it's because they think scientology is still funny, as if it were new subject matter. they think what they are doing is witty and humorous. it isnt.

also can everyone please stop using phrases like "lulz" thank you