That'd be really doesn't need anything special..just for egg movesI check pretty sure I have a dive ball one which i cna breed real fast for you
That'd be really doesn't need anything special..just for egg movesI check pretty sure I have a dive ball one which i cna breed real fast for you
its an random one but in a cool ball at least I breed it with my 4 iv ditto and go for 5 eggs I give you the ebst oneThat'd be really doesn't need anything special..just for egg moves
alright you cna come on its done it has 3 max ivs hopefully its usefull I add you right now and go onlineThat'd be really doesn't need anything special..just for egg moves
Pm me, i got youAnyone have a Pokemon with pokerus? It can literally be anything
Cool man, I'll breed your Sandshrew and let you know when im done :)I have flawless adamant litten with crunch/fake out/revenge/heat wave that I'd trade for a female jolly premier ball slush rush sandshrew
Also looking for spheal. Not concerned with anything other than it being in Gen 7 but a nice ball and ivs are always welcome. Cmt(Gen 7 only) for offers
The levels are different.
I don't know if I'm being dumb or what. How did Celesteela get a higher hp here?
I don't know if I'm being dumb or what. How did Celesteela get a higher hp here?
The levels are different.
Level is a killer, even in Parchisi.
You cant get bulbasaur in gen 7 yetAnyone happen to have a Gen 6 female Bulbasaur in a Nest Ball spitback?
I can breed you a dive ha sandshrew for your heavy ball beldum. VM me if interested.Still looking for either a) a female dive ball slush rush sandshrew or b) a female slush rush sandshrew in any ball and a dive ball male one with any ability. I can offer (spitbacks wise):
I also have a pair of x/31/x/31/31/31 Ditto I'd swap as well.
- Jolly Beast Ball Sand Force Diglett
- Quiet Lux Ball Honedge with Wide Guard and Destiny Bond
- Adamant Fast Ball Togedemaru with Fake Out
- Adamant Premier Ball Dhelmise
- Jolly Heavy Ball Beldum
Load up on Quick Balls, etc., open up Bulbapedia or Serebii (I'd go route by route) and you can catch a bunch of what you need quickly. Level up what you need to evolve by knocking out wild 'mons in Poni Gauntlet. You'll clear most of the list easily and just need trades for ones you can't get otherwise.Please help me fill my Pokédex!