Smash history

Well I was never much of a gamer as a kid, But my friend had a n64, the day SSB came out we got off the bus and walked to his house( his house is the bus stop), We started playing on his crap tv in the basement, and we did this almost every single day, for a while.

Time passed and the GCN and SSBM came out, By that time I had a gcn myself, needless to say from that point till now between my friends game and mine we have a joint hour total of 1,400+ hours, needless to say we like the game.

Throughout the many years of us three playing we have all built up some solid skills and we all present a challenge to each other, as far as our main characters go mine were fox(SSB), and luigi(SSBM), and without a doubt Ike(SSBB). My brother Pikachu(SSB), Marth(SSBM). and My friend Samus(SSB), Samus(SSBM).

Now SSBB is coming out and a few months ago I learned Ike was a playable character, goddam, I cannot wait for this game SSE, Stage builder, and online should keep me going till college(junior in highschool btw).

That is a vague perspective of my Smash Bros history.

EDIT: and now that I read some of these Posts and I look back to the N64 era of my life, it was a good time, a damn good time at that. We played an assortment of N64 games and we had so much fun with it, I knew every kid on the block and there were a lot, we had some crazy tourneys, life had no problems back then it was clear, fun and uncluttered, no worries. Well those days are gone, its still good but just not as magical as that era of my life.
I remember being in second or third grade and going to my rich friends house, who got a gamecube before anyone else I know, and playing SSBM and mario sunshine for hours. It got me to save my $2 allowance for a year or so and eventually buy a gamecube with melee, upgrading from a shitty PS1. ^_^

I was pretty much addicted from there, and won a tournament in 6th grade. (all the people were pretty pissed that a little kid completely owned them, and my friends and I thought it was hilarious.^_^)

I pretty much only play as marth...
I've been playing Smash since it came out in 1999, but I got into competitive Smash in 2005. I've been to maybe 10 tournaments. I don't place very well most of the time, but I've improved so much, especially for starting so late. My Melee tournaments have pretty much come to an end unless Brawl tanks. Either way, I plan on staying in the competitive scene for years to come.

And just for your interest, I currently main Samus, Purin, and Ness. I also tried to main Pikachu recently.


I did my best, I have no regrets!
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SSB64 was the first game I ever really read about online. I didn't have internet, but my uncle got some free trial and I went over to go on and browse the net. I looked around and found out about SSB. It looked absolutely crazy to me. Kirby fighting Mario fighting Pikachu? What?

When it came out, I rented it. It came with all characters unlocked so I didn't realize they were secret. I played with Jigglypuff and my brother with Pikachu since were really, really, really into Pokemon at the time. They became our mains. I played it at my friends' houses every now and then. I then rented it again maybe two more times. I finally traded in some games and bought it near the end of the N64's life cycle.

I bought Melee the same day I got my GameCube in 2001. I still remember it being the last GameCube at the store before Christmas (December 16th I think it was!). The opening cinematic blew me away. I played against my brother. Don't remember who I used as there was no Jiggly =( I thought I'd main Jigglypuff but I liked Young Link better. After a month of hardcore playing, I got bored and thought of the series as overrated for about 2 years.

Around 10th grade, I left my GCN at my friend's house during the school year since he lived across the street from school. We went over during our lunch breaks and after school. One of my friend started playing the game and read up on it. Learned some advanced techniques. Since at this point I was a full-on internet/forum junkie, I started reading up on competitive stuff too. With all the new stuff we were learning, the game became interesting again and a lot of my friends started playing again. Most of the people I know play Smash now.

Tournament-wise I've only gone to two in my time. I hope to make more of an effort to attend them with Brawl.
I first started playing Smash when two separate families that i was friends with purchased it (incidentally, both had three boys, so it was kinda the perfect game for them). I never purchased it, because I'm the only person in my family who really plays video games, and I knew it would be a waste of money because playing alone sucks. I primarily played as Link and Kirby, and it was awesome.

When Melee came out, we still played it. I switched to Fox and Marth/Roy, partially influenced by the fact that this was the age where I essentially boiled down to: "omg Japan is so cool!!!", and also the fact that Kirby was significantly weaker and Link was a bit too slow. I've continued sticking to these characters, although I've become somewhat competent with a variety of characters.

I've followed Brawl since the announcement of the 'Revolution', and it just occured to me that I've followed the updates every night since they started (with the exception of two week-long vacations that prevented me from checking), which is kind of sad, but a testament to the fact that I can't wait for this game to come out. Now I've got more friends than just the two families who are into Smash Bros., and I look to be getting pretty good at it for the sake of keeping competitive with my friends (although I doubt I'll ever go into the advanced techniques stuff).

I'll also be open to rather casual matches over WiFi once it comes out. March 9th cannot come soon enough!
My first video game system was of course the NINTENDO SIXTY FOOOOOOOOUR (bad reference there sorry). Anyways i was like 6 years old then and the first game i got was Super Mario 64, and that was like the only one i had for like a year. I guess then my 6-year old brain figured out there were other games for it and i saw a commercial for SSB.

Naturally, i asked my parents for it and i got it my following birthday. I got melee normally. I was never very good at either game, i could never learn any good techniques or even shielding properly, but neither could my friends, so we had fun. Edit: In case anyone cares, i was really good with yoshi in ssb, and moreso with g&w in melee, strange huh.
Yea, one of the first games I played. It was that, and James Bond Goldeneye that I really used to like and played all the time with my best friend and whoever else was around. I liked Pikachu the most then, and did pretty good with him. I carried that on into Melee, until I began to get fond of Young Link, and now I rock with him (or so I think...). Maybe it was that little person in me that got attached to it, or maybe its just cuz he's fun and good to use :P
I never had an N64, but my brother's friend did. We would go over there to play games a lot. Thinking back on it, that guy was an ass. Never let me play Kirby. So when SSBM came out and we got a GC I naturally wanted to main him. I was pretty good at it, too. I've become somewhat skilled with Young Link because of all the time spent trying to beat his target stage. Jiggs was always fun too, and I could beat adventure mode with any character.

Really exicted about Meta Knight being in this game. I've always wanted Meta Knight in Smash because he's my favorite Kirby character.
Well, I first learned about Smash from a friend while we were eating at a McDonalds. Don't ask how I remember that. <_< Anyways, he told me how it would have all sorts of Nintendo characters. Being raised on Nintendo consoles since I was 4 Smash sounded like pure win. Thankfully I got it for my birthday that year. My friends and I played it to death every time they came over. I remember how naive we were, thinking Samus was a robot. =P I always mained Mario. No questions asked.

Then I got a GameCube the year after it came out for Christmas. As soon as I had $50 I bought Melee. The cycle repeated itself of my friends coming over and us playing it for hours on end. I used Mario all the time at first, but now I've come to use Samus. I think I've gotten a little bit too used to the way she controls though. I've tried several other characters recently and find it hard to use most of them. In particular Fox and his fast fall from jumps and Captain Falcon's speed. I never learned how to do any of the advanced techniques though. I know how to wavedash but I can't really use it in battle.

With Brawl I'm hoping to actually learn the advanced techniques and main more than just Samus. I'm really looking forward to trying out PT, Meta Knight and Dedede in particular.
first played smash bros when i was in junior school (UK education system guys). my friend had it (he was a fair amount better off then me). he always played samus, i went pikachu and jigglypuff because at the time they were the only two i recognised for the most part (i knew who mario and link were, but never played there games before then.)

i then left junior school and forgot about my (around 2) sessions with the game, until i got an n64. i saw the game 2nd hand for 25 quid on the market and snapped it up, and played for weeks on end and as everyone, as by this point i knew who they all were (except ness and cpt.falcon, this game introduced em to them).

then i got melee, played it to death and unlocked everything. that was my mission for a few months. woulda been quicker too only i had to guess my way through the end of match bonuses for diskun trophy. i remember i used to sneak peaks at the strategy guide in my local whsmith on the way home from school for ones id missed.

i play nearly all the characters, and normally random select. because of this im good as everyone, but wouldnt say i have a best character overall as such. i did used to be good as kirby, but lately i own all as yoshi so w/e. never liked cpt.falcon, young link or ganondorf much though, especially ganon...i couldnt figure out how you were meant to hit anyone with the lummox :p

looking forward to brawl, but cant decide who to play as first. im pretty hardcore so i'll be maining everyone again...gonna be hard getting good as all 39.
Melee was actually the first video game I ever owned, and the original was probably the first I ever played. I was pretty much hooked on it as soon as I got it, and played with friends and whatever all the time for a few years. Then a few years later I somehow got into it again about a year or so ago but at the same time found out the whole competitive side to it. I play it very infrequently but it's still a great party game, except we never play it for too long because I just wreck everyone. I still consider it to be one of the best console games, because nothing else really sucked me in like that (not even Ocarina of Time or Mario Galaxy).

I usually main Marth and Falco but I like using Doc Mario and Link better.
I've only ever played SSB on the 64, and I always mained Samus. Seems I couldn't lose with her, though my friends and siblings are admittedly not that good at video games as I am.

To this day I have never played or seen played Melee or Brawl. All these techniques like wavedashing are a bit confusing. Are there still the obviously "better characters" like there were in SSB? (e.g. Jigglypuff wasn't as agile or gifted move-wise as other characters).

Are there OU characters which are somewhat cheap?
My first experience with Smash was seeing some kid playing the 64 one on an N64 set up outside a gaming shop (you know the kind of thing I'm talking about.)

I never bought the 64 one but I did rent it a lot, to the point where it probably would have been cheaper to buy (but I never saw it for sale anywhere). My first character was Pikachu, and I've mained the little guy ever since. I never had any friends to play with, all the other players were like school friends who weren't that good since they were impressed when I told them I unlocked Ness (beating the game on Normal or higher with only three lives).

Got Melee along with my GameCube. Liked the look of Bowser, partly because he was a villian and at that pont I'd never played as a villian lol. I'm pretty good with him and consider him my second main, behind Pikachu. Due to my Pikachu experience, I also played a decent Pichu. I also had a couple of stints where I got pretty good with the Ice Climbers.

By then, one of the aforementioned friends had become my best friend, and we often visited each other, and he also had a Cube and Melee. He seems to main Kirby. He also was better than me in the Target tests, and managed to clear a couple of events that I couldn't (the Samus one in particular, where it's you as Samus with one life vs three metal Samuses with two lives each. HATED that one).

My little sisters (who were too young to know how to really play on the 64) main Zelda and Peach, but unlike tournament players, the one that uses Zelda actually uses Sheik as well, instead of pretending that they're two completely different characters.

Never managed wavedashing, never saw the point. Disagreed with tier lists, partly because they said Pikachu and Bowser suck. I don't see why the space animals or Sheik are so popular, and I've never been in tournaments, due to location. I also find it interesting that my two mains are completely different.

Also fond of the odd comedy Captain Falcon match where I use the Falcon Punch as my main attack, also use Falcon Kick a lot, and taunt at inappropriate times.

Obviously don't have Brawl yet, but I'm intending to continue with Bowser and Pikachu, and add Sonic and/or Pokemon Trainer to my mains, depending on how well I play them. Sonic because I've always been a Sonic fan, and the Trainer because of my Pokemon fan-ness. I'm thinking I'd be decent with them since Sonic is a fast hitter kinda like Pikachu (they even have similar Final Smashes, fly around and slam into stuff) and the Trainer has a quick guy (Squirtle) and a big powerhouse guy (Charizard). And from what I've seen Ivysaur's decent too. Also plan to be good with Lucario because it's awesome, and Wario because farting and eating items sounds like fun. I must be one of the only people who doesn't want to main someone with a Landmaster lol.

In short:
  • Only ever hired 64 Smash, had nobody to play against except the computer, mained Pikachu.
  • Had Melee from the start of my Cube-having-ness, added Bowser to mains, played against my Kirby-maining friend and my Zelda/Sheik and Peach-maning sisters. See no point in wavedashing, never been in tournaments and don't understand much about them because of that.
  • Will probably get Brawl the day it comes out in Australia, plan to add Sonic and/or Pokemon Trainer to mains.

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