Ahhh, finally I have time for progress. UU isn't really my metagame, and this set isn't too different from the analysis, but it seems like it plays differently from the sweeper set in the analysis (which, unfortunately, I have yet to test). Surprisingly, this works okay in OU as well.
Drifblim (M) @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 240 HP/136 Spe/132 SAtk
Timid nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt / Hidden Power: Fighting / Baton pass
- Rest
This set is a fairly bulky sweeper and can actually run through unprepared teams. The idea is to come in on stuff like choice band earthquakes and calm mind. From there you pretty much calm mind up as much as you can until you start running low on hp, then you rest, activating the chesto berry and unburden, effectively doubling your speed and putting you back at full hp. From here, you can sweep with 506 speed, outspeeding deoxys, and you are walled pretty much only by steelix. For use in UU, a similar spread with 52 speed and a modest nature, with the rest dumped into defense can work, hitting 418 speed after the
aftermath boost. In UU, things like steelix and cacturne are rather common, and without thunderbolt you have difficulty getting through them. Though without thunderbolt, stuff like mantine will give you more difficulty. With rest, this thing can get lots of calm minds in, which means that if you do come across something that walls you, you could just as easily pass your many boosts to a more potent sweeper.