Suspect SS AAA Suspect Test #7: Clowning Around (Blacephalon)

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Edit: Forgot to mention this, but the council's vote on whether or not to suspect was a unanimous 3-0 in favor.

Blacephalon's power is no joke. Unlike in standard play where it's susceptible to forms of chip, in the Almost Any Ability metagame it generally uses Magic Guard to not only amplify its damage output with Mind Blown and no drawback Life Orb attacks, but also to completely avoid hazards and damage-over-time status. For the most part, defensive counterplay tends be to either go into midgrounds like Tapu Fini, opt for a Blissey, or a Regenerator + Assault Vest Pokemon such as Silvally-Dragon and Swampert. Primordial Sea Ghost-resists like Mandibuzz and even Moltres-Galar on more offensive builds can prevent Blacephalon from denting teams too much. Lastly, faster offensive threats like Barraskewda and Tapu Koko either outright OHKO or scare it out. While these particular answers are still commonly used, Blacephalon has adapted its moveset to handle virtually all of its viable counterplay. It now has the ability to opt for Knock Off + Toxic in order to cripple Assault Vesters, and everything barring Magic Bounce Blissey fears the long+term implications of getting poisoned by Toxic. This means that in theory, Blacephalon is capable of eroding away virtually every check and counter given enough time over the course of a battle. In practice, this is obviously not always possible. Additionally, we have seen players occasionally opt for speed control with a Choice Scarf or even higher damage output with Choice Specs, Adaptability, and Sheer Force sets, warping the realm of viable counterplay even more. Even with its ability to come in repeatedly regardless of what hazards are up (i.e. with the exception of Sticky Web), Blacephalon doesn't offer much defensive utility past being immune to fighting attacks and being able to survive resisted attacks if it is healthy enough. This means that players can typically maintain enough pressure to prevent a Blacephalon win by pivoting into and around midgrounds as well as pushing offensive advantages. The AAA council believes that Blacephalon is worth a review due its ability to disregard would-be counters in matches and blast through everything outside of the few reliable forms of counterplay it does have.

Before this suspect test, there was discussion in the AAA thread and in the OM Discord about whether or not one would be worthwhile. Since there are reasonable arguments both for and against, this test serves as a means to either collectively decide that Blacephalon is too much to handle or maintain the status quo of what is a relatively stable metagame.

How (Suspect Details):
During a Suspect test, each player must climb the ladder until they've acquired the GXE necessary to participate in the voting. Primarily, everyone that participates needs to make an alt account following these guidelines:

  • Every game must be played on the official Pokemon Showdown! site and on a new account (creation date no earlier than today, December 12th) with "UBCLOWN [Nick]"--for example, I could create one called "UBCLOWN Guy" to ladder with. Having the prefix at the beginning of your alt name is mandatory, AKA not in the middle (e.g. The UBCLOWN Man) and not at the end (e.g. The UBCLOWN).
  • To qualify for voting, your alt must play a minimum of 25 games, and you must have a minimum GXE of 75.
  • Blacephalon will be allowed on the ladder during the suspect.
  • The suspect test will go for two weeks and end on Sunday, December 26th (11:59 pm GMT -6).
  • When posting proof of meeting reqs, feel free to use this thread as a means to disseminate topical opinions regarding whether or not Blacephalon should be banned. (Optional)
  • It is mandatory to provide proof of ownership of the alt account as well. (Post a picture of your reqs with your smogon name featured)
With that all of that being said, it's suspect time! As usual, the actual voting will take place in the Blind Voting Forum, so posting anything other than proof of reqs and discussion isn't necessary.

Tagging Kris for implementation
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I think I conveyed most of my thoughts in my post in AAA thread so I won't say much cause there isn't much left to say.
I needed an excuse to test my jank teams, and boy did I find a perfect one. Sample teams and Osake's stall team are way too popular, and my 2 losses actually came from non-req players with creative and unique sets. So I want to drop some of my teams that I plan to show in my later, very long post but now I drop some early so that I hope my teams can be tested cause most of them aren't. I did put a lot of thoughts into them so I am sure they are at least decent though. Please test my teams and give me replays as well if you can, I appreciate it. I want to enjoy the req race as well by watching my teams in action. (Won a roomtour, beat 1500 players)
I didn't use this during req, however this is a very solid team. This Glastrier + TTar team is quite heat if you want something new. TTar might be changed to Lonely if you want to check Blace more reliably (Untested)
This is my attempt to make the Doom Desire + Steely Spirit combo flare to life. I really want to see how it can work. If you don't fear Heatran you can change Occa to Lefties. (Untested)
Ice type is good, Mamo also has Ground STAB, no idea if this works though. (Used in the last 4 games of req)
Super Fang Cinderace is a very unique and effective way to soften walls. Super Fang + U-Turn can take 70% health, and in tandem with Wandering Spirit + Rocky Helmet can render walls useless often. (Used in the first alt and some games in the second)
Magnezone is a very dangerous wincon that not many know. A lot of teams get 6-0ed by this if you play it right, Terrakion lures Kommo-O, Hippo and Palossand, allowing Magnezone to be in better position. (Went 21-2)
Is this supposed to work? No. Did it work anyway? Yes, somehow, Technician Bisharp put in a lot of work. You can run Poison Jab or Low Kick depending on whether you want to hit Fini or Coba/Zama-C. Halfway through I changed Pert to Spdef and Chomper to Def because of the opponents I faced, I think either version works. Here's the Spdef Pert and Def Chomper version: (Went 10-3 or something)
Tough Claws and Magic Guard are surprisingly good for Barraskewda, although you must play it carefully cause Tough Claws is extremely vulnerable to chips. Venusaur can also take SFLO Lele on until it runs out out of Synthesis (without hazards). I gave up using this cause everyone was running Flash Fire Steel birds for some reasons.
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Screenshot 2021-12-14 3.09.11 PM.png

Shoutouts Osake for making a stall team that can actually make progress and carrying my reqs. (Quantum Tesseract vs Redflix om swiss) (MZ vs DJ Breloominati omwc)

An observation I have made is that Blacephalon plays very similarly to weavile. They both can knock off their checks' items, and both are able to outlast their checks late game. I think blace being able to knock off opposing heavy-duty boots/av's make it able to go through its checks better than weavile, especially since weavile had to pick between magic guard (avoiding chip damage) or technician (power). Blacephalon can get both because of Mind Blown and 151 spa. They are both pretty frail, hit hard, and have great speed tiers in the meta. There are plenty of differences between them such as weavile getting sd, but I do think it is worth mentioning the similarities.

Something I don't think Blacephalon gets credit for is how great its typing is defensively. It can eat a hit from non ep Heatran, defensive Kommo-o, Mew, Silvally-Dragon, some variants of Tapu Koko, Zamazenta & Genesect, as well as priority from Triage Lele + Grassy Glide Zarude. These mons are very common in the meta, and all of them are ranked somewhere in A barring Zamazenta. I'm not calling blace some defensive tank, but it is tougher to kill than people give it credit for. In a tier with a ton of pivoting, blace is deceptively sufficient and has ample opportunities to click buttons.

In order to slow down Blacephalon, this often takes up an ability (primsea mandibuzz) or an entire mon itself (regenvest incineroar). The replays above show teams that have solid blace counterplay on paper. Blacephalon simply knocks off the regenvest checks, and bullies through them. Blacephalon did get a couple spedef drops that helped it go through Silvally-Rock (sorry Redflix), but I believe that is one of the issues with blace. Even when dedicating a mon, ability, and an item to stop blace, this mon inherently has a 20% chance to go through its most viable checks. Factor in hazards and possible wandering spirit partners, and this mon is borderline impossible to stop, especially without losing momentum. One of the best special walls in the tier is Blissey, and this mon is more often than not hard walled by Blace. The best thing Blissey can do is lose its boots, run twave + teleport, and hope that Blace isn't running a set that can handle it (taunt for regen bliss, sub cm for mbounce/regen bliss). The offensive and defensive counterplay to this mon is very limited, and the good "counter play" oftentimes isn't even good enough to handle Blace. It's almost like a mon with 151 spa spamming a 150 bp move with virutally no drawbacks and an amazing speed tier is... good?
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despite only picking up the tier recently for omwc, i think i have a good idea of the tier and can justify my claims on the clown. As everyone has mentioned so far, its checks are scarce, and they too lose the long game if it comes down to that [ mandi/incin get knocked once and then are very vulnerable to rocks, pert cant check it after a knock, spdef pex loses if theres one layer of hazards up + it gets a spdef drop (very likely over the course of a game), nihilego drops to psyshock, and teams that over-rely on its best check, blissey, lose if its sub cm]. Other "hard" checks like flash fire zarude are really useless otherwise so they feel subpar barring this specific usecase. Something that is worth bringing up (that dr has mentioned well above) is how it has some additional traits that puts it much above other breakers in the tier. For example, in comparison to another breaker like SFLO lele, it has a much better speed tier, immunity to hazards/poison, and better defensive typing that make it overbearing. will be voting ban

Unsure how i wanna vote yet, probs ban. Blace is pretty unique from other breakers. Its not as immediate as some other breakers but its the only one that can "reliably" beat its hard counters. Its also incredibly self sufficient in doing so, not requiring team support to do so and lasts long games.

Why can Blace break cores like heal bell chansey + primsea/ff mandibuzz (granted over atleast 100+ turns but still). It still functions in regular breaker capacitys while doing this though, compromising little on sets since it only needs dual stab to function as one. Even if you cannot get up hazards these matchups are still winnable, granted it is harder/will take longer. Blace can get in more often too vs these really fat teams which can feature chansey + mandibuzz, and other cores; getting in on body presses and resting targets along with the usual pivoting etc. MG sets can also sit on the pink blobs forever, giving Blace a lot of room to breath and PP stall in these matchups. Vs balance/offense/etc, the countermeasures are usually less concrete, featuring regenvesters like swampert/silvally/garchomp, assisted by stuff like mixed Fini, Zarude. This does an okay job but it doesnt take many opportunities for Blace to break these teams. Pretty much most single mon answers like Blissey without good secondary checks on the team are very realistically beaten. More offensive teams will not last as long vs Blace but Blace can be beaten with offensive counterplay and "just win first" so it evens out probably. Overtime Blace (can) always wins it feels like. It also gets decent set variety like psyshock/flame charge/explosion/sash/super damage amp/etc. which is pretty neat.

I had more concrete thoughts on Blace but lost em sorry. Good mon but i like using it so keep free.

Btw use specs (w/ or w/o MG) its broken you actually beat balance checks without having to work for it.

Confirming as UBCLOWN mirror (it was supposed to be mirrorball, but I accidentally did just mirror and liked the color)

You can read the longer version of my thoughts here, but the TL;DR is that I think Blace is overbearing for defensive cores to handle. It's our only breaker that doesn't have to choose between Magic Guard and sheer power, meaning a lot of normal defensive counterplay such as hazards are invalidated. It also has the movepool, mainly Toxic and Knock Off, to still make progress against its best checks. I think, and am hopeful, that a Blace ban would give new life to fat/stall builds, as they struggle mightily to beat it as-is.

I wish I could share a cool new team that I laddered with for you, but literally all 25 games were my old sample team. What can I say, it still works, and I'm comfortable playing with it.

The virgin Osake stall vs the chad Avalugg stall

Very surprised about the strong ban sentiment coming from these posts, I didn't expect that. As for me, I personally feel Blacephalon isn't banworthy, and out of all the actually broken breakers in the tier (Terrakion, Tapu Lele, a certain steel bug that shall not be named), I'm disappointed to see this one suspected before the others.

A lot of the replays I've seen where Blace is supposedly broken have three things in common:

1. The Blace player gets lucky (sorry Redflix)
2. The Blace player is running tons of support in order to make Blace breaking easier, like WS Corviknight
3. The opposing player is relying on only one mon to switch into Blace

The 1st point and whether or not Shadow Ball drops break Blace is not something I'm comfortable talking about, so I'd like to focus on the other two points. My main issue with previously banned mons like Noivern and Weavile is that they needed minimal support to break past their switch-ins, and often needed fewer turns to do so. Noivern had access to Trick to cripple most defensive mons, and all it really needed was hazards to consistently outdamage Regenerator resists. Weavile having a super strong Knock Off did wonders for it, which allowed it to wear down its checks super easily, with Band sets only needing 2 right turns to ruin counterplay. Blace, in comparison, has neither of those. Dr. Phd Bj compared Blace to Weavile above in that it can Knock Off its switch-ins, come back in later, outdamage possible Regen, and win. I think it's not a very fair comparison because Weavile's Knock Off is much less of a commitment compared to Blace. Due to its paper-thin bulk (btw all these points saying "don't underestimate Blace's defensive profile" make no sense to me, 51/51/74 is pretty awful and its resists, barring the Fighting immunity, don't matter consisting these resisted moves will often chunk it for more than half its health), lack of STAB, lack of Atk investment, and lower speed tier, incorrectly clicking Knock is much more punishable than a Weavile incorrectly clicking Knock. I also feel like this comparison lacks in other ways. Blace has a worse speed tier as I already mentioned, but it also lacks priority, its STAB moves have immunities, and lacks the +2 boosting move that made Weavile so threatening if you gave a free turn to it. This means teams are stacking on support to Blace that makes it look broken. The Redflix replay posted above has Wandering Spirit Corviknight to deny Regen and Pikachu to spam Knock on shared checks + threaten stuff Blace hates offensively (assuming it's Galvanize), I've seen teams run Wandering Spirit Corviknight + a Heatran set consisting of MS/Toxic/Taunt/Rocks in order to support Blace, and when Blace isn't supported well, it can show how disappointing it is (e.g this replay here shows Eggs not supporting Blace well, and it does nothing but Knock Mandibuzz, which didn't matter because they couldn't get Rocks up anyway).

The 3rd point is very strange to me in terms of why people aren't doing it more. It's a top-tier mon for a reason. I expected more people to look at their teams, see Dragonvally as their only SpDef Fire resist, and think "hmmm maybe I should prep a little more for Blace". I will admit, having only one mon to switch into Blace definitely makes it look broken, but having a dedicated switch-in + a midground option or a secondary switch-in makes dealing with Blace much easier, and it isn't hard to fit either. Simply going off the old CorvBlissPert core, you can make Corv a SpDef Flash Fire variant (248/44/212+ lives two LO SBs from full) and still keep Swampert PhyDef for Rocks. Or you can make Swampert RegenVest and outsource the Rocks to another mon like up-and-coming Kommo-O. Using newer cores, investing a little SpDef in your Regen Kommo-O, and having a FF/Primordial Sea Mandibuzz goes a long way in dealing with Blace. These aren't bad mons either, and I feel the turns that Blace has on the field don't automatically win the game if it predicts correctly either. Using this mindset of having a dedicated switch-in + a midground, I was able to build a team that only lost to Blace once (it was running an insane amount of support like WS Corv + that Heatran set I mentioned above + Trick Mew) while doing well against the majority of the meta. Plus, I feel the meta hasn't had time to properly adapt to these Blace-supporting teams. Between the time the announcement was posted on the AAA thread and the time the suspect test was posted, less than a week passed. I am not in the AAA discord, but even being generous and saying a week passed between the start of discussion and the suspect test, I still feel that is too little time for the meta to properly account for the increased Blace usage. If anyone who is in the Discord can tell me when discussion on Blace started, then I will change my mind on this.

Overall, Blace doesn't seem banworthy. There is sufficient counterplay when building and playing (unless they stack an absurd amount of support, which has its own weaknesses) and I feel a majority of the points made against Blace are overblown. I would heavily suggest that people start prepping for Blace more by adding a midground switch-in, and if these teams are consistently losing to Blaces with minimal support, then I will reconsider my stance. But for now, I plan to vote DNB.


-Just watch the replay
-Flash Fire Volcarona
-Skill Swap Bulletproof Jirachi
-SpD Centiskorch
-Misty Surge + Sunny Day Mew
-Solar Power Chandelure
-Smack Down Lando-T (not SD Smack Down, just random Smack Down)
-Magic Bounce Ribombee
-Power-Up Punch Mienshao
-Level 1 Cottonee
-Counter + Copycat Lucario
-Transform Mew
-DD + Head Smash Scrafty
-Magic Bounce Lando-T
-Prankster Grapploct
-Technician Mienshao
-Rest + Bulk Up Incineroar
-Wiki Berry Mixed Garchomp
-Explosion Heatran
-Steel Beam Corviknight (not Magic Guard)
-DD Galvanize Kommo-O
-Grassy Surge Ferrothorn
-Double Dance Galartres
-Zoom Lens + Hyper Beam Slowking
-Curse Shuckle
-Shell Bell Blacephalon
-Dauntless Shield Belly Drum Kommo-O
-Metal Claw Zamazenta
-Screens Uxie
-Calm Mind Lucario
-SD Aerilate Silvally-Flying
-Prankster Bulk Up Corviknight
-Absorb Bulb Lanturn
-MG Nasty Plot Corviknight
-Just a regular Clefable
-Marvel Scale Perish Trap Primarina
-Iron Defense Slowking-Galar
-Physical Technician Hydregion
-Trapper Regieleki (not particularly bad but I got haxxed and almost lost to it)
-Hydro Pump Toxapex
-Magma Storm + Dark Pulse Heatran
-Choice Specs Tornadus
-Swift Swim Octilery
-Power-Up Punch Miltank
-Mixed Pixilate Facade Tapu Koko (this was actually a cool set)
-Primodial Sea + Hurricane Gyarados
-Earthquake Grassy Surge Dhelmise
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will be voting dnb. Honestly, to me in AAA there seems to be a good number of breakers that can't be checked or only specific team structures can check... Tapu Lele, Terrakion, Dhelmise, etc. And basically the whole idea of bulky offense is to win before ur opponent. From my experience, Blacephalon is in a similar category as these guys. You can have some mons that check them for a while, i.e. blissey which will ofc lose long run, but the objective is to win before blacephalon has that chance. I don't feel like the to me, my building has warped at all in a way to check blacephalon. A solid team structure with blissey or a spdef wall should be able to check it long enough so that the other guys can win. Blacephalon may be difficult to chip, but can be game planned vs. accurately such that it has difficulty coming in. I am not a clown, I am the entire circus. Goodbye, #keeptheclown



confirming as ubclown get good
(Redflix the name is for you)
lost 3 games to tnm, 1 because I thought he was good but he was not (scarf kommo-o = fast buddy), the 2 others because he realised that Moltres Dland was a free win LOL - I lost the other game against tect bc he's good (no)

Team I used (better than stalling smh) :
Fly spam (two birds = fly spam yes UT) old but good team, works well on ladder(scarf fini/blissey/ds mew deals with almost everything, skill link chomp is busted, LO dos wins bc it's zapdos)
and an another one that i'll drop sunday

I already gave my opinion on Blace here and it hasn't change at all, it is good but you should be able to play around with soft checks and it doesn't deserve a ban imo. However, I'm not stupid, and it's quite obvious that Blace will get banned after this suspect bc that's how OM suspects n_n and I'm just sharing Atha thoughts


good luck laddering all

(also HUGE apologies to lph (LOL that was an l i thought it was an i) for ~insulting them thoughting it was that noob XxSevagxX you guys confused me soooo much lmao)
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Confirming as UBClown zzz

I am very new to this meta but,I believe that from what i have used on the ladder, Blace definitely strains the builder into everything Flash Fire using things that would be particularly off meta to counter it. Most of the A and A+ and Fini completely lose to it from only one ability stopping it, so therefore i will be voting ban
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Shoutouts Osake for making a stall team that can actually make progress and carrying my reqs. (Quantum Tesseract vs Redflix om swiss) (MZ vs DJ Breloominati omwc)

An observation I have made is that Blacephalon plays very similarly to weavile. They both can knock off their checks' items, and both are able to outlast their checks late game. I think blace being able to knock off opposing heavy-duty boots/av's make it able to go through its checks better than weavile, especially since weavile had to pick between magic guard (avoiding chip damage) or technician (power). Blacephalon can get both because of Mind Blown and 151 spa. They are both pretty frail, hit hard, and have great speed tiers in the meta. There are plenty of differences between them such as weavile getting sd, but I do think it is worth mentioning the similarities.

Something I don't think Blacephalon gets credit for is how great its typing is defensively. It can eat a hit from non ep Heatran, defensive Kommo-o, Mew, Silvally-Dragon, some variants of Tapu Koko, Zamazenta & Genesect, as well as priority from Triage Lele + Grassy Glide Zarude. These mons are very common in the meta, and all of them are ranked somewhere in A barring Zamazenta. I'm not calling blace some defensive tank, but it is tougher to kill than people give it credit for. In a tier with a ton of pivoting, blace is deceptively sufficient and has ample opportunities to click buttons.

In order to slow down Blacephalon, this often takes up an ability (primsea mandibuzz) or an entire mon itself (regenvest incineroar). The replays above show teams that have solid blace counterplay on paper. Blacephalon simply knocks off the regenvest checks, and bullies through them. Blacephalon did get a couple spedef drops that helped it go through Silvally-Rock (sorry Redflix), but I believe that is one of the issues with blace. Even when dedicating a mon, ability, and an item to stop blace, this mon inherently has a 20% chance to go through its most viable checks. Factor in hazards and possible wandering spirit partners, and this mon is borderline impossible to stop, especially without losing momentum. One of the best special walls in the tier is Blissey, and this mon is more often than not hard walled by Blace. The best thing Blissey can do is lose its boots, run twave + teleport, and hope that Blace isn't running a set that can handle it (taunt for regen bliss, sub cm for mbounce/regen bliss). The offensive and defensive counterplay to this mon is very limited, and the good "counter play" oftentimes isn't even good enough to handle Blace. It's almost like a mon with 151 spa spamming a 150 bp move with virutally no drawbacks and an amazing speed tier is... good?
- I'd say the only thing these replays show is that Blace is good at making progress in games that go over 60 turns, and that AV is the worst way - amongst a wide amount - to deal with it. Spitfire and Redflix' teams were particularly bad against Blace, since they had very shaky switchins despite letting Blace in quite often (having 3 mons that let Blace click like both of them here is extremely rare).

- They also show that 1) It needs to come in multiple times to really force tough choices - gets a kill the 5th time it comes in and clicks a move in MZ vs Spitfire, the 7th time in Redflix vs QT. 2) Even if it has a very good matchup, which was the case in both of these games, you can definitely play around it and make the game close - as both games were close, and MZ lost (also Redflix played kinda sus ngl).

- Now here are some world cup games where Blace just didn't show to be any broken :
Let us note that Blace had significantly less than 50% winrate in world cup, even if we count Racool's stolen game. This wouldn't be worth mentionning if Blace was accused of being unhealthy or centralizing, but if we pretend it's broken then it should definitely have at least a slightly above-average winrate.

- Here's a list of Blace checks taken from the current VR. Some of them are niche, which just means you can check Blace with whatever you want :
Regen :garchomp: :swampert: :tapu fini: :blissey: :tyranitar: :silvally: :kommo-o: :landorus-therian: :vaporeon: :primarina: :blastoise: :hydreigon: :diancie: :dragalge: :incineroar: :nihilego:
Flash Fire / Primsea : :mandibuzz: :scizor: :corviknight: :zarude: :bisharp: :landorus-therian: :ferrothorn: :primarina:
Whatever ability : :blissey: :tyranitar: :drampa: :toxapex: etc.

- Now here's the list of all B+ or higher mons Blace can click against :
Defensive :corviknight: :mew: :kommo-o:
Offensive :heatran::tapu lele: :zarude: :togekiss: :zapdos-galar: :dhelmise:
In average you can probably expect to face like 1 of those each game. In comparison to stuff like Azelf, Lele and Terrak, this is very low.

- I don't really have the time and will to get reqs but I highly encourage people to draw some conclusions from what I said here. Very unnecessary ban imo. Once again, if a pokémon is a reliable wincond long term but also comes with some drawbacks (terrible typing, sorry Dr. Phd. BJ, very low utility, requires prime pivoting), it's just a healthy and cool mon.
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Had some fun with a balls to the wall HO team. Sash blacephalon is super nice for HO, it gives you a lifeline in the back without necessarily compromising on power. Also who the hell gave mew spikes?

In a meta where everything can be exceptionally fat with boots and regen it feels like almost any resist (garchomp for example), can easily check Blacephalon and continuously do so over the course of the match. Alternatively, you may choose to completely shut Blacephalon down with primordial sea or flash fire. It's quite strong, but it's also not hard to check, and I don't think it's justifiably banworthy because of that.

ban cinderace pls i hate it
Screen Shot 2021-12-18 at 7.59.01 PM.png

had to play double the matches cause i'm incredibly inconsistent/tend to autopilot on the aaa ladder and kept getting knocked down when i was like .1-.4% away from reqs lmao

mostly used the team made by motherlove: and used my own for a few of my matches:

still kinda on the fence, but seeing dark types that aren't even normally weak to fire or offensive dark types that normally want abilities that magnify their breaking capabilities running off-meta abilities such as primsea/FF that have next to zero use outside of countering blace alone leans me towards voting ban. can hardly think of mons that reliably cover every single blace variant outside of regenvest incin, ttar, drampa, and maybe diancie since they don't take 6000% from its STABs on the switch even after losing their item
I do not want to make this thread a big argument, but I do feel as if I need to reply to some of the previous mentions of my initial post because there appears to be some confusion and misinformation. I also believe multiple people quoting my post targeting the points I made should give me enough of a reason to respond, and give more clarity to my previously aforementioned remarks.

The 1st point and whether or not Shadow Ball drops break blace is not something I'm comfortable talking about, so I'd like to focus on the other two points.

This was not the main point of my post, this was simply something that I mentioned because in many games that I have seen, blace goes through its checks that are healthy with a little rng at times. Blace is always spamming 100% accurate moves, and has a 20% chance to go through some of its checks even when things aren’t going well. Technically speaking, it’s very unlikely to get haxed with this mon. You should know this, in fact, you went through a blace check with a spedef drop during wc

My main issue with previously banned mons like Noivern and Weavile is that they needed minimal support to break past their switch-ins, and often needed fewer turns to do so. Noivern had access to Trick to cripple most defensive mons, and all it really needed was hazards to consistently outdamage Regenerator resists.

You’re saying this as if specs blace isn’t a set (as DeepFriedMagikarp has advocated for above), and that Blace does not learn trick or out damage regenerator with hazards. Is blace on the same level as noivern? Not even close, no. But if you are comparing the two, you should be alluding to Noivern spamming flying stab, not that Noivern can learn Switcheroo and Blace can’t haha get it, because blace learns trick and not switcheroo *pause for laughter*

Weavile having a super strong Knock Off did wonders for it, which allowed it to wear down its checks super easily, with Band sets only needing 2 right turns to ruin counterplay. Blace, in comparison, has neither of those. Dr. Phd Bj compared Blace to Weavile above in that it can Knock Off its switch-ins, come back in later, outdamage possible Regen, and win. I think it's not a very fair comparison because Weavile's Knock Off is much less of a commitment compared to Blace.

Weavile has to knock off rocky helmet, weakening the move for the next time, and will almost never make any progress vs Tapu Fini (only mon in s btw), Cobalion, and as I mentioned, has to pick and choose between getting chipped and power with its sets. This mon can also be checked by intim/dauntless shield users, such as Corviknight and Zamazenta. Dark/Ice is a significantly worse typing defensively than Ghost/Fire, that really isn’t a question. Weavile dies to grassy glide, triage draining kiss, scarf u-turn, koko dazzling gleam, and a bunch of other moves. The point of the comparison wasn’t to put the two mons against each other and say that they are the same, it was to demonstrate that they both are very offensive mons that can outlast their checks. Blace isn't really a committment in the builder, just because one person pairs it with wandering spirit, that does not make it impossible to build with to maximize its potential. Again, these are two very different mons. I am well aware

Due to its paper-thin bulk (btw all these points saying "don't underestimate Blace's defensive profile" make no sense to me, 51/51/74 is pretty awful and its resists, barring the Fighting immunity, don't matter consisting these resisted moves will often chunk it for more than half its health), lack of STAB, lack of Atk investment, and lower speed tier, incorrectly clicking Knock is much more punishable than a Weavile incorrectly clicking Knock. I also feel like this comparison lacks in other ways. Blace has a worse speed tier as I already mentioned, but it also lacks priority, its STAB moves have immunities, and lacks the +2 boosting move that made Weavile so threatening if you gave a free turn to it.

I don’t think mentioning how it can take a hit at full from most mons in A is irrelevant, especially considering blace will always be at full health with magic guard. In both of the replays I initially posted, blace was actually able to take a hit and deal damage in return. Osake made a really good DNB post in the aaa thread, and he mentioned this as well. Choosing to ignore this fact just shows how oblivious you were when reading my previous post and doing research. I didn’t even mention how blace always lives scald from uninvested fini and toxapex, but that clearly doesn’t matter. Blace’s speed tier in comparison to weavile’s isn’t really that far off, there are maybe what, 3 somewhat common mons that fall in that range? Blace is almost always outspeeding 4/6 mons at the bare minimum, similarly to weavile. Weavile incorrectly clicking knock vs blace incorrectly clicking knock is extremely dependent on the situation, and I don’t think it happens as much as you think in actuality. It was a simple comparison between the two, my reasoning to ban isn't simply that blace is special weavile. If that's what you got out of my post, then that is unfortunate.

Screenshot 2021-12-18 11.22.08 PM.png

The 3rd point is very strange to me in terms of why people aren't doing it more. It's a top-tier mon for a reason. I expected more people to look at their teams, see Dragonvally as their only SpDef Fire resist, and think "hmmm maybe I should prep a little more for Blace". I will admit, having only one mon to switch into Blace definitely makes it look broken, but having a dedicated switch-in + a midground option or a secondary switch-in makes dealing with Blace much easier, and it isn't hard to fit either. Simply going off the old CorvBlissPert core, you can make Corv a SpDef Flash Fire variant (248/44/212+ lives two LO SBs from full) and still keep Swampert PhyDef for Rocks. Or you can make Swampert RegenVest and outsource the Rocks to another mon like up-and-coming Kommo-O.

Believe it or not, I think this honestly helps the ban argument more than it hurts it. To me, one of the biggest issues with blace is that you have to check it without an item. This makes building for blace really restrictive, and often makes teams weak to other breakers when trying to solely prep for blace. For example, that 3 mon core listed gets obliterated by cb heracross/terrakion, sflo lele, specs primarina, and others. I also don’t know how you can have a mid ground when blace is more often than not, life orb, meaning it is not locked into a move. This is basically just saying “use Blissey or make 50/50 reads”, not giving actual counterplay to blace. If I need to dedicate 3 mons in the builder just for blace, that is the very definition of centralizing, and sounds more than ban worthy in my eyes. When comparing blace to other breakers, they are generally more susceptible to chip damage, easier to pressure with priority, slightly less strong, less fast (most not all), worse typing defensively, don’t go through their “counters” as consistently as blace, less spammable stabs, have to risk inaccurate moves vs checks, choiced breakers can struggle with protect + check, or they can’t knock off opposing items.


That's cool and all, but please do not use my post to advocate for something unrelated to this thread. Thank you xoxo

- I'd say the only thing these replays show is that Blace is good at making progress in games that go over 60 turns, and that AV is the worst way - amongst a wide amount - to deal with it. Spitfire and Redflix' teams were particularly bad against Blace, since they had very shaky switchins despite letting Blace in quite often (having 3 mons that let Blace click like both of them here is extremely rare).

While the replays aren’t perfect, it is more than good enough to show how blace can go through its checks. QT could’ve knocked the silvally about 25 turns earlier safely and started out damaging regen sooner rather than later. However, this was not the case. You can mention having av mons being “shaky switchins,” however that’s the best way of checking most special attackers in the meta. In addition, you also relied on regenvest mons during wc to check blace, but I guess that means nothing.

- They also show that 1) It needs to come in multiple times to really force tough choices - gets a kill the 5th time it comes in and clicks a move in MZ vs Spitfire, the 7th time in Redflix vs QT. 2) Even if it has a very good matchup, which was the case in both of these games, you can definitely play around it and make the game close - as both games were close, and MZ lost (also Redflix played kinda sus ngl).

Blace could’ve gotten a kill the second time it was sent in on turn 27, but MZ decided to switch out for whatever reason instead of clicking shadow ball safely (which would’ve 2hko’d the zapdos that was switched in). Again, QT could've easily initiated a blace sequence sooner. I also think blace having a good matchup and being “played around” isn’t the best logic, and looking at the winner of each match is rather misleading when actually going into more detail. I will elaborate upon this later in the post. I would rather see blace lose while showing signs of being unhealthy rather than see it win and do nothing. You can argue that those replays aren't perfect or that x player played "sus," however I think the blace player could've played better in each replay as well.

I’ll start from the top and go down. The first replay shows off scarf blace vs primsea mandibuzz + prank pex, definitely not a great matchup for blace here. However, blace is able to trick the mandibuzz and click shadow ball a bunch of times vs toxapex. blace had a lot of opportunities to click buttons, and was on the field for quite a lot of this game all things considered. Not only that, but anytime it clicked shadow ball, the opponent was essentially forced to recover and just lose momentum. When prepping for blace, the opposing team was extremely susceptible to cb zydog. Unfortunately, zydog was unnecessarily sac’d which gives the blace user an L despite a more than winnable mu.

Next replay shows a flash fire mandibuzz + regenfini, again there’s a theme here (fire immune mandibuzz + fat water with longevity). Unfortunately, the blace user couldn’t really make progress with anything in this game. Once zapdos was tricked, the game was pretty much downhill from there. Even though there isn’t really a complimentary breaker with blace, I’ll accept this replay as blace being healthy I guess.

The third replay showcases a stall team in aaa (lol). However, it is a bit funny that the stall user has a tyranitar. Tyranitar has almost no niche in aaa right now, aside from exclusively checking blace. I also think it’s worth pointing out that once ttar died, blace still technically won late game. In general, stall isn’t the most common in aaa, and this replay doesn’t really show blace being healthy for the meta, especially when looking at the team composition. AAA is very balance/bulky offense oriented, saying that the replays I listed were rare good blace mus while linking a stall replay is very interesting to say the least.

The final replay shows blace vs av chomp as the check. Unfortunately, I think this game is more of a zapdos moment than anything. The Blace player’s removal also couldn’t keep rocks off the field, so their team just lost to zapdos + rocks before blace could really do much. Even then, blace did knock the Garchomp and almost get the 2hko on it before the battle ended. If zapdos + rocks tran didn’t have amazing mu, it was very likely that blace just bullies through that team, especially since it outsped five of the six mons.

Let us note that Blace had significantly less than 50% winrate in world cup, even if we count Racool's stolen game. This wouldn't be worth mentionning if Blace was accused of being unhealthy or centralizing, but if we pretend it's broken then it should definitely have at least a slightly above-average winrate.

Tournament winrate is not a good metric when assessing how healthy something is in a specific way by itself. Camomons banned spectrier, even though it had a 44.44% win rate in world cup. STABmons banned dragonite even though it had a 30% win rate in world cup. Blace falls in between the two at 37.50% (not including atha vs racool remake which would make it exactly 50% [4/8 instead of 3/8]). In blace’s case, I think this mon just simply isn’t a tournament pick. When playing in tours, people tend to prepare for the meta’s top threats more than normal. People tend to use safer, bulkier builds as a general rule. Blace actually goes against both of these philosophies, since it is extremely frail and extensively prepped for by most teams. Despite the small sample size, blace showed a restriction to the builder in these games, in addition to the ability to break through its more viable checks. World cup winrate doesn’t include ladder games, room tours, test games, om swiss/circuit winrate, and others in which it is generally agreed upon that blace is either one of very unhealthy, or broken. I also find it funny how you essentially lied about the winrate in wc to support your argument, whether that is intentional or unintentional idk.

- Here's a list of Blace checks taken from the current VR. Some of them are niche, which just means you can check Blace with whatever you want :
Regen :garchomp: :swampert: :tapu fini: :blissey: :tyranitar: :silvally: :kommo-o: :landorus-therian: :vaporeon: :primarina: :blastoise: :hydreigon: :diancie: :dragalge: :incineroar: :nihilego:
Flash Fire / Primsea : :mandibuzz: :scizor: :corviknight: :zarude: :bisharp: :landorus-therian: :ferrothorn: :primarina:
Whatever ability : :blissey: :tyranitar: :drampa: :toxapex: etc.

- Now here's the list of all B+ or higher mons Blace can click against :
Defensive :corviknight: :mew: :kommo-o:
Offensive :heatran::tapu lele: :zarude: :togekiss: :zapdos-galar: :dhelmise:
In average you can probably expect to face like 1 of those each game. In comparison to stuff like Azelf, Lele and Terrak, this is very low.

I’m just gonna skip over many of the regen answers, since many are niche or have been generally agreed upon as unreliable checks. The ff/primsea answers are almost all very niche barring mandibuzz, and either don’t switch into shadow ball or do not have longevity. Blissey also isn’t a blace counter by definition, if blace is taunt and blissey is not magic bounce it loses, period. The fourth move on blace is very interchangeable. I have read a lot of messages in the om disc that think toxic is mandatory fsr. Blace can easily run toxic/taunt/calm mind/explosion/expanding force depending on the team and what they want to hit. Looking solely at what blace gets a free chance to click something on is also a very paper thing, in actuality blace forces out the majority of the tier if they are at 60% or lower. Newsflash, pokemon eventually take damage in every game ever

- I don't really have the time and will to get reqs but I highly encourage people to draw some conclusions from what I said here. Very unnecessary ban imo. Once again, if a pokémon is a reliable wincond long term but also comes with some drawbacks (terrible typing, sorry Dr. Phd. BJ, very low utility, requires prime pivoting), it's just a healthy and cool mon.

I do think people should draw conclusions for themselves, after all that is why the council has allowed for there to be a suspect in the first place. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I respect people who do not want blace to be banned, I just ask that there is fundamentally sound logic and accurate information about the stance. I do not appreciate my post getting quoted multiple times to try shifting the narrative, especially when there is flawed logic. Also the typing is not terrible, agree to disagree n_n
I do not want to make this thread a big argument, but I do feel as if I need to reply to some of the previous mentions of my initial post because there appears to be some confusion and misinformation. I also believe multiple people quoting my post targeting the points I made should give me enough of a reason to respond, and give more clarity to my previously aforementioned remarks.

This was not the main point of my post, this was simply something that I mentioned because in many games that I have seen, blace goes through its checks that are healthy with a little rng at times. Blace is always spamming 100% accurate moves, and has a 20% chance to go through some of its checks even when things aren’t going well. Technically speaking, it’s very unlikely to get haxed with this mon. You should know this, in fact, you went through a blace check with a spedef drop during wc

You’re saying this as if specs blace isn’t a set (as DeepFriedMagikarp has advocated for above), and that Blace does not learn trick or out damage regenerator with hazards. Is blace on the same level as noivern? Not even close, no. But if you are comparing the two, you should be alluding to Noivern spamming flying stab, not that Noivern can learn Switcheroo and Blace can’t haha get it, because blace learns trick and not switcheroo *pause for laughter*

Weavile has to knock off rocky helmet, weakening the move for the next time, and will almost never make any progress vs Tapu Fini (only mon in s btw), Cobalion, and as I mentioned, has to pick and choose between getting chipped and power with its sets. This mon can also be checked by intim/dauntless shield users, such as Corviknight and Zamazenta. Dark/Ice is a significantly worse typing defensively than Ghost/Fire, that really isn’t a question. Weavile dies to grassy glide, triage draining kiss, scarf u-turn, koko dazzling gleam, and a bunch of other moves. The point of the comparison wasn’t to put the two mons against each other and say that they are the same, it was to demonstrate that they both are very offensive mons that can outlast their checks. Blace isn't really a committment in the builder, just because one person pairs it with wandering spirit, that does not make it impossible to build with to maximize its potential. Again, these are two very different mons. I am well aware

I don’t think mentioning how it can take a hit at full from most mons in A is irrelevant, especially considering blace will always be at full health with magic guard. In both of the replays I initially posted, blace was actually able to take a hit and deal damage in return. Osake made a really good DNB post in the aaa thread, and he mentioned this as well. Choosing to ignore this fact just shows how oblivious you were when reading my previous post and doing research. I didn’t even mention how blace always lives scald from uninvested fini and toxapex, but that clearly doesn’t matter. Blace’s speed tier in comparison to weavile’s isn’t really that far off, there are maybe what, 3 somewhat common mons that fall in that range? Blace is almost always outspeeding 4/6 mons at the bare minimum, similarly to weavile. Weavile incorrectly clicking knock vs blace incorrectly clicking knock is extremely dependent on the situation, and I don’t think it happens as much as you think in actuality. It was a simple comparison between the two, my reasoning to ban isn't simply that blace is special weavile. If that's what you got out of my post, then that is unfortunate.

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Believe it or not, I think this honestly helps the ban argument more than it hurts it. To me, one of the biggest issues with blace is that you have to check it without an item. This makes building for blace really restrictive, and often makes teams weak to other breakers when trying to solely prep for blace. For example, that 3 mon core listed gets obliterated by cb heracross/terrakion, sflo lele, specs primarina, and others. I also don’t know how you can have a mid ground when blace is more often than not, life orb, meaning it is not locked into a move. This is basically just saying “use Blissey or make 50/50 reads”, not giving actual counterplay to blace. If I need to dedicate 3 mons in the builder just for blace, that is the very definition of centralizing, and sounds more than ban worthy in my eyes. When comparing blace to other breakers, they are generally more susceptible to chip damage, easier to pressure with priority, slightly less strong, less fast (most not all), worse typing defensively, don’t go through their “counters” as consistently as blace, less spammable stabs, have to risk inaccurate moves vs checks, choiced breakers can struggle with protect + check, or they can’t knock off opposing items.

That's cool and all, but please do not use my post to advocate for something unrelated to this thread. Thank you xoxo

While the replays aren’t perfect, it is more than good enough to show how blace can go through its checks. QT could’ve knocked the silvally about 25 turns earlier safely and started out damaging regen sooner rather than later. However, this was not the case. You can mention having av mons being “shaky switchins,” however that’s the best way of checking most special attackers in the meta. In addition, you also relied on regenvest mons during wc to check blace, but I guess that means nothing.

Blace could’ve gotten a kill the second time it was sent in on turn 27, but MZ decided to switch out for whatever reason instead of clicking shadow ball safely (which would’ve 2hko’d the zapdos that was switched in). Again, QT could've easily initiated a blace sequence sooner. I also think blace having a good matchup and being “played around” isn’t the best logic, and looking at the winner of each match is rather misleading when actually going into more detail. I will elaborate upon this later in the post. I would rather see blace lose while showing signs of being unhealthy rather than see it win and do nothing. You can argue that those replays aren't perfect or that x player played "sus," however I think the blace player could've played better in each replay as well.

I’ll start from the top and go down. The first replay shows off scarf blace vs primsea mandibuzz + prank pex, definitely not a great matchup for blace here. However, blace is able to trick the mandibuzz and click shadow ball a bunch of times vs toxapex. blace had a lot of opportunities to click buttons, and was on the field for quite a lot of this game all things considered. Not only that, but anytime it clicked shadow ball, the opponent was essentially forced to recover and just lose momentum. When prepping for blace, the opposing team was extremely susceptible to cb zydog. Unfortunately, zydog was unnecessarily sac’d which gives the blace user an L despite a more than winnable mu.

Next replay shows a flash fire mandibuzz + regenfini, again there’s a theme here (fire immune mandibuzz + fat water with longevity). Unfortunately, the blace user couldn’t really make progress with anything in this game. Once zapdos was tricked, the game was pretty much downhill from there. Even though there isn’t really a complimentary breaker with blace, I’ll accept this replay as blace being healthy I guess.

The third replay showcases a stall team in aaa (lol). However, it is a bit funny that the stall user has a tyranitar. Tyranitar has almost no niche in aaa right now, aside from exclusively checking blace. I also think it’s worth pointing out that once ttar died, blace still technically won late game. In general, stall isn’t the most common in aaa, and this replay doesn’t really show blace being healthy for the meta, especially when looking at the team composition. AAA is very balance/bulky offense oriented, saying that the replays I listed were rare good blace mus while linking a stall replay is very interesting to say the least.

The final replay shows blace vs av chomp as the check. Unfortunately, I think this game is more of a zapdos moment than anything. The Blace player’s removal also couldn’t keep rocks off the field, so their team just lost to zapdos + rocks before blace could really do much. Even then, blace did knock the Garchomp and almost get the 2hko on it before the battle ended. If zapdos + rocks tran didn’t have amazing mu, it was very likely that blace just bullies through that team, especially since it outsped five of the six mons.

Tournament winrate is not a good metric when assessing how healthy something is in a specific way by itself. Camomons banned spectrier, even though it had a 44.44% win rate in world cup. STABmons banned dragonite even though it had a 30% win rate in world cup. Blace falls in between the two at 37.50% (not including atha vs racool remake which would make it exactly 50% [4/8 instead of 3/8]). In blace’s case, I think this mon just simply isn’t a tournament pick. When playing in tours, people tend to prepare for the meta’s top threats more than normal. People tend to use safer, bulkier builds as a general rule. Blace actually goes against both of these philosophies, since it is extremely frail and extensively prepped for by most teams. Despite the small sample size, blace showed a restriction to the builder in these games, in addition to the ability to break through its more viable checks. World cup winrate doesn’t include ladder games, room tours, test games, om swiss/circuit winrate, and others in which it is generally agreed upon that blace is either one of very unhealthy, or broken. I also find it funny how you essentially lied about the winrate in wc to support your argument, whether that is intentional or unintentional idk.

I’m just gonna skip over many of the regen answers, since many are niche or have been generally agreed upon as unreliable checks. The ff/primsea answers are almost all very niche barring mandibuzz, and either don’t switch into shadow ball or do not have longevity. Blissey also isn’t a blace counter by definition, if blace is taunt and blissey is not magic bounce it loses, period. The fourth move on blace is very interchangeable. I have read a lot of messages in the om disc that think toxic is mandatory fsr. Blace can easily run toxic/taunt/calm mind/explosion/expanding force depending on the team and what they want to hit. Looking solely at what blace gets a free chance to click something on is also a very paper thing, in actuality blace forces out the majority of the tier if they are at 60% or lower. Newsflash, pokemon eventually take damage in every game ever

I do think people should draw conclusions for themselves, after all that is why the council has allowed for there to be a suspect in the first place. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I respect people who do not want blace to be banned, I just ask that there is fundamentally sound logic and accurate information about the stance. I do not appreciate my post getting quoted multiple times to try shifting the narrative, especially when there is flawed logic. Also the typing is not terrible, agree to disagree n_n
Hey thanks for the clear and on point answer, my bad if you felt I shifted the narrative with some flawed logic. I don't wanna go into too much detail again, but I felt it's important to clarify some stuff.

- It feels like you're making a confusion between broken and unhealthy. By going into the replays and showing Blace can beat any answer over the course of the game, you're arguing it's broken (ie you can't stop it reliably, and it's able to click moves often enough for this to be a problem). By showing how, in those replays, people go out their way in the builder to try stopping Blace (Water type + FF Mandi, Regen Ttar etc.), you argue that it's unhealthy, because it forces stuff that you wouldn't want to use on your team.

An unhealthy pokémon isn't necessarily broken, in fact it isn't more often than not : Weavile forced Fini on a majority of teams, but Fini was a very reliable answer that Weavile couldn't really beat ; Noivern forced some specific answer but it just couldn't beat them without strong support - these were unhealthy and not broken. A broken pokémon isn't necessarily unhealthy : Kyurem could beat pretty much anything but didn't force specific structures onto teams, because there was a wide variety of ways to deal with it in practice, even if these were all somewhat shaky.

Now with that in mind, maybe the point I was making in my previous post gets more clear. The pokémon's winrate in a big tournament is definitely relevant when people pretend it's broken, but it's not when they pretend it's unhealthy. Camomons banned Spectrier because it restricted building too much, not because it could beat anything. A broken pokémon should have a good winrate. However I agree pointing world cup stats isn't the most solid argument, it's just a sign of Blace not being as strong as some say.

You also now get why I made a big list of mostly niche stuff that can beat Blace. The point wasn't to show that it isn't broken, as it can beat most of these mid-long term, but rather to show that it isn't unhealthy, because you can always find, amongst all those check, on that fits correctly into your team.

- Out of broken and unhealthy, Blace is definitely more broken than unhealthy. But once again, and you seem to agree since you say yourself that there are some games where Blace just doesn't work, and that "Blace isn't a tournament pick" (which is tough for a supposedly broken pokémon that people can't prepare for properly in the first place) I have yet to see signs of it being as unfair as some say.
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