Serious Stress and Anxiety

Hey COTM. I'm making this poll to talk about stress and having it. Do I have anxiety?

It's honestly very annoying to have stress. My body starts heating up, and its hard to breathe. It feels like someone is pushing on my chest, and I wanna break down and, really, just cry sometimes.

Is that anxiety?
Stress in response to what? If your physical reaction is that intense, you should seriously consider seeing a medical professional to confirm that it is anxiety and then go from there to deal with it, whether that's something like therapy. At the very least you should probably be telling this to someone in your life that is a responsible adult...
That sounds more like a panic attack, and you should see a doctor or therapist about those. Regular stress doesn't do that.
Definitely recommend seeking professional help. I was having similar issues a few years ago and it was interfering with my education+personal life, so I sought out a therapist. He helped me work through my issues and I've been over a year anxiety free! So I hope that a therapist can help with your issues as well.
try meditating twice throughout the day. Anxiety is just worrisome thoughts in the brain, and thats all it is is thoughts. Learning to let go of that brain control and how to empty your mind truly helps with dealing with generalized anxiety. I typically meditate once when i wake up and once before i go to sleep.
Yoga is a great exercise routine for meditation, concentration, and flexibility that would reduce your stress levels. Also, a healthy diet works, I blend fruits, vegetables, and grains into a smoothie, this works too. I do this weekly. The most stressful situation is usually the incorrect environment to live in. It could be school, family, and legal issues. Working on your goals, being patient, make better friends, and boosting income will help a lot.
Gonna echo what the others have said and suggest you talk to a physician about your problems. Anxiety is no joke and can have a crippling effect on your life if left untreated, so don't sleep on it. If you do have GAD and get it treated, your life will feel loads better.