Other UMPL - Manager Sign ups


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Manager sign ups of Unofficial Metagame Premier League

Alola everyone. cromagnet, Jett and I will be hosting this tournament

This tournament will feature 4 of previous unofficial metagames, AG, 1v1, NFE & ZU. It will be a premier league format where 6 different teams will face in 8 intense battles each week (2 Bo1 per tier except for 1v1 where it's a Bo5). You can find more informations there.

This is the thread for managers to sign up alongside their assistant manager. We are looking for people with great experience in at least one of these tiers, previous manager experience, and we really encourage a diversity of tiers played between a manager & their assistant manager to have the most balanced team. Manager and their assistants are both allowed to purchase themselves as players for 15,000 per person.

The duty of managers & assistant managers are :

- Buying a team with at least 10 slots (8 starters and 2 subs).
- Sending lineups in time.
- Making sure every game is scheduled for and played.
- Facilitating substitutions if it is necessary.

Assistant manager:
Team Name:

Sign ups will close monday 5th April.
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Manager: Yami
Assistant manager: Pannuracotta
Team Name: Gotei 13 Garchomps
Bio: I am currently managing 1v1pl and my team is in finals and also managing uufpl. I also managed ndwc and omfpl and the first team got to semis. while the latter my team won. I currently am very active in both AG and 1v1, and know the playerbases in nfe and zu well enough to make a decent draft. Pannuracotta has gotten some AG success, having played in AG snake and being top 8 in the latest seasonal. He has also played in other team tours and knows the playerbase for the tiers.
Manager: Yami
Assistant manager: Pannuracotta
Team Name: Gotei 13 Garchomps
Bio: I am currently managing 1v1pl and my team is in finals and also managing uufpl. I also managed ndwc and omfpl and the first team got to semis. while the latter my team won. I currently am very active in both AG and 1v1, and know the playerbases in nfe and zu well enough to make a decent draft. Pannuracotta has gotten some AG success, having played in AG snake and being top 8 in the latest seasonal. He has also played in other team tours and knows the playerbase for the tiers.
confirming, i want likes.
Manager: Rav3ndan
Assistant manager: professor tox
Team Name: TBA
We both are active in the ZU and NFE communities, having both had decent success as players in individual tours for either meta game.
We also good community networks to allow us to identify a good drafting plan for AG & 1v1.
Aside from this, it would be both our first opportunity to manage in a team tour and provide us with a good opportunity to grow this smogon based skill set.
Tox is also a quality chat presence/mass tagger to build strong rapport whilst I have a strong gif game
Manager: Rav3ndan
Assistant manager: professor tox
Team Name: TBA
We both are active in the ZU and NFE communities, having both had decent success as players in individual tours for either meta game.
We also good community networks to allow us to identify a good drafting plan for AG & 1v1.
Aside from this, it would be both our first opportunity to manage in a team tour and provide us with a good opportunity to grow this smogon based skill set.
Tox is also a quality chat presence/mass tagger to build strong rapport whilst I have a strong gif game
Manager: zio
Assistant manager: UBERLandon21
Team Name: Zealous Zweilous
Bio: I come from 1v1 having managed 1v1WCup leading that team to winning the tour and am currently semis tiebreak for 1v1PL as manager, Landon also managed two WCups. I also won NFEPL and Landon made semis so the knowledge there should be solid. Landon has great knowledge of the ZU tier and community. We're both willing to learn the AG community and make sure our team is the best it can be.
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Manager: DurzaOffTopic
Assistant manager: Zesty43
Team Name: TBA
Bio: As of my recent demotion from all positions in ZU, I am now one of the chosen few to reach the status of “disgraced” (or formerly disgraced) in all four of the tiers participating in this tournament! Fortunately, I have gained a plethora of knowledge of both the playerbases and the metas themselves of all four communities to a level that I doubt many others actually posses. While my ego used to be a hinderance in the past, a somewhat sobering OMPL experience taught me that perhaps I cannot singlehandedly roll the entire NFE playerbase and that they deserve more respect than I had given them.

However, despite my poor OMPL showing in NFE, my recent promotion to Silver IV in League of Legends (prior to my account getting permanently banned for toxicity) has given me the confidence I needed to know I have the ability to draft a winning team with mental fortitude of steel (luckily, only one of the hosts is a dirty Kai’sa abuser like myself and won’t tell the other two I’m ELO-inflated).

I have had a deep history in all of the tiers in this tournament and am quite excited to demonstrate my capabilities as a manager once more. I have been known to fight for my team more than any other; and I have had many years of subforum premier league experience under my belt, as I was only good enough to barely slurp my way into just one official team tournament in my time on Smogon. As a former council member of both ZU and NFE, a longtime AG and 1v1 player and enjoyer, a user with more experience managing and playing in tournaments than the majority of signups here likely will, and someone with many friends and thorough knowledge of playerbases across all four diverse communities, I believe that I would be a perfect fit for manager of this tour.

My co-manager, Zesty, famously known as both “DaZesty” (Lets Gooo!) and “The Finchslayer” (for reasons only obii and TDK know) also has a deep history in the tiers mentioned, particularly in AG, where he was a top player for many years. Zesty remains steadfast in his beliefs that ABR has "LMS" (Liquor, Money, Sex; or Little Man Syndrome - whichever fits better). When not writing his latest billboard topper in rap music, Zesty can be found arm-chairing starmaster’s games in the SmogTours lobby or taking numerous shots at The Jerk in prediction posts all over Smogon. Zesty is a proven competent player and manager who I have worked with many times in the past and would be honored to do so again for this tournament.
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Manager: SBPC
Assistant Manager: PinkDragonTamer
Team Name: Heavy-Duty Shedinjas
Both myself and PDT come from a large background of team tour experience, with myself having managed a playoffs contending team in OMPL, managed and played in both ZUPL 1 and 2, as well as managing in NFEPL 4. PDT was a Grand Slam finalist, and has played for the winning AG Snake team as well as the winning OMPL team, while also having played in the most recent AGPL. We will draft a team with active chat presence because we believe it is essential to winning in a team environment, as well as being able to provide building support across all tiers.
Manager: SBPC
Assistant Manager: PinkDragonTamer
Team Name: Heavy-Duty Shedinjas
Both myself and PDT come from a large background of team tour experience, with myself having managed a playoffs contending team in OMPL, managed and played in both ZUPL 1 and 2, as well as managing in NFEPL 4. PDT was a Grand Slam finalist, and has played for the winning AG Snake team as well as the winning OMPL team, while also having played in the most recent AGPL. We will draft a team with active chat presence because we believe it is essential to winning in a team environment, as well as being able to provide building support across all tiers.
Manager: S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
Assistant manager: Guard
Team Name: We Sawk!
Read my signature :heart: I also managed teams in the last editions of NFEPL and ZUPL, and I even took my ZUPL team to finals. I also had a short stunt in 1v1PL a couple years ago, but that's unsubstantial. Guard and I are qualified for 3/4 metas and should only needed limited, if any, research into 1v1 for a successful draft. Sry in advance for the name.

Manager: S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
Assistant manager: Guard
Team Name: We Sawk!
Read my signature :heart: I also managed teams in the last editions of NFEPL and ZUPL, and I even took my ZUPL team to finals. I also had a short stunt in 1v1PL a couple years ago, but that's unsubstantial. Guard and I are qualified for 3/4 metas and should only needed limited, if any, research into 1v1 for a successful draft. Sry in advance for the name.

Confirming :blobthumbsup:
Manager: Dragonillis
Assistant manager: LBDC
Team Name: Star Road Lunala
Bio: LBDC and I were captain of french teamtour, together or not, and after the OM World Cup III, it's time to be captain of an another smogon teamtour !We know the playerbase of all format, NFE and ZU for myself, 1v1 and AG for LBDC. Also my co-cap won the 1v1PL IV !
C'est partit pour une nouvelle aventure mon cher LaBalladeDesCieux wighappy.png


Gros merci à DF-Shock pour le logo <3
Manager: Jamez
Assistant manager: Temporal Totodile
Team name: Aesthetic Articunos
bio: I have a lot of experience managing in 1v1 team tours and I mainly just come from 1v1. I’ve managed in 2 of the 1v1 premier leagues, 1v1pl 3 and this current 1v1pl 5. The current 1v1pl is also still going and the team I am co managing is in finals. I’ve also managed in 1v1 World Cup and we reached finals that year. Overall, I’ve played in a bunch of 1v1 team tours and managed a handful of them. I also have been in the 1v1 community for a while and have a very good understanding of the player base.
My assistant manager, Temporal Totodile comes from the zu community mainly but also knows the nfe community. He knows both of the player bases for these communities very well. And while he does not have managing experience, he’s a very good person and can definitely be a good manager. He has driver in the zu room which means he is an active, kind community member and can fulfill the role of a co manager. (He will also bring our team good luck) Together we can cover 3/4 of the tiers in this tournament being zu, nfe, and 1v1, but we both will learn more about the ag community and player base to make our team the best it can be.
Manager: Quantum Tesseract
Assistant manager: Catalystic
Team Name: Gliding Grookey
Bio: I've managed in a whole host of team tours, including twice for 1v1PL and a second place performance for AGPL 1. I made Semis in NFE Open and had an extremely strong record in ZUPL 1, where the team I was on just narrowly fell short of the championship. Catalystic, meanwhile, is a top level AG player who also has experience in the most recent NFEPL and ZUPL, including the second best record for the former. Between the two of us, we should cover and be able to help out in all four metagames.
Manager: Jamez
Assistant manager: Temporal Totodile
Team name: Aesthetic Articunos
bio: I have a lot of experience managing in 1v1 team tours and I mainly just come from 1v1. I’ve managed in 2 of the 1v1 premier leagues, 1v1pl 3 and this current 1v1pl 5. The current 1v1pl is also still going and the team I am co managing is in finals. I’ve also managed in 1v1 World Cup and we reached finals that year. Overall, I’ve played in a bunch of 1v1 team tours and managed a handful of them. I also have been in the 1v1 community for a while and have a very good understanding of the player base.
My assistant manager, Temporal Totodile comes from the zu community mainly but also knows the nfe community. He knows both of the player bases for these communities very well. And while he does not have managing experience, he’s a very good person and can definitely be a good manager. He has driver in the zu room which means he is an active, kind community member and can fulfill the role of a co manager. (He will also bring our team good luck) Together we can cover 3/4 of the tiers in this tournament being zu, nfe, and 1v1, but we both will learn more about the ag community and player base to make our team the best it can be.
Manager: Hitmonstars
Assistant manager:risin_glory
Team Name: Golden Duck Psyducks
Bio: Me and risin are both prominent Zu players and risin is a great 1v1 player, we both know the nfe community very well as well and have good connections allowing us to easily obtain great players from every tier,I was also a Zupl 2 player so I know about how PLs work,We both are very active and prevelent ps users and could easily manage a team,Our greatest stregth is how dedicated we are,The two of us cover 3/4 of the tiers and are dedicated to find out and learn more about the ag community. As we both have not much previous managing experience we may not be seen as a strong choice however I believe everyone has to start somewhere and a tournament like this is a great opportunity,Me and risin have spent alot of time researching how to run it and i assure you that we would run our team flawlessly,We would be the underdogs but that doesn't mean we won't try our absolute best to get Golden Duck Psyducks to the very top!

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Assistant manager:risin_glory
Team Name: Golden Duck Psyducks
Bio: Me and risin are both prominent Zu players and risin is a great 1v1 player, we both know the nfe community very well as well and have good connections allowing us to easily obtain great players from every tier,I was also a Zupl 2 player so I know about how PLs work,We both are very active and prevelent ps users and could easily manage a team,Our greatest stregth is how dedicated we are,The two of us cover 3/4 of the tiers and are dedicated to find out and learn more about the ag community. As we both have not much previous managing experience we may not be seen as a strong choice however I believe everyone has to start somewhere and a tournament like this is a great opportunity,Me and risin have spent alot of time researching how to run it and i assure you that we would run our team flawlessly,We would be the underdogs but that doesn't mean we won't try our absolute best to get Golden Duck Psyducks to the very top!

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Thank you everyone for your participation. The selection has been hard, nevertheless, we have now our six teams:

The Aesthetic Articuno managed by Jamez and Temporal Totodile
The Gliding Grookey managed by Quantum Tesseract and Catalystic
The Mankey Monkes managed by Skysolo and Marjane
The Star Road Lunala managed by Dragonillis and LBDC
The Zealous Zweilous managed by zio and UBERLandon21
We Sawk! managed by S1nn0hC0nfirm3d and Guard

Congratulations for your selection! We ask every manager to join the UMPL discord the soonest possible ~