NOC Vote n' Veto NOC Mafia - Game Thread [Game Over - Town Win!]

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Guess who's late to the end of the game?


At the end of this cycle, we wish goodbye to pulsar512b, and with it, the end of the game comes. Due to the way the votecounts work, there is no longer any legitimate pathway for one of the two teams to win.

A member of the mafia. The mafia have been completely voted out. Town wins!

like neon has showed more engagement in this game than most of the actual players.
That does tend to happen when you're stalking thread near-constantly due to a distinct lack of other shit to do.

Kill me..png

Kill me.

ive played against many a mafia who just drop scumreads on me and then just immediately dip once i start giving them heat for it
Didn't I also kinda do that in WW? lol

at least one of the active people is scum
It's me. I'm active people.

which is a jump that im not following
Get better legs smh

its more of a like 'well who else is gonna be scum'.
I literally already said it was me and Jalmont. Were you even fucking paying attention?

i dipped cuz i have class
I constantly stalk thread while I'm at shool, you don't have an excuse!

We know...

Unrelated note: For what it's worth, pulsar feels kinda different from JOAT imo.

celever......? who is dead??
Let's say, hypothetically, I couldn't fucking take it anymore. Then, potentially, I might just make a gigantic message of my responses to various messages that I would just post after game end. That's just a theory, though.

if you don't veto yourself you're scum
Wait wouldn't that mean scum would also veto themselves?
Anyways, Vote ImaginaryNeon

Sorry folks, one or two things on fire so been focusing on other things
Just use Facade smh

I'm not happy about being voted out at LYLO to lose the game again but at least it's less ridiculous this time and people are talking instead of terminally idling.
Meanwhile I'm terminally stalking thread

This of course being entirely irrelevant, obviously.
This of course being entirely irrelevant, obviously.

a lock feature for endgames in this setup might be good if we run this again since theres no hammer
Please no I don't want a rerun of JOAT endgame

but unless im misunderstanding doesnt that mean the game isnt like technically over rn? or am i tripping
no you see im just extremely stupid and forgetful
also feel like maybe this is some sort of bastard game considering LS is being careful w answers but maybe its just how fucked the setup is. imagine if it was tho would be incredible
Weren't we saying this in JOAT?

LS confirmed they wouldnt end game early, due to the technical possibility they can still lose with vetos
There's technically always a possibility for mafia to lose, and it's called being teamed with me self-voting.
I don't know what point I'm making anymore (it's 11:16 PM as of writing this part), but still.

i mean does anyone think theres a world where pulsar is town
i mean does anyone think theres a world where i exist

ok but where was my promised hugs:psytear:
There are none.

Get in the bag.

in neighbor chat tonight if you dont kill me


who hasnt vetoed themselves yet
Today or...?

View attachment 548335
Why are there 75 ppl watching me be touch starved

Holy fuck tf2 reference


this is a great opportunity to plug qırım by jamala go stream it
Kyurem (Pokémon) by Jhala (Brawlhalla) ((real))

bots send me hugs!!!
They did not pick Sniper to give hugs.

humans also send me hugs!!
Do not send him hugs, he is a wanted terrorist.

You know, Emcee, I've put in a not insignificant amount of work this game while having a busy schedule and I've been badgering people (including you) for effort through all of it so forgive me for feeling a little deflated when everyone's talking past me and parking their votes. I'm in bed on discord with friends right now. We're gonna be here for at least a day and a half.

People seem to agree with me on pulsar but want to vote me out anyway. Hard to argue with that, that's preference/ordering.

I've explained my reasoning on just about everything I've done this game and people don't seem to have further questions for me.

So that leaves me with trying to defend myself and argue my case against other potential pulsar scumpartners or other tinfoil theories. And I will do that. I've laid out my case against you in particular, and you as a scumbuddy with pulsar, and I'll reread tomorrow and do it in more detail and explore other theories.

I made a mistake, I'll own that. But I'm not going to get fleeced over it, and I'm not going to tilt myself overarguing with stubborn people either.
I'm too illiterate for this shit rn

you'll take a lick? a light? a leap? perhaps of faith?
Nah, a little bit of gambling.

Apparently Today is a Legal Holiday for the USA
Doesn't sound very Murican of you not to know that.

Ok, I'm somehow not surprised to come back and see minimal activity since I've been gone.
Me not actually being in the game is to blame smh.

*r/kickopenthedoor flashbacks*

like who would do math like just because they want to
Me back in like 6th grade or some shit.

i cant bring myself to to deviate and lose another game for town
Meanwhile I'm sitting here with my 0% winrate thus far...

I’m willing to go for pulsar as the safe-r vote
Bro just went

Vetoes (-)
Ehmcee (1): Ehmcee
Psypsypsypsypsythe (.5): Psypsypsypsypsythe
Blazade (.5): Blazade
pulsar512b (.5): pulsar512b
HydrogenHydregion (.5): HydrogenHydregion
This is truly an
ImaginaryNeon (1) - ImaginaryNeon
I would say I'm proud but that feels weird given the relative experience of everyone here.
And also these are vetoes, not votes.

Votecount 3.2: I should automate the Smogon Hall of Fame...
The what now?

So umm who's here at Deadline
Not like that matters...
Or you'll be able to see this before game end...

The next day begins. It will end:

Nobody has died through the night.
Oh, why is it that nobody's dead?

I GAZ-*dies*

the only way for mc to be scum is if he decided to troll us and prolong the game for absolutely no reason which is just annoying
send help I have a gigantic message I need to send

now zippys looking in thread to tell us i told you so when hydro overruns town :smogduck:
Don't worry if you pick wrong I'll run the other guy over.

maybe hydro is trying to level u
Just like how I'll level him with a semi.

(Hammers don't exist, so this is entirely a fictional scenario)
But I don't wanna wait a whole day and a half...

Lady Salamence pls let us opt into a hammer
Yes let them let my suffering end.

Votecount 4.1: No Hammers, 24H left
Alternative title: Pain.

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