PU Vullaby


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QC: galbia, Magnemite, WhiteDMist
GP: antemortem, frenzyplant

flappy bird jr


With reliable recovery and an excellent support movepool, Vullaby is a very effective tank that is capable of taking hits and removing entry hazards. Vullaby's Dark / Flying typing allows it to check most Psychic- and Ghost-types such as Kadabra and Haunter. Vullaby's niche over other common Defog users lies in its ability to handle offensive and defensive teams with moves like Taunt, which cripples defensive Pokemon, and Foul Play, which heavily damages offensive threats. While Vullaby is quite bulky when equipped with an Eviolite, it relies very heavily on it to consistently take attacks and dislikes the common Knock Off. Furthermore, Vullaby faces competition from other Defog users such as Togetic, which has a much better defensive typing, and Swanna, which has much more offensive presence. Vullaby also has a fairly poor matchup against common entry hazard setters, such as Golem, Barbaracle, Aurorus, and Glalie.

name: Defensive
move 1: Roost
move 2: Defog
move 3: Taunt / Whirlwind
move 4: Foul Play / Knock Off
ability: Overcoat
item: Eviolite
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Careful


Roost provides Vullaby with a reliable form of recovery. Defog removes entry hazards from both sides of the field, a great asset to many teams. Taunt prevents entry hazards from being set or removed with Defog, status from being spread, and setup moves from being used. Alternatively, Whirlwind forces foes to rack up entry hazard damage and phazes out boosted Pokemon. Foul Play prevents Vullaby from being Taunt bait and hits physical attackers for consistent damage. Knock Off can be used to remove enemies' items on the switch in.

Set Details

Maximum Special Defense investment and a Careful nature are used to capitalize on Vullaby's respectable Special Defense stat and allow it to check Psychic- and Ghost-types effectively. 248 HP EVs give Vullaby an odd HP number, allowing it to switch into Stealth Rock five times instead of four. Alternatively, a physically defensive EV spread of 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD with an Impish nature better handles threats such as Tauros, Sawsbuck, Purugly, and Dodrio. Eviolite boosts Vullaby's defenses to very high levels. 44 Speed EVs can be used to let Vullaby outspeed and Taunt uninvested Pelipper, preventing Roost, Defog, and Toxic.

Usage Tips

Vullaby should pivot into resisted or neutral attacks from the likes of Haunter and Kadabra and then threaten them out with a Dark-type attack, giving it an opportunity to use Roost or clear entry hazards with Defog. Vullaby should always stay away from Knock Off users, as it relies on its Eviolite to handle powerful attackers. It is important that Vullaby doesn't switch into offensive Stealth Rock setters such as Marowak, Golem, Barbaracle, and Aurorus, especially if Stealth Rock has already been set up. Vullaby should use Roost against attackers in order to gauge how much damage they can deal, and if they cannot 2HKO Vullaby, it can win one-on-one. When against a physical attacker, Foul Play is generally the safest move to go for, as it deals respectable damage to most physical attackers, such as Tauros and Scyther. Vullaby has a great matchup against most Grass-types, such as Tangela and Roselia, as it takes little damage from their STAB moves and is immune to Tangela's Sleep Powder thanks to Overcoat. When against these Pokemon, Vullaby should use Defog, clearing all entry hazards.

Team Options

Heal Bell support from Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Grumpig is helpful to remove detrimental status conditions from Vullaby, particularly poison, which quickly reduces Vullaby's longevity. Bulky Ground-types such as Golem and Torterra are good teammates to absorb Rock- and Electric-type attacks. Poliwrath is a great partner to complement Vullaby's special bulk with its physical bulk, and Poliwrath is able to handle most Rock- and Ice-types. Most notably, Poliwrath is the best switch-in to Sneasel, which threatens to remove Vullaby's Eviolite with Knock Off or hit it for super effective damage with Ice Punch. Offensive Pokemon that appreciate entry hazard removal, such as Ninetales, Heatmor, Chatot, and Bouffalant, all make for great teammates.

Other Options

Toxic cripples bulky Pokemon and attackers, but Vullaby has trouble fitting it into its moveset. U-turn can be used to gain momentum, but Vullaby is better off staying in to tank hits and deal damage with Foul Play or Knock Off.

Checks & Counters

**Knock Off**: While Vullaby takes little damage from Knock Off, it needs Eviolite to consistently take attacks. Sneasel is a massive problem for Vullaby, as it threatens to remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, but Sneasel cannot switch in safely, as it takes a lot of damage from Foul Play.

**Taunt**: Taunt users such as Misdreavus, Haunter, and Purugly prevent Vullaby from healing or using status moves. These Pokemon take significant damage from Foul Play and don't appreciate losing their item, however, while some other Taunt users ,such as Serperior, Vigoroth, and Barbaracle, can easily Taunt Vullaby with few repercussions.

**Super Effective Moves**: Ice-types such as Sneasel and Rotom-F can threaten out Vullaby with their respective STAB moves. Rotom-F has an easier time switching in, only fearing Knock Off, while Sneasel gets hit hard with Foul Play. Rock-type Pokemon such as Barbaracle, Aurorus, Golem, and Bastiodon are problematic for Vullaby. The former three threaten out Vullaby with their STAB moves, while Bastiodon often carries Magic Coat to bounce back Taunt. Electric-types such as Raichu and Zebstrika threaten to OHKO or 2HKO Vullaby, and they gain momentum with Volt Switch if Vullaby switches out. However, they cannot switch in safely at the risk of losing their items from Knock Off or losing nearly half of their HP to Foul Play. airy-types such as Togetic and Mr. Mime can hit Vullaby hard with a STAB Dazzling Gleam. However, neither appreciate losing their items to Knock Off or being Taunted.

**Offensive Pressure**: While Vullaby has very respectable bulk with Eviolite, it does not have the passive recovery of Leftovers and is forced to use Roost often. As Vullaby is often pressured between healing itself, clearing entry hazards, and attacking, it can be easily overwhelmed.
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Mention that it struggles to beat a lot of the hazards setters because of their se stab (ice or rock) but works well mid game
Slash taunt before whirlwind.
While using vullaby I have always found taunt more useful for a multitude of reasons such as the fact that it stops most cm users better with taunt than whirlwind anyway and that it stops random toxic allowing it to sudo stallbreak

Maybe find some speed benchmarks to be used with taunt

Add more to usage tips such as examples to pokemon vullaby can switch into and use defog against/mention stats that uses toxic or sets up as taunt targets, mention that foul play does a ton to attackers
Mention how well vullaby beats grass types

Add more to team options (poliwrath works well with it even tho they share electric weakness for example, just add more partners)
Remove anything but brave bird, add toxic
Just write this more in depth

Do this and tag me back
Mention that it struggles to beat a lot of the hazards setters because of their se stab (ice or rock) but works well mid game
Slash taunt before whirlwind.
While using vullaby I have always found taunt more useful for a multitude of reasons such as the fact that it stops most cm users better with taunt than whirlwind anyway and that it stops random toxic allowing it to sudo stallbreak

Maybe find some speed benchmarks to be used with taunt

Add more to usage tips such as examples to pokemon vullaby can switch into and use defog against/mention stats that uses toxic or sets up as taunt targets, mention that foul play does a ton to attackers
Mention how well vullaby beats grass types

Add more to team options (poliwrath works well with it even tho they share electric weakness for example, just add more partners)
Remove anything but brave bird, add toxic
Just write this more in depth

Do this and tag me back
Thanks, will do.
Knowing Mont, he's probably going to ask you to 'beef up that C&C' and include real scenarios on when those checks and counters may come into play.
Immediately, I see that Taunt isn't listed under Checks and Counters, even though Vullaby's best moves are blocked by it. While some Taunt users dislike Foul Play (Missy, Haunter, Purugly), there are still Pokes that can easily Taunt Vullaby with few repercussions (Serperior, Vigoroth, Lead Barbaracle (is that a thing?)). Taunt should be listed second imo.

One thing I feel should be emphasized in Usage Tips: Do NOT switch Vullaby in on Stealth Rock setters, especially if Rocks are up. Especially with a specially defensive variant being recommended, Vullaby loses the war of attrition with most offensive setters (Marowak, Golem, the new Barbaracle and Aurorus, etc.).

Tbh, Rock-types might be worth placing above Electric-types in C&C. They can threaten out Vullaby with their STAB moves, and set up Stealth Rock despite Defog. Most take a ton from Foul Play, but unless Vullaby runs Speed, they still outspeed it. Bastiodon does not, but it does run Magic Coat, making it a risk to Taunt.

The Overview should explain why I would want to use Vullaby as my Defogger over something like Pelipper, Swanna, or Togetic. Sure, it can't be hit ith Sleep Powder and being able to take on Haunter is pretty cool. But is this the only reason to use it over Togetic? Vullaby has a bit more offensive power than Togetic and Taunt over Pelipper, and is more of a defensive Defogger unlike Swanna. That said, where does it fit better than the aforementioned competitors? I haven't really used Vullaby much except in the beginnings of PU, but theoretically it works best on balanced teams that need something to mitigate stall teams while not being useless against offense. I could easily be wrong in this assessment, so I would really appreciate other players speaking up about this. tl;dr: The Overview doesn't adequately explain why I want to use Vullaby over others.

Tag me and I'll take one last look after you do this.
Immediately, I see that Taunt isn't listed under Checks and Counters, even though Vullaby's best moves are blocked by it. While some Taunt users dislike Foul Play (Missy, Haunter, Purugly), there are still Pokes that can easily Taunt Vullaby with few repercussions (Serperior, Vigoroth, Lead Barbaracle (is that a thing?)). Taunt should be listed second imo.

One thing I feel should be emphasized in Usage Tips: Do NOT switch Vullaby in on Stealth Rock setters, especially if Rocks are up. Especially with a specially defensive variant being recommended, Vullaby loses the war of attrition with most offensive setters (Marowak, Golem, the new Barbaracle and Aurorus, etc.).

Tbh, Rock-types might be worth placing above Electric-types in C&C. They can threaten out Vullaby with their STAB moves, and set up Stealth Rock despite Defog. Most take a ton from Foul Play, but unless Vullaby runs Speed, they still outspeed it. Bastiodon does not, but it does run Magic Coat, making it a risk to Taunt.

The Overview should explain why I would want to use Vullaby as my Defogger over something like Pelipper, Swanna, or Togetic. Sure, it can't be hit ith Sleep Powder and being able to take on Haunter is pretty cool. But is this the only reason to use it over Togetic? Vullaby has a bit more offensive power than Togetic and Taunt over Pelipper, and is more of a defensive Defogger unlike Swanna. That said, where does it fit better than the aforementioned competitors? I haven't really used Vullaby much except in the beginnings of PU, but theoretically it works best on balanced teams that need something to mitigate stall teams while not being useless against offense. I could easily be wrong in this assessment, so I would really appreciate other players speaking up about this. tl;dr: The Overview doesn't adequately explain why I want to use Vullaby over others.

Tag me and I'll take one last look after you do this.
Implemented, thanks. I was a bit confused regarding the point about the overview, but I think the two sentences I added do a good job of explaining its competition with other defoggers / why you should use it over them. And yeah, anti-lead barbaracle has become a thing I think, with 2 attacks, taunt, and SR. I believe the idea was first brought up in NU because barbaracle has access to tough claws grass knot which has a great matchup against many stealth rock setters, particularly seismitoad and rhydon.
amcheck :heart:
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With reliable recovery and an excellent support movepool, Vullaby is a very effective at tanking that is capable of taking hits and removing entry hazards. Vullaby's great Dark / Flying typing allows it to check most Psychic- and Ghost-types such as Kadabra and Haunter. Overcoat is a great ability that avoids Sleep Powder and residual damage from Sand or Hail. Doesn't belong in Overview, move to Set Details. Vullaby's niche over other common Defog users lies in its ability to handle offensive and defensive teams, between with moves like Taunt to cripple defensive Pokemon and Foul Play to heavily damage offensive threats. Furthermore, Vullaby faces competition from other Defog users such as Togetic, which has a much better defensive typing, and Swanna which has much more offensive presence. While Vullaby is quite bulky when equipped with an Eviolite, it heavily relies on it to consistently take attacks, and dislikes the common use of Knock Off. Furthermore, Vullaby faces competition from other Defog users such as Togetic, which has a much better defensive typing, and Swanna which has much more offensive presence. Sounds awkward when used before this because you say it has a usable niche but then proceed to say why it's outclassed. Vullaby also has a fairly poor matchup against common entry hazard setters, mainly Rock- and Ice-types such as Golem, Barbaracle, Aurorus, and Glalie.

name: Defensive
move 1: Roost
move 2: Defog
move 3: Taunt / Whirlwind
move 4: Foul Play / Knock Off
ability: Overcoat
item: Eviolite
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Careful


Roost provides Vullaby with a reliable form of recovery, allowing Vullaby to regain health taken from repeated attacks and Stealth Rock. Defog removes entry hazards from your both sides of the field, a great asset to many teams. Taunt prevents entry hazards from being set or removed, status from being spread, and setup moves from being used opposing Pokemon. Whirldwind is an option to force the opponent to rack up entry hazard damage on the opponents side of the field, while also phazing phasing out boosting sweepers boosted Pokemon. This sentence implies that Whirlwind is also for sweepers, but it's also useful for Calm Mind users. Foul Play prevents Vullaby from being Taunt bait, and also hits physical attackers for consistent for a lot of damage. Knock Off can be used for utility in the last move(remove space)slot to remove opponents items on the switch in to Vullaby.

Set Details

Maximum Special Defense investment and a Careful nature is used to capitalize on Vullaby's respectable Special Defense stat, and allows it to check Psychic- and Ghost-types consistently effectively. 248 HP EVs give Vullaby an odd HP number in order to be able to switch into Stealth Rock five times instead of four. Alternatively, a physically defensive EV spread of 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD with an Impish nature is viable to better handle threats such as Tauros, Sawsbuck, Purugly, and Dodrio. Eviolite boosts both of Vullaby's defense stats to very high levels. 44 Speed EVs can be used to outspeed uninvested Pelipper to Taunt it, preventing Roost, Defog, or Toxic.

Usage Tips

Vullaby should be used as a to pivot into resisted or neutral attacks from the likes of Haunter and Kadabra to threaten them out with a Dark-type attack, giving it an opportunity to use Roost or clear entry hazards with Defog. Vullaby should always stay away from Knock Off users, as it relies on its Eviolite to handle powerful attackers. It is important that Vullaby should not switch into Stealth Rock setters, such as Marowak, Golem, Barbaracle, and Aurorus, especially if Stealth Rock has already been set up. Vullaby should use Roost against attackers in order to gauge how much damage they can deal, and if they cannot easily 2HKO Vullaby it can win one-on-one. When against a physical attacker, Foul Play is generally the safest move to go for, as it does respectable damage to most physical attackers such as Tauros and Scyther. It should be noted that Vullaby has a great matchup against most Grass-types such as Tangela and Roselia as it resists or takes little damage from their STAB moves, and avoids Sleep Powder from Tangela thanks to Overcoat. When against these Pokemon, Vullaby should use this opportunity to use Defog, clearing all entry hazards from your side of the field.

Team Options

Heal Bell support, from Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Grumpig, is helpful to remove detrimental status conditions from Vullaby, particularly Toxic, which quickly cuts down on Vullaby's longevity. Bulky Ground-types such as Golem and Torterra are good teammates to absorb Rock- and Electric-type attacks aimed at Vullaby. Poliwrath is a great partner to complement Vullaby's special bulk with its physical bulk, and Poliwrath is able to handle most also handles most Rock- and Ice-types. Most notably, Poliwrath is the best switch-in to Sneasel, who threatens to remove Vullaby's Eviolite with Knock Off or hit it for super effective damage with Ice Punch. Offensive Pokemon that appreciate entry hazard removal, such as Ninetales, Heatmor, Chatot, and Bouffalant, all make for great teammates.

Other Options

Toxic puts a timer on opposing cripples bulky Pokemon and attackers, but Vullaby has trouble fitting it into its moveset. U-turn can be used to gain momentum, but Vullaby is better off staying in to tank hits and deal damage with Foul Play or Knock Off.

Checks & Counters

Consider condensing this section. For example, merging Ice-, Rock-, Electric-, and Fairy-type sections into "Types Vullaby is weak to".

**Knock Off**: While Vullaby takes little damage from Knock Off, it needs its Eviolite to consistently take attacks. While Sneasel is a massive problem for VUllaby Vullaby, as it threatens to remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, it cannot switch in safely as it takes a lot of damage from Foul Play.

**Taunt**: Taunt users such as Misdreavus, Haunter, and Purugly prevent Vullaby from healing or using status moves. Those These Pokemon take significant damage from Foul Play and don't appreciate losing their item, while some other Taunt users, such as Serperior, Vigoroth, and Barbaracle can easily Taunt Vullaby with few repercussions.

**Ice-types**: Ice-types, such as Sneasel and Rotom-F, can threaten out Vullaby with their respective STAB moves. Rotom-F has an easier time switching in, only fearing Knock Off, while Sneasel gets hit hard with Foul Play. Sneasel isn't even 3HKOed by Foul Play :/

**Rock-types**: Rock-type Pokemon such as Barbaracle, Aurorus, Golem, and Bastiodon are problematic for Vullaby. The first three threaten out Vullaby with their STAB moves, while Bastiodon often carries Magic Coat to bounce back a Taunt aimed at it.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types, Raichu and Zebstrika, threaten to OHKO or 2HKO Vullaby, and gain momentum with Volt Switch if Vullaby switches out. However, they cannot switch in quite safely at the risk of losing their item from Knock Off or losing nearly half of their HP to Foul Play.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types, such as Togetic and Mr. Mime, can hit Vullaby hard with a STAB Dazzling Gleam. However, neither appreciate losing their item to Knock Off or being Taunted.

**Offensive Pressure**: While Vullaby has very respectable bulk with its Eviolite equipped, it does not have the passive recovery of leftovers and is forced to Roost often. Vullaby is often pressured between healing itself, clearing entry hazards, and attacking the opponent, so it can be easily overwhelmed.[/quote]
amcheck :heart:
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With reliable recovery and an excellent support movepool, Vullaby is a very effective at tanking that is capable of taking hits and removing entry hazards. Vullaby's great Dark / Flying typing allows it to check most Psychic- and Ghost-types such as Kadabra and Haunter. Overcoat is a great ability that avoids Sleep Powder and residual damage from Sand or Hail. Doesn't belong in Overview, move to Set Details. Vullaby's niche over other common Defog users lies in its ability to handle offensive and defensive teams, between with moves like Taunt to cripple defensive Pokemon and Foul Play to heavily damage offensive threats. Furthermore, Vullaby faces competition from other Defog users such as Togetic, which has a much better defensive typing, and Swanna which has much more offensive presence. While Vullaby is quite bulky when equipped with an Eviolite, it heavily relies on it to consistently take attacks, and dislikes the common use of Knock Off. Furthermore, Vullaby faces competition from other Defog users such as Togetic, which has a much better defensive typing, and Swanna which has much more offensive presence. Sounds awkward when used before this because you say it has a usable niche but then proceed to say why it's outclassed. Vullaby also has a fairly poor matchup against common entry hazard setters, mainly Rock- and Ice-types such as Golem, Barbaracle, Aurorus, and Glalie.

name: Defensive
move 1: Roost
move 2: Defog
move 3: Taunt / Whirlwind
move 4: Foul Play / Knock Off
ability: Overcoat
item: Eviolite
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Careful


Roost provides Vullaby with a reliable form of recovery, allowing Vullaby to regain health taken from repeated attacks and Stealth Rock. Defog removes entry hazards from your both sides of the field, a great asset to many teams. Taunt prevents entry hazards from being set or removed, status from being spread, and setup moves from being used opposing Pokemon. Whirldwind is an option to force the opponent to rack up entry hazard damage on the opponents side of the field, while also phazing phasing out boosting sweepers boosted Pokemon. This sentence implies that Whirlwind is also for sweepers, but it's also useful for Calm Mind users. Foul Play prevents Vullaby from being Taunt bait, and also hits physical attackers for consistent for a lot of damage. Knock Off can be used for utility in the last move(remove space)slot to remove opponents items on the switch in to Vullaby.

Set Details

Maximum Special Defense investment and a Careful nature is used to capitalize on Vullaby's respectable Special Defense stat, and allows it to check Psychic- and Ghost-types consistently effectively. 248 HP EVs give Vullaby an odd HP number in order to be able to switch into Stealth Rock five times instead of four. Alternatively, a physically defensive EV spread of 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD with an Impish nature is viable to better handle threats such as Tauros, Sawsbuck, Purugly, and Dodrio. Eviolite boosts both of Vullaby's defense stats to very high levels. 44 Speed EVs can be used to outspeed uninvested Pelipper to Taunt it, preventing Roost, Defog, or Toxic.

Usage Tips

Vullaby should be used as a to pivot into resisted or neutral attacks from the likes of Haunter and Kadabra to threaten them out with a Dark-type attack, giving it an opportunity to use Roost or clear entry hazards with Defog. Vullaby should always stay away from Knock Off users, as it relies on its Eviolite to handle powerful attackers. It is important that Vullaby should not switch into Stealth Rock setters, such as Marowak, Golem, Barbaracle, and Aurorus, especially if Stealth Rock has already been set up. Vullaby should use Roost against attackers in order to gauge how much damage they can deal, and if they cannot easily 2HKO Vullaby it can win one-on-one. When against a physical attacker, Foul Play is generally the safest move to go for, as it does respectable damage to most physical attackers such as Tauros and Scyther. It should be noted that Vullaby has a great matchup against most Grass-types such as Tangela and Roselia as it resists or takes little damage from their STAB moves, and avoids Sleep Powder from Tangela thanks to Overcoat. When against these Pokemon, Vullaby should use this opportunity to use Defog, clearing all entry hazards from your side of the field.

Team Options

Heal Bell support, from Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Grumpig, is helpful to remove detrimental status conditions from Vullaby, particularly Toxic, which quickly cuts down on Vullaby's longevity. Bulky Ground-types such as Golem and Torterra are good teammates to absorb Rock- and Electric-type attacks aimed at Vullaby. Poliwrath is a great partner to complement Vullaby's special bulk with its physical bulk, and Poliwrath is able to handle most also handles most Rock- and Ice-types. Most notably, Poliwrath is the best switch-in to Sneasel, who threatens to remove Vullaby's Eviolite with Knock Off or hit it for super effective damage with Ice Punch. Offensive Pokemon that appreciate entry hazard removal, such as Ninetales, Heatmor, Chatot, and Bouffalant, all make for great teammates.

Other Options

Toxic puts a timer on opposing cripples bulky Pokemon and attackers, but Vullaby has trouble fitting it into its moveset. U-turn can be used to gain momentum, but Vullaby is better off staying in to tank hits and deal damage with Foul Play or Knock Off.

Checks & Counters

Consider condensing this section. For example, merging Ice-, Rock-, Electric-, and Fairy-type sections into "Types Vullaby is weak to".

**Knock Off**: While Vullaby takes little damage from Knock Off, it needs its Eviolite to consistently take attacks. While Sneasel is a massive problem for VUllaby Vullaby, as it threatens to remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, it cannot switch in safely as it takes a lot of damage from Foul Play.

**Taunt**: Taunt users such as Misdreavus, Haunter, and Purugly prevent Vullaby from healing or using status moves. Those These Pokemon take significant damage from Foul Play and don't appreciate losing their item, while some other Taunt users, such as Serperior, Vigoroth, and Barbaracle can easily Taunt Vullaby with few repercussions.

**Ice-types**: Ice-types, such as Sneasel and Rotom-F, can threaten out Vullaby with their respective STAB moves. Rotom-F has an easier time switching in, only fearing Knock Off, while Sneasel gets hit hard with Foul Play. Sneasel isn't even 3HKOed by Foul Play :/

**Rock-types**: Rock-type Pokemon such as Barbaracle, Aurorus, Golem, and Bastiodon are problematic for Vullaby. The first three threaten out Vullaby with their STAB moves, while Bastiodon often carries Magic Coat to bounce back a Taunt aimed at it.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types, Raichu and Zebstrika, threaten to OHKO or 2HKO Vullaby, and gain momentum with Volt Switch if Vullaby switches out. However, they cannot switch in quite safely at the risk of losing their item from Knock Off or losing nearly half of their HP to Foul Play.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types, such as Togetic and Mr. Mime, can hit Vullaby hard with a STAB Dazzling Gleam. However, neither appreciate losing their item to Knock Off or being Taunted.

**Offensive Pressure**: While Vullaby has very respectable bulk with its Eviolite equipped, it does not have the passive recovery of leftovers and is forced to Roost often. Vullaby is often pressured between healing itself, clearing entry hazards, and attacking the opponent, so it can be easily overwhelmed.

Implemented most, thanks.
I'm not too sure about condensing c&c like you suggested, I'm just so used to doing it that way.
Regarding the comment about Sneasel, are you referring to the eviolite variant? Because I'm pretty sure that Life Orb is more common.

0 Atk Vullaby Foul Play vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Sneasel: 100-118 (39.8 - 47%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
0 Atk Vullaby Foul Play vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Sneasel: 100-118 (39.8 - 47%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Implemented most, thanks.
I'm not too sure about condensing c&c like you suggested, I'm just so used to doing it that way.
Regarding the comment about Sneasel, are you referring to the eviolite variant? Because I'm pretty sure that Life Orb is more common.

0 Atk Vullaby Foul Play vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Sneasel: 100-118 (39.8 - 47%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
0 Atk Vullaby Foul Play vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Sneasel: 100-118 (39.8 - 47%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

No, I'm just meaning it's not secure without Stealth Rock, which Defog clears mind you, and if you did say that then phrase it like "Sneasel doesn't enjoy taking Foul Play after Stealth Rock." Something along the lines of that, ya know? Also, the way it is now: "Rotom-F has an easier time switching in, only fearing Knock Off, while Sneasel gets hit hard with Foul Play." Is not really a safe assumption. Saying something like: "Both of these Pokemon can switch in to Vullaby quite well, only fearing Knock Off or Foul Play." Something along the lines of this.
No, I'm just meaning it's not secure without Stealth Rock, which Defog clears mind you, and if you did say that then phrase it like "Sneasel doesn't enjoy taking Foul Play after Stealth Rock." Something along the lines of that, ya know? Also, the way it is now: "Rotom-F has an easier time switching in, only fearing Knock Off, while Sneasel gets hit hard with Foul Play." Is not really a safe assumption. Saying something like: "Both of these Pokemon can switch in to Vullaby quite well, only fearing Knock Off or Foul Play." Something along the lines of this.
Fair enough, that makes sense. Thanks.
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With reliable recovery and an excellent support movepool, Vullaby is a very effective tank that is capable of tajking taking hits and removing entry hazards. Vullaby's Dark / Flying typing allows it to check most Psychic- and Ghost-types such as Kadabra and Haunter. Vullaby's niche over other common Defog users lies in its ability to handle offensive and defensive teams with moves like Taunt,(AC) to which cripples defensive Pokemon,(AC) and Foul Play,(AC) to which heavily damages offensive threats. While Vullaby is quite bulky when equipped with an Eviolite, it heavily relies on it to consistently take attacks,(RC) and dislikes the common use of Knock Off. Furthermore, Vullaby faces competition from other Defog users such as Togetic, which has a much better defensive typing, and Swanna,(AC) which has much more offensive presence. Vullaby also has a fairly poor matchup against common entry hazard setters,(RC) such as Golem, Barbaracle, Aurorus, and Glalie.

name: Defensive
move 1: Roost
move 2: Defog
move 3: Taunt / Whirlwind
move 4: Foul Play / Knock Off
ability: Overcoat
item: Eviolite
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Careful


Roost provides Vullaby with a reliable form of recovery to regain health taken from repeated attacks and Stealth Rock. (Recovery is straightforward) Defog removes entry hazards from both sides of the field, a great asset to many teams. Taunt prevents entry hazards from being set or removed, in the case of Defog, status from being spread, and setup moves from being used. Whirlwind is an option to forces the opponent foes to rack up entry hazard damage, while also phasing out boosted Pokemon. Foul Play prevents Vullaby from being Taunt bait, and also hits physical attackers for consistent damage. Knock Off can be used for utility in the last moveslot to remove opponents enemies' items on switch in.

Set Details

Maximum Special Defense investment and a Careful nature is used to capitalize on Vullaby's respectable Special Defense stat, and allows it to check Psychic- and Ghost-types effectively. 248 HP EVs give Vullaby an odd HP number,(AC) allowing it in order to be able to switch into Stealth Rock five times instead of four. Alternatively, a physically defensive EV spread of 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD with an Impish nature is viable to better handles threats such as Tauros, Sawsbuck, Purugly, and Dodrio. Eviolite boosts both of Vullaby's defensive stats to very high levels. 44 Speed EVs can be used to outspeed uninvested Pelipper to Taunt it, preventing Roost, Defog, or Toxic.

Usage Tips

Vullaby should be used to pivot into resisted or neutral attacks from the likes of Haunter and Kadabra to threaten them out with a Dark-type attack, giving it an opportunity to use Roost or clear entry hazards with Defog. Vullaby should always stay away from Knock Off users, as it relies on its Eviolite to handle powerful attackers. It is important that Vullaby should not doesn't switch into Stealth Rock setters,(RC) such as Marowak, Golem, Barbaracle, and Aurorus, especially if Stealth Rock has already been set up. Vullaby should use Roost against attackers in order to gauge how much damage they can deal, and if they cannot easily 2HKO Vullaby,(RC) it can win one-on-one. When against a physical attacker, Foul Play is generally the safest move to go for, as it does respectable damage to most physical attackers such as Tauros and Scyther. It should be noted that Vullaby has a great matchup against most Grass-types such as Tangela and Roselia,(AC) as it resists or takes little damage from their STAB moves,(RC) and avoids Sleep Powder from Tangela thanks to Overcoat. When against these Pokemon, Vullaby should use this opportunity to use Defog, clearing all entry hazards from your its side of the field.

Team Options

Heal Bell support from Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Grumpig is helpful to remove detrimental status conditions from Vullaby, particularly Toxic poison, (Toxic is not a status condition) which quickly cuts down on reduces Vullaby's longevity. Bulky Ground-types such as Golem and Torterra are good teammates to absorb Rock- and Electric-type attacks aimed at Vullaby. Poliwrath is a great partner to complement Vullaby's special bulk with its physical bulk, and Poliwrath is able to handle most Rock- and Ice-types. Most notably, Poliwrath is the best switch-in to Sneasel, which threatens to remove Vullaby's Eviolite with Knock Off or hit it for super effective damage with Ice Punch. Offensive Pokemon that appreciate entry hazard removal,(RC) such as Ninetales, Heatmor, Chatot, and Bouffalant,(RC) all make for great teammates.

Other Options

Toxic cripples bulky Pokemon and attackers, but Vullaby has trouble fitting it into its moveset. U-turn can be used to gain momentum, but Vullaby is better off staying in to tank hits and deal damage with Foul Play or Knock Off.

Checks & Counters

**Knock Off**: While Vullaby takes little damage from Knock Off, it needs Eviolite to consistently take attacks. While Sneasel is a massive problem for Vullaby, as it threatens to remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, but it cannot switch in safely,(AC) as it takes a lot of damage from Foul Play.

**Taunt**: Taunt users such as Misdreavus, Haunter, and Purugly prevent Vullaby from healing or using status moves. These Pokemon take significant damage from Foul Play and don't appreciate losing their item, while some other Taunt users,(RC) such as Serperior, Vigoroth, and Barbaracle can easily Taunt Vullaby with few repercussions.

**Ice-types**: Ice-types,(RC) such as Sneasel and Rotom-F,(RC) can threaten out Vullaby with their respective STAB moves. Rotom-F has an easier time switching in, only fearing Knock Off, while Sneasel gets hit hard with Foul Play.

**Rock-types**: Rock-type Pokemon such as Barbaracle, Aurorus, Golem, and Bastiodon are problematic for Vullaby. The first former three threaten out Vullaby with their STAB moves, while Bastiodon often carries Magic Coat to bounce back a Taunt aimed at it.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types,(RC) such as Raichu and Zebstrika,(RC) threaten to OHKO or 2HKO Vullaby,(RC) and or gain momentum with Volt Switch if Vullaby switches out. However, they cannot switch in quite safely at the risk of losing their item from Knock Off or losing nearly half of their HP to Foul Play.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types, such as Togetic and Mr. Mime, can hit Vullaby hard with a STAB Dazzling Gleam. However, neither appreciate losing their items to Knock Off or being Taunted.

**Offensive Pressure**: While Vullaby has very respectable bulk with its Eviolite equipped, it does not have the passive recovery of Leftovers and is forced to Roost often. Vullaby is often pressured between healing itself, clearing entry hazards, and attacking the opponent enemy, so it can be easily overwhelmed.
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With reliable recovery and an excellent support movepool, Vullaby is a very effective tank that is capable of tajking taking hits and removing entry hazards. Vullaby's Dark / Flying typing allows it to check most Psychic- and Ghost-types such as Kadabra and Haunter. Vullaby's niche over other common Defog users lies in its ability to handle offensive and defensive teams with moves like Taunt,(AC) to which cripples defensive Pokemon,(AC) and Foul Play,(AC) to which heavily damages offensive threats. While Vullaby is quite bulky when equipped with an Eviolite, it heavily relies on it to consistently take attacks,(RC) and dislikes the common use of Knock Off. Furthermore, Vullaby faces competition from other Defog users such as Togetic, which has a much better defensive typing, and Swanna,(AC) which has much more offensive presence. Vullaby also has a fairly poor matchup against common entry hazard setters,(RC) such as Golem, Barbaracle, Aurorus, and Glalie.

name: Defensive
move 1: Roost
move 2: Defog
move 3: Taunt / Whirlwind
move 4: Foul Play / Knock Off
ability: Overcoat
item: Eviolite
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Careful


Roost provides Vullaby with a reliable form of recovery to regain health taken from repeated attacks and Stealth Rock. (Recovery is straightforward) Defog removes entry hazards from both sides of the field, a great asset to many teams. Taunt prevents entry hazards from being set or removed, in the case of Defog, status from being spread, and setup moves from being used. Whirlwind is an option to forces the opponent foes to rack up entry hazard damage, while also phasing out boosted Pokemon. Foul Play prevents Vullaby from being Taunt bait, and also hits physical attackers for consistent damage. Knock Off can be used for utility in the last moveslot to remove opponents enemies' items on switch in.

Set Details

Maximum Special Defense investment and a Careful nature is used to capitalize on Vullaby's respectable Special Defense stat, and allows it to check Psychic- and Ghost-types effectively. 248 HP EVs give Vullaby an odd HP number,(AC) allowing it in order to be able to switch into Stealth Rock five times instead of four. Alternatively, a physically defensive EV spread of 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD with an Impish nature is viable to better handles threats such as Tauros, Sawsbuck, Purugly, and Dodrio. Eviolite boosts both of Vullaby's defensive stats to very high levels. 44 Speed EVs can be used to outspeed uninvested Pelipper to Taunt it, preventing Roost, Defog, or Toxic.

Usage Tips

Vullaby should be used to pivot into resisted or neutral attacks from the likes of Haunter and Kadabra to threaten them out with a Dark-type attack, giving it an opportunity to use Roost or clear entry hazards with Defog. Vullaby should always stay away from Knock Off users, as it relies on its Eviolite to handle powerful attackers. It is important that Vullaby should not doesn't switch into Stealth Rock setters,(RC) such as Marowak, Golem, Barbaracle, and Aurorus, especially if Stealth Rock has already been set up. Vullaby should use Roost against attackers in order to gauge how much damage they can deal, and if they cannot easily 2HKO Vullaby,(RC) it can win one-on-one. When against a physical attacker, Foul Play is generally the safest move to go for, as it does respectable damage to most physical attackers such as Tauros and Scyther. It should be noted that Vullaby has a great matchup against most Grass-types such as Tangela and Roselia,(AC) as it resists or takes little damage from their STAB moves,(RC) and avoids Sleep Powder from Tangela thanks to Overcoat. When against these Pokemon, Vullaby should use this opportunity to use Defog, clearing all entry hazards from your its side of the field.

Team Options

Heal Bell support from Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Grumpig is helpful to remove detrimental status conditions from Vullaby, particularly Toxic poison, (Toxic is not a status condition) which quickly cuts down on reduces Vullaby's longevity. Bulky Ground-types such as Golem and Torterra are good teammates to absorb Rock- and Electric-type attacks aimed at Vullaby. Poliwrath is a great partner to complement Vullaby's special bulk with its physical bulk, and Poliwrath is able to handle most Rock- and Ice-types. Most notably, Poliwrath is the best switch-in to Sneasel, which threatens to remove Vullaby's Eviolite with Knock Off or hit it for super effective damage with Ice Punch. Offensive Pokemon that appreciate entry hazard removal,(RC) such as Ninetales, Heatmor, Chatot, and Bouffalant,(RC) all make for great teammates.

Other Options

Toxic cripples bulky Pokemon and attackers, but Vullaby has trouble fitting it into its moveset. U-turn can be used to gain momentum, but Vullaby is better off staying in to tank hits and deal damage with Foul Play or Knock Off.

Checks & Counters

**Knock Off**: While Vullaby takes little damage from Knock Off, it needs Eviolite to consistently take attacks. While Sneasel is a massive problem for Vullaby, as it threatens to remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, but it cannot switch in safely,(AC) as it takes a lot of damage from Foul Play.

**Taunt**: Taunt users such as Misdreavus, Haunter, and Purugly prevent Vullaby from healing or using status moves. These Pokemon take significant damage from Foul Play and don't appreciate losing their item, while some other Taunt users,(RC) such as Serperior, Vigoroth, and Barbaracle can easily Taunt Vullaby with few repercussions.

**Ice-types**: Ice-types,(RC) such as Sneasel and Rotom-F,(RC) can threaten out Vullaby with their respective STAB moves. Rotom-F has an easier time switching in, only fearing Knock Off, while Sneasel gets hit hard with Foul Play.

**Rock-types**: Rock-type Pokemon such as Barbaracle, Aurorus, Golem, and Bastiodon are problematic for Vullaby. The first former three threaten out Vullaby with their STAB moves, while Bastiodon often carries Magic Coat to bounce back a Taunt aimed at it.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types,(RC) such as Raichu and Zebstrika,(RC) threaten to OHKO or 2HKO Vullaby,(RC) and or gain momentum with Volt Switch if Vullaby switches out. However, they cannot switch in quite safely at the risk of losing their item from Knock Off or losing nearly half of their HP to Foul Play.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types, such as Togetic and Mr. Mime, can hit Vullaby hard with a STAB Dazzling Gleam. However, neither appreciate losing their items to Knock Off or being Taunted.

**Offensive Pressure**: While Vullaby has very respectable bulk with its Eviolite equipped, it does not have the passive recovery of Leftovers and is forced to Roost often. Vullaby is often pressured between healing itself, clearing entry hazards, and attacking the opponent enemy, so it can be easily overwhelmed.
GP 1/2
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