Wish Tower Mafia - Rest Floor 0 - *Signups*

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Welcome to Wish Tower. You are trying to find the wish stone atop the tower with the legendary Jirachi atop. But you know infiltrators are among you...

Mafia – Wish Tower

Player Capacity: 18 – 4 infiltrators (mafia), 2 trouble-makers (neutral/mafia), 4 fame-seekers (neutral/ town), 8 expeditionists (town).


New Game Mechanics

Corpses - You will not be notified someone is dead except if you find their corpse. Which are randomly distributed in the tower after death.

Food - You can starve within the tower. Food is carefully rationed so that all 18 players can traverse all 100 floors. However, something might and will go wrong! You cannot go on for more than two nights without eating. Some night / day powers will not be activated if you do not eat.

Other unknown new game mechanics.

Game Phases

Rest - X. Rest at floor x. The equivalent of night phase. Everyone is connected by spiritual link to the tower. Your power varies upon the spiritual link you have with the tower. In your dream, the Tower will prompt you for your power. Then, on the Separation (explained later) or Climb (explained later) phase, your wish is enacted. Night power and how they work vary greatly. Some will require your victims to be in the same column, some may not. The inner workings of the power will be explained in your Role PM.

The mafia can kill someone on any Rest turn except Rest – Floor 0. Mafia kills will not be notified until the following Climb Phase. Any victim of a Mafia kill’s corpse will be found on the last floor of the Climb Phase, with an optional final message. Roles are not revealed upon Death.

Night powers will activate on any turn except Rest – Floor 0, where only single target night powers will be able to work. Food and Hunger values will also be calculated on this point. Corpses and Items cannot be found. People must submit which column (explained later) they will go in, on any night exempting Rest – 0.

Separation - X. Separation climb to floor X. You must separate into 3 columns. Each column will only allow 6 people and entrance is first come first serve basis. You cannot communicate except with people in your tower (except mafia can still talk to each other).

Night powers activate on their respective victims here. Players are subject to Tower effects, can find Items and Corpses. Here, Day Power orders are submitted. Some Day Powers will require your target to be in the same column as you, and some may not.
You can communicate with only the people in your column. Any public discussion may be saved, or parts of it may be saved for future use. Although the saved dialogue may come up anywhere within the Tower, so be careful what you say!

Mafia [Infiltrators] can still communicate, and their dialogue cannot be saved by the tower.
You may not post in the main forums at this time. Separation does not happen after Rest – 0, the game will skip to Climb – 10 after Rest – 0. But Separation – 15, 25, 35, etc. will occur.

Climb - X. Climb to floor X. Day powers used on their victims will take effect. All can post. Every 10 floors, the tower demands a sacrifice. That person will be selected by the group. You will also find the corpse of someone killed by mafia at this point; they may or may not have a goodbye message. Items of that person on death will be given to a random player. The corpse of the person you choose to sacrifice will be located at some random location within the tower. Any items on the sacrificed person will also be redistributed to a random location within the tower.

Here, your items become invalid on you. You can choose to randomly redistribute it on the tower, or give it to someone else, or you can destroy it. You can find items and corpses on this phase (although you won’t keep it for very long). You are also subject to Tower effects.
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