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Art by Bummer.
Have you always been a fan of learning new (and interesting) things? Have you always wanted to show off your vast knowledge on one or more topics? Have you always liked competition? If you answered yes to all of those questions, then do not wait any longer, because the Trivia room offers all of these things in one! Whenever be it sports, science, history, or anything, anyone is free to join in our fun of displaying knowledge about anything! After all, in our room, you learn something new everyday!
While learning new things in Trivia is one of the room's major aspects, Trivia is also a gaming room, which means that the learning happens with, obviously, playing. This part will deal with covering the games that are played the most and make up the room today. What a better way than learning while playing?
Trivia Tracker (known shortly as TT) is the game that we play the most, being played mainly when nothing is being hosted / played. The main rules are pretty simple: one user will have the ''Baton Pass'' (known shortly as BP), which allows them to ask one question by using the bold formatting. After the question is successfully bolded (and thus asked), other users can attempt to answer the question simply by posting possible answers in the chat. Once someone gives a correct answer, the current BP holder will use the ~yes command to give the BP to the first one that gave a correct answer. The new BP holder now can either ask a question as well or, if they do not wish to ask a question, give the BP away by using the ~openbp command (or ~bpopen). When it's opened, another user can grab it by typing ''me'' or ''bp'' to ask a question instead of the original BP holder. There's no need to ''sign up'' to play; all you have to do is just start playing along! Although in the past TT was handled completely by the roomauth, today a major role, the handling of the game, is now done by our Room Bot Jeopard-E, developed and maintained by Room Owner Struchni, which tracks the current state of the BP, maintains our leaderboard, and aids Voices and Drivers when hosting minigames.
However, because of TT's general nature, there are many rules and clauses that forbid the asking of specific types of questions, as well as certain types of answers. An example of a rule would be that questions about Pokémon Showdown! and Smogon are not allowed, while an example of a clause would be the ambiguous type clause, which states that Silvally, Arceus, Hidden Power, and anything that can be multiple types is deemed to be the base one, unless stated otherwise. If a question breaks a rule or is otherwise deemed problematic by a roomauth, the question will result in being vetoed. When a question is vetoed, it means it's not valid and the asker cannot give the BP to anyone. The first thing to know about the vetos is that they are not a punishment! Vetos are simply our way to indicate that something went wrong with the question. It happens to everyone, even roomauths, so don't worry if you get vetoed! If you get vetoed, you just have to attempt to ask a new question or open the BP. We have a website that has all the rules and clauses you will need, so if you plan on paying a visit, be sure to read them!
As stated earlier, Trivia is also a gaming room, which means it's accompanied by a point-based leaderboard. The point system works like this: if you answer a question correctly, successfully ask one, and ~yes someone, you get 2 points. If you decide to open the BP instead, you don't win points. If you grab an opened BP, ask a question, and ~yes successfully, you win solely 1 point. At the end of the 15-days cycle, the 5 users with most points are declared the winners and will be featured in our roomintro until the end of the next cycle!
Trivia could be divided in 2 different periods: pre-TT period and this current one (post-TT). During pre-TT, scripted official games were played 24/7, but now they are played every 4 hours. When it's time to host one, a roomauth will take the BP and will start the signups. Users that want to play can use the command /trivia join to join. The game generally starts 5 minutes after the signups are opened. Do not worry if you miss the signups phase! You can join even when the game has started!
Unlike TT, our officials rely on a script (hence its name) that was developed by Global and former Room Moderator Morfent. Today, the script is maintained by Room Moderator moo. Both of those guys have contributed a lot to the script, and it wouldn't be in its current state if they weren't here!
Once the game starts, the script will periodically give questions that players can answer with the command /ta. Be careful to not post answers in chat, as that is punishable! However, the way the game is going to work depends on which one of our 3 game modes was picked. These are the following game modes:
One important thing to note about the script is that it does accept typos, but that depends on the correct answer's original spelling; if the answer is 6 letters long or more, the script will allow 2 typos. Any less than that, it requires perfect spelling.
Questions in the script are divided into the following 4 categories:
"What are these categories for?" you might ask. Well, sometimes an auth can host a mono-category official—for example, mono-Pokémon. In that case, only questions classified as "Pokémon" will show up.
The winner of the scripted official games is the one that reaches the scorecap. There are 3 different ones: Short (20), Medium (35), and Long (50). Winners of officials get points (depending on the scorecap) that are added to the overall ladder: 3 points for Short, 4 for Medium, and 5 for Long.
Now, you might be wondering, "who makes those wonderful questions?". Who maintains order and balance for these games? Perhaps the roomauth? Well, if you did ask yourself that, then the answer is no. First of all, everything done with the questions happens in our subroom, Question Workshop. While the Trivia roomauth is responsible for TT, Question Workshop itself has a dedicated staff team that is responsible for the maintance, enforcing, and policymaking for these questions, as well as fixing errors in these questions. If you were to join the subroom, you would very likely notice the modchat +, which allows only Voices in the subroom to talk, or if you were to do /roomauth QW, you'd notice our dozens of voices in there. In order to become voiced (and thus capable of speaking there) you must first audition by PMing a Room Moderator or Room Owner of QW with 12 possible questions. If your audition is deemed good enough, you will be Voiced and be able to submit most of the questions you auditioned with, as well any other questions you could think of! When you submit a question, it will eventually be either accepted or rejected by a Room Moderator or Room Owner. If needed, they can point out errors you made in the question so you can avoid doing them in future.
At this point of the article, you should know the basics of TT and how it works. This is important, as Trivia Tracker Blitz (known shortly just as Blitz) is based around TT. Unlike the scripted official games, Blitz isn't hosted on a real schedule, but whenever an auth feels like it. A roomauth that wants to host will take the BP and will give the users 5 minutes to read the rules and prepare themselves before starting. You do not signup for this!
After it's time to start (typically 5 minutes after announcement) the host will notify the players that the tossup question is incoming. Tossup questions are the one the host asks, rather than the player. During tossup questions, spelling clause (which means perfect spelling) applies, meaning typoed answers are never correct. Once the host asks the tossup question, other users can attempt to answer it. Whoever first answers it correctly will get the BP with the ~yes command. Now, "isn't this just TT but with spelling clause from the host?" you might ask. At this point, yes it is, although there's more to this! The one that gets the BP has only 1 minute to ask their question! Furthermore, Pokémon category questions (e.g. This is the Anteater Pokémon) and capital questions (e.g. This is the capital of Mongolia) can only be asked by the host! There's also the 2/5 clause, along with the other rules and clauses, which forbids the asking of more than 2 questions from the same topic within 5 questions. However, there's still more to this: even though askers have only 1 minute to ask their question, the question must also be answered within 1 minute! If the asker's / question's time runs out or the question gets vetoed, the host will do ~no and later claim the BP for themselves. The timed out / vetoed user loses the points they won and the host will ask another tossup question. Now, ''How do I win this?'' you might be wondering. Well basically, there will be a scorecap (typically 8 or 6 in ''turbo'' versions). Every time a user gets a question and successfully ~yes someone, they win 2 points. Once a user reaches the given scorecap, they become a ''finalist''. Typically, Blitz games have 4 (or 3 in the turbo versions) finalists. Once someone becomes a finalist, the host will take the BP and will ask another tossup question. Pretty much like how the game works generally, but now the finalist(s) is/are not allowed to participate.
Once there are enough finalists, the host will put a modchat + and will voice all non-auth finalists. Finals work almost the same way as normal Blitz, except that only the finalists are allowed to participate, and the scorecap is longer than in the last phase (typically 10). However, almost always, Blitz finals are hosted with some (bizarre) twist, such as "All questions' answers must be Pokémon, but you need to answer with the Pokémon next in the national Pokédex." In this case, if the question's answer is Bulbasaur, the users must say Ivysaur in order to be correct! The proccess is the same as normal Blitz. Once one of the finalists reaches the scorecap, they are declared the winner of this game. There's no real prize to winning this, although sometimes room staff allows the winner to choose the next room poll.
Unlike Blitz, this game requires you to sign up. Typically, doing /me in is generally what a host would want from users if they want to join, although that's not always the case. Once the signups phase is over, the host will put modchat+ and every non-auth player will be promoted. A player will be picked on random with the usage of !pick command and they will challenge another player. The host will do then !pick Pokémon, ae, sh, sg in order to decide the category (the abbreviations match the categories used during scripted official games). Once the category is picked, the host will ask a question that corresponds to the category. Whoever of the players answers first correctly survives and the other is eliminated from the game!
Although 1v1 is a common way to play this, some hosts like to introduce more than this format—for example, 1v1v1, where one player challenges 2 players and the winner eliminates the other 2 players. Not only that, but some hosts also add in a pick option that lets you pick 2 different participants to fight while you yourself don't fight at all! The winner of this game is the last standing player.
This format itself has inspired other variations that are existing minigames today. An example of that would be Titanomachy, where regular users can only challenge roomauths and vice versa with the winner being the last standing "team."
Just like Duel, this game will begin with a signup period. The signups phase is the same as Duel. Once signups are over, the host will split the players into 2 different teams and each team will be assigned one captain. After this process, a category is picked and captains choose a player from their team to send for this round. Whoever of the players gets the question correctly eliminates the other. This continues on until one of the teams knocks out the other team entirely!
There also exists a somewhat strange variant of Trivia Dodgeball, called Trivia Team Traitor. In this version, the captain concept is scrapped and every round, 2-4 players from each team are sent for the question. Whoever gets it first sends their teammate(s) to the opposite team. This continues on until only 1 player is left on one team, in which case they are declared winner!
In this game, players have to yet again sign up. Once signups are over, the host will put modchat, but, unlike all other games, no one will be promoted. Instead, the host will ask a question and will give a limited time for the players to answer it in the host's PMs. The ones that get the question correctly in time advance to the next round, while the ones that don't are eliminated. This continues on until 1 player remains or all of them get eliminated (although the round can be redone if a lot of players die), although a possible twist where anyone that passes after [X] round is winner exists!
There are other minigames that exist within our room, so if you want to learn more, come join Trivia!
On a general note, even though we have many minigames, users are still free to submit potential minigame ideas they have. Who knows, it might get accepted and made into its own game! Furthermore, regular users that show knowledge of rules and ask good, varied questions might be given the ability to host minigames (when supervised by a Driver+) as well!
Once I bribe Zarel into giving it to me... Do you think a pack of Oreos will help me?
Whenever you want to share an interesting fact, either via just posting in chat or by making it as a valid question, or learn something interesting, come pay a visit to the room! We always enjoy seeing interesting facts, and as our room description says, "Learn something new every day!"
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Art by Bummer.
Welcome to the fifteenth edition of the Flying Press's Puzzle Page! Congratulations to Dot Agumon, Knuckstrike, and ScarfWynaut for submitting perfect answers for the 14th edition of the puzzle page! Thanks to all of those who sent in their answers, and remember that the person leading the leaderboard after 6 pages will get a crispy banner!
Huge thanks to all of the members of the puzzle team who helped out with the puzzles in this edition, including Level 51, ILRB, Conni, Ryota Mitarai, Gallant Spear, and Magikingdra!
By using the /dexsearch command on Pokémon Showdown, find out which parameters match only the Pokémon listed. For example, say you are given these Pokémon: Bibarel, Bidoof, Pachirisu, Patrat, Raticate, Rattata, Smeargle, and Watchog. Even though all of them learn both Protect and Substitute, there are many other Pokémon that can as well, so the trick is to try to narrow down your options as much as possible. Parameters may include moves, abilities, tiers, generations, colors, and so on.
Anagrams consist of several Pokémon-related terms whose letters have been scrambled around. In order to solve them, you have to figure out which terms have been scrambled. For example, "Science Spy Hop" unscrambles to Espeon / Psychic.
Portmanteaus comprise several Pokémon-related terms, each of which is in a set of [brackets]. Each term and its preceding and succeeding terms must "overlap" with each other with two or more of their letters. All of the overlapping terms, when combined, will form one large amalgam of terms, which is your answer! For example, [Gen V Dark-type Pokémon][Gen III Water-type Pokémon][Gen II Ground-type Pokémon] would form the term bisharpedonphan (a combination of Bisharp, Sharpedo, and Donphan). In addition, two adjacent terms may not be the exact same—e.g., [Flying-type move][Flying-type move] has the unique solution of oblivionwingattack—and you also may not overlap the entire port in your answer—i.e., gastro **acid** armorning sun isn't a valid answer to [Poison-type move][Poison-type move][Poison-type move][Normal-type recovery move], which has the unique solution 'poisongastroacidarmorningsun.
In this puzzle, you must create a path from one Pokémon to the other identical Pokémon by drawing a continuous line. Each line must be either horizontal or vertical but can change directions wherever applicable. Every square in the grid must be filled, and lines cannot pass through other filled boxes or boxes with icons in them. Keep in mind that lines may not be created diagonally and boxes can't be filled without being part of the continuous line.
This puzzle is a cryptic crossword and has several clues listed below that will fit within the boxes of the crossword grid. Once you have filled in the grid completely, take a screenshot of it as proof of your triumph. The answers will consist of several Pokémon-related terms, whether they be Pokémon, moves, abilities, etc.
If you don't know what is a "cryptic crossword" or how to solve "cryptic clues", the Wikipedia article titled "Cryptic crossword" is a great place to start with.
Note: Click the hint to go to the corresponding line.
The answers to the previous issue's puzzles will be posted here, and answers for this issue will be posted with the next issue. As usual, once you've completed one, some, or even all of the puzzles that this page has to offer, send your answers via a private message to Smogon's Flying Press on the forums (a Smogon account is required), with its title as "Puzzle Page: Volume 15". The deadline for answers will be 4 weeks. Good luck to all who dare to participate, and we'll see you again sometime!
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