National Dex SS National Dex OU Cup - Round 1

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art by ii77
SS National Dex Cup
Hosted by Nashrock and Solaros & Lunaris

Welcome to the second SS National Dex Cup! This tournament is apart of the 2024 National Dex Circuit, and participating in this tour can contribute to Circuit playoffs, with a grand prize of its very own ribbon!
Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations
  • 2024 National Dex Circuit information
  • Best of three, single elimination
  • This tournament will use the standard SS National Dex banlist, which can be found on Smogon's strategy dex.
  • If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown! or the SmogTours server.
  • Sw/Sh cartridge win conditions are in place; there are no ties.
  • National Dex-specific mechanics.
  • Replays are not mandatory for this round but it is recommended that you keep them to prevent disputes.
Round 1:
avarice  vs  Yes or no my dude
Fragments  vs  cocakk
Tempo di anguria  vs  Liimpy
Ineros  vs  giove97
treeshhhh  vs  ibleachyourskin
Scish  vs  Dorron
JeoZ  vs  Larrea_0
Hiro80223001  vs  lolebruh
hidin  vs  Lightniong
Nashrock  vs  seth
leo568  vs  SHSP
Xurkiyee  vs  Michael213
Oculars  vs  qewt
Lameflame  vs  zuzhouwawa
Galarian Blades  vs  Nine.gut
peap  vs  K302
lemonademaker  vs  Octperlover
UGaming  vs  Batzi
3d  vs  Clementine
Hollow Soul  vs  FireWizard312
entrocefalo  vs  Kustavan
awyp  vs  Isza
MarcosPr710  vs  Don Bork
Skyiew  vs  sealoo
Soul king0  vs  Oblivion Wing
EatFoods  vs  hi.naming is hard
dhwna  vs  BaconInferno2
Ubo  vs  Aso
2020 idm boomer  vs  about15guys
velvet  vs  Minnair
Runo  vs  Strat8246
jawsome274  vs  Shucklegigas
Mada  vs  HolaSoyBalto
Miyoko  vs  MTB
TheWeirdSealeo  vs  Razorgliscor
Lupla  vs  Nowelle
smg (notfunny)  vs  Squeeby
Astral Regulator  vs  Hermitcrab
Slowpoke Fan  vs  pokédutch
Autistic Soviet  vs  Fabriisse
kaifengyyds  vs  Thedeathsofbeings234
Mrbanana45  vs  Figment of your imaginati
Chino_  vs  Dead by Daylight
Zeo1  vs  bodi
imperialorder241  vs  JojenReed
rumia  vs  Alexander IV
averagetoxapexlover  vs  I❤BerryKind
s7a  vs  Bka Onon
Metallica126  vs  Wooper Person
Pla  vs El Cero
Baddy  vs  Vaictador
Portrait or Ruin  vs  DYM
Amstan  vs  eunchaehan
feen  vs  jay
ChrisPBacon  vs  eliana.
MustardNischal  vs  Vermillion Gangsta
XXVI  vs  Oscar Owen
Mihowk  vs  NoName6293
Senor Muero  vs  DarmanitanDLuffy
Redgoop115  vs  memedose46
xishuaideshuai  vs  Kinzo
txitxas  vs  Novax
Tenebricite  vs  jus

The deadline for this round is March 3rd 23:59 GMT-5!
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