Smogon Presents: UUFPL the IVth - Rise of FPL-Kind - Manager Settlements

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is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
UUPL Champion
UUFPL IV: Rise of FPL-Kind

Hosted by BigFatMantis and Akeras

UUFPL is set up as an auction based team tournament, nearly identical to UUPL, except it gives some lesser known talents of the UU Community a chance to be selected as part of this experience. While nobody is restricted from joining, the goal is to open up the community to a team tour where more members can participate, joining vets and rookies in a unique experience unlike any other!

If you are interested in signing up to be a manager, post here using the following format:

Manager Name:
Returning Manager: y/n
Team Preference:
Second Choice:
Will you or your co self-retain: Yes/No/Maybe
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute:


Manager Name: BigFatMantis
Co-Manager: @Akeras
Returning Manager: No
Team Preference: D
Second Choice: :pirate:
Will you or your co self-retain: No
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute: Absolutely incredible superhuman digestive system

Here are the teams:

Team A: Venture Kadabra Capitalists :Kadabra:
Team B: Oh Ho-oh it's Magic! :Ho-oh:
Team C: High Duchy of Ducklett :Ducklett:
Team D: Oppan Gengar Style :Gengar:
Team E: The Phantump Menace :Phantump:
Team ḝ: New York Mankeys :Mankey:
Team F: The Gholdengo Girls :Gholdengo:
Team G: Full Melmetal Alchemist :Melmetal:
Team :pirate:: Fate/Granbull Order :Granbull:
Team H: Shin Meganium Tensei :Meganium:
Team I: The Legend of Zygarde: Falinks to the Past :Zygarde: :Falinks:
Team 1: Captain Jack Spearow :Spearow:
Team l: The Rotom Empire :Rotom:
Team | : Catch These Iron Hands of Justice :Iron Hands:
Team J: Over Watchog :Watchog:
Team K: To Kilowattrel Bird :Kilowattrel:
Team L: Rebel Without a Klawf :Klawf:
Team 8: Fuecoco Chanel :Fuecoco:
Team :worrywhirl:: The Grapes of Poliwrath :Poliwrath:
Team M: Of Maushold and Men :Maushold:
Team Mmm: East of Greedent :Greedent:
Team N: You're Gonna Go Far Capsakid :Capsakid:
Team :pip:: Bridge over Trubbish Waters :Trubbish:
Team O: Enalp a no Ekans :Ekans:
Team 0: Bramblin' Man :Bramblin:
Team Θ: Beautifly for a White Guy :Beautifly:
Team Δ: Greninja Gaiden :Greninja:
Team P: Basculegion of Doom :Basculegion:
Team AP: Runnin' up that Qwilfish :Qwilfish:
Team Q: I Must Axew a Question :Axew:
Team R: Primarina and the Brionnes :Primarina: :Brionne:
Team :worrycargo:: The Three Flamigos :Flamigo: (can have 3 managers)
Team S: Squawkabilly Jean :Squawkabilly:
Team :afrostar:: How Stella Got Her Grovyle Back :Grovyle:
Team T: Snovercofagpachirisuexploudraltsolosis :Snover: :Cofagrigus: :Pachirisu: :Exploud: :Ralts: :Solosis:
Team Ω: Oo Ee Oo Ah Ah Ting-Lu Walrein Walla Bing Bang :Ting-Lu: :Walrein:
Team U: Heroes of Mightyena and Magikarp :Mightyena::Magikarp:
Team V: Kakuna-sama, Love is War :Kakuna:
Team W: Ao no Excadrill :Excadrill:
Team X: Tentacool Daimakyou :Tentacool:
Team X-Com: Dave's Sweet Dachsbuns :Dachsbun:
Team Y: Oh I Just Can't Wait to be Kingler :Kingler:
Team Why?: Jingle Bell Rockruff :Rockruff:
Team Z: Pokemon Legends: Arceus :Arceus:
: Manchester United :Cinderace:
Team Σ: (Rebrand) note: Not an actual team, just put "R" in your preference if you look to rebrand. However, in order to rebrand, you have to explain in detail why none of the other pre-set team names worked for you.

Since UUFPL is meant to give new players an opportunity, there are no returning teams. As such, all teams start out fresh and there are no retains based on last year (though managers can obviously self-retain).

If you need help deciding on a team, you can DM me on Discord and I'll provide you with an pre-set AI generated image that has almost nothing to do with the team but somewhat close.

You are REQUIRED to have a co-manager, though you can edit it in later. No matter how great you are by yourself, UUFPL is very serious business and you need a co-manager to help you. Manager selections are, of course, subjective, and some people will not get a team, but as long as you do your best life you can achieve anything in due time.

Only one of you or your co-manager can self-retain. Prices for self-retains will be listed later in this thread if you can get to the bottom before closing it.
Some basic rules:
  • Current managers (or co-managers) in UUPL are not allowed to manage in UUFPL
  • Current managers in UUPL can, however, sign up as players in UUFPL
  • Nobody is prevented from signing up for UUFPL and we encourage all rookies and vets alike to partake. However:
  • Players already in UUPL cannot play/sign up for SV UU for UUFPL.
  • Additionally, players in UUPL cannot play a tier in UUFPL for which they have played at least one game for in UUPL by close of UUPL Week 3 (UUPL Weeks 4+ do not matter for this).
  • There is one exception to these restrictions with regard to the 3rd SV slot (more information below)

Speaking of tiers, here are the tiers for UUFPL:


  • SV UU :Lokix:
  • SV UU :Iron Moth:
  • SV UU Unlimited***** :Ogerpon-Cornerstone:
  • SV Ubers UU :Palkia-Origin:
  • SS UU :Zarude:
  • SM UU :Scizor:
  • ORAS UU :Aerodactyl-Mega:
  • BW UU :Victini:
  • DPP UU :Venusaur:
  • ADV UU~~~~ :Kangaskhan: :Scizor: ?
  • GSC UU :Nidoqueen:
  • RBY UU :Tentacruel:
*****SV UU Unlimited is the 3rd SV UU tier, but the UUPL restrictions are very relaxed, so that you can still play in this slot if you are a UUPL player. However the standard tier restrictions still prevent you from playing SV UU in this slot if you have played an SV UU game in UUPL by end of UUPL Week 3.

~~~~ ADV UU will be unofficially testing Armaldo Donphan Kadabra Regirock Scizor Swellow Typhlosion Venusaur Weezing Zangoose for the duration of UUFPL. As such, these 10 mons will be unbanned in ADV UU for this tour. Also there is no tier lock for ADV UU for UUFPL this season specifically - anyone can play ADV UU without UUPL restrictions.

Manager Self-Retain Info:

Your self-retain price is a base 10k to start, and goes up based on the following (caps at 20k):
  • +2k if you are playing in UUPL
  • +2k if you were a player or manager this last UUSD
  • +2k if you played and won a game in this last UUSD
  • +2k if you had more than 251 points in the 2023 UU Circuit
  • +2k if you had more than 2667 points in the 2023 UU Circuit


Good luck to everyone! Also here is last year's Hall of Fame/Closing Video:

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Manager Name: justdrew

Co-Manager: the DripLegend

Returning Manager: yes

Team Preference: Azelf on the Shelf

Will you or your co self-retain: yes

What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute: we bring classic midwestern charm and vibes
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Manager Name: Creator of Some
Co-Manager: tbd (accept applications)
Returning Manager: nope
Team Preference: Kakuna-Sama: Love is War, it´s just goated
Second Choice: if Love is War is an SS+++ name, Full Melmetal Alchemist is fine too xd.
Will you or your co self-retain: Yes, didnt play in any of those tours, so 10k.
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute: the UUbers nation has atacked, prepare for war.
My expertise right now is in the UUbers metagame.
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Manager Name: SwordIsBored
Co-Manager: Oblivion Wing
Returning Manager: No
Team Preference: Kakuna-sama, Love is War
Second Choice: Of Maushold and Men
Will you or your co self-retain: Yes
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute: Ubers UU council member, very capable at the tier and I've dabbled into UU before through actively playing a lot of singles.
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Manager Name: jeza.p
Co-Manager: me
Returning Manager: yes both
Team Preference: Let us rebrand to - Thorchic: Love and Thunder
Second Choice: if not then team Q is fine (Can I Axew a question)
Will you or your co self-retain: yeah
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute: hablamos español muy bien (translation: we're both great people) and jeza is goat manager no more words have to be said
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Manager Name: corperate n
Co-Manager: Slip
Returning Manager: no for me, yes for him
Team Preference: R (Donphan Behavior)
Second Choice:
Will you or your co self-retain: Yes
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute: swag

rebranding cause we want to think of our own name for fun
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Manager Name: frankjosh
Co-Manager: Lyssa
Returning Manager: yes
Team Preference: Sheist Wartortles: The Empire Keks Back
Second Choice:
Will you or your co self-retain: Maybe
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute:
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Manager Name: romanji
Co-Manager: Bella
Returning Manager: n
Team Preference: R, Whimsicottage
Second Choice: 8
Will you or your co self-retain: Yes
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute:
I’ve featured as a player in the past 2 UUFPLs and an active presence in the UU community as well. Bella is a QC member for Ubers UU, while also previously managing in PUWC and currently PUBD.

also she’s a :whimsicott: irl
Manager Name: corperate n
Co-Manager: Slip
Returning Manager: no for me, yes for him
Team Preference: R (Donphan Behavior)
Second Choice:
Will you or your co self-retain: Yes
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute: swag

rebranding cause we want to think of our own name for fun

Team A:
Venture Kadabra Capitalists :Kadabra:
Only has one spoon, we are a 2 spoon minimum kinda team

Team B: Oh Ho-oh it's Magic! :Ho-oh:
Should be Kommo-o it's magic

Team C: High Duchy of Ducklett :Ducklett:
More like High Chair Duckletts

Team D: Oppan Gengar Style :Gengar:
Copyright Infringement

Team E: The Phantump Menace :Phantump:
There is better sci-fi out there

Team ḝ: New York Mankeys :Mankey:
Originally from boston

Team F: The Gholdengo Girls :Gholdengo:
Nice try mantis I'm still not picking this one

Team G: Full Melmetal Alchemist :Melmetal:
I do not want to force team members to enjoy anime

Team :pirate:: Fate/Granbull Order :Granbull:
LOL fate fans

Team H: Shin Meganium Tensei :Meganium:
Bro I had never heard of this in my life apparently its a game

Team I: The Legend of Zygarde: Falinks to the Past :Zygarde: :Falinks:
Twilight princess Zelda was badder

Team 1: Captain Jack Spearow :Spearow:
Fell off same time as the lonely island

Team l: The Rotom Empire :Rotom:
I do not have the toxic masculinity rome trait

Team | : Catch These Iron Hands of Justice :Iron Hands:
The justice ruins it. I'm a villain frfr

Team J: Over Watchog :Watchog:
LOL overwatch fans

Team K: To Kilowattrel Bird :Kilowattrel:
This ones actually pretty good but reminders of school give some people depression

Team L: Rebel Without a Klawf :Klawf:
I want a Klawf

Team 8: Fuecoco Chanel :Fuecoco:
Should be fuecocomelon

Team :worrywhirl:: The Grapes of Poliwrath :Poliwrath:
More of a strawberry kinda guy

Team M: Of Maushold and Men :Maushold:
Also good but I will not be taking my team out behind the shed

Team Mmm: East of Greedent :Greedent:
I thought you said Weast

Team N: You're Gonna Go Far Capsakid :Capsakid:
I didn't even know capsakid was a pokemon

Team :pip:: Bridge over Trubbish Waters :Trubbish:
Its important to burn your bridges

Team O: Enalp a no Ekans :Ekans:
Bro what is this supposed to be idt Enalp is a word in any language

Team 0: Bramblin' Man :Bramblin:
I bramble but for the team I shant

Team Θ: Beautifly for a White Guy :Beautifly:
Bad song

Team Δ: Greninja Gaiden :Greninja:
Good game cringe mon

Team P: Basculegion of Doom :Basculegion:
Legions in name is cringe

Team AP: Runnin' up that Qwilfish :Qwilfish:
Every day I spinarak

Team Q: I Must Axew a Question :Axew:
Ok ask me the question

Team R: Primarina and the Brionnes :Primarina: :Brionne:
We are all the star on my team

Team :worrycargo:: The Three Flamigos :Flamigo: (can have 3 managers)
Me and corp don't have a 3rd friend

Team S: Squawkabilly Jean :Squawkabilly:
Boring song reference

Team :afrostar:: How Stella Got Her Grovyle Back :Grovyle:
Who is stella

Team T: Snovercofagpachirisuexploudraltsolosis :Snover: :Cofagrigus: :Pachirisu: :Exploud: :Ralts: :Solosis:
So true bestie

Team Ω: Oo Ee Oo Ah Ah Ting-Lu Walrein Walla Bing Bang :Ting-Lu: :Walrein:
Please let this song die

Team U: Heroes of Mightyena and Magikarp :Mightyena::Magikarp:
Im sure they are their own heros

Team V: Kakuna-sama, Love is War :Kakuna:
Cant take the weeb names as stated above

Team W: Ao no Excadrill :Excadrill:
See above

Team X: Tentacool Daimakyou :Tentacool:
I think see above

Team X-Com: Dave's Sweet Dachsbuns :Dachsbun:
Cannot take a dave team from the dave's

Team Y: Oh I Just Can't Wait to be Kingler :Kingler:
Wasn't a disney fan as a child fun fact

Team Why?: Jingle Bell Rockruff :Rockruff:
It isn't christmas

Team Z: Pokemon Legends: Arceus :Arceus:
This is just the name of a game



: Manchester United

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Manager Name: Strat8246
Co-Manager: Autistic Soviet
Returning Manager: no
Team Preference: New york Mankeys
Second Choice: East of Greedent
Will you or your co self-retain: Maybe
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute: Strat and I have managed many team tours on site and on discord.
Manager Name: romanji
Co-Manager: Bella
Returning Manager: n
Team Preference: R, Whimsicottage
Second Choice: 8
Will you or your co self-retain: Yes
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute:
I’ve featured as a player in the past 2 UUFPLs and an active presence in the UU community as well. Bella is a QC member for Ubers UU, while also previously managing in PUWC and currently PUBD.

also she’s a :whimsicott: irl
Manager Name: lostmemories
Co-Manager: matte
Returning Manager: No
Team Preference: Manchester
Second Choice: full metal
Will you or your co self-retain: only me
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute: will make sure nobody else gets their team rater badge stripped. regards to shadowtime and his family rip
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Manager Name: lostmemories
Co-Manager: matte
Returning Manager: No
Team Preference: tbd or whatever’s available
Second Choice:
Will you or your co self-retain: only me
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute: will make sure nobody else gets their team rater badge stripped. regards to shadowtime and his family rip
ja lgi (will make sure nobody else gets their team rater badge stripped)
Manager Name: justdrew

Co-Manager: the DripLegend

Returning Manager: yes

Team Preference: N/A; these team names are incredible, I just enjoy coming up with my own :)

Ideas so no one steals
1. Bond, Greninja-Bond
2. Quaquaval Trades

Will you or your co self-retain: maybe
What is your team's unique Skill or Ability or Attribute: I will draft Attribute
THE driplegend is in.
Team A:
Venture Kadabra Capitalists :Kadabra:
Only has one spoon, we are a 2 spoon minimum kinda team

Team B: Oh Ho-oh it's Magic! :Ho-oh:
Should be Kommo-o it's magic

Team C: High Duchy of Ducklett :Ducklett:
More like High Chair Duckletts

Team D: Oppan Gengar Style :Gengar:
Copyright Infringement

Team E: The Phantump Menace :Phantump:
There is better sci-fi out there

Team ḝ: New York Mankeys :Mankey:
Originally from boston

Team F: The Gholdengo Girls :Gholdengo:
Nice try mantis I'm still not picking this one

Team G: Full Melmetal Alchemist :Melmetal:
I do not want to force team members to enjoy anime

Team :pirate:: Fate/Granbull Order :Granbull:
LOL fate fans

Team H: Shin Meganium Tensei :Meganium:
Bro I had never heard of this in my life apparently its a game

Team I: The Legend of Zygarde: Falinks to the Past :Zygarde: :Falinks:
Twilight princess Zelda was badder

Team 1: Captain Jack Spearow :Spearow:
Fell off same time as the lonely island

Team l: The Rotom Empire :Rotom:
I do not have the toxic masculinity rome trait

Team | : Catch These Iron Hands of Justice :Iron Hands:
The justice ruins it. I'm a villain frfr

Team J: Over Watchog :Watchog:
LOL overwatch fans

Team K: To Kilowattrel Bird :Kilowattrel:
This ones actually pretty good but reminders of school give some people depression

Team L: Rebel Without a Klawf :Klawf:
I want a Klawf

Team 8: Fuecoco Chanel :Fuecoco:
Should be fuecocomelon

Team :worrywhirl:: The Grapes of Poliwrath :Poliwrath:
More of a strawberry kinda guy

Team M: Of Maushold and Men :Maushold:
Also good but I will not be taking my team out behind the shed

Team Mmm: East of Greedent :Greedent:
I thought you said Weast

Team N: You're Gonna Go Far Capsakid :Capsakid:
I didn't even know capsakid was a pokemon

Team :pip:: Bridge over Trubbish Waters :Trubbish:
Its important to burn your bridges

Team O: Enalp a no Ekans :Ekans:
Bro what is this supposed to be idt Enalp is a word in any language

Team 0: Bramblin' Man :Bramblin:
I bramble but for the team I shant

Team Θ: Beautifly for a White Guy :Beautifly:
Bad song

Team Δ: Greninja Gaiden :Greninja:
Good game cringe mon

Team P: Basculegion of Doom :Basculegion:
Legions in name is cringe

Team AP: Runnin' up that Qwilfish :Qwilfish:
Every day I spinarak

Team Q: I Must Axew a Question :Axew:
Ok ask me the question

Team R: Primarina and the Brionnes :Primarina: :Brionne:
We are all the star on my team

Team :worrycargo:: The Three Flamigos :Flamigo: (can have 3 managers)
Me and corp don't have a 3rd friend

Team S: Squawkabilly Jean :Squawkabilly:
Boring song reference

Team :afrostar:: How Stella Got Her Grovyle Back :Grovyle:
Who is stella

Team T: Snovercofagpachirisuexploudraltsolosis :Snover: :Cofagrigus: :Pachirisu: :Exploud: :Ralts: :Solosis:
So true bestie

Team Ω: Oo Ee Oo Ah Ah Ting-Lu Walrein Walla Bing Bang :Ting-Lu: :Walrein:
Please let this song die

Team U: Heroes of Mightyena and Magikarp :Mightyena::Magikarp:
Im sure they are their own heros

Team V: Kakuna-sama, Love is War :Kakuna:
Cant take the weeb names as stated above

Team W: Ao no Excadrill :Excadrill:
See above

Team X: Tentacool Daimakyou :Tentacool:
I think see above

Team X-Com: Dave's Sweet Dachsbuns :Dachsbun:
Cannot take a dave team from the dave's

Team Y: Oh I Just Can't Wait to be Kingler :Kingler:
Wasn't a disney fan as a child fun fact

Team Why?: Jingle Bell Rockruff :Rockruff:
It isn't christmas

Team Z: Pokemon Legends: Arceus :Arceus:
This is just the name of a game



: Manchester United

Your reasonings are accepted and your rebrand is approved as listed (if you are selected to manage). Thank you for your participation. No other current rebrands approved as of right now - be sure to have a backup team listed in case it is denied.
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