Analysis Reservation Thread

Dondozo, but if so.done else gets it, Ting-Lu
Are there any mons available that I can write for?
At the moment we do not have any mons currently up for reservation, we might be planning a new wave soon however no promises. I recommend getting more experience with VGC before wanting to reserve a mon, its awesome that y'all want to write but having less knowledge about the tier does show, and only makes our job as QC and GP more harder as we have to correct or make the work better, often at least for me completely re writing it which isen't good for anyone.
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New wave of mons are up for grabs! First come first serve as always. Please use the sets already up on the dex, though DM us if you think you have a better one.

New Pokemon
:Articuno: Articuno Blu Is Cute
:Ninetales-Alola: Ninetales-A LovelyLuna
:walking-wake: Walking Wake fyfyy
:Sylveon: Sylveon Choruto

Pokemon Reworks
:Kingambit: Kingambit thacrow
:Iron-hands: Iron Hands Flarefox_7
:Porygon2: Porygon 2 Flarefox_7
:Landorus-Therian: Landorus-T Choruto
:Chi-yu: Chi Yu LovelyLuna

For Lando-T and Chi Yu, we will be adding a Choice Band and Choice Scarf set respectively. The rest of the mons only need shuffling of set order, such as moving Kingambit's AV set down.

New Sets
:Dondozo: Yawn Dondozo MrAmbassador
:Ting-Lu: Rock Tomb Ting Lu SoulboyVGC

We'll be trying something new this time, set additions. The above mons don't need full reworks yet but have new popular sets that deserve a mention. We'll be keeping a closer eye on these to make sure things go smoothly, but there shouldn't be too many problems.
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I'll take articuno and A9 and if neither ill take walking wake (I'd prefer to write both articuno and a9 but it's fine if I only get one)

Unfortunately A9 is taken (See first post.), you may take Articuno. - Luna
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I'd like either walking wake or yawn dondozo (Preferably Walking wake.)

You may take Walking Wake - Luna
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New wave of mons are up for grabs! First come first serve as always. Please use the sets already up on the dex, though DM us if you think you have a better one.

New Pokemon
:Articuno: Articuno Blu Is Cute
:Ninetales-Alola: Ninetales-A LovelyLuna
:walking-wake: Walking Wake fyfyy
:Sylveon: Sylveon Choruto

Pokemon Reworks
:Kingambit: Kingambit thacrow
:Iron-hands: Iron Hands Flarefox_7
:Porygon2: Porygon 2 Flarefox_7
:Landorus-Therian: Landorus-T Choruto
:Chi-yu: Chi Yu LovelyLuna

For Lando-T and Chi Yu, we will be adding a Choice Band and Choice Scarf set respectively. The rest of the mons only need shuffling of set order, such as moving Kingambit's AV set down.

New Sets
:Dondozo: Yawn Dondozo MrAmbassador
:Ting-Lu: Rock Tomb Ting Lu SoulboyVGC

We'll be trying something new this time, set additions. The above mons don't need full reworks yet but have new popular sets that deserve a mention. We'll be keeping a closer eye on these to make sure things go smoothly, but there shouldn't be too many problems.
You can remove my name from Yawn Dondozo because LovelyLuna said mine was not good enough and it was rejected. Please let me know if anything else comes available because I would very much like to write an analysis for another Pokemon. I would love to take Walking Wake which I actually used a lot when it was released, fyfyy hasn't even started and hasn't been active. I would love to write something for Waling Wake.
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You can remove my name from Yawn Dondozo because LovelyLuna said mine was not good enough and it was rejected. Please let me know if anything else comes available because I would very much like to write an analysis for another Pokemon. I would love to take Walking Wake which I actually used a lot when it was released, fyfyy hasn't even started and hasn't been active. I would love to write something for Waling Wake.
If fyfyy doesn't start writing his I'm sure it will go up for reservation again, I could help cowrite it with you if you like. In the meantime I have written the yawn dondozo analysis (waiting to be QC'd), reading through it may give you a better sense of the style that is used when writing an analysis. I was in a similar boat to you that I hadn't actually used the pokemon, but looking at regional results (and in this case limitless tours cause nobody has brought it to a regional) helped me understand how it worked and what teams it was being used on. Some ladder practice also helped me get an idea of dondozo's strengths and weaknesses, so for a mon you haven't used I would recommend that!
If fyfyy doesn't start writing his I'm sure it will go up for reservation again, I could help cowrite it with you if you like. In the meantime I have written the yawn dondozo analysis (waiting to be QC'd), reading through it may give you a better sense of the style that is used when writing an analysis. I was in a similar boat to you that I hadn't actually used the pokemon, but looking at regional results (and in this case limitless tours cause nobody has brought it to a regional) helped me understand how it worked and what teams it was being used on. Some ladder practice also helped me get an idea of dondozo's strengths and weaknesses, so for a mon you haven't used I would recommend that!
Appreciate it, I will look into your analysis, in the meantime i've been writing some national Dex stuff, which I regularly play
You can remove my name from Yawn Dondozo because LovelyLuna said mine was not good enough and it was rejected. Please let me know if anything else comes available because I would very much like to write an analysis for another Pokemon. I would love to take Walking Wake which I actually used a lot when it was released, fyfyy hasn't even started and hasn't been active. I would love to write something for Waling Wake.
Was a bit ill recently, the post will be up in 24 hours.