Social Your Life Goal(s)

My life goals really is to have a shiba inu, and in the future make enough to help my grandma and my niece if needed. I don't aspire for much and I don't have any wants either besides wanting a shiba Inu since they are cute, but I am probably in the minority on wanting a more modest lifestyle.
I have many short term goals I’d like to achieve. Even longer term ones such as getting my degree in teaching. However, a life long goal of mine is to help as many people as I can through my life even if it’s just something simple spreading kindness one person once showed unwavering love and care. Hopefully my career path as a teacher will help me in my pursuit of that dedicating my life to help the next gen and if I’m able those that came before me as well. One person changed my outlook on life and I aspire to be like her although she is no longer with me. Well that’s my life long goal. :swole:
For the past 5 years i've had this grand storyline in my head. Before I die, I want it on a sheet of paper somewhere. A book, comic, even an RPG or something. The other thing I want to do is be a teacher. If I have to go wageslave to afford a house, I might as well spend that time helping a bunch of people grow up to do something more interesting than me.