not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… PEOPLE'S MODERATOR ELECTION 2024: CAMPAIGNING STARTS NOW (about time...)


and boom goes the brainbox
is a Community Contributor

A recently-conducted opinion poll points to a big victory for the incumbent ASHLEY campaign in the ongoing PM election. Let's break down the stats.

sports a ginormous lead, outstripping her nearest rival by a very significant margin. Poll analysts suggest this is reflective of public satisfaction with her ongoing handling of the delicate political situation the subforum currently faces.

Meanwhile, BP is making gains, likely due to recent speeches and involvement in a drunk-driving scandal, which the electorate have historically looked favourably upon. He's got a long way to climb if he wants to unseat ASHLEY, but some of the mouthier journos have already placed sizable bets.

The only third-party/write-in candidate to be enjoying any real success is CaffeineBoost, but the outspoken advocate for Circus Maximus rights is still seeing losses, bleeding votes to both major candidates. Has the sheen already begun to wear off?

Despite not formally announcing a PM run, zf continues to pick up write-in support; could we be seeing a protest vote under formation?

faint's popularity collapsed overnight, with the long-serving poster announcing his surprise withdrawal mere hours before leaked documents revealed him to be ineligible due to previously occupying a moderator position in the long-since-expunged F*rebot D*velopment L*b. A full investigation is expected to be held in due course. Disappointed/outraged voters seem to largely have flocked to BIG ASHLEY's campaign, perhaps due to the historical association between her and faint, but pollsters suggest that faint loyalists are likely to be a volatile floating voter bloc.

Undecided voters form a very small minority at this point, with the polarised nature of the ongoing campaign season likely leading those surveyed to embed themselves into camps. One thing's for sure -- the electorate know what they want! And, indeed, seemingly who they want, too.

In reaction to this data, all candidates are rumoured to be figuring out how to target the elusive "people who hate taking part in polls" demographic. We'll have more as it comes.


6th Best Circus Poster of 2023
is a Community Contributor
View attachment 612856

A recently-conducted opinion poll points to a big victory for the incumbent ASHLEY campaign in the ongoing PM election. Let's break down the stats.

sports a ginormous lead, outstripping her nearest rival by a very significant margin. Poll analysts suggest this is reflective of public satisfaction with her ongoing handling of the delicate political situation the subforum currently faces.

Meanwhile, BP is making gains, likely due to recent speeches and involvement in a drunk-driving scandal, which the electorate have historically looked favourably upon. He's got a long way to climb if he wants to unseat ASHLEY, but some of the mouthier journos have already placed sizable bets.

The only third-party/write-in candidate to be enjoying any real success is CaffeineBoost, but the outspoken advocate for Circus Maximus rights is still seeing losses, bleeding votes to both major candidates. Has the sheen already begun to wear off?

Despite not formally announcing a PM run, zf continues to pick up write-in support; could we be seeing a protest vote under formation?

faint's popularity collapsed overnight, with the long-serving poster announcing his surprise withdrawal mere hours before leaked documents revealed him to be ineligible due to previously occupying a moderator position in the long-since-expunged F*rebot D*velopment L*b. A full investigation is expected to be held in due course. Disappointed/outraged voters seem to largely have flocked to BIG ASHLEY's campaign, perhaps due to the historical association between her and faint, but pollsters suggest that faint loyalists are likely to be a volatile floating voter bloc.

Undecided voters form a very small minority at this point, with the polarised nature of the ongoing campaign season likely leading those surveyed to embed themselves into camps. One thing's for sure -- the electorate know what they want! And, indeed, seemingly who they want, too.

In reaction to this data, all candidates are rumoured to be figuring out how to target the elusive "people who hate taking part in polls" demographic. We'll have more as it comes.
You are fake news.

Folks, you cannot trust this source. You cannot trust this fake, liar, media source. There's a very clear bias. A clear bias. I can see so much bias in this post, so much bias. There's a donkey in this post that goes both ways, that's how much bias there is. Folks, the people love me. The people love me folks.

Big Ashley, she's not being very big here. She's posting fake polls, fake statistics, all to make her feel better about the election, but she is losing and she is losing bad. All she does is lose. You could get rid of some letters in her name and it'd be Big L because she is a Big L. Formally L Clefairy.

I've seen the numbers. I have folks. I've seen the real numbers and my numbers are huge. Tremendous. Ginormous numbers. You couldn't even count the numbers I have, that's how many numbers I have. Uncountable numbers of numbers, that's how many numbers. You may be thinking of big numbers, like nine. Nine's a big number. I have much more than nine folks, much more than nine and ninety nine. Much much more folks.

Dead by Daylight

o green world, don't desert me now
is a Contributor to Smogon

BIG ASHLEY has been taken hostage and jailed for 50 years due to financial corruption amidst growing rumors of illegitimacy. Both BP and CaffeineBoost voters rejoiced when asked about this.

Cong forces have started to progress though the badlands of Smogon Gallery.

With BIG ASHLEY imprisoned and her second-in-command gone, the nation has been thrown into turmoil. There are rocks being thrown through my windows.

There will be an emergency election held on Saturday, March 16.
Last edited:

BIG ASHLEY has been taken hostage and jailed for 50 years due to financial corruption amidst growing rumors of illegitimacy. Both BP and CaffeineBoost voters rejoiced when asked about this.

Cong forces have started to progress though the badlands of Smogon Gallery.

With BIG ASHLEY imprisoned and her second-in-command gone, the nation has been thrown into turmoil. There are rocks being thrown through my windows.

There will be an emergency election held on Saturday, March 16.
I rejoiced


6th Best Circus Poster of 2023
is a Community Contributor

BIG ASHLEY has been taken hostage and jailed for 50 years due to financial corruption amidst growing rumors of illegitimacy. Both BP and CaffeineBoost voters rejoiced when asked about this.

Cong forces have started to progress though the badlands of Smogon Gallery.

With BIG ASHLEY imprisoned and her second-in-command gone, the nation has been thrown into turmoil. There are rocks being thrown through my windows.

There will be an emergency election held on Saturday, March 16.

They've captured Ashley. I always said they were gonna capture Ashley and Ashley kept saying "they're not gonna capture me, they're not gonna capture me" but they captured her. I'm not saying it's a good thing, it's a hostage situation and hostage situations are very sad but it could've been any hostage and it was Ashley and I'm not saying it could be worse, I'm not saying it could be worse but many people are saying it you know, many people.

The only way to prevent Cong from taking over is to elect me and we will keep them out. We will keep the posts of the subforum safe from the posts of the oversubs. If you vote for BP they're gonna bring all sorts of posts. All sorts of posts, posts nobody else posts any more, that's the kind of posts we're gonna see. Posts nobody understands.

BIG ASHLEY has been taken hostage and jailed for 50 years due to financial corruption amidst growing rumors of illegitimacy. Both BP and CaffeineBoost voters rejoiced when asked about this.

Cong forces have started to progress though the badlands of Smogon Gallery.

With BIG ASHLEY imprisoned and her second-in-command gone, the nation has been thrown into turmoil. There are rocks being thrown through my windows.

There will be an emergency election held on Saturday, March 16.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel! Shall come the king of Israel!


Upper Decky Lip Mints
is a Contributor to Smogon

Posters of Smogoff,

I have come to you today to call out the fake news media that continues to slander my name. It seems the 3rd party candidate CaffeineBoost has aggressively misunderstood my policies and goals as PM hopeful. I would like to urge you to disregard the absolutely disgusting attempts to slander my name. We all know that I fight and serve in Smogoff's best interest. In my announcement post I talk about giving up our search of the fabled Poster's Paradise and instead focusing on creating our own. I still stand by that initial statement and I will do everything possible to ensure that Smogoff is established as posting superpower that will last generations. If you elect me as a PM your name will forever be etched on the right side of history as someone who helped create a true Poster's Paradise. So I now ask you, are you going to let the fake news media lead you astray and continue the posting stagnation that our beloved nation has seen? OR ARE YOU GOING TO ELECT ME, THE POSTER WHO WILL CREATE A PROMISE LAND WITHIN OUR VERY OWN NATION.


6th Best Circus Poster of 2023
is a Community Contributor
Posters of Smogoff,

I have come to you today to call out the fake news media that continues to slander my name. It seems the 3rd party candidate CaffeineBoost has aggressively misunderstood my policies and goals as PM hopeful. I would like to urge you to disregard the absolutely disgusting attempts to slander my name. We all know that I fight and serve in Smogoff's best interest. In my announcement post I talk about giving up our search of the fabled Poster's Paradise and instead focusing on creating our own. I still stand by that initial statement and I will do everything possible to ensure that Smogoff is established as posting superpower that will last generations. If you elect me as a PM your name will forever be etched on the right side of history as someone who helped create a true Poster's Paradise. So I now ask you, are you going to let the fake news media lead you astray and continue the posting stagnation that our beloved nation has seen? OR ARE YOU GOING TO ELECT ME, THE POSTER WHO WILL CREATE A PROMISE LAND WITHIN OUR VERY OWN NATION.
I'm not slandering your name Sleepy Joe BP, it's not my fault you're so sleepy, it's not my fault that BP stands for Bogus PM, you're fighting a losing battle against me and everyone knows it. You're fighting 2 losing battles even, one against the Cong invaders who are coming over here, stealing our reacts. 3 when you lose your first lady because of your snoring Sleepy Joe BP. I'm not slandering you, I'm telling you what the people think and the people think you're not a posting superpower. You're not even a posting brick break. You're a posting dynamic punch, you keep missing the mark and you're leaving the populous confused. They think you need a wake up slap Sleepy BP.

If you elect BP, there will be more than a posting stagnation, there will be a posting destruction. The Cong invaders, they're coming into our subforum, they're gonna silence the Smogoff people, they're gonna drown you out with their NBA threads and their Formula 1. They're gonna burn our subforum to the ground and this traitor to the Smogoff people BP, he's gonna let them in!

He wants to create a promised land, who doesn't love a good promised land? Well none of you will love this promised land because this land isn't promised to you Sleepy Joe BP has promised the land to Cong and that means promising your land to Cong. Vote for me and I will keep you and your loved ones safe from Cong and safe from Joe BP.


Upper Decky Lip Mints
is a Contributor to Smogon
hi candidates, i'm a single issue voter, how are you going to deal with the fact that we are in a posting points recession??????
The head of Posting Points United is one of the 3rd party candidates. I've already covered how I plan to deal with this extensively in previous posts. Please point you're questions to CaffeineBoost the head of the PPU bank.


6th Best Circus Poster of 2023
is a Community Contributor
hi candidates, i'm a single issue voter, how are you going to deal with the fact that we are in a posting points recession??????
The head of Posting Points United is one of the 3rd party candidates. I've already covered how I plan to deal with this extensively in previous posts. Please point you're questions to CaffeineBoost the head of the PPU bank.
You are fake news.

The posting point economy is flourishing. Tremendously. We have thousands upon thousands of posting points just ready to give to the people, we're very rich in posting points, very rich. This subforum is #1 in posting points actually, did you know that? #1. While some people, some crazy people, they're doing #2's on the ballots, they're mail submitting their own skidmarks, we're keeping the subforum on top of the forum scale in posting points.

The great Smogoff people, the great Smogoff people. They have posting points. They have posting points to survive three wars with Cong let me tell you. Three. That's a lot of wars. We've only had two world wars and the world says "that's a lot of wars" well we can survive three of them okay?

The great Smogoff people, this is true by the way. The great Smogoff people, they've looked at the Cong war and they've done the right thing folks, the right thing. We're keeping our sovereign posting point to ourselves. We're keeping the posting points Smogoff and you know why? Because the posting point is sacred. It's a sacred currency. Current estimates, last I checked, current estimates, and I have some great people working on this. Working on boosting the value of the posting point. Compared to likes, and hahas, and wow reacts, posting points are worth millions. Millions of them let me tell you. We're at a point where one posting point is worth half the entire forum folks, that's how good posting points have been recently.

So to answer your question, Voltage, your biased media source wants to paint my handling of the posting point economy as bad. You want to say it's bad but you can't say it's bad because it's fantastic. Tremendous. It's booming. Your journalism? That's bad. We could write papers on how bad your journalism is. You couldn't do it because your journalism is bad that's how bad your journalism is.

Also I am not a 3rd party candidate. Let me be very clear, I am not a 3rd party, I am the 1st party. I am the 1st party because I will come 1st and the BP administration, they're trying to paint me as a loser when I don't lose. I never lose. I won't lose, you'll lose. You're the loser who loses here. They're painting me as a "3rd party" to set up expectations, to set up expectations that when they rig the election that it's normal for me to lose but it's not. It'd be very abnormal. I am not a 3rd party, I am the 1st party. You're not even a 3rd party. You're like a 9th party that's how bad your party is. 9th.

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