Announcement Become the Tier Leader Tournament! (Congrats to goldenghost for winning)


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LC Leader
It's with a heavy heart that I announce that Fiend will be stepping down from Little Cup Tier Leader. Fiend's been a wonderful leader who's helped out this community, both front-facing and behind the scenes forever and it's with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to him.

That being said, picking a new tier leader is very hard. I have to go through all of the different candidates, there's a ton of people who are good choices and there's no way for me to know who's interested. So we're having a tournament for it. All you have to do to become LCTL is post a replay of you, playing Little Cup and I will score all of the entries. If you have the best one, you will become TL.


1. Post a replay of you playing LC to participate. The better the replay is to show off your skill, the more points it will be worth.
2. You have the right to post as many replays and as many posts as you want, I have the right to ignore all of them but one, or give you points for every single one.
3. You will score more points if the game is recent, so don't post your best replay from a year ago. That being said if your replay is 12 years old that might score extremely well.
4. Points will be completely arbitrary. I have the right to score things however I want. Fiend may also score things if he chooses.
5. The tour ends whenever I say so.
6. Yes, this is real.

Good luck everyone, and may the strongest LCer win!

Congrats to goldenghost on winning the tournament and becoming LCTL!
It's with a heavy heart that I announce that Fiend will be stepping down from Little Cup Tier Leader. Fiend's been a wonderful leader who's helped out this community, both front-facing and behind the scenes forever and it's with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to him.

That being said, picking a new tier leader is very hard. I have to go through all of the different candidates, there's a ton of people who are good choices and there's no way for me to know who's interested. So we're having a tournament for it. All you have to do to become LCTL is post a replay of you, playing Little Cup and I will score all of the entries. If you have the best one, you will become TL.


1. Post a replay of you playing LC to participate. The better the replay is to show off your skill, the more points it will be worth.
2. You have the right to post as many replays and as many posts as you want, I have the right to ignore all of them but one, or give you points for every single one.
3. You will score more points if the game is recent, so don't post your best replay from a year ago. That being said if your replay is 12 years old that might score extremely well.
4. Points will be completely arbitrary. I have the right to score things however I want. Fiend may also score things if he chooses.
5. The tour ends whenever I say so.
6. Yes, this is real.

Good luck everyone, and may the strongest LCer win!
