NU Lycanroc-Dusk [GP 2/2]


Lycanroc-D is one of the most effective revenge killers and wallbreakers that NU has to offer. It boasts one of the best base Speed stats in the tier and carries strong STAB priority in Accelerock for faster foes. Its strong, Tough Claws-boosted attacks, often boosted further by Swords Dance, deal immense damage even to neutral targets. It also has fantastic coverage, with Close Combat to burst through physical walls like Avalugg and Registeel, Crunch to break Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs to crack Vileplume or Dragalge. The sheer variety of coverage available to it, including options like Sucker Punch and Stone Edge, makes predicting and countering Lycanroc-D incredibly difficult. Lycanroc-D's poor bulk is its main weakness; it can struggle to cleanly switch in, and finding time to set up a Swords Dance can be difficult. Life Orb recoil and entry hazards can further wear it down, limiting Lycanroc-D's staying power. Lycanroc-D can also be revenge killed by several of the Choice Scarf users in the tier, notably Mienshao, Flygon, and Krookodile. Walls like Swampert and Vileplume can also take a few hits if Lycanroc-D cannot set up with Swords Dance.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Accelerock
move 3: Close Combat / Sucker Punch
move 4: Crunch
item: Life Orb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Lycanroc-D has significant power and Speed without any boosts, but Swords Dance pushes it even further. Accelerock is a strong priority STAB move that hits faster Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus for super effective damage. Close Combat is an excellent coverage move that hits large portions of the tier for neutral or super effective damage. Notably, it hits walls such as Avalugg and Registeel, almost always OHKOing Avalugg at +2. Pokemon resistant to Accelerock, such as Swampert and Rhyperior, also dislike switching into Close Combat, particularly after a Swords Dance boost. The addition of Tera Fighting allows an unboosted Lycanroc-D to 2HKO Swampert and Quagsire. Sucker Punch can replace Close Combat for an even stronger priority move on Tera Dark variants, letting Lycanroc-D OHKO Choice Scarf Mienshao. Crunch, often in combination with Tera Dark, allows Lycanroc-D to OHKO Slowbro at +2 after Stealth Rock, and always OHKOes Reuniclus. Alternatively, Psychic Fangs beats Poison-types like Vileplume, defensive Dragalge, and Tera Poison Slowbro with ease. Life Orb provides some immediate power without the boost of Swords Dance, giving it solid revenge killing potential upon entering the field.

One of Lycanroc-D's primary weaknesses is its bulk, which makes it difficult to switch in, particularly when it also takes entry hazard damage. As a result, Lycanroc-D benefits greatly from pivoting teammates to bring it in without taking a hit. Slow pivots, such as Magnezone and Swampert, can take the hit themselves, safely bringing Lycanroc-D in, while fast, strong pivots like Noivern can scare out opposing Pokemon to bring Lycanroc-D in for free. Special attackers such as Dragalge, Magnezone, and Thundurus appreciate Lycanroc-D's ability to blow holes in special walls like Alolan Muk, and in return they can wear down common physical walls like Slowbro and Quagsire. On hyper offense teams, particularly those using Galvantula to set up Sticky Web, Lycanroc-D's threat potential is only increased, allowing it to outspeed dangerous Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. Grass-types, primarily Rapid Spin users like Tsareena and Brambleghast, also pair well with Lycanroc-D, threatening common Ground-type checks like Swampert and Quagsire and removing the hazards that would otherwise chip away at Lycanroc-D's HP. Teammates like Slowbro and Talonflame can switch in on threatening revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, and Slowbro can also help check opposing Talonflame, which threatens to cripple Lycanroc-D with Flame Body burns.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Accelerock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Crunch / Stone Edge / Sucker Punch
move 4: Psychic Fangs / Stone Edge
item: Life Orb / Choice Band
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Accelerock provides priority that's useful against the few threats in the tier that outspeed Lycanroc-D, dealing super effective damage to Noivern, Talonflame, and Thundurus. It also provides an option to pick off Shell Smash sweepers like Cloyster and some weakened Choice Scarf users, such as Chandelure and Hisuian Typhlosion. Close Combat can OHKO specially defensive Registeel, 2HKO Avalugg, and serve as a strong neutral coverage move in response to many other threats. Tera Fighting Close Combat can also guarantee 2HKOs on Swampert and Quagsire. Crunch cleanly 2HKOes Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs 2HKOes Vileplume and OHKOes all but the most physically bulky Dragalge. Sucker Punch provides Lycanroc-D with a stronger priority move than Accelerock that's not resisted by the Choice Scarf Ground-types that try to revenge kill it. Stone Edge is a stronger STAB move than Accelerock, and unlike the rest of Lycanroc-D's options, it does not risk activating contact-based abilities like Effect Spore and Flame Body. With Choice Band, Stone Edge cleanly 2HKOes Vileplume. Life Orb provides less immediate power but more flexibility at the cost of some HP, while Choice Band provides maximum immediate damage at the cost of locking Lycanroc-D into a move.

Slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Incineroar can take a hit and cleanly switch into Lycanroc-D, getting it onto the field without taking damage. Teammates like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Feraligatr can break through bulky Water- and Ground-types that could otherwise tank multiple hits, such as Slowbro and Swampert. Strong special attackers, such as Magnezone, Thundurus, and Porygon-Z, support Lycanroc-D by breaking through the physical walls, like Slowbro and Quagsire, that can check it. Rapid Spin users like Tsareena and Brambleghast, as well as Defog users like Talonflame, pair well with Lycanroc-D, removing entry hazards that hurt its already limited longevity. Galvantula, as the premier Sticky Web setter in the tier, also pairs well with Lycanroc-D, allowing it to outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape that would otherwise pose a threat to it. Defensively, teammates like Slowbro and Talonflame can take Close Combat and Earthquake from potential revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, and Slowbro further checks Talonflame, which potentially threatens Lycanroc-D with a Flame Body burn on every attack except Stone Edge.

Other Options

Lycanroc-D can use Tera Ghost defensively in order to avoid Close Combat from revenge killing threats like Mienshao, but offensive Tera types are preferred to maximize damage output. A Focus Sash lead set with Stealth Rock / Accelerock / Close Combat / Taunt is a great enabler of hyper offense teams, as Lycanroc-D is still quite strong without a boosting move or item and is fast enough to reliably set its entry hazard.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Vileplume switches into most of Lycanroc-D's moves well, with the exception of Psychic Fangs. Rocky Helmet chip damage helps further wear Lycanroc-D down, and Effect Spore has the potential to activate on every one of Lycanroc-D's attacking options besides Stone Edge. Bulky Tsareena can take Close Combat, is immune to Accelerock, and can threaten Lycanroc-D with Rapid Spin or an OHKO with Power Whip. Venusaur in sun can also outspeed and threaten Lycanroc-D.

**Water-types**: Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire all take at least one hit from Lycanroc-D and threaten it back with super effective damage. Feraligatr and Basculegion can also threaten it offensively with Aqua Jet.

**Ground-types**: Swampert and Quagsire tank unboosted Close Combat adequately, while Flygon and Krookodile are capable of switching into anything but Close Combat while often using Choice Scarf to outspeed and potentially OHKO Lycanroc-D with Earthquake.

**Revenge Killers**: Very few threats in the tier can naturally outspeed Lycanroc-D, but for those that do, Lycanroc-D is forced to use a relatively weak priority move in Accelerock. Raikou, along with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Flygon, can take an Accelerock and threaten Lycanroc-D back with super effective attacks.

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stamped by pokeslice qc 1/2 when done

Lycanroc-D is one of the most effective revenge killers and breakers that NU has to offer. A strong, Tough Claws boosted attack, often boosted further by Swords Dance, one of the best base speed stats in the tier, and strong STAB priority in Accelerock all combine to make Lycanroc-D extremely difficult to wall without using Tera. It also has fantastic coverage, with Close Combat to burst through physical walls like Avalugg and Registeel, Crunch to break Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs to crack Vileplume or Dragalge. That it often doesn't have room to fit all of these moves make it difficult to reliably counter.< rephrase that idk what you want to say there. sounds like ur saying its hard to counter it due to its coverage n also it cant fit all of its coverage making always walled by smth However, some walls are capable of holding Lycanroc-D off and threatening it in return. Swampert, Quagsire, and, for variants without Psychic Fangs, Vileplume, can switch in and take some hits, although even they can struggle if Lycanroc-D is boosted by Swords Dance. Lycanroc-D's poor bulk is its major weakness. It can struggle to cleanly switch in, and finding time to get up a Swords Dance can be difficult. Life orb recoil can also wear it down quickly, and, if combined with hazards, can seriously limit Lycanroc-D's staying power. Lycanroc-D can also be revenge killed by several of the Choice Scarf users in the tier, notably Mienshao, Flygon, and Krookodile.

name: Swords Dance

Lycanroc-D has significant power and speed, but Swords Dance pushes it even further. mention benchmarks that +2 like ohko on rhyperior with cc or ohko on slowbro woth crunch after rocks would help you achieve showing how Very few Pokemon in the tier can survive two neutral or super effective hits from a boosted Lycanroc-D. Close Combat is an excellent coverage move that hits large portions of the tier for neutral or super effective damage. Notably, it hits walls such as Avalugg and Registeel, and deals strong neutral damage to Alolan Muk. Accelerock is a strong priority STAB move that hits Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus for super effective damage, all of which have a higher base speed than Lycanroc-D. Crunch allows Lycanroc-D, particularly in combination with Terastallizing into the Dark type, to break through Slowbro and Reuniclus. Using the Life Orb allows some immediate power without the boost of Swords Dance, giving it solid revenge killing potential upon entering the field. Max speed investment and a Jolly nature allow it to outspeed most of the tier, while still threatening those that outspeed it with priority.

Lycanroc-D can work on multiple team types, but does especially well with VoltTurn and hyper offense builds. i'd like it if you were to touch on these separately and give teammates that'd help in those sentences like mew on ho or galge/mienshao on voltturn One of Lycanroc-D's primary weaknesses is its bulk, which makes it difficult to switch in, particularly when it also takes hazard chip. Slower pivots, such as Swampert, Magnezone, or Dragalge, can take a hit while pivoting into Lycanroc-D, getting it onto the field while remaining healthy. Lycanroc-D also serves these pivoting and hyper offense teams as a strong revenge killer, both with priority Accelerock hitting opponents like Cloyster, weakened by a Shell Smash, or by simply outspeeding common threats like Mew or Gallade. fluff imo On hyper offense teams, particularly those using Galvantula to set Sticky Web, this capability Lycanroc-D’s threat is only increased, allowing Lycanroc-D to outspeed dangerous Choice Scarf users like Mienshao or Infernape. Grass-types, primarily Rapid Spin users like Tsareena or Brambleghast, also pair well with Lycanroc-D, threatening common Ground-type checks like Swampert and removing the hazards that would otherwise chip away at Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk. Many special attackers also appreciate Lycanroc-D's ability to blow holes into Alolan-Muk, who is OHKO'ed by Close Combat after a Swords Dance boost, and takes a massive chunk even without it. Those special attackers in turn wear down common physical walls like Slowbro. define these "special attackers" so we know what synergizes well like dragalge or thundurus

name: All-out Attacker

Lycanroc-D is an extremely effective revenge killer. This set allows Lycanroc-D to carry coverage to hit most of the tier super-effectively, and, when using Choice Band, with more immediate power. Close Combat can OHKO specially defensive Registeel, 2HKOs Avalugg, and can serve as a strong neutral coverage move in response to many other threats. Crunch cleanly 2HKOs Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs 2HKOs Vileplume and OHKOs all but the most physically bulky Dragalge. Accelerock provides priority against the few threats in the tier that outspeed Lycanroc-D, dealing super-effective damage to Noivern, Talonflame, and Thundurus. It also provides an option to pick off Shell Smash sweepers like Cloyster or some chipped Choice Scarf users. Max speed investment and a Jolly nature allow it to outspeed most of the tier, while still threatening those that outspeed it with priority. explain y u'd use band or life orb here like more power but locked in n lose health but move freedom & reorder the paragraph so it lines up with the order of the moves above

Lycanroc-D works particularly well on VoltTurn and hyper-offense builds
. again, if you want to say this provide examples alongside it like u do below when u list galv and u can include mons like tsareena that bring in flying-types Slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, or Incineroar can take a hit and cleanly switch into Lycanroc-D, allowing it onto the field without taking damage. Lycanroc-D further serves these teams as an incredible revenge killer, easily breaking through chipped opponents, and, in some cases, being able to OHKO dangerous enemies like Talonflame. <delete that sentence or find a mon that threatens the slow pivoters you mentioned Choice Band Lycanroc-D does suffer from a reliance on prediction, so tTeammates like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Feraligatr can break through bulky Water and Ground-types that could otherwise tank multiple hits, such as Swampert or Slowbro. Rapid Spin users like Tsareena and Brambleghast, as well as Defog users like Talonflame pair well with Lycanroc-D, removing hazards that hurt Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk. Galvantula, as the premier Sticky Web setter in the tier, also pairs well with Lycanroc-D, allowing it to outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape that would otherwise pose a threat to it.

Other Options

A niche option for Swords Dance sets is Tera Grass with Trailblaze. This allows Lycanroc-D to burst past the water types that tend to check it, such as Swampert and Quagsire. It also lets Lycanroc-D outspeed Choice Scarf users that can revenge kill it, most notably Mienshao. Focus Sash is an alternate item to guarantee an opportunity to Swords Dance or revenge kill an opposing sweeper, but it easily breaks and does reduces reduce Lycanroc-D's breaking potential.

Checks and Counters

Grass-Types: Vileplume switches well into most of Lycanroc-D's kit, with the exception of Psychic Fangs. Rocky Helmet chip helps further wear Lycanroc-D down, and Effect Spore has the potential to proc on every one of Lycanroc-D's attacking options. Bulky Brute Bonnet, while unable to switch into Close Combat, easily takes any of Lycanroc-D's other options, while threatening back with Seed Bomb or Sucker Punch, often boosted by Protosynthesis. plain av is more common if not equal to sun brute bonnetVenusaur in sun can also outspeed and threaten Lycanroc-D.

Water-Types: Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire all take at least one hit from Lycanroc-D and threaten it back with super-effective damage. Feraligatr and Choice Scarf Basculegion can also threaten it with priority through Aqua Jet.

Ground-Types: Again, Swampert and Quagsire resist Lycanroc-D's main STAB move, while Flygon and Krookodile are capable of switching into anything but Close Combat, while often using Choice Scarf to outspeed and potentially OHKO Lycanroc-D with Earthquake.

Revenge Killers: While very few threats in the tier can naturally outspeed Lycanroc-D, there are some who do so while not taking super-effective damage from Accelerock. reword to smth like not many mons outspeed lyc-d, but for those who do lyc-d is forced to rely on a weak priority move While niche, both Raikou and Electrode-Hisui outspeed and carry super-effective coverage against Lycanroc-D. electrode-hisui is never used; drop the mention and change this to smth like pokes like raikou and scarf users like mienshao n flygon can easily take an accelerock and can threaten it back with super-effective attacks It is also seriously threatened by the most common Choice Scarf users in the tier, notably Mienshao, Infernape, Flygon and Krookodile. this’d be combined with the above sentence

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There's a lot here, so tag me when it's implemented and I'll give the 2/2 then.


Lycanroc-D is one of the most effective revenge killers and breakers that NU has to offer. A strong, Tough Claws boosted attack, often boosted further by Swords Dance, one of the best base speed stats in the tier, and strong STAB priority in Accelerock all combine to make Lycanroc-D extremely difficult to wall without using Tera. It also has fantastic coverage, with Close Combat to burst through physical walls like Avalugg and Registeel, Crunch to break Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs to crack Vileplume or Dragalge. While the sheer variety of its coverage makes Lycanroc-D difficult to reliably counter check, it sometimes struggles to fit all the moves it might want, making it possible to wall. However, Swampert, Quagsire, and, for variants without Psychic Fangs, Vileplume, can switch in and take some hits, although even they can struggle if Lycanroc-D is boosted by Swords Dance. This last sentence is really hard to read. You make correct points about what can wall it and how they struggle to handle SD. Please reword it to make it flow better and make it easier to read. Lycanroc-D's poor bulk is its major weakness. It can struggle to cleanly switch in, and finding time to get up a Swords Dance can be difficult. Life orb recoil can also wear it down quickly, and, if combined with hazards, can seriously limit Lycanroc-D's staying power. Lycanroc-D can also be revenge killed by several of the Choice Scarf users in the tier, notably Mienshao, Flygon, and Krookodile. Lycanroc-D is the best (or second best) wallbreaker in the tier, yet you downplay it so much. Over half of the Overview is about its weaknesses and how it struggles to break/sweep, but that isn't the case. Lycanroc punishes teams not knowing what coverage it has, which tera type it has, or if it's SD or not. Please talk more about this. Lycanroc is able to overcome those weaknesses thanks to its great offensive presence-- this needs to be known for the reader to understand why it is such a great Pokemon in the tier.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Accelerock
move 3: Close Combat
move 4: Crunch / Psychic Fangs
item: Life Orb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Lycanroc-D has significant power and speed, but Swords Dance pushes it even further. Accelerock is a strong priority STAB move that hits faster Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus for super effective damage, all of which have a higher base speed than Lycanroc-D. Close Combat is an excellent coverage move that hits large portions of the tier for neutral or super effective damage. Notably, it hits walls such as Avalugg and Registeel, almost always OHKOing Avalugg at +2, and deals strong neutral damage to Alolan Muk. Idk why Alolan Muk would be in front of a Lycanroc, but you should add Pokemon like Swampert and Rhyperior here as they resist Lycan's Rock STAB, making them natural checks, even if they don't like taking CC. Crunch allows Lycanroc-D, particularly in combination with Terastallizing into the Dark type, to break through Slowbro and Reuniclus. +2 Crunch always OHKOs Slowbro after Stealth Rock chip, and always OHKOs Reuniclus. Using the Life Orb allows some immediate power without the boost of Swords Dance, giving it solid revenge killing potential upon entering the field. You explained why you would use Tera Dark, but not Tera Fighting, which is listed first, explain why you would use it.

Lycanroc-D works well on VoltTurn teams. One of Lycanroc-D's primary weaknesses is its bulk, which makes it difficult to switch in, particularly when it also takes hazard chip. Slower pivots, such as Swampert, Magnezone, or Dragalge, can take a hit while pivoting into Lycanroc-D, getting it onto the field while remaining healthy.

This big chunk of text above can be condensed into one or two sentences. You explain that it works well on VoltTurn teams, then you mention 3 slow pivots, only one of which is used on VoltTurn.

Many special attackers also appreciate Lycanroc-D's ability to blow holes into Alolan-Muk, who is OHKO'ed by Close Combat after a Swords Dance boost, and takes a massive chunk even without it. Those special attackers, such as Dragalge, Magnezone, or Thundurus, in turn wear down common physical walls like Slowbro. Add at least one other physical wall that they can beat. I was liking the information as I was reading it, but felt weird as I saw only Slowbro, it ended before it should have. On hyper offense teams, particularly those using Galvantula to set Sticky Web, Lycanroc-D's threat is only increased, allowing Lycanroc-D to outspeed dangerous Choice Scarf users like Mienshao or Infernape. Grass-types, primarily Rapid Spin users like Tsareena or Brambleghast, also pair well with Lycanroc-D, threatening common Ground-type checks like Swampert and removing the hazards that would otherwise chip away at Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk.

You mention Lycanroc having poor bulk and it being one of its weaknesses, thus you wrote about slow pivots that bring it into battle. I'd like for you to write about walls that it pairs with that take the Scarf Mienshao Close Combats, or Scarf Krookodile's Earthquake/Knock. Quagsire is one of Lycanroc's biggest checks, walling it with Unaware and Tera Poison if needed, this needs to be mentioned, too. Also note that Lycanroc does not want to be burned by Talonflame, so it has to take a risk by clicking any of its moves and hoping Talonflame doesn't switch-in and gets the 30% burn chance, and include teammates that punish Talonflame (especially Slowbro).

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Accelerock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Crunch / Stone Edge / Sucker Punch
move 4: Psychic Fangs / Stone Edge
item: Choice Band / Life Orb I would put Life Orb before CB, it's more common and less exploitable
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Accelerock provides priority against the few threats in the tier that outspeed Lycanroc-D, dealing super-effective damage to Noivern, Talonflame, and Thundurus. It also provides an option to pick off Shell Smash sweepers like Cloyster or some chipped Choice Scarf users such as Chandelure and Hisuian Typhlosion. "or some chipped Choice Scarf users" What Pokemon are you thinking of? The top 3 Scarfers all resist Accelerock, so you'd need a lot more than just chip damage to get the KO, which is why I'm adding those 2. Close Combat can OHKO specially defensive Registeel, 2HKOs Avalugg, and can serve as a strong neutral coverage move in response to many other threats. Crunch cleanly 2HKOs Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs 2HKOs Vileplume and OHKOs all but the most physically bulky Dragalge. Max speed investment and a Jolly nature allow it to outspeed most of the tier, while still threatening those that outspeed it with priority. Getting rid of some fluff. Life Orb provides less immediate power but more flexibility, at the cost of some life, while Choice Band provides maximum immediate damage at the cost of locking itself into a move. Just like with the previous set, you need to explain why you would use the 2 listed Tera types, there are important thresholds that Tera Fighting achieves that base Lycanroc-D cannot, please list those as well.

Slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, or Incineroar can take a hit and cleanly switch into Lycanroc-D, allowing it onto the field without taking damage. Teammates like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Feraligatr can break through bulky Water and Ground-types that could otherwise tank multiple hits, such as Swampert or Slowbro. Rapid Spin users like Tsareena and Brambleghast, as well as Defog users like Talonflame pair well with Lycanroc-D, removing hazards that hurt Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk. Galvantula, as the premier Sticky Web setter in the tier, also pairs well with Lycanroc-D, allowing it to outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape that would otherwise pose a threat to it. Again, just like the last set, you need to talk about defensive teammates as well. Not only those, but everything else I listed before.

Other Options

A niche option for Swords Dance sets is Tera Grass with Trailblaze. This allows Lycanroc-D to burst past the water types that tend to check it, such as Swampert and Quagsire. It also lets Lycanroc-D outspeed Choice Scarf users that can revenge kill it, most notably Mienshao. Focus Sash is an alternate item to guarantee an opportunity to Swords Dance or revenge kill an opposing sweeper, but it easily breaks and reduces Lycanroc-D's breaking potential. Write a sentence about Tera Ghost, which can be used on both sets, that provides defensive utility for Lycanroc to become immune to Mienshao's Close Combat, one of the most common forms of revenge killing it. Trailblaze Lycanroc is bad because it loses out on a lot of coverage. If you really want it listed, discuss how it can pair on the Wallbreaker set in particular as well as any weaknesses it now gains and what it loses defensively. Focus Sash should not be used on Lycanroc-D except for a dedicated lead set, which should also be here.

Checks and Counters
These should not be bolded, format them as **Insert Threat Here**:
Grass-Types: Vileplume switches well into most of Lycanroc-D's kit, with the exception of Psychic Fangs. Rocky Helmet chip helps further wear Lycanroc-D down, and Effect Spore has the potential to proc on every one of Lycanroc-D's attacking options. Bulky Brute Bonnet, while unable to switch into Close Combat, easily takes any of Lycanroc-D's other options, while threatening back with Seed Bomb or Sucker Punch. Venusaur in sun can also outspeed and threaten Lycanroc-D. Mention bulky Tsareena, it takes CC, is immune to Accelerock, and threatens with an OHKO or Rapid Spin.

Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire all take at least one hit from Lycanroc-D and threaten it back with super-effective damage. Feraligatr and Basculegion can also threaten it with priority through Aqua Jet.

Ground-Types: Swampert and Quagsire resist Lycanroc-D's main STAB move, while Flygon and Krookodile are capable of switching into anything but Close Combat, while often using Choice Scarf to outspeed and potentially OHKO Lycanroc-D with Earthquake.

Revenge Killers: Very few threats in the tier can naturally outspeed Lycanroc-D, but for those who do, Lycanroc-D is forced to use a relatively weak priority move in Accelerock. Raikou, along with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Flygon, can take an Accelerock and threaten Lycanroc-D back with super-effective attacks.

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There's a lot here, so tag me when it's implemented and I'll give the 2/2 then.


Lycanroc-D is one of the most effective revenge killers and breakers that NU has to offer. A strong, Tough Claws boosted attack, often boosted further by Swords Dance, one of the best base speed stats in the tier, and strong STAB priority in Accelerock all combine to make Lycanroc-D extremely difficult to wall without using Tera. It also has fantastic coverage, with Close Combat to burst through physical walls like Avalugg and Registeel, Crunch to break Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs to crack Vileplume or Dragalge. While the sheer variety of its coverage makes Lycanroc-D difficult to reliably counter check, it sometimes struggles to fit all the moves it might want, making it possible to wall. However, Swampert, Quagsire, and, for variants without Psychic Fangs, Vileplume, can switch in and take some hits, although even they can struggle if Lycanroc-D is boosted by Swords Dance. This last sentence is really hard to read. You make correct points about what can wall it and how they struggle to handle SD. Please reword it to make it flow better and make it easier to read. Lycanroc-D's poor bulk is its major weakness. It can struggle to cleanly switch in, and finding time to get up a Swords Dance can be difficult. Life orb recoil can also wear it down quickly, and, if combined with hazards, can seriously limit Lycanroc-D's staying power. Lycanroc-D can also be revenge killed by several of the Choice Scarf users in the tier, notably Mienshao, Flygon, and Krookodile. Lycanroc-D is the best (or second best) wallbreaker in the tier, yet you downplay it so much. Over half of the Overview is about its weaknesses and how it struggles to break/sweep, but that isn't the case. Lycanroc punishes teams not knowing what coverage it has, which tera type it has, or if it's SD or not. Please talk more about this. Lycanroc is able to overcome those weaknesses thanks to its great offensive presence-- this needs to be known for the reader to understand why it is such a great Pokemon in the tier.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Accelerock
move 3: Close Combat
move 4: Crunch / Psychic Fangs
item: Life Orb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Lycanroc-D has significant power and speed, but Swords Dance pushes it even further. Accelerock is a strong priority STAB move that hits faster Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus for super effective damage, all of which have a higher base speed than Lycanroc-D. Close Combat is an excellent coverage move that hits large portions of the tier for neutral or super effective damage. Notably, it hits walls such as Avalugg and Registeel, almost always OHKOing Avalugg at +2, and deals strong neutral damage to Alolan Muk. Idk why Alolan Muk would be in front of a Lycanroc, but you should add Pokemon like Swampert and Rhyperior here as they resist Lycan's Rock STAB, making them natural checks, even if they don't like taking CC. Crunch allows Lycanroc-D, particularly in combination with Terastallizing into the Dark type, to break through Slowbro and Reuniclus. +2 Crunch always OHKOs Slowbro after Stealth Rock chip, and always OHKOs Reuniclus. Using the Life Orb allows some immediate power without the boost of Swords Dance, giving it solid revenge killing potential upon entering the field. You explained why you would use Tera Dark, but not Tera Fighting, which is listed first, explain why you would use it.

Lycanroc-D works well on VoltTurn teams. One of Lycanroc-D's primary weaknesses is its bulk, which makes it difficult to switch in, particularly when it also takes hazard chip. Slower pivots, such as Swampert, Magnezone, or Dragalge, can take a hit while pivoting into Lycanroc-D, getting it onto the field while remaining healthy.

This big chunk of text above can be condensed into one or two sentences. You explain that it works well on VoltTurn teams, then you mention 3 slow pivots, only one of which is used on VoltTurn.

Many special attackers also appreciate Lycanroc-D's ability to blow holes into Alolan-Muk, who is OHKO'ed by Close Combat after a Swords Dance boost, and takes a massive chunk even without it. Those special attackers, such as Dragalge, Magnezone, or Thundurus, in turn wear down common physical walls like Slowbro. Add at least one other physical wall that they can beat. I was liking the information as I was reading it, but felt weird as I saw only Slowbro, it ended before it should have. On hyper offense teams, particularly those using Galvantula to set Sticky Web, Lycanroc-D's threat is only increased, allowing Lycanroc-D to outspeed dangerous Choice Scarf users like Mienshao or Infernape. Grass-types, primarily Rapid Spin users like Tsareena or Brambleghast, also pair well with Lycanroc-D, threatening common Ground-type checks like Swampert and removing the hazards that would otherwise chip away at Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk.

You mention Lycanroc having poor bulk and it being one of its weaknesses, thus you wrote about slow pivots that bring it into battle. I'd like for you to write about walls that it pairs with that take the Scarf Mienshao Close Combats, or Scarf Krookodile's Earthquake/Knock. Quagsire is one of Lycanroc's biggest checks, walling it with Unaware and Tera Poison if needed, this needs to be mentioned, too. Also note that Lycanroc does not want to be burned by Talonflame, so it has to take a risk by clicking any of its moves and hoping Talonflame doesn't switch-in and gets the 30% burn chance, and include teammates that punish Talonflame (especially Slowbro).

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Accelerock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Crunch / Stone Edge / Sucker Punch
move 4: Psychic Fangs / Stone Edge
item: Choice Band / Life Orb I would put Life Orb before CB, it's more common and less exploitable
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Accelerock provides priority against the few threats in the tier that outspeed Lycanroc-D, dealing super-effective damage to Noivern, Talonflame, and Thundurus. It also provides an option to pick off Shell Smash sweepers like Cloyster or some chipped Choice Scarf users such as Chandelure and Hisuian Typhlosion. "or some chipped Choice Scarf users" What Pokemon are you thinking of? The top 3 Scarfers all resist Accelerock, so you'd need a lot more than just chip damage to get the KO, which is why I'm adding those 2. Close Combat can OHKO specially defensive Registeel, 2HKOs Avalugg, and can serve as a strong neutral coverage move in response to many other threats. Crunch cleanly 2HKOs Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs 2HKOs Vileplume and OHKOs all but the most physically bulky Dragalge. Max speed investment and a Jolly nature allow it to outspeed most of the tier, while still threatening those that outspeed it with priority. Getting rid of some fluff. Life Orb provides less immediate power but more flexibility, at the cost of some life, while Choice Band provides maximum immediate damage at the cost of locking itself into a move. Just like with the previous set, you need to explain why you would use the 2 listed Tera types, there are important thresholds that Tera Fighting achieves that base Lycanroc-D cannot, please list those as well.

Slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, or Incineroar can take a hit and cleanly switch into Lycanroc-D, allowing it onto the field without taking damage. Teammates like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Feraligatr can break through bulky Water and Ground-types that could otherwise tank multiple hits, such as Swampert or Slowbro. Rapid Spin users like Tsareena and Brambleghast, as well as Defog users like Talonflame pair well with Lycanroc-D, removing hazards that hurt Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk. Galvantula, as the premier Sticky Web setter in the tier, also pairs well with Lycanroc-D, allowing it to outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape that would otherwise pose a threat to it. Again, just like the last set, you need to talk about defensive teammates as well. Not only those, but everything else I listed before.

Other Options

A niche option for Swords Dance sets is Tera Grass with Trailblaze. This allows Lycanroc-D to burst past the water types that tend to check it, such as Swampert and Quagsire. It also lets Lycanroc-D outspeed Choice Scarf users that can revenge kill it, most notably Mienshao. Focus Sash is an alternate item to guarantee an opportunity to Swords Dance or revenge kill an opposing sweeper, but it easily breaks and reduces Lycanroc-D's breaking potential. Write a sentence about Tera Ghost, which can be used on both sets, that provides defensive utility for Lycanroc to become immune to Mienshao's Close Combat, one of the most common forms of revenge killing it. Trailblaze Lycanroc is bad because it loses out on a lot of coverage. If you really want it listed, discuss how it can pair on the Wallbreaker set in particular as well as any weaknesses it now gains and what it loses defensively. Focus Sash should not be used on Lycanroc-D except for a dedicated lead set, which should also be here.

Checks and Counters
These should not be bolded, format them as **Insert Threat Here**:
Grass-Types: Vileplume switches well into most of Lycanroc-D's kit, with the exception of Psychic Fangs. Rocky Helmet chip helps further wear Lycanroc-D down, and Effect Spore has the potential to proc on every one of Lycanroc-D's attacking options. Bulky Brute Bonnet, while unable to switch into Close Combat, easily takes any of Lycanroc-D's other options, while threatening back with Seed Bomb or Sucker Punch. Venusaur in sun can also outspeed and threaten Lycanroc-D. Mention bulky Tsareena, it takes CC, is immune to Accelerock, and threatens with an OHKO or Rapid Spin.

Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire all take at least one hit from Lycanroc-D and threaten it back with super-effective damage. Feraligatr and Basculegion can also threaten it with priority through Aqua Jet.

Ground-Types: Swampert and Quagsire resist Lycanroc-D's main STAB move, while Flygon and Krookodile are capable of switching into anything but Close Combat, while often using Choice Scarf to outspeed and potentially OHKO Lycanroc-D with Earthquake.

Revenge Killers: Very few threats in the tier can naturally outspeed Lycanroc-D, but for those who do, Lycanroc-D is forced to use a relatively weak priority move in Accelerock. Raikou, along with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Flygon, can take an Accelerock and threaten Lycanroc-D back with super-effective attacks.

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Think this should be implemented now. Let me know if you want anything else changed.
We appear to be almost there, just not quite. You did make good progress, just a few more things to throw in before getting this into GP. Tag me again when this is implemented and I'll finalize it then.
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Lycanroc-D is one of the most effective revenge killers and breakers that NU has to offer. A strong, Tough Claws boosted attack, often boosted further by Swords Dance, one of the best base speed stats in the tier, and strong STAB priority in Accelerock all combine to make Lycanroc-D extremely difficult to wall without using Tera. It also has fantastic coverage, with Close Combat to burst through physical walls like Avalugg and Registeel, Crunch to break Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs to crack Vileplume or Dragalge. While the sheer variety of its coverage makes Lycanroc-D difficult to reliably check, it sometimes struggles to fit all the moves it might want, making it possible to wall. Defensive walls like Swampert, Quagsire, and Vileplume can take a few hits, but Swords Dance allows Lycanroc-D to break them as well. Quagsire has Unaware. Swords Dance doesn't break through Quagsire. Lycanroc-D's poor bulk is its major weakness. It can struggle to cleanly switch in, and finding time to get up a Swords Dance can be difficult. Life orb recoil can also wear it down quickly, and, if combined with hazards, can seriously limit Lycanroc-D's staying power. Lycanroc-D can also be revenge killed by several of the Choice Scarf users in the tier, notably Mienshao, Flygon, and Krookodile. Despite the counterplay available, Lycanroc-D is an exceptional wallbreaker. Uncertainty about Lycanroc-D's Tera type and the specific coverage it runs make it incredibly difficult to handle defensively, and a single wrong guess can result in the loss of a Pokemon. This is fluff. If you really want to keep it then please reword it.

I'd like for you to restructure the Overview. Discuss it's speed tier, ability to easily revenge, power + coverage, and set diversity (between aoa/sd and cb). After that you can start talking about its weaknesses, starting with bulk, the common Pokemon that revenge KO it, and the Pokemon that wall it, in that order. Currently you discuss some positives, then negatives, then more positives, which doesn't flow well whatsoever and can confuse new users. Don't forget Lycanroc's key role in this, which is how potent it is as a wallbreaker with many teams struggling to reliably take it down.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Accelerock
move 3: Close Combat
move 4: Crunch / Psychic Fangs
item: Life Orb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Lycanroc-D has significant power and speed, but Swords Dance pushes it even further. Accelerock is a strong priority STAB move that hits faster Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus for super effective damage. Close Combat is an excellent coverage move that hits large portions of the tier for neutral or super effective damage. Notably, it hits walls such as Avalugg and Registeel, almost always OHKOing Avalugg at +2. Resists to Lycanroc-D's Rock STAB movs, such as Swampert and Rhyperior, also dislike switching in Close Combat, particularly after a Swords Dance boost. The addition of Tera Fighting allows an unboosted Lycanroc-D to 2HKO Swampert and Quagsire.

Crunch allows Lycanroc-D, particularly in combination with Terastallizing into the Dark type, to break through Slowbro and Reuniclus. +2 Crunch always OHKOs Slowbro after Stealth Rock chip, and always OHKOs Reuniclus. Combine these two sentences.

Using the Life Orb allows some immediate power without the boost of Swords Dance, giving it solid revenge killing potential upon entering the field.

One of Lycanroc-D's primary weaknesses is its bulk, which makes it difficult to switch in, particularly when it also takes hazard chip. As a result, Lycanroc-D benefits greatly from pivoting teammates to bring it in without taking a hit. Slow pivots, such as Magnezone or Swampert, can take the hit themselves, safely bringing Lycanroc-D in, while fast, strong pivots like Mienshao can scare out opposing Pokemon to bring Lycanroc-D in for free. What is Mienshao scaring out that Lycanroc WANTS to be in front of? They share a lot of common checks, so if there's something in particular, mention it.

Many special attackers also appreciate Lycanroc-D's ability to blow holes into Alolan-Muk, who is OHKO'ed by Close Combat after a Swords Dance boost, and takes a massive chunk even without it. Those special attackers, such as Dragalge, Magnezone, or Thundurus, in turn wear down common physical walls like Slowbro or Quagsire. Combine these 2 sentences to reduce fluff.

On hyper offense teams, particularly those using Galvantula to set Sticky Web, Lycanroc-D's threat is only increased, allowing Lycanroc-D to outspeed dangerous Choice Scarf users like Mienshao or Infernape. Grass-types, primarily Rapid Spin users like Tsareena or Brambleghast, also pair well with Lycanroc-D, threatening common Ground-type checks like Swampert or Quagsire and removing the hazards that would otherwise chip away at Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk. Teammates like Slowbro and Talonflame can switch in on threatening revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, while Slowbro can also help check opposing Talonflame, who threaten to cripple Lycanroc-D with Flame Body burns.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Accelerock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Crunch / Stone Edge / Sucker Punch
move 4: Psychic Fangs / Stone Edge / Sucker Punch
item: Life Orb / Choice Band
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Accelerock provides priority against the few threats in the tier that outspeed Lycanroc-D, dealing super-effective damage to Noivern, Talonflame, and Thundurus. It also provides an option to pick off Shell Smash sweepers like Cloyster or some chipped Choice Scarf users such as Chandelure or Hisuian Typhlosion. Close Combat can OHKO specially defensive Registeel, 2HKOs Avalugg, and can serve as a strong neutral coverage move in response to many other threats. By Terastallizing into the Fighting Type, Close Combat can also guarantee 2HKOs on Swampert or Quagsire. Crunch cleanly 2HKOs Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs 2HKOs Vileplume and OHKOs all but the most physically bulky Dragalge. Life Orb provides less immediate power but more flexibility, at the cost of some life, while Choice Band provides maximum immediate damage at the cost of locking itself into a move. You list Stone Edge and Sucker Punch, but don't list why you would use them, please explain their niche.

Slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, or Incineroar can take a hit and cleanly switch into Lycanroc-D, allowing it onto the field without taking damage. Teammates like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Feraligatr can break through bulky Water and Ground-types that could otherwise tank multiple hits, such as Swampert or Slowbro Slowbro and Swampert. Strong special attackers, such as Magnezone, Thundurus, and Porygon-Z, support Lycanroc-D by breaking through the physical walls, like Slowbro and Quagsire, that can check it. Rapid Spin users like Tsareena and Brambleghast, as well as Defog users like Talonflame pair well with Lycanroc-D, removing hazards that hurt Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk. Galvantula, as the premier Sticky Web setter in the tier, also pairs well with Lycanroc-D, allowing it to outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape that would otherwise pose a threat to it. Defensively, teammates like Slowbro or Talonflame can take Close Combat and Earthquake from potential revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, and Slowbro further checks Talonflame, which potentially threatens Lycanroc-D with a Flame Body burn on every attack.

Other Options

Lycanroc-D can use Tera Ghost defensively in order to avoid Close Combat from revenge killing threats like Mienshao. A niche alternate set is a dedicated lead, using a Focus Sash to set up Stealth Rock and follow it with Endeavor, and Accelerock, and Taunt.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-Types**: Vileplume switches well into most of Lycanroc-D's kit, with the exception of Psychic Fangs. Rocky Helmet chip helps further wear Lycanroc-D down, and Effect Spore has the potential to proc on every one of Lycanroc-D's attacking options. Bulky Tsareena can take Close Combat, is immune to Accelerock, and can threaten Lycanroc-D with a Rapid Spin or on OHKO with Power Whip. Venusaur in sun can also outspeed and threaten Lycanroc-D.

**Water-Types**: Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire all take at least one hit from Lycanroc-D and threaten it back with super-effective damage. Feraligatr and Basculegion can also threaten it with priority through Aqua Jet.

**Ground-Types**: Swampert and Quagsire resist Lycanroc-D's main STAB move, while Flygon and Krookodile are capable of switching into anything but Close Combat, while often using Choice Scarf to outspeed and potentially OHKO Lycanroc-D with Earthquake.

**Revenge Killers**: Very few threats in the tier can naturally outspeed Lycanroc-D, but for those who do, Lycanroc-D is forced to use a relatively weak priority move in Accelerock. Raikou, along with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Flygon, can take an Accelerock and threaten Lycanroc-D back with super-effective attacks.

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We appear to be almost there, just not quite. You did make good progress, just a few more things to throw in before getting this into GP. Tag me again when this is implemented and I'll finalize it then.
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Lycanroc-D is one of the most effective revenge killers and breakers that NU has to offer. A strong, Tough Claws boosted attack, often boosted further by Swords Dance, one of the best base speed stats in the tier, and strong STAB priority in Accelerock all combine to make Lycanroc-D extremely difficult to wall without using Tera. It also has fantastic coverage, with Close Combat to burst through physical walls like Avalugg and Registeel, Crunch to break Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs to crack Vileplume or Dragalge. While the sheer variety of its coverage makes Lycanroc-D difficult to reliably check, it sometimes struggles to fit all the moves it might want, making it possible to wall. Defensive walls like Swampert, Quagsire, and Vileplume can take a few hits, but Swords Dance allows Lycanroc-D to break them as well. Quagsire has Unaware. Swords Dance doesn't break through Quagsire. Lycanroc-D's poor bulk is its major weakness. It can struggle to cleanly switch in, and finding time to get up a Swords Dance can be difficult. Life orb recoil can also wear it down quickly, and, if combined with hazards, can seriously limit Lycanroc-D's staying power. Lycanroc-D can also be revenge killed by several of the Choice Scarf users in the tier, notably Mienshao, Flygon, and Krookodile. Despite the counterplay available, Lycanroc-D is an exceptional wallbreaker. Uncertainty about Lycanroc-D's Tera type and the specific coverage it runs make it incredibly difficult to handle defensively, and a single wrong guess can result in the loss of a Pokemon. This is fluff. If you really want to keep it then please reword it.

I'd like for you to restructure the Overview. Discuss it's speed tier, ability to easily revenge, power + coverage, and set diversity (between aoa/sd and cb). After that you can start talking about its weaknesses, starting with bulk, the common Pokemon that revenge KO it, and the Pokemon that wall it, in that order. Currently you discuss some positives, then negatives, then more positives, which doesn't flow well whatsoever and can confuse new users. Don't forget Lycanroc's key role in this, which is how potent it is as a wallbreaker with many teams struggling to reliably take it down.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Accelerock
move 3: Close Combat
move 4: Crunch / Psychic Fangs
item: Life Orb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Lycanroc-D has significant power and speed, but Swords Dance pushes it even further. Accelerock is a strong priority STAB move that hits faster Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus for super effective damage. Close Combat is an excellent coverage move that hits large portions of the tier for neutral or super effective damage. Notably, it hits walls such as Avalugg and Registeel, almost always OHKOing Avalugg at +2. Resists to Lycanroc-D's Rock STAB movs, such as Swampert and Rhyperior, also dislike switching in Close Combat, particularly after a Swords Dance boost. The addition of Tera Fighting allows an unboosted Lycanroc-D to 2HKO Swampert and Quagsire.

Crunch allows Lycanroc-D, particularly in combination with Terastallizing into the Dark type, to break through Slowbro and Reuniclus. +2 Crunch always OHKOs Slowbro after Stealth Rock chip, and always OHKOs Reuniclus. Combine these two sentences.

Using the Life Orb allows some immediate power without the boost of Swords Dance, giving it solid revenge killing potential upon entering the field.

One of Lycanroc-D's primary weaknesses is its bulk, which makes it difficult to switch in, particularly when it also takes hazard chip. As a result, Lycanroc-D benefits greatly from pivoting teammates to bring it in without taking a hit. Slow pivots, such as Magnezone or Swampert, can take the hit themselves, safely bringing Lycanroc-D in, while fast, strong pivots like Mienshao can scare out opposing Pokemon to bring Lycanroc-D in for free. What is Mienshao scaring out that Lycanroc WANTS to be in front of? They share a lot of common checks, so if there's something in particular, mention it.

Many special attackers also appreciate Lycanroc-D's ability to blow holes into Alolan-Muk, who is OHKO'ed by Close Combat after a Swords Dance boost, and takes a massive chunk even without it. Those special attackers, such as Dragalge, Magnezone, or Thundurus, in turn wear down common physical walls like Slowbro or Quagsire. Combine these 2 sentences to reduce fluff.

On hyper offense teams, particularly those using Galvantula to set Sticky Web, Lycanroc-D's threat is only increased, allowing Lycanroc-D to outspeed dangerous Choice Scarf users like Mienshao or Infernape. Grass-types, primarily Rapid Spin users like Tsareena or Brambleghast, also pair well with Lycanroc-D, threatening common Ground-type checks like Swampert or Quagsire and removing the hazards that would otherwise chip away at Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk. Teammates like Slowbro and Talonflame can switch in on threatening revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, while Slowbro can also help check opposing Talonflame, who threaten to cripple Lycanroc-D with Flame Body burns.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Accelerock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Crunch / Stone Edge / Sucker Punch
move 4: Psychic Fangs / Stone Edge / Sucker Punch
item: Life Orb / Choice Band
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Accelerock provides priority against the few threats in the tier that outspeed Lycanroc-D, dealing super-effective damage to Noivern, Talonflame, and Thundurus. It also provides an option to pick off Shell Smash sweepers like Cloyster or some chipped Choice Scarf users such as Chandelure or Hisuian Typhlosion. Close Combat can OHKO specially defensive Registeel, 2HKOs Avalugg, and can serve as a strong neutral coverage move in response to many other threats. By Terastallizing into the Fighting Type, Close Combat can also guarantee 2HKOs on Swampert or Quagsire. Crunch cleanly 2HKOs Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs 2HKOs Vileplume and OHKOs all but the most physically bulky Dragalge. Life Orb provides less immediate power but more flexibility, at the cost of some life, while Choice Band provides maximum immediate damage at the cost of locking itself into a move. You list Stone Edge and Sucker Punch, but don't list why you would use them, please explain their niche.

Slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, or Incineroar can take a hit and cleanly switch into Lycanroc-D, allowing it onto the field without taking damage. Teammates like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Feraligatr can break through bulky Water and Ground-types that could otherwise tank multiple hits, such as Swampert or Slowbro Slowbro and Swampert. Strong special attackers, such as Magnezone, Thundurus, and Porygon-Z, support Lycanroc-D by breaking through the physical walls, like Slowbro and Quagsire, that can check it. Rapid Spin users like Tsareena and Brambleghast, as well as Defog users like Talonflame pair well with Lycanroc-D, removing hazards that hurt Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk. Galvantula, as the premier Sticky Web setter in the tier, also pairs well with Lycanroc-D, allowing it to outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape that would otherwise pose a threat to it. Defensively, teammates like Slowbro or Talonflame can take Close Combat and Earthquake from potential revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, and Slowbro further checks Talonflame, which potentially threatens Lycanroc-D with a Flame Body burn on every attack.

Other Options

Lycanroc-D can use Tera Ghost defensively in order to avoid Close Combat from revenge killing threats like Mienshao. A niche alternate set is a dedicated lead, using a Focus Sash to set up Stealth Rock and follow it with Endeavor, and Accelerock, and Taunt.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-Types**: Vileplume switches well into most of Lycanroc-D's kit, with the exception of Psychic Fangs. Rocky Helmet chip helps further wear Lycanroc-D down, and Effect Spore has the potential to proc on every one of Lycanroc-D's attacking options. Bulky Tsareena can take Close Combat, is immune to Accelerock, and can threaten Lycanroc-D with a Rapid Spin or on OHKO with Power Whip. Venusaur in sun can also outspeed and threaten Lycanroc-D.

**Water-Types**: Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire all take at least one hit from Lycanroc-D and threaten it back with super-effective damage. Feraligatr and Basculegion can also threaten it with priority through Aqua Jet.

**Ground-Types**: Swampert and Quagsire resist Lycanroc-D's main STAB move, while Flygon and Krookodile are capable of switching into anything but Close Combat, while often using Choice Scarf to outspeed and potentially OHKO Lycanroc-D with Earthquake.

**Revenge Killers**: Very few threats in the tier can naturally outspeed Lycanroc-D, but for those who do, Lycanroc-D is forced to use a relatively weak priority move in Accelerock. Raikou, along with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Flygon, can take an Accelerock and threaten Lycanroc-D back with super-effective attacks.

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Lycanroc-Deez Nuts
Additions Removals Comments/silly nitpicks
Punctuation Key:
(RC) = Removed Comma
(AH) = Added Hyphen
(RP) = Removed Period
(ASC) = Added Semicolon
(RH) = Removed Hyphen
(AC) = Added Comma


Lycanroc-D is one of the most effective revenge killers and breakers (should be "wallbreaker" or "stallbreaker", whatever's appropriate; just "breaker" isn't accepted) that NU has to offer. It boasts one of the best base speed Speed stats in the tier(RC) and carries strong STAB priority in Accelerock for faster opponents foes. Its strong, Touch Claws-(AH)boosted attack attacks, often boosted further by Swords Dance, deals deal immense damage to even to neutral targets. It also has fantastic coverage, with Close Combat to burst through physical walls like Avalugg and Registeel, Crunch to break Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs to crack Vileplume or Dragalge. The sheer variety of the coverage available to it, including options like Sucker Punch and Stone Edge, make makes predicting and countering Lycanroc-D incredibly difficult. Lycanroc-D's poor bulk is its main weakness(RP);(ASC) It it can struggle to cleanly switch in, and finding time to get set up a Swords Dance can be difficult. Life orb Orb recoil and entry hazards can further wear it down, limiting Lycanroc-D's staying power. Lycanroc-D can also be revenge killed by several of the Choice Scarf users in the tier, notably Mienshao, Flygon, and Krookodile. Defensive walls like Swampert and Vileplume can also take a few hits, but Swords Dance allows Lycanroc-D to break them as well.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Accelerock
move 3: Close Combat
move 4: Crunch / Psychic Fangs
item: Life Orb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Lycanroc-D has significant power and speed Speed without any boosts, but Swords Dance pushes it even further. Accelerock is a strong priority STAB move that hits faster Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus for super effective damage. Close Combat is an excellent coverage move that hits large portions of the tier for neutral or super effective damage. Notably, it hits walls such as Avalugg and Registeel, almost always OHKOing Avalugg at +2. Resists to Lycanroc-D's Rock-(AH)type STAB movs moves, such as Swampert and Rhyperior, also dislike switching into Close Combat, particularly after a Swords Dance boost. The addition of Tera Fighting allows an unboosted Lycanroc-D to 2HKO Swampert and Quagsire. Crunch, often in combination with Tera Dark, allows Lycanroc-D to OHKO Slowbro at +2 after Stealth Rock, and always OHKO Reuniclus. Using the Life Orb allows provides some immediate power without the boost of Swords Dance, giving it solid revenge killing potential upon entering the field.

One of Lycanroc-D's primary weaknesses is its bulk, which makes it difficult to switch in, particularly when it also takes entry hazard chip damage. As a result, Lycanroc-D benefits greatly from pivoting teammates to bring it in without taking a hit. Slow pivots, such as Magnezone or Swampert, can take the hit themselves, safely bringing Lycanroc-D in, while fast, strong pivots like Noivern can scare out opposing Pokemon to bring Lycanroc-D in for free. Special attackers, such as Dragalge, Magnezone, or and Thundurus, appreciate Lycanroc-D's ability to blow holes in special walls like Alolan (RH)Muk, and in return they can wear down common physical walls like Slowbro or Quagsire. On hyper offense teams, particularly those using Galvantula to set up Sticky Web, Lycanroc-D's threat potential is only increased, allowing Lycanroc-D it to outspeed dangerous Choice Scarf users like Mienshao or and Infernape. Grass-types, primarily Rapid Spin users like Tsareena or and Brambleghast, also pair well with Lycanroc-D, threatening common Ground-type checks like Swampert or and Quagsire and removing the hazards that would otherwise chip away at Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk. Teammates like Slowbro and Talonflame can switch in on threatening revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, while Slowbro can also help check opposing Talonflame, who threaten which threatens to cripple Lycanroc-D with Flame Body burns.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Accelerock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Crunch / Stone Edge / Sucker Punch
move 4: Psychic Fangs / Stone Edge
item: Life Orb / Choice Band
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Accelerock provides priority that's useful against the few threats in the tier that outspeed Lycanroc-D, dealing super (RH)effective damage to Noivern, Talonflame, and Thundurus. It also provides an option to pick off Shell Smash sweepers like Cloyster or and some chipped Choice Scarf users,(AC) such as Chandelure or and Hisuian Typhlosion. Close Combat can OHKO specially defensive Registeel, 2HKOs Avalugg, and can serve as a strong neutral coverage move in response to many other threats. By Terastallizing into the Fighting Type typing, Close Combat can also guarantee 2HKOs on Swampert or and Quagsire. Crunch cleanly 2HKOs 2HKOes Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs 2HKOs 2HKOes Vileplume and OHKOs OHKOes all but the most physically bulky Dragalge. Sucker Punch provides Lycanroc-D with a stronger priority move than Accelerock and is that's not resisted by the Choice Scarf Ground-(AH)types that try to revenge kill it. Stone Edge is a stronger STAB move than Accelerock, and unlike the rest of Lycanroc-D's options, it does not risk activating contact-based abilities like Effect Spore and Flame Body. With Choice Band, Stone Edge cleanly 2HKOs 2HKOes Vileplume. Life Orb provides less immediate power but more flexibility(RC) at the cost of some life HP, while Choice Band provides maximum immediate damage at the cost of locking itself Lycanroc-D into a move.

Slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, or and Incineroar can take a hit and cleanly switch into Lycanroc-D, allowing getting it onto the field without taking damage. Teammates like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Feraligatr can break through bulky Water-(AH) and Ground-types that could otherwise tank multiple hits, such as Slowbro and Swampert. Strong special attackers, such as Magnezone, Thundurus, and Porygon-Z, support Lycanroc-D by breaking through the physical walls, like Slowbro and Quagsire, that can check it. Rapid Spin users like Tsareena and Brambleghast, as well as Defog users like Talonflame,(AC) pair well with Lycanroc-D, removing entry hazards that hurt Lycanroc-D's its already limited bulk. Galvantula, as the premier Sticky Web setter in the tier, also pairs well with Lycanroc-D, allowing it to outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape that would otherwise pose a threat to it. Defensively, teammates like Slowbro or Talonflame can take Close Combat and Earthquake from potential revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, and Slowbro further checks Talonflame, which potentially threatens Lycanroc-D with a Flame Body burn on every attack.

Other Options

Lycanroc-D can use Tera Ghost defensively in order to avoid Close Combat from revenge killing threats like Mienshao. A niche alternate alternative set is a dedicated lead, using a Focus Sash to set up Stealth Rock and follow it up with Endeavor, Accelerock, and or Taunt.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-Typestypes**: Vileplume switches well into most of Lycanroc-D's kit moves well, with the exception of Psychic Fangs. Rocky Helmet chip damage helps further wear Lycanroc-D down, and Effect Spore has the potential to proc activate on every one of Lycanroc-D's attacking options besides Stone Edge. Bulky Tsareena can take Close Combat, is immune to Accelerock, and can threaten Lycanroc-D with a Rapid Spin or on an OHKO with Power Whip. Venusaur in sun can also outspeed and threaten Lycanroc-D.

**Water-Typestypes**: Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire all take at least one hit from Lycanroc-D and threaten it back with super (RH)effective damage. Feraligatr and Basculegion can also threaten it offensively with priority through Aqua Jet.

**Ground-Typestypes**: Swampert and Quagsire resist Lycanroc-D's main STAB move, while Flygon and Krookodile are capable of switching into anything but Close Combat, while often using Choice Scarf to outspeed and potentially OHKO Lycanroc-D with Earthquake.

**Revenge Killers**: Very few threats in the tier can naturally outspeed Lycanroc-D, but for those who that do, Lycanroc-D is forced to use a relatively weak priority move in Accelerock. Raikou, along with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Flygon, can take an Accelerock and threaten Lycanroc-D back with super (RH)effective attacks.

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Lycanroc-Deez Nuts
Additions Removals Comments/silly nitpicks
Punctuation Key:
(RC) = Removed Comma
(AH) = Added Hyphen
(RP) = Removed Period
(ASC) = Added Semicolon
(RH) = Removed Hyphen
(AC) = Added Comma


Lycanroc-D is one of the most effective revenge killers and breakers (should be "wallbreaker" or "stallbreaker", whatever's appropriate; just "breaker" isn't accepted) that NU has to offer. It boasts one of the best base speed Speed stats in the tier(RC) and carries strong STAB priority in Accelerock for faster opponents foes. Its strong, Touch Claws-(AH)boosted attack attacks, often boosted further by Swords Dance, deals deal immense damage to even to neutral targets. It also has fantastic coverage, with Close Combat to burst through physical walls like Avalugg and Registeel, Crunch to break Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs to crack Vileplume or Dragalge. The sheer variety of the coverage available to it, including options like Sucker Punch and Stone Edge, make makes predicting and countering Lycanroc-D incredibly difficult. Lycanroc-D's poor bulk is its main weakness(RP);(ASC) It it can struggle to cleanly switch in, and finding time to get set up a Swords Dance can be difficult. Life orb Orb recoil and entry hazards can further wear it down, limiting Lycanroc-D's staying power. Lycanroc-D can also be revenge killed by several of the Choice Scarf users in the tier, notably Mienshao, Flygon, and Krookodile. Defensive walls like Swampert and Vileplume can also take a few hits, but Swords Dance allows Lycanroc-D to break them as well.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Accelerock
move 3: Close Combat
move 4: Crunch / Psychic Fangs
item: Life Orb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Lycanroc-D has significant power and speed Speed without any boosts, but Swords Dance pushes it even further. Accelerock is a strong priority STAB move that hits faster Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus for super effective damage. Close Combat is an excellent coverage move that hits large portions of the tier for neutral or super effective damage. Notably, it hits walls such as Avalugg and Registeel, almost always OHKOing Avalugg at +2. Resists to Lycanroc-D's Rock-(AH)type STAB movs moves, such as Swampert and Rhyperior, also dislike switching into Close Combat, particularly after a Swords Dance boost. The addition of Tera Fighting allows an unboosted Lycanroc-D to 2HKO Swampert and Quagsire. Crunch, often in combination with Tera Dark, allows Lycanroc-D to OHKO Slowbro at +2 after Stealth Rock, and always OHKO Reuniclus. Using the Life Orb allows provides some immediate power without the boost of Swords Dance, giving it solid revenge killing potential upon entering the field.

One of Lycanroc-D's primary weaknesses is its bulk, which makes it difficult to switch in, particularly when it also takes entry hazard chip damage. As a result, Lycanroc-D benefits greatly from pivoting teammates to bring it in without taking a hit. Slow pivots, such as Magnezone or Swampert, can take the hit themselves, safely bringing Lycanroc-D in, while fast, strong pivots like Noivern can scare out opposing Pokemon to bring Lycanroc-D in for free. Special attackers, such as Dragalge, Magnezone, or and Thundurus, appreciate Lycanroc-D's ability to blow holes in special walls like Alolan (RH)Muk, and in return they can wear down common physical walls like Slowbro or Quagsire. On hyper offense teams, particularly those using Galvantula to set up Sticky Web, Lycanroc-D's threat potential is only increased, allowing Lycanroc-D it to outspeed dangerous Choice Scarf users like Mienshao or and Infernape. Grass-types, primarily Rapid Spin users like Tsareena or and Brambleghast, also pair well with Lycanroc-D, threatening common Ground-type checks like Swampert or and Quagsire and removing the hazards that would otherwise chip away at Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk. Teammates like Slowbro and Talonflame can switch in on threatening revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, while Slowbro can also help check opposing Talonflame, who threaten which threatens to cripple Lycanroc-D with Flame Body burns.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Accelerock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Crunch / Stone Edge / Sucker Punch
move 4: Psychic Fangs / Stone Edge
item: Life Orb / Choice Band
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Accelerock provides priority that's useful against the few threats in the tier that outspeed Lycanroc-D, dealing super (RH)effective damage to Noivern, Talonflame, and Thundurus. It also provides an option to pick off Shell Smash sweepers like Cloyster or and some chipped Choice Scarf users,(AC) such as Chandelure or and Hisuian Typhlosion. Close Combat can OHKO specially defensive Registeel, 2HKOs Avalugg, and can serve as a strong neutral coverage move in response to many other threats. By Terastallizing into the Fighting Type typing, Close Combat can also guarantee 2HKOs on Swampert or and Quagsire. Crunch cleanly 2HKOs 2HKOes Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs 2HKOs 2HKOes Vileplume and OHKOs OHKOes all but the most physically bulky Dragalge. Sucker Punch provides Lycanroc-D with a stronger priority move than Accelerock and is that's not resisted by the Choice Scarf Ground-(AH)types that try to revenge kill it. Stone Edge is a stronger STAB move than Accelerock, and unlike the rest of Lycanroc-D's options, it does not risk activating contact-based abilities like Effect Spore and Flame Body. With Choice Band, Stone Edge cleanly 2HKOs 2HKOes Vileplume. Life Orb provides less immediate power but more flexibility(RC) at the cost of some life HP, while Choice Band provides maximum immediate damage at the cost of locking itself Lycanroc-D into a move.

Slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, or and Incineroar can take a hit and cleanly switch into Lycanroc-D, allowing getting it onto the field without taking damage. Teammates like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Feraligatr can break through bulky Water-(AH) and Ground-types that could otherwise tank multiple hits, such as Slowbro and Swampert. Strong special attackers, such as Magnezone, Thundurus, and Porygon-Z, support Lycanroc-D by breaking through the physical walls, like Slowbro and Quagsire, that can check it. Rapid Spin users like Tsareena and Brambleghast, as well as Defog users like Talonflame,(AC) pair well with Lycanroc-D, removing entry hazards that hurt Lycanroc-D's its already limited bulk. Galvantula, as the premier Sticky Web setter in the tier, also pairs well with Lycanroc-D, allowing it to outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape that would otherwise pose a threat to it. Defensively, teammates like Slowbro or Talonflame can take Close Combat and Earthquake from potential revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, and Slowbro further checks Talonflame, which potentially threatens Lycanroc-D with a Flame Body burn on every attack.

Other Options

Lycanroc-D can use Tera Ghost defensively in order to avoid Close Combat from revenge killing threats like Mienshao. A niche alternate alternative set is a dedicated lead, using a Focus Sash to set up Stealth Rock and follow it up with Endeavor, Accelerock, and or Taunt.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-Typestypes**: Vileplume switches well into most of Lycanroc-D's kit moves well, with the exception of Psychic Fangs. Rocky Helmet chip damage helps further wear Lycanroc-D down, and Effect Spore has the potential to proc activate on every one of Lycanroc-D's attacking options besides Stone Edge. Bulky Tsareena can take Close Combat, is immune to Accelerock, and can threaten Lycanroc-D with a Rapid Spin or on an OHKO with Power Whip. Venusaur in sun can also outspeed and threaten Lycanroc-D.

**Water-Typestypes**: Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire all take at least one hit from Lycanroc-D and threaten it back with super (RH)effective damage. Feraligatr and Basculegion can also threaten it offensively with priority through Aqua Jet.

**Ground-Typestypes**: Swampert and Quagsire resist Lycanroc-D's main STAB move, while Flygon and Krookodile are capable of switching into anything but Close Combat, while often using Choice Scarf to outspeed and potentially OHKO Lycanroc-D with Earthquake.

**Revenge Killers**: Very few threats in the tier can naturally outspeed Lycanroc-D, but for those who that do, Lycanroc-D is forced to use a relatively weak priority move in Accelerock. Raikou, along with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Flygon, can take an Accelerock and threaten Lycanroc-D back with super (RH)effective attacks.

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Lycanroc-D is one of the most effective revenge killers and wallbreakers that NU has to offer. It boasts one of the best base Speed stats in the tier and carries strong STAB priority in Accelerock for faster foes. Its strong, Tough Claws-boosted attacks, often boosted further by Swords Dance, deal immense damage even to neutral targets. It also has fantastic coverage, with Close Combat to burst through physical walls like Avalugg and Registeel, Crunch to break Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs to crack Vileplume or Dragalge. The sheer variety of coverage available to it, including options like Sucker Punch and Stone Edge, makes predicting and countering Lycanroc-D incredibly difficult. Lycanroc-D's poor bulk is its main weakness; it can struggle to cleanly switch in, and finding time to set up a Swords Dance can be difficult. Life Orb recoil and entry hazards can further wear it down, limiting Lycanroc-D's staying power. Lycanroc-D can also be revenge killed by several of the Choice Scarf users in the tier, notably Mienshao, Flygon, and Krookodile. Defensive walls Walls like Swampert and Vileplume can also take a few hits, but Swords Dance allows Lycanroc-D to break them as well if Lycanroc-D cannot set up with Swords Dance. (just reworded to make it read more like a negative)

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Accelerock
move 3: Close Combat / Sucker Punch
move 4: Crunch / Psychic Fangs
item: Life Orb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Lycanroc-D has significant power and Speed without any boosts, but Swords Dance pushes it even further. Accelerock is a strong priority STAB move that hits faster Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus for super effective damage. Close Combat is an excellent coverage move that hits large portions of the tier for neutral or super effective damage. Notably, it hits walls such as Avalugg and Registeel, almost always OHKOing Avalugg at +2. Resists Pokemon resistant to Lycanroc-D's Rock-type STAB moves Accelerock, such as Swampert and Rhyperior, also dislike switching into Close Combat, particularly after a Swords Dance boost. The addition of Tera Fighting allows an unboosted Lycanroc-D to 2HKO Swampert and Quagsire. Sucker Punch can replace Close Combat for an even stronger priority move on Tera Dark variants, letting Lycanroc-D OHKO Choice Scarf Mienshao. Crunch, often in combination with Tera Dark, allows Lycanroc-D to OHKO Slowbro at +2 after Stealth Rock, and always OHKO OHKOes Reuniclus. Alternatively, Psychic Fangs beats Poison-types like Vileplume, defensive Dragalge, and Tera Poison Slowbro with ease. Life Orb provides some immediate power without the boost of Swords Dance, giving it solid revenge killing potential upon entering the field.

One of Lycanroc-D's primary weaknesses is its bulk, which makes it difficult to switch in, particularly when it also takes entry hazard damage. As a result, Lycanroc-D benefits greatly from pivoting teammates to bring it in without taking a hit. Slow pivots, such as Magnezone or and Swampert, can take the hit themselves, safely bringing Lycanroc-D in, while fast, strong pivots like Noivern can scare out opposing Pokemon to bring Lycanroc-D in for free. Special attackers (remove comma) such as Dragalge, Magnezone, and Thundurus (remove comma) appreciate Lycanroc-D's ability to blow holes in special walls like Alolan Muk, and in return they can wear down common physical walls like Slowbro or and Quagsire. On hyper offense teams, particularly those using Galvantula to set up Sticky Web, Lycanroc-D's threat potential is only increased, allowing it to outspeed dangerous Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. Grass-types, primarily Rapid Spin users like Tsareena and Brambleghast, also pair well with Lycanroc-D, threatening common Ground-type checks like Swampert and Quagsire and removing the hazards that would otherwise chip away at Lycanroc-D's already limited bulk HP. Teammates like Slowbro and Talonflame can switch in on threatening revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, while and Slowbro can also help check opposing Talonflame, which threatens to cripple Lycanroc-D with Flame Body burns.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Accelerock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Crunch / Stone Edge / Sucker Punch
move 4: Psychic Fangs / Stone Edge
item: Life Orb / Choice Band
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Spd SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Fighting / Dark

Set Details

Accelerock provides priority that's useful against the few threats in the tier that outspeed Lycanroc-D, dealing super effective damage to Noivern, Talonflame, and Thundurus. It also provides an option to pick off Shell Smash sweepers like Cloyster and some chipped weakened Choice Scarf users, such as Chandelure and Hisuian Typhlosion. Close Combat can OHKO specially defensive Registeel, 2HKO Avalugg, and serve as a strong neutral coverage move in response to many other threats. By Terastallizing into the Fighting typing, Tera Fighting Close Combat can also guarantee 2HKOs on Swampert and Quagsire. Crunch cleanly 2HKOes Slowbro and Reuniclus, and Psychic Fangs 2HKOes Vileplume and OHKOes all but the most physically bulky Dragalge. Sucker Punch provides Lycanroc-D with a stronger priority move than Accelerock that's not resisted by the Choice Scarf Ground-types that try to revenge kill it. Stone Edge is a stronger STAB move than Accelerock, and unlike the rest of Lycanroc-D's options, it does not risk activating contact-based abilities like Effect Spore and Flame Body. With Choice Band, Stone Edge cleanly 2HKOes Vileplume. Life Orb provides less immediate power but more flexibility at the cost of some HP, while Choice Band provides maximum immediate damage at the cost of locking Lycanroc-D into a move.

Slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Incineroar can take a hit and cleanly switch into Lycanroc-D, getting it onto the field without taking damage. Teammates like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Feraligatr can break through bulky Water- and Ground-types that could otherwise tank multiple hits, such as Slowbro and Swampert. Strong special attackers, such as Magnezone, Thundurus, and Porygon-Z, support Lycanroc-D by breaking through the physical walls, like Slowbro and Quagsire, that can check it. Rapid Spin users like Tsareena and Brambleghast, as well as Defog users like Talonflame, pair well with Lycanroc-D, removing entry hazards that hurt its already limited bulk longevity. Galvantula, as the premier Sticky Web setter in the tier, also pairs well with Lycanroc-D, allowing it to outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape that would otherwise pose a threat to it. Defensively, teammates like Slowbro or and Talonflame can take Close Combat and Earthquake from potential revenge killers like Mienshao and Krookodile, and Slowbro further checks Talonflame, which potentially threatens Lycanroc-D with a Flame Body burn on every attack except Stone Edge.

Other Options

Lycanroc-D can use Tera Ghost defensively in order to avoid Close Combat from revenge killing threats like Mienshao, but offensive Tera types are preferred to maximize damage output. A niche alternative set is a dedicated lead, using a Focus Sash to set up Stealth Rock and follow up with Endeavor, Accelerock, or Taunt. A Focus Sash lead set with Stealth Rock / Accelerock / Close Combat / Taunt is a great enabler of hyper offense teams, as Lycanroc-D is still quite strong without a boosting move or item and is fast enough to reliably set its entry hazard.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Vileplume switches into most of Lycanroc-D's moves well, with the exception of Psychic Fangs. Rocky Helmet chip damage helps further wear Lycanroc-D down, and Effect Spore has the potential to activate on every one of Lycanroc-D's attacking options besides Stone Edge. Bulky Tsareena can take Close Combat, is immune to Accelerock, and can threaten Lycanroc-D with Rapid Spin or an OHKO with Power Whip. Venusaur in sun can also outspeed and threaten Lycanroc-D.

**Water-types**: Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire all take at least one hit from Lycanroc-D and threaten it back with super effective damage. Feraligatr and Basculegion can also threaten it offensively through with Aqua Jet.

**Ground-types**: Swampert and Quagsire resist Lycanroc-D's main STAB move tank unboosted Close Combat adequately, while Flygon and Krookodile are capable of switching into anything but Close Combat (remove comma) while often using Choice Scarf to outspeed and potentially OHKO Lycanroc-D with Earthquake.

**Revenge Killers**: Very few threats in the tier can naturally outspeed Lycanroc-D, but for those that do, Lycanroc-D is forced to use a relatively weak priority move in Accelerock. Raikou, along with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Flygon, can take an Accelerock and threaten Lycanroc-D back with super effective attacks.

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