SV OU Salamence + Gengar fun offensive Peak 1735

Hey Guys. Its Rantox again and I decided to showcase an interesting fun but slightly frail offensive team. So here are the explanations behind the team. I had to edit my post twice as I played extra and overrode my peak twice. So apologies there. I finally broke into top 500 as well reaching 1735 as per elo video although top 500 shows 1734. Nevertheless, lets get into my team.

Gengar - Gengar is scarfed as for speed control. Its a ghost with solid special attack and solid speed. Shadow Ball for stab and Tera ghost for strong shadow ball and ghost as good coverage. Sludge wave for stab and fairies. Focus Blast for steels, rocks and for the big one Kingambit. Trick is mainly for fat and sometimes for demons. And of course timid which outspeeds even adamant Dragonite at +2.

Salamence - Boy my fav psuedo legendary. I feel its underrated and should be explored more. Dragon Dance + Dual Wingbeat + Earthquake + Tera Blast (Electric) makes for nice options. Tera Blast electric is for Corv, Skarm and the opportunity to get moxie and hit water types and even sponging thunder waves. Dual wingbeat makes for flying stab and although the multi hit nature is bad and the miss chance but when it hits, it hits crucial targets like Great Tusk super effectively. Earthquake is for steels and pretty spammable. Salamence has a solid speed tier imo and decent coverage with Jolly and pretty useful for me in the late game. Dual wingbeat breaks sashes of webbers. I have gone for Jolly because Salamence has a good speed tier though adamant is really tempting sometimes. Moxie helps it snowball and clean up in late game situations better or even mid game once walls get chipped. Tera Electric gives it chances to set up on Zapdos. Dual wingbeat has saved me from psyspam and sash so often.

Azumarill is there for its typing, decent bulk. Gone for belly drum with dual stab + aqua jet priority. The speed is to outspeed base 70s like no speed skarm and the rest in bulk. Adamant for max power. Azu provides potential breaking plus key resists and even deals with Volcarona and too an extent Gouging Fire if healthy. Tera water for strong aqua jet

Weavile is choice banded for more damage output with ice shard as priority. Jolly for more speed. This mon is a mini Chien Pao. Low Kick for Kingambit, Heatran and Treads and Knock off + Triple axel make for solid coverage. Triple axel is frustrating but the same time banded axel comes with benefit of breaking webs and sashes and tera dark for that brutal knock off. Weavile can switch in one time to Kyurem if necessary. Banded axel even ohkoes tusk, ogrepon wellspring and 2 hkoes corv and skarm too.

Gholdengo - Another mon with a great typing and great special attack. Sub is too take advantage of fat passive mons. Life orb for extra power and make it rain + shadow ball for solid power and coverage. Its able to force many switch-ins and get subs and able to switch in on Corv. Tera steel for that nuke make it rain and Ghold helps vs stall for me often. Timid for as much speed and outpacing adamant rilla.

Iron Treads is the utility mon with decent attack, spinning and checking Dragonite somewhat in a pinch. Iron head is for flinch + stab and assault vest is for it to take special hits better. The and jolly is the nature for it. Ice spinner is for Garchomp , Gliscor and Dragonite and rapid spin is to remove hazards if possible and boost speed. Tera Ground for stronger eqs.

The Team -

Here are some replays - Proof of Peak 1735 - Proof of Peak 1711 (initial peak) - Mence coming in clutch late game vs screens HO - vs Georgie the first (the great sand) Treads wins it late Mence cleans up again late game Mence again - DD Mence sweep - Salamence dd sweep Salamence destroys psychic terrain vs BO trick the gambit and win vs veil vs sun vs veil HO vs sun win vs dct vs rain + tr hybrid vs webs vs webs

Threats -

Stall - This team doesnt have an optimal stall match up. Protect gliscor forces a guessing game and Gliscor is a cancer to society anyways. Then playing around Alamamola and shadow ball blissey can be a pain.

Gliscor - Protect gliscor is just obnoxious and nothing more to say.

Unaware - Can be played around but its important to keep Gengar or Ghold alive when you see random unaware Clef or a Dondozo.

Booster Energy spam HO - Again by teraing I can avoid situations but at the same time at +1 speed Mence is not always enough.

Hawlucha on terrain - Though uncommon, this can be pretty menacing if i loose Ghold early game.

Kingambit - Many times Kingambit comes as the last mon and I have been forced into 50 - 50 situations in Salamence vs Kingambit late game.

Dragonite - When Dragonite teras late game and espeed that its very difficult.

Ogrepon Wellspring - Tera Ogrepon is indeed annoying and forces me to tera my Mence.

Conclusion - The team is offensive but a bit frail but you can pull through with this team and its fun to enjoy. Yes no hazards but we are focused here on offence. Have won with this and its a worth a try. I am open to any constructive criticism on this team and open to tweaks on move sets on this team. But I do want to keep Salamence at all costs on this team and I am not open to replacing Salamence at all but I am open to replacing perhaps a couple of other mons here.


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To improve the stall matchup (and many of the matchups on your threat list), I believe Air Balloon Gholdengo would be better. Replacing Substitute with Recover also allows it to have longevity, as the current set quickly kills itself with Substitute and Life Orb. Air Balloon Gholdengo is also better versus Dragonite, as they can't hit you unless they have Fire Punch (or Ice Spinner, but then you're still safe for a turn). Air Balloon also walls EQ + Toxic Gliscor, although it seems the Knock Off variant is more popular nowadays. Let me know if this helps!
To improve the stall matchup (and many of the matchups on your threat list), I believe Air Balloon Gholdengo would be better. Replacing Substitute with Recover also allows it to have longevity, as the current set quickly kills itself with Substitute and Life Orb. Air Balloon Gholdengo is also better versus Dragonite, as they can't hit you unless they have Fire Punch (or Ice Spinner, but then you're still safe for a turn). Air Balloon also walls EQ + Toxic Gliscor, although it seems the Knock Off variant is more popular nowadays. Let me know if this helps!
Thanks for your suggestion. I will look into air balloon Gholdengo with recover.
I've never seen a battle where Gholdengo beats stall. I've always seen it get pp stalled or the user forfeits against stall mid battle.

But even though your team can't beat stall, (which 90% of teams can't beat a good stall player cuz the meta has too many threats)
it's still one of the coolest teams I've seen! Congrats on the wins and rank, that's pretty awesome.
I've never seen a battle where Gholdengo beats stall. I've always seen it get pp stalled or the user forfeits against stall mid battle.

But even though your team can't beat stall, (which 90% of teams can't beat a good stall player cuz the meta has too many threats)
it's still one of the coolest teams I've seen! Congrats on the wins and rank, that's pretty awesome.
Thank you so much