Tournament NDMPL IV - Finals [won by Pharloom Pheromosas]


is a Tournament Directoris a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Host
Monotype Leader

Art by Bka Onon
  • Follow all rules listed here.
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for me to make decisions for activity calls when I can actually see what went down with scheduling.
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to me or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.
  • Substitutions may be made after a week has started. When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.
  • Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.
  • Managers: Please send me your lineups in the same format that I used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.
>>Replays and Usage<<


Pharloom Pheromosas (5) vs (0) HEAVENLY HYDREIGONS
SV: Sunnyboi0 vs Mateeus
SV: Elyoss vs Sificon
SV: Bouki vs FadedCharm
SV: hidin vs UNBR3AKABLE
SS: CrossHeart vs Rinda
Z-less: sealoo vs maroon
Ubers: Fraolain vs Saurav the great
Monothreat: twinkay vs Elvira

This week's Monothreat is Flying!
ndmpl flying finals.png

Challenge codes for Z-less NDM & NDM Ubers:
  • Z-less​
    • /chall gen9nationaldexmonotype @@@ +Baxcalibur, +Chien-Pao, +Darkrai, +Dragapult, +Espathra, +Flutter Mane, +Gouging Fire, +Hoopa-Unbound, +Kingambit,+Spectrier, +Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, +Zamazenta, Z-Move Clause

  • NDM Ubers​
    • /chall gen9nationaldexubers @@@ Same Type Clause, Terastal Clause, -Moody, -Focus Band, -Gengarite, -King's Rock, -Quick Claw, Razor Fang, -Ultranecrozium Z, -Calyrex-Shadow, -Koraidon, -Marshadow, -Miraidon, -Xerneas, -Zacian-Crowned, +Shedinja

Congrats to both teams for making it here! The deadline for this round is Sunday, April 21st at 11 PM GMT -4.

Pharloom Pheromosas (0) vs (0) HEAVENLY HYDREIGONS
SV: Sunnyboi0 vs Mateeus
SV: Elyoss vs Sificon
SV: Bouki vs FadedCharm
SV: hidin vs UNBR3AKABLE
SS: CrossHeart vs Rinda
Z-less: sealoo vs maroon
Ubers: Fraolain vs Saurav the Great
Monothreat: twinkay vs Elvira
*Teams without logos were provided Pokemon Shuffle sprites.
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Even though the hydreigons lost, I am happy to have managed such an amazing team. I will be posting a small celebratory team dump along with shouting out others. My first time managing and we made it to finals, that's a plus. Strong competition amongst the other teams, and some very fun battles happened. I can't thank you all enough for allowing me the opportunity. Cheers to the pheromosas! Good games!
Super happy to have won again this year. Thanks to Crossheart for picking me because he's probably the only one who still believes in me. SunnyBoi0 you are probably one of the greatest specialists of a tier that I have saw in my short career, I think that the team owes you a lot as your expertise was precious during this tour. Also super happy to have been able to do this tournament with my French friends Frol1 and Elyoss (who finally showed his potential). Finally the atmosphere was great and i was happy to meet new guys like Roxxie/Twinkay/Sealoo/hidin/autumn and Seth. You guys were amazing.
Congrats to the Pheromosas, as well to the Hydreigons for their amazing run !
I had mad fun playing the tour, so a huge thx to the hosts too : your work was fantastic here, as always. You need a lot more acknowledgement and love that you actually have !
Until then, see ya all, hope to play against or with you in other mono tours !