NU Flygon


Flygon's great set versatility makes it an elite Pokemon and one of the best Ground-types in NU. Choice Scarf Flygon fits on many teams, outspeeding and limiting many wallbreakers such as non-Choice Scarf Mienshao and Lycanroc-D. Choice Band gives Flygon an incredibly spammable Earthquake and makes it a lot harder to switch into. Flygon can also pivot out with U-turn, allowing it to maintain offensive pressure and momentum. Dragon Dance Flygon can use Loaded Dice, which makes it a great late-game sweeper, and it also threatens lead entry hazard setters like Lycanroc-D, Galvantula, and Smeargle; it also resists Lycanroc-D's Accelerock, so it's hard to revenge kill. However, as a Choice Scarf user, it faces competition from Mienshao and Infernape, both of which are faster than it and can revenge kill it with Close Combat. Additionally, Flygon's average Attack stat leaves it struggling when facing physical walls like Slowbro, Vileplume, and Avalugg, as they can still take its attacks even after a Dragon Dance boost. Choice Scarf Flygon can be very easy to play around due to both of its STAB options having common immunities and resistances.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Dragon Claw
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Outrage is one of Flygon's strongest STAB attacks for late-game cleaning, and it can 2HKO foes like Tsareena and Mew on a switch. Dragon Claw is a safer option to avoid getting locked into Outrage, but it's significantly weaker and is harder to revenge kill foes with. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum and provide free switches to teammates. Flygon's last move is commonly Stone Edge, which allows it to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus. Alternatively, Stealth Rock allows it to set entry hazards for its teammates. Flygon can run Dragon Claw alongside Outrage so that it can still revenge kill foes like Thundurus and Tsareena without getting immediately destroyed by Fairy-types. First Impression can be used over Stone Edge, allowing Flygon to revenge kill weakened boosted and faster threats like Cloyster and Choice Scarf Munkidori. Tera Steel gives Flygon a resistance to Fairy- and Dragon-type attacks from Pokemon like Sylveon, Florges, and Noivern. This also allows it to check some special wallbreakers like Mew, Dragalge, and Porygon-Z.

Wallbreakers like Magnezone, Mienshao, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Choice Scarf Flygon for giving them free entry with U-turn. Flygon can form a VoltTurn core with special attackers like Magnezone, Thundurus, and Toxtricity. They can threaten physical walls like Slowbro, Avalugg, and Vileplume; in return, Flygon can pressure special walls like Alolan Muk and Assault Vest Gallade. Choice Scarf Flygon struggles to break past bulky Water-types like Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire, which tank its attacks and punish it with Scald, Toxic, Knock Off, and slow Flip Turn. Grass-types like Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume similarly appreciate Flygon's U-turn giving them free entry to handle the aforementioned bulky Water-types. Steel-types like Copperajah, Registeel, and Magnezone appreciate Flygon for checking Fire-types like Chandelure, Infernape, and Incineroar; in return, they can check Fairy-types like Sylveon, Florges, and Tera Fairy Slowbro. Choice Scarf Flygon appreciates entry hazard support from Copperajah, Diancie, and Swampert, as it can wear down foes to help with Choice Scarf Flygon's low damage output.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: First Impression
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Bug / Steel

Set Details

Choice Band gives Flygon more immediate power, allowing it to always 2HKO Vileplume and Quagsire after Spikes damage with Earthquake. Outrage is still an option to allow Flygon to 2HKO Calm Mind Reuniclus and Quagsire, but Dragon Claw is preferred so Flygon isn't easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. First Impression revenge kills weakened foes like Porygon-Z, Feraligatr, and Torterra. Tera Bug gives First Impression a power boost, allowing Flygon to KO Mew and do major damage to defensive Reuniclus. Tera Steel can sometimes be preferred over Tera Bug, since it's better defensively and allows Flygon to pivot without getting chipped heavily by Stealth Rock.

Choice Band Flygon likes having entry hazard support from teammates like Klefki, Copperajah, and Diancie to wear down foes that can repeatedly switch into it. Many Pokemon that tend to struggle against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon and Milotic, such as Registeel, Infernape, and Basculegion, appreciate Choice Band Flygon's ability to 2HKO them on the switch. However, while it can 2HKO most bulky Water-types, it can't always beat them one-on-one, so it pairs well with Grass-types like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Vileplume. Physically defensive Pokemon like Avalugg, Reuniclus, and Slowbro can take Flygon's attacks with ease, so it pairs best with Pokemon like Magnezone, Alolan Muk, and Slowbro that can handle these physical walls. Future Sight Slowbro and Reuniclus can be great partners for Choice Band Flygon, allowing it to weaken physical walls like Milotic, Avalugg, and Vileplume.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Scale Shot / Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / U-turn
item: Loaded Dice / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fire

Set Details

Dragon Dance with a Scale Shot boost allows Flygon to outspeed the entire tier, including common Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. An Adamant nature is preferred over a Jolly nature for the extra power boost, but the latter is still useful to avoid always being outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Flygon at +1. Outrage can be used over Scale Shot to allow Flygon to be a late-game cleaner. Alternatively, Dragon Claw can be used to avoid getting locked into Outrage, which would otherwise make it easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. Fire Punch allows Flygon to hit Grass-types like Tsareena, Vileplume, and Brute Bonnet as well as opposing Tera Steel Flygon. Thunder Punch is able to hit Water- and Flying-types like Vaporeon, Talonflame, and Milotic; lastly, U-turn allows Flygon to pivot out from a bad matchup, and it's also pretty common to see on non-Scale Shot Dragon Dance Flygon sets. Tera Steel allows it to be immune to Umbreon and Quagsire's Toxic. Tera Fire gives Fire Punch a much-needed power boost and retains the resistance to Fairy-type attacks that Tera Steel gives. Leftovers can be used over Loaded Dice, giving Flygon needed recovery. Alternately, Soft Sand gives it a boost to Earthquake, which allows it to 2HKO Vileplume and Vaporeon after a Dragon Dance.

Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates entry hazard support from Klefki and Rhyperior to guarantee a 2HKO on Pokemon like Vileplume and Rhyperior. Toxic Spikes in particular is helpful, since it makes it a lot easier to break through physical walls like Slowbro, Swampert, and Rhyperior that would usually tank many hits from a Dragon Dance boost. Flygon is a perfect pick for hyper offense teams due to its Sticky Web immunity and because it can sweep opposing hyper offense teams. It can also punish lead hazard setters like Galvantula, Smeargle, and Lycanroc-D by setting up a Dragon Dance and breaking their Focus Sashes with Scale Shot. Other sweepers like Lucario, Cloyster, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Dragon Dance Flygon's ability to weaken teams so they can win late-game. Choice Scarf users like Mienshao, Munkidori, and Infernape can force Flygon to switch out even if it's at +1 because they can still outspeed it. Thus, slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Eject Button Slowbro can help by bringing Flygon in safely.

Other Options

Flygon can run a mixed set with Draco Meteor and Fire Blast, allowing it to hit physically defensive Pokemon like Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume. It can also run a Choice Specs set with Tera Normal, which gives it a powerful Boomburst. However, both of these sets are not common due to Flygon's low Special Attack. Flygon can also run a utility set with Stealth Rock / Earthquake / Dragon Tail / U-turn with a bulkier EV spread. This set allows it to set entry hazards for its teammates and check foes like Copperajah, Lycanroc-D, and Infernape. Sadly, Flygon lacks any recovery, making it very easy for it to get worn down by chip damage.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Sylveon and Florges are able to tank hits from Choice Scarf Flygon and KO it back with their STAB Fairy-type attacks; however, neither of them can handle Choice Band sets, and they are complete setup fodder against Tera Steel Dragon Dance Flygon.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Physically defensive Pokemon such as Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume have enough bulk to win against any of Flygon's sets, but Vileplume has to be careful directly switching into +1 Flygon if entry hazards are present. Bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Swampert, and Quagsire are bulky enough to tank a boosted attack and threaten Flygon back with status and Knock Off.

**Priority Users and Faster Attackers**: Infernape, Lucario, Brute Bonnet, and Feraligatr can revenge kill Flygon after it has been weakened a bit. Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape can outspeed even Choice Scarf Flygon and destroy it with Close Combat.

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Overall good content, good job. QC 1/2 when implemented.


Flygon's great typing, ability, and versatility makes it an elite pokemon and one of the best Ground-types in NU. Choice Scarf Flygon allows it Flygon to outspeed faster threats like Lycanroc-D and Mienshao as well as boosted threats like Shell Smash Torterra and Dragon Dance Feraligatr. Choice Band gives Flygon more of an immediate power, but it is very easy to play around due to both of its Stab options having common immunities and resistances in Flying- and Fairy-types. Dragon Dance Flygon with Loaded Dice makes it a great late game sweeper and it also threatens lead setters like Lycanroc-D, Galvantula, and Smeargle. However, Flygon has some problem that can hold it back. As a Choice Scarf user it faces competition against Mienshao and Infernape both whom are faster then Flygon and can revenge KO it with killed it with their Stab Close Combat. Additionally, Flygon's average Attack stat leaves it struggling when facing physical walls like Slowbro, Vileplume, and Avalugg, even with after a boost they can still take on the attack.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: U-Turn
move 4: Stealth Rock / Stone Edge / Outrage
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details
I would swap the order of the sentences of these moves to reflect the above set. Dragon STAB > U-Turn > 4th Slot
U-Turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum and provides free switches to teammates. Outrage is one of Flygon strongest Stabs STAB attacks for late game cleaning. Dragon Claw is a more safer option for Flygon to not get lock into Outrage. Scarf Flygon prefers Dragon Claw over Outrage, so mention that + a reason to use Outrage other than it being stronger. Does it hit any rolls that Dragon Claw cannot? Flygon's last move is most commonly is Stealth Rock, allowing it set up entry hazards for its teammates. Alternatively Stone Edge is another great option to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus that want Flygon to lock into Earthquake Stone Edge can be listed as an other opion. Flygon can run Outrage alongside with Dragon claw so that it can still revenge killed foes like Lycanroc-D and Infernape without getting immediately destroy by Fairy-types Lycanroc-D and Infernape care more about being hit by Earthquake rather than DC, I would instead choose other sweepers/breakers that either resist or are immune to Earthquake, but not DC, Like Thundurus. Tera Steel gives Flygon a resistance to Fairy- and Dragon-types attacks from Pokemon like Sylveon, Florges, and Noivern; This also allows Flygon to check some Special breakers like Mew, Dragalge, and Porygon-z.

Choice Scarf Flygon struggled to break past bulky Water-types like Gastrodon and Milotic that can take its hits and ko it with Ice Beam, so pair with Pokemon like Tsareena, Calm Mind Reuniclus, and Choice Specs Magnezone can take advantage of Flygon U-Turn giving them a free entry I would rewrite this entire first sentence. Gastro + Milo are mid at best in NU (Gastro can lose to Scarf Flygon too, btw). Instead, I would mention other Water-types that are more relevant, like Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire. None of them run Ice Beam, but they threaten Flygon with Scald, Toxic, Knock Off, and slow Flip Turn, all while tanking its hits. Grass-types like Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume similarly Appreciate Flygon's U-Turn giving them free entry to handle Bulky waters Water-types. Steel-types like Copperajah, Registeel, and Magnezone appreciate Flygon for checking Fire-types such as..? Do note that Flygon can't actually do much to roughly half of the viable Fire-types; in return, they can check Fairy-types like Sylveon, Florges, and Tera Fairy Slowbro. Walllbreakers like Lucario, Chandelure, and Mew appreciate Flygon pivoting them in on Pokemon such as Bronzong, Avalugg, and Slowbro. I get that Bronzong is on the VR and is considered viable, but it's not viable to the point of being first in a list of 3 Pokemon. This can be anything else, like Registeel. I would also add a couple more sentences for possible teammates. Flygon needs help beating Flying-types, Levitate users, and physical walls, list options that help beat them down; also mention that due to Scarf Flygon's generally low damage output, it often requires hazard support to get some KOs.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: First Impression
move 4: U-Turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Bug / Steel

Set Details

Choice Band gives Flygon gives it more of an immediate power allowing it to 2HKO Vileplume and Gastrodon Gastrodon is not a [great] physical wall, nor is it a Flygon check with Earthquake. Dragon Claw is more prefer on Choice Band sets allowing it not get lock into Outrage Just getting rid of fluff. Although, Outrage is still an option for allowing Flygon to 2HKO Calm Mind Reuniclus and Quagsire. First Impression is one of Flygon's strongest priority move allowing Flygon to revenge killed weaken foes like Porygon-Z, Dragon Dance Feraligatr, and Shell Smash Torterra. Stone Edge can be used over First Impression allowing it to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus. Tera Bug gives First Impression and U-Turn a more needed power boost. "A more needed power boost" In what ways is it needed? What can Flygon achieve only with Tera Bug. Also write about why you would use Tera Steel; I get that you mentioned it on Scarf, but that's a different set and it should be here, too (don't copy it word for word, though).

Choice Band Flygon likes having entry hazards worning wearing out opponents that can repeatedly switch into Flygon, So pair it with Copperajah and Diancie for setting up entry hazard. Flygon also pairs nicely with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao, Infernape, and Chandelure to pick off weaken opponents. Many Pokemon that tends to struggle against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon and Milotic, such as Registeel, Inteleon Infernape (Nape is in the same boat, just more viable), and Basculegion apperite appreciate Choice Band Flygon's ability to 2HKO them on the switch. However, while Flygon can 2HKO most bulky Water-types, it's can't always beat them on an one-on-one, so it pairs greatly with Grass-types like Tsareena, Brambleghast, Vileplume that can handle Bulky Water-types in return they apperite Flygon pivoting them in safely with U-Turn. Physical defense pokemon like Avalugg, Bronzong Bronzong isn't the best option here , and Slowbro can take on Flygon attacks with ease. So pair with Pokemon like Magnezone, Alolan Muk, and Slowbro that can handle the physical walls. Choice Band Flygon can pair with hazard removers like Tsareena, Talonflame, and Noivern; since, they can check foes like Bronzong, Vileplume, and Slowbro.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Scale Shot
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / U-Turn
item: Loaded Dice
ability: Levitate
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fire

Set Details

Scale Shot with Loaded Dice makes Flygon into a scary set up user. Dragon Dance with a Scale Shot boosted allows Flygon to outspeed the entire tier and including common Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. An Adamant nature is preferred for the extra power boost more than Jolly nature. Fire Punch allows it to hit Grass-types like Tsareena, Vileplume, and Brute Bonnet and opposing Tera Steel Flygon. Thunder Punch is able to hit Water and Flying-types like Vaporeon, Talonflame, and Milotic I would replace Talonflame with something else. If your Flygon has Scale Shot, you should use that vs. Talonflame to not risk the burn (and it's always at least as strong as TP); lastly, U-Turn allows Flygon to pivot out from a bad matchup. Tera Steel allows Flygon to be immune to Umbreon and Quagsire's Toxic; additionally, Flygon can can completely stonewall Gastrodon and Quagsire being immune to both of their Stab ground attacks and resistance to Ice Beam allows Flygon to get a free Dragon Dance. Tera Fire gives Fire Punch a more needed power boost and retains the resistance to Fairy-type attacks that Tera Steel gives.

Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates hazards support from Klefki, Tentacruel, and Rhyperior to guarantee an 2HKO that it wouldn't obtain Do you have a list of anything in particular that are now a 2HKO because of hazards?. Toxic Spikes in particular since it makes a lot more it easier to break through physical walls like Slowbro, Swampert, and Rhyperior that would take a boosted Flygon attack. Flygon is a perfect pick for hyper offense team due to it being immune to Sticky Web I like where you started with this sentence, but feel it lacks something, maybe something else other than that immunity. It can also punish lead hazards setters like Galvantula, Smeargle, and Lycanroc-D by setting up an Dragon Dance and destorys them breaks their Focus Sash with a Scale Shot. Future Sight from Slowbro and Reuniclus can be great partners for Flygon allowing it to weakened physical walls like Milotic, Avalugg, Quagsire. It can also demolish Poison-types like Vileplume, Dragalge, and Tera Poison users. Choice scarf users like Mienshao, Munkidori, and Infernape can force Flygon to switch even with a one plus boost they can still outspeed. So slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Eject Button Slowbro can bring Flygon in with a safe entry without it getting damaged.

Other Options

Flygon can run a defensive set with Stealth rock. However, Flygon lacks any recovery making it easy for Flygon to get worn-out by repeatly switching into Pokemon that it suppose to check. Flygon can run a mixed set with Draco Meteor and Fire Blast allowing it to hit Physically Defense Pokemon like Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume Mention that this isn't common due to its low SpA. Rock Slide can used over Stone Edge having better accuracy but lower power Mention Stone Edge here, instead. Flygon can run a Choice Specs set with Tera Normal having a powerful Boomburst. Unfortunately, Flygon has an unimpressed special attack stat making it a less Intimidated threat and it also faces competition as an Choice Specs user like Magnezone, Noivern, and Inteleon. I would find a way to integrate this last sentence with the previous statement about Flygon running a Special Breaker set.

Checks and Counters

**Bulky Water-types**: Water-types like Vaporeon, Milotic, and Gastrodon have enough bulk to take on Flygon's attack even with a boosted and can KO back with Ice Beam, but none of them don't want to switch into Choice Band Earthquake. Unware Quagsire is also notable for taking hits from the Choice Band sets, hard counters Dragon Dance and punish Flygon with Toxic. However, it gets completely walled by Tera Steel Flygon if there only attack is Earthquake. These are general enough to be mixed in with the physical walls.

**Fairy-types**: Sylveon and Florges are able to tank hits from Choice Scarf Flygon and Ko it back with their Stab Fairy attacks, but both of them can't handle Choice Band sets and their can also be set up for Dragon Dance Tera Steel Flygon.

**Physically Defense Pokemon**: Defense Pokemon such as Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume have enough bulk to win a matchup against any of Flygon sets. You may insert a sentence (try to aim for just one) about the previously mentioned Water-types.

**Priority Users**: Infernape, Lucario, Brute Bonnet, and Feraligatr can revenge killed Flygon when it's weakened a bit. If Flygon loses its Ground-type due to tera it can also be destroyed revenged by Lycanroc-D's Accelerock.

**Bronzong**: Bronzong is the only Steel-type that completely walls Flygon because it's immune to Flygon Earthquake due to its ability Levitate and resists Flygon's other moves. However, Bronzong doesn't like to take a boosted Fire Punch from Dragon Dance sets and gets worn down by U-Turn, especially when it's the Choice Band set. Bronzong is bad and does not exist.

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Overall good content, good job. QC 1/2 when implemented.


Flygon's great typing, ability, and versatility makes it an elite pokemon and one of the best Ground-types in NU. Choice Scarf Flygon allows it Flygon to outspeed faster threats like Lycanroc-D and Mienshao as well as boosted threats like Shell Smash Torterra and Dragon Dance Feraligatr. Choice Band gives Flygon more of an immediate power, but it is very easy to play around due to both of its Stab options having common immunities and resistances in Flying- and Fairy-types. Dragon Dance Flygon with Loaded Dice makes it a great late game sweeper and it also threatens lead setters like Lycanroc-D, Galvantula, and Smeargle. However, Flygon has some problem that can hold it back. As a Choice Scarf user it faces competition against Mienshao and Infernape both whom are faster then Flygon and can revenge KO it with killed it with their Stab Close Combat. Additionally, Flygon's average Attack stat leaves it struggling when facing physical walls like Slowbro, Vileplume, and Avalugg, even with after a boost they can still take on the attack.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: U-Turn
move 4: Stealth Rock / Stone Edge / Outrage
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details
I would swap the order of the sentences of these moves to reflect the above set. Dragon STAB > U-Turn > 4th Slot
U-Turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum and provides free switches to teammates. Outrage is one of Flygon strongest Stabs STAB attacks for late game cleaning. Dragon Claw is a more safer option for Flygon to not get lock into Outrage. Scarf Flygon prefers Dragon Claw over Outrage, so mention that + a reason to use Outrage other than it being stronger. Does it hit any rolls that Dragon Claw cannot? Flygon's last move is most commonly is Stealth Rock, allowing it set up entry hazards for its teammates. Alternatively Stone Edge is another great option to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus that want Flygon to lock into Earthquake Stone Edge can be listed as an other opion. Flygon can run Outrage alongside with Dragon claw so that it can still revenge killed foes like Lycanroc-D and Infernape without getting immediately destroy by Fairy-types Lycanroc-D and Infernape care more about being hit by Earthquake rather than DC, I would instead choose other sweepers/breakers that either resist or are immune to Earthquake, but not DC, Like Thundurus. Tera Steel gives Flygon a resistance to Fairy- and Dragon-types attacks from Pokemon like Sylveon, Florges, and Noivern; This also allows Flygon to check some Special breakers like Mew, Dragalge, and Porygon-z.

Choice Scarf Flygon struggled to break past bulky Water-types like Gastrodon and Milotic that can take its hits and ko it with Ice Beam, so pair with Pokemon like Tsareena, Calm Mind Reuniclus, and Choice Specs Magnezone can take advantage of Flygon U-Turn giving them a free entry I would rewrite this entire first sentence. Gastro + Milo are mid at best in NU (Gastro can lose to Scarf Flygon too, btw). Instead, I would mention other Water-types that are more relevant, like Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire. None of them run Ice Beam, but they threaten Flygon with Scald, Toxic, Knock Off, and slow Flip Turn, all while tanking its hits. Grass-types like Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume similarly Appreciate Flygon's U-Turn giving them free entry to handle Bulky waters Water-types. Steel-types like Copperajah, Registeel, and Magnezone appreciate Flygon for checking Fire-types such as..? Do note that Flygon can't actually do much to roughly half of the viable Fire-types; in return, they can check Fairy-types like Sylveon, Florges, and Tera Fairy Slowbro. Walllbreakers like Lucario, Chandelure, and Mew appreciate Flygon pivoting them in on Pokemon such as Bronzong, Avalugg, and Slowbro. I get that Bronzong is on the VR and is considered viable, but it's not viable to the point of being first in a list of 3 Pokemon. This can be anything else, like Registeel. I would also add a couple more sentences for possible teammates. Flygon needs help beating Flying-types, Levitate users, and physical walls, list options that help beat them down; also mention that due to Scarf Flygon's generally low damage output, it often requires hazard support to get some KOs.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: First Impression
move 4: U-Turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Bug / Steel

Set Details

Choice Band gives Flygon gives it more of an immediate power allowing it to 2HKO Vileplume and Gastrodon Gastrodon is not a [great] physical wall, nor is it a Flygon check with Earthquake. Dragon Claw is more prefer on Choice Band sets allowing it not get lock into Outrage Just getting rid of fluff. Although, Outrage is still an option for allowing Flygon to 2HKO Calm Mind Reuniclus and Quagsire. First Impression is one of Flygon's strongest priority move allowing Flygon to revenge killed weaken foes like Porygon-Z, Dragon Dance Feraligatr, and Shell Smash Torterra. Stone Edge can be used over First Impression allowing it to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus. Tera Bug gives First Impression and U-Turn a more needed power boost. "A more needed power boost" In what ways is it needed? What can Flygon achieve only with Tera Bug. Also write about why you would use Tera Steel; I get that you mentioned it on Scarf, but that's a different set and it should be here, too (don't copy it word for word, though).

Choice Band Flygon likes having entry hazards worning wearing out opponents that can repeatedly switch into Flygon, So pair it with Copperajah and Diancie for setting up entry hazard. Flygon also pairs nicely with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao, Infernape, and Chandelure to pick off weaken opponents. Many Pokemon that tends to struggle against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon and Milotic, such as Registeel, Inteleon Infernape (Nape is in the same boat, just more viable), and Basculegion apperite appreciate Choice Band Flygon's ability to 2HKO them on the switch. However, while Flygon can 2HKO most bulky Water-types, it's can't always beat them on an one-on-one, so it pairs greatly with Grass-types like Tsareena, Brambleghast, Vileplume that can handle Bulky Water-types in return they apperite Flygon pivoting them in safely with U-Turn. Physical defense pokemon like Avalugg, Bronzong Bronzong isn't the best option here , and Slowbro can take on Flygon attacks with ease. So pair with Pokemon like Magnezone, Alolan Muk, and Slowbro that can handle the physical walls. Choice Band Flygon can pair with hazard removers like Tsareena, Talonflame, and Noivern; since, they can check foes like Bronzong, Vileplume, and Slowbro.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Scale Shot
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / U-Turn
item: Loaded Dice
ability: Levitate
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fire

Set Details

Scale Shot with Loaded Dice makes Flygon into a scary set up user. Dragon Dance with a Scale Shot boosted allows Flygon to outspeed the entire tier and including common Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. An Adamant nature is preferred for the extra power boost more than Jolly nature. Fire Punch allows it to hit Grass-types like Tsareena, Vileplume, and Brute Bonnet and opposing Tera Steel Flygon. Thunder Punch is able to hit Water and Flying-types like Vaporeon, Talonflame, and Milotic I would replace Talonflame with something else. If your Flygon has Scale Shot, you should use that vs. Talonflame to not risk the burn (and it's always at least as strong as TP); lastly, U-Turn allows Flygon to pivot out from a bad matchup. Tera Steel allows Flygon to be immune to Umbreon and Quagsire's Toxic; additionally, Flygon can can completely stonewall Gastrodon and Quagsire being immune to both of their Stab ground attacks and resistance to Ice Beam allows Flygon to get a free Dragon Dance. Tera Fire gives Fire Punch a more needed power boost and retains the resistance to Fairy-type attacks that Tera Steel gives.

Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates hazards support from Klefki, Tentacruel, and Rhyperior to guarantee an 2HKO that it wouldn't obtain Do you have a list of anything in particular that are now a 2HKO because of hazards?. Toxic Spikes in particular since it makes a lot more it easier to break through physical walls like Slowbro, Swampert, and Rhyperior that would take a boosted Flygon attack. Flygon is a perfect pick for hyper offense team due to it being immune to Sticky Web I like where you started with this sentence, but feel it lacks something, maybe something else other than that immunity. It can also punish lead hazards setters like Galvantula, Smeargle, and Lycanroc-D by setting up an Dragon Dance and destorys them breaks their Focus Sash with a Scale Shot. Future Sight from Slowbro and Reuniclus can be great partners for Flygon allowing it to weakened physical walls like Milotic, Avalugg, Quagsire. It can also demolish Poison-types like Vileplume, Dragalge, and Tera Poison users. Choice scarf users like Mienshao, Munkidori, and Infernape can force Flygon to switch even with a one plus boost they can still outspeed. So slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Eject Button Slowbro can bring Flygon in with a safe entry without it getting damaged.

Other Options

Flygon can run a defensive set with Stealth rock. However, Flygon lacks any recovery making it easy for Flygon to get worn-out by repeatly switching into Pokemon that it suppose to check. Flygon can run a mixed set with Draco Meteor and Fire Blast allowing it to hit Physically Defense Pokemon like Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume Mention that this isn't common due to its low SpA. Rock Slide can used over Stone Edge having better accuracy but lower power Mention Stone Edge here, instead. Flygon can run a Choice Specs set with Tera Normal having a powerful Boomburst. Unfortunately, Flygon has an unimpressed special attack stat making it a less Intimidated threat and it also faces competition as an Choice Specs user like Magnezone, Noivern, and Inteleon. I would find a way to integrate this last sentence with the previous statement about Flygon running a Special Breaker set.

Checks and Counters

**Bulky Water-types**: Water-types like Vaporeon, Milotic, and Gastrodon have enough bulk to take on Flygon's attack even with a boosted and can KO back with Ice Beam, but none of them don't want to switch into Choice Band Earthquake. Unware Quagsire is also notable for taking hits from the Choice Band sets, hard counters Dragon Dance and punish Flygon with Toxic. However, it gets completely walled by Tera Steel Flygon if there only attack is Earthquake. These are general enough to be mixed in with the physical walls.

**Fairy-types**: Sylveon and Florges are able to tank hits from Choice Scarf Flygon and Ko it back with their Stab Fairy attacks, but both of them can't handle Choice Band sets and their can also be set up for Dragon Dance Tera Steel Flygon.

**Physically Defense Pokemon**: Defense Pokemon such as Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume have enough bulk to win a matchup against any of Flygon sets. You may insert a sentence (try to aim for just one) about the previously mentioned Water-types.

**Priority Users**: Infernape, Lucario, Brute Bonnet, and Feraligatr can revenge killed Flygon when it's weakened a bit. If Flygon loses its Ground-type due to tera it can also be destroyed revenged by Lycanroc-D's Accelerock.

**Bronzong**: Bronzong is the only Steel-type that completely walls Flygon because it's immune to Flygon Earthquake due to its ability Levitate and resists Flygon's other moves. However, Bronzong doesn't like to take a boosted Fire Punch from Dragon Dance sets and gets worn down by U-Turn, especially when it's the Choice Band set. Bronzong is bad and does not exist.

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I already implemented the changes and added the new changes to the analyses.
not gonna full qc check rn but the scarf set shouldn't slash stealth rock first and stone edge is certainly still worth being featured on the set; popping talonflame is very valuable

move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: U-turn (note that the 't' should NOT be capitalized)
move 4: Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Dragon Claw

this is the ideal way to do the slashings. you should also have first impression mentioned in the set details because it's a pretty ok way to add extra speed control just in case
not gonna full qc check rn but the scarf set shouldn't slash stealth rock first and stone edge is certainly still worth being featured on the set; popping talonflame is very valuable

move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: U-turn (note that the 't' should NOT be capitalized)
move 4: Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Dragon Claw

this is the ideal way to do the slashings. you should also have first impression mentioned in the set details because it's a pretty ok way to add extra speed control just in case
Alright Rabia I change the scarf set and implement First Impression. So im ready to do the qc check.
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Flygon's great typing, ability, and set imo this is why Flygon really shines; you've got several sets that are all really good. plus, you then mention it's a Ground-type later in the sentence anyway versatility makes it an elite pokemon and one of the best Ground-types in NU. Choice Scarf allows Flygon to outspeed faster threats like Lycanroc-D and Mienshao as well as boosted threats like Shell Smash Torterra and Dragon Dance Feraligatr. this isn't wrong per se but you dont really talk enough about why scarf flygon is so common and useful. the boosted threats aren't that huge to mention here and if anything I'd put more emphasis on flygon limiting opposing wallbreakers and then adding to the list you already gave Choice Band gives Flygon more immediate power, but it is very easy to play around due to both of its Stab options having common immunities and resistances in Flying- and Fairy-types an incredibly spammable Earthquake this is the most relevant part but also elaborate about how Flygon's more annoying than usual to switch around because unlike for example Krookodile, it can always just pivot and keep up offensive pressure. Dragon Dance Flygon with Loaded Dice makes it a great late game sweeper and it also threatens lead setters like Lycanroc-D, Galvantula, and Smeargle talk too about it resisting Accelerock; that's pretty useful for any sweeper in this meta. However, Flygon has some problem that can hold it back. As a Choice Scarf user it faces competition against Mienshao and Infernape both whom are faster then Flygon and can revenge KO it with Close Combat. Additionally, Flygon's average Attack stat leaves it struggling when facing physical walls like Slowbro, Vileplume, and Avalugg, even after a boost they can still take on the attack. I took out the portion in CB about its STAB moves having immunities that are kinda common; you can mention that down here instead and say that choice scarf has the same issue

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Dragon Claw
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Outrage is one of Flygon strongest STAB attacks for late game cleaning and it can 2HKO foes like Vileplume Tsareena and Mew on a switch. Dragon Claw is a more safer option for Choice Scarf Flygon to not get lock into Outrage, but it's significantly weaker and harder to revenge kill foes with. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum and provides free switches to teammates. Flygon's last move is commonly Stone Edge allowing it to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus. Alternatively, Stealth Rock allows it to set up hazards for its teammates. Flygon can run Dragon Claw alongside with Outrage so that it can still revenge kill foes like Thundurus and Tsareena without getting immediately destroy by Fairy-types. First Impression can be used over Stone Edge allowing Flygon to revenge killed weaken boosted and faster threats like Cloyster, Feraligatr, you outrun +1 Gatr and Choice Scarf Munkidori. Tera Steel gives Flygon a resistance to Fairy- and Dragon-type attacks from Pokemon like Sylveon, Florges, and Noivern; This also allows Flygon to check some Special breakers like Mew, Dragalge, and Porygon-z.

Choice Scarf Flygon struggled to break past bulky Water-types like Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire tanking its attacks and punish Flygon with Scald, Toxic, Knock Off, and slow Flip Turn. Grass-types like Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume similarly Appreciate Flygon's U-turn giving them free entry to handle Bulky Water-types. Steel-types like Copperajah, Registeel, and Magnezone appreciate Flygon for checking Fire-types like Chandelure, Infernape, and Incineroar; in return, they can check Fairy-types like Sylveon, Florges, and Tera Fairy Slowbro. Walllbreakers like Lucario, Chandelure, and Mew appreciate Flygon pivoting them in on physical defensive Pokemon such as Slowbro, Avalugg, and Tera Ghost Registeel. this is a pretty questionable sentence imo; I'd emphasize instead the special attackers that appreciate getting positioned vs physical walls Choice Scarf Flygon appreciate hazards support from Copperajah, Diancie, and Swampert for wearing down foes due to Choice Scarf Flygon low damage output. Electric-types like Magnezone, Toxtricity, and Iron Thorns make great partners for Flygon and they can check Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus.

I want this reorganized a bit to talk about Flygon enabling wallbreakers at the beginning and then have it transition into how you can support Flygon itself. The points you have in here are a good foundation; they just need to be moved around some.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: First Impression
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Bug / Steel

Set Details

Choice Band gives Flygon more of an immediate power allowing it to always 2HKO Vileplume and Quagsire after Spikes with Earthquake. Outrage is still an option for allowing Flygon to 2HKO Calm Mind Reuniclus and Quagsire, but Dragon Claw is preferred so Flygon isn't easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. First Impression is Flygon's strongest priority move allowing Flygon to revenge killed weaken kills weakened foes like Porygon-Z, Feraligatr, and Torterra. Tera Bug gives First Impression a power boost allowing Flygon to KO Mew and doing major damage to Defensive Reuniclus. still mention why Tera Steel may be preferred over Bug (better defensively, Flygon is still very much a pivot so this is key)

Choice Band Flygon likes having entry hazards from teammates like Klefki, Copperajah, and Diancie wearing out opponents down foes that can repeatedly switch into Flygon, So pair it with Copperajah and Diancie for setting up entry hazard. Flygon also pairs nicely with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao, Infernape, and Chandelure to pick off weaken opponents. this sentence doesn't really do anything, like yeah the scarfers like the wallbreakers but that's obvious Many Pokemon that tends to struggle against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon and Milotic, such as Registeel, Infernape, and Basculegion appreciate Choice Band Flygon's ability to 2HKO them on the switch. However, while Flygon can 2HKO most bulky Water-types, it's can't always beat them on an one-on-one, so it pairs greatly with Grass-types like Tsareena, Brambleghast, Vileplume. Physical defense pokemon like Avalugg, Reuniclus, and Slowbro can take on Flygon attacks with ease. So pair with Pokemon like Magnezone, Alolan Muk, and Slowbro that can handle the physical walls. Choice Band Flygon can pair with hazard removers like Tsareena, Talonflame, and Noivern; since, they can check foes like Swampert, Vileplume, and Slowbro. if you want to include these Pokemon in this paragraph, try and work them into your other sentences and then just expand in a sentence following that "hey, this Pokemon also provides hazard removal." as it stands that role isn't actually really adding anything though to Flygon specifically

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Scale Shot / Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / U-turn
item: Loaded Dice / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fire

Set Details

Dragon Dance with a Scale Shot boosted allows Flygon to outspeed the entire tier and including common Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. An Adamant nature is preferred for the extra power boost more than Jolly nature, but the latter is still useful to avoid always being outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Flygon at +1. Fire Punch allows it to hit Grass-types like Tsareena, Vileplume, and Brute Bonnet and opposing Tera Steel Flygon. Thunder Punch is able to hit Water and Flying-types like Vaporeon, Thundurus Talonflame, and Milotic; lastly, U-turn allows Flygon to pivot out from a bad matchup. Tera Steel allows Flygon to be immune to Umbreon and Quagsire's Toxic. Tera Fire gives Fire Punch a more needed power boost and retains the resistance to Fairy-type attacks that Tera Steel gives.

personally unsure if it's better to add the new Dragon-type moves into the above paragraph or talk about them separately down here, but you definitely aren't locked into Scale Shot + Loaded Dice with DD Flygon. I've frequently seen on U-turn especially that you won't run Loaded Dice and instead may opt for Leftovers or even Soft Sand. up to you to figure out how you want to implement this suggestion.

Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates hazards support from Klefki and Rhyperior to guarantee an 2HKO Pokemon like Slowbro and Quagsire that it wouldn't obtain. I don't think these are great examples of walls that hazards help with. Flygon doesn't actually consistently 2HKO them. Toxic Spikes in particular since it makes a lot more it easier to break through physical walls like Slowbro, Swampert, and Rhyperior. Flygon is a perfect pick for hyper offense team due to it being immune to Sticky Web and it can sweep opposing hyper offense teams. It can also punish lead hazards setters like Galvantula, Smeargle, and Lycanroc-D by setting up a Dragon Dance and breaks their Focus Sash with Scale Shot. Future Sight from Slowbro and Reuniclus can be great partners for Flygon allowing it to weakened physical walls like Milotic, Avalugg, Quagsire. It can also demolish Poison-types like Vileplume, Dragalge, and Tera Poison users. Future Sight isn't really the best to mention on this set. Maybe you could work this into your Choice Band set. Instead, since you're talking about its role on hyper offense, mention some common teammates you may see alongside Flygon on those builds. Choice scarf users like Mienshao, Munkidori, and Infernape can force Flygon to switch even with a one plus boost they can still outspeed. So slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Eject Button Slowbro can bring Flygon in with a safe entry without it getting damaged.

Other Options

Flygon can run a mixed set with Draco Meteor and Fire Blast allowing it to hit Physically Defense Pokemon like Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume. Flygon can also run a Choice Specs set with Tera Normal having a powerful Boomburst. However, both of these sets are not common due to Flygon's low SpA. Utility sets are probably worth a mention here. Stealth Rock / Earthquake / Dragon Tail / U-turn with bulkier EV spreads.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Sylveon and Florges are able to tank hits from Choice Scarf Flygon and Ko it back with their Stab Fairy attacks, but both of them can't handle Choice Band sets and they are complete setup fodder against Tera Steel Flygon's Dragon Dance

**Physically Defense Pokemon**: Defense Pokemon such as Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume have enough bulk to win a matchup against any of Flygon sets. Bulky Water-types like Vapreon, Swampert, and Quagsire have enough to tank a boosted attack and threatens Flygon back with status and Knock Off; however, none of them don't want to switch into a Choice Band Flygon Earthquake. Eh, a lot of them actually are just fine switching into Earthquake. You need to contexualize that interaction here better.

**Priority Users**: Infernape, Lucario, Brute Bonnet, and Feraligatr can revenge killed Flygon when it's weakened a bit. If Flygon loses its Ground-type due to tera it can also be revenged by Lycanroc-D's Accelerock. Well not really? Tera Steel is mentioned really frequently, and you just... don't lose that resistance. I think if anything, change this to "Priority Users + Faster Attackers" so that you're able to address any Choice Scarf Pokemon.

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there's a decent amount here so let me know when you implement my check and then I'll come back to review it once more
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Flygon's great typing, ability, and set imo this is why Flygon really shines; you've got several sets that are all really good. plus, you then mention it's a Ground-type later in the sentence anyway versatility makes it an elite pokemon and one of the best Ground-types in NU. Choice Scarf allows Flygon to outspeed faster threats like Lycanroc-D and Mienshao as well as boosted threats like Shell Smash Torterra and Dragon Dance Feraligatr. this isn't wrong per se but you dont really talk enough about why scarf flygon is so common and useful. the boosted threats aren't that huge to mention here and if anything I'd put more emphasis on flygon limiting opposing wallbreakers and then adding to the list you already gave Choice Band gives Flygon more immediate power, but it is very easy to play around due to both of its Stab options having common immunities and resistances in Flying- and Fairy-types an incredibly spammable Earthquake this is the most relevant part but also elaborate about how Flygon's more annoying than usual to switch around because unlike for example Krookodile, it can always just pivot and keep up offensive pressure. Dragon Dance Flygon with Loaded Dice makes it a great late game sweeper and it also threatens lead setters like Lycanroc-D, Galvantula, and Smeargle talk too about it resisting Accelerock; that's pretty useful for any sweeper in this meta. However, Flygon has some problem that can hold it back. As a Choice Scarf user it faces competition against Mienshao and Infernape both whom are faster then Flygon and can revenge KO it with Close Combat. Additionally, Flygon's average Attack stat leaves it struggling when facing physical walls like Slowbro, Vileplume, and Avalugg, even after a boost they can still take on the attack. I took out the portion in CB about its STAB moves having immunities that are kinda common; you can mention that down here instead and say that choice scarf has the same issue

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Dragon Claw
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Outrage is one of Flygon strongest STAB attacks for late game cleaning and it can 2HKO foes like Vileplume Tsareena and Mew on a switch. Dragon Claw is a more safer option for Choice Scarf Flygon to not get lock into Outrage, but it's significantly weaker and harder to revenge kill foes with. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum and provides free switches to teammates. Flygon's last move is commonly Stone Edge allowing it to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus. Alternatively, Stealth Rock allows it to set up hazards for its teammates. Flygon can run Dragon Claw alongside with Outrage so that it can still revenge kill foes like Thundurus and Tsareena without getting immediately destroy by Fairy-types. First Impression can be used over Stone Edge allowing Flygon to revenge killed weaken boosted and faster threats like Cloyster, Feraligatr, you outrun +1 Gatr and Choice Scarf Munkidori. Tera Steel gives Flygon a resistance to Fairy- and Dragon-type attacks from Pokemon like Sylveon, Florges, and Noivern; This also allows Flygon to check some Special breakers like Mew, Dragalge, and Porygon-z.

Choice Scarf Flygon struggled to break past bulky Water-types like Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire tanking its attacks and punish Flygon with Scald, Toxic, Knock Off, and slow Flip Turn. Grass-types like Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume similarly Appreciate Flygon's U-turn giving them free entry to handle Bulky Water-types. Steel-types like Copperajah, Registeel, and Magnezone appreciate Flygon for checking Fire-types like Chandelure, Infernape, and Incineroar; in return, they can check Fairy-types like Sylveon, Florges, and Tera Fairy Slowbro. Walllbreakers like Lucario, Chandelure, and Mew appreciate Flygon pivoting them in on physical defensive Pokemon such as Slowbro, Avalugg, and Tera Ghost Registeel. this is a pretty questionable sentence imo; I'd emphasize instead the special attackers that appreciate getting positioned vs physical walls Choice Scarf Flygon appreciate hazards support from Copperajah, Diancie, and Swampert for wearing down foes due to Choice Scarf Flygon low damage output. Electric-types like Magnezone, Toxtricity, and Iron Thorns make great partners for Flygon and they can check Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus.

I want this reorganized a bit to talk about Flygon enabling wallbreakers at the beginning and then have it transition into how you can support Flygon itself. The points you have in here are a good foundation; they just need to be moved around some.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: First Impression
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Bug / Steel

Set Details

Choice Band gives Flygon more of an immediate power allowing it to always 2HKO Vileplume and Quagsire after Spikes with Earthquake. Outrage is still an option for allowing Flygon to 2HKO Calm Mind Reuniclus and Quagsire, but Dragon Claw is preferred so Flygon isn't easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. First Impression is Flygon's strongest priority move allowing Flygon to revenge killed weaken kills weakened foes like Porygon-Z, Feraligatr, and Torterra. Tera Bug gives First Impression a power boost allowing Flygon to KO Mew and doing major damage to Defensive Reuniclus. still mention why Tera Steel may be preferred over Bug (better defensively, Flygon is still very much a pivot so this is key)

Choice Band Flygon likes having entry hazards from teammates like Klefki, Copperajah, and Diancie wearing out opponents down foes that can repeatedly switch into Flygon, So pair it with Copperajah and Diancie for setting up entry hazard. Flygon also pairs nicely with Choice Scarf users like Mienshao, Infernape, and Chandelure to pick off weaken opponents. this sentence doesn't really do anything, like yeah the scarfers like the wallbreakers but that's obvious Many Pokemon that tends to struggle against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon and Milotic, such as Registeel, Infernape, and Basculegion appreciate Choice Band Flygon's ability to 2HKO them on the switch. However, while Flygon can 2HKO most bulky Water-types, it's can't always beat them on an one-on-one, so it pairs greatly with Grass-types like Tsareena, Brambleghast, Vileplume. Physical defense pokemon like Avalugg, Reuniclus, and Slowbro can take on Flygon attacks with ease. So pair with Pokemon like Magnezone, Alolan Muk, and Slowbro that can handle the physical walls. Choice Band Flygon can pair with hazard removers like Tsareena, Talonflame, and Noivern; since, they can check foes like Swampert, Vileplume, and Slowbro. if you want to include these Pokemon in this paragraph, try and work them into your other sentences and then just expand in a sentence following that "hey, this Pokemon also provides hazard removal." as it stands that role isn't actually really adding anything though to Flygon specifically

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Scale Shot / Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / U-turn
item: Loaded Dice / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fire

Set Details

Dragon Dance with a Scale Shot boosted allows Flygon to outspeed the entire tier and including common Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. An Adamant nature is preferred for the extra power boost more than Jolly nature, but the latter is still useful to avoid always being outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Flygon at +1. Fire Punch allows it to hit Grass-types like Tsareena, Vileplume, and Brute Bonnet and opposing Tera Steel Flygon. Thunder Punch is able to hit Water and Flying-types like Vaporeon, Thundurus Talonflame, and Milotic; lastly, U-turn allows Flygon to pivot out from a bad matchup. Tera Steel allows Flygon to be immune to Umbreon and Quagsire's Toxic. Tera Fire gives Fire Punch a more needed power boost and retains the resistance to Fairy-type attacks that Tera Steel gives.

personally unsure if it's better to add the new Dragon-type moves into the above paragraph or talk about them separately down here, but you definitely aren't locked into Scale Shot + Loaded Dice with DD Flygon. I've frequently seen on U-turn especially that you won't run Loaded Dice and instead may opt for Leftovers or even Soft Sand. up to you to figure out how you want to implement this suggestion.

Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates hazards support from Klefki and Rhyperior to guarantee an 2HKO Pokemon like Slowbro and Quagsire that it wouldn't obtain. I don't think these are great examples of walls that hazards help with. Flygon doesn't actually consistently 2HKO them. Toxic Spikes in particular since it makes a lot more it easier to break through physical walls like Slowbro, Swampert, and Rhyperior. Flygon is a perfect pick for hyper offense team due to it being immune to Sticky Web and it can sweep opposing hyper offense teams. It can also punish lead hazards setters like Galvantula, Smeargle, and Lycanroc-D by setting up a Dragon Dance and breaks their Focus Sash with Scale Shot. Future Sight from Slowbro and Reuniclus can be great partners for Flygon allowing it to weakened physical walls like Milotic, Avalugg, Quagsire. It can also demolish Poison-types like Vileplume, Dragalge, and Tera Poison users. Future Sight isn't really the best to mention on this set. Maybe you could work this into your Choice Band set. Instead, since you're talking about its role on hyper offense, mention some common teammates you may see alongside Flygon on those builds. Choice scarf users like Mienshao, Munkidori, and Infernape can force Flygon to switch even with a one plus boost they can still outspeed. So slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Eject Button Slowbro can bring Flygon in with a safe entry without it getting damaged.

Other Options

Flygon can run a mixed set with Draco Meteor and Fire Blast allowing it to hit Physically Defense Pokemon like Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume. Flygon can also run a Choice Specs set with Tera Normal having a powerful Boomburst. However, both of these sets are not common due to Flygon's low SpA. Utility sets are probably worth a mention here. Stealth Rock / Earthquake / Dragon Tail / U-turn with bulkier EV spreads.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Sylveon and Florges are able to tank hits from Choice Scarf Flygon and Ko it back with their Stab Fairy attacks, but both of them can't handle Choice Band sets and they are complete setup fodder against Tera Steel Flygon's Dragon Dance

**Physically Defense Pokemon**: Defense Pokemon such as Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume have enough bulk to win a matchup against any of Flygon sets. Bulky Water-types like Vapreon, Swampert, and Quagsire have enough to tank a boosted attack and threatens Flygon back with status and Knock Off; however, none of them don't want to switch into a Choice Band Flygon Earthquake. Eh, a lot of them actually are just fine switching into Earthquake. You need to contexualize that interaction here better.

**Priority Users**: Infernape, Lucario, Brute Bonnet, and Feraligatr can revenge killed Flygon when it's weakened a bit. If Flygon loses its Ground-type due to tera it can also be revenged by Lycanroc-D's Accelerock. Well not really? Tera Steel is mentioned really frequently, and you just... don't lose that resistance. I think if anything, change this to "Priority Users + Faster Attackers" so that you're able to address any Choice Scarf Pokemon.

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there's a decent amount here so let me know when you implement my check and then I'll come back to review it once more
Alright Rabia I implement the changes and I'm ready for the review.
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Flygon's great set versatility makes it an elite pokemon and one of the best Ground-types in NU. Choice scarf Flygon fits on many teams for outspeeding and limit many wallbreakers such as Mienshao and Lycanroc-D. Choice Band gives Flygon an incredibly spammable Earthquake and it makes Flygon a lot more to switch around. Since, foes like Krookodile, Reuniclus, and Sylveon can be pivot on and allows Flygon to keep up the offensive pressure. idk what these two sentences mean? I think you mean Flygon's hard to switch around, and any potential switch-in can be hit by U-turn? that doesn't really make sense in this context though because you just mentioned Earthquake, a move none of those Pokemon can switch into well whatsoever. Dragon Dance Flygon with Loaded Dice makes it a great late game sweeper and it also threatens lead setters like Lycanroc-D, Galvantula, and Smeargle; it also resistive Lycanroc-D's Accelerock, so it's hard to revenge kill. However, Flygon has some problem that can hold it back. As a Choice Scarf user it faces competition against Mienshao and Infernape both whom are faster then Flygon and can revenge KO it with Close Combat. Additionally, Flygon's average Attack stat leaves it struggling when facing physical walls like Slowbro, Vileplume, and Avalugg, even after a boost they can still take on the attack. Choice Scarf Flygon can be very easy to played around due to both of its Stab options having common immunities and resistances in Flying- and Fairy-types.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Dragon Claw
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Outrage is one of Flygon strongest STAB attacks for late game cleaning and it can 2HKO foes like Tsareena and Mew on a switch. Dragon Claw is a more safer option for Choice Scarf Flygon to not get lock into Outrage, but it's significantly weaker and harder to revenge kill foes with. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum and provides free switches to teammates. Flygon's last move is commonly Stone Edge allowing it to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus. Alternatively, Stealth Rock allows it to set up hazards for its teammates. Flygon can run Dragon Claw alongside with Outrage so that it can still revenge kill foes like Thundurus and Tsareena without getting immediately destroy by Fairy-types. First Impression can be used over Stone Edge allowing Flygon to revenge killed weaken boosted and faster threats like Cloyster and Choice Scarf Munkidori. Tera Steel gives Flygon a resistance to Fairy- and Dragon-type attacks from Pokemon like Sylveon, Florges, and Noivern; This also allows Flygon to check some Special breakers like Mew, Dragalge, and Porygon-z.

Wallbreakers like Magnezone, Mienshao, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Choice Scarf Flygon for giving them a free entry with U-turn. specifically mention special attackers and their offensive synergy. you can even address in terms of Magnezone (and any other it applies to like Thundurus) how Flygon and them can form a VoltTurn core to capitalize on how they can keep bringing the other one in on a Pokemon it beats Choice Scarf Flygon struggled to break past bulky Water-types like Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire tanking its attacks and punish Flygon with Scald, Toxic, Knock Off, and slow Flip Turn. Grass-types like Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume similarly Appreciate Flygon's U-turn giving them free entry to handle Bulky Water-types. Steel-types like Copperajah, Registeel, and Magnezone appreciate Flygon for checking Fire-types like Chandelure, Infernape, and Incineroar; in return, they can check Fairy-types like Sylveon, Florges, and Tera Fairy Slowbro. Choice Scarf Flygon appreciate hazards support from Copperajah, Diancie, and Swampert for wearing down foes due to Choice Scarf Flygon low damage output.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: First Impression
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Bug / Steel

Set Details

Choice Band gives Flygon more of an immediate power allowing it to always 2HKO Vileplume and Quagsire after Spikes with Earthquake. Outrage is still an option for allowing Flygon to 2HKO Calm Mind Reuniclus and Quagsire, but Dragon Claw is preferred so Flygon isn't easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. First Impression revenge kills weakened foes like Porygon-Z, Feraligatr, and Torterra. Tera Bug gives First Impression a power boost allowing Flygon to KO Mew and doing major damage to Defensive Reuniclus. Tera Steel can be preferred over Bug since it's better defensively and it allows Flygon to pivot without getting chip by Stealth Rock.

Choice Band Flygon likes having entry hazards from teammates like Klefki, Copperajah, and Diancie wearing down foes that can repeatedly switch into Flygon. Many Pokemon that tends to struggle against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon and Milotic, such as Registeel, Infernape, and Basculegion appreciate Choice Band Flygon's ability to 2HKO them on the switch. However, while Flygon can 2HKO most bulky Water-types, it's can't always beat them on an one-on-one, so it pairs greatly with Grass-types like Tsareena, Brambleghast, Vileplume. Physical defense pokemon like Avalugg, Reuniclus, and Slowbro can take on Flygon attacks with ease. So pair with Pokemon like Magnezone, Alolan Muk, and Slowbro that can handle the physical walls. Future Sight from Slowbro and Reuniclus can be great partners for Choice Flygon allowing it to weakened physical walls like Milotic, Avalugg, and Vileplume.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Scale Shot / Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / U-turn
item: Loaded Dice / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fire

Set Details

Dragon Dance with a Scale Shot boosted allows Flygon to outspeed the entire tier and including common Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. An Adamant nature is preferred for the extra power boost more than Jolly nature, but the latter is still useful to avoid always being outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Flygon at +1. Outrage can be used over Scale Shot allow it to sweep in late game cleaning. Alternatively, Dragon Claw is another option allows Flygon not get lock into Outrage and doesn't get it easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. Fire Punch allows it to hit Grass-types like Tsareena, Vileplume, and Brute Bonnet and opposing Tera Steel Flygon. Thunder Punch is able to hit Water and Flying-types like Vaporeon, Talonflame, and Milotic; lastly, U-turn allows Flygon to pivot out from a bad matchup. Leftovers can be used over Loaded Dice giving Flygon needed recovery. Alternately, Soft Sand gives Flygon a boost to Earthquake allowing it to 2HKO foes like Vileplume and Vaporeon after a Dragon Dance. Tera Steel allows Flygon to be immune to Umbreon and Quagsire's Toxic. Tera Fire gives Fire Punch a more needed power boost and retains the resistance to Fairy-type attacks that Tera Steel gives.

ok I have decided it is definitely better to mention the non-Scale Shot set here. so just talk about the different Dragon-type moves and items down here and make note that U-turn is pretty common to see on the non-Scale Shot DD Flygons.

Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates hazards support from Klefki and Rhyperior to guarantee an 2HKO Pokemon like Krookodile you 2hko this with ease without hazards needed. use the damage calc if you don't know Pokemon Flygon needs hazards support to beat. and Vileplume that it wouldn't obtain. Toxic Spikes in particular since it makes a lot more it easier to break through physical walls like Slowbro, Swampert, and Rhyperior. Flygon is a perfect pick for hyper offense team due to it being immune to Sticky Web and it can sweep opposing hyper offense teams. It can also punish lead hazards setters like Galvantula, Smeargle, and Lycanroc-D by setting up a Dragon Dance and breaks their Focus Sash with Scale Shot. Walllbreakers Other sweepers like Lucario, Cloyster, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Dragon Dance Flygon's ability to weakened weaken teams allowing them to sweep in late game scenarios so they can win late-game. Choice scarf users like Mienshao, Munkidori, and Infernape can force Flygon to switch even with a one plus boost they can still outspeed. So slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Eject Button Slowbro can bring Flygon in with a safe entry without it getting damaged.

Other Options

Flygon can run a mixed set with Draco Meteor and Fire Blast allowing it to hit Physically Defense Pokemon like Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume. Flygon can also run a Choice Specs set with Tera Normal having a powerful Boomburst. However, both of these sets are not common due to Flygon's low SpA. Flygon can also run a Utility set with Stealth Rock / Earthquake/ Dragon Tail / Dragon Tail and runs a bulkier EV spreads. ok neat, what does this set do. just saying it can run this isn't very helpful.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Sylveon and Florges are able to tank hits from Choice Scarf Flygon and Ko it back with their Stab Fairy attacks, but both of them can't handle Choice Band sets and they are complete setup fodder against Tera Steel Flygon's Dragon Dance

**Physically Defense Pokemon**: Defense Pokemon such as Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume have enough bulk to win a matchup against any of Flygon sets, but Vileplume has to be careful directly switching into +1 Flygon if entry hazards are present. Bulky Water-types like Vapreon, Swampert, and Quagsire have enough to tank a boosted attack and threatens Flygon back with status and Knock Off.

**Priority Users + Faster Attackers**: Infernape, Lucario, Brute Bonnet, and Feraligatr can revenge killed Flygon when it's weakened a bit. Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape can outspeed even Choice Scarf Flygon and destorys it with their Close Combat.

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Flygon's great set versatility makes it an elite pokemon and one of the best Ground-types in NU. Choice scarf Flygon fits on many teams for outspeeding and limit many wallbreakers such as Mienshao and Lycanroc-D. Choice Band gives Flygon an incredibly spammable Earthquake and it makes Flygon a lot more to switch around. Since, foes like Krookodile, Reuniclus, and Sylveon can be pivot on and allows Flygon to keep up the offensive pressure. idk what these two sentences mean? I think you mean Flygon's hard to switch around, and any potential switch-in can be hit by U-turn? that doesn't really make sense in this context though because you just mentioned Earthquake, a move none of those Pokemon can switch into well whatsoever. Dragon Dance Flygon with Loaded Dice makes it a great late game sweeper and it also threatens lead setters like Lycanroc-D, Galvantula, and Smeargle; it also resistive Lycanroc-D's Accelerock, so it's hard to revenge kill. However, Flygon has some problem that can hold it back. As a Choice Scarf user it faces competition against Mienshao and Infernape both whom are faster then Flygon and can revenge KO it with Close Combat. Additionally, Flygon's average Attack stat leaves it struggling when facing physical walls like Slowbro, Vileplume, and Avalugg, even after a boost they can still take on the attack. Choice Scarf Flygon can be very easy to played around due to both of its Stab options having common immunities and resistances in Flying- and Fairy-types.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Dragon Claw
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Outrage is one of Flygon strongest STAB attacks for late game cleaning and it can 2HKO foes like Tsareena and Mew on a switch. Dragon Claw is a more safer option for Choice Scarf Flygon to not get lock into Outrage, but it's significantly weaker and harder to revenge kill foes with. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum and provides free switches to teammates. Flygon's last move is commonly Stone Edge allowing it to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus. Alternatively, Stealth Rock allows it to set up hazards for its teammates. Flygon can run Dragon Claw alongside with Outrage so that it can still revenge kill foes like Thundurus and Tsareena without getting immediately destroy by Fairy-types. First Impression can be used over Stone Edge allowing Flygon to revenge killed weaken boosted and faster threats like Cloyster and Choice Scarf Munkidori. Tera Steel gives Flygon a resistance to Fairy- and Dragon-type attacks from Pokemon like Sylveon, Florges, and Noivern; This also allows Flygon to check some Special breakers like Mew, Dragalge, and Porygon-z.

Wallbreakers like Magnezone, Mienshao, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Choice Scarf Flygon for giving them a free entry with U-turn. specifically mention special attackers and their offensive synergy. you can even address in terms of Magnezone (and any other it applies to like Thundurus) how Flygon and them can form a VoltTurn core to capitalize on how they can keep bringing the other one in on a Pokemon it beats Choice Scarf Flygon struggled to break past bulky Water-types like Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire tanking its attacks and punish Flygon with Scald, Toxic, Knock Off, and slow Flip Turn. Grass-types like Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume similarly Appreciate Flygon's U-turn giving them free entry to handle Bulky Water-types. Steel-types like Copperajah, Registeel, and Magnezone appreciate Flygon for checking Fire-types like Chandelure, Infernape, and Incineroar; in return, they can check Fairy-types like Sylveon, Florges, and Tera Fairy Slowbro. Choice Scarf Flygon appreciate hazards support from Copperajah, Diancie, and Swampert for wearing down foes due to Choice Scarf Flygon low damage output.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: First Impression
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Bug / Steel

Set Details

Choice Band gives Flygon more of an immediate power allowing it to always 2HKO Vileplume and Quagsire after Spikes with Earthquake. Outrage is still an option for allowing Flygon to 2HKO Calm Mind Reuniclus and Quagsire, but Dragon Claw is preferred so Flygon isn't easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. First Impression revenge kills weakened foes like Porygon-Z, Feraligatr, and Torterra. Tera Bug gives First Impression a power boost allowing Flygon to KO Mew and doing major damage to Defensive Reuniclus. Tera Steel can be preferred over Bug since it's better defensively and it allows Flygon to pivot without getting chip by Stealth Rock.

Choice Band Flygon likes having entry hazards from teammates like Klefki, Copperajah, and Diancie wearing down foes that can repeatedly switch into Flygon. Many Pokemon that tends to struggle against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon and Milotic, such as Registeel, Infernape, and Basculegion appreciate Choice Band Flygon's ability to 2HKO them on the switch. However, while Flygon can 2HKO most bulky Water-types, it's can't always beat them on an one-on-one, so it pairs greatly with Grass-types like Tsareena, Brambleghast, Vileplume. Physical defense pokemon like Avalugg, Reuniclus, and Slowbro can take on Flygon attacks with ease. So pair with Pokemon like Magnezone, Alolan Muk, and Slowbro that can handle the physical walls. Future Sight from Slowbro and Reuniclus can be great partners for Choice Flygon allowing it to weakened physical walls like Milotic, Avalugg, and Vileplume.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Scale Shot / Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / U-turn
item: Loaded Dice / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fire

Set Details

Dragon Dance with a Scale Shot boosted allows Flygon to outspeed the entire tier and including common Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. An Adamant nature is preferred for the extra power boost more than Jolly nature, but the latter is still useful to avoid always being outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Flygon at +1. Outrage can be used over Scale Shot allow it to sweep in late game cleaning. Alternatively, Dragon Claw is another option allows Flygon not get lock into Outrage and doesn't get it easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. Fire Punch allows it to hit Grass-types like Tsareena, Vileplume, and Brute Bonnet and opposing Tera Steel Flygon. Thunder Punch is able to hit Water and Flying-types like Vaporeon, Talonflame, and Milotic; lastly, U-turn allows Flygon to pivot out from a bad matchup. Leftovers can be used over Loaded Dice giving Flygon needed recovery. Alternately, Soft Sand gives Flygon a boost to Earthquake allowing it to 2HKO foes like Vileplume and Vaporeon after a Dragon Dance. Tera Steel allows Flygon to be immune to Umbreon and Quagsire's Toxic. Tera Fire gives Fire Punch a more needed power boost and retains the resistance to Fairy-type attacks that Tera Steel gives.

ok I have decided it is definitely better to mention the non-Scale Shot set here. so just talk about the different Dragon-type moves and items down here and make note that U-turn is pretty common to see on the non-Scale Shot DD Flygons.

Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates hazards support from Klefki and Rhyperior to guarantee an 2HKO Pokemon like Krookodile you 2hko this with ease without hazards needed. use the damage calc if you don't know Pokemon Flygon needs hazards support to beat. and Vileplume that it wouldn't obtain. Toxic Spikes in particular since it makes a lot more it easier to break through physical walls like Slowbro, Swampert, and Rhyperior. Flygon is a perfect pick for hyper offense team due to it being immune to Sticky Web and it can sweep opposing hyper offense teams. It can also punish lead hazards setters like Galvantula, Smeargle, and Lycanroc-D by setting up a Dragon Dance and breaks their Focus Sash with Scale Shot. Walllbreakers Other sweepers like Lucario, Cloyster, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Dragon Dance Flygon's ability to weakened weaken teams allowing them to sweep in late game scenarios so they can win late-game. Choice scarf users like Mienshao, Munkidori, and Infernape can force Flygon to switch even with a one plus boost they can still outspeed. So slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Eject Button Slowbro can bring Flygon in with a safe entry without it getting damaged.

Other Options

Flygon can run a mixed set with Draco Meteor and Fire Blast allowing it to hit Physically Defense Pokemon like Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume. Flygon can also run a Choice Specs set with Tera Normal having a powerful Boomburst. However, both of these sets are not common due to Flygon's low SpA. Flygon can also run a Utility set with Stealth Rock / Earthquake/ Dragon Tail / Dragon Tail and runs a bulkier EV spreads. ok neat, what does this set do. just saying it can run this isn't very helpful.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Sylveon and Florges are able to tank hits from Choice Scarf Flygon and Ko it back with their Stab Fairy attacks, but both of them can't handle Choice Band sets and they are complete setup fodder against Tera Steel Flygon's Dragon Dance

**Physically Defense Pokemon**: Defense Pokemon such as Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume have enough bulk to win a matchup against any of Flygon sets, but Vileplume has to be careful directly switching into +1 Flygon if entry hazards are present. Bulky Water-types like Vapreon, Swampert, and Quagsire have enough to tank a boosted attack and threatens Flygon back with status and Knock Off.

**Priority Users + Faster Attackers**: Infernape, Lucario, Brute Bonnet, and Feraligatr can revenge killed Flygon when it's weakened a bit. Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape can outspeed even Choice Scarf Flygon and destorys it with their Close Combat.

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very big amcheck
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heads up: some sentences had a few vital words missing, so I tried my best to fix them based on what I assume you meant

Flygon's great set versatility makes it an elite pokemon Pokemon and one of the best Ground-types in NU. Choice scarf Flygon fits on many teams for ,(comma) outspeeding and limiting many wallbreakers such as Mienshao (based off of what I've read throughout this analysis, maybe you want to say "non-Choice Scarf Mienshao"?) and Lycanroc-D. Choice Band gives Flygon an incredibly spammable Earthquake and it makes Flygon a lot more harder to switch into around(this is my interpretation of what you meant here). It Flygon can also pivot out of foes with U-turn,(comma) allowing Flygon it to maintain offensive pressure and momentum. Dragon Dance Flygon with can use Loaded Dice,(comma) which makes it a great late game late-game sweeper,(comma) and it also threatens lead entry hazard setters like Lycanroc-D, Galvantula, and Smeargle; it also resistive resists Lycanroc-D's Accelerock, so it's hard making it hard to revenge kill (if "making it harder to revenge kill" is also fine, you could change it to that instead so it looks more natural). However, Flygon has some problem that can hold it back.(unnecessary) As However, as a Choice Scarf user,(comma) it faces competition against Mienshao and Infernape,(comma) both of which whom are faster then than Flygon and can revenge kill KO it with Close Combat. Additionally, Flygon's average Attack stat leaves it struggling when facing physical walls like Slowbro, Vileplume, and Avalugg, as they can still take its attacks,(comma) even after a boost.(period) they can still take on the attack Choice Scarf Flygon can be very easy to played play around due to the presence of Pokemon immune to its STAB options. (I removed "both"; if the pokemon you mean are immune to ground and dragon at once then change it back to "both") both of its Stab options having common immunities and resistances in Flying- and Fairy-types.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Dragon Claw
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Outrage is one of Flygon's strongest(best?) STAB attacks for late-game cleaning,(comma) and it can 2HKO foes like Tsareena and Mew on a switch. Dragon Claw is a more safer option to avoid getting for Choice Scarf Flygon to not get lock locked into Outrage, but it's significantly weaker and is harder to revenge kill foes with. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum and provides free switches to teammates. Flygon's last move is commonly Stone Edge,(comma) allowing which allows it to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus. Alternatively, Stealth Rock allows it to set up entry hazards up for its teammates. Flygon can run Dragon Claw alongside with Outrage so that it can still revenge kill foes like Thundurus and Tsareena without getting immediately destroy destroyed by Fairy-types. First Impression can be used over Stone Edge,(comma) allowing Flygon to revenge kill killed weaken boosted weakened boosted and faster threats like Cloyster and Choice Scarf Munkidori. Tera Steel gives Flygon a resistance to Fairy- and Dragon-type attacks from Pokemon like Sylveon, Florges, and Noivern. This also allows Flygon it to check some Special breakers special wallbreakers like Mew, Dragalge, and Porygon-Z Porygon-z.

Wallbreakers like Magnezone, Mienshao, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Choice Scarf Flygon for giving them a free entry with U-turn. Flygon It can form a VoltTurn core with special attackers like Magnezone, Thundurus, and Toxtricity. They can threaten physical walls like Slowbro, Avalugg, and Vileplume; in return, Flygon can pressure special walls like Alolan Muk and Assault Vest Gallade. Choice Scarf Flygon struggled struggles to break past bulky Water-types like Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire,(comma) which tank tanking its attacks and punish it Flygon with Scald, Toxic, Knock Off, and slow Flip Turn. Grass-types like Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume similarly Appreciate Flygon's U-turn giving them free entry to handle the aforementioned bulky Bulky Water-types. Steel-types like Copperajah, Registeel, and Magnezone appreciate Flygon for checking Fire-types like Chandelure, Infernape, and Incineroar; in return, they can check Fairy-types like Sylveon, Florges, and Tera Fairy Slowbro. Choice Scarf Flygon appreciate hazards appreciates entry hazard support from Copperajah, Diancie, and Swampert, as it can wear for wearing (cutting down on "appreciate x for doing y" repetition) down foes due to and help with Choice Scarf Flygon's low damage output.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: First Impression
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Bug / Steel

Set Details

Choice Band gives Flygon more of an immediate power,(comma) allowing it to always 2HKO Vileplume and Quagsire after Spikes damage with Earthquake. Outrage is still an option for allowing to allow Flygon to 2HKO Calm Mind Reuniclus and Quagsire, but Dragon Claw is preferred so Flygon isn't easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. First Impression revenge kills weakened foes like Porygon-Z, Feraligatr, and Torterra. Tera Bug gives First Impression a power boost,(comma) allowing Flygon to KO Mew and do doing major damage to defensive Defensive Reuniclus. Tera Steel can be preferred used (I think you choose between "can be used" and "is preferred" here) over Tera Bug,(comma) since it's better defensively and it allows Flygon to pivot without getting chip chipped by Stealth Rock.

Choice Band Flygon likes having entry hazard support from teammates like Klefki, Copperajah, and Diancie wearing to wear down foes that can repeatedly switch into it Flygon. Many Pokemon that tends tend to struggle against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon and Milotic, such as Registeel, Infernape, and Basculegion,(comma) appreciate Choice Band Flygon's ability to 2HKO them these bulky Water-types on the switch. However, while Flygon it can 2HKO most bulky Water-types, it's it can't always beat them on an one-on-one, so it pairs greatly with Grass-types like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Vileplume. Physical defense pokemon Physically defensive Pokemon like Avalugg, Reuniclus, and Slowbro can take on Flygon Flygon's attacks with ease. So,(comma) it Flygon pairs best pairs with Pokemon like Magnezone, Alolan Muk, and Slowbro, as they that can handle these physical walls. Future Sight from Slowbro and Reuniclus can be great partners for Choice Band Flygon,(comma) allowing it to weakened weaken physical walls like Milotic, Avalugg, and Vileplume.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Scale Shot / Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / U-turn
item: Loaded Dice / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fire

Set Details

Dragon Dance with a Scale Shot boost boosted allows Flygon to outspeed the entire tier and,(comma) including common Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. An Adamant nature is preferred over a Jolly nature for the extra power boost more than Jolly nature, but the latter is still useful to avoid always being outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Flygon at +1. Fire Punch allows it Flygon to hit Grass-types like Tsareena, Vileplume, and Brute Bonnet and as well as opposing Tera Steel Flygon. Thunder Punch is able to hit Water- (<- add hyphen) and Flying-types like Vaporeon, Talonflame, and Milotic; lastly, U-turn allows Flygon to pivot out from a bad matchup. Tera Steel allows Flygon it to be immune to Umbreon and Quagsire's Toxic. Tera Fire gives Fire Punch a more much-needed power boost and retains the resistance to Fairy-type attacks that Tera Steel gives. Outrage can be used over Scale Shot to allow Flygon it to be a late-game cleaner. Alternatively, Dragon Claw can be used to avoid getting locked into Outrage, which would otherwise make it easily revenge killed by Fairy-types is another option allows Flygon not get lock into Outrage and doesn't get it easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. U-turn is also pretty common to see the on non-Scale Shot Dragon Dance Flygon sets Flygons. Leftovers can be used over Loaded Dice,(comma) giving Flygon the needed recovery. Alternately, Soft Sand gives Flygon it a boost to Earthquake, which allows allowing (participle phrase repetition) it to 2HKO Vileplume and Vaporeon after a Dragon Dance.

Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates entry hazard hazards support from Klefki and Rhyperior to guarantee an a 2HKO on Pokemon like Vileplume and Rhyperior,(comma) which are otherwise not 2HKOed that it wouldn't obtain. Toxic Spikes,(comma) in particular,(comma) is helpful, since it makes a lot more it a lot easier to break through physical walls like Slowbro, Swampert, and Rhyperior(words were missing in this sentence; please check if my changes reflect what you mean). Flygon is a perfect pick for hyper offense teams team due to its Sticky Web immunity it being immune to Sticky Web and because it can sweep opposing hyper offense teams. It can also punish lead hazard hazards setters like Galvantula,(double space) Smeargle, and Lycanroc-D by setting up a Dragon Dance and breaks breaking their Focus Sash with Scale Shot. Other sweepers like Lucario, Cloyster, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Dragon Dance Flygon's ability to weaken teams so they can win late-game. Choice scarf users like Mienshao, Munkidori, and Infernape can force Flygon to switch out even with a Scale Shot boost because one plus boost they can still outspeed it. So,(comma) slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Eject Button Slowbro can bring Flygon in safely. (how does this relate to the last sentence -- why does it start with so/therefore? I suggest you start it out with "Slow pivots like Magnezone ..." unless I really misunderstood) with a safe entry without it getting damaged.

Other Options

Flygon can run a mixed set with Draco Meteor and Fire Blast,(comma) allowing it to hit Physically Defense physically defensive Pokemon like Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume. Flygon It can also run a Choice Specs set with Tera Normal, which has having a powerful Boomburst. However, both of these sets are not common due to Flygon's low Special Attack SpA. Flygon can also run a Utility utility set with Stealth Rock / Earthquake / Dragon Tail / Dragon Tail (you typed dragon tail twice here; please adjust) and runs with a bulkier EV spreads. It This set allows Flygon it to setup set entry hazards up for its teammates and checks foes like Copperajah, Lycanroc-D, and Infernape. Sadly, Flygon lacks any recovery,(comma) making it very easy for it to get worn down by chip damages.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Sylveon and Florges are able to tank hits from Choice Scarf Flygon and Ko KO it back with their Stab STAB Fairy attacks,;(semicolon) but however,(comma) both neither of them can't can handle Choice Band sets,(comma) and they are complete setup fodder against Tera Steel Dragon Dance Flygon.(period) 's Dragon Dance

**Physically Defense Defensive Pokemon**: Defense Physically defensive Pokemon such as Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume have enough bulk to win a matchup against any of Flygon's sets, but Vileplume has to be careful directly switching into +1 Flygon if entry hazards are present. Bulky Water-types like Vapreon Vaporeon, Swampert, and Quagsire have enough are bulky enough to tank a boosted attack and threatens Flygon back with status and Knock Off.

**Priority Users + and Faster Attackers**: Infernape, Lucario, Brute Bonnet, and Feraligatr can revenge kill killed Flygon when after it has been it's weakened a bit. Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape can outspeed even Choice Scarf Flygon and destroy destorys it with their Close Combat.

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Flygon's great set versatility makes it an elite pokemon Pokemon and one of the best Ground-types in NU. Choice scarf Scarf Flygon fits on many teams for ,(comma) outspeeding and limiting many wallbreakers such as Mienshao (based off of what I've read throughout this analysis, maybe you want to say "non-Choice Scarf Mienshao"?) and Lycanroc-D. Choice Band gives Flygon an incredibly spammable Earthquake and it makes Flygon it a lot more harder to switch into around(this is my interpretation of what you meant here). It Flygon can also pivot out of foes with U-turn,(comma) allowing Flygon it to maintain offensive pressure and momentum. Dragon Dance Flygon with can use Loaded Dice,(comma) which makes it a great late game late-game sweeper,(comma) and it also threatens lead entry hazard setters like Lycanroc-D, Galvantula, and Smeargle; it also resistive resists Lycanroc-D's Accelerock, so it's hard to revenge kill. However, Flygon has some problem that can hold it back.(unnecessary) As However, as a Choice Scarf user,(comma) it faces competition against from Mienshao and Infernape,(comma) both of which whom are faster then Flygon than it and can revenge kill KO it with Close Combat. Additionally, Flygon's average Attack stat leaves it struggling when facing physical walls like Slowbro, Vileplume, and Avalugg, as they can still take its attacks,(comma) even after a boost.(period) they can still take on the attack Choice Scarf Flygon can be very easy to played play around due to both of its Stab STAB options having common immunities and resistances in Flying- and Fairy-types.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Dragon Claw
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Outrage is one of Flygon's strongest(best?) STAB attacks for late-game cleaning,(comma) and it can 2HKO foes like Tsareena and Mew on a switch. Dragon Claw is a more safer option to avoid getting for Choice Scarf Flygon to not get lock locked into Outrage, but it's significantly weaker and is harder to revenge kill foes with. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum and provides provide free switches to teammates. Flygon's last move is commonly Stone Edge,(comma) allowing which allows it to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus. Alternatively, Stealth Rock allows it to set up entry hazards for its teammates. Flygon can run Dragon Claw alongside with Outrage so that it can still revenge kill foes like Thundurus and Tsareena without getting immediately destroy destroyed by Fairy-types. First Impression can be used over Stone Edge,(comma) allowing Flygon to revenge kill killed weaken boosted weakened boosted and faster threats like Cloyster and Choice Scarf Munkidori. Tera Steel gives Flygon a resistance to Fairy- and Dragon-type attacks from Pokemon like Sylveon, Florges, and Noivern. This also allows Flygon it to check some Special breakers special wallbreakers like Mew, Dragalge, and Porygon-Z Porygon-z.

Wallbreakers like Magnezone, Mienshao, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Choice Scarf Flygon for giving them a free entry with U-turn. Flygon can form a VoltTurn core with special attackers like Magnezone, Thundurus, and Toxtricity. They can threaten physical walls like Slowbro, Avalugg, and Vileplume; in return, Flygon can pressure special walls like Alolan Muk and Assault Vest Gallade. Choice Scarf Flygon struggled struggles to break past bulky Water-types like Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire,(comma) which tank tanking its attacks and punish it Flygon with Scald, Toxic, Knock Off, and slow Flip Turn. Grass-types like Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume similarly Appreciate appreciate Flygon's U-turn giving them free entry to handle the aforementioned bulky Bulky Water-types. Steel-types like Copperajah, Registeel, and Magnezone appreciate Flygon for checking Fire-types like Chandelure, Infernape, and Incineroar; in return, they can check Fairy-types like Sylveon, Florges, and Tera Fairy Slowbro. Choice Scarf Flygon appreciate hazards appreciates entry hazard support from Copperajah, Diancie, and Swampert, as it can wear for wearing (cutting down on "appreciate x for doing y" repetition) down foes due to help with Choice Scarf Flygon's low damage output.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: First Impression
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Bug / Steel

Set Details

Choice Band gives Flygon more of an immediate power,(comma) allowing it to always 2HKO Vileplume and Quagsire after Spikes damage with Earthquake. Outrage is still an option for allowing to allow Flygon to 2HKO Calm Mind Reuniclus and Quagsire, but Dragon Claw is preferred so Flygon isn't easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. First Impression revenge kills weakened foes like Porygon-Z, Feraligatr, and Torterra. Tera Bug gives First Impression a power boost,(comma) allowing Flygon to KO Mew and do doing major damage to defensive Defensive Reuniclus. Tera Steel can be preferred over Tera Bug,(comma) since it's better defensively and it allows Flygon to pivot without getting chip chipped heavily by Stealth Rock.

Choice Band Flygon likes having entry hazard support from teammates like Klefki, Copperajah, and Diancie wearing to wear down foes that can repeatedly switch into it Flygon. Many Pokemon that tends tend to struggle against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon and Milotic, such as Registeel, Infernape, and Basculegion,(comma) appreciate Choice Band Flygon's ability to 2HKO them on the switch. However, while Flygon it can 2HKO most bulky Water-types, it's it can't always beat them on an one-on-one, so it pairs greatly with Grass-types like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Vileplume. Physical defense pokemon Physically defensive Pokemon like Avalugg, Reuniclus, and Slowbro can take on Flygon Flygon's attacks with ease. So ease, so it pairs best pairs with Pokemon like Magnezone, Alolan Muk, and Slowbro that can handle these physical walls. Future Sight from Slowbro and Reuniclus can be great partners for Choice Band Flygon,(comma) allowing it to weakened weaken physical walls like Milotic, Avalugg, and Vileplume.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Scale Shot / Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / U-turn
item: Loaded Dice / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fire

Set Details

Dragon Dance with a Scale Shot boost boosted allows Flygon to outspeed the entire tier and,(comma) including common Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. An Adamant nature is preferred over a Jolly nature for the extra power boost more than Jolly nature, but the latter is still useful to avoid always being outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Flygon at +1. Fire Punch allows it Flygon to hit Grass-types like Tsareena, Vileplume, and Brute Bonnet and as well as opposing Tera Steel Flygon. Thunder Punch is able to hit Water- (<- add hyphen) and Flying-types like Vaporeon, Talonflame, and Milotic; lastly, U-turn allows Flygon to pivot out from a bad matchup. Tera Steel allows Flygon it to be immune to Umbreon and Quagsire's Toxic. Tera Fire gives Fire Punch a more much-needed power boost and retains the resistance to Fairy-type attacks that Tera Steel gives. Outrage can be used over Scale Shot to allow Flygon it to be a late-game cleaner. Alternatively, Dragon Claw can be used to avoid getting locked into Outrage, which would otherwise make it easily revenge killed by Fairy-types is another option allows Flygon not get lock into Outrage and doesn't get it easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. U-turn is also pretty common to see the on non-Scale Shot Dragon Dance Flygon sets Flygons. (I would move the Dragon-type STAB sentences to the beginning of where you talk about moves and merge this U-turn sentence with the first one) Leftovers can be used over Loaded Dice,(comma) giving Flygon the needed recovery. Alternately, Soft Sand gives Flygon it a boost to Earthquake, which allows allowing (participle phrase repetition) it to 2HKO Vileplume and Vaporeon after a Dragon Dance.

Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates entry hazard hazards support from Klefki and Rhyperior to guarantee an a 2HKO on Pokemon like Vileplume and Rhyperior that it wouldn't obtain. (already implied) Toxic Spikes in particular is helpful, since it makes a lot more it a lot easier to break through physical walls like Slowbro, Swampert, and Rhyperior(words were missing in this sentence; please check if my changes reflect what you mean). Flygon is a perfect pick for hyper offense teams team due to its Sticky Web immunity it being immune to Sticky Web and because it can sweep opposing hyper offense teams. It can also punish lead hazard hazards setters like Galvantula,(double space) Smeargle, and Lycanroc-D by setting up a Dragon Dance and breaks breaking their Focus Sash Sashes with Scale Shot. Other sweepers like Lucario, Cloyster, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Dragon Dance Flygon's ability to weaken teams so they can win late-game. Choice scarf Scarf users like Mienshao, Munkidori, and Infernape can force Flygon to switch out even with a one plus boost if it's at +1 because they can still outspeed it. So,(comma) slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Eject Button Slowbro can bring help by bringing Flygon in safely. with a safe entry without it getting damaged.

Other Options

Flygon can run a mixed set with Draco Meteor and Fire Blast,(comma) allowing it to hit Physically Defense physically defensive Pokemon like Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume. Flygon It can also run a Choice Specs set with Tera Normal, which has having a powerful Boomburst. However, both of these sets are not common due to Flygon's low Special Attack SpA. Flygon can also run a Utility utility set with Stealth Rock / Earthquake / Dragon Tail / Dragon Tail (you typed dragon tail twice here; please adjust) and runs with a bulkier EV spreads. It This set allows Flygon it to setup set entry hazards for its teammates and checks foes like Copperajah, Lycanroc-D, and Infernape. Sadly, Flygon lacks any recovery,(comma) making it very easy for it to get worn down by chip damages.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Sylveon and Florges are able to tank hits from Choice Scarf Flygon and Ko KO it back with their Stab STAB Fairy attacks,;(semicolon) but however,(comma) both neither of them can't can handle Choice Band sets,(comma) and they are complete setup fodder against Tera Steel Dragon Dance Flygon.(period) 's Dragon Dance

**Physically Defense Defensive Pokemon**: Defense Physically defensive Pokemon such as Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume have enough bulk to win a matchup against any of Flygon's sets, but Vileplume has to be careful directly switching into +1 Flygon if entry hazards are present. Bulky Water-types like Vapreon Vaporeon, Swampert, and Quagsire have enough are bulky enough to tank a boosted attack and threatens Flygon back with status and Knock Off.

**Priority Users + and Faster Attackers**: Infernape, Lucario, Brute Bonnet, and Feraligatr can revenge kill killed Flygon when after it has been it's weakened a bit. Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape can outspeed even Choice Scarf Flygon and destroy destorys it with their Close Combat.

Written by:
Quality checked by:
Grammar checked by:
(put each in a new line)

- "Choice Scarf" was incorrectly capitalized in the second sentence and the Dragon Dance set's teammates section.
- Changing "so it's hard to revenge kill" to "making it hard to revenge kill" wasn't very necessary.
- Faces competition from, not against, when something is competing with something.
- I would've changed the sentence about Flygon's STAB options having immunities less drastically because you removed the part about resistances and the specification that they are common.
- "Appreciate" was incorrectly capitalized in the Choice Scarf set's teammates paragraph.
- "Tera Steel can be preferred" was fine; it's read as "sometimes this Tera type is preferred".
- Regarding "on an one-on-one" in the Choice Band set's teammates paragraph: you removed the "an" but not the "on".
- Changing "that" to "as they" in the same paragraph as the above point wasn't very necessary.
- You can pluralize item names if it can't be avoided, like in the sentence about Flygon breaking Focus Sashes.
- You changed "even with a one plus boost" to "even with a Scale Shot boost", but it could also be a Dragon Dance boost.

GP 1/2
Credit adorluigi too!
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Flygon's great set versatility makes it an elite pokemon Pokemon and one of the best Ground-types in NU. Choice scarf Scarf Flygon fits on many teams for ,(comma) outspeeding and limiting many wallbreakers such as Mienshao (based off of what I've read throughout this analysis, maybe you want to say "non-Choice Scarf Mienshao"?) and Lycanroc-D. Choice Band gives Flygon an incredibly spammable Earthquake and it makes Flygon it a lot more harder to switch into around(this is my interpretation of what you meant here). It Flygon can also pivot out of foes with U-turn,(comma) allowing Flygon it to maintain offensive pressure and momentum. Dragon Dance Flygon with can use Loaded Dice,(comma) which makes it a great late game late-game sweeper,(comma) and it also threatens lead entry hazard setters like Lycanroc-D, Galvantula, and Smeargle; it also resistive resists Lycanroc-D's Accelerock, so it's hard to revenge kill. However, Flygon has some problem that can hold it back.(unnecessary) As However, as a Choice Scarf user,(comma) it faces competition against from Mienshao and Infernape,(comma) both of which whom are faster then Flygon than it and can revenge kill KO it with Close Combat. Additionally, Flygon's average Attack stat leaves it struggling when facing physical walls like Slowbro, Vileplume, and Avalugg, as they can still take its attacks,(comma) even after a boost.(period) they can still take on the attack Choice Scarf Flygon can be very easy to played play around due to both of its Stab STAB options having common immunities and resistances in Flying- and Fairy-types.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Dragon Claw
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Outrage is one of Flygon's strongest(best?) STAB attacks for late-game cleaning,(comma) and it can 2HKO foes like Tsareena and Mew on a switch. Dragon Claw is a more safer option to avoid getting for Choice Scarf Flygon to not get lock locked into Outrage, but it's significantly weaker and is harder to revenge kill foes with. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum and provides provide free switches to teammates. Flygon's last move is commonly Stone Edge,(comma) allowing which allows it to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus. Alternatively, Stealth Rock allows it to set up entry hazards for its teammates. Flygon can run Dragon Claw alongside with Outrage so that it can still revenge kill foes like Thundurus and Tsareena without getting immediately destroy destroyed by Fairy-types. First Impression can be used over Stone Edge,(comma) allowing Flygon to revenge kill killed weaken boosted weakened boosted and faster threats like Cloyster and Choice Scarf Munkidori. Tera Steel gives Flygon a resistance to Fairy- and Dragon-type attacks from Pokemon like Sylveon, Florges, and Noivern. This also allows Flygon it to check some Special breakers special wallbreakers like Mew, Dragalge, and Porygon-Z Porygon-z.

Wallbreakers like Magnezone, Mienshao, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Choice Scarf Flygon for giving them a free entry with U-turn. Flygon can form a VoltTurn core with special attackers like Magnezone, Thundurus, and Toxtricity. They can threaten physical walls like Slowbro, Avalugg, and Vileplume; in return, Flygon can pressure special walls like Alolan Muk and Assault Vest Gallade. Choice Scarf Flygon struggled struggles to break past bulky Water-types like Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire,(comma) which tank tanking its attacks and punish it Flygon with Scald, Toxic, Knock Off, and slow Flip Turn. Grass-types like Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume similarly Appreciate appreciate Flygon's U-turn giving them free entry to handle the aforementioned bulky Bulky Water-types. Steel-types like Copperajah, Registeel, and Magnezone appreciate Flygon for checking Fire-types like Chandelure, Infernape, and Incineroar; in return, they can check Fairy-types like Sylveon, Florges, and Tera Fairy Slowbro. Choice Scarf Flygon appreciate hazards appreciates entry hazard support from Copperajah, Diancie, and Swampert, as it can wear for wearing (cutting down on "appreciate x for doing y" repetition) down foes due to help with Choice Scarf Flygon's low damage output.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: First Impression
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Bug / Steel

Set Details

Choice Band gives Flygon more of an immediate power,(comma) allowing it to always 2HKO Vileplume and Quagsire after Spikes damage with Earthquake. Outrage is still an option for allowing to allow Flygon to 2HKO Calm Mind Reuniclus and Quagsire, but Dragon Claw is preferred so Flygon isn't easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. First Impression revenge kills weakened foes like Porygon-Z, Feraligatr, and Torterra. Tera Bug gives First Impression a power boost,(comma) allowing Flygon to KO Mew and do doing major damage to defensive Defensive Reuniclus. Tera Steel can be preferred over Tera Bug,(comma) since it's better defensively and it allows Flygon to pivot without getting chip chipped heavily by Stealth Rock.

Choice Band Flygon likes having entry hazard support from teammates like Klefki, Copperajah, and Diancie wearing to wear down foes that can repeatedly switch into it Flygon. Many Pokemon that tends tend to struggle against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon and Milotic, such as Registeel, Infernape, and Basculegion,(comma) appreciate Choice Band Flygon's ability to 2HKO them on the switch. However, while Flygon it can 2HKO most bulky Water-types, it's it can't always beat them on an one-on-one, so it pairs greatly with Grass-types like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Vileplume. Physical defense pokemon Physically defensive Pokemon like Avalugg, Reuniclus, and Slowbro can take on Flygon Flygon's attacks with ease. So ease, so it pairs best pairs with Pokemon like Magnezone, Alolan Muk, and Slowbro that can handle these physical walls. Future Sight from Slowbro and Reuniclus can be great partners for Choice Band Flygon,(comma) allowing it to weakened weaken physical walls like Milotic, Avalugg, and Vileplume.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Scale Shot / Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / U-turn
item: Loaded Dice / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fire

Set Details

Dragon Dance with a Scale Shot boost boosted allows Flygon to outspeed the entire tier and,(comma) including common Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. An Adamant nature is preferred over a Jolly nature for the extra power boost more than Jolly nature, but the latter is still useful to avoid always being outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Flygon at +1. Fire Punch allows it Flygon to hit Grass-types like Tsareena, Vileplume, and Brute Bonnet and as well as opposing Tera Steel Flygon. Thunder Punch is able to hit Water- (<- add hyphen) and Flying-types like Vaporeon, Talonflame, and Milotic; lastly, U-turn allows Flygon to pivot out from a bad matchup. Tera Steel allows Flygon it to be immune to Umbreon and Quagsire's Toxic. Tera Fire gives Fire Punch a more much-needed power boost and retains the resistance to Fairy-type attacks that Tera Steel gives. Outrage can be used over Scale Shot to allow Flygon it to be a late-game cleaner. Alternatively, Dragon Claw can be used to avoid getting locked into Outrage, which would otherwise make it easily revenge killed by Fairy-types is another option allows Flygon not get lock into Outrage and doesn't get it easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. U-turn is also pretty common to see the on non-Scale Shot Dragon Dance Flygon sets Flygons. (I would move the Dragon-type STAB sentences to the beginning of where you talk about moves and merge this U-turn sentence with the first one) Leftovers can be used over Loaded Dice,(comma) giving Flygon the needed recovery. Alternately, Soft Sand gives Flygon it a boost to Earthquake, which allows allowing (participle phrase repetition) it to 2HKO Vileplume and Vaporeon after a Dragon Dance.

Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates entry hazard hazards support from Klefki and Rhyperior to guarantee an a 2HKO on Pokemon like Vileplume and Rhyperior that it wouldn't obtain. (already implied) Toxic Spikes in particular is helpful, since it makes a lot more it a lot easier to break through physical walls like Slowbro, Swampert, and Rhyperior(words were missing in this sentence; please check if my changes reflect what you mean). Flygon is a perfect pick for hyper offense teams team due to its Sticky Web immunity it being immune to Sticky Web and because it can sweep opposing hyper offense teams. It can also punish lead hazard hazards setters like Galvantula,(double space) Smeargle, and Lycanroc-D by setting up a Dragon Dance and breaks breaking their Focus Sash Sashes with Scale Shot. Other sweepers like Lucario, Cloyster, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Dragon Dance Flygon's ability to weaken teams so they can win late-game. Choice scarf Scarf users like Mienshao, Munkidori, and Infernape can force Flygon to switch out even with a one plus boost if it's at +1 because they can still outspeed it. So,(comma) slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Eject Button Slowbro can bring help by bringing Flygon in safely. with a safe entry without it getting damaged.

Other Options

Flygon can run a mixed set with Draco Meteor and Fire Blast,(comma) allowing it to hit Physically Defense physically defensive Pokemon like Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume. Flygon It can also run a Choice Specs set with Tera Normal, which has having a powerful Boomburst. However, both of these sets are not common due to Flygon's low Special Attack SpA. Flygon can also run a Utility utility set with Stealth Rock / Earthquake / Dragon Tail / Dragon Tail (you typed dragon tail twice here; please adjust) and runs with a bulkier EV spreads. It This set allows Flygon it to setup set entry hazards for its teammates and checks foes like Copperajah, Lycanroc-D, and Infernape. Sadly, Flygon lacks any recovery,(comma) making it very easy for it to get worn down by chip damages.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Sylveon and Florges are able to tank hits from Choice Scarf Flygon and Ko KO it back with their Stab STAB Fairy attacks,;(semicolon) but however,(comma) both neither of them can't can handle Choice Band sets,(comma) and they are complete setup fodder against Tera Steel Dragon Dance Flygon.(period) 's Dragon Dance

**Physically Defense Defensive Pokemon**: Defense Physically defensive Pokemon such as Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume have enough bulk to win a matchup against any of Flygon's sets, but Vileplume has to be careful directly switching into +1 Flygon if entry hazards are present. Bulky Water-types like Vapreon Vaporeon, Swampert, and Quagsire have enough are bulky enough to tank a boosted attack and threatens Flygon back with status and Knock Off.

**Priority Users + and Faster Attackers**: Infernape, Lucario, Brute Bonnet, and Feraligatr can revenge kill killed Flygon when after it has been it's weakened a bit. Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape can outspeed even Choice Scarf Flygon and destroy destorys it with their Close Combat.

Written by:
Quality checked by:
Grammar checked by:
(put each in a new line)

- "Choice Scarf" was incorrectly capitalized in the second sentence and the Dragon Dance set's teammates section.
- Changing "so it's hard to revenge kill" to "making it hard to revenge kill" wasn't very necessary.
- Faces competition from, not against, when something is competing with something.
- I would've changed the sentence about Flygon's STAB options having immunities less drastically because you removed the part about resistances and the specification that they are common.
- "Appreciate" was incorrectly capitalized in the Choice Scarf set's teammates paragraph.
- "Tera Steel can be preferred" was fine; it's read as "sometimes this Tera type is preferred".
- Regarding "on an one-on-one" in the Choice Band set's teammates paragraph: you removed the "an" but not the "on".
- Changing "that" to "as they" in the same paragraph as the above point wasn't very necessary.
- You can pluralize item names if it can't be avoided, like in the sentence about Flygon breaking Focus Sashes.
- You changed "even with a one plus boost" to "even with a Scale Shot boost", but it could also be a Dragon Dance boost.

GP 1/2
Credit adorluigi too!
Implement the changes and credit adorluigi.

GP Team
2/2, GP Team done
blue = add
red = remove
(orange) = comment


Flygon's great set versatility makes it an elite Pokemon and one of the best Ground-types in NU. Choice Scarf Flygon fits on many teams, outspeeding and limiting many wallbreakers such as non-Choice Scarf Mienshao and Lycanroc-D. Choice Band gives Flygon an incredibly spammable Earthquake and makes it a lot harder to switch into. Flygon can also pivot out with U-turn, allowing it to maintain offensive pressure and momentum. Dragon Dance Flygon can use Loaded Dice, which makes it a great late-game sweeper, and it also threatens lead entry hazard setters like Lycanroc-D, Galvantula, and Smeargle; it also resists Lycanroc-D's Accelerock, so it's hard to revenge kill. However, as a Choice Scarf user, it faces competition from Mienshao and Infernape, both of which are faster than it and can revenge kill it with Close Combat. Additionally, Flygon's average Attack stat leaves it struggling when facing physical walls like Slowbro, Vileplume, and Avalugg, as they can still take its attacks (RC) even after a Dragon Dance boost. Choice Scarf Flygon can be very easy to play around due to both of its STAB options having common immunities and resistances.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Stealth Rock / Dragon Claw
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Outrage is one of Flygon's best strongest STAB attacks for late-game cleaning, and it can 2HKO foes like Tsareena and Mew on a switch. Dragon Claw is a safer option to avoid getting locked into Outrage, but it's significantly weaker and is harder to revenge kill foes with. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum and provide free switches to teammates. Flygon's last move is commonly Stone Edge, which allows it to hit Flying-types like Talonflame, Noivern, and Thundurus. Alternatively, Stealth Rock allows it to set entry hazards for its teammates. Flygon can run Dragon Claw alongside Outrage so that it can still revenge kill foes like Thundurus and Tsareena without getting immediately destroyed by Fairy-types. First Impression can be used over Stone Edge, allowing Flygon to revenge kill weakened boosted and faster threats like Cloyster and Choice Scarf Munkidori. Tera Steel gives Flygon a resistance to Fairy- and Dragon-type attacks from Pokemon like Sylveon, Florges, and Noivern. This also allows it to check some special wallbreakers like Mew, Dragalge, and Porygon-Z.

Wallbreakers like Magnezone, Mienshao, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Choice Scarf Flygon for giving them free entry with U-turn. Flygon can form a VoltTurn core with special attackers like Magnezone, Thundurus, and Toxtricity. They can threaten physical walls like Slowbro, Avalugg, and Vileplume; in return, Flygon can pressure special walls like Alolan Muk and Assault Vest Gallade. Choice Scarf Flygon struggles to break past bulky Water-types like Slowbro, Swampert, and Quagsire, which tank its attacks and punish it with Scald, Toxic, Knock Off, and slow Flip Turn. Grass-types like Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume similarly appreciate Flygon's U-turn giving them free entry to handle the aforementioned bulky Water-types. Steel-types like Copperajah, Registeel, and Magnezone appreciate Flygon for checking Fire-types like Chandelure, Infernape, and Incineroar; in return, they can check Fairy-types like Sylveon, Florges, and Tera Fairy Slowbro. Choice Scarf Flygon appreciates entry hazard support from Copperajah, Diancie, and Swampert, as it can wear down foes to help with Choice Scarf Flygon's low damage output.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: First Impression
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Bug / Steel

Set Details

Choice Band gives Flygon more immediate power, allowing it to always 2HKO Vileplume and Quagsire after Spikes damage with Earthquake. Outrage is still an option to allow Flygon to 2HKO Calm Mind Reuniclus and Quagsire, but Dragon Claw is preferred so Flygon isn't easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. First Impression revenge kills weakened foes like Porygon-Z, Feraligatr, and Torterra. Tera Bug gives First Impression a power boost, allowing Flygon to KO Mew and do major damage to defensive Reuniclus. Tera Steel can sometimes be preferred over Tera Bug, since it's better defensively and allows Flygon to pivot without getting chipped heavily by Stealth Rock.

Choice Band Flygon likes having entry hazard support from teammates like Klefki, Copperajah, and Diancie to wear down foes that can repeatedly switch into it. Many Pokemon that tend to struggle against bulky Water-types like Vaporeon and Milotic, such as Registeel, Infernape, and Basculegion, appreciate Choice Band Flygon's ability to 2HKO them on the switch. However, while it can 2HKO most bulky Water-types, it can't always beat them one-on-one, so it pairs greatly well with Grass-types like Tsareena, Brambleghast, and Vileplume. Physically defensive Pokemon like Avalugg, Reuniclus, and Slowbro can take on Flygon's attacks with ease, so it pairs best with Pokemon like Magnezone, Alolan Muk, and Slowbro that can handle these physical walls. Future Sight Slowbro and Reuniclus can be great partners for Choice Band Flygon, allowing it to weaken physical walls like Milotic, Avalugg, and Vileplume.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Scale Shot / Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / U-turn
item: Loaded Dice / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fire

Set Details

Dragon Dance with a Scale Shot boost allows Flygon to outspeed the entire tier, including common Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape. An Adamant nature is preferred over a Jolly nature for the extra power boost, but the latter is still useful to avoid always being outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Flygon at +1. Outrage can be used over Scale Shot to allow Flygon to be a late-game cleaner. Alternatively, Dragon Claw can be used to avoid getting locked into Outrage, which would otherwise make it easily revenge killed by Fairy-types. Fire Punch allows Flygon to hit Grass-types like Tsareena, Vileplume, and Brute Bonnet as well as opposing Tera Steel Flygon. Thunder Punch is able to hit Water- and Flying-types like Vaporeon, Talonflame, and Milotic; lastly, U-turn allows Flygon to pivot out from a bad matchup, (AC) and it's also pretty common to see on non-Scale Shot Dragon Dance Flygon sets. Tera Steel allows it to be immune to Umbreon and Quagsire's Toxic. Tera Fire gives Fire Punch a much-needed power boost and retains the resistance to Fairy-type attacks that Tera Steel gives. Leftovers can be used over Loaded Dice, giving Flygon needed recovery. Alternately, Soft Sand gives it a boost to Earthquake, which allows it to 2HKO Vileplume and Vaporeon after a Dragon Dance.

Dragon Dance Flygon appreciates entry hazard support from Klefki and Rhyperior to guarantee a 2HKO on Pokemon like Vileplume and Rhyperior. Toxic Spikes in particular is helpful, since it makes it a lot easier to break through physical walls like Slowbro, Swampert, and Rhyperior that would usually tank many hits from a Dragon Dance boost. Flygon is a perfect pick for hyper offense teams due to its Sticky Web immunity and because it can sweep opposing hyper offense teams. It can also punish lead hazard setters like Galvantula, Smeargle, and Lycanroc-D by setting up a Dragon Dance and breaking their Focus Sashes with Scale Shot. Other sweepers like Lucario, Cloyster, and Lycanroc-D appreciate Dragon Dance Flygon's ability to weaken teams so they can win late-game. Choice Scarf users like Mienshao, Munkidori, and Infernape can force Flygon to switch out even if it's at +1 because they can still outspeed it. So Thus, slow pivots like Magnezone, Swampert, and Eject Button Slowbro can help by bringing Flygon in safely.

Other Options

Flygon can run a mixed set with Draco Meteor and Fire Blast, allowing it to hit physically defensive Pokemon like Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume. It can also run a Choice Specs set with Tera Normal, which has gives it a powerful Boomburst. However, both of these sets are not common due to Flygon's low Special Attack (remove space). Flygon can also run a utility set with Stealth Rock / Earthquake / Dragon Tail / U-turn with a bulkier EV spread. This set allows it to set entry hazards for its teammates and check foes like Copperajah, Lycanroc-D, and Infernape. Sadly, Flygon lacks any recovery, making it very easy for it to get worn down by chip damage.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Sylveon and Florges are able to tank hits from Choice Scarf Flygon and KO it back with their STAB Fairy-type attacks; however, neither of them can handle Choice Band sets, and they are complete setup fodder against Tera Steel Dragon Dance Flygon.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Physically defensive Pokemon such as Avalugg, Slowbro, and Vileplume have enough bulk to win against any of Flygon's sets, but Vileplume has to be careful directly switching into +1 Flygon if entry hazards are present. Bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Swampert, and Quagsire are bulky enough to tank a boosted attack and threaten Flygon back with status and Knock Off.

**Priority Users and Faster Attackers**: Infernape, Lucario, Brute Bonnet, and Feraligatr can revenge kill Flygon after it has been weakened a bit. Choice Scarf users like Mienshao and Infernape can outspeed even Choice Scarf Flygon and destroy it with Close Combat Combat.

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