Tournament NUPL XII - Commencement


the cowboy kid
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This is the commencement thread for NUPL XII. Now that the draft has concluded, feel free to post your predictions, post your power rankings, cheer for your team, or really do anything else related to the tournament.

Auction Results:
hey, i've never really done this so I want to sincerely apologize to my team, but honestly i was made to join this tour under false pretenses.

View attachment 629010

in good faith I cannot continue with this tour, sorry for anyone this impacts.
re: GXE

Due to extenuating irl circumstances, GXE is no longer able to compete in NUPL XII + Ren-chon's army.

The Fabled-Ninetale Foxes will receive 3k sellback credits to be used at the midseason auction.
Leni Xiri Fadedcharm and I were building SS NU and they told me that Mega Aerodactyl is good in the tier. I'm not sure sure you meant to drop that 5k on my pookie.