Little things you like about Pokémon

It's definitely not a super overbearing mechanic which was nice. Yeah yeah yeah they ~should have made the bosses use it better~ whatever. It had a nice sweet spot for me.

Shoutouts to Clavell whose Tera Water Quaquaval beat my ass in.

Tera-boosted Aqua Step boosting Speed along with the potential Torrent checks out imo
Yeah it started going south in a hurry, and his Brick Break also did not help. I think I had to send Mabosstiff in several times to initimidate him to give me some breathing room
it also did not help that my only water answer was Arboliva. Who I think I did terastalize, but, well, you know. Ice Spinner....
Speaking of Clavel's starter, I absolutely loved it as a whole. Not only because Quaquaval fits his disguise so well, but because it's always nice to see the third starter being used in something at all. It's a small and dumb thing but it always bothered my child self that Oak wanted me to complete the dex but would just have the rare Bulbasaur sitting on his lab for all eternity- something I loved about LA was being gifted the other starters after the credits.

I have also seen newish players like my brother and ex partner struggle with the mentioned Clavel battle (because of Quaquaval and Polteageist). It leaves a lot more of an impression that Penny's eevolutions.

Honestly, Clive as a whole was a great character and a nice twist on the old mentor formula.
I know it was already talked about some years ago, but I still want to bring up changing music (there is a better words for this but it eludes me right now) in Gen V.

The musicians are probably the most well-known, but there are more. Some routes have instruments added depending on the season, some percussion is only present when you're actually moving and in certain caves the lower levels will change both the tempo and pitch.

To some it might be just minute details, but I really enjoy it.
Fitting also since Gen V was the last Main Game to use soundfonts (which make this sort of thing easier to do)
I think the most commonly used term is "Dynamic music". Either way, I completely agree with you. It is just so amazing in every possible way. I have made an in-depth post about this in the past, as have my friend DrumstickGaming, our posts on the subject can be found here and here.

On that note, I like how S/S also has a bit of dynamic music since the Gym Leader theme changes when the battle is down to the Gym Leader's last Pokémon, just like in Gen 5. I didn't know that the music changed to be more poppy or muffled when a Pokémon gets knocked out, though. Never noticed that when I played Sword.

As for the guitarist in Mezagoza, I have completely missed him... or I can at least not remember encountering him. I'll have to go find him the next time I play Violet.

To add something of my own to the thread... I like the Pokémon icons used in Gen 1-2. I think they are really charming. Gen 2 especially, because of how many there are. Some of them are very specific, being used for just one or a few Pokémon. Some aren't all that suitable for the Pokémon they represent, like the Marill line using the Jigglypuff icon, but I like it anyway because it just makes things funnier. But even if I like these icons, I prefer when every Pokémon species has its own unique minisprite/icon. That makes it easier to see exactly which Pokémon it is without having to look at its name... but if they are nicknamed, that doesn't always help either.
Never used to be particularly crazy about any of Unova's mythicals but I watched some footage of Meloetta in Sc/Vi recently and I've gotta say I'm appreciating its design a lot more with the increased size and detail of the 3D games. It's funny how some designs work less well in their native titles: Meloetta looks fine in BW, but the dinky little sprite you get in the cafe event never really impressed me and I've never much used it in battle in BW beyond a couple of token "let's see how Relic Song looks" goes.


It's just so on-theme in a way I really appreciate. The way the hands look like both semibreves AND microphones, but how that one tuft of hair also resembles an attached microphone, the way its hair is a musical bar, the way the lower portion of its body looks like a slip dress... it's a fun design because you notice more little details after looking at it for a few moments. There's something to be said for simplicity, especially when you look at the other mythicals in the "cute club", but Meloetta is a slightly busy design that actually works. Unova doesn't have the best-designed legendaries in general (I've never much liked Genesect or Victini or any of the Swords of Justice bar Keldeo, and find the Kami trio very hit-and-miss) but Meloetta is definitely among the best.

I just wish there was a way to change it into the Pirouette Form out of battle, as that's a good design for very similar reasons - I like the way that its hair wrapping around its head and the way its skirt flares outwards causes it to look somewhat more combative but no less feminine.
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I don't believe he did, it's just a fan theory based on Goh's VO voicing the Horizons Pokedex (not sure if that's kept in the Dub)

It is in fact kept in the dub, Zeno Robinson (Goh's English VA) is voicing the HZ Pokedex as well.

Whether intentional or not though, it's funny as hell and is at the very least an amusing coincidence, even moreso that the dub insisted on following through with the gag as well.
It is in fact kept in the dub, Zeno Robinson (Goh's English VA) is voicing the HZ Pokedex as well.

Whether intentional or not though, it's funny as hell and is at the very least an amusing coincidence, even moreso that the dub insisted on following through with the gag as well.
I'm guessing it was very intentional - guy who's goal was the pokedex now voicing the pokedex in the new series is pretty straight forward.

I'd further guess they wanted to have a call back to the previous series and the Pokedex voice just provided a cute way of doing so without committing to anything or being as ear-catching as Ash's actress.
The Digimon anime had a similar in-joke I've always liked - in s2 Kari's earnest dream is to be a teacher, which the season finale eventually shows her becoming.

In s3 (which is set in a different universe) the voice actress who played Kari plays the group's teacher Ms Asaji, who by contrast clearly despises her job and has very little patience for the children she teaches. In the original, I believe it's mentioned that she only became a teacher because she knows it's a career that will make her look good.
Here's something I have been thinking about recently regarding Gen 7. I really like all of the minor differences between S/M and US/UM, but one thing I have sort of realized recently is that the tone/atmosphere between them is also very different. S/M feel very light and simple, while US/UM feel considerably darker and more complex. This might just be because my memories are getting hazy as it has been over four years since I last played any of the Alola games seriously, but now that I think back on how it was when I played the games, as well as how they look and the first impression they give, this is the feeling I get. Don't know if anyone else feels the same. Either way, that's something I like a lot.
Even if it was reused, reusing assets is based

More studios should be reusing more assets to save on dev time and make game development easier and quicker.

reusing assets is important and should be done...
if it makes sense and is done to allocate your resources to more important things

3 GBA Fire Emblems reusing lots of sprites is completly fine and imo is a good call
CoD Ghosts taking a complete cutscene from an older game and repurposing it for another story? heck no (not that I ever played that game)
It wasn't even the same studio...

to make a pokemon specific example: reusing animations is fine, but when you see Hop using Haus animations it feels a bit cheap since 3DS and Switch are very different systems and you would expect them to make new animations for the first big switch game
reusing assets is important and should be done...
if it makes sense and is done to allocate your resources to more important things

3 GBA Fire Emblems reusing lots of sprites is completly fine and imo is a good call
CoD Ghosts taking a complete cutscene from an older game and repurposing it for another story? heck no (not that I ever played that game)
It wasn't even the same studio...

to make a pokemon specific example: reusing animations is fine, but when you see Hop using Haus animations it feels a bit cheap since 3DS and Switch are very different systems and you would expect them to make new animations for the first big switch game
I don't really get this post because if anything it's the opposite way around. Reusing Hau's animation for one character that uses it maybe like three times in the entire game makes sense, while reusing a ton of sprites across several games is lame as hell.

The only reason you even know about Hop and Hau's animation is because hyper nerds noticed it because we the entirety of PokeTwitter was deeply enraged from June 2019 to (uhhh) so people were nitpicking everything lol

SWSH outside of the Wild Area is visually fine, the issues are just in game design (Hallway sim)
Here's something I have been thinking about recently regarding Gen 7. I really like all of the minor differences between S/M and US/UM, but one thing I have sort of realized recently is that the tone/atmosphere between them is also very different. S/M feel very light and simple, while US/UM feel considerably darker and more complex. This might just be because my memories are getting hazy as it has been over four years since I last played any of the Alola games seriously, but now that I think back on how it was when I played the games, as well as how they look and the first impression they give, this is the feeling I get. Don't know if anyone else feels the same. Either way, that's something I like a lot.
I don't agree lol

If anything I think it's the opposite. USUM takes itself less seriously with the changes to the graphics usually being to make things more extravagant, the changes to tracks being more peppy, and the new characters not being very serious.

Mantine Surfing is goofy, the stickers are weird. You go through Pikachu Valley.

USUM feels like a Disney theme park ride in terms of tone to me, with only the final bit being more serious- but still less serious than SM.
and you would expect them to make new animations for the first big switch game

But… they did do this, at least for the new characters and, by nature, all of the new Pokémon. The fact that they reused a handful of animations for a couple of characters in a couple of instances doesn’t mean they didn’t also do lots of new animation work. They just did it where it made sense to, like with giving all of the major characters a personalized Dynamaxing animation, or Leon’s Charizard pose. Stuff that’s actually needed in order to make the characters feel distinct, as opposed to trashing genericwalkcycle1 just because it’s a new system even though it would still work just fine for the vast majority of NPCs.

(Reusing animations for older Pokémon is a different kettle of fish, because that was kinda the whole point of all the work they did to transition to 3D in Gen 6, because having to make new animation assets for a constantly inflating number of unique creatures is just insane.)
But… they did do this, at least for the new characters and, by nature, all of the new Pokémon. The fact that they reused a handful of animations for a couple of characters in a couple of instances doesn’t mean they didn’t also do lots of new animation work. They just did it where it made sense to, like with giving all of the major characters a personalized Dynamaxing animation, or Leon’s Charizard pose. Stuff that’s actually needed in order to make the characters feel distinct, as opposed to trashing genericwalkcycle1 just because it’s a new system even though it would still work just fine for the vast majority of NPCs.

(Reusing animations for older Pokémon is a different kettle of fish, because that was kinda the whole point of all the work they did to transition to 3D in Gen 6, because having to make new animation assets for a constantly inflating number of unique creatures is just insane.)
Which reminds me of my old conspiracy theory: I feel like Hop had to be of the first characters really put together?

Aside from reusing Hau's animations (which sticks out even relative to other early game characters, who generally don't have that issue), Hop's mouth work and other animations are pretty janky.
Contrast with: League Finals Hop, who has an entirely new animation set with significantly more elaborate and smooth animations including speaking. It becomes really obvious in his post-game battles because he's using the same animations but using his old outfit.
I don't agree lol

If anything I think it's the opposite. USUM takes itself less seriously with the changes to the graphics usually being to make things more extravagant, the changes to tracks being more peppy, and the new characters not being very serious.

Mantine Surfing is goofy, the stickers are weird. You go through Pikachu Valley.

USUM feels like a Disney theme park ride in terms of tone to me, with only the final bit being more serious- but still less serious than SM.
Cool thoughts. I had forgotten about Mantine Surfing, the stickers and Pikachu Valley... it has really been too long since I last played the Alola games. Either way, I don't think these three things are enough to make US/UM feel less serious to me. The general tone of the game and the story always felt a lot darker and more serious than in S/M, notably Necrozma's role in the story, and the Rainbow Rocket episode. If anything, regular S/M are the games that feel like a Disney theme park ride to me!