Let's Play! Gotta Play (A Handful) Of Em' All (Current Project: Pokemon Platinum)

Gonna be starting a Pokemon Platinum LP with Turdterra!
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I actually really like the title screen with its eerie music. It's so surreal how it doesn't play the Pokemon theme unless you see the opening demo.
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Rowan is actually pretty cool.
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I did a thing. I like Barry though. He has a decent arc and I don't think he needs to be a jerk to be a likable character.
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I loathe saving a lot of data. They really should have fixed this from DP.
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A lot of earlygame stuff later we give Skipper the Piplup the Quick Claw. Also, yeah we caught a Bidoof for HMs. We beat up the rival in a really boring Withdraw fest.
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We grab a high-level Geodude from Oreburgh Mine with Rock Head and add it to our team. Wanted to try it out because people seem to overlook this guy in Platinum. We give it the Quick Claw. A little later we get Rock Throw and it's really strong, we almost OHKO a Shinx with it.

In fact, Geodude's performance against early Trainers is darn good. Takes nothing from the prevalent Tackle and hits hard back. Earlygame foes aren't that fast too.
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I actually really like Oreburgh Mine's music, it's nice and low-key.
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Roark is weirdly difficult for a first Gym Leader if you chose Piplup because 20 BP Bubble is one of the moves of all time.
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No really, I mean it, Bubble is weaksauce.
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Yup. Two Magnitudes later and he folds. That being said, Cranidos's Headbutt really hurts off 125 base Attack, I think it 3HKOs the starters.
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We got Prinplup and our first badge.
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Pokemon Dash?????
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Rowan is funny. Too bad this is last scene for a long time.
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What's weird is Geodude can just OHKO Grass types with Rock Throw. It's... pretty hilarious actually. We give it Selfdestruct over Rock Polish.
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I want to help this little girl out, but I think we need another team member first...
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Yup, that's right, we're using Pachirisu! We'll name it later. Adamant nature isn't as bad as you think, 45 offenses are so awful anyway, but it does boost Spark which will help early on. This thing's gonna be a support party member anyway, and this one rolled Pickup. The offenses are incredibly dismal though: it takes six Quick Attacks to kill a Buizel LMAO

The four levels to Spark took literally a solid hour. You can get a level 11 Pachirisu from the grass too but that's a total crapshoot with a 10% encounter rate and wanting Pickup so I did it the hard way (I crit two separate level 11s to death and was fed up). Even with Adamant against wilds your damage is trash.
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Let's dance.
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This is STAB Spark. Pretty middling even by earlygame standards. We head to the meadow and at least we 2HKO Stunky shortly after, so that's something I suppose! We then beat up some Grunts in the Windworks.
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Honestly, I love Team Galactic quite a bit in this game. Great battle themes, threatening presence, the only real weak spot is the Commanders have mostly interchangeable personalities. Real talk, the Galactic Commander battle theme is one of my favorite battle themes in all of Pokemon.
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Pachirisu actually OHKOS Zubat and we send in the sacrifical Bidoof to avoid Fake Out.
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Charm is pretty helpful.
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Heck yeah we got the para!

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I thought we'd miss that range (turns out we would have killed it upon later inspection) so we use a Potion, Purugly nicely got paralyzed.
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Not bad, mouse. And yes, I know I could have used Bide cheese but hey, this was more fun.

Pachirisu S tier when
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So we save the Valley Windworks. That all said, this leads me into my main gripe with Platinum. If you don't use Starly and the like, the game can get pretty hard very fast. They throw fully evolved Pokemon at you long before your team can reasonably handle it, and I think they went a little tryhard.

Next time we continue toward Eterna City and give Pachirisu a nickname!
Also, this is apparently my 1,000th post on Smogon. I really need a life, huh...
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Oh hi, it's me again. Bringing my own brand of humor. Whether you like it or not, that's up to you. I'm just here to have fun, mash buttons, and cause heaps of devastation with super off-brand picks.

So let's begin with Pokemon Platinum. Wooooo.

(I have no idea how small these are gonna be. I apologize if too small. I will try to fix it in future posts)
ADHD is my friend. Everyday. This is it personified. Never has it been more punchable to me.
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Same Bat Channel? (Am I showing my age yet?) Also who remembers the Wii? Back when DP came out, the Wii was out and was physically impossible to find for a time. Amazing that we just have it right then and there.
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Soon Mother. Soon I will acquire my very first war machine...
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Thud indeed.
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I too speak the amazing language that is ellipses. "... ... ..." (That means "See?")
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This isn't about you ADHD. Do not get in my way lest you incur my wrath.
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When your own ADHD owns you.
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(So I goofed and don't have a screenshot of my starter. It was Turtwig. Would be a sin to share the name I have here and not show hoe bad the thing is.)

And then I could run.
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Mom be breaking the 4th Wall....
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So it must be true then huh?
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Hi. It me.
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You've got no idea fam.
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Well. I didn't but I certainly know now.
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(I did not take pics of the battle. Honestly wasn't really worth it)

Gee, you are in the town with the first Gym Badge, a person came by through the cave the leads to said first badge. What a blinding intelligence this one has.
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Brock is better. His name actually sounds like Rock cause it has Rock in the name. Yours is just a play on name.
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(I picked Turtwig and literally have no other mon. It's level 16 pre fight. I think the lack of screenshots is pretty evident that it wasn't needed since he is a joke that high level which leaded me into an issue I have with the game. The lack of good diverse picks. You do have some odd picks like Psyduck and Pontya but....they suck plain a simple. Sure Ponyta has the highest BST out of all unevolved Pokemon at this point but it's horrible to level up and staying unevolved til 40 is so painful you kinda just outright are better avoiding it and getting a Houndour later on. Drums took Geodude and I have used Machop enough to know it kinda sucky til Hearthome cause level 28 to evolve really makes it show its age.)

Also again, you are the first town.
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Thud 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Honestly one of the best lines in the game. You get em Prof. Sadly after this point, they kinda just remove him from the game more or less. We won't see him again til Badge 6 and I felt they could have added so much more.
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This tends to happen when it's the only one on your team. No worries though. Our next Pokemon is very soon.
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Yep. Combee. Bet you didn't expect that. Yea, I time traveled a lot for it. Turns out the emulator is far easier to do this on. Though this took forever until Drums told me that the Gender and Level are not set in stone, just the Pokemon you encounter.
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Mars Bar. Yummy. Could go for one right now to be honest.
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Uppity brat? That's the only insult you could come up? Least I am not dressed like I have my own gravitational field the makes a ring on my lower half cause all the Space Skirts were sold out and the local Space Emporium.

Joking aside, I fogor to screenie again. Combee fell to Zubat from Toxic and Bite (We have Careful Nature so Gust hits like a noodle). Grotle came in and beat it with Tackle and I just used Curse to +2 and used Razor Leaf to win since I was in Overgrow too.
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But yeah, good stopping point here. We move on to Eterna City next and hopefully will have a new member by then. Wonder who it will be.

EDIT: Put these in a Spoiler. Very sorry about that.


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Hello, alongside Drums and Tanks I will be starting a Platinum playthrough as well. Big thanks to them for letting me tag along :psyglad:

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Since the other starters are already taken, I'll be going with Chimchar. Can't really complain about having to take one of the best starters of all time, though. Mild nature is gonna help this mixed attacker nicely.

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First fight is deadly close thanks to Growl spam, but we pull through.

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People praise HGSS for its visuals and music, but I think Platinum deserves equal praise. Sinnoh is a nice-looking region with an out-of-this-world soundtrack, and more specific to Platinum, the added snow on the ground raises the comfy level and brings out the Hokkaido influence on the region more.

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Evil bad guy alert. I had wondered why they decided to change how the Lake Verity moment worked compared to D/P, but thinking about it I like meeting Cyrus here first compared to choosing Pokemon here. This game focuses on Cyrus a bit more than its predecessor, he even gets an extra battle at Celestic Town.

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After fooling around at the lake, we go to Sandgem and get our Pokedex, plus a TM. Getting Return this early is only sorta cracked since it won't be at its full power for a while, but it's much appreciated nonetheless.

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I think you'd feel a lot safer if you weren't so judgmental, Dawn.

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Jubilife is a pretty lowkey city, so we just speed through the necessary stuff quick to get on with the first real rival fight.

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Taunt at level 9 proves to be very valuable in this fight, disabling Growl spam so getting through Piplup isn't such a pain in the ass.

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I had a bit of a crisis deciding what early game Water type I wanted to pick up, but after beating Barry I thought about it and settled on Magikarp. Switch training it to 20 is gonna be a pain in the dick, but we'll persevere. I feel like, when talking about Platinum, people like to ignore some of the off-beat but still solid picks in favor of the classic Infernape/Luxray/Staraptor/Floatzel/etc. team D/P beat into our heads, so I'm hoping some of my choices this run dispel the idea you have to stick to the classics to have a good team. Anyways we catch our karp and switch train it to Oreburgh.

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To Barry's credit, Roark is one of the stronger first gyms in Pokemon, but he still ain't got shit on Cheren.

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One of my favorite aspects of Sinnoh are the little places like Oreburgh mine here, that don't serve a big purpose but instead offer a bit of worldbuilding and flavor that helps Sinnoh stand out a bit more. These are in just about every Pokemon game, but I feel like there's a ton of them in Sinnoh, specifically, made more obvious by the fact that certain story beats will take you to them.

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Switch training on the Rock types here is reminiscent of using Charmander in RB, but much like with Brock, these guys don't have STAB yet, making them easy pickings.

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With Monferno attained and our new Fighting STAB unlocked, we can head straight to Roark.

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The strat here is pretty simple on its face, you can Taunt to prevent Defense boosts from getting annoying and just Mach Punch what's in front of you. But since this is Roark, I opted to include an extra little detail in my plan:

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I usually just sell whatever X items the game throws at me, but I figured, why not? After all, I'm not one-shotting that Cranidos, and his Headbutt does insane damage. It's not like it's a waste, right?

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275 Pokedollars down the fucking drain. At least Roark is over with, and with that we can circle back to Jubilife.

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First Galactic encounter notwithstanding, it's a pretty uneventful trip north to Floaroma town.

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Valley Windworks is an area much like Oreburgh Gate, except a little more interesting thanks to Drifloon spawning here. Too bad that mon SUCKS!!!

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4 Commanders, Mars. 4. Honestly I'm not sure why Charon is even here, really, as I recall he doesn't really do anything of note to warrant his inclusion. Maybe it's an anime thing?

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Even with switch training, Pecha Berry + Taunt ensures we never get Toxic'd. This move is really showing its value.

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This is maximum greed, but thanks to having a sack in the obligatory HM mule Bidoof we can afford it.

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A few Mach Punches drop Purugly and we are all caught up with my compatriots. But instead of ending here, I'm gonna continue on for a bit longer.

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Magikarp might as well not even learn Tackle, really.

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Another little thing Platinum likes to do sometimes is throw these random allies at you to do double battles in certain dungeons. I love double battles, but not when one of the mons on my side isn't under my control. Still, I looked forward to partnering with Cheryl here so I could rely on her to KO opponents and let my Magikarp get the full amount of exp without Monferno stealing some. Unfortunately, this only sorta worked.

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At least outside we get a mu Magikarp can definitely handle on his own: other Magikarp. The only reason Monferno had to come in at all is that Tackle ran out of PP.

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Into Eterna. Gardenia is cute here, but I prefer her appearance in Sacred Gold and Storm Silver. IYKYK.

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Still, Gardenia is definitely the most respectable of the Grass gym leaders, as she manages to put up an actual challenge.

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Taunt is lowkey broken on this guy.

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Once again I greed here, but since there's no Reflect up Monferno can come in right after the sack and handle Roserade fairly well.

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The several Galactic buildings throughout Sinnoh are kinda weird. They give this air of being a respectable organization, or at least one that is able to cover up their illicit deeds, but that illusion shatters when that guy on the left there immediately admits to stealing the bike shop owner's Pokemon.

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All that greeding pays off as I get Gyarados before even seeing Jupiter. I slap Return on it for a more powerful normal STAB, as I won't be needing it for anything else, and I'm pretty sure I can find another one later on anyways.

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It's like night and day.

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Jupiter is up there with Fantina for hardest early game boss. I'd consider her one of the hardest bosses in the entire game, in fact, owing to her evil ass Skuntank:

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Return's power might be a little low as I haven't maxed out happiness on Gyara yet, but that's still a shocking amount of damage. Skuntank only has one weakness, Ground, which is almost impossible to abuse at this point since the Dig TM is inaccessible and Ground types are pretty rare. Combined with this tankiness is an array of crippling and infuriating support moves, and a strong STAB with no immunities that has good odds to deal double damage to you at any time. Save for one Pokemon, there is no easy answer to Jupiter, and I love that.

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Monferno is definitely a good check to Skunk, although I'd be cautious to call something so frail a proper counter, even with a resistance to Dark. Taunt is carrying the game on its back yet again here.

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We manage to luck the luckiest boss in the game with a Flame Wheel burn, ensuring even a series of crits won't threaten me. We take down Skunk and beat Jupiter, bringing this episode to a close. Thanks for reading!
So offscreen I grabbed a Burmy and evolved it into Mothim as our next team member.

Time to level the others as they are falling behind.
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We make it to Eterna Forest and partner up with Cheryl. Great music here.
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Eterna Forest's battles tend to drag a little because they a few tend to have several Pokemon. Cheryl thankfully 2HKOs them with Chansey's Egg Bomb at least.
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not bad
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We make it to Eterna City, and spoilers, the guy spouting philosophic tangents is evil
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Also we meet our soon to be recurring nightmare in 20 hours.
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We give Prinplup Pluck to help out with the Gym.
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I actually really like Gardenia as a bit character. She has a confident air with some good energy.
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Gonna be crazy and compliment DP here. I think Platinum's flower clock gym puzzle is a downgrade from the cute hide and seek in DP. The clock looks cool at least, ooo fancy 3D sprites!
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Wait, her name is-
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I wonder if I'll run into a Bernard down the line...
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holy moly it liked the nickname, apparently
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It's showtime. Bug Bite OHKOs Turtwig and 2HKOs Cherrim.
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I really, really like that quote. Mothim 3HKOs it with Bug Bite though her healing it up wastes some time.
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We give Bidoof Cut and backtrack a little to give the oddly-capitalized SilverPowder to Mothim.
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We head inside the Galactic Eterna Building and I have to say this had the coolest glow-up from old DP.
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Outside with spikes of doom
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In DP it was literally just a generic building interior, so lame. We get Rollout for Geodude to replace Selfdestruct.
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Time for arguably the hardest boss in the game.
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Magnitude 6 damage is not that great, and we unfortunately roll it twice in a row.
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Bro, Pachirisu outsped Skuntank, crit Spark, got the 30% paralysis, then we rolled full para on Skunktank in the same turn.

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Get rotated, jerk.
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We head onto Cycling Road and-
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Mothim lived a Pachirisu Spark and a Chimchar Flame Wheel, wow.
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Got Graveller. Also Mothim got Confusion.
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We trade and get Golem and grab the Earthquake TM from Wayward Cave, though I won't be using it since Earthquake is only 8 levels away. I love Dawn's line of "Me? I'm somewhere between fantastic and, uh, hopeless... "
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Me too.

Spark's damage is kinda gross now, ngl.
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We make it to Hearthome City and do a bunch of stuff.
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We snag the Amulet Coin from Amity Square which is going on Pachirisu.
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I like the "shadow tag"(HAH) puzzle in this gym. Mothim gets Gust upon growing a level.
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I loathe Fantina in Platinum. This fight is way too overclocked for how earlygame it is. Mismagius with 105 Special Attack Shadow Ball should not be on a boss this early with so few counters.

Prinplup was 3HKOing Duskull with BubbleBeam (Rawst Berry removes burn) only to suddenly roll a crit range BubbleBeam to OHKO it post Super Potion.

Here we go.

We're 3HKOed by Shadow Ball but Confuse Ray is awful. We get rid of its Sitrus Berry at least.
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We rolled a clutch BubbleBeam Speed drop.
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We live on 1 HP and crit it out with Torrent-boosted BubbleBeam, so apparently Prinplup was seriously out for blood. Haunter takes us out though.
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Confuse Ray is awful, man. Lucky we get a Confusion in.
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Confusion takes it to 2/3s, then we kill it with Rock Throw. Yeah, just as hard as I remembered.
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Let's beat him up real quick. Golem beats Grotle through a Rollout chain and him derping with Withdraw.

And we are finally stopping this part there. See you next time!
I fixed my screenshots. Yaaaaay.

So we resume with us clearing out the Windworks and Looker not believing that a 10 year old can do his job better than he can. Shakin my head.
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We meet Cheryl (I actually met her prior but forgot the initial screenshot). The games of Sinnoh introduced Guest Characters that partook in battle with you in terms of the overworld. Up to this point, we only really had Steven in Emerald and Dawn/Lucas in a single battle. These guys that you find are very useful for getting levels as they auto restore your Pokemon to full after each battle. Sadly after this point, we really don't ever see them again til the Post Game in the Battle Resort.
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Friendships in this game were really obnoxious to get. Buneary starts at 0, Budew just takes forever and you are better off getting a Roselia much later, Munchlax is "Good luck getting a Munchlax Tree early on and getting a 1% every 6 hours, and you are better off getting a Golbat in Oreburgh Gate (you miss out on a lot of Friendship this way but Power is more immediate).
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And at level 21, we get Vespiquen! Honestly, it's not even remotely terrible to get if you get a level 14 or 15 one.
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Oh boy, what did he say about me?
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And one quick fight later. Vespiquen easily clocks Gardenia with STAB Gust (I would have used Bug Bite but Turtwig places a Reflect up and lives the hit so)
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Critics are raving about the third installment in the Thud Series.
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Someone is scared. Also our next Pokemon is so incredibly soon.
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Yep! It was Munchlax! I was very fortunate that one of my Munchlax Trees was actually the Eterna Forest one! It was also my first encounter on that tree.
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You really need to stop telling people such a super secretive job....
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Yeah....We had our first loss. I did predict I would lose somewhere in the next two major fights. I just didn't think it would be that close.
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Late Screenshot lol. But yeah, even after a much better time, she was difficult. Night Slash even remotely critting you just ends you. I had to +2 Curse to beat her. She resisted me as I gave Return to Munchlax and Tomb is just....not accurate enough. Still would have been better but what's done is done. You can beat her with resists.
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Yes, yes we do.
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I feel that man. Really I do.
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So. All these Drifloons that you see here are cheating. This one is the most egregious. At level 22 and 27, they get Stockpile and Spit Up. They have it in this Gym despite this one being 21 and the other one being 22. Such Illegal. Much wow.
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Have I mentioned this game REALLY likes it's all cap and bolded font? Yeah. It does.
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And in an absolute surprise. Munchlax does take out 2/3 the Pokemon here. You can technically take out all 3 with Recycle/Screech/Lick/Amnesia. Recycle lets you get Rawst Berry back for Duskull as you use Amnesia 3 times, Screech twice, and then Lick. I did everything except the Recycle. I had Vespiquen use Toxic and just stalled it tilit died. Then Munchlax cleaned house. At +6 Amnesia, Mismagius only dealt 5 damage with Magical Leaf and Psybeam alone.
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No Thud? Don't tell me the movies series is over already?!
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Cry some more.
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But with that, we end our little segment as we prep for the next slew of Screenshots. Thanks for reading and I will see you in the next post!
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If I had to be critical about a location in SInnoh, I'd say the Cycling Road is pretty out of place, but I suppose it's not what's above that's important, but what's below.

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But before we get to that, I cut through Mt. Coronet to pick up my next party member. Emerald this may not be, but Ralts is still one of the most solid choices for a Psychic type in this game, with good stats and a wide movepool of helpful coverage options. It also comes at a fairly high level in this game, so, in theory, you get to skip most of the annoying Ralts babying that you're forced to put up with in RSE.

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In practice, however, I might as well be using Magikarp again.

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Cutting back to the Cycling Road lets me get up to Kirlia. Still underpowered, but much more serviceable.

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Below Cycling Road, I find the hidden Ravaged Path entrance to snag a few items, most helpful of all being this TM. EQ this early is extraordinary, and I love that Game Freak decided to put in this little secret area with one of the strongest rewards for exploration imaginable. I teach it to Gyarados and get out of dodge.

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Like I said, a little underpowered, but this beats Ralts' output anyday.

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Into Hearthome. Since I was playing in the evening, I got to listen to one of my favorite tracks in the game, the Night Pokemon Center theme. It's so cool of them to include an entirely separate theme just based on time of day, and a really good one at that. Give it a listen if you somehow haven't.

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Hearthome gym is pretty neat, definitely a step up from the DP incarnation which just has you doing math, for some reason. Matching shapes to the doors isn't that much more engaging, but the atmosphere is nice.

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Along with Jupiter, Fantina is a contender for hardest boss in the early game, if not in all of Platinum. A lack of good Steel and Dark types at this stage in the game makes taking Shadow Balls from Mismagius very difficult, let alone the fact that it has good coverage and cheese via Confuse Ray to back it up. At least there are a fair number of good Pokemon with Dark coverage that can trade blows (Grotle, Luxio, Gligar, etc.) but like Jupiter, there really aren't hard answers to her.

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The hardest answer is the Pokemon I'm using, Gyarados, who has high Special Defense and Attack, plus Bite, to both take damage and dispense it in turn. Even still, you can see here how Confuse Ray was fucking me over here. You cannot take this boss lightly.

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I do manage to eek out a win, but just barely, and this is after a potion. Fantina is definitely strong, perhaps a bit too strong, but I feel like you still have enough tools to take her on, which is what makes her more enjoyable for me than, say, Lance in HGSS. She also only really has one threatening mon on her team, again unlike Lance, who considers three Dragonites in a row a fair and balanced challenge.

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Trying to leave Hearthome gets you stopped by Barry for another battle. He's a bit weird in that he's kinda challenging, but not really.

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Hey man, I don't know if that's a good idea.

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Told ya.

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I don't know what's more embarrassing, him outspeeding me and doing nothing with a Torrent-boosted Bubblebeam, or me failing to ko him from yellow with Magical Leaf. Nonetheless we wrap up Barry and move on.

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Ah, Route 209. One of the my favorite routes in all of Pokemon. I really love the routes like these and Hoenn's Route 120, where they feel like mini adventures unto themselves. Route 209 is shorter than 120, but it still has a fair amount of length, includes the haunted tower (another weird graft from Kanto onto Sinnoh, but at least it gives you Duskull and Return), and this banger of a theme:

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Into Solaceon Town, Barry interrupts me to say absolutely nothing. A fitting juxtoposition for Solaceon as a whole, little more than a pit stop on your path to Veilstone. 209 and the upcoming 210 and 215 might as well be the same route in my mind, similar to Routes 119, 120, and 121 in Hoenn.

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Speaking of 210, this is about when the game starts throwing you random crazy double battles. This one isn't that bad due to EQ, but just seeing a Rapidash this early is kinda mental.

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The one thing Solaceon town has going for it is its Ruins, which house some useful items I'd like to pick up.

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There's Defog, of course, but the most important to me is this Mind Plate, which will boost Kirlia's STAB to a more respectable level. The Odd Incense is right next to it and does the same thing, but the Plates are cooler, let's be real.

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Onto Route 215, the inclement weather is already beginning to take a toll on my damage output.

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Much like the Ruins, Route 215 has its own Plate, which will be going straight onto Monferno.

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Shock Wave is also a useful pickup for Kirla, as you'll see later.

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The last stop on this route is this double battle. It's way more cracked than the first, with a full team of six and some fully evolved Pokemon. It's not as bad as DP where they had a Gyarados, but it's still pretty rough. I really appreciate when little mini-bosses like this make their way into Pokemon. I end up losing Kirlia but squeeze out a win to escape this accursed route.

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Into Veilstone, with a snappy theme song to end us off one. See you next time!
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Friendships in this game were really obnoxious to get. Buneary starts at 0, Budew just takes forever and you are better off getting a Roselia much later, Munchlax is "Good luck getting a Munchlax Tree early on and getting a 1% every 6 hours, and you are better off getting a Golbat in Oreburgh Gate (you miss out on a lot of Friendship this way but Power is more immediate).
Getting Soothe Bell this early is really nice, and not to mention, you get a Friendship Checker app shortly after this, which i find really convenient. The L10 Golbat i caught from Oreburgh Gate reached 2 small heart(200 Friendship) somewhere between Solaceon and Veilstone thanks to the item. And because of Soothe Bell, my Staraptor manages to reached Max Friendship by Pastoria, though having to fight some trainers at Wayward Cave may have played a role there. It just shreds anything with Max BP Return, and with Silk Scarf, it even possibly 2HKOs Wake's Gyarados on roll despite at -1.

Despite those convenience, yeah, its still a hassle to grind friendship quickly in this game. I had to walk like 18K steps(ty Pedometer) circling around trying to evolved Pichu. I tried Budew, and yeah, it never reached 2 small heart(200 Friendship) by Hearthome. I also tried Cleffa, who starts with 140 Friendship, and i still failed to evolved it by Hearthome, even with Soothe Bell, and i had to walked some extra steps. Evolving Eevee into Espeon is also another one, i reached one small heart (150 Friendship) recently at Level 29. and i just reached Veilstone at that point, so i don't even get an Espeon by Maylene. I did reach 2 small heart(200 Friendship) by Wake, but its still barely away from evolving, so i have to walk a few extra steps and used the Massage from Veilstone. And judging from this, Umbreon is as useless as Eevee against Fantina(why would you ever used a Dark-type that deals 0 damage bc it can't even touch ghost, not to mentioned trying to even get Umbreon at that point)
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If I had to be critical about a location in SInnoh, I'd say the Cycling Road is pretty out of place, but I suppose it's not what's above that's important, but what's below.

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But before we get to that, I cut through Mt. Coronet to pick up my next party member. Emerald this may not be, but Ralts is still one of the most solid choices for a Psychic type in this game, with good stats and a wide movepool of helpful coverage options. It also comes at a fairly high level in this game, so, in theory, you get to skip most of the annoying Ralts babying that you're forced to put up with in RSE.

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In practice, however, I might as well be using Magikarp again.

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Cutting back to the Cycling Road lets me get up to Kirlia. Still underpowered, but much more serviceable.

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Below Cycling Road, I find the hidden Ravaged Path entrance to snag a few items, most helpful of all being this TM. EQ this early is extraordinary, and I love that Game Freak decided to put in this little secret area with one of the strongest rewards for exploration imaginable. I teach it to Gyarados and get out of dodge.

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Like I said, a little underpowered, but this beats Ralts' output anyday.

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Into Hearthome. Since I was playing in the evening, I got to listen to one of my favorite tracks in the game, the Night Pokemon Center theme. It's so cool of them to include an entirely separate theme just based on time of day, and a really good one at that. Give it a listen if you somehow haven't.

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Hearthome gym is pretty neat, definitely a step up from the DP incarnation which just has you doing math, for some reason. Matching shapes to the doors isn't that much more engaging, but the atmosphere is nice.

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Along with Jupiter, Fantina is a contender for hardest boss in the early game, if not in all of Platinum. A lack of good Steel and Dark types at this stage in the game makes taking Shadow Balls from Mismagius very difficult, let alone the fact that it has good coverage and cheese via Confuse Ray to back it up. At least there are a fair number of good Pokemon with Dark coverage that can trade blows (Grotle, Luxio, Gligar, etc.) but like Jupiter, there really aren't hard answers to her.

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The hardest answer is the Pokemon I'm using, Gyarados, who has high Special Defense and Attack, plus Bite, to both take damage and dispense it in turn. Even still, you can see here how Confuse Ray was fucking me over here. You cannot take this boss lightly.

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I do manage to eek out a win, but just barely, and this is after a potion. Fantina is definitely strong, perhaps a bit too strong, but I feel like you still have enough tools to take her on, which is what makes her more enjoyable for me than, say, Lance in HGSS. She also only really has one threatening mon on her team, again unlike Lance, who considers three Dragonites in a row a fair and balanced challenge.

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Trying to leave Hearthome gets you stopped by Barry for another battle. He's a bit weird in that he's kinda challenging, but not really.

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Hey man, I don't know if that's a good idea.

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Told ya.

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I don't know what's more embarrassing, him outspeeding me and doing nothing with a Torrent-boosted Bubblebeam, or me failing to ko him from yellow with Magical Leaf. Nonetheless we wrap up Barry and move on.

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Ah, Route 209. One of the my favorite routes in all of Pokemon. I really love the routes like these and Hoenn's Route 120, where they feel like mini adventures unto themselves. Route 209 is shorter than 120, but it still has a fair amount of length, includes the haunted tower (another weird graft from Kanto onto Sinnoh, but at least it gives you Duskull and Return), and this banger of a theme:

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Into Solaceon Town, Barry interrupts me to say absolutely nothing. A fitting juxtoposition for Solaceon as a whole, little more than a pit stop on your path to Veilstone. 209 and the upcoming 210 and 215 might as well be the same route in my mind, similar to Routes 119, 120, and 121 in Hoenn.

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Speaking of 210, this is about when the game starts throwing you random crazy double battles. This one isn't that bad due to EQ, but just seeing a Rapidash this early is kinda mental.

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The one thing Solaceon town has going for it is its Ruins, which house some useful items I'd like to pick up.

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There's Defog, of course, but the most important to me is this Mind Plate, which will boost Kirlia's STAB to a more respectable level. The Odd Incense is right next to it and does the same thing, but the Plates are cooler, let's be real.

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Onto Route 215, the inclement weather is already beginning to take a toll on my damage output.

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Much like the Ruins, Route 215 has its own Plate, which will be going straight onto Monferno.

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Shock Wave is also a useful pickup for Kirla, as you'll see later.

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The last stop on this route is this double battle. It's way more cracked than the first, with a full team of six and some fully evolved Pokemon. It's not as bad as DP where they had a Gyarados, but it's still pretty rough. I really appreciate when little mini-bosses like this make their way into Pokemon. I end up losing Kirlia but squeeze out a win to escape this accursed route.

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Into Veilstone, with a snappy theme song to end us off one. See you next time!
Shame you're going with Gardevoir instead of Gallade, he's really fun in this game.

Any of y'all going to use the Veilstone Porygon?
Shame you're going with Gardevoir instead of Gallade, he's really fun in this game.

Any of y'all going to use the Veilstone Porygon?

AFAIK, no. We are trying to use pretty unique and off brand picks for the game. Things that would surprise people. At least Drums and I were planning to do that. Porygon isn’t really in line with that imo. It’s pretty darn good with Adaptability + Hyper Beam + Specs but I kinda want to use Pokemon you typically don’t see in LPs for various reasons. Hence Vespiquen and Munchlax being in the team so far. Porygon was discussed though initially if one of us wanted to use it, but we opted to not do that.

As for Gallade, I prefer Voir simply cause Heart Scales are a pain to get in the Underground and you’ve got a finite amount up top. Gallade has a fair few moves you gotta relearn and you probably have some others that wanna relearn stuff (like Torterra and Wood Hammer for example). Dawn Stone is also a wait period iirc as well but could be wrong. Been a very long time since I’ve used any Dawn Stone evo in Platinum.
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Not posting anything other than love seeing this as Platinum's my favorite game. Would participate myself but just too inundated with IRL work to make it happen. Though I'd love to see a Froslass or Leafeon incorporated somewhere. Neither feel game breaking and seem uncommon enough on usual Sinnoh runs where I think it'd be cool to see/track their progress. My two cents, will passively keep an eye on this thread :)
Dawn Stone is also a wait period iirc as well but could be wrong. Been a very long time since I’ve used any Dawn Stone evo in Platinum.
Not with stealth.

But yeah, it's already a missed opportunity because the sooner you evolve Kirlia into Gallade, the better.

Gallade in-game is pretty much stealth your way to Pastoria as soon as you can get out of Hearthome, the key levels are 22 for Slash, 25 for Swords Dance, and 31 for Psycho Cut.

Out of these, missing Psycho Cut is the worst deal breaker. Without it, you really might as well not bother. Besides that, you barely need heart scales.

Psycho Cut
Drain Punch / Brick Break
Night Slash
Swords Dance / Filler

Only Night Slash requires a heart scale, and there's a guaranteed one near Oreburgh Mine.
Not posting anything other than love seeing this as Platinum's my favorite game. Would participate myself but just too inundated with IRL work to make it happen. Though I'd love to see a Froslass or Leafeon incorporated somewhere. Neither feel game breaking and seem uncommon enough on usual Sinnoh runs where I think it'd be cool to see/track their progress. My two cents, will passively keep an eye on this thread :)
Oooh, I like the idea of Frosslass. I might just take you up on that. Thanks for the suggestion. While I like the Leafeon idea, Leaf Blade at 73 is just….yeah.
Yanmega is a nightmare to use in this game.

Air Cutter is a tutor Move, Silver Wind has 5pp, and that's all you'll get in a loooooooooooong time.

How long? Level 54 for Air Slash and 57 for Bug Buzz.

Plat got a lot of underrated picks that aren't horrible, no need to go straight to a terrible one like this.
Nominating Drapion, Tangrowth, and Yanmega as prospective team members
Very interesting and options not seen much. However, they aren’t seen much because they aren’t very good for multitudes of reasons. The only one I could see serviceable is Tangrowth.

As Volt-Ikazuchi said, Yanmega has to depend on fairly weak options in Air Cutter (which is shards and that already hurts it) and Silver Wind (not bad because 10% Omni Boost chance). You could make the argument with Ancient Power and Silver Wind, you could fish for an Omni Boost much faster than other users of Omni Boosts however that doesn’t make it good either. The levels alone for the upgrades are Post Game ones. 54 is maybe feasible but 57 is not.

Drapion is another one that’s interesting but never picked because a level 40 evolution is never fun. To top it off, Skorupi is really just not fun to use. Acupressure is nothing more than a gimmick. STAB in Poison Sting til level 34 is also horrendous. You’ve got plenty of move tutor and Heart Scale options as Drapion but the game was just very unkind to it overall.

Tangrowth, I used once in a more defensive oriented team run. I don’t remember much of what it did to be honest. It went through Bertha pretty fast but it kinda just existed otherwise. Its natural movepool is horrendous meaning it’s very reliant on TMs, some of which are very contested (EQ, Brick Break to name a few). You could use Focus Miss but you’ve got a perfectly good 100 base attack you can use.

Overall, interesting picks but there are better options out there. Just depends on the player and if they wish to use these Pokemon.
Shame you're going with Gardevoir instead of Gallade, he's really fun in this game.
Alas, had I not had the big ape on me already, I might've taken Gallade instead. Something to think about for next playthrough!

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Getting right into it, Veilstone gym is here and it exists. Coming off Fantina's gym this place is just super underwhelming.

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Evolution cannot come soon enough.

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Seeing Heracross in here is pretty terrifying. If only Maylene made use of this Pokemon instead of some random mook.

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After clearing out the gym, I go to the route under Veilstone to do some quick grinding to get Gardevoir. I keep Kirlia til level 31 to learn Psychic early.

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With Voir obtained, we can head back to take on Maylene.

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Compared to the last two bosses we fought, Maylene is a walk in the park. Her team is super generic and doesn't do a whole lot to play to the strengths of (or counteract the weakness of) the Fighting type. Even her ace, Lucario, is pretty underwhelming in my experience.

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Apparently he heard me talking shit, because he decides to crit me with Metal Claw and raise his Attack in one turn. This wouldn't have been an issue if I had Calm Minded turn 1, but because I just wanted to spam Psychic he lives and I have to hyper potion my way out of this. Still better than Mismagius though.

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After getting my badge, Dawn stops me to get me involved in a fight with Team Galactic. Honestly if I heard this bitch yapping to me I'd steal her shit too.

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Ah man, if only I could spam EQ here...

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Oh hell yeah.

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Thank you for your sacrifice Clefairy, I'll make it up to you next run.

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Dawn's sass is starting to rub off on Looker, I think.

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Making my way to Pastoria was pretty boring, but I saw this Marill and idk, something about its sprite in this game is just a vibe, y'know?

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A grown-up battle, you say? :wo:

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Nabbing Wingull here for some HM utility. Not much else of note on this route besides East-Sea Shellos, the superior Shellos, but unfortunately I already have my Water slot taken up.

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Into Pastoria. Of most note to me here is that building behind me, which leads to the Great Marsh as well as my next team member.

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Texas Cloverleaf I got u big dog. This wasn't originally in the cards, but I realized Tangrowth would be more useful to my team than the mon it replaced while also not being the third Pokemon on my team with slow exp. growth. Had I planned this I probably would've preserved the EQ TM, but there's plenty of other coverage options available for Tangrowth. I grab this fella and a Bibarel and move on.

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For some reason Tangela learns Shock Wave, which is only slightly less weird than the fact that Pelipper can as well. It does give Tangrowth the niche of hitting all of Wake's team members super-effectively, which is quite helpful. I teach him that and Grass Knot and move on.

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No better place to test Tangela than in a boss fight, right?

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Why do you keep doing this Barry? What is it about your AI calculates that this is the best play?

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Staravia's Intimidate might have let you live, but still, was it worth it?

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It's kinda crazy how high-leveled this guy is. It's weird he isn't evolved, but at least that makes it easier for Tanglea to take him on.

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Not terrible damage, given the level gap.

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Torrent makes things dicey but we live on the slimmest of margins and take out Barry. Nice job, you bipedal tumbleweed.

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I didn't really think much about Route 212 while I was here, but it's worth mentioning how fucking big this route is, since it combines both this swampy area down here and the area with the Mansion up north. It also has some mediocre TMs, like this one as well as Silver Wind. The shard tutor is also here, for what that's worth. But I feel like there's something about this route that just makes it pretty meh, despite the fact I love big long routes like this. It's probably the mud.

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Ah, a chance to test out Shock Wave's potential.

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Honestly? Pretty good.

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This was no Route 215 double battle, but with Tangela in my party now, it was nice having a partner for Gyarados I don't have to worry about fainting with EQ.

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The Mansion is neat, with some unique Pokemon you can find here, but it would be a lot nicer if it wasn't arbitrarily impossible to get to without having to go through Pastoria first. IDK why Platinum blocked this route off at the gate in Hearthome instead of below the Mansion.

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This could prove useful for Chloro sweeping later.

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These cops provide some useful exp but can only be challenged at night, annoyingly. They also all have the same exact team of Hoothoot and Machop, which is pretty lazy ngl.

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After getting all my levels from the surrounding routes, we can take on the gym.

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I kept Mega Drain for the healing, but goddamn is it weak.

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I have to admit the concept of certain mons only evolving when having this random move in its moveset is neat, but once the jig is up it's just sorta inconvenient. I drop Mega Drain.

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I didn't actually know this, but you can trigger the evo the very level you learn Ancientpower, so that helps.

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Wake is a big step up compared to Maylene, as his combo of Gyarados and Quagsire perfectly complement each other defensively. There are a few Pokemon that can hit both super effectively, such as the Tangrowth I'm using (Gardevoir could've also done this as well, but Tang is a bit safer, I think), but if you're not running one of them you'll have to consider how you're hitting these guys. Floatzel is a bit generic, but he has the speed and coverage to remain threatening nonetheless. He's not on Fantina's level, but he's a good challenge nonetheless.

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The damage is miniscule, but it sure fucking adds up when he gets two more fucking flinches after the fact :fukyu:

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The final Shock Wave check. Again, for a low power, non-STAB attack against a mon with high SP. Def, that's good damage.

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Grass Knot's damage is also pretty impressive, I expected it to do a lot worse. Ice Fang does about 40 damage in return, but we manage to get a good roll and take it out. We had to deal with a fair bit of bullshit with the flinching, but I'd say Tangrowth did pretty well here. Getting to 1v1 Wake is no joke.

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Thanks for reading part 3, I'll see you in the next one!
The Mansion is neat, with some unique Pokemon you can find here, but it would be a lot nicer if it wasn't arbitrarily impossible to get to without having to go through Pastoria first. IDK why Platinum blocked this route off at the gate in Hearthome instead of below the Mansion.
Probably to bump up the trainer levels and avoid the level issues of OG DP.

Getting right into it, Veilstone gym is here and it exists. Coming off Fantina's gym this place is just super underwhelming.
Veilstone Gym has always been underwhelming, but I can't put my finger on it...
Welcome to the team Spiritomb! I hacked it in for convenience. Relaxed nature.
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Our first battle gets weird because I Hypnosis Budew only for it to switch out to abuse Natural Cure. 3,000 IQ I guess?

I have nothing really to say about the trek to Veilstone other than Defog is actually the dumbest HM move of all time and that Ace Trainer double battle is really mean. That being said, we get our Pachirisu replacement in this majestic beast
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Literally five caught Lickitung later we got an Adamant Own Tempo one (I literally got two Modest ones in a row too).
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We got three levels on Prinplup for looking for it, so a little more grinding later and...
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We give Lickitung Secret Power from TM. Also, Dawn is falling apart and I'm here for it.
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I hate Veilstone Gym in Platinum because the puzzle takes waaaaaaay too long. I actually prefer DP's puzzle instead.
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Anyway, Maylene is pretty easy, though not braindead easy (that'd be Byron lmao). Her Machoke inexplicably lost Brick Break for Karate Chop in the transition to Platinum and I don't know why. Really, Meditite and Machoke are no trouble for your average evolved Pokemon, and Lucario isn't particularly hard to 1v1 in a neutral matchup.
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We Ominous Wind Meditite to death, then Mind Plate Dream Eater Machoke to death.
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Lucario does literally nothing with Metal Claw, lul.
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Decent damage, honestly.

Spiritomb took Maylene to SCHOOL, I don't think I even missed a single Hypnosis.
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Drain Punch is a great idea but almost no Fighting Pokemon get it, not to mention it has a puny 5 PP. Machamp doesn't even get the move, yet Alakazam bizarrely does (?)
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Time to help Dawn out, I guess.
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Spiritomb tries to learn Sucker Punch but we don't go for it because I like Faint Attack's higher PP count.

Autism Speaks be like
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We're gonna end the part here and I'm gonna level grind the Pastoria routes offscreen. I apologize that this part didn't have a whole lot going on, but I think we'll have more substantive progress next time.
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Disclaimer: You are about to see some of the weirdest things ever that can happen. Some my own fault and some outside my control. Additionally due to the shock and awe, screenshots were not taken. I apologize.

Here are our levels from last week. Pretty flush for where we are to be honest. We also give Munchlax his Nickname.
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That bridge looking a little...wavy (See what I did there? Oh, you want me to see myself out? Well fine then. I thought it was funny.)
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It seems my ADHD has evolved into Mario. Oh joy.
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Honestly this was a very neat idea at the time. Then you realize you need to catch all the Unown to really make good use of this for your "colorful" choices in word use. I should say this requires the Ruin Maniac to actually complete this in all. While it was interesting, the fact it barred you from depositing a Pokemon too was more kinda of an annoyance in the long run too.
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Our first new teammate in quite awhile! Meet Dendro! It's going to be TM Heavy but will be worth it in the long run for sure.
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And in the Great Marsh we have Tropius! Honestly this was to be Carnivine. While it was a unique idea at the time, the movepool was horrible yet doable. However Seed Bomb is in the Survival Area and we are stuck with Physical Grass STAB of Vine Whip until 47. That's an ick. Giga Drain would be our best STAB unless we count Solarbeam as well. Relying on Grass Knot is not advised since it is weight reliant. It CAN help, but overall I would like more consistent damage. Lo and Behold, I took in Tropius. Something you don't really ever see. It's sad to say that Growth was not yet buffed to give me two boosts under the Sun but yeah. We are going for a Sun Based Tropius with the final member setting that up for us once we get them. We quickly named it Bananarama.
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The back sprite is pretty funny since you never see someone really use this.
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And here we are. I...have no words. I lost to Maylene. The reason for the title is this fight. Meditite crit twice on two separate occasions. This fight and the rematch (in which I got Torterra cause this was some insane BS). Lucario isn't really too much of an issue. Except when it gets a Metal Claw boost. But not just one, not just two, but THREE boosts. There was literally nothing I could do to stop it once it got those. I was in awe that I lost to someone who is considered a joke in Plat.
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In the rematch, we have even more ridiculous crits. Meditite as I said before crit with Fake Out and Confusion like it had before, but Tropius crit back with Razor Leaf taking it out on the second use then falling to Machoke. Croagunk takes a Strength and crits Machoke with Revenge to OHKO. Then I just send out Torterra who crits with EQ.
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After doing the Galactic bit to get HM Fly, these are our levels for the episode. Honestly, it turned from a overall boring night into a night that I am in awe of.
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Hope to see you all in the next one!
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Yeah you read the title right. We're planting explosives in this mf.

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How the fuck has Team Galactic gone from stealing Pokedexes and Clefaries to acts of domestic terrorism?

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You know Looker, your goofy incompetence might've cost a lot of people and Pokemon their lives, you stupid prick. Why haven't they taken away your badge?

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Alright, I've tracked down our McVeigh wannabe, I beat his ass in a Pokemon battle, and he can run to the Lake all he wants, I'll just follow him there and-

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In a forced reference to Johto, we get a SecretPotion to cure the headaches of the Psyduck blocking our way to Celestic Town.

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You could've just done this yourself, you know.

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I'm going to charge you for all these fucking errands you're making me run for you, you old hag.

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While we're here, we might as well pick up some Moomoo Milk. This reference is even more forced than the SecretPotion, and it doesn't really make sense because where are they getting the milk from? There's no Miltank in Sinnoh. What large mammal do they have in this region that they can milk en masse? Bibarel? Rapidash? Lickitung? Please don't let it be Lickitung.

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Of all the things to be added in a Pokemon game and then never brought back, I'm glad the fog was one of them.

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The Ace Trainers help to give this area some spice. There's even a double battle up ahead with a Gyara and Raichu combo; good stuff.

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It really sucks for Ghost types that the TM which has their best STAB is only available 5 badges in. Goes on Gardevoir.

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In Celestic Town, you want to make sure to stop by this house and talk to this guy, who gives you a pair of glasses based on the time of day. It being midday when I got here, he gave me the BlackGlasses, which go on Gyara to help his Bite.

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I should not be the only person having to put a stop to Team Galactic's shenanigans, this is so out of control. Send Spheal Team 6 after Cyrus already!

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After stopping the grunt we can head into the ruins, and let me just say it bothers me to no end you can't center yourself relative to the mural here.

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Cyrus shows up and starts demanding answers to questions he doesn't really care about, from my POV. He then challenges us to our first fight.

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It's not much to write home about, but he at least has a sick ass theme.

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For our troubles we finally get the Surf HM, and a whole new world has just been opened to us.

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We begin next morning by going back to this guy and getting the Choice Specs, one of the best items in the game and absolutely critical to the success of my next team member.

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Stopping by 209 real quick we grab Giga Drain, which goes right on Tangrowth in place of Shock Wave.

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Flying to Floaroma and following the river past the Windworks grants us access to the Thunderbolt TM. I think we all know where this is going.

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Following the river left leads us to Fuego Ironworks, one of the coolest little areas in the game IMO, and the home of our final team member:

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While getting an Electric Type post-Wake seems like kind of a waste, the sheer power that Specs Magnezone brings will more than make up for it.

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Into the Ironworks themselves, we get another callback in the form of these move tiles that are very reminiscent of the ones from Rocket Hideout in Kanto. It's a neat little place.

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'Tis only a Machop, but being able to outspeed a mon several levels higher than you and ohkoing it is a good feeling.

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We get Magneton in no time and bench him for the time being.

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Finally Gyarados has a STAB move.

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The Ironworks owner at the end doesn't really do much for us, but the real prize is the Flamethrower TM, which will immediately go on Monferno.

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Circling back to Pastoria, I decide to teach Magneton Tri Attack while I can, since this is the best coverage it's ever going to get outside of STAB.

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Entering Mt. Coronet to do some quick grinding to level up Magneton.

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Which in turn gives us Magnezone. It's not often you fully evolve a team member in about 30 minutes.

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Nice back sprite, dork.

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Last stop is Oreburgh Gate, which can be accessed as soon as you beat Roark, but what we need can only be reached after getting Surf.

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In lieu of EQ, Brick Break will be Tangrowth's best coverage move, and will be taught to it as soon as I decide which Grass STAB is more worth keeping.

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One thing I forgot to highlight before is this level 10 Golbat you can encounter down here, no HMs required. It's a cool alternative to Staraptor (though admittedly much worse) and a contender for the best way to use Crobat in any Pokemon game.

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Tune in next time as we cross the water and reach Canalave city!
So here's my team after extensive grinding.
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Yes, that's right, I'm going to be dropping Golem and Empoleon (though Golem will stick around in the party for a little while longer as fodder). What's my actual Water type going to be?

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nah bro (yes, I legit trained up a Remoraid for the purpose of this sight gag)

we're going FULL MEME and choosing
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We're doin' it. we're using Swift Swim Lumineon! Why is it named ChocPuddin?

Anyway let's get to our moveset. I gave it the Protect TM from the Veilstone Department Store as well as the Toxic TM and tutored Dive from the nearby Route 212. We're going to Toxic Protect stall with our merely passable 69/76/86 bulk and Dive. Big Root will boost Aqua Ring's recovery to hopefully help us do that long-term. I could either see this becoming an amazing meme in the good sense or an amazing meme in the "why did I do this" sense.
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Lickilicky has two hearts of friendship and a new name, Sa-die-va. Lickitung is pretty awful before evolution (base 30 Speed with no super effective STAB is torture), but Lickilicky itself takes hits really well and really beefs up its offense too.
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Mothim got natural Psybeam and I gave it Aerial Ace via TM to replace Gust. Honestly it's been fairly reliable so far!
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Spiritomb has seen no changes but I want to admit I hacked it in last time (edited the original post to reflect this). I have to say, Spiritomb might just be my most valuable team member overall. The defensive type is really helpful to switch to and not much resists it, and while I’m not the biggest fan of no natural Shadow Ball, the moves it comes preloaded with haven’t really fallen off at all. In my honest opinion, this is far from a bottom tier Pokemon - it has a great start to help ease the pain of its awkward availability.
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Barry time. He's easy as usual.
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Pastoria Gym is kinda cool: the entire team grows to level 36 off the mooks.
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Time to bust out our secret weapon. Gyarados does nothing to Lumineon with Bite after Aqua Ring.
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We Toxic it down to red and it heals up.
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We can switch out while underwater, weird.
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Floatzel can't really hurt me with Crunch either. Unfortunately Crunch gets a Defense drop.
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I used all 10 Protect PP tho, haha

also Brine is a stupid move you'll never use

It's kinda insane how this game straight up has the criminals bomb a lake.
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It's nice how Looker repeatedly shows up in pursuit of Team Galactic. I mean, yeah it's still up to the main character to save the day, but the small character building is appreciated.
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the heck you mean it wasn't serious IT WAS A BOMB MY GUY
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Fog looks cool visually but Defog the move is literal cancer and has no reason to exist, not to mention the fact you have to go into Solaceon Ruins to GET Defog
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That Gyarados and Raichu double battle is absolutely silly: Gyarados can do like 3/4s of Lickilicky's HP with an Aqua Tail (boosted by Raichu's Tail Whip). I came very close to losing.
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We give Shadow Ball to Spiritomb over Ominous Wind, and we decline learning Nasty Plot via levelup for now.
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Even discounting Defog (I came back post heal because it's a cool visual) this route is a massive pain. Trainers become noticeably stronger than before and multiple mons have Toxic...on a route where it's a pain to backtrack and heal.
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Let's beat em' up.

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This line always stuck out as super odd to me because Cyrus is talking to Cynthia's grandmother for 90% of the conversation.
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That being said though, this was a great addition to Platinum (this battle doesn't exist in Diamond and Pearl). It's not super easy either. Sneasel's Ice Punch and Murkrow's Drill Peck can really hurt. It goes without saying, but Cyrus has a great battle theme, even if I don't like it as much as the Team Galactic Commander theme.
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Lickilicky takes -1 Defense (he Screeched as I Defense Curled) Ice Punch super well. I miss Rollout and we barely manage to kill Golbat with Return on 4 HP.
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Time to make Cyrus literally eat crow.

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His Hyper Potion didn't help us out, but we pulled out a victory. Like I said, not easy: Cyrus more or less took out half my team there
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It's hilarious how everyone dunks on Team Galactic in this game.
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We give Lumineon Surf over Protect and head toward Canalave, where we try and catch Mr. Mime and find one of the most obscure situations ever LMAO

that's right, if a Pokemon is behind a Substitute, you seriously can't catch it

so silly

We luck out with our Mime, getting the highest encounter level with Timid and Filter. Believe it or not, Mr. Mime will be crucial for our team. We need a faster Pokemon and dual screens will really help our slower teammates.
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We're going to end the part here at Canalave City. Next time we'll probably do all there is to do around it!