Tournament NUPL XII - Week 1

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New Moon Absols (6) vs (4) MF PLOOMS
SV: azogue vs Dr. Phd. BJ
SV: Mada vs Wadley
SV: Drud vs Shengineer
SV: Thiago Nunes vs skierdude101
SS: FadedCharm vs swinubfan44
SM: Xiri vs EviGaro
ORAS: Gondra vs feen
BW: Finchinator vs Lily
DPP: avarice vs Banbadoro
ADV: Medeia vs SEA


Taunting Talonflames (5) vs (5) Big Back Snorlaxes
SV: xavgb vs TheFranklin
SV: Elias PSY vs freezai
SV: Axrtix vs roxie
SV: tier vs twinkay
SS: OranBerryBlissey10 vs rom1x38
SM: LpZ vs watashi
ORAS: quziel vs ManOfMany
BW: SOMALIA vs Stories
DPP: Monai vs JabbaTheGriffin
ADV: Fogbound Lake vs ima


Diancies are Forever (5) vs (5) The Rare Bone Cubones
SV: Kiyo vs Lilo
SV: robjr vs Oblivion Wing
SV: fish anemometer vs RyuSnowシ
SV: Soucou vs Kimius64
SS: Master Chief vs TDNT
SM: ishtar vs mncmt
ORAS: innovamania vs havocknight
BW: Bughouse vs Rewer
DPP: HSOWA vs A plague doc
ADV: Heysup vs Shitrock enjoyer


Fabled Nine-Tailed Foxes (3) vs (7) Vibrant Vivillons
SV: GXE vs Danny
SV: Kushalos vs Welli0u
SV: Floss vs Tuthur
SV: Phantomistix vs zS
SS: damien the genius vs Pokeslice
SM: lax vs etern
ORAS: Xrn vs Trade
BW: Tack vs Django
DPP: hariyana grande vs vivalospride
ADV: Real FV13 vs Parpar

The deadline for this round is Sunday, May 12th at 11:00 PM GMT -4.

New Moon Absols (0) vs (0) MF PLOOMS
SV: azogue vs Dr. Phd. Bj
SV: Mada vs Wadley
SV: Drud vs Shengineer
SV: Thiago Nunes vs skierdude101
SS: FadedCharm vs swinubfan44
SM: Xiri vs EviGaro
ORAS: Gondra vs feen
BW: Finchinator vs Lily
DPP: avarice vs Banbadoro
ADV: Medeia vs SEA

Taunting Talonflames (0) vs (0) Big Back Snorlaxes
SV: xavgb vs TheFranklin
SV: Elias PSY vs freezai
SV: Axrtix vs roxie
SV: tier vs twinkay
SS: OranBerryBlissey10 vs rom1x38
SM: LpZ vs watashi
ORAS: quziel vs ManOfMany
BW: SOMALIA vs Stories
DPP: Monai vs JabbaTheGriffin
ADV: Fogbound Lake vs ima

Diancies are Forever (0) vs (0) The Rare Bone Cubones
SV: Kiyo vs Lilo
SV: robjr vs Oblivion Wing
SV: fish anemometer vs RyuSnowシ
SV: Soucou vs Kimius64
SS: Master Chief vs TDNT
SM: ishtar vs mncmt
ORAS: innovamania vs havocknight
BW: Bughouse vs Rewer
DPP: HSOWA vs A plague doc
ADV: Heysup vs Shitrock enjoyer

Fabled Nine-Tailed Foxes (0) vs (0) Vibrant Vivillons
SV: GXE vs Danny
SV: Kushalos vs Welli0u
SV: Floss vs Tuthur
SV: Phantomistix vs zS
SS: damien the genius vs Pokeslice
SM: lax vs etern
ORAS: Xrn vs Trade
BW: Tack vs Django
DPP: hariyana grande vs vivalospride
ADV: Real FV13 vs Parpar
New Moon Absols (5) vs (5) MF plooms
SV: azogue vs Dr. Phd. Bj - one of the best SV players, and idk much about azogue in SV
SV: Mada vs Wadley - circuit winner and more experience in NU, also I feel like Absols don't have much SV builders other than TNunes, while plooms probably have all 4 starters + Aawin manically building hundreds of teams every week
SV: Drud vs Shengineer - puts more effort and has insane amounts of plot armor
SV: Thiago Nunes vs skierdude101 - skier is solid but TNunes is one of the best players of the pool overall, we'd probably have a chance of doing something in this tour if we dropped like 45k on him instead of getting 14 people with a join date of March 2024 that are gonna have 7 lines in the chat
SS: FadedCharm vs swinubfan44 - idk anything about Faded in SS NU, TC has been good in past tours
SM: Xiri vs EviGaro - both are very good and this could go either way, I rate Xiri slightly higher
ORAS: Gondra vs feen - both are good but idk much about ORAS
BW: Finchinator vs Lily - while Lily is very good, I think Finch is better overall, but BW is basically the variance madhouse of NU, pretty much all games can go either way
DPP: avarice vs Banbadoro - Bandadoro is underrated, having done super well in NUCL + DPP Cup, I think he'll go positive but rate avarice higher
ADV: Medeia vs SEA - Medeia is solid in old gens, having made finals of last classic but SEA is better overall imo and has support from Rabia

Taunting Talonflames (6) vs (4) Big Back Snorlaxes
SV: xavgb vs TheFranklin - xav is better overall, and should have good support from OBB/Axr/Elias to pick up the tier, although arce9 is also extremely good and has went far in seasonal so I wouldn't be surprised if he takes it
SV: Elias PSY vs freezai - rate freezai higher, although Elias was one of most creative players in SS and he can definitely take it
SV: Axrtix vs roxie - better overall imo and is picking up the tier again for BLT
SV: tier vs twinkay - honestly a bunch of SV games will just come down to who has more speed EVs in their slowbro, idk why but I feel like this is one of them
SS: OranBerryBlissey10 vs rom1x38 - rom is solid, but OBB is probably the best player of the pool and has mastered the art of vaporeon balance
SM: LpZ vs watashi - this might be seen as an upset, but lpz is just someone that I rate really highly in lower tiers old gens and always puts in effort
ORAS: quziel vs ManOfMany - MoM went 4-1 in last NUCL, although quziel is probably the person with the most experiencie in this tier, so this is close
BW: SOMALIA vs Stories - tbh SOMALIA will probably go inactive and be subbed out
DPP: Monai vs JabbaTheGriffin - Jabba is obviously good, but I can't really see him putting much effort in 2024, Monai should have support from lpz and do fine
ADV: Fogbound Lake vs ima - like ORAS, ADV is a tier I don't really follow, I think ima has just had better results in the tier in past tours

Diancies are Forever (7) vs (3) The Rare Bone Cubones
SV: Kiyo vs Lilo - close skill level overall, but Kiyo has just been more active while Lilo has barely played SV
SV: robjr vs Oblivion Wing - despite being a new-ish player Seraphz is already good and improving a lot lately, but for now robjr is still a better pilot
SV: fish anemometer vs RyuSnowシ - idk how much NU fish has played, but his skills in PU probably translate well to NU, Ryu has did well in seasonal but still some way to go, also they brought a team with sneasel + altaria to a crucial seasonal game so I can't really rate them highly
SV: Soucou vs Kimius64 - Soucou came very close to winning seasonal, losing in R12 due to a Draco miss, meanwhile Kimius hasn't really had many results
SS: Master Chief vs TDNT - TDNT is on fire in SS, he hasn't really played NU but should probably do well w/ support from Ren-chon
SM: ishtar vs mncmt - ishtar is good but mence is one of our hopes, if he can't win then we are actually even more doomed than previously expected
ORAS: innovamania vs havocknight - more experience in old gens NU and better overall
BW: Bughouse vs Rewer - better overall, another player that must do well for us to have any chance
DPP: HSOWA vs A plague doc - HSOWA is the best player of the pool, going 18-7 in last 3 NUPLs, and apd, while solid, has never played DPP NU
ADV: Heysup vs Shitrock enjoyer - could go either way, Heysup has obviously way more experience in ADV NU, but fruhdazi is underrated, having played ADV OU in SPL and done well

Fabled Nine-Tailed Foxes (5) vs (5) Vibrant Vivillons
SV: GXE vs Danny - highlight of the week, honestly I think GXE is slightly better but Danny is more active in SV and is putting insane effort
SV: Kushalos vs Welli0u - I haven't seen any of them play SV NU, could go either way
SV: Floss vs Tuthur - Tuthur has had good results in SV NU, winning a seasonal, but overall I think Floss is better and while I haven't seen much from him in the tier, it shouldn't be hard for him to learn
SV: Phantomistix vs zS - phantom has improved a lot during SV, but zS is one of the best NU players overall
SS: damien the genius vs Pokeslice - around even, I originally had bolded the genius but after seeing this replay I can't go against Slice
SM: lax vs etern - another highlight and another game that could go either way
ORAS: Xrn vs Trade - although I haven't seen Xrn play ORAS NU, he is better overall imo. Trade is underrated and I think he mained ORAS NU in the past, so he could take it
BW: Tack vs hellom - hellom is obviously on fire w/ a 10-1 run in SV OU in SPL, but idk how well it translates to BW NU. Tack has always played BW lower tiers and has done well
DPP: hariyana grande vs vivalospride - did fine playing DPP in last tours, while FrankJosh hasn't played DPP NU at all
ADV: Real FV13 vs Parpar - FV is one of the best old gen NU players
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PRs because why not

1. Fabled Nine-Tailed Foxes
2. Taunting Talonflames
3. New Moon Absols
4. Vibrant Vivillons
5. Big Back Snorlaxes
7. Diancies are Forever
8. The Rare Bone Cubones

I don’t know nu btw so I’m just going off how I view players based on how I know them. Foxes are a disgusting team and if they don’t make playoffs I’ll laugh. Insert Somalia cancer joke and why the fuck is fog in adv? This team has a hella high ceiling, I hope they don’t flop. Absols have heater players and a shit ton of consistency. Vivillions could be #1. I’m pretty stuck on 234 tbh. Good teams. Laxes have stars but what is this synergy? Plumes have a high ceiling but I see flop potential so I’m calling my bet. Fish is going like 6-1 bc that man’s on a bender, heysup probably going undefeated, robs due for a good season, but I don’t like the consistency of the rest of the diancies. No bad teams, I’m just not a believer in the cubones formula. No one wants to be ranked last, but someone’s gotta be ranked last. I think they flop. But watch them be the best team. They have potential I just don’t see it happening.

If this shit ends up even being remotely right come end of season that’d be hilarious
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